#i may have messed up his height but i like making fun of him heheheh >:))
rustyspoonsseven · 1 year
I have a couple of question imma just ask in one.
1. What is flash’s sexuality?
2. How tall is flash?
3. What is flash’s opinion on touching? (Like hugging, holding hands, etc.)
4. Are you ok with ship art? Or is ship art a no for you??
KAJDJD omg my first ask
1) Flash is demisexual! Because he perceives himself and everyone as fictional characters (sort of like ink) it takes him a while to actually grow attachments to people.
2) On his ref sheet, it says he's 4'0". I meant to make him the same height as classic, but I messed up, so now he's short now LMAO.
3) He doesn't mind, but he doesn't care either as it's not interesting enough to him, and he's not the most affectionate guy either.
4) I don't mind ship art! So don't be intimidated although I would like to show more content of what kind of character he is before putting him into any relationship of some kind but you're free to make ship art if you want! :D
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pmiller1 · 4 years
The Delta Crossroad (Part 5)
“How is this even possible?!” Omar ask your other self, his Revolver aiming at them. “There’s no way you can be our Frisk, you must some other Frisk from another universe.” Ai said point her plastic dagger at them.
“Technically, you are right Aqua!” You other said, twirling a worn dagger, the red aura that giving it a hunting look. “But unlike those other that may be aware of, me and your Frisk are the same person, just one that taken a different part then your friend here.”
“You the one that been giving us nightmare haven’t you, your memory of your run?!” Chara said besaid you, his hand on you shoulder for support.
“What? Don’t like the little pick at my played?” They said with a fake concern, “Then again your memory wasn’t as fun as I want it to be.”
“So happy, so loved, being with a family that you love, so kinda, friendly.” They said “Just talking about it make me sick, you expected me believe that I can be that pathetic?!”
“Then again, I knew of your existen when I cross into this world, for all those years.”
“Then what you doing in our world? Go back to your own!” Asriel said.
“Bold talk for the one that Exile me with some help by them.” There said, glaring six of your friends.
“What do you mean by that?” Deeni ask your other.
“Simple, We was exile from my home and with what luck, We happen to find ourselves to a world that is similar to our own with the only diffend of what you and did back in the underground.”
“We?” Siegfried ask “What do you mean we?”
“What do you think there mean by We? Green." The voice of Helen said behind you, you all turn behind him to see her with some cut, damage on her clothes and holding Sans by the neck, with that creepy smile.
“Sans!” You call out to him.
“sorry... they too good...” Sans wess in pain.
“Take it he was no troubled?” Your other self said to Helen or the demon that possessing her.
“This body does have her benefit, the height make is far easy.” ‘Helen’ said, “May i?”
“Do the honor.” There said, As Helen snap name neck, you can see the 20 damage and his HP baw depleting, that little green was now gone. As Sans body fall down to dust, bottle of ketchup falling on the ground, spilling on floor with Sans dust.
“Sans!” You and your friend cry out, the sent of horror rust flow you.
“Ohohoh. Now that was good to see, the horror, the rush of LOVE, Now that is some Execution.” There said behind your back.
Chara rush in, grab hold Helen and pin her on the wall. “He doesn’t fucking deserve that, I may not like him, he still a fucking good persona!”
“Why would it matter? Psi-Chiiiiiii-hehehehe.” Helen said to him, looking down to him. “You just gonna undo it in the end. Your and them are that one that above consequences after all.”
“Then what the point of doing this, if you know it will all be undo.” Chara ask her.
“Power of LOVE! Why not at this point? It kill or be killed, that’s is what our brother teach us after all, right Asriel?” She said looking at Asriel who taken a step back.
“I didn’t mean you be like this.... Chi.” He said, as it now it click to you.
You turn your other self point at Helen. “That your Chara inside her isn’t it?!”
“Yep, that them.” There said, twirling a there dagger.
“And I must say, I envy your new body Psi.” ‘Helen’ said, looking at Chara. “Pity that your taken hold of it.”
Just then a Red Soul came out of chest, flowing between her and Chara. He move around Chara, as they keep an eyes on it. Wild holding Helen up to the wall. Then that Soul move on the side of your other self.
“Hah? Where am I...?” Helen ask, sounding daze, then she saw she was being hold by a young person. “What are doing young man? Get off me!”
“Wait, where my son...?” Helen ask, looking around, “Is this a office room...?”
When she saw your other self, she want all white, “Y-You!” She said, setting all shaky, as Chara drop here. She was backing away. “Say back, you demon, Say back!”
You saw her making a panic dase, fleeing across the Corridor, then a red razor wave was coming toward her, taken a big slice on her back as she dead on the floor.
You and the other turn to see your other self done a down wear slash on that dagger of her. Known that there that kill Helen in cold blooded.
“What the hell Frisk!” Beat yell at them. “Not cool!” Piri’s tablet voice out.
“Hehehe.” There giggle, As the Red Soul move into your other self body. One of her eyes now glowing red that red soul inside it! “That is just the beginning.”
And in a quick flash, there already stap Asriel in the belly. Number of 9′999′999 was shown, his Green HP was all red and depleting really face. His body fall to dust, save for his clothes and his boss monster soul, showing three discolor white.
And there upcut that white soul, breaking the soul to pieces and slow disapping.
You and the other saw the clothes, the flower coming out of clothes,
“You heartless human!” Flowey yell at your evil self. “Have no right to kill me and my New Soul!”
Just then, the flowey was flowing, a red bubble was picking him up, where flowey was begging him to be put down and asking many question about it.
“Sorry Flowey.” Phi said, “I want to make sure you can’t take their Souls.”
“Uh oh.” Flowey said “Guys! Be on guest there gonna---”
Before he tell them, there always move in attacking each of your friend, wronging them, as they cry in pain, there was unable to keep themselves up, dying from the blow.
As you and Chara watch in horror as what you other self are doing, this bloodlust of there.
“Oh that felt good, getting to kill you guys again!” There said.
“What is wrong with you, don’t you care for what you have done?!” Flowey yell at them in the bubble.
“Send when I was the empathic one!” There said.
And then, with once slash, you and Chara HP was Zero, both of your soul brake.
Game Over
“You cannot give up just yet... Chara! Stay determined...” Echo of Asgore voice call out to as all away, once of Chara Memory that keep you going for all this time.
You was back at the center of plaza, back to where you save.
You look around, all of them already rushing each other for comforted.
“Ree, you already?” Chara ask them. “Yeah. I fine now...” Asriel told them.
“You guys?” There ask the six other. “We a bit shaken, but other then that fine.”
And Sans was just sleeping. When he wake up by himself.
“so are we ready?” He ask them, then he saw the look of there face, his eyes hold was devoid of white dot for his eyes.
“take it didn’t go to plan?” He ask them.
“no... it was a mess...” You manage to say. “It was... it was me...”
You head was pounding, you just can’t bear the idea another you was the one behind the Phimanity.
“guys? what happen? you know i don’t remember what want down before reset.” he ask them, there Chara hug you, as you hold on to him.
You phone was ringing. With Chara help, you open the call. “Hello, this is Frisk Dreemurr specking.”
“Glad to know that our save point work for you guys.” Your voice said on the other.
You turn to the save point. “Save point, you put that there?” You ask your other self on the phone.
“Yeah, guess someone forgot to mention that.” Phi said “Still, all back to normal right, you and your friend are alive and your so call goatbro isn’t a flower once again.”
“What was even the point of killing us?! If you knew I would go back.” You ask them on the phone.
“One word, Torment.” There said, you grip you phone. “You just want me to suffer, is why I have your memory of your action?! For me to suffer for your sins!”
“Well, I have to, in order to return to my one world, my timeline.” There said “You and Psi’s determination is the one thing that hold the power of this time. And what a good way to make you weaken that determination is to break you.”
“What made you unable to return to your home in the 1st place, Phi?” You ask.
“Like I said Asriel and the Six Soul well our Asriel and the Six have lock us out of my timeline, Exiling us to the void, it my Chara, Chi that find this timeline, it was just like home, but you and then exist.” There said to you.
“If you was focus of your home universe, you could have come to us and let us help you return home.” You yell at them.
“And what, stoop low to your level, I was already sick of playing kind and passive human that care for all monster and human kind, I only did that because my Chara suggested that we take that part. Even if there already have ownership my Soul.”
“And why now? You said been here for some years.” You ask them.
“It take time to build an Organisation that was hellbent on killing monster for power.” There said “And besaid, it better that it be late then soon, as you never touch that true reset for 10 year now. Carrying on this world for all that year. Like you wanna do all that over again.”
“Oh speaking off. I’ll be taken that save point now.” There said, you turn to see that save point disapped.
“is it not me did that place got a little darker” sans said even if wasn’t aware for the save point, it have become darker without it.
“And given the save point is gone, it can’t lord back to it too, meaning that you have to reset back from the start, would you risk it, Rho?” Phi ask them.
You have nothing to say, you wasn’t happy with this, you was getting a little piss at your other self now.
You was Determine. “So what, I have other save point at home, you may have won this Phi. But tomorrow, the day after that, week after, even a year after, I will not let you won over my world, my friends, I will best you and your Organisation, I will do you that this world isn’t Killed or be Killed.”
“Now that I know whom is behind the chair, I will not stop until all monster and human can truly co-exist and end your Anti-Monster Organisation, I will make you give up instead!”
You are filled with determination!
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