#i love you valt aoi . I love you aiger
vanibear · 1 year
insane how much beyblade burst they have made .was watching it on tv with my brother and theyr on season 7 now? Wild 👍
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ova-kakyoin · 6 months
Welcome back to WatchMojo, where today we'll be counting down the Top 10 Straightest Beyblade Burst Characters
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Number 10: Drum Koryu Drum cares a lot about the people around him and is constantly trying to hug other boys, but many take that as him being gay, which he very much is not! It's a shame people have to make everything about the gays these days.
Number 9: Free de la Hoya He is a laid back person and he only does things that he wants to, including wearing a skirt. Many people have interpreted this as to meaning he is gay, which he is not. He is a straight, cisgender man. It's a shame people have to make everything about the gays these days.
Number 8: Aiger Akabane All it took for Aiger to be co-opted by the woke left was to ask another boy to be his partner in a battle in a very intentionally vague way that made it almost read as a love confession. It's a shame people have to make everything about the gays these days.
Number 7: Varuto Aoi Valt Aoi (蒼井バルト, Aoi Baruto; Aoi Valt) is the main protagonist of the anime and manga series, Beyblade Burst and Beyblade Burst Evolution. He is an enthusiastic Beyblader who founded Beigoma Academy's Beigoma Academy BeyClub, where he served as the team's captain. He competed in the National Tournament with Victory Valtryek Boost Variable. It's a shame people have to make everything about the gays these days.
Number 6: Gronny How many times do i have to tell you people that Gwyn and Dante are just friends. Gwyn was a very isolated kid who didn't understand the people around him and as soon as he makes a friend, you lot call him gay for feeling strongly. It's a shame people have to make everything about the gays these days.
Number 5: Shu Kurenai Shu Kurenai is a God-fearing christian. The only man he has ever wanted is Jesus Christ. It's a shame people have to make everything about the gays these days.
Number 4: 小紫ワキヤ Wakiya Murasaki, AKA Wakiya Komurasaki, AKA Komurasaki Waikya, AKA Goldilocks, AKA The Tempest One is simply a man with style that carries himself in a very flamboyant way. There is nothing gay about walking around with limp wrists, the color purple, and having a ponytail and, frankly, it's harmful that many perpetuate this stereotype. It's a shame people have to make everything about the gays these days.
Number 3: Cuza Ackerman When Cuza said he was 'into Silas', he meant he was into his blading style. Not everything everyone says should be taken literally. It's a shame people have to make everything the gays these days.
Number 2: Heaven or Las Vegas Jotchua may have a wall of pictures of Free de la Hoya, but, as Joshua's cunty sister so clearly explains in the dub (which is known for never censoring anything ever) he only has all of those posters and follows him around and does research on him and joins his team and is devasted when he gets rejected by him because he respects Free as a fellow blader!!!!!!!!!! It's a shame people have to make everything about the gays these days.
Number 1: Ranjiro Kiyama If blushing at another man makes you gay, then fine, I'm I mean Ranjiro is gay. I personally think that blushing at another man, living with him, and following him to the ends of the earth even when it puts you and him in danger isn't gay in the slightest.
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I love how in both of these screenshots, Valt stays completely calm and collected when threatened by the antagonist of the season.
and meanwhile there's Aiger, whose fucking ready to throw hands.
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kazumahashimoto · 5 years
oop beyblade analysis
one thing i've noticed about the differences between valt's story vs aiger' story is how the focuses are shifted and i think that's a huge reason in why i don't like s3 very much
valt's story is so obviously fueled by character interactions and relationships and working as a team to build each other up and just being friends with every new face you come across while ALSO having valt's journey into becoming a good blader weaved into that.
aiger's story is focused on blading. he does have a minor storyline about him getting to be closer friends with ranjiro hae-jin laban and xavier but. it's minor. fubuki's friendship is literally thrown out of fucking no where. he goes from not liking them very much to being gone for a while and then coming back like whats up we good now? okay cool :) like. the few friendship scenes we get are cute but aiger's story focuses SO much more on aiger becoming the best blader ALONE.
valt was able to get where he got because of his friends and all the people he bladed along the way. he learned new techniques and moves gradually over two seasons. he had HUGE failures that he had to deal with and learn to get over with the help of his friends.
aiger beat lui within like. fifteen episodes. he beat valt after like 27. honestly his team compesition is enough to show how much more focused his story is on himself than on being friends. the main characters that you are guaranteed to follow around every episode are: aiger, the main character. ranjiro, the best friend character. naru, the little kid who carries a tablet. and finally tobisuki and gumita, which are part of ranjiro's little posse. 3/5 if the main group are,, followers honestly. they have their own personality but essentially their purpose is to talk about how worried/proud/excited for/look up to aiger and ranjiro. they aren't fully fleshed out well rounded characters with their own motive and own drive to get better and improve along with the group.
