#i made and tweeted this ages ago and the ppl on the bird app loved it including micah (uwu)
alkimea · 2 years
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[these violent delights by micah nemerever - cover redesign]
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rihannaramli · 2 years
Posting this tweet here (especially with what might happen in the bird app). Beauty of this app, you can just post everything at one go 😅😍. This happened exactly 1 month ago on 18 October 2022.
Yesterday we had a free and easy day Namjooning throughout Seoul, hiking Achasan mountain, locating their handprints at Jamsil sports stadium complex, locating the plants that ARMY planted for RM in 2019 to commemorate his birthday.  After a long day, we went back to Myeong-dung (hotel area) and while we were browsing for BTS related last minute purchases - bam notification  from Weverse came out! And there was the announcement of them going to military service and a realisation that I just watched their last concert together 2 days ago 🥺😭....
Have been trying to get my thoughts and emotions under control by reading the ridiculous tweets of ARMY all over the world (who are really trying to console each other using humour- I love you guys) and also sharing stuff and nonsense with the small ARMY group that we had since Yet To Come streaming party in June 2022 (really really love you guys , you know who you are 💜🫂).  I know I am being super ridiculous right now, why would I be super emotional about 7 young men (who do not even know me), who are just singers with songs that I don't even understand the language?  Well that's it - they are not just "singers" but you have identified them as family, role models that you hold onto when things are tough,  or when you are sad , or happy.  When you see the world around you going nuts and crazy. 
It's hard to explain if you do not know them, really really get to know them - their music, choreo, performances, but more their message , what they convey & mean to the million ARMYs out there.  Message of love, peace, knowing who you are and it is OK to fail, but continue to love yourself and pick yourself up, things will work out and life is not a bleak place , enjoy and be brave and have courage in anything you do.
There is this saying in the fandom "you will know them at a point where you really need them, even when you do not realise it".  Well I do think that was how my journey in this rabbit hole began. 
It was pandemic (very very baby ARMY here 😅) , I just got promoted into a very big position and was pretty unsure about whether I could even take on the big responsibility.  Thinking about age, experience and how do I measure myself against my bigger than life predecessor.  Managing new job from home with new boss and things were also changing in the organisation and my other stakeholders (a lot, a lot , a lot of problems with my main stakeholder -those who know me , will understand). 
My staff was already promoting BTS earlier, but I was just casually googling them (until my Google algorithm decided to pop up more and more things about them 🤪).  Finally decided let's listen to 1 song and that song was Spring Day (sometime in Sept 2021 and became official ARMY member also in Oct) - and everything else is history...
Since then it has been a crazy but exhilarating year. I got to know them a little bit better, their impact to all people around the world, got to know ARMY better (Kim Taehyung,  we are funny okay?!), reconnected with ppl in Malaysia due to the Tannies, flew out of Malaysia to watch 2 concerts (wow what an experience this was), did a streaming party for YetToCome (my first CB), went through the confusion of the dinner and now this announcement.  An announcement that was expected but still devastating at the same time.  Happy that finally the decision is made and that they were in control of the narrative and when it came out. Sad not because of them not being together for the coming 2 years (see I have already discounted 2022 🤪) but sad that I did not find them earlier (but that is just me being selfish).
To BTS - thank you for not only allowing us to enjoy your music, performance, characters but also letting us to continue to learn and be better people by observing you as individuals and as a group. We will wait for you on the other side and all the best!  In the meantime, we will continue to stream and chart your songs and albums (do what ARMY usually does).
Love you to the moon and back ! BORAHAE 💜
I miss you (I miss you)
How long do I have to wait
How many nights do I have to pass
To see you? (To see you)
To meet you? (To meet you)
Pass the end of winter's cold
Until the spring day comes again
Until the flowers bloom again
Please stay, please stay there a little longer
You know it all, you’re my best friend
The morning will come again 💜
(Some part of The Queen Spring Day)
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