#i low key miss jessica though she was a great character
theroyalmisfitmess · 3 years
wait but if max gets a new love interest that just means more clarkeman angst also please give simon a love interest who won’t drag him in a love triangle he and zoey are great as besties but he needs someone else romantically
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Witches Mates- Chapter 1
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Hey my loves! This is an actual, full length, WIP I'm working on. It's one of the things that takes up a lot of my time. I have a few (maybe 6-7) chapters written and I’m working on more. This story means a lot to me, I've put a lot of time and effort into it. I hope you guys like it.
This is an all 4 5SOS boy fic. All of them are with one character but they aren't with each other. I'm not sure how it will be taken but I want to put it out there and see if y'all like it.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
"I thought we were going to surprise her," I heard someone say as the door to the shop opened.
"I need her help," a familiar voice countered. I walked out of the back of the shop with a smile.
"Whose help?" I asked my long time friend, Liam. I noticed his pack was with him and four others I didn't know. Yes, pack. Liam and his friends, Harry, Louis, Niall, and Zayn, are werewolves.
"Yours," he stated. I walked out from behind the counter.
"My services will cost you," I said. He smiled.
"I wouldn't expect anything different," he said before hugging me. "I've missed you. Happy birthday."
"You know I don't celebrate." I pulled back. "Who's your new friends?"
"J, meet Luke, Ashton, Calum, and Michael. Our parents are close friends," Liam explained, pointing at each one. "Guys, this is Jessica Lebeau."
"Nice to meet you all," I smiled as Harry cleared his throat. "Shut up, we talk all the time."
"That hurts, J," he said, putting a hand over his heart. I rolled my eyes before looking back at Liam.
"What do you need?" I asked.
"Danielle's hiding something from me. I need you to tell me what," he said.
"I'm not a mind reader, Li," I stated.
"Call her and ask," he told me.
"If she knows you're here, she won't be stupid enough to tell me. That's one reason I like her, she's smarter than you realize."
"It says outside something about tarot card readings," Calum said. "Don't those answer questions?"
"Most of the time, the cards give generalized answers," I told him. "I don't see the harm in trying, though." I walked back behind the counter and grabbed my tarot cards.
"Liam, have you ever had a tarot card reading?" Louis asked.
"Once and I didn't like the outcome," Liam said.
"You didn't like it because the cards told you someone was lying to you and it turned out your girlfriend was cheating," I reminded him as I spread out the cards. "Dani isn't like that so I'd say you're fine. Now, pick three cards."
"Fine," he sighed as he and the others walked to the counter. Liam pointed at one and I flipped it.
"Ten of Cups," I smiled. "You feel whole with her, completely happy."
"True," he nodded before pointing at the second one. I flipped it and frowned slightly. "What? Is it bad?"
"No, it's good. Four of Wands typically means you're on the right path," I said.
"Why'd you frown?" he asked.
"Ten of Cups can mean family and Four of Wands can be marriage or pregnancy," I explained.
"You mean-"
"Pick the last card, Liam," Niall interrupted. Liam pointed at his last card and visibly held his breath as I flipped it.
"You should call Dani," I mumbled.
"Why?" Liam quizzed.
"The Empress represents the life cycle, celebrates love, and the three cards together almost certainly means she's pregnant," I said. He pulled out his phone as he came behind the counter and walked to the back of the shop. The others started walking around the shop but Ashton stayed at the counter, staring at the tarot cards.
"I've never seen tarot cards like this," Ashton told me, running his hand across the back of one. "They're beautiful."
"They're handmade family heirlooms," I told him. "My mom's side of the family has done tarot card reading for generations. This symbol is our family crest." I pointed at the symbol on the back of a card.
"I've seen it before. It's the Firelight symbol," he mumbled.
"My family was around before witches chose the name Firelight," I lied. Actually, my family is the Firelight witch family. His eyes snapped up to meet mine.
"You know?" I laughed.
"Sweetheart, I live in New Orleans. Of course, I know."
