#i mean i guess technically speaking it’s not really lore compliant anyway so whatever but i like to stick to what i can
scionshtola · 4 months
currently cori has the emperors new fists for their mnk weapon bc the whole idea behind mnk cori is estinien was like “you need to learn to throw hands in case you can’t use magic or your gun.” but i’m kind of enamored by the idea of them engineering themself a pair of gloves or aetherically charged brass knuckles or something after enw
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galactic-pirates · 3 years
Still no ETA on the new PC :/
(That’s why I’m not reblogging much at the moment. Tagging and queueing on mobile is too much of a pain.)
Anyway I want to talk about my fic plans for the month. I had pencilled in June to write either Shadow Play or Time Will Tell (long Sanctuary fics) but then I decided to do The Librarians prompt month and those tentative plans went out of the window.
I have plans for five oneshots, one longer fic and a drawing. I have finished one of the oneshots already - and the Guardian’s Dilemma - and I have sort of started the drawing. I always do fandom art digitally but without a computer I decided to try to do it with pencils.
It’s not going well. I’m having scaling problems. I miss the ability to resize my canvas, resize my lines and just generally move around parts of the drawing. I’m trying though and I guess it’s good experience.
I haven’t completely abandoned Sanctuary for The Librarians this month as the longer fic I’m planning is a crossover. I haven’t really written one of those in probably 12 years. I’ve done fusions but I don’t think I’ve done an out and out crossover since I mixed Without a Trace, Alias, Numb3rs and CSI:NY when I was 19. This time I’m going for a Librarians/Sanctuary crossover with a side of Stargate (no Stargate characters appear but there will be heavy use of the Ancients and Atlantis lore).
Also WriYe has a challenge this month called “What’s in a name?” where they provide a long list of titles and you pick whatever speaks to you and write a story for it. One of the titles is Gentlemen of Blood which just screamed Sanctuary to me. I would quite like to write it and I have a tentative concept regarding the Worth affair in 1909 but it’s not planned yet. Whether that happens this month or not is still uncertain. I do have a lot on otherwise with the prompt month and I know me, this could easily be another 50k fic, they do have a tendency to go there 🙄 Plus I can’t quite decide whether to make it AU or technically canon-compliant. If I go AU I can do a happy ending for my OT3 and if I go canon then obviously I can’t.
Perhaps I’ll see about planning Gentlemen of Blood this evening and then I’ll hopefully have a better idea as to whether writing it would be possible or not. Plus that means I can stop poking this drawing which would be a relief. Eve looks so wrong right now 😭
It’s Camp NaNo next month. My pencilled in plans for June (before I went all in on the prompt month) included finishing off the novel I’m currently writing, and planning my next one to start for Camp in July. I’m currently going bwahaha at that idea. I mean I would love to but that is not at all realistic. I am supposed to prioritise the novels over the fanfic but I have never been very good at balance.
I read somewhere (can’t remember where now) the idea of “write what you want to have written, not what you want to write” and I can totally see the sense in that. As it is satisfying when a task is done, to know I did the right thing. But at the same time I have to actually do it and robbing myself of all fun in the present isn’t going to work. So as much as I’m not pleased with myself for writing fanfic instead of my OG novel, I know myself. If I tried to be strict I would end up writing nothing and be miserable. Something is better than nothing even if it’s objectively the wrong something. Also the bad voice at the back of my head tells me lies, like “you can do everything if you just work harder” :/
I’m hoping to knock out more of the Librarians oneshots in the next few days so I then I have less on my list (and it’s less overwhelming). I’m sure I’ll ramble again about how I’m doing.
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