#i mean look at'em
caycanteven · 4 months
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I THOUGHT I POSTED BUT I GUESS ADHD SHENNANIGANS. (Was a bday present for @skelekins and I wanna show off how handsome Scar is ough)
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bloodyblow-blog · 3 years
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HC Part 3/drabble  (Resident Evil inspired initially) (part 1 –> click --- art –> click)  (part 2 –> click --- art –> click)
(fanart for this part --> click)
Warning: swearing, light petting
<.Saving Zain part is for you to imagine (: it should be related to the one of the future games, so...>
Three men are standing on the deck of a ferry, the only sound in the air is crashing of the restless sea. Zain's keeping himself a bit aside, leaning against the railing with his back and staring at the skies broodly, unusually quite. Salim and Jason, on the other hand, find comfort in the company of one another and are huddling together with their arms pressing agains one another. 'After all we've been  through... I didn't think something could ever shock me' - Salim takes a drag on his cigarette. Trying to quit isn't on his agenda today. 'Yeah. I'd lie if I said I didn't freak out at least a little,' Jason smirks. 'I hope the kid's fine'. The other man glances at his son, who's pondering deeply over something few yards away. 'Zain... he is a stong boy,' Salim nods. 'Just give him some time and space, he will recover'. 'No doubts in that. I mean... like father, like son, right?' Salim smiles - Jason is right; in many ways Zain behaves just like his dad in his younger days.   The city lights of night Holyhead are becoming clearer with each passing minute - soon, three exhausted men will step on the land again and hit the first hotel they'll be able to find to crash out there. At least that is the plan - to finally have some decent sleep (thanks god, vimpers are only the problem of London for now) and head back to the capital in the morinig, dropping Zain off in the institute affiliated to his university along the way. 'Go on suckin' on those cancer sticks, and one day you won't be able to run half a mile' - the American teases. Salim only shrugs, a thin smile across his face - 'I've been smoking for years, still didn't notice myself struggling to keep up with you today'. Jason has nothing to say back. *  *  * It's about 3 in the morning when Jason jumps out of the bed, gasping for air and all sweaty - the nightmares he can never remember are visitting him from time to time. Seeking consolation, he turns to Salim's place and freezes. It's abandoned. All the Iraqi's stuff is gone. However, Zain is still here, tossing and turning in his sleep. Shocked, the marine looks around the romm and finds a note on the bedside table. He grabs it impatiently.
'Jason, you've done everything to help me and Zain, and I can't thank you enoughu. That's why I'm going to the commander and taking the blame. Pls, don't get mad. Consider, even if your capitan gave you a leave, he didn't know that you'd help me, and that may cause troubles. The only way for you not to ruin your career is to let me take the responsibility for disobeying an order alone. P.S. I trust you with my boy, Jason - he needs to get to the university safe and sound, so don't try to chase after me'.
At first Jason's frustrated and confused, and then he's angry. Really angry. He tries to call Salim, but, obviously, no one answers. 'Shit,' he clenches his teeth and trows the phone on the mattress. 'Don't even hope to avoid the reckoning, you, old stubborn man,' the American mutters and strides to Zain. 'Up and at'em' - he pats on the young man's shoulder - 'it's time to move'. *  *  * The first thing Jason does after delivering Zain - he rushes straight to the UK commander base. He doesn't need anyone's protection, quite the contrary, all he wants is to explain everything that's happened to mitigate Salim's punishment. Hot-blooded, the man doesn't give a damn about his own situation at the moment. Jason's too late, though. There is no autority at the base when he arrives, so he decides to head to the hideout in hope of finding Salim there. When the jarhead's about to leave, he bumps into a by-passing officer, who greets him with unpleasnt news. According to the man, Salim was sent to handle one of the bigger nests alone. 'I'm actually surprised you didn't come along,' the man sniffed. 'For one person that's a suicide mission'. 'What?! Did you even try to offer Salim your help?' 'Emm... Nope'. 'Well, fuck you then!' - Jason flips the bird and, furious, rashes to the rescue, praying it's not too late. *  *  * Have fought the way inside the den through unfinished vampires, Jason barely has a chance to return his friend the favor. With a growl he jumps on the huge mutant, stabbing its back with the rifle's bayonet to distract it, so cornered Salim wouldn't get hit with a piece of heavy rebar. Coming back to his senses, the Iraqi grabbs his spear and rushes forward to help Jason - with a powerfull thrust and some struggles he impales the thing, destroing its heart. Like hungry rats, smaller vampires assault the soldiers, expecting to win with their numbers, but Jason is simply getting his rage out on them. Salim slays as much, so soon there is no one alive left in the room except from him and his friend, both covered in vampires gore, battle scratches and bruises. Panting, Jason looks around at the bloody mess they've caused, and then stares at Salim, who's smiling at him with relief. The anger is coming back to the American with the full force. 'You!' - he pounces on the other man and grabs on his clothes, teeth clenched. 'What the fuck's wrong with you?! Why did you do it?!' Salim doesn't look surprised. If anything, he's indulgent and calm. 'I've already explained you why, haven't I?' he asks. 'You helped me to save my son. I couldn't let you get in toruble because of it, when you've almost rose to the rank of capitan'. 'So what?! You decided to fucking die in this shithole alone 'cause of some stuipid ranks?' Jason breates out bitterly, still gripping tightly as if Salim will disappear again if he lets go. 'Why are you such a stubborn fuck, huh? Why didn't you think to ask me what I wanted?.. Don't you even dare to make me worried like that ever again, got it?!' 'Oh. So... you do care about me, after all?' Salim raises his eybrows teasingly. 'Hey!' the American yells, frowning with deep wrinkles going down his forhead. 'What in the hell is this question?! Of course I care about you, you ungrateful ass!' Jason is so mad he has an urgent desire to punch the man in the face. He's seriously considering doing so, when Salim reaches out his hands and cups the marine's face to quickly lay a sweet little kiss on his friend's mouth; than he moves away, wearing a reasuring smile. 'I care about you too, Jason' he says in a half whisper. 'That's exactly why I've done what I've done'. 'Shit...' - the American can't get it together for few long seconds. But when he does, he grabs Salim by the waist almost violently and pulls him close to attack the man's lips like there's no tomorrow. Still pumped up with adrinaline, Jason bites, lick and sucks, and squeezes Salim's butt firmly, so the Iraqi's a bit disoriented by this kind of heat. 'W-wait, Jason' - he manages to push himself away. 'Are you seriously doing it... here?' 'Trust me' - the jarhead smirks, his eyes hungry - 'at this point, I don't give a fuck where'.   'Hm-hm! I think Salim may be right,' the familiar voice notices from behind, and Jason remembers that he didn't come alone.   'Ah! Hi, Nick,' the Iraqi greets like nothing happened and slips from the other man's embrace. Nick's standing there with the biggest grin on his face, that's saying nothing else but 'I knew it all along'. 'Sorry to have interrupted you, guys, but we need to get out of here before the dawn, or we'll be torn to shreds,' he finally suggests and raises his hand with a remote control in it. 'I set the explosives as planned'.