"Hey. Is any of this stuff actually cursed?" Michael asked me, looking around one of the shelves.
"I wouldn't touch anything if I were you," Zayn told him. "You never know when it comes to J and her mom."
"J, what's the theme for the party tonight?" Harry asked.
"Witches," I told him as the shop door opened.
"And warlocks, right?" Calum quizzed.
"Language!" my best friend, Damien, exclaimed as the door closed behind him.
"What'd I say?" Calum asked.
"Warlock means oath breaker and is highly offensive to male witches," I explained. "Witch is a gender neutral term."
"Sorry," Calum said and I turned my attention to Damien.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Everything's all set up at your house," he told me. "The invitations have been sent and flyers have been posted."
"Great. Thanks, Damien," I smiled. He eyed the tarot cards and the three still flipped.
"Who's pregnant?" he asked me.
"Possibly Dani. I was reading for Liam," I told him.
"Damn," he whistled. "Tarot cards isn't how you want to find that out. I guess it's better than his last reading, though."
"Wait, you read tarot cards, too?" Michael asked him.
"Yeah," Damien nodded. "J taught me when we were, like, eleven."
"How long have you been doing it?" Ashton asked me.
"I learned to read tarot cards before I learned to read books," I told him. "I told you it's a family thing and Damien's practically family." Liam walked out of the back of the shop with a stupid happy smile on his face. "She's pregnant, isn't she?"
"Yes, she is," he nodded. I smiled as the congratulations rang through the shop. The standing clock in the corner chimed five and I looked at Damien, who smiled. I felt the wave of power rush through my body so strong I would've fallen to the ground had I not been resting against the counter. I closed my eyes to prevent the new comers from seeing my eyes glow a bright purple and I felt someone place a hand over mine.
"You good, J?" Niall asked. I nodded slightly, opening my eyes and looking at him.
"Never better," I smiled. I knew he realized what had happened because he smiled right back at me.
"Happy official birthday," he said with a wink.
"It's closing time," Damien announced. "Let's get the hell outta here."
"Go on. I'll meet you guys there," I said.
"Are you sure?" Harry asked.
"Yeah. I'll have to get my stuff together and lock up. I won't be far behind," I assured.
"I'll stay with her," Liam told him. "We need to catch up anyways." They nodded and left the shop. Liam looked at me. "Was that what I think that was?"
"If you mean me getting my full witch powers, yes, it was," I nodded.
"Have you already chosen a witch name?" See, here's the deal. A witch is given a name at birth, just like mundanes. But when a witch turns 21 and gets their full powers, they have to choose a witch name. The name they'll go by with their coven and other people of the supernatural world. My mother's witch name is Constance Firelight and her mundane name is Maria Lebeau. Damien's witch name Lejend Emberglow.
"I have."
"What name did you chose?"
"Mystia Firelight," I told him.
"It fits you," Liam smiled.
"Thank you." I collected my tarot cards and put them in their case. I put the case in my bag and threw my bag over my shoulder. "Ready?" Liam nodded. I grabbed the keys from under the counter and followed Liam out of the shop. I locked the door and made sure the protection spell was still intact then walked with Liam through the French Quarter to my huge house just outside of it.
Damien and the others were already there when we arrived. While they got into their costumes for the party, I went around the property's perimeter putting up a spell of protection from spirits that could rise and cause harm to me, my friends, or the party goers. Once I was finished, it was time for the party to start. Damien stayed outside greeting guests while I went to my room to change.
I changed into a black dress that hugged my body tightly and ended just above mid thigh. It was low cut in the front, going between my boobs, and was backless. The long sleeves were tight until my forearm then they flared out. I paired the dress with black, high heeled, over the knee boots and brushed out my long hair with brightly colored streaks. I did makeup with dark smokey eyes and deep red lipstick that looked like the color of blood. Once I was finished, I went down stairs.
I lit the elemental candles on the coffee table in the living room, deciding to call the elements to protect the party goers tonight. I lit the green one first. It represents earth and faces north.
