#i mean i loved the guys gals and enby pals but then you'd get the racist and homophobic stuff
realbigpodcastslut · 2 years
Truly impressive how kfam was both woke and offensive at the same time.
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squiddokiddo · 1 year
1, 5 and 18 for Kayo 😁💕
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Hey thanks for asking.💛💛
1 ・What's a queer headcanon you enjoy?
I have quite a few but my favourite is Panromantic Ace Gordon.
Gender isn't something that affects his feelings for someone, guys, gals and enby pals are all cuties in his eyes, he's a hopeless romantic and will smother his partner in love and affection.
I think a few people may have said this before but I think Gordon loves very fully and openly with friends, family and romantic partners, he's also not someone who inherently prioritises romantic relationships over his platonic and familial ones.
5 ・Talk about a fanwork with queer themes that you'd like to make.
Kinda predictable but expanding on the adventures of Gordon and his new sidekick Seasquirt; I was thinking about doing something with them like elder queer helps baby queer figure out their identity.
Also maybe something where they're out and about and Gords gets quite an obvious crush on a barista or something and Squirt is poking a little fun but also hyping him up to ask them out. It turns into a conversion about how crushes are different from being in love which is why he's happy keeping his crush to himself. Squirt doesn't really understand immediately since they're just a kiddo and also aroace. (I mean, I just learnt this recently lol)
18 ・Send me a character and I'll tell you what queer character they'd connect with: Kayo Edition
So... I haven't really consumed many pieces of queer media since I watch more cartoons than anything else and queer rep in cartoons is still quite rare but I think I've got a character for you.
Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire) from Steven Universe
She's a strong, badass fighter who'd take on the Diamond Authority for her loved ones, much like how Kayo takes on the Hood for her family. I think Kayo would also see a lot of herself in the two gems that Garnet represents, the hot headed but loyal Ruby and the Cool and Elegant Sapphire.
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