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lovemecharlie · 5 years
An interactive story where you'll get to read and play along as your favorite wife and make choices. Good luck to you all and enjoy!
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The First Night
When the private jet touched ground in NYC, Erik and his wives transferred to a matte black 12-passenger van where Bastion sat in the passenger seat to give the address of the house she'd rented via Noirbnb. The driver was an older black man named Sam and Erik watched him closely as he kept looking at Bastion.
“Erik, did you just hear that foolishness. JoJo said she tryna go to Dubai. For what,” Kimora cackled.
“Why Poosy? Just why,” Homie asked.
“I'm not entertaining this,” Hennessy chuckled.
“Think about it,” Josephine said launching into explanation while the others laughed.
“Eyes on the road, nigga,” Erik snapped suddenly causing everyone to look to the driver where Erik had been staring.
“Erik, leave that man alone,” Homie laughed when the driver flinched. “He don't mean no harm. You married nine beautiful women, what do you expect?”
“Hey, Mr. Driver Man, how old are you anyway,” Josephine leaned with Angel pushing her back and Erik throwing an evil expression daring Jojo to try him on this family vacation.
“Stop,” Angel cringed blocking Jojo.
“You and these old men,” Charlie laughed. “Hey Mr., you ever been to Dubai?”
“STOP. Mr. Sam, don't answer that,” Hennessy yelled. The driver continued to look ahead with Erik's eyes still burning a hole through his head.
The rental house was grand. It was no Stevens-Udaku estate by any means, but it was still larger and more luxurious than the average American home. A smooth dark stone path led to the front door where a quaint balcony jutted out overhead. There were many windows and many lights as well as many plants outdoors and artfully scattered inside as well. A complimentary fruit basket sat on the kitchen counter along with twelve decadent cupcakes which were boxed and sealed, and a few bottles of Arbor Mist wine in various flavors.
“This is my kind of vacation,” Charlie said around a mouthful of strawberry buttercream. “These cupcakes..” She gave a thumbs up. Erik tilted his head as if to say ‘Really?’ and she swallowed pointing to the fluffy cupcake in her hand. “I'm tasting it for poison. I'm the guinea pig.” He rolled his eyes and the group moved on looking through the lower level of the house while the driver took the bags upstairs and sat them in the hall. Vast living room, a bathroom, a movie theater den and a pool out back. They went upstairs and Bastion immediately paired everyone up for the rooms. There were five bedrooms.
“Daddy and I will-”
“Erik and who?” Hennessy cocked her head to the side. “No, try that one again.”
“Okay fine,” Bastion huffed, “Daddy and Kennedi. Is that fair?” Erik kissed her cheek when she pouted.
“Yep,” Homie said stepping forward in response to her government name being called. Erik smirked as she pulled him into the bedroom and waved her fingers closing the door.  
“Don't forget to be dressed and ready for Broadway. No sleeping in tonight. Sleep tomorrow,” Bastion yelled pointing to the next room. “Angel a-”
“Got ya,” Ryley said pulling Angel into the room. The door closed before anyone else could comment.. and now Homie was moaning.
“Okay, I'm rooming with Aly'Sha. Kimora, you're with Jojo. Henny, you're with Charlie,” Bastion pointed. The groups scattered with an agreement to reconvene when it was time to leave.
They'd all arrived at Broadway with time to spare dressed to kill watching a captivating performance of The Lion King. When it was all over, they hadn't far to go to get to the restaurant for dinner. It was all in the heart of NYC. Carmine's was the name of the establishment and they were the focus of the dining floor in their eye-catching garb. They looked like movie stars taken off of the red carpet and dropped at a white cloth covered table. Erik wore a navy velvet suit with a crisp white button up and navy velvet loafers. His fade and facial hair was cleanly cut, locs freshly washed and retwisted with aloe, and his golden rimmed glasses took him from pimp to intelligent black professor. He beamed, showing off his platinum bottom grill as he admired his table full of beautiful women.
“Him drunk look at'em,” Ryley snickered gesturing to the grinning N'Jadaka. His eyes were squint. The wives snickered and smiled watching him shake his head like he was just the happiest man on earth.
“I wanna make a toast,” he slurred raising his wine glass. His vodka glass was empty. Since he wasn't driving, he could get as lit as he wished.. and he was. “I married…,” he hesitated thinking about it, “Nine beautiful ass bi-” he paused looking to Charlie, “-young ladies.. beautiful. Stunning. Radiant. Divine. Beguiling..”
“Leave it to you to use big words when you're smashed,” Hennessy giggled watching him point at her with a happy yet unfocused expression. She shook her head confused, laughing and Charlie met her eye just as humored. He was really drunk.
“I love all of you so much.. so, so, so, SO much,” he stressed shaking his head for emphasis.
“Oh my God,” Angel howled giggling so hard she started crying.
“Shh shh,” Erik hushed with a finger to his lips. “I would die for you, mon amour, ma vie, mon tout..”
Hennessy wiped the tears from her own eyes, still in a giggling fit as Erik turned his attention and declarations of eternal love to her, toast forgotten.
When the check came, Hennessy used Erik's card to pay and they all hobbled into the street with Erik still whispering sweet nothings switching from French, to Xhosa, and back to English without seeming to notice.
“Yotteru yo,” Charlie said switching to Japanese grinning as she helped Erik to walk since he was weaving on the sidewalk.
“Shhh,” he shushed leaning to whisper in her ear. “Nonono I'm not drunk, babygirl. Daddy just lit. Yottenai.. Yottenai.”
“You're drunk,” Hennessy laughed.
"Hey, I think there's a club nearby, like in walking distance. We can ditch the car since we'll have to wait on it to drive around the block in this traffic and reach us. Let's just walk and enjoy the city," Kimora enthused checking her phone's GPS. Erik jogged ahead to drape his arm over her shoulders.
"Lead the way baby." Suddenly he was walking straight and Charlie stared at him, mouth wide as Hennessy laughed. Kimora turned to walk down a blackened alley that they couldn't see the end of due to shadows. Erik was right there with her.
"Wait, no," Bastion froze. The only light in there was the moonlight.
"Don't be scared, I'm right here," Erik announced walking into the shadowy darkness with Kimora. Feeling safer with him than without him, Bastion rushed into the darkness clutching onto the back of Erik's soft blazer.
"Uh uh, hold up now. I don't know 'bout all this," Angel drawled placing her hand on her hips and looking to Ryley. "My security don't get here til tomorrow."
"I'll be ya security. We'll protect each other," Ryley promised holding Angels hand firmly in hers. Side by side they walked on in after Bastion. Homie looked to Jojo then and followed as Josephine grinned and walked into the alley first.
"Should we go," Charlie asked Hennessy as they hung back.
"Wait a minute." Hennessy paused on the sidewalk to pull her engineered joint out of her clutch. Charlie sparked the lighter for her and she smirked putting the joint to her pink lips. “Thank you wifey.”
“Anytime,” Charlie smiled watching Hennessy inhale and exhale clean smoke.
