#i mean i love them all but couldn't resist vampi tbh
amidnightmission · 8 months
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Reese didn't really know any other vampires. There were the other suckers that had been transformed against their will, but most of them had fled. She wasn't sure everyone had survived after Mr. Knight had stopped the scheme from continuing. They could be anywhere really - they weren't in a WhatsApp group, and she wasn't there keeper. Point being? She really didn't know any other vampires.
Was there things she ought to know but didn't because she'd been turned only a matter of months?
Bad enough the former vegan had to start drinking blood. But there were ways to do that without the human element. Blood donations were a thing. Sure people didn't think their blood was being donated to help her but it was saving her life, right?
She wrinkled her nose, looking over at the woman. Uncertain. Unsure. A bit on edge. And actually a little amused. Look, if that was standard clothing to join the super-cool vampire club she would PASS. Anyways, what had she been saying? Right, fighting or some threat. Made sense considering they'd ended up assisting one another in whaling on someone.
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"If it's something bugging the neighbourhood, I'm happy to help." Part of the Mission, right? Help those out around her. Do some good. "I didn't realise there was any major issues. Uh, like, supernatural issues going on. Just the usual creeps." Mr. Knight wasn't here, but Reese was. And she was just as good. And being on edge meant she had a lot of adrenaline to burn off (did vampires even get adrenaline? she'd think on that later. or ignore the thought). "If you don't mind a tag-along, I'd like to help."
starter call ☾ @dusktrip
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