the other characters that they did introduce, laban xavier and fubuki for example, are not part of the main group. hae-jin got a few episodes with him and then was written off. laban and xavier got a few episodes about them and then were written off. fubuki and toko and nika show up occasionally but always as part of the school or for fubuki he's there to vaguely warn ranjiro about aiger and then leave.
the original bey club had so much personailty like they were all working not only to improve themselves but also help improve everyone else. there was never an absolute answer to who was going to win at any given battle. for the most part they were on equal grounds as skill goes. the most important thing though is they were all their own people. and they stayed. they weren't just there to be written off in a few weeks like the newest rival character, they were valt's FRIENDS and they were all there all, if not nearly all episodes. even in season two when they wrote ken daigo wakiya and shu out the main cast and replaced them with cuza and sisco, cuza and sisco were ALSO there to be their own people while still being valt's friends.
season three just doesn't do that. aiger is almost always guaranteed to win. maybe he won't win the first round or even the first match but he WILL beat your ass into the ground after that. his technique won't really change. maybe he found a new move in his muddled and possessed mind but it' just that. all of his wins are because he's possessed. it's not him really, it's achilles. he doesn't really improve off his friends he just kinda. bursts them until a new rival shows up and then he loses once and bursts them too. wash rinse repeat. that's not to say valt didn't lose and then win against his rivals too, but he did more than just go literally feral and brute force them. he trained with his friends and listened to their advice. aiger doesn't do that.
another comparison is the 100 bey challenge. in season two this is built up to be this incredibly difficult feat that valt was not able to complete his first go around. XANDER SHAKADERA, A LITERALLY WALL OF PURE MUSCLE, HAD A HARD TIME COMPLETING IT. but aiger, scrawny little kid the same size valt was when he did it, was able to do it literally without breaking a sweat. valt's attempt at this was focused on so much more because valt was trying to prove himself to be worthy to see the head of the dojo. aiger's attempt was shoved off as not being anything because his goal is purely focused on himself. he needs to be the best blader there is and he can get there himself. all the people he was blading? they're weak in comparison to him, and therefore they are unimportant to his story.
season three's main focus is power. how much more powerful can aiger get, how powerful is this new rival, how much power do the demon brothers have, how much power can aiger get from achilles before he goes full possession and becomes achilles.
valt's story was focused on friendship and how far they could get together.
i guess it's up to the viewer to decide which they prefer but all i'm saying is
beyblade hire me i can write your shit better than you
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kazumahashimoto · 4 years
alright. i've been thinking about this a lot and now it's time to talk about it.
s4 of burst is. huogh. like. i'm going to be completely honest i haven't watched an episode in months. it's just so. like before the episodes were yknow your typical 22 minute episode and they'd be on youtube fur a week coming out on thursdays and being taken down once the newest episode was up and that's how i was watching. there was a pressure to watch the episode even if i didn't feel like it because i knew the episode would be down by next week and i wouldn't be able to watch it as easily. but with s4 the episodes are eleven minutes and never get taken down so there's no pressure to watch. the thing about beyblade is well. it's BEYBLADE. there HAS to be a battle in every episode. when the episodes were 22 minutes a five minute battle or even a ten minute battle wasn't a huge deal, you still had half the episode to watch the characters interact with each other, but when the episodes are only 11 minutes a five minute battle becomes half the episode and when you only get five minutes of character interaction every episode idk it got really boring really fast. i like the bey battles usually but s4 just has. too much. the episodes are way too short. they also added an entirely new cast aGAIN and i love love love amane i do and dante is funny and fumiya and ichika are cool and takane is cute and lodin is hilarious but. :( it just feels so fucking bland especially with how little we actually get to see of them. i didn't make it too far in so maybe that's on me but it's really disappointing. even if they wrote aiger. so fucking horribly. i will give credit to the team fur at least making him different from valt. aiger is not valt and it's extremely obvious how different they are. dante though? he's. kind of just valt but watered down honestly. valt in these seasons is fucking atrocious i hate the way they've been writing him. it does NOT read as him maturing and getting older it just reads as shit writing. this feels so small but genuinely in what world is valt "i will hold your hands to show appreciation after we just met" aoi going to be uncomfurtable with someone getting close to him out of excitement? he does the same thing. it's like. they should be feeding off of each other and getting super hyper not. valt shooting him down fur being "too much". it's just not him.
i don't know what i'm gonna do about this season tbh. i know gwyn is really cool and i do wanna watch s5 so i'd like to know what happens in s4 but honestly in some ways s4 is worse than s3 and that is so disappointing. i miss the s1 and s2 days 😞
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