"I'm ready." Hennessy and Charlie turned together walking into the alley, Charlie's phone flashlight shining ahead.
Erik kissed his teeth noticing three shadows moving ahead and stepped in front of Kimora. "Why we can't just walk through the city in peace," he groaned. A gun lifted pointing at him and he rolled his eyes as three men approached, two black and one white.
One of the black guys let out a long whistle, kissing his teeth at the end. "This my lucky day, money and bitches falling in my lap." He racked his gun and made the count two peices aimed at Erik who smirked at the comment. They ain't know him or his wives. "Young nigga out here gettin it," the man snorted, spitting off to the side. "We been watching you, nigga. You not from here." He looked over Erik's fit and to the wives who were decked out in pricey gowns. "I hate to embarrass you like this in front of ya bitches, but... nah, I actually don't give a fuck. Get on your knees Carlton ass weakass bastard."
"You think you can walk up on me like shit sweet just because I'm surrounded by women? Hm. Also, Carlton didn't wear glasses," Erik sighed unbothered.
"Wow motherfucker, you have a death wish," the white man laughed. The other muggers were distracted for only a second and brought back to attention by the sound of four guns clicking nearly in unison. The distraction was all the time the wives needed to flip the script.
Ryley held her pistol out strong, her eyes never wavering. He posture was a cold dare. She dared them to try to pull the trigger faster than she could, gripping up her dress with her free hand in case she had to rip it and get crazy. Angel was loose from her wine and her gun had flown quickly into the air ready to pop at any movement of the men's fingers. She nearly fired simply because she was tipsy and they were annoying. She hobbled back on her high heels, mirroring Ryley's bold energy. She silently dared them to try and pull the trigger on her husband. They'd see ugly like they'd never seen before. Bastion had the gun that Erik had given her aimed at the white guy, but she didn't exactly know how to hold it or how to aim since she lacked gun skills. The heart was there, however, and she held the gun sideways like she'd seen in the movies before looking briefly to Ryley out the corner of her eye and holding the gun straight to mirror her pose. Josephine's gun was aimed for the other black guy and she stuck her arm out over Angel with her gun to the side, but that was just how she shot guns.
"Ain't nobody killing that nigga but me, y'erd. Pull the trigger and get sprayed like gřřřřtttt," Josephine threatened imitating the sound of an automatic assault rifle. Hennessy stoodby also unbothered and smoking her joint passing it off between Homie and Aly'Sha who were barely interested, they were so unafraid. Charlie stood watching the scenario through her phone's camera, chuckling in the background behind the armed wives. They had it handled. Two of the men turned tail, lowering their guns and running away, but that one bold one who was talking trash stayed with his gun up. Angel pulled the trigger and then Ryley shot. The man fell to his knees and forward dropping his gun. Charlie stepped forward and looked him over without touching him.
"He'll live," she determined walking on. Kimora and Erik followed and then Hennessy, Homie, Bastion, Angel, and Ryley. Aly'Sha walked on like nothing had happened and Josephine started to move on, but something in her witchy mind said no. She shot her gun sending a bullet to the man's head killing him. Aly'Sha rolled her eyes.
"Now we gotta get out of here," Ryley groaned walking faster. When they emerged into the street, they saw the club a couple of blocks away.
"See! Not that far," Kimora pointed.
* only JoJo is available to play now. Follow the links
Play as Hennessy
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Play as Aly'Sha
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Play as Ryley
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Play as Angel
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Play as Homie
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Play as Charlie
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Play as Kimora
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Play as Josephine
Play as Bastion
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Miraculous Mystery Skulls: Chapter Two
First Arc: a Spellcaster, a Ghost and a Mechanic walk into a bar Paris
Summary: On their honeymoon in Paris, the City of Lights, the trio of Vivi, Lewis and Arthur encounter more than sightseeing… in the form of monsters, supervillains and a pair of teen superheroes. Sometimes, miraculous things can happen, when you least expect it.
(A Mystery Skulls/Miraculous Ladybug crossover event)
A/N: This all started with this fic by @phantoms-lair and the silly idea of them running into Chat Noir and Ladybug while there. It grew…
It’s a tale of heroes, miraculous, found family and more (with a healthy dose of puns). Co-created and written with assistance from @phantoms-lair, so she deserves some of the credit and a lot of the blame! :P
Back to Chapter One
Chapter Two: Language and Other Barriers
In spite of the late night, Vivi had them up by ten. The smell of fresh hot coffee and pastries lured Arthur out of the depths of slumber, where he'd spent a surprising amount of time since their flight. Vivi was seated Indian-style on the chest at the foot of the bed, bright colored brochures spread around her and something smelling enticingly of cinnamon in one hand.
Arthur pushed himself upright to be greeted by a kiss on the cheek and a offered take-out cup that smelled like heaven.
"Up and at'em, sleepy head." Lewis chuckled warmly. "I think Vi has decided we're playing tourist today."
On cue, Vivi lifted her head and stuck out her tongue. "I was promised sights, and I don't plan on letting Hawk-Mothra ruin our entire honeymoon. Today we spend enjoying ourselves." She took an over-large bite of the pastry in her hand and grinned with stuffed cheeks. "So get your cute butt out of bed and cleaned up before I eat all the lovely goodies Lewis got from the bakery down the street."
“Fine, fine. I’m up.” Arthur accepted the hand Lewis held out to him and pulled himself from the comfort of the bed. Lewis set the coffee on the beside table and shooed Arthur into the bathroom with a pat on the rump. Arthur stuck his tongue out at him but retreated into the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. He emerged and attached his arm, braced for the familiar wash of pain.
Lewis rubbed his back until it was over and offered him the coffee again. Arthur took it gratefully. “So where is she planning on dragging us today?”
“To judge by the brochures, everywhere.” Lewis chuckled dryly and offered him a pink and white bakery box.
Vivi shot them both a dirty look. “Just for that I should drag you around shopping all day.”
“You’d be bored in half an hour,” Arthur selected a pastry and took a bite. He moaned in appreciation of the flakey, buttery taste. “Oh, man, these are amazing. Wonder if we can smuggle a few home?”
“I’m already planning to get breakfast from there every morning until we go home.” Vivi’s sour frown vanished like a leaf in the wind as she bit into another. “So yummy.”
“I think that's a very good idea.” Lewis reached out to tap Vivi's nose affectionately, wearing a grin Arthur could only describe as shit-eating. “Very lucky that it's so near. And I already spotted a familiar face there.”
Arthur lifted his head to give Lewis a bemused look. He hadn't— “Dare I ask—?”
“Ooh—!” Vivi exclaimed, a delighted smile lighting up her face.
Suddenly, Lewis’s head came up and he focused on the balcony. With a frown, he strode over and opened the doors.
“Lew-Lew? What is it?” Vivi abandoned her scone and reached for her bat.
“I don’t know. I thought I saw something out here. It was small and red.” Lewis peered around.
Arthur’s hand clenched on his coffee, “Not an Akuma, then?”
“Those are purple and black, so no.”
Vivi peered under Lewis's arm. “I don’t see anything. Think you scared it off?”
