#i may have girlbossed a little too close to the sun on this one ahahaha
deathandthemaiden23 · 2 months
1. Take a sip anytime:
• A banger ass song starts playing
• Santa Caloma is mentioned
• Pickles is mentioned 🥒
• Jack Horner says an extremely quotable line (at your discretion, because honest to fucking god most of what he says is quotable as fuck)
• Goldilocks is referred to as a budget version of a similar fairytale character ("Little Bo Creep," "Low-rent Cinderella")
• The name "Team Friendship" is mercilessly dragged through the shit
• A map ownership swap occurs and the surrounding area changes as a result
• Puss gets shit on by anyone within a 5 mile radius
• Perrito tries to get Puss to rub his belly
• A character dies, implying Death is most certainly somewhere in the surrounding area unbeknownst to literally everyone else in the story who isn't Death
• Kitty wears the strap-on in her relationship with Puss (for the layman, this would be any time that Kitty saves Puss's ass in any kind of fight scene or really any interaction she has with him where you look at them and the only thought to go through your head is, "this man definitely gets pegged")
• Papa Bear fails to back up Baby Bear when he resists a particular roast slung at him by Goldi and instead affirms the accuracy of said roast or takes Goldi's side
• Perrito is disturbingly upbeat given the grimness of the current conversation topic being discussed in the movie
•Puss's anime eyes are used and/or discussed
1. Chug for 3 seconds every time:
• Spanish splinter™️ occurs
• A wanted poster is shown
• Perrito triggers the censors 🤬
• Death shows up 🥰 🥺🫠😏
1. Take a shot every time:
• Puss loses a life (if you're daring and can time it, do a sip/shot for each life lost in the beginning montage and repeat during the scene in the Cave of Lost Souls if you can keep up with two sickles mcgee, ignore if you're a
✨️p u s s y✨️)
• The Shrek Cinematic Universe is alluded to, basically any time a Shrek character besides Puss appears on screen
• Perrito has to be rescued
1. Finish your drink when:
• Perrito calms Puss down during his panic attack
• Puss parts on good/neutral terms with his sleep paralysis demon ("Hasta la muerte" 💀❤️)
• The camera pans to reveal Far Far Away at the end 👽(closest emoji to Shrek that I could find sorry the only other green emoji is the puke one which I found inappropriate for our layered ogrelord)
If you're lucky, Death won't be carting your cold carcass into the afterlife by the end of this shit. Happy birthday me I guess lol here's to Shrek 5 bitches
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