#i mean im putting it in the ship tag. so itd be kinda dumb if i told other ppl not to
shrimpsodas · 2 years
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they are besties your honor
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kissme-bluedevil · 6 years
What's your (possible) ship name / tag with Credo? I totally love him as character and im still sad he got uh... that in dmc4!! How are you in relationship like dynamics and cuddles and such??
im horrible at ship names so usually i just use the f/o tag like for ex credos tag is archangel so itd be archangel:ship cause i am unoriginal.
sssssssshhhhhhhh *puts hand over ur mouth* credo never died sssssshhhhhhh
well credo and i originally were more business than romantic being a knight of whatever and stuff ya know he wouldnt date another knight cause “its unprofessional” and blah blah (didnt stop me from crushing on him 24/7)
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so while my friend and nero were falling in love i was kinda stuck in relationship purgatory until ofc everything went down hill with the order thats pretty much where our relationship finally took a step forward. 
guess risking ur life to save someones life really does count towards attractiveness points. by the end of the whole spardas wild ride we were a bit of a thing and eventually solidified it as being boyfriends. 
dynamic wise i still manage to get under his skin with my stubbornness vs his authority yet we make a good team sometimes you need someone with a different outlook so they can spot things you might not.
credo is a good boy hes not super pda cause of his dumb “im a knight” personality but behind closed doors hes not afraid to pull me close or kiss me out of the blue especially when i come back from hunting demons with nero. he tries to be a hard ass all the time but i can always get a smile outta him and not like a small smirk i mean a laugh and a toothy grin kinda smile. he has resting bitch face and personality but hes a soft boy on the inside id say i would die for him but hed yell at me but like ya know i may or may not die for him.
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