Arthur joined them at the doors. “I think it’s more likely that a visitor from last night had the same idea you did, Lewis.” He carefully did not say more in case their spy was still in earshot.
Lewis frowned. “Whatever it was, it moved fast.”
Lewis sighed and closed the balcony doors. After a moment he hesitated and turned to the bakery box on the table. He selected a pastry and set it on a paper plate that he set out on the wrought iron table outside. He chuckled at Arthur's wry smile. "Never hurts to make a friend. And even if the pigeons get it, I still made the effort."
Arthur elbowed him. "You're still a sap, Big Guy, but that's what we love about you."
It was nearly eight when they got back to the hotel, laden with shopping bags and footsore, but Vivi was delighted and that made it all worth it. They had managed to find a tour of the catacombs, guided of course, but better that than not at all. And Vivi had been in her element.
Lewis had hung close, not spooked, but wary of the pressure of hundreds of years of spirits interred with their bones. Not too many had been hostile and none of them were willing to brave him to try anything but he admitted to being glad when they had emerged into the sunlight again.
Arthur had to admit he was honestly glad, both for Lewis’s protective hovering in the oppressive atmosphere of the catacombs and for when they had finally left the bones of the dead to their rest, and headed back into the bright bustle of a Paris afternoon.
After a late lunch, Vivi had called home and Uncle Lance, who was looking after their apartment and assorted other things, and had him put Mystery on the phone. She put him on speaker and explained what they knew in a few short sentences and that they had a lead on someone who could tell them more.
Mystery  made a sound deep in his throat. “I’ve heard of kwami, though I have never encountered one. They are primal forces, but still innocent, like children, in their delight at all things new. I know little more, though.” they could hear his tags jingle in a way that indicated he was giving himself a good shake. “I could be there within hours if you need me.” His tone was eager.
“Ease up there, knight errant, your princess doesn’t need you to ride to the rescue just yet.” Vivi chuckled. “I’ll let you know when we have a dragon to slay, trust me. For now, though, we need to find out what we can, and for that I can’t rely on imperfect translations. Chat Noir’s English is good, but we’ve already had a language snafu that could have been really bad, and my French is passable at best. Lewis’s is way better, but—” Vivi shrugged, even knowing he couldn’t see her. “I used that translation spell, but I need something a bit more permanent. It only lasts as long as the carrier does, and well, ice melts.”
Mystery chuffed. “You’re limiting yourself again. Outside the box, my dear. What is ice but—?”
“Water,” Arthur answered for her.
“Mmnn, and we are composed of a good percentage of what element?” Mystery’s voice carried a trace of his sly smile.
“Okay, okay, but how do I— oh, wait. Perform the spell on the ice and then drink the water.”
“Indeed.” Now Mystery’s tone was more like that of a proud parent. “It will require some binding agents to integrate the spell into your bodies, so you may need to do a little shopping. Now, to begin, you will need some lemon balm. Dried will work but fresh is better—”
“Hang on, hang on, let me write this down—” Vivi grabbed a pencil out of her bag and scribbled the ingredients down as Mystery dictated them. When he was done, she tapped the eraser against her chin thoughtfully. “Most of this I can get at a grocery store or herbalist but these last two, I’ll need to find an esoterica shop for those. Hope there’s one nearby. Might as well stock up on a few things if we find one, no sense in facing Hawkmoth without a few weapons in my arsenal.”
After she hung up, she pulled up google on her phone and spent a few minutes quietly muttering to herself. “Got it!’ She declared at last, pulling up a map. “Fresh market here should have most of these and then we head here for the other stuff.”
Arthur chuckled. “Looks like you get to drag us around shopping after all.”
“Hush, husband mine.”
That had taken the rest of the afternoon and they stopped for dinner afterwards before returning to the hotel. Vivi sorted her spoils into three categories, souvenirs for the folks back home (and one for herself but really, it was her honeymoon) things for her spell and things for her personal arsenal of magic. “I can prep the tincture now, but I need one of them for their language.” She groaned in frustration. “And then that means waiting for the ice to melt!”
Arthur snorted a laugh. “Vi, two words: Fire. Ghost.”
Lewis summoned a tiny fireball in his palm to illustrate. “One magic drink; no waiting.”
“I knew I married the two of you for a reason.” Vivi chortled with delight and peppered both of them with kisses.
Ladybug was the first to meet them at the park, alighting on the grass with a soft thump. Her eyes were wary as she scanned the area. Though the park was well-lit in the twilight, there were plenty of patches of shadow that could conceal a threat.
Lewis glanced around to make sure they were alone and called up several of his light orbs, sending them to hang in the branches of the nearest trees like Chinese lanterns. Ladybug peered at them before a small smile curved her lips. "That's a useful trick."
Vivi looked up where she was setting up a pitcher of ice and several paper cups and smiled a welcome.
Lewis laughed and waved her to the table where Vivi was decanting her tincture into the ice. "One of several," he replied in decent French.
Vivi murmured her incantation and touched the ice, before gesturing Ladybug forward to do the same.
"I can't," Ladybug said helplessly, raising her gloved hands. Unlike Chat's, they were one piece with her suit and could not be removed.
"Something Milady cannot do?" Chat's voice purred from overhead. "I am paw-sitively shocked."
"You don't have to be catty about it," Ladybug retorted in the same spirit.
Chat dropped to the ground and offered a sharp-toothed grin. "Brava."
Vivi explained what she was doing to Chat, who translated it into French for his partner. Ladybug understood some English but was not fluent, he explained in an aside to Vivi, before peeling off a glove and touching the ice.
Vivi grinned at him and offered the pitcher to Lewis. He obligingly lit one of his hands afire and cupped the bottom of it, carefully modulating the heat to melt the ice. When all that remained was water, Vivi took it back and poured a cup for all of them. She made sure to drink hers first. Arthur followed suit while Lewis looked mournfully at his own glass. “I can drink this, but it’s not like I’m really going to metabolize it— or the spell, Vi.”
"Oh for pity's sake," Vivi sighed and grabbed his locket. Dunking it unceremoniously into his cup, she muttered a few short words.
Lewis yelped. "C-cold!"
"Big baby."
"Watch and see if I don't toss you right in the lake when we get home," he grumped sourly at her, cradling his abused locket.
Arthur chuckled. "Stop acting like a cat that just had a bath."
Chat laughed while Ladybug just rolled her eyes.
Vivi thumbed her nose at her ghostly husband before turning her attention to Chat and Ladybug. “This one isn’t going to fade,” she explained. “The spell is essentially absorbed into our systems through the water. So we won't have any more— miscommunication issues. You two now know English as if you had spoken it all your lives, while we know French the same way.”
Chat laughed again. “Wow, if I could use that all the time I wouldn’t have to take language lessons every week.”
“It’s a bit of a hassle to put together, but worth it in cases like this. Our earlier linguistic issue could have ended badly, for all concerned.” Vivi stowed the pitcher and the rest of the things she had brought in a large shopping bag.
“How many languages do you speak?” Ladybug murmured quietly to Chat.
