#i made a bowl of coffee w a paper straw in it to get me through it . im physically shaking ! also had shitty tesco sushis + strawberries
faaun · 2 years
:D im lich rally fine
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Patton being sick and Logan having to do all his normal duties - laundry, cooking, homework help - but, needless to say, he doesn't really have a lot of experience with it. Remus and Roman as their kids, of course.
Heh, this was a fun one to write. I kept the original prompt but I’ll be honest I did tweak a few of the details, mostly because of how I personally envision this specific Logicality situation would go. 
Characters: Patton, Logan, Roman, Remus
Relationships: Logicality
Warnings: There is some chaotic 7-year old Remus content. Nothing graphic or nasty though. If you want something added here please let me know.
“Patton, please sit down.” Logan sighed, exasperated, as Patton stubbornly tried to get up off the couch again. “Dear, you’re sick.”
“But the kids! They need breakfast! I need to make them breakfast!” Patton gasped, his face hot and flushed with the mere effort of sitting up. 
“Patton, dearest, I can make them breakfast. Don’t strain yourself.” Logan returned to his husband’s side with a glass of water, which he set down on the coffee table before helping Patton lay down again. “Now don’t get up again,” he said sternly. “Let me handle things.”
“Papa, what’s going on?” Logan turned as Roman and Remus ran into the living room, eyes going wide when they saw Patton down on the sofa, meekly sipping at his water with a straw. Logan could tell; he was too weak to argue with him any more on the matter. 
Which left only the matter of taking care of their 7-year old twin sons.  
“Roman Remus, go sit down at the table. I will be making breakfast this morning,” he told them. 
“What’s wrong with Dad?” Remus asked. 
“He is merely sick, Remus.”
“Will he get better?”
“Of course. But he needs to rest for now. In the meantime, I will be taking care of you two.”
“What about your work, Papa?” Roman asked, having already seated himself at the table. Logan smiled ever-so slightly as he led Remus to join him. 
“Don’t worry about that, Roman. I’ve already called in to let them know.”
“So we get to play with you today?” Remus asked excitedly. 
“Perhaps. But first, you have school, don’t you?” Logan chuckled a little at the two boys’ groans as he went to the cupboard, pulling out a box of Cocoa Puffs and getting the milk from the fridge. 
“Logan, are the boys--”
“You’re supposed to be resting Patton, not worrying,” Logan called. “They are simply disgruntled because they have to go to school.”
“What’s disgruntled mean?” Roman asked. 
“It means that you are dissatisfied with--”
“It means you aren’t happy that you have to go to school,” Patton interrupted. 
“Sorry, dear!” Logan could hear his husband laughing on the couch. “It’s just, the boys can’t always understand your big words.”
“I’m disgruntled!” Remus proclaimed. “Can I stay home with Dad?”
“Not a chance, sport,” Patton called. “You need your education.”
“Patton, am I going to have to take you back to your room?”
“You’re gonna put Papa in timeout?” Remus asked. Logan sighed, setting the bowls, milk, and cereal on the table in front of the boys. 
“Eat your breakfast,” he ordered, “I don’t want you two to be late.”
Once the food was in front of them it wasn’t hard to keep the twins busy, and Logan set to work collecting their backpacks and homework. 
“Did you get their math books?” Patton asked as he made his way back towards the kitchen. 
“Yes, Patton.”
“And their spelling books?”
“Yes, Patton.”
“And their--”
“I have their homework. I have all of their homework.” Logan set the two backpacks down in the front entryway, then went to refill Patton’s water for him. His husband smiled at him when he returned. 
“Sorry dear,” he said. “It’s just I worry about--”
“I know, Patton.” Logan pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, then stood up again. “But let me worry about things today, okay? The boys will be fine.” Patton smiled again. 
“You’re doing a wonderful job,” he said. 
“I try.” Logan went back to the kitchen and saw that the twins had put their dishes in the sink, but they hadn’t put away the milk again. He sighed and did so, before going to the entryway where his sons were busy pulling on their shoes and coats. 
Well, Roman was. 
Remus was trying to make a paper airplane out of the math homework from his bag. 
“I’m gonna throw it at Mrs. Johnson today!” he told Logan when he saw him. 
“And why is that?” Logan asked with a frown. 
“She’s mean!” Remus said, and Roman nodded his agreement. 
“She always yells at us when we get math problems wrong, and she called Remus stupid once!”