"Earth, I call you tonight to keep my visitors grounded." I lit the yellow one next which represents air and faces east. "Air, I ask that you blow away any evil spirits that may try to do harm tonight." Next, I lit the red one that faced south and represented fire. "Fire, I call you to protect and guard my visitors tonight while they are here and while they go home." I lit the blue one next, facing west and representing water. "Water, I ask you to drown out any evil in my visitors hearts and minds tonight." Finally, I lit the purple one in the middle that represented spirit. "Spirit, I bring you into this circle tonight to ensure everyone is happy and has a good time."
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ASM vol 5 #25/826 Story 1 Thoughts
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Now THIS is how you do a milestone issue...even though the milestone was last issue but whatever!
In some ways this issue reminded me of a lot of DC’s recent milestone issues for the Trinity. Wonder Woman’s 75th Anniversary special, Action Comics #1000, Detective Comics #1000.
By this I mean you have multiple artists contributing and the story feels like vignettes.
The difference though is that most of these vignettes are in fact part of the same story.
The downside of that is that it does make the main story ‘Opening Night’ feel somewhat disjointed because there are 3 or 4 endings. It could’ve been easily fixed by simply presenting the Syndicate pages and the Gleason pencilled pages as their own stories (which functionally they are) or at least as clearly labelled epilogues.
That’s a nitpick though because the main story over all was fantastic, no pu....actually pun very much intended. Why not Spencer likes his puns and meta jokes and there was plenty of the latter in this issue. Case in point Kindred’s jabs about continuity.
Let me get some minor negatives out of the way.
The changing artists really, really didn’t complement one another exempting Kev Walker and Ottley’s work. Ramos’ artwork wasn’t well integrated with the rest of the art at all, as was the case with his work in the Heist arc back in the earlier issues. Gleason’s work I will give a little more of a pass too because as presented it feels so much like it’s own separate story and has consistent art within those pages it’s not really a problem. But with Ramos and Ottley it’s very jarring.
Now it is the lesser evil because I’d rather have Ramos draw some pages and panels rather than the whole issue. Reserving him for, let’s face it, the less important B-plot of the main story whilst Ottley does the heavy lifting on the main story is a great compromise.
Other small complaints I have involve Mary Jane herself and her storyline.
For starters...Carlie Cooper is back. Now she isn’t used badly, it’s just...I hate that character. I don’t think many people have many positives to say about her and there is baggage associated with her. So if she is destined to become MJ’s go to buddy then that’s going to grind my gears (especially when we consider she let MJ risk her life by dating Otto in Superior, what a jerk!) and I’d infinitely prefer a wholesale new character or an old established character (Liz, Glory, Jill Stacy even?).
Buuuuuuuut on the flipside Carlie was better suited to being MJ’s sidekick in this story given she got involved in some of the action. Possibly even seeing her get zapped was Spencer putting in a piece of catharsis for the many fans he knows honestly hate this character.
Secondly we got MJ’s acting career. Now there are three little problems I have with it that might not even be problems. Let me explain.
a)      MJ claims she lost her Secret Hospital job because of the nature of her life. I took that very much as an implication associated with her connection to Spider-Man. Problem is...she didn’t lose her job because of Spider-Man. Her role just happened to be cut back and eventually if I remember correctly she either quit following a deranged fan assaulting her or she was outright fired. Now in defence of her comment and of Spencer, the line doesn’t explicitly mention Peter or anything like that so it could easily be taken as her life being in general crazy regardless. Bear this in mind for something else I’m going to bring up
b)      MJ claims she never liked being famous. That really struck me because of course MJ wanted to be famous from day 1. Now you could easily argue that when we first met MJ she was younger and had yet to experience fame, so now she feels differently. Buuuuuuut she was a model in her adulthood. She pursued acting as a soap star, and as a movie star and as a stage star and took a job at Stark industries and at various points was modelling during those jobs. Soooooooooo what gives? I mean....maybe you could say she hated aspects of being famous but the speech seems weird and inconsistent in and of itself even. I’m hoping I’m just missing something
c)       MJ says she had trouble fitting in and then over did it in social situations. I dunno if that’s really true. It could be bad phrasing on Spencer’s part but really MJ always did fit in, her facade helped her to fit in, it was partially engineered to help her to do that. Is that what he means though?