“Three fluently, counting French,” Chat ticked off several clawed fingers. “Two more that I’m passable at, but not fluent. A few words here and there of others.”
“Color me impressed, kitty-cat.”
“Mew only have to ask and I will happily caterwaul you a song in one of the languages I know, Milady.” Chat’s bow was flamboyant.
“I’ll pass on the alley serenade, thanks.” Ladybug reached out and flicked the bell he wore around his neck.
“But we could have a yowling good time.”
“Don't push your luck, kitty.”
Vivi stifled a laugh. She had to admit, she liked these two. Chat reminded her a lot of Arthur, insouciant charm and sass, hiding pain behind a smile and attitude. He was better now, most of the time, but Chat could be a younger version of him easily. Including the pain. She hadn't forgotten his verbal misstep of last night. “So, now that we can all speak, shall we go speak to this Master Fu of yours?”
She didn’t miss Ladybug’s almost instinctive flinch.
Chat rested a hand on Ladybug’s tense shoulder. “Lets.”
She heaved a sigh and nodded. “We’ll lead you from the rooftops.”
Ladybug called out from above. "Turn left down here. We're here."
She leapt down to land in front of them. Her expression was still nervous. Chat put a hand on her shoulder and she tried for a smile. It was wobbly. "I-I know this is the best thing to do but I can't help being nervous."
Vivi smiled at her. "Trust me. He wants someone to blame, I'm right here and I am not afraid of anything he comes up with."
Ladybug was trying not to hunch in on herself. Arthur was intimately familiar with her posture. He crouched in front of her to bring their eyes to the same level. "Hey, what's got you so spooked?"
"I'm not scared," she retorted.
"Don't kid a kidder. I know scared. You're flat-out terrified." Arthur took her hand, a little surprised when she didn't flinch away.
"I— I don't want to lose my Kwami... I'm afraid he'll say we're not worthy and take them away from us. They're not only our kwami, but our friends too."
"I dare him to try." Vivi's voice was flat. "No offense to you two, but it’s pretty clear he's manipulating you through the medium of only letting you have bits of information and playing on your loyalty to each other and to your kwami." She snorted. "I haven't even met him and I'm already unimpressed."
Ladybug tapped softly on the door and took a deep breath, clearly bracing herself. Chat Noir was right behind her, his posture a mix of concern and protectiveness.
An older Asian man opened the door. Arthur guesstimated he was in his early fifties. He smiled in a grandfatherly way at the two teen superheroes. "Ladybug— and Chat Noir... What brings you to my door?"
Ladybug choked, freezing like a deer in headlights. Behind her mask, her eyes were wide and startled. "Uhh—" she managed to squeak.
Chat smoothly took over. His smile was the same guarded one from last night. "Greetings, Master Fu. We brought some allies over and were hoping to pick your brains on what we could do to solve the Hawkmoth problem, once and for all."
Master Fu's smile did not waver but his eyes were shuttered and wary. "Ahh, allies? I was unaware of any other miraculous in operation besides Hawkmoth's. And yours, of course."
"Oh, we may not have Miraculous, but we have our own talents," Vivi stepped forward and put her hand on Chat's shoulder.  Her smile was her most high-wattage customer service smile. "Trust me. We have a lot of very useful abilities that can be applied to this fight."
"I... see." Master Fu's voice, like his eyes, had lost several degrees of warmth. "I do believe this is best discussed over tea, yes. Please come in."
They followed him into a very Chinese themed room, decorated sparingly, with a single low table that held a kettle, a single cup, several old looking books and oddly, a smartphone.
Arthur noted that he peered out into the narrow street before closing and locking the door.
Fu gestured them to the table, taking a tea tray from a cabinet and disappearing into a second room, that Arthur leaned over to catch a glimpse of. It looked like an ordinary enough kitchen, but he wasn't about to assume anything. What little he had learned about this man set his hackles up, and to judge by Vivi's darting glances, she wasn't taking anything at face value either.
Ladybug had dropped cross-legged onto a flat cushion, her whole posture one of barely contained panic. Chat Noir crouched as near her as space allowed, not touching, but barely a breath away. His expression alternated between concern for her and a watchfulness that was years outside his actual age.
Vivi followed Ladybug's example, but sat with her legs folded under her. Her back was ramrod straight and Arthur was reminded of the way she'd held herself at tea with her grandmother.
He dropped onto a cushion to her right, his posture carefully calculated to look careless.
Lewis settled on the cushion to Vivi's left, slightly farther back from the table. He wore his sunglasses to hide his uncanny eyes and an affable smile. For all his bulk, he appeared mostly harmless this way.
Master Fu returned with the tea tray, his expression even more inscrutable than before. His grandfatherly mask had slipped a little more, but he offered a careful smile and a brief bow before seating himself opposite them. There was silence as he poured tea for all of them.
Ladybug was too keyed up to even touch hers and Chat followed her example. Lewis only glanced at his before returning his attention to Master Fu and Arthur carelessly ignored his cup.
Vivi took her offered cup and deliberately inhaled the steam before taking a sip. "Excellent blend. Thank you."
Master Fu raised an eyebrow and sipped his own cup, glancing at the other untouched cups on the table.
Vivi gave a discrete signal at Lewis to pick up his own cup. Arthur continued to ignore his, playing the 'rude American' to the hilt.
"It is quite good," Lewis said after a sip.
"I am pleased you like it, but I doubt Ladybug and Chat Noir brought you here for a cup of tea."
"They did not." Vivi put her cup down. "We asked to be brought to you to discuss Hawkmoth, and what we can do to help pluck his wings."
Master Fu's expression became more rigid. "I am pleased by your willingness to help, but it is best to leave these things to the professionals."
Vivi's expression was like ice. "You may be content to allow two fourteen year olds to face a super-powered megalomaniac, but I am not."
Master Fu looked to Chat Noir and Ladybug, but the horror on their faces showed they had not told their guests that. That was good, at least, he had feared they had been lax. "And what makes you say they're fourteen?"
"Oh there is no need to be coy about it. I can also tell you their names and where they both live, If I desired to." She took another sip of tea. "My dear Lewis even paid Ladybug's residence a visit this morning."
Ladybug made a strangled squeaking sound.
Of course, it hadn't been because they'd known it was Ladybug's home, that had been a  coincidence, but better to play it up. "Your mother's macarons are divine, by the way. Now, I am here on my honeymoon. I have known about Paris's superhero and villain situation for less than twenty four hours and I've learned that much. Because I know how to look. I can guarantee there are others in the world who can do the same. What can you do if Hawkmoth finds such a person?"
"You know nothing of Hawkmoth."
"I know everything I need to know. I know he uses a kwami, a primal force of the universe, to empower and control people. I know he's familiar enough with Japanese spiritual beliefs to know the term akuma, but not so much as to know what it really means. I know his power manifests like a possession, themed through an item the victim has. I know he desires the Miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir in addition to his own. And most importantly, I know he targeted my husband, and in doing so signed his own warrant."
