#i mean in fairness this is not my first rodeo. at all. with this passport i’ve travelled under a j1 visa as well as a previous esta
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Bro, why do the words “Have a nice trip. Welcome to the United States” have me tearing up
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dimemery · 7 years
Mumfitness Day 1 USA
Wow, can i just say flying 14 hours direct to the States is by far not the most comfortable thing you will ever do. But knowing that when you do land - its going to be a trip of a life time - just makes things so much more positive. Plus sharing your journey with 3 amazing woman (Liz, Cass & Teesh)- is just good for the travelling soul too.
We arrived into Los Angeles about 20 minutes early, so at 630am. But the hype of arriving early and making an early mark on our adventure was soon short lived as we had to pass customs and immigration - which took a couple of hours. We literally did not clear the airport till about 10am. But we had really lovely custom officers and by the time we got to the offical part of having our passports stamped and being allowed though to commence our travel in the USA, the Customs officer was just super polite and helpful. Making our final processing part seamless and quick. They even wished us a safe a wonderful time in the USA.
We then collected out suitcases, and headed for the car rental area.To get to the car rental companies you need to jump on one of the car companies buses. They arrive like taxis do in a rank, and you simply hop on the car company provider you wish to hire with - and they take you to the car hire dispatch area. We hoped on the Alamo Car Hire bus. Our bus driver was super helpful and took our bags and placed them securely on the bus for us. He ended up being from Australia also - he had lived in Melbourne for 12 years, and now had lived in Los Angeles for 10 years. He said how he missed going to the ‘footy’, and just life in general in Aussie was great.
The trip to the car hire company took about 20mins and we hired a car quite quickly. We hired the car under my name - as I'm the oldest of the bunch (not by much.. only by a dozen or so more years.. lol). We were going to add Liz as a second driver, but they wanted $35 extra a day!! Ummm wow...Then in receiving the car - we simply were given a row number to head to outside and told we could pick anyone of those cars - that the keys were on the dash. I could feel us all eager to see what the range of cars would offer - i think for the most part we assumed they were going to be old and tatty.. but to our surprise there was a mix of brands - some i don't even recognise - but we choose a black Jeep SUV. We needed a medium to large car - as there is four of us and we each have a large suitcase each.
Liz, having lived in the USA before, volunteered to drive on behalf of me - as I was a tad nervous. Driving in such a large city, where everyone drives on the opposite side of the road, and the opposite side of the car - just was too much for someone who hadnt slept in over 24hours.Liz did so well, and got us to our hotel in no time with no incidents to report of either.. lol..
Our hotel is the Ramada Hotel West Hollywood- it was a quaint and cozy, and maybe a little quirky place. But it was in a good location - we were soon to find out.Our checkin was quite smooth, and we went straight to our room on the second floor. There in the room was 2 beds - and they would be smaller than a double bed each. So you could say we had a cozy arrangement. 
Liz had been in contact with one of her work friends who was also over in the states, and attended the first weekend of Coachella. She had a car and was driving around filling in time, so she came to our hotel and picked us up. She took us on a mission to Rodeo Drive. We then, by sheer fluke, ran into another group of girls who were also visiting from Australia - that are friends with the 3 girls i am with. They are sisters called Zoe and Belle. We decided to hang out for a bit. There we had a walk around, and indulged in some fancy food for lunch on cafe not far from the Rodeo Strip. We were all starving - and also tired - so it was a decent lunch ordered by all - and a sneaky cocktail for me. A Moscow Russian Mule - it just screamed a ‘wakeup’ drink to me. Then for lunch I ordered a Kale and Pomegranate salad with shrimp. OMG - it was soon amazing! Must make it when i get home!
We then walked back to the car and went to a new Westfield in another part of town. You could see it was going to be an amazing shopping district - it reminded me of Pacific Fair on the Gold coast. Amazing shops in a maze of infrustructor - with so much in the way of outdoor landscaping and architectual awesomeness But for the most part - there were still so many shops being installed and yet to open. However we managed to find shops to look and buy in - I mean what girl can't manage that!. So we did some damage at places like MAC, and the Major department store.
We then sat down for a bite to eat - as we had again caught up with Zoe and Belle. These two were going to the NBA play offs at Staple stadium to see the Clippers play the Utahs. So offered to see if we all wanted to go to. so they could buy all our tickets together. We basically jumped at the chance - and we before we knew it we had tickets purchased, and we were on our way back to the hotel to have showered and freshen up for the game.
We left for Staples at about 645pm. We caught and Uber with a driver who ended up being a young Spanish guy that not only drove an Uber but also was a retired DJ, and now was into making Marvel toys. He played us some of his songs that he made himself and even showed us unlatched songs, and sang/rapped to them. It was one awesome and entertaining ride - that is for sure. The ride took about 30 minutes, and cost us only $24.
We meet Zoe and Belle outside staples and collected our tickets off them. We were so excited and there were so many people here. When we got in - we went straight to the Merch stand and got our Staples tees. We then headed to the bar  - and got one of the worst tasting vodkas i think I've ever had.. lol.. but the sweeter was i didn't get asked for ID! lol.. so that was pretty awesome. 
We then went to our seats to watch the game. However we got lost, and then we had to watch a couple of minutes from the entry as you can not walk in or out of your seats whilst the game is playing. SO when we had the green light - we were at our seats. At your seat - everyone's seat  - was covered in free tee for you to wear for the game. How awesome is that! The game and all the break entertainment is just second to none.. and the crowd is just so super hyped and get so involved to ! 
We then went out a second time to get food and drinks. this time not a vodka but a slushy Margarita. It was amazing - so light and fluffy and super super yum! We also got corn chips - i got an amended version - without meat and with out cheese. It was amazing.. oh and i added sweet potato.The next amazing thing that happened at this game - is the threw a shirt into the crowd and I got it!! yep little old me.. It  definitely wasn't something i jumped for but literally fell towards me as i tried to catch it.. Talk about awesome! this one is for my  hubby! We then watched on as theClippers took ownership of the game and won!! 
We left a couple of minutes soon after - again Uber driving it back. We returned home to our hotel - having showers and getting into PJs.. It was now after midnight.. and that meant for 35 hours we had not slept..What an incredible first day...#USA #COACHELLA #GIRLSTRIP #MUMFITNESS #FITMUM 
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