#i loved dicekinz
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What are your favorite Webkinz memories?
I loved playing Bamboo Break, Supermodelz, Farming Frenzy, DiceKinz, and I loved the personalized page. It was always fun going to Cracker Barrel and picking out pet(s)! I dunno, I don’t have a lot of Webkinz memories from my childhood, I just don’t remember a whole lot from when I was a kid.
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doobi · 4 years
What do you miss about Webkinz?
I miss how stuff used to look back when I was a kid; a lot of pets and items are now different looking than what we have now. Some pets are a little broken still from the update as well as certain items.
I miss the non blurry version of webkinz (webkinz is usually blurry for me at least, I have a big screen so it's a bit more noticeable)
Being able to go to stores and pick a webkinz
The old dock, having the option to change the colors of your dock
Webkinz mini golf
Mazin hamsters
Being able to go over your webkinz friend's house
I miss the old site still but at the end of the day I still absolutely love this game. Its true some stuff isn't the same but designing rooms is much more comfortable now. I also love that we now can harvest our fresh farm foods more easily and having to move our rooms :) webkinz is awesome
Edit: also forgot to mention Dr quack!! I loved him he's my favorite webkinz uhh person lol I miss going to his office for checkups, I thought it was cool taking your pets to him
Last thing, I miss the weather! Webkinz used to have rain/snow/night modes back before the update. It was really pretty
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jumblekinz · 6 years
What are your favorite memories related to Webkinz?
ohhhhhh my god anon don’t get me sTARTED
I’ll go in chronological order lol
I remember the first time I saw webkinz it was like 2007 and we were at a girl scout meeting in my elementary school’s computer lab and this one girl was showing my mom and I the gem hunt… and maybe I’m remembering this wrong but I swear you used to be able to have your pet in the mining cart? maybe dissociative amnesia tho
my first webkinz I got a little after that and was named after the girl who gave me it!! she had a polar bear named Allie so I named my gorilla Kailee (I spelled her name wrong on my pet whoopsies)
my little brother and I used to play with the plushies all the time - I made a wheel of wow out of paper and we would play webkinz world but off the internet, and we would use plastic coins as kinzcash and marbles as apples. he always played with his elephant, which he still has and it’s threadbare, and I would play with a lil kinz penguin but I lost the code for her when I moved :(
I have a couple memories with my godmother’s daughters, when I was around 8 or so? we would play dicekinz really early in the morning before anyone was up. They always loved to cook on webkinz too and I remember one of them always spelled pumpkin as “punkin” when writing down recipes because they thought that’s how it was spelled and it bothered me so much 
most of my memories come from when I was 9-11? my friend Sarah (both the namesake and gifter of my glam gorilla) and I loved all the monthly pet songs and I remember singing piggy plum pie at the top of my lungs in her pool all the time.
my friend ayla was my biggest webkinz friend!! she was the one who told me about rare items and stuff like that and I remember her walking me through her webkinz house showing me all her cool rooms and her cool foods and stuff like that. she also gave me my mazin hamster! so we would always play mazin hamsters together. We sent each other a lot of gifts and she let me fool around on her account cause she was deluxe and I liked seeing the different dock options. we would play with the plushies a lot too - we used to use them as “experiments” cause we played this one game with american girl dolls that was based off lilo and stitch and we had to get all the experiments and find them homes?? I actually got Cappuccino with her, too - we taught this sign language camp and I won my mocha pup through a game of bingo if I remember correctly. I really miss her :(
this was really long sorry but I really like digging up old memories from my childhood :)
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amandawebkinz · 6 years
What are your favorite Webkinz memories? I can't remember if you have been asked this. What Webkinz was the cheapest and what Webkinz was the most expensive? Where did you buy them and were they worth it?
that is a tough one, i loved when the wshop had the clothing section instead of having to go to a separate place for it. I also look back fondly when there was no deluxe membership and all you had to do was buy a webkinz and you had access to it for a year. but my number one FAVORITE thing was Dicekinz. I would spend all day online playing it if i could! 
my cheapest webkinz has to be the icy mist leopard that i got from eBay. I had a $5 coupon and it was free shipping so i only ended up spending $1.50-$2 on it! 
my most expensive was my mystical panda, i had spent almost $40 in webkinz cards before i found her! I ended up finding her in a dollar store in Maine. 100% worth it, i really want a magical retriever now but i was specifically looking for the panda! 
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amandawebkinz · 6 years
What are your favorite Webkinz memories since you have played so long?
Dicekinz is my #1 favorite memory. I used to play that game every day. I also loved when everyone was trying to get the gold sparkle dress with shutter shades and when the club house had other rooms that were kinzchat plus so people weren’t standing around typing to each other in the trading room
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