She leaned forward, eyes intent. "And now, Master Fu, shall I tell you what I know about you?"
At this, Lewis and Arthur froze and gave her a look, trying to tell her to back off, but Vivi was having exactly none of that.
"I would be most interested in what you could possibly learned about me in such little time that we shared." The words were kind, but there was steel behind the tone.
Vivi took a last sip of her tea, as if gathering her thoughts, then delicately set the cup down. "You play the role of the affable old man, and it isn't all an act. You care what happens; you truly do want to stop Hawkmoth and save the world. But your worst enemy in this endeavor is yourself.  You chose children as your champions because you can control them. You don't tell them everything right away and leave them to figure things out on their own, thus making them dependant on you. You don't think they should have the Miraculous they do." Vivi did her best to ignore Ladybug's pained gasp. "Because you don't think anyone should have Miraculouses. You don't trust them in anyone's hands but your own."
"I also know you're upset right now and it's for the completely wrong reason. The fact that I am sitting here telling you this makes me living proof your security has been broken. You should be worrying about contingencies, about whether or not the children are in danger. Instead you see something like a child messing in the cleaning cabinet. Too young to understand what's going on around them and putting themselves in danger. You haven't even asked how I thought we could help."
"The young always want to push things, but Hawkmoth has been stopped at every turn. Slow and steady will prevail." Master Fu smiled genuinely at the bracelet on his wrist. "You do not add the noodles to the pot before the water boils."
"But if you wait till the water boils over, you create a mess and risk someone getting seriously burned." It wasn't Vivi, but Lewis who responded this time.
"Should have known you'd have a cooking metaphor at the ready." Vivi smiled at him fondly. "You won't listen to us, but we are going to help. The sooner you take us seriously, they sooner we can get one step closer to ending Hawkmoth."
"The best way you could help is to stay out of Ladybug and Chat Noir's way. Then they do not have to split their attention between protection and their duty."
"Actually, Master Fu, they helped already." Chat Noir chimed in. "She was the one to destroy the akumatized screwdriver last night." He glanced at Lewis, hoping the actual akuma wasn't offended by the term.
"Accepting one lucky turn as a foregone conclusion is dangerous." Master Fu chided.
Vivi sighed. "I don't think we're going to make any headway tonight. But we've spoken and told you of our intentions, that's enough. Thank you for the tea."
As they got up to leave, Master Fu showed them out. "One idle curiosity, if you don't mind. May I ask his relationship to you?" Master Fu gestured towards Arthur.
"He's my husband," Vivi said airly, leaving a gobsmacked Master Fu in her wake.
Ladybug swung away from the most awkward tea in her life, Chat Noir right on her heels.
"Do you think that was a bluff?" Chat Noir asked.
"No,” Ladybug’s voice wavered a bit. “My mother mentioned a tall, dark skinned man today. She didn't mention him being American, but given that he's pretty fluent in French..."
"She might not have even realized." Chat finished. "And she gave a random stranger macarons?"
"Mom likes sharing her baking," Ladybug covered, not wanting to reveal her parents worked in a bakery.
Chat smiled fondly, "Sounds like someone I know from class." That they were both students was clearly out of the bag now.
Huh, wonder who'd just bring macarons to class. I mean I do because my parents own a bakery, but I wonder who else does? "I notice you didn't mention the magic water or Lewis being a real akuma."
"I would have if he tried to ask any follow-up questions, but they were right. Master Fu wasn't going to listen to anything we said." Chat Noir sighed. "I know we have to work with Master Fu, but I think we also need to be ready to work around him."
Ladybug paused on a railing to gather her thoughts. “I hate to have to say it, but you’re right.”
She looked out on the lights of Paris for a long moment, before turning her full attention to Chat Noir. “I am sorry for not telling you about Master Fu before. He— he said it was best... And at the time I believed him.”
“And now you don't?” Chat's green eyes were intent, but thankfully not as wary and guarded as they had been since she had brought Master Fu up.
“No...” She sighed. “I don't know anymore. I think we need his knowledge, but a lot of what Vivi said made sense. Too much sense. Tikki trusts him, but I'm not sure I do anymore. There's a lot more he could have told us even without that impetuousness of youth thing he hinted at tonight.”
“On that, Milady, we are categorically agreed.”
Ladybug laughed. She needed his sense of humor right now to ease the knots in her stomach. “And he was so guarded when he spoke to them. You'd have to have been catatonic to not feel the tension in there tonight,”
Chat's grin widened and he caught her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. “I knew you'd fall for my puns sooner or later.”
It actually took her a minute to realize the pun in what she'd said and all her willpower not to facepalm. “Chat!”
"Master?" Wayzz's voice was tentative.
Fu closed the door (perhaps just a little too hard) behind his unexpected visitors and threw the bolt. His hands were shaking and he had to pause and will them to stop.
“I do not believe they know what they are getting into, any of them.” Fu kept his voice on an even keel, but inside he was seething. He had given too much to protect the miraculous to see foreigners undo all his hard work, by thinking they could just come in and—
He drew in a deep breath through his nose and slowly let it out in a sigh. “Wayzz, I— I am going to meditate before bed. I trust you can take care of making sure everything is secure?”
“Of— of course, Master.” He didn’t care for the hesitant note in Wayzz’s reply, but he was not going to let it upset him further. He needed to balance his emotions. He needed to meditate.
It did not help. He could only brood on her thinly (and some not so thinly) veiled accusations. After the third attempt to find balance and failing miserably, he knew all he could do was go to bed and hope he would have a clearer head come the morning.
He woke screaming in the cold gray light of pre-dawn, images of the destroyed Temple of the Guardians and his dead brethren swimming behind his eyelids, wordless accusations still ringing in his head. He strangled a sob down before it could escape. He had never felt so out of internal balance, not even back then, when all his attention had been devoted to surviving and protecting the miraculous.
Shaking, he rose from his bed, aching in so many ways, not all of them having to do with age. He needed tea to calm his nerves, and try to find his equilibrium.
He shuffled down to the kitchen, but froze in the doorway of the main room.
Like an accusation, the tea set still sat on the low table.
Rage bubbled in his breast.
Unthinkingly, his hands picked up the insolent girl’s empty teacup. He stared at it for a long moment before hurling it at the wall. Shards went everywhere. "Intruder," he seethed. "She has no idea of what she interferes with." How dare she—?
"Master?" Wayzz woke and hovered over him. “What is it?”
"Interloper!" He fumed. "I learned my lesson well about trusting outsiders at the fall of the Temple!"
“Master—?” Wayzz tried again but Fu was not in any frame of mind to let himself be soothed. “Master, please, you must calm yourself!”
“I will not. She has no right, no knowledge of what she thinks to speak upon—!”
This time the panic in Wayzz's voice got through and Fu looked up from the destroyed cup. Above him a black-winged butterfly fluttered, trailing corruption in the air.
The anger froze into a hard lump of terror in his throat and all he could think was that it must not get to Wayzz or the other miraculous. He snatched up the nearest thing, the cane he used when he needed to appear as a harmless old man, and placed himself between the Akuma and his kwami. It must not infect Wayzz.