d)      MJ becoming a famous actress again gives me mixed feelings. Spider-Man is the everyman and whilst temporary fame that comes crashing down is one thing, if she is long term famous it kind of meddles with the everyman aspect of Spider-Man. An aspiring actress, even a low key soap star is different a more if you will ‘domestic’ form of fame. But that’s more a criticism of where this might lead so it could wind up being fine.
One final, final little problem I had was another example of worried where this MIGHT lead. In Kindred’s lair we see a wall depicting different Spider-Heroes and so now I’m facepalming that the climax to his storyline will be a huge crossover event affair that demands I read Miles and Gwen’s and Jessica Drew’s titles.
Again a nitpick at best, at worst something to worry about in the future not the present.
Everything else in the main story was beautiful.
MJ’s connection to acting is restored. Wonderful. It’s my preferred profession for her because it taps into Peter’s double life and her own history with her party girl facade.
The speech was well written and delivered and I liked the meta aspect of her giving it whilst disguised as a famous super hero wife!
Spencer continued to find a way to handle the old criticism lobbied against MJ/the marriage that it Mary Jane simply waited by a window (even though I think that’s fine sometimes) or just got stood up on dates all the time by having MJ have friends she can hang out with. This is one aspect where Carlie, because she is in on the secret, helps a lot I must admit.
Spencer also renders Mary Jane very well rounded.
Look I LOVE seeing instances where Mary Jane shines as cool, as bad ass and the like, but sometimes if handled poorly it can come off as idolizing her.
Spencer avoids this by giving MJ flaws.
She’s jealous of Melanie’s success which she sees as something that could have been her’s.* She has tiny doubts about Peter’s sincerity. She admits she struggles to fit in and feels uncomfortably exposed in the limelight.
But she’s also, brave, self-sacrificing, resourceful and, most importantly in this story, a good actress (apparently being able to impersonate Melanie’s voice...or maybe that’s something no one thought about because this is a non-audio medium).
The effect is to make Mary Jane truly the hero of the story, not just because she is ‘taking point’ in the main story but because she feels complex and nuanced, just as Peter is.
My quibbles above aside, Spencer really is a good Mary Jane writer and for Spider-Man that’s an important consideration for a writer (just as being a good Lois Lane writer or good Alfred writer is for Superman and Batman). He’s done her justice 99% of the time he’s written her and it says an awful lot about him and his priorities for this title that he’d give the lion’s share of a milestone issue over to her.
It also says a lot of his abilities to make good stories out of well...clean up duty.
Let’s be brutally honest here the majority of Spencer’s issues have revolved around stories really designed to fix things after BND and Slott’s run.
Back to Basics fixed Peter and MJ’s relationship and mostly reconstructed Peter’s character by having him own up to the diploma debacle and zero in on who the man was and who the spider was by literally separating the two.
The Heist reconstructed Peter and Felicia’s relationship and fleshed out why MJ and Peter were getting back together as quickly as they did.
Those poorly drawn Bachalo issues fixed Ned Leeds not being dead.
Hunted fixed Kraven not being dead and Shed and more stuff with Felicia
Now this issue has fixed MJ and Peter’s future’s to some extent. Peter is back at ESU and MJ is back to acting. Not only does she now have a Stark free job situation but it’s a job that’s her home away from home as I discussed a bit above.
The issue also does some clean up with Curt Connors, restoring the pre-Hunted status quo and by extension facilitating something else comfortingly familiar by having Connors teach Peter.**
Speaking of Connors, I can’t recall off the top of my head (having not eaten breakfast yet) if Connors had safehouses before now to keep him safe from his family. I know that has been the case in other stories, such as the Forever Young novel from a couple of years ago, but in the comics I can’t recall. If not then it’s a great thing for Spencer to integrate. If so it’s a great thing for Spencer to have remembered and gives Spider-Man a meaningful subplot to work with whilst Mary Jane takes the limelight in the main plot.
