#i made a cute cosplay that i need to do some touches on but yknow
illdothehotvoice · 1 year
Ouugh I can't believe I have to go to school in two weeks there were so many things I wanted to accomplish over break and I just didn't lol
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
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Scenario: (Reverse AU) Game character MC is also the exchange student
for context here is the HC post I made with the [Reverse AU]
//hehe i’m pretty happy you all liked that post so much-- biggest uwus-- but tbh I had  really hard time trying to title this LMAO  
Tries really hard to act cool with it-- he really does
The moment you are summoned into the Devildom he has to turn away and compose himself before giving his spiel/introduction about the exchange program, how it’s a year, how you’ll live in the House of Lamentation-- (oh fuck oh god you’re going to be LIVING with them?) 
On the outside he is composed
In fact he’d rather die than reveal to you that he’s not okay that you look AND act like the character he was deeply invested in the game
His brothers definitely know though, so any point he shows weakness they WILL pounce on it and tease him about it by hinting to you about your game-character look-alike
He doesn’t really seek your attention (like canon) mainly because he keeps getting nudged by Diavolo into interacting with you (“don’t they look familiar, lucifer?” and “why don’t you get to know the exchange student more, lucifer :^))))))”) 
In comparison to canon, probably treats you a lot nicer just by default-- coddling to the MAX (what can I say he plays favorites) 
Can’t bring it in him to really get mad, buys you gifts to leave at your door for your hard work as an exchange student-- but literally everyone else knows he’s spoiling you
anything cute you do KOs him and he has to compose himself with breathing exercise lmaooo 
Basically this [post]
Considering the type of money he blew on the game, the fact that you’re real means that the money will now be pooled to you instead of game-character you 
When you got summoned and you called him over the phone, he legit thought it was a game call??? And was so confused because why did you mention Lucifer
When he comes and complains, he legit shuts up so quick when he sees you because (wheeze) is that-- is that really--
“Mammon, you’re going to take care of all their needs here during their stay--”
He’s so sweet towards you and takes his role to take care of all your needs very seriously
You’re craving something? He’s got it. You need to buy something? Say no more. Avatar of Greed is here for you baby
You have no clue why he’s being so nice to you, but you think he’s the nicest demon and person you’ve ever met
Like usual, protective over you and sticks by your side-- so really, has much changed? He’s been putty in your hands since the minute he laid eyes on you 
He’s not too careful about keeping the fact that you look like a game character though so when you ask him about it he freezes and stammers through an explanation (you think the game is funny though)
Sees you and immediately freezes, turns around and goes back into his room to freak
It’s literally a dream come true?? To have a game/anime character be real????
Peeks and looks at you again to confirm your name, how you act, and what you look like
He’s the embodiment of “Un-Follow Me Now, This Is Gonna Be the Only Thing I Tweet About for The Next Week.”
He makes fan cams of you alsdfkjaslfjksjf and admires you from a far for a while
He’s a little afraid to approach you because what if you don’t like him?
Kinda adorable when you approach him because he’s soooo shy 
Tries really hard so that you’ll like him-- not that he really NEEDS to because you’d like him even if he wasn’t extra sweet-- but he’s convinced he needs to bring his A-game at all times
Remember what he did during the otome game chapter? He’s your husbando, baby, and he made your bento with LOVE
Probably still plays the game for a while but honestly getting to know you organically is 100x better than seeing you through a screen
Is a Complete Mess whenever you do something cute or wear cosplay-- how do you breathe again???
The only one that’s not a mess that was highly invested into the game
He’s surprised-- of course-- when he sees you summoned in the Devildom because what a coincidence to see someone look exactly like his favorite character in the game
Then you acted exactly like the character and had the same name and he had to take a little breather because his heart was beating so fast (be cool, Satan)
Legit wants to throw hands with Lucifer there and then when he gets a roast-y introduction from him 
Spends the rest of his time from then on being courteous and sweet and trying to make the best impression possible without being too extra (lookin’ at his other brothers cough)
Invites you to places and hang out with him like in canon and treats you normally best
Gets you gifts that he knew your game character liked in-game just to test to see if you really are like the character
Becomes a little secret experiment for him to see what the similarities are and if there are any differences because it’s honestly just really funny for him to see how alike the two of you are (and if Simeon is behind it just like how he is with TSL) 
He’s all chill until you dress up in cat-ears for some school event and he can’t even look at you without getting heart palpitations
“Ohhhhh wow!! You know, you look suuuuper similar to this one character--”
Has absolutely no qualms with revealing that you look like a character in a game he plays and gushing about you and the character
tbh ofc he’s the only brother who has the finesse to make this revelation casual and no-big-deal because he wasn’t very invested in the game but he played the game enough to have you as a favorite
Right from the get-go is very friendly towards you and wants to get to know you better
He wasn’t very invested into the game in the first place, but you BET he’s gonna drag you to his room to dress you in cute clothing
He can’t unlock all of the game-costumes or your cute cards, but having you give him a mini fashion show is way easier and a lot better in his opinion
And the fact that you’re real and he can touch you? Ugh, say no more
He’s a very tactile, touchy person so being able to hug you and give you affection is making this 100x better than just gushing about game-character you 
You are on his Devlilgram ALL the time-- and takes a bunch of pics with the two of you together in all the possible poses and filters he can find; he can’t get enough of you!