He had one last, desperate moment of clear thought and used it to rip the miraculous off his wrist, flinging it away as the butterfly darted toward him. "Wayzz! Hide the box and yourself! Quickly! You must not be taken!"
The cane did him no favors. The black butterfly settled on it and began to meld into it. “No—!” He tried to fling it away but it was already far too late
A seductive voice overrode his will in spite of his struggles. "Grand Master, you know who I am and what I desire, as I know your desire. I will give you the power to protect the miraculous from those who cannot be trusted to protect them."
His last vestige of resistance crumbled under those words.  "Yes. I must take them away. They must be kept safe."
"They will be," Hawkmoth soothed. "Once I have used the miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir to make my wish come true, you will be able to take them. You will have the power to keep them safe... forever."
“Yes. Safe, always and forever.”
The grin on Hawkmoth's face was truly wicked. When he'd sensed the strong negative emotion all he'd known was it was an old man infuriated by ones younger than him. Instead he'd nabbed a prize he'd never dreamed of— a Guardian. True, with the kwami hiding the other Miraculouses he couldn't simply order them brought to him, but he could wait to find the turtle.
The other Miraculouses were merely icing on the cake. He needed Ladybug's and Chat Noir's. And after Grand Master brought them to him, he'd be able to use the man’s knowledge to give Nooroo even more power.
What a wonderful twist of fate. Now at last, he would have everything he dreamed of.
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elwynten · 2 years
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
(Pern) PP 15 - 5 - 20
The sun in my eyes woke me up in the morning. Opening my eyes, I saw Kangee looking at me. "It's about time you woke up." She said grinning.
"What do you mean it's about time I woke up. The suns just up." I said.
Giggling, Kangee responded. "I've been awake for about an hour. One of those big cats you told us about, came around after I woke up. It took one look at Taima and headed for the hills." She giggled again.
"That's why I wanted Taima in Dragon form." Then raising my voice. "Up and at'em! Everyone wake up! We need to get going." I chided everyone.
"Ok, ok, I'm up." "It's still early."
The girls were saying. But shortly they were all out of bed and rolling the sleeping bags up. Once they were all rolled up, I had the girls put them into their own closet dimensions. Then we had breakfast.
We followed the same routine as we did yesterday. We travel one mile and either Willow or I would use Earth Control to make a stone marker. Leaving at least four to five foot of the stone above ground. With the name of my Hold carved into the pillar facing away from the Hold.
It's not hard work, just time consuming. Snowdrop and Violet spotted several fruit trees, a few berry bushes and even some herbs. They made a game of it. Seeing which one could spot a fruit tree first, and how many of each kind of trees, they each found first. Some of the other girls got involved in the game to help pass the time. They marked the stone markers the trees or bushes were between, so it would be easier to find them when the time came to dig them up and replant them in the orchard.
I didn't expect Snowdrop or Violent to find good places for the orchards or garden/farm close to the boundry of our land. But there is plenty of time to find good places either closer into the house or in other areas of the property.
Snowdrop walked up to me as we were walking. "Eilwyn, can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Sure, what's on your mind?" I ask her.
"I know we talked about the fruit trees and garden earlier. But Violet and I were talking, and since we are going to grow herbs in the Green House. We were thinking that we can transplant four fruit trees of each type, some berry bushes, and we can grow the herbs in the Green House. It shouldn't be too much for either of us. We could transplant more fruit trees later on. Snowdrop told me. "Besides we have Topaz and Hong helping us."
I thought about what she said for a few minutes. "If the four of you won't be overwhelmed. How about we start with five fruit trees of each variety. Then get five more of each variety once the first trees are established. And you can start the herb garden in the Green House. What you work on is up to you two. You two are in charge of this project, so if you want to do just the orchards and Violet works on just the herbs. That's fine. Or if you both want to split the work and both work on the fruit trees and the herb garden. That's fine also. With Topaz and Hong working where you need them. One can be your assistant and the other can be Violet's assistant. Or since we're on Pern, they would be your apprentices." I said.
Snowdrop nodded her head. "That sounds good. And I think I'll work on the orchards and Violet will work on the herb garden. With either of us helping the other if extra help is needed. We'll decide on who Topaz and Hong work within a little while." She finished. Snowdrop gave me a hug and ran over to Violet to tell her the results of our talk.
After talking together for a few minutes. Snowdrop ran over to me again. She gave me a hug and kiss. "Thank you for letting us do this."
Holding Snowdrop's hand as we walked. "You're welcome. Besides it's yours and Violet's project. You can do it however you want, within reason. Just let me know what you're doing and keep me up to date on what you're doing and how everything is going, OK?" I told Snowdrop. "Don't forget about Topaz and Hong, since they're going to be working with you. And if you need or want any more help, just let me know. I know later on, once the orchards and garden/farm is large enough. You'll need more help. At that time, I can go north and get you the help you need." I thought for a minute or two. "Or I can go to Earth and find people to help you." I told her.
"Ok, we will. We're keeping Topaz and Hong in the loop." She said, then gave me another hug and kiss and ran back over to Violet.
Snowdrop and Violet walked with their heads together for a little while, talking together. Of what, I'm sure was the orchards and herb garden. They called Topaz and Hong over to them. Snowdrop talked to them for a little while.
We were close to where the next marker was to be placed. "Willow, I believe it's your turn." I announced.
Willow looked over at me and grinned. She was having fun learning to control earth and rock. She pointed up ahead where there was a clearing. "How's that area?" She asked me.
"It's as good as any." I told her.
Willow slowed down a little. It looked like she tensed up a little. Then she stomped the ground and a pillar of rock erupted out of the ground about fifty feet in front of us, in the clearing she had mentioned. Then she looked at me.
"Very good." I told her.
She blushed and smiled. Willow was still a little insecure about her Semblance and other abilities. She wasn't used to the new abilities, and she also wanted to make sure she did what Jett or I wanted her to do. On this trip I was trying to get her to have more confidence in herself and do things on her own. Fortunately, she was catching on quickly.
As we reached the new marker, I went to the side facing away from our property. I moved my hand from top to bottom and letters started appearing on the marker. Spelling out, Tel Aviv Hold.
The only reason I put the name on the marker was because Willow's ability was not yet as refined as my abilities were. In time, with practice, she should be able to put letters and symbols in stone.
The rest of the week went about the same. We did come across a small grove of Fellis trees on Friday. We had to walk several minutes into our land to get to it. So, the whole grove was ours. It covered two to three acres of land. But still having your own grove of Fellis trees was good to have. We could see about increasing the size of the grove after everything else was up and running. Or transplanting some to make a Fellis orchard closer to the house. Fellis is used mainly as a pain killer and to put people to sleep.
The Fellis grove was a bonus. Something we didn't have to transplant or start from scratch.
I set up a teleport point from the Fellis grove to home. That way it would be easier to get back to the grove again. And it was a good stopping point for the week. So, we used the teleport point and went back home.