Now let’s move onto Mysterio. As I predicted last issue the doctor was Rinehart but I was mistaken in believing it was the real Rinehart. Spencer, and Mysterio, were so good at their jobs that I was successfully fooled into thinking Mysterio really had died last issue. The idea that Rinehart was really Mysterio and Mysterio was really someone else never occurred to me and was an ingenious twist.
But like all good mysteries it had clues right there for us to see as last issue signposted the disappearance of Mysterio’s former doctor,  who we now know was tricked into becoming Mysterio so beck could escape. What sold it was the inner monologue of Rinehart talking about Beck as a separate person. This would’ve been a cheap trick under a lesser writer but Spencer justifies it by claiming Mysterio was method. Just brilliant. As was tying in MJ’s agent and new found fame to Mysterio and his film script.
We also get some more tantalizing tidbits about Kindred. He doesn’t like killing innocent people if he doesn’t have to. The idea of him being an established villain now looks much less likely. And did you notice that when we first see him in the issue...he’s sticking to the wall...surrounded by spiders...and later has them crawling out of his bandages...and is targeting other Spider people...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm????????????????
That about does it for what I call the ‘main main story’, we move now onto what should’ve been epilogues.
There isn’t much to say about the Syndicate pages beyond they were good for what they were, they eloquently tie into the main story and set up the next arc.
Much more interesting are the Gleason pages, and not just because the art looks so nice and so much better than Ramos.
On the one hand I am wary of Spider-Man comics bringing in too much of the shared universe because it messes up a lot of the drama and stakes. But as a little side story meant to set up something else that’s fine and what a set up.
Spider-Man 2099 is back!
Now I feel like I should really catch up on his solo book. I kept buying it but stopped reading it around Civil War II!
I honestly have NO IDEA where this is going beyond thinking it might have something to do with Kindred’s interest in all the other spider people??????
Beyond all that...not much to say.
I’m not going to tell you that I recommend you pick this issue up because....c’mon...you know you already did...and loved it!
   *Importantly, if Spencer intended it this way, MJ missed out on Melanie’s success because of something not  connected to Spider-Man. I was worried the story was going in for this idea that being with Peter has cost Mary Jane a successful career, but in this issue, through Melaine we see that wasn’t the case.
MJ’s life led her to quit a role that was already being reduced but it wasn’t because of Spider-Man stuff at all.
This is not just refreshing and healthy for their relationship, it’s also realistic. Take that every bullshit AU about MJ being famous by not dating Spidey!
**By the way I was going to criticise Connors having both arms in human form but then I double checked issue #2 and that was the case there too. I keep forgetting that he has both arms now it’s just so weird to see.
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aka-willow · 5 years
Far Behind
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Words: 1258
Characters: Willow Wren, Trish Walker
Prompt/Tag: “I locked the keys in the car.” x / @anti-solidcoffee​
Summary: Willow sidequests onto an investigation about IGH
Timeline: April 2015
Song: The Safety Dance - Men Without Hats
A/N: Kilgrave arc is ending very soon uhoh
A lot can happen in a few days and for once, lucky for me, I managed to miss most of it. On Wednesday of my spring break, I returned back to Marty’s apartment, and on Thursday morning, I get brunch with Peter and Ned, finally sucking it up and letting them see the cast. They weren’t as suspicious as I thought they would be. I told them I fell down some stairs. After, I texted Trish, hoping for some good news about Hope, or maybe she had a new attack plan against Kilgrave.
In response, I received something completely off base.
>Trish: Kind of random, but have you ever heard of a corporation called IGH?
>Willow: No? Why? Is that who was messing with Kilgrave?
There was a slight delay before Trish responded.
>Trish: No, someone else. I was wondering if you happened to hear of it when you were younger. Or anything similar.
>Willow: Oh, because I grew up in an underground lab I just happen to know about all the others?????
