#simon needs someone else
In case anyone needed this reminder:
Your fav COD man does not get off on your pain during sex. Ever.
So much of male-dominated language involving sex glorifies a woman's pain for his pleasure. She's expected to "just take it".
Your fav COD guy does not want that when he's with you. And if you've come to think of it as normal - because of previous experiences, because that's what everyone tells you, because you don't want to make a fuss and disappoint him, whatever the reason - he'll put a stop to it and have a serious talk with you about it.
These men have seen and experienced horrible shit in their lives.
You are their safe space. Their home. The one person they feel like they can be truly vulnerable with in a world that has made them battle-rough with scars, misery, and grief.
They want you to stay soft with them. They want you to have the safety of completely pure pleasure. They never ever want you to force or endure anything, let alone for their sake.
If it's a kink you're into, that's a different story.
But if you're not into it, your fav won't go anywhere near it. They won't pressure you to "just try it, maybe you'll like it". It's completely off the table, never to be mentioned again, and they'll be sure to lavish you in all the things you really love to show that you can relax with them.
Just as you have allowed them to lower their guard and let down their walls, they will do the same for you. When you are with them, you are safe in every sense of the word.
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cod-fishing · 2 months
Drift compatible GhostSoap. Pacific Rim jaeger pilots GhostSoap. That’s it that’s the post.
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callsign-mimic · 25 days
I need the 141 to take over my life like I'm their pet and they have to help me pretend to be a functional human
Price to organize and take me to appointments, making sure I take my meds and remember to eat (cause two of them kill my appetite)
Soap to make me follow through on promises to try to work out and get stretches done, sparring to burn up the pent up energy and frustration
Gaz to level me out and help me to focus on my hobbies and doing things I enjoy rather than doomscrolling on my phone
Ghost to give me a quiet place to tuck away for comfort when my brain is on fire and all I want to do it curl up and cry
Price to grab my face, squeezing my jaw to force my mouth open and place food on my tongue when I refuse to eat
Soap to pin me beneath him and force me to struggle and fight tooth and nail when my temper boils over and I start to lash out
Gaz to force me to sit in his lap, cockwarming him as I work on a crochet project that I hadn't touched in weeks
Ghost to drag one of his knives along my skin, just enough to break it and draw blood to quell the fire in my brain and finally force the tears to spill
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justfriendsbestthings · 2 months
Simon’s Month Day 28: Birthday
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thecrimsonjaguar · 1 year
i think when it comes to the F+C finale it's important to see where the writers were coming from. And it's easy to do that, the lesson/moral they gave simon is fairly clear: Simon needs to appreciate his life because Betty sacrificed so much to get him here. alright, cool, that's good on paper.
I do Also think that the execution was poor.
up until this point, the crown has represented/could be viewed as many things. Alzheimer's, substance abuse, and anything else people have called it. In this series, a newer interpretation has arose: Suicide. And I'm certain the writers were aware of this. Depression and suicidal ideation are such strong themes in this series that they can't NOT be purposeful.
So their attempt at teaching Simon to appreciate Betty's sacrifice can ALSO be read as: Simon, the suicidal, on the verge of a relapse-man, gets put into a body of a child, (and that is very powerful imagery that does not help, actually) and is told nearly expressly that he fucked up in his relationship with the love of his life. He is told he should have sacrificed more for betty. And he says to himself: "Maybe i wouldn't have even found the crown". Basically it's simon pinning the blame on himself for his 1000 year curse on his mistakes with Betty. Which of course can be read as Simon's self loathing but the show does nothing to refute his statement, which i also have issue with. Simon putting on the crown was stated to be a Mistake. it was an accident. No matter what, the crown cursing him Was Not His Fault. Ever. It's not Betty's fault, it's not Simon's, it. was. a. Mistake.
regardless on if they should or should not have introduced these new flaws into simon's character, having simon learn his mistakes like This feels. icky. to me.
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whoblewboobear · 3 months
I’m watching season one of Bridgeton and even though Simon and Daphne stress me out to no end, I absolutely am thinking about messy regency era starbreaker where Jace is coveted as the diamond (😉) of the season season by King Aguefort.
None of the potential suitors he’d hoped are coming forward and the marriage market is looking bleaker by the day until his older sister, Zara’s, best friend the Duke of house Cliffbreaker, returns in time for the new season. He and Jace get off to an incredibly rocky start, constantly bickering with each other. But there’s something about Duke Cliffbreaker (“My friends call me Porter.”) that he can’t stop thinking about.