"Tomorrow, I plan on visiting Paradice River Hold. On the old maps our hold and theirs meet. It would be nice to meet our new neighbors, and to make sure where their Hold ends. We don't want to accidentally take some of their land. I also want to talk to Jayge about either building a road across his land or building it just north of his land. We don't really need river access, but it wouldn't hurt to have river access." I told the group.
Surveying the boundaries wasn't hard, but it was long and boring work. We were making about thirty miles a day, including putting in the stone property markers. We hadn't been trying to work very fast. And if we had just been walking, we probably could have gone farther. But with having to stop and place the markers, looking for fruit trees and berry bushes. We started out slower, and because of having to learn what to do, and not wanting to have to fix mistakes. It only took a couple days to get into the swing of things. Even so, making thirty miles a day, we should be able to finish marking the boundry of our property in under two weeks. That would give my 'Team' plenty of time to rest and relax before it was time to go to Remnant.
0 notes
ultraviolet-phantom · 4 years
((i mean i didn't expect ya to use Ultra's hair for Glitch-y!)) Xaster: here you can have him back! we're done here! *he throws Ultra at'em before they both teleport away!*
all three hug Ultra
((that’s just my default swoopy hair, i didn’t mean for it to look like that lol, I’ll probably change it))
0 notes
Marry Me || Steroline
Prompt from Anonymous: Could you do a drabble about Stefan adoring Caroline's craziness over wedding planning?
It took me a long time to find the right inspiration for this prompt, and the latest episode managed to do it. This is just a moment of peace for Stefan and Caroline to enjoy being together again, looking forward to what comes next.
It was a well known fact that Stefan was not the cheesy romantic of the relationship. He remembered important dates and did surprisingly sweet, thoughtful things; there was no production about it, no candles and rose petals.
For him, their love was simple and perfect in its simplicity. He loved Caroline and wanted her to be happy - that was all he needed.
Caroline was a production in and of herself, and Stefan loved watching her excitedly take on another challenge. She found him the rare Bon Jovi signed album Lexi had accidentally left in some bar back in the nineties. If he dropped by work for a surprise lunch, she would swoon and insist upon planning a dinner date in return. A shopping trip wasn't complete without some shirt that brought out the color of his eyes, her favorite sun-bright shade that apparently reminded her of their first kiss. Caroline loved romance; Stefan loved her.
And he was going to marry her.
The morning after his renewed proposal, Stefan woke to his nose buried in her nest of blonde hair. Caroline was awake, he knew. As a vampire, he would be able to feel the contained energy buzzing under her skin, the twitch of her eyelashes against the air when she remembered to press them closed to keep up the ruse. With his dull human senses, though, the truth was in the unnatural stillness of her body, like she was trying to remain perfectly in position lest she wake him by moving.
"Good morning," he croaked, nuzzling deeper into her space. "Are you planning, or are you having second thoughts?"
She rolled over smoothly, giggling when he pulled her closer to him. "Actually, I was just trying to enjoy a moment of peace with my fiance," Caroline answered primly. "We have a nasty habit of finding trouble we don't want to be in, let alone to drag each other along with it."
Stroking his thumb along the pattern of freckles on her cheek, Stefan pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Okay," he whispered. "Aside from cuddling, what's the plan for today?"
"I'm going to head over to the Armory for a bit, and I was hoping you might join me. Not only have the girls been missing you, I could use your help bringing boxes back to the house."
"Boxes," Stefan said, confused.
Embarrassed, Caroline hid her face in his shoulder. "I kind of stored all the wedding things over there," she admitted. "Out of sight, out of mind and all that."
Stefan swallowed painfully. "Oh."
"But, you're back," she pointed out cheerfully, her smile crinkling her eyes. Biting her lip, though, the joy in expression dimmed after a moment. "I mean, I know we probably aren't back to full steam ahead for the whole June wedding thing. I'd understand if you want an adjustment period, maybe push things back. I haven't actually canceled any of the earlier arrangements yet, I literally just boxed up the stuff. According to our vendors, there's totally a Forbes-Salvatore wedding happening June third, but I can get us out of it if-"
"Hey." Stefan let his hand settle on her neck, a finger idly tracing the edge of her ear. He leaned over for a sweet kiss. "June third sounds perfect for a happily ever after with my best friend."
Had he not been watching her carefully, he might have missed the flash of anxiety that crossed her eyes. "What is it?"
She pulled him in for a drugging kiss, which dulled the inhuman pressure she just barely exerted against the back of his shoulder to hold him close. "Is it bad," she asked in a low voice, "that I just to flash us to the nearest courthouse and get it over with? I want the fairytale, I do, but I also don't want to wait. Bad things happen when we hesitate."
Stefan gave a sad smile. "I'm sorry."
Her face screwed into a frown at his vague apology.
"I'm sorry to have shaken your confidence in me," he clarified, hugging her tightly.
"It's not that," Caroline sighed. She pressed her lips together as she considered the best way to explain. Propping her head up with her arm, she let the other stroke along Stefan's chest. "You're human now." Her hand landed on his heart. "I don't want to waste a single minute we-"
We have left.
The unfinished sentence sat heavy between them. Uncomfortable topics in the past had sat unmentioned, hidden away at every moment. Stefan didn't want to do that anymore. They were partners, and they needed to be open and honest, always. "I'm going to love you for the rest of my life, Caroline Forbes," he vowed. "That won't change, no matter when we get married."
Caroline smiled, pressing herself against him with an exaggerated sigh. "Then I can probably wait for at least a day," she lamented airily. "I don't really want to leave this bed yet anyway. It's been lonely without you."
"You have no idea." He nuzzled into her hair again, breathing deeply. The muddled scent of her shampoo, conditioning cream, and sweat were less potent to his human senses, but they were no less sweet to his nose. It was the smell of home, and it comforted Stefan to his bones. "I could lay here forever."
When Caroline stiffened in his arms, he wanted to smack himself for the idle thought. 'Forever' meant something different for them now. Before he could address it, though, the front door loudly burst open downstairs.
"Up and at'em, lovebirds," Damon called. "We've got a problem."
"What's his problem?" Caroline groaned. She burrowed her head under a pillow, much to Stefan's amusement. "That he doesn't understand the concept of private time?"
"No, Blondie," Damon snapped, "my problem is a dead doppelgänger coming back to kick all our asses. You want cuddle time with your fiancé? Good luck prying him from Katherine Pierce's cold, dead, devil hands. Now, get down here!"
Stefan and Caroline turned to face each other, eyes wide in shock. "What?!"
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ultraviolet-phantom · 4 years
Ultra:... your look at'em... if ya want more info ask Bass... *Ultra is now very sad looking!*
Sonia: I thought you were Ultra?
Bass: Null is an alternate version of him, he’s a dick and Ultra feels like he’s responsible for his actions
Sonia: that’s terrible! you shouldn’t feel bad for someone else being mean!
Sonia hugs Ultra
((I gotta do a test, brb))
0 notes
ultraviolet-phantom · 4 years
*Null had teleported himself away before she could rip his ring arm off! Now back at the base Null easily regenerates himself! turns out he also teleported Bat, Knife, BