#i lovge love love writing about them ok
raytm · 6 months
i decided i wasn't going 2 write my asks and instead write another gepard drabble. yipee.
there was nothing lenient about the way the tutor would stare down her aquiline nose, her hawkish eyes peering from behind thick rimmed spectacles, a honed lour devoted to mischievous children and their exasperating excuses. this time, she had caught them huddling beneath the bay window, a large, leather bound book spread across serval’s lap and gepard hovering over it in her lap, leaning so far forward he was basically adhered to the illustrations and loopy, elegant script.  they had circumvented the afternoon’s lecture on belobogian history only to lose themselves in the whimsical rivulets of fabrication. tiny, bare feet scrabbling over wet stones, the water purling around their precarious route, their reflections rippling and coalescing over shining, white rock. everything was more intricate in the narratives of fiction, elaborate worlds with infinite magic and endless days of indulgent warmth. gepard could have listened to his sister read to him for hours, stretched out under that bay window, the slivers of afternoon light cascading in as shafts of gossamer grey. her lilt was far more captivating than the droning hum of the tutor’s insipid lecture, speaking of valiantly fought battles by men with forgettable names. gepard had solidified the protagonist's name in his mind as someone truly unforgettable. he doubted those soldiers had wielded the ancient magics to fend off a rather cantankerous old man with a penchant for tormenting children. now that he thought about it, their wizened educator looked sort of like the antagonist of the narrative, things suddenly made more sense. she raised her hand and cleaved it through the air with impatience reserved only for misbehaving children and much to her chagrin she was coming to realize these two had a proclivity for it. the daughter, impudent and wise beyond her years, was the sort to shepherd the two of them into all sorts of trouble. it was best to rid that from their system early so as to avoid incidents in the future but it was proving an arduous task. gently serval closed the book earning an urgent look of disquietude from her brother, she shook her head, a reassuring sort of silent gesture and he rose, followed by her. the teacher’s reprimand beat down on them like a fusillade, aggrieved with their puerile notions of lounging about doing nothing. as the two walked ahead of her serval leant in, just close enough so that only gepard could hear her and under her breath she mimicked the old woman’s lambasting, nasally and derisive and it took all gepard had in him not to laugh, just a little. under her sweeping, irate gaze no such thing would have gone unnoticed. 
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