One evening they enter an agreement to court each other so Jace appears desirable to other potential suitors and Porter appears unavailable so he can attend to his own private matters. Yes, none of it is real, but Jace can’t help but enjoy the Duke’s company. It terrifies Porter to think that Jace would ever fall for a scoundrel like him. Zara threatens him not to corrupt her brother’s innocence, but how could he?
Jace could never burn for him, why would he? He could only disappoint him. But he can’t resist kissing him in the gardens, can’t resist the pull of his lips, the way Jace’s body feels so correct curling into his touch.
I also cannot leave out the scene where Simon tells Daphne to touch herself that night so she understands pleasure.
The way Porter whispers the obscenity to a man of nobility like him makes Jace’s face flush and his ears burn. But his curiosity gets the better of him that night as he lay in bed, unable to think of nothing other than the Duke’s instructions. The Duke- Porter’s name falls from his lips as he finishes for the first time, toes curling as breathy whines and whimpers echo throughout his chambers.
When they sleep together for the first time, he can’t help but admit he pleasured himself at the thought of Porter. All Porter has to say is “show me,” for him to be half way gone on their wedding night.
Bonus points for the fallout of the garden scene because I’d scream the entire time.
[Zara]: “You will marry him!”
[Porter]: “I cannot.”
[Jace]: “you would rather duel my sister- No, you would rather die than marry me?”
I could cry thinking about Jace with those big sad eyes looking at Porter completely heartbroken and devastated 🤧
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I was just thinking about how Erik's death, although very tragic, was important for many plot-related reasons. Not only to Wilhelm's character and Wilhelm and Simon's dynamic, but also because Erik was the Crown Prince everyone wanted.
If Erik would have been alive and became the King, I highly doubt that it would have brought any sort of conflict to the table. He was described as a "perfect" royal by almost everyone (despite S2 giving us insight about him struggling as well). The traditions would have went on as usual, the lies and secrets and toxic high-society solidarity finding a safe abode under Kristina and then Erik's succession. Even if Wille and Simon would have been together, it wouldn't have been much of a deal, Wilhelm was a spare after all, right? Erik was carved straight out of the image the Royal Court wanted him to be, but in reality it would just have been private therapy sessions and secret realizations about your surroundings but too "duty-bound" to act on them.
But Wilhelm is the Crown Prince everyone needs. Even if they don't realize it. Everyone in that damn school and even the Royals need a severe reality check. I agree, everyone is entitled to their worldview and it's not wrong to harbour a certain belief, but they need to realize how stifling they are. They made Wilhelm deny the video even though saying nothing about it was the right option! And then proceeded to offer the throne to the same person who filmed and uploaded that video. How infuriating is that? You are offering power to a person who can commit literal crimes as soon as its intoxication seizes his brain? Just because the current Crown Prince is non-conforming to your toxic systems and would potentially not bear future heirs? DO YOU GUYS EVEN HAVE MORALS?
I actually hope Wilhelm and Simon's relationship rock the foundations of Hillerska and the Royalty's beliefs. I hope Wilhelm's speech make them introspect what is right and what is not. Everyone needs some sort of discomfort in their worldview to grow, and I really hope Wilhelm and Simon's unabashed love makes everyone's centuries-old solidarity with stoic traditions twist and turn in its grave. I hope Wilhelm's growth as a person becomes so tangible that people like Nils and Stella are never afraid to be loudly themselves if they want to.
RIP Erik, you would have been an absolutely charming King. But trust me, your brother is here to start a revolution.
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 1 year
Ice King to Simon feels like what Fionna is to Finn. There's a base template that was shared between the two but ultimately, they are separate entities that grew and developed in ways unique to themselves.
and this is where the writing gets Rocky, because I genuinely find it hard to read Ice King and Simon as the same person but the characters always treat the two as one and the same
After the big reveal, Ice King is treated like Simon but remixed, except... the way Ice King develops - and look, we spent hours with this character, he wasnt just a joke
In his words, "I am worthy of respect"
The way Ice King's character develops was for Ice King's benefit, not Simon's. Ice King making friends, Ice King no longer kidnapping - neither of those character developments made him more Simon-like. He becomes more and more individualized, forming a personality that felt Very Distinct from the bookish, modest Simon Petrikov.
As much as Simon is the victim in all this, I cant really blame Ice King for being born either. He was just a guy - a mean, lonely guy that with some kindness developed better behavior for the people that befriended him.
Like people are dumping hard on Simon, which sucks. But it's also like Ice King was Somebody's friend. Ice King was Somebody's hero. And it doesn't feel fair to all the hardwork he did for himself to wave him off as a false image.
The problem is he was somebody - not just a Simon reboot. He was somebody period.
So it makes sense that some people in universe (in the audience bc lets be real, Ice King had HOURS of screentime and Simon had maybe one) would mourn him. It just sucks that they keep directing that grief at Simon, and dumping on him as a result.
In my opinion, if it's disrespectful to Simon to be confused for Ice King, then it works the same vice versa.
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My wilmon shipper heart, right now:
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My August/Sara shipper heart, right now:
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designedparadigm · 14 days
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   simon  who  will  select  one  person  to  listen  to,  to  place  above  him,  and  listen  only  to  that  one  person.  everyone  else  is  considered  as  below  him  and  very  rarely  an  equal,  but  still  expected  to  listen  when  he  gives  an  order.  this  is  solidified  when  he  became  ghost.  in  fact  -  it  got  worse.  far  worse  as  ghost.
   he  heavily  relies  on  a  collar  put  around  his  neck  with  only  one  person  at  the  other  end  of  the  chains  that  keep  him  in  line.  that  way  he  doesn't  have  to  be  responsible  for  himself  and  how  he  acts.  he  needs  the  freedom  to  operate,  but  to  also  hold  control  over  those  around  him  to  keep  them  from  digging  into  him  or  clawing  too  far  into  his  chest,  his  life. 
   ghost,  to  put  it  simply,  needs  one  person  he  submits  to  exclusively  while  being  allowed  to  be  a  feral  domineering  animalistic  force  to  everyone  else.  he  needs  someone  whose  boot  can  come  down  on  his  back  when  he  loses  his  control,  someone  he  can  be  on  his  knees  before  proudly. 
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misfithive · 1 year
Elemental is Wilmon coded
Okay but has anyone seen elemental bc i think they are Wilmon coded.
Mainly the scene when they are on the beach and Ember is like idk why i get so angry sometimes and Wade is like a lot of times anger is trying to tell us something 🥺
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mostlymaudlin · 2 years
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wheezing over this idea in my wip graveyard folder LOL
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Let me get this straight.
You were accused of several phobias based off of defense of a trans person that genuinely needed support? I just caught up on the posts and the responses and it looks like that person held some very problematic (cliche right-wing bs) beliefs but I can tell you didn’t support those beliefs per se. You wanted to prevent a trans person from being attacked during a bad spot in their life. You also didn’t mind sharing their fandom posts and being their friend because you knew that what they really needed was someone to help them. And it looks like they’re gone now?? Un-fucking-believable.
Now all of your mutuals are getting anonymously targeted by the same person that called you out? I am just a lurking witness but this person attacking you is the latent tr*nsphobe. They bullied and isolated someone for trying to help a struggling trans person. That is vile and I hope they rot in hell. Disgusting pos. Weaponizing tr*nsphobia is the number one no-no in fandom spaces and it’s a dead giveaway for who really care and who doesn’t. Helping a trans person through shit even when they are sharing harmful rhetoric takes balls. Good for you.
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Gosh... This is always a heavy topic to talk about for me, especially when you put it THIS plainly. I think this is the most direct way to summarise the situation I've seen yet from a person that's not close to me (it is a compliment).
I must specify though - the "trans person" identified as trans man for about 13 years but since then revoked the term and now prefers to simply be described as GNC. In the end, he doesn't find the label he feels truly comfortable with, but this is still a person that is female in documents but male in fact and this IS an important bit in the whole story. Some people might argue that no matter what, but anyone not identifying with assigned gender counts as trans, that I get, but he has strong reservations and negative experience with the community that he shared multiple times - something the bully stalker you're referring to chose to ignore.
I think feeling identically homeless is an awful thing - he cannot line with the cis heteros (you can't just will yourself to identify as a straight girl when you are a gay man lol), but queer community has become ridiculously toxic with infights, imposing stereotypes on each other, ruining each others' spaces, cancelling each other over thoughts 'out of line', claims that someone's different experience harms the rest of the demographics upon being spoken of and god knows what else. You could figure that even in his younger years, he was excluded from his own identity and grossly bullied and misgendered because of the notion of "you do not belong in the queer community / you are not a REAL trans person if you support the [insert an opinion that has nothing to do with being trans]".
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This is absolute fucking HELL from the sound of it, and I can't imagine LIVING it. You are so RIGHT for calling Alfred-chan (aka Clod Frollo, aka Slander Man) a latent transphobe. That they absolutely ARE. They do not see trans people (binary, nonbinary, generally GNC, whatever) as PEOPLE, as human beings with their own lives, history, opinions and differences. They see them as ideological soldiers in the "war" against them nasty white cissie hets and they are the EXACT garbage type that will exclude someone from their own gender/sexuality if they fail to match the checklist of strictly western libertarian opinions. They believe that to be trans or gay/lesbian is to have only certain beliefs on everything else that is not relevant. If not seeing trans people as people is not REAL transphobia, then I don't know what is.
From how you're talking you must be familiar with the cases of imposing very suffocating and concrete opinions and behaviour standards on a person for them to not be bullied as "not real" or "not proper" queer person. Some trans/GNC people will be conservative, some will be Christian, some will say 'instead of making 60 abortions just exercise protected sex already because abortion is a murder'. Because they're people, they come to different conclusions in this life, and no one should be put under obligation to assume only certain values to simply have their identity acknowledged.
ALSO from how you're talking you must be familiar with the situation of abusing the sympathy pool for selfish goals. This is exactly how #metoo got a dirty name. Alfred-chan used a very painful, vulnerable topic (transphobia) to fabricate lies and manipulate narrative with the goal of removing the bitch they disliked (yours truly) from the fandom. In general they are ridiculously nasty towards anyone that speaks against them trying to bully certain group of fans - people that clarify nuances on G3hrman as a character, insist that Maria is not "canonically a masculine lesbian" but instead is up to interpretation (that she is) or simply like G3hrmaria ship. They are terminally unable to see people (or fictional characters) outside of stereotypes and cannot acknowledge variety of identities and experiences. Yeah, I was proclaimed a witch to burn over the awful sin of trying to listen and help someone instead of throwing them away like a trash, but even before that they had quite a beef against me; they joined the fandom, lured some audience with cute mari4deline art and then decided to divide us into "normal fans" and "nasty misogynist lesbophobes without media literacy" just after the disco horse in the fandom started to die down. And I said NO YOU DON'T. Still, when they cannot harass people over reblogging a meme from me, they harass them for having an opinion on Maria that isn't 100% like their.
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They do not care about trans PEOPLE, they care about trans 'identities'. These are different things. They appreciate diversity of flags and labels, but not diversity of experiences, opinions and backgrounds. And if you do not fit - you are a broken gear in the machine, you are not a proper 'soldier', and you must be thrown away. And if someone picks you up? They are the evil one, if not MORE evil. Kindness, patience and understanding are the bad things, but violence, cruelty and exclusion are what makes you trustworthy and good by their logic! True face of the fighters for "acceptance and kindness" as you can see! Fuck the Golden Ord- errrr I mean fuck this hypocritical corrupted witch-hunting nonsense.
I'd also not say that his rhetorics were "harmful". Again, Alfred-chan likes to twist what someone says to benefit their witch-hunter narrative. You can explain yourself with maximal logic, nuance and clarity, only for that person to ignore absolutely everything you said except for ONE thing they COULD twist against you, base everything around that thing and then play a victim. If you had the misfortune of knowing a 'narcissistic abusive mother' - the type of manipulation is shockingly similar. He was always ready to explain things properly but witch-hunters are not interested in removing the conflict - they are interested in removing YOU.
I also believe that free speech reveals the opinions, not creates them. Basically, opinions do not cause harm - PEOPLE do. If all it took someone to support this or that right-wing opinion is to read a post from a stranger online? Congratulations, a person found their tribe. It is GOOD if everything is revealed and everyone takes their place, it is GOOD if groups define their territories so you know where they are,. If many people believe in a "bad thing" - this means that many people ARE bad, and dividing and silencing them won't change the truth, only conceal it until it inevitably breaks through. Scaring people never changes their hearts, only makes them strike HARDER when they're ready to do so. Like what in the Brador people try to say with hating the truth revealed SO much? sdfjhdshghds
Me and him argue quite often, but when you befriend someone, it is a very bad thing to argue with them publicly. It borders the level of abusing a friend. If you have a friend that consistently shames you on public - this is not a good friend, and you should inform them that you are not their means of looking virtuous before some strangers/guests. On the brighter note - yes, the person is gone from Tumblr, but he is living his better life now. He got a therapist, he goes outside more often, he found a new passion that gave him sense of purpose, overall his life is getting better.. and he is happy that I get to be a part of it!
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yelloworangesoda · 5 months
auggbgngf. i work best in the tags
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bi-writes · 2 months
hiiiii I'm new to your page but i would like to ask you what would've happened if simon mail-ordered a bride?
mail-order bride
you stare down at the address on the card, blinking as you reread the house number and look back up at the cottage in front of you. the numbers match, but you just need a few more minutes before you knock on the door.
you're not holding too many things. you have one suitcase with the entirety of your belongings at one side, the cat carrier sitting on top of it. on the other side, you hold a bundle of papers. your immigration papers, all shiny and new, your birth certificate, and your new british passport.
when you look back down, you swallow as you read over your name. it's odd, to see something new in the section labeled SURNAME.
you've never met him. this isn't legal, it can't be, to have all of these things. he must be someone important. someone they value. or maybe, they are just too afraid to say no to him.
the front door opens, and you freeze on the spot as you see someone duck their head to step outside. they're wearing a mask, covering their entire face except for their dark eyes, but it's hitched up over his nose as he holds an unlit cigarette between his lips.
he stares as he sees you at the end of the steps. he frowns, looking you up and down.
"weren't supposed ta be 'ere for a few weeks."
your eyes water a little, but you only manage a shrug.
"i-i..." you meet his eyes. "i-i couldn't stay there any longer. i didn't have anywhere else to go."
he tucks the cigarette back behind his ear, slipping the mask off. it reveals a tousled mess of short blonde hair and a terribly scarred face. his eyes dart to the little carrier sitting next to you when he hears a soft meow coming from it.
"said no pets."
your lip trembles.
"please," you whisper, and his lip twitches as he fights off a scowl. you imagine he must not have much practice in hiding his emotions. he comes down the steps anyways, coming closer, and you pick up the carrier as he snatches the suitcase off the pavement, making his way back inside. you follow him, naturally.
when you close the door behind you, you're surprised at how quaint it all is. nice brick fireplace, a soft carpet (no shoes allowed is what he snapped at you), and wonderfully furnished to make the place cozy, warm, lived-in. there's throw blankets and accent pillows. there's pictures on the walls, paintings, yellow corner lights to give everything a soft glow. the kitchen is beautiful, with lovely colored tile and wooden cutting boards, a drip-coffee setup in the corner and worn cookbooks stacked neatly by a stainless steel toaster. there's herbs growing in little pots sitting on the windowsill above the sink, and there's a cast iron pot decoratively resting on the stove.
it's spick-span clean. there's no specks of dust or splatters left over from bacon grease. there's papers pinned to the fridge, lists to remind him to buy whole milk and sliced bread and call about the internet bill being charged twice again.
you set the carrier down on the couch, unzipping the top. a little curious black head pokes out of it, and you reach in and pick the cat up under its belly and drop it onto the floor. immediately, the cat spreads its front paws, claws sticking out as they begin to knead the carpet and use it as a personal scratcher, the prick, prick, prick sound enough to draw the giant man out of the bedroom with a hard frown on his face.
he points at the thing and shakes his head.
"keep tha' thing off the fawkin' counter," he snaps at you. he purses his lips when he sees you still standing there, afraid to even move. he comes closer, the cat scurrying off, and he yanks your coat and scarf off, going to the hang them up by the door. "can unpack tomorrow. need t'make somethin' ta eat."
you move immediately towards the kitchen, hoping he keeps a stocked fridge, but he puts out a big hand and stops you, stepping in front of you.
"the fuck are y'doin'?" he asks, and you blink up at him.
"you said to make dinner...s-sir?"
he tilts his head to the side, narrowing his eyes.
"y'listen t'this," he murmurs. "women don't lift a fuckin' finger in this house, y'hear?"
you nod, and he reaches up and palms your throat, cupping your jaw.
"and my wife doesn't call me sir," he mutters. "it's simon."
you soften a little. "i-i'm sorry, simon."
"don't apologize," he grits his teeth. "did nothin' wrong."
when a fresh set of tears comes down your face, he wipes them away with ease, calloused thumb swiping over your cheeks and quieting you. he puts something into your hands, a velvet box that he must've gotten when he went to put your suitcase away.
"y'r a riley now, yeah?" he murmurs, and you tilt your head at an angle, and your foreheads brush together when he bends low to speak to you. "act like it."
you lean up on your toes (he's so fucking tall), and you kiss him softly beside his mouth. when he moves his head, your lips brush against each other, but he pulls back to make his way to the kitchen. you hear the gas stove light up, and a few minutes later, there's a familiar smell of onions hitting hot olive oil.
you take a seat on the couch, smiling to yourself, wiping your eyes as you curl up there. you flip open the box, sighing shakily when you see the rectangular diamond and matching gold wedding band. when simon comes back in to give you a mug of tea, you take it with your left hand, and his eyes flicker when he notices the new jewelry there, so pretty, so new.
when he pads back into the kitchen, the cat blinks up at him slowly, green eyes bright as they sit on the counter.
simon walks past it, saying nothing at all.
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reignbowarbiter · 10 months
i always think about how willing jon was to kill avatars that did him wrong but when it came down to simon he suddenly had like a change of heart and didnt want to
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