>Trish: I’m sorry that’s not how I meant for it to sound.
>Willow: lol I’m just kidding. I might know how to find some info though. Good at that stuff.
>Trish: I have some files if you want to look through them?
>Willow: Only if I can please get lunch while I’m over there :)!! Please!!
Sometimes, I had a feeling Jessica was asking Trish to rope me in on these side quests to keep me out of trouble, but I didn’t mind. Especially if lunch was involved, and if it would help me figure out more about where I was from, or whatever organization headed the Facility.
Somehow, this stuff always ends up being connected.
So, we worked on IGH that afternoon and I tried to not look at the giant bruise on Trish’s forehead or the fact that the place smelled strongly of bleach. I wanted in on whatever Jessica was up to, but Trish wasn’t giving me many details on what happened over the last day. Her mom stopped by at one point and I automatically jumped up when I heard the knock.
“It’s fine,” said Trish. “It’s just my mother.”
“Is she evil?” I asked.
“Not in the way you’re thinking.”
I nodded and continued to sift through Google search results on my laptop. I heard dead bodies mentioned. I put my headphones in. It’s getting hard to keep this all straight.
Trish tossed her car keys at me. “There are a few more files in my car. Can you go get those? I’ll deal with her.”
Everyone has shit coming up, I thought. Almost makes me grateful that Peter and Ned and Kate and Marty are a pretty drama-free bunch.
I thought about who my mother was, the one who left me after I was born. Was she trying to save me when she left me? Or was she really hoping I would die there?
Who cares, you’re still alive now.
I climbed up from Trish’s apartment, onto the roof, and took the stairs back down to her car. Part of me thinks this is all pointless stuff. Who cares who got experimented on? It happened. It’s over. Then again, I knew that was just me trying to justify forgetting about the Facility. Even though I couldn’t. Even though I still had my siblings there.
I was lost in thought when I finally found Trish’s car, and when I slammed the car door shut after grabbing the files, I realized I made a big mistake. The keys were still sitting on the driver’s seat, the door locked behind them.
Ah, shit.
I went back up to the apartment, while Trish was still arguing with her mother. She opened the door for me immediately and I saw the other woman standing haughtily in the kitchen. “Who is she?” Trish’s mom asked. “Your ward? Seriously, Patsy?”
“Did you get them?” Trish asked, ignoring her mom.
“Yeah,” I said, handing them to her. “But I kinda locked the keys in the car. Sorry.”
After a brief argument that I tuned out with more music, Trish’s mom left. I pulled out an earbud. “Another win for orphans I guess.”
Trish smiled, just a little. “You got that music on all the time?”
I nodded. “Yeah. Helps with the—” I motioned around me. “You know. Everything else. Kilgrave hated it, made me cut up my old headphones since I couldn’t always hear him, which sucked because they were brand new and…”
“Huh,” said Trish, picking up her phone. “I’ll have to tell Jessica to take a page from your playbook.”
I had a good idea?! Awesome. “Just tell her not to use her favorite pair.”
“She wants us to meet her in a bit, if that’s okay.”
I checked the time. “What about lunch?”
Trish sighed. “Right. Yeah. We should eat.”
When we got to the car, I remembered the keys locked inside. “Crap, I’m sorry.” The window was cracked just a little, but not enough to reach in and grab them.
“Hold on,” said Trish, “we can fix this, let me just call—”
I stared at the keys, sitting on the seat, tantalizingly close. I don’t want to wait to get a coat hanger or a car service.
It reminded me of a test we did back at the Facility, but one that felt more like a party trick than anything else. Great, I’m gonna have to tap into those wind powers again, huh?
Not my favorite move. It always left me feeling drained.
But I was hungry. So I focus on the keys and put my hands to the small crack in the window. I pictured the air moving under the keys in a burst, enough to push them up over the window. It was a tough maneuver, but I had done it before.
I shut my eyes and flung a sharp wind under the keys, catching the key tags just right. They jumped up into the air, but then fell back down before I could catch them.
“Did you do that?” Trish asked.
“Yeah,” I said. “Wait, hold on.”
I tried a second and third time, but the keys didn’t jump high enough. Finally, on the fourth try, they jumped up to the window crack and I grabbed the keyring with my pinky before pulling them through.
“Got ‘em,” I said. “Sorry. For locking them in the first place.”
“How…” Trish started, but I shook my head and got in the passenger seat.
We drove in silence to a cafe near Jessica’s place and when I got there, I ordered my usual: root beer, fries, and mustard.
“What else can you do?” Trish asked me in a low voice from across the table. “I mean, you can fly, right?”
“Yeah,” I said. “And the wind thing that you saw. The flying is more fun, especially if you start messing with airspace. But I mostly just do pranks with the wind one, which can actually be really funny if—”
“You could use your abilities for something more useful,” Trish said.
I shrugged. “I do.”
“I mean, you could do some really amazing things someday,” she said. “If you trained…”
I’ve already been down this route. “Screw training.”
“What about… I don’t know… the Avengers or something?”
“I don’t think they recruit. Would they? Do you think?”
Trish’s phone buzzed and I saw Jessica’s name come up on the screen. “Just something to think about, kiddo,” she said, picking up the phone.
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lexygreenwell · 8 years
Golden Globes 2017 - Predictions and Hopes
The stockings may no longer be hung by the chimney with care, but the smell of Awards season is in the air! It’s time for the Golden Globes!
Admittedly, I haven’t been blogging as much this year. A lot has happened. I moved to California and began my journey through life as an adult, which can be quite scary and takes a little adjusting. But leave it to a new year to get my write-y senses tingling again. I’m hoping to do a lot more this year, in various different aspects of life, because 2017, if you tilt your head and squint your eyes, is a year of potential. Also I will need something to take my mind off of our incoming political administration. But I digress.
Film in 2016 was like a quiet kid at a party who just wants to let loose - he tries a few times, learns a lot about himself and the fragility of the human condition (hey there Manchester by the Sea) but he ultimately figures out how to have fun and brings the party in unexpected ways (La La Land). Meanwhile, I would equate this year in TV to a champion boxer at the top of his/her game - delivering consistent punches with razor sharp accuracy, and nabbing multiple KO’s throughout the season (I’m looking at Stranger Things, Game of Thrones and Westworld).
With the Critics’ Choice Awards behind us and Jimmy Fallon ahead of us, (I’ve got high hopes buddy) here’s who I think campaigned the most… er, I mean, will be taking home some big gold balls this evening. MaesTRO!
Best Motion Picture - Drama
I’m a little behind on my film viewing this year (but don’t worry, all will be rectified come Oscar week) so I’m doing a bit of guesswork here based on the word of friends and family, critics, momentum, and previous awards/festival recognition, if any. Based on these, I would have to say Manchester by the Sea is the favorite in this category, though I would also love to see Moonlight or Lion take top honors. (Just, not Mel Gibson. And spare Andrew Garfield).
Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy
La La Land has been campaigning HARD, and rightfully so - the cinematography is dazzling, the balance between whimsical and low key is expertly held, and all its contrasting flavors and dancing delights meld together beautifully under the visionary, artful leadership of “Whiplash” director Damien Chazelle. This award going to anyone else would be a major upset. (Gotta give love to Deadpool and Sing Street)!
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Drama
A plethora of strong female leads this year, arguably lead by Viola Davis, but you’ll find her (most likely) taking home Supporting Actress. I said a few months ago that Jessica Chastain’s ethically challenging performance in Miss Sloane was not to be overlooked, so I’m glad to see her listed. But I think it’s between stunning newcomer Ruth Negga for Loving and Natalie Portman for Jackie, with the most likely winner being Portman, as her campaign has picked up speed as of late. But the globes have a history of taking kindly to breakout stars, so a first-time win for Negga is also probable. We’ll have to see with this one.
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama
From what I’ve seen and heard, it’s Casey Affleck’s to lose. This has stirred up a little controversy, since Affleck is still receiving praise while Nate Parker is not for Beasts of No Nation, despite both being accused (and later acquitted, in Parker’s case) of similar crimes. However, the nominees being what they are, an award for Affleck is the most likely scenario. 
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy
Yeah, it’s Emma Stone. Unless Cecille B. Demille has something planned for honoree Meryl, but I don’t think they’d do that. Props to Hailee tho.
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy
Oh, The Lobster! I heard such great things about Colin Farrell’s performance. But this category could go a variety of ways based on past behavior: it could go to the best actor in a “this is way more drama than comedy but let’s go with comedy” comedy (Farrell), it could go to best actor in a musical who showed off tons of talent (Gosling), or it could go to the “laugh out loud” funniest (Reynolds). My hunch is, in keeping with the La La Land theme, they’ll go with Gosling here.
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in any Motion Picture
All amazing performances from what I’ve heard (and will soon see). But there’s a reason Queen Viola was placed in this category - she came to dominate. She was a force in Fences.
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in any Motion Picture
Gotta go with the favorite Mahershala Ali. Moonlight deserves a win and if it’s most likely to come anywhere, it’ll be here.
Best Director - Motion Picture
Damien Chazelle was nothing short of both a painter and poet. He’s our guy.
Best Screenplay - Motion Picture
Now this is a little tough, because the screenplay category at the Globes lumps in both original and adapted screenplays. Only Nocturnal Animals is adapted, but the strength of La La Land’s inventiveness and juxtaposing personalities is hard to resist this year. I could also imagine Moonlight or Manchester taking this home as well, given the direct, heavy impact of everything that is said, and unsaid. I’ll stick with La La, but the latter two are worthy spoilers.
Best Motion Picture - Animated
I think My Life As A Zucchini should be given an award for its name alone. I imagine Zootopia and Moana, feminist masterpieces, are the favorites to take the cake. And Sing was adorable (and Tori Kelly #slays). But personally, Kubo is instantly connective, and it appears to be the greater artistic feat among the bunch. I would choose it to win, but would have to go with the former two as worthy contenders.
Best Motion Picture - Foreign Language
Given the strength of the title characters’ performance, I’m going to have to go with Elle.
Best Original Score - Motion Picture
I have a lot of thoughts on scores this year (may have to put them in another post). Especially on Johann Johannsson’s work for Arrival (that cello lead emulating a whale that represents ominous contact from another world?! C'mon!) But it has to be the overarching mystic whimsy of Justin Hurwitz’ La La Land.
Best Original Song - Motion Picture
When I first heard JT’s “Can’t Stop The Feeling!” almost a year ago, I thought to myself, “Well, somebody’s winning an Oscar.” It seemed like a sure thing. But then “City of Stars” came along, with its all-at-once haunting yet catchy melody… in minor, I might add. It perfectly captures what we see and feel in the film, the push and pull of falling in and out of love with Los Angeles, being inspired, yet disheartened by pursuing a life as an artist. It takes true mastery to compose a work that melodically and lyrically mirrors the essence of such a complex feeling. So as much as I’d love to see JT or even Lin-Manuel win a Globe, the genius of Justin Hurwitz and La La Land is not to be outdone this year.
TV, quick! What an extraordinary year!
Best Drama
Stranger Things - I think as a whole, it was the best, freshest, and most entertaining package TV had to offer this year.
Best Comedy
Atlanta - Let’s give Transparent, Mozart and Veep a break.
Best Television Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
It was all about The People vs. O.J. Simpson this year.
Best Performance by an Actress In A Television Series - Drama
Evan Rachel Wood - the skill and self-control required to switch almost instantaneously from pure hysteria to robotic dread is ridiculous. Acting master class.
Best Performance by an Actor In A Television Series - Drama
Rami won last year, deservedly. Let’s try Bob for Better Call Saul.
Okay, I’ll leave it here for now, but stay tuned for more blogs and other trinkets and things in the coming year :) Happy Globes!
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