Considering how little he invested into the game, he probably doesn’t even realize the similarities between you and the game-character you for a long time
His brothers probably have to bring it up for him to realize
“Beel, don’t you think they look exactly like the game character?”
He probably starts asking questions about you just to check if you really are the game character that everyone is talking about
You don’t even know why he’s asking you what your favorite food is or what is your opinion on summer festivals-- but you feel kinda happy because he’s asking so much about you
Does eventually tell you about the game and seriously talks to you about you being a game character but that he’s liked you regardless anyways 
Honestly… doesn’t treat you that differently ngl he was already sweet to you from the beginning (after he, you know, gets over his food getting eaten)
He’s REALLY confused when he sees you as the exchange student
Thinks he’s still asleep and dreaming for a hot second because there’s no way that his favorite game character would actually manifest in reality 
Then you talk to him and he’s like “..................oh.” (twinssss)
Lowkey gets more invested into the game after seeing you because if that’s not a sign he’s going to get the next UR he doesn’t know WHAT is
Definitely asks you if you can dance (yknow for the dance battles)
A little shy at first, mainly because he doesn’t know how to react, but once he warms up to you, treats you as normal
This is all assuming he is NOT IN THE ATTIC
If he IS STUCK IN THE ATTIC, the first time he sees you walk up the attic andn find him is like a fever dream and he thought he just manifested you because he was desperate 
A little paranoid that this is just a hallucination or a trick of his mind-- because go figure he’d go insane being stuck in the attic and being addicted to this game 
Definitely soften his tone when talking to you and a little weirded out that you’re the exchange student
You have a high chance of NOT dying by his hands because he has a soft spot for you and getting to know you :)
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spiralhigh · 3 years
ranking the sdr2 cast by how much their formal wear hits
this is just my opinion, but my opinions are great and i know what i’m talking about! this will be long so it’s under a cut
s tier is reserved for only the best of them all, the cream of the crop, the fit that i would gladly lay down my life for. s tier is the crown jewel. s tier is what everyone else should strive to be... but only one can take the prize.
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the undisputed champion. this look is everything to me. EVERYTHING. the red-trim cape with the fur. the contrast of the airy, gathered blouse with those skin-tight shiny (leather? vinyl??) pants. the pumps. the belt that screams disco style. the necklace accentuating the tasteful titty window. the red white and gold color scheme  are you FUCKING WITH ME miss owari this look could bring ARMIES to their KNEES in an INSTANT. whoever drew this deserves full creative control of the danganronpa franchise and i’m not kidding
a tier is for the fits that frankly own bones. they’re not as jaw-dropping and legendary as owari, but they’re still razor as hell and deserve to be met with riotous applause.
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kazuichi, i didn’t know you had it in you, but this FUCKS. the character of the pins on the lapels, the sneakers, and the mispinned tie. the absolute CLASS of the suspenders, watch, and tiny round glasses. the handsome slick in the hair now that the greasy beanie is gone. the tasteful highwater. he looks like the host of the larry king show if the larry king show was exclusively about ska bands and he has never looked better
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tell me this isn’t the cutest shit. the colors here are EXQUISITE. the bright notes from the blue on top, the way the soft pink is a perfect middle ground of the pink + white flowers on her sleeves, the subtle way the green in her bow matches the green in her collar, the white petals breaking up the sky blue that might otherwise look out of place? remarkable. stunning.
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the ELEGANCE is EVERYTHING here. the monochrome is offset by just a splash of red that ties everything together with her eyes and the flower in her hair, the checkerboard pattern is visually interesting but not distracting, and her hair in that loose ponytail with the little white ribbon? ugh. ADORABLE! but most of all, look at those BOOTS. those CUTE LITTLE HEELS on those SICK LACE-UP BOOTS..... QUEEN shit!!!
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rounding out our a tier is chiaki in this adorable little dress just LOOK at her!!! she looks like a little rose, a perfect flouncy skirt with a glittery mesh overlay, a fun and fresh over-the-shoulder collar, a fucking big old bow tied in the back?? i can literally feel the way this dress would feel in my hands. it’s simple and perfect and frankly a GORGEOUS color on her this is flawless
b tier is a perfectly respectable place to be. these fits lack the lustre and flavor of the a tier entries, but they’re still dressed to impress and they still look fine as hell.
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say what you will about teruteru (and i do) but this suit is ADORABLE and it fits in with his theme + talent better than any other mfer on this list. the tasteful white/brown/red palette gives it a flashy chocolate cookie look, which is amplified in the fun pattern on the jacket. the chef’s hat switching out for a little top hat and the way the cumberbund looks a lil bit like a chocolate bar is also VERY cute
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now on its own, the suit is just alright. a vibrant pinstripe blue three-piece with the classic red tie wouldn’t land the impostor in b tier on its own... but that FUR COAT, LUXURIOUSLY DRAPED OVER THE SHOULDERS does WONDERS to pull this look together. not only is it worn with “yeah, it’s real mink, no, you can’t touch it” confidence, but it also ties the otherwise arbitrary white loafers into the structure of the look. it’s subtle and class as hell.
c tier is full of looks that are... fine, but ultimately either are boring, lack cohesion, or have a confusing design choice or two that make it hard to get all that amped about. c tier is a passing grade, but nothing more.
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there’s a lot that’s good about this outfit, but there’s also a lot that doesn’t really work. let’s start with the good: the slutty loose bowtie and collar, the tight-fitting vest that ends before the hipbones so you can see the belt, the cute little ponytail? (chefs kiss) exquisite, all of it. but the suit itself is boring as sing, and who the hell decided to put the t-shirt symbol on the sleeves??? was it to add visual flavor to an otherwise bland suit? this does NOT have the black/white/red elegance that peko had.
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the silver and gold mob-boss look, complete with matching shoes vest and fedora, are a nice nod to fuyuhiko’s talent! the plaid is teetering on the edge between fun and garish to me, but the fact that it’s consistent and the only pattern means it isn’t too offensive. quick question though: why are his pant legs rolled up like that?? this isn’t a cute “cuffed at the ankle” look, dude looks like he had to wade across a pond to get to the venue. what gives
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out of everyone here, gundam’s suit might be the most boring of all. the scarf is just his normal scarf. the red tie and trim don’t do anything to tie the look together. the only mild point of interest is the asymmetrical vest, and i can’t even tell if that’s intentional. simply put, this “““fancy”““ outfit isn’t even in the same ZIP CODE as the level of ostentatious chuuni that gundam serves us every single day in his casual wear. maybe even worse than being ugly... it’s disappointing.
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now, look. is this dress buckwild and ugly as hell? yes. but you know what else it is? it is IBUKI MIODA’S DRESS. there might not be a single cohesive thing about this dress aside from its color scheme. the huge poofy ruffles of the skirt and arm things with the spiked bow and corset are baffling. the artist somehow managed to draw the awkward, clumping shape of the skirt to make it look exactly like an emergency cosplay sewn four hours before a convention. frankly, i can’t justify ranking it as a c! but i’m doing it anyway, because the sheer level of craftsmanship demands it, and in this house we respect diy queens that are totally off the shits.
d tier is for outfits that aren’t offensive, exactly... but like, they sure don’t look good! d tier is not a respectable place to be. those in d tier won’t be laughed out of the ceremony in shame, but they should really run their outfit by someone else first next time.
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now don’t get me wrong: i have nothing but respect for the titties-out look. keeping the shirt unbuttoned all the way down to where the lapels of the jacket end? that’s sexy as hell. however, this flawless idea has a confusing execution. why emerald green and orange? what’s with the... long-sleeved printed (hawaiian?) shirt? why the red pocket square? and the jacket itself, while fitted perfectly along the chest and midsection, has a weird, unflattering scallop shape flaring out at the bottom. i want to like this fit, but there are just too many bad choices.
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oh, hajime... literally nothing about this ensemble is it. the creamy manila suit might have had potential if there were literally any color variation in the vest (or potentially shoes) to give it a little more shape, or even if you just went with a white shirt underneath it! i could get behind a light, off-monochrome look! but that leprechaun-green shirt is downright perplexing to me. it looks like a mistake! did you get dressed in the dark? did you spill something on your other shirt? this is a mess.
f tier is inexcusable. f tier should never have happened. how does it get this bad. who did this? who’s responsible for this?
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y’know, the colors are pretty! i dig the white and teal! but... girl... what the fuck is this construction. the ruffles are all over the place. the bodice looks like it has less fabric than space it needs to cover. the bottom half of the skirt looks like it was sewn on as an afterthought because the top half was too short for dress code. what’s with the weird choker collar detached from everything else. why is the hairband a slightly different shade of green. so many decisions were made here and none of them are flattering
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yknow, i like the idea behind this. i can see what you were going for! the dress on its own might have worked, even! but everything else about it is just... so ugly. what the fuck is happening with those shoes??? the sheer black tights aren’t the sexy OL look you think they are. the collar of the dress looks like it’s... braided for some reason??? those earrings are so huge for no payoff, statement jewelry with nothing to say, and worst of all... that headband. GIRL. that headband and that belt...... there’s nothing here. also i love orange but it’s not her color.
and finally... the worst.
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what the fuck. what the fuck is this. this is straight up cheap rubber fetish gear. why is the HAT rubber? that skirt ruffle makes this look like fucking polly pocket clothes. why the fuck is she wearing that. the clothes are so bad that it makes her hair look like rubber too. was she dared to wear this? is this some cruel punishment? i don’t even know what to say. this is the worst possible outfit. there is not even one redeeming quality about it.
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