“She did?”
“Yeah! I hate her!” Remus growled. “So I’m gonna throw this at her!” Logan was quiet for a long time. Then he nodded, and held out his hand. 
“Can I see that?” he asked. Remus hesitantly gave it to him, and Logan quickly set to work modifying the design. “Here,” he said after a moment, handing back the paper plane. “With the wings shaped like this, your plane will fly further and be more accurate.”
“Whoahhhhh,” Remus said in amazement, taking the plane back from Logan. “Thanks Papa!”
“Logan, what are you boys--”
“Nothing, dear.” Logan smiled at Remus and held a finger to his lips, then stood up and helped him put on his coat and backpack. 
“Patton? I’ll be back in about half an hour, okay? I’ll see what I can find for you at the store.”
“I love you Logan!”
“I love you too, dear.” Logan herded the twins out the door and into the car, where he spent the next ten minutes listening to Remus recite gross science facts to him and Roman ramble excitedly about dragons. When they got to the school parking lot the two raced each other inside, shrieking at each other the whole way. 
Logan sat there in the car for a moment after they’d gone, shaking his head slowly. 
“Where do they get all that energy?” he asked himself. 
He stopped at the grocery store on the way home, picking up ginger ale, more bread, bananas, and some medicine that would help Patton feel better. Logan hoped that he hadn’t been gone for too long when he got back--and sure enough, Patton was still sitting on the couch, watching the doorway he’d just come through.
“Dear, I do hope that you’re resting and not stressing yourself out more,” Logan mused as he set the groceries down on the counter. He filled a glass with ice and ginger ale, bringing it to Patton’s side and sitting down next to him. Patton took a sip and smiled. 
“The boys behave in the car?”
“They were the epitome of obedience and discipline,” Logan replied. Patton chuckled at that, then leaned against Logan’s chest and snuggled against him. 
“You’re nice and warm,” he said. 
“You have a fever, Patton.”
“Shhh, let me hug you.” Logan smiled fondly at his husband, then wrapped an arm around him as he absentmindedly picked up the remote to turn the TV on. It wasn’t long before Patton was fast asleep, not even halfway through the Disney movie Logan had put on for him. He watched for a little while, but before long he too was asleep. 
“Logan! Logan!” Logan jolted awake to find Patton shaking him, his curly hair a mess and his glasses askew. 
“Patton, what is the matter?” he asked, trying to compose himself as he sat up. 
“Logan, the principal just called me!” Patton yelped. “Remus is in trouble for something, and I--” Logan’s eyes widened, and he abruptly stood. 
“I’ll be back soon hun!” he shouted, bolting for the door. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this! I love you!”
Logan didn’t wait for Patton to answer as he raced out the door and slammed it shut behind him, banishing the grogginess from his mind as he jumped into the car and started it. He gripped the steering wheel tightly as he drove back towards the school; he had no idea how he hadn’t heard the phone ringing, but what did know was exactly why Remus was in trouble. He was also pretty sure that Roman would be joining him shortly. The two hated to be apart. 
Moreover, Logan wasn’t exactly sure how he planned on explaining this to Patton when he got back. And when he was supposed to be resting too, not worrying about his sons! 
Such an idiot, Logan thought with a sigh. Course, Remus wouldn’t be in trouble with him, and he’d certainly have some words for the principal when he got there, and….oh, why did such rotten people get to be in charge of children like his? This was ridiculous. Logan let out a huff as he pulled into the parking lot, shutting the car door rather hard behind him as he marched inside. 
He made his way to the principal’s office, where he found a tired, balding man sitting behind a desk beyond the window of the secretary’s office. Remus pouted in the chair in front of him, and as Logan had predicted, Roman was sitting next to him. Those two really did do everything together. 
“Are you Mr. Sanders?” asked a voice, and Logan turned to see a small, red-haired woman sitting at another desk on his right. 
“I am,” he replied. 
“The principal’s waiting for you.”
“So I noticed.” Logan opened the door and stepped into the principal’s office, looking down at the older man with an unreadable expression.
“Ah...you are not who I was expecting…” he started to say, but Logan held his hand up. 
“My husband is sick. Is there a problem?” The principal turned red. 
“N-No, of course not. Well, I mean...I-I don’t believe we’ve met before. I’m Charles Lawrey, the boys’ principal.”
“I can read,” Logan answered. “Why is my son in trouble?”
“W-Well you see, Mr. Sanders, your son Remus threw a paper airplane at his math teacher--”
“Is this the one that called him stupid?” Logan interrupted. He saw Remus’ eyes light up at that; he gave the boy a stern look and he quickly went back to pouting. 
“I-I...what, sir?”
“I asked, is this the teacher that called my son stupid?” Logan repeated, crossing his arms and gazing sternly down at the principal. 
“I-I don’t know sir, but you see, it’s--”
“Remus, did that woman call you stupid?” Remus nodded. “Hmmm. So, Mr. Lawrey, you’re telling me that you have wasted half an hour of my time, woken up my sick husband, and disrupted the education of my children because they grew tired of having to deal with such inappropriate behavior from an adult, and not only that but from a teacher at your school?”
“Sir!” The principal spluttered. “Your children disrupted the education of the other students!”
“Then consider a more competent teacher to put in charge of my boys.” Logan turned. “Roman, Remus, let’s go.” The twins got up without a word and followed Logan out of the office, out of the school, and back to the car. 
Once they were driving again, Remus was the first to speak. He was always the first to speak. 
“I never seen anybody get mad at the principal like that before,” he said. Logan sighed. 
“I’m sorry you boys have had to put up with all of this,” he said. 
“Are we going home?” Roman asked. 
“Nope. We’re going to get ice cream.” Logan smiled at the twins’ cheers. 
He took the two into the nearest ice cream shop and let them get whatever they wanted. Remus chose a scoop of peanut butter-chocolate ice cream with lots of gummy worms on top, and Roman got strawberry with a heaping of chocolate fudge. The ice cream was enough to keep them quiet for the rest of the drive back, which Logan discovered he was more than grateful for. 
The moment the trio stepped inside the house, Patton’s voice called from the kitchen. 
“Logan, honey? Are you guys home?” The twins looked at Logan, and he motioned to the kitchen table. 
“You two get started on your homework and I’ll talk to Dad, okay?” The boys nodded. 
“Thanks Papa!” Roman said. Remus echoed him as they took their backpacks to the kitchen table, and Logan went to join his husband by the couch. Patton raised an eyebrow as he sat down, and Logan glanced aside. 
“You son was in trouble for throwing a paper airplane at his math teacher,” he explained. 
“And what did Roman do?” Patton asked. 
“I went pbththbthbhbhrbhbt at her when she tried to take him away!” Roman yelled from the kitchen table, along with a long raspberry noise for extra emphasis. 
“I see.” Patton looked at Logan. “And what did you think of Mr. Lawrey?”
“A despicable character,” Logan grumbled, crinkling his nose in disgust. “Incompetent.”
“Papa, what does despicable---”
“Remus, please let your Papa and Dad talk. I’ll be over there in a minute.”
The boys quieted down, and Patton grinned a little at Logan. “I didn’t like him either,” he said. “But hon, we can’t have the boys getting pulled out all the time. I know Mrs. Johnson is...not a pleasant person, but we can’t protect the twins from everything. They have to learn to work with other people...even the less friendly ones.” Logan frowned. 
“I know, dear, but…” he glanced back at the kitchen table. “I am also happy that our boys will stand up for themselves if they are mistreated. And as for being pulled out...one missed day won’t hurt them.”
Patton thought about it for a moment, then nodded. “Alright. Help me stand?” he asked. 
“But Patton--”
“I want to talk to our boys! No buts!” Patton held out an arm with a look of determination--Logan knew that look, and he knew his husband wasn’t going to change his mind. He took Patton’s arm and helped him up, and the two made their way to the kitchen table. 
“Remus?” Patton said. 
“Yeah Dad?” a little bit of nervousness flashed over the boy’s face, but then Patton grinned at him. 
“Did you at least hit your target?” At this, Remus beamed at him. 
“Hit her right in the nose!” he said. Patton laughed. 
“That’s my boy!” he glanced at him, then Roman. “How much homework do you two have?”
“Not much,” Roman said. “We got kicked out before the lesson was over.”
“Alright well, how about you two finish that, and then we’ll have a movie night. That sound good?”
“Yeah!” The twins nodded eagerly, and in a flash they were in a race to finish their homework. Logan helped Patton back to the couch, got him another glass of ginger ale, and went back to help the boys with their Spelling homework. Roman was right, they didn’t have much, and once that was complete the boys darted off to change into their pajamas in preparation for movie night. 
“What are we watching tonight Papa?” Remus asked, coming back rather quickly in his octopus-themed pajamas, which were backwards, and a matching blanket. Roman was quick to follow, his knight pajamas quite the contrast to his twins--and also put on properly.
“Let’s watch Frozen!” he yelped. 
“Oooh, Frozen!” Remus agreed. “I like the snow monster!”
“I like Olaf!” Roman shouted. He and Remus plopped themselves into Logan’s lap--he wouldn’t let them sit on Patton while he was sick--and Patton put on the movie for them to watch. 
“Yes dear?” Logan glanced at his husband, who smiled and kissed him softly on the cheek. 
“You did a wonderful job.”
Logan smiled.
“Thank you dear.”
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Year in review
I like to do a year in review using my FB news articles. Here is this year: 
40% of food in America ends in landfill for the sake of profits
Roy moore accuser’s home burnt down
Actresses wear black for Metoo and wear a time up pin
Fire crew respond to fire at Trump tower
Steve Bannon out at Breitbart
Trump said Shit hole Countries
Missile warring in Hawaii
Boarder patrol agents seen dumping water at boarder
Pornhub traffic in Hawaii dropped 77% during nuclear scare
Dooms day clock moves to 2 minutes to midnight
Truck driver drove over Peru Mazca Line causing damage to world Heritage site
Sports fan destroy their own city in super bowl win
Stock market crash
Trump promises $4000 raise
Trump wants military parade
Suicide rate in Puerto Rico as gone up by 25 percent from last year
Paintings of Barack and Michelle obama unveiled at portrait gallery
PhD students face significant mental health challenges
‘No way to prevent this’ author from the onion has the shooting a mile from his house
People called parkland students paid actors
Women in medicine await their MeToo
Black Panther comes out
Survey found 81% of women have experienced sexual harassment
Teacher fired gun in class after locking students in hallway
Michelle Obama meets the 2 yr old who have captivated by her portrait
McDonalds changed M to W for International Women’s day
Stephen Hawking dies
Vanessa Trump files for divorce from Donald Jr
People told to be nice to the sad kid to prevent school shooting
1,400 year old cave painting  graffitied
Military parade approved for 30 million
Bomb in packages in Austin
Former south Korean president park found guilty of abuse of power
Keystone pipeline leak in South Dakota double then previous thought 
Bara Bush passes at 92
Dick sporting good no longer selling assault rifles 
Undercover author discovered amazon words were peeing in bottles
Cosby found guilty of all charges 
N. and S. Korea sign peace treaty
Tree planted at white house by Trump and Macon is gone
Kayne called slavery a choice 
Trumps former doctor raised took medical files 
Trumps person physician Harold Bornstein said Trump dictated whole letter. 
Two black men arrested for sitting in Starbucks settle for $200k program
India rules sex with child bride is always rape
Trump officially nominated for Nobel peace prize 
NYT has list of 459 people places and things Trump has insulted on Twitter
Zimmerman charged with stalking man working on Travon Martin documentary 
Trump asked Congress to cut $7 billion from Children’s Health Insurance Programs
Melania announces new agenda focused on children’s health and well being
Trump pull out of Iran deal
Activist holding fiesta at Aaron Schlossberg’s apartment 
Trump team moves to lift ban on Extreme Hunting 
Women accuse Morgan Freeman of inappropriate behavior 
Trump cancels nuclear summit with N. Korean leader
Rosanne show canceled 
Death poll in Puerto Rico 70 times high than we thought
Roseanne said she was on Ambien
MD passed a bill to stop rapist of parental rights 
White nationalist who marched in Charlottesville elected to local GOP office
Starbucks increases coffee prices 
Trump makes early G-7 exit after tense trade dispute 
Trump reportedly considering construction of camps to hold up to 5,000 children
Jeff Bezos made 3.3 Billion in a week
Children taken from parents and put in interment 
Reporters visit another TX facility where children are kept in cages
Toy’s R Us closing for good
Justice Kennedy retiring
Viral video of people disappearing in from of their pet 
Companies used trump tax cut of record stock buybacks not wages
5 people working for newspaper were murdered 
Red Hen’s owners had to step down from leadership position due to death threats
Maxine waters cancels events due to death threats
Trumps EPA approves use of nerve gas pesticide
Ivanka Chinese made products spared from tariffs 
Thailand boy reunited with families
Trump nominated Kavanaugh to Supreme Court
Straw to be paper instead of plastic 
Musk said he’d give flint safe drinking water
Blockbuster to close final Alaska location 
Balloon/Blimp of baby Trump in UK
People donating money to kylie jenner to help her become world’s youngest billionaire 
Kylie Jenner caller herself self made 
Henry Cavill confuses flirting and rape, insults Me Too movement
Starbucks getting rid of straws 
Forbes says amazon should replace libraries to save taxpayers money
Luxury brands burn their clothes rather them give them to poor
Humans have changed earths season for the first time according to study 
Ivanka closing down her fashion line
Panel find Cosby sexually violent predator 
Farmers getting 12 billion tariff relief 
Soda prices rising because to aluminum tariffs
James Gunn cast write letter of support 
Religious Liberty task force
Trump said we need ID to by groceries 
American Eagle selling ‘slave shackle’ bracelet 
Report reveals widespread sexual abuse by over 300 priests 
Aretha Franklin dies
Big Bang Theory in last season
Betsy DeVos said to weigh letting school districts use federal fund to buy guns
John McCain dies
People saying be bullying creates shooters 
Papadopulous sentenced to 14 days in Russia investigation 
Fire burns archives in Brazil leaving nothing 
Blue parrots now extinct in the wild 
First bumble officially listed as endangered 
Serena Williams criticized for attitude at tennis match
Detention of migrant children skyrockets to highest level ever
Controversial just to it – people destroy their Nike gear 
Stormy Daniels  describes Trumps penis 
Second women accuses Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct 
UN audience burst out laughing at Trumps speech
In his year book mark Judge said ‘women should be struck regularly’
Kavanaugh  say boof meant fart and Devils triangle was a drinking game
Presidential alert tested 
Amazon to raise minimum wage to $15 and hr
After 18 month investigation the NYT revealed Trump committed hundreds of millions of dollars in tax fraud
Kavanaugh  sworn  in 
Kanye deleted his twitter and Instagram 
Taylor swift increases voter registration 
Kanye met with Trump at white house 
Trump denying murder of journalist in Saudi Arabia 
Apu no longer on Simpsons 
Trump says he’s a nationalist 
Cat shows up on cat walk 
Angela Merkel to step down as party leader
Man opens fire at synagogue in Pittsburgh 
Holocaust survivor killed in shooting on Jewish day of rest
Man tries to enter Black church and ends up shooting 2 people at Kroger
Bombs sent to political leaders through mail
Kanye West designed shirts urging black people to leave the democratic party
Pentagon sending 5,200 troops to the border in ‘operation faithful Patriot’ to condemn migrant caravan
Trump wants to end birth right citizenship 
Two generation of humans have killed off more then half of the world wildlife population
Forbes show Trumps job gains are a continuation from Obama presidency 
Trump say’s some veterans aren’t strong enough to handle war
Russia allegedly spreading far right propaganda on Facebook to try and influence the midterms
Georgia did not have enough power cords for their voting machines 
Kim Davis loses to Democrat 
TX elects first two Latinas to congress
Alexandria Ocasio cortez win being Youngest women ever elected to congress
Jeff session out as attorney general 
Progressive atheist won seat in Nebraska legislature  
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hospitalized with 3 broken ribs 
19 black women running for judge in TX race won
Thousand Oaks bar shooting 
Evacuation ordered in N California as fast moving wild fire spreads 
Arkansas passes law that lets rapists sue victims who want abortion
RBG recovers 
Stan Lee dies
Trumps acting attorney general involved in firm that scammed veterans out of life savings
Ocasio-Cortez has first day on Capitol Hill
Orange county is blue after Mid-terms
George Papadopoulos to report to prison 
People criticize Melina’s Christmas decorating 
Margaret Atwood announces Handmaid Tale sequel 
Neil deGrasse accused to sexual misconduct 
Tumblr to ban all Adult content 
Trumps says ‘won’t be here’ when debt blows up
Avengers 4: Endgame
Black girl gets 51 yrs in jail after killing person she was sold to
Michael Cohen sentenced to 3 years in prison
Frat president accused of drugging and raping fined 400 and set free
Trump foundation charity under investigation
RBG undergoes surgery
Trumps say democrats to blame for shut down
Trump asked kid if he still believed in Santa
2nd child dies at boarder
More students turning to sex work to pay for college
Government shutdown
Elizabeth Warren announces she’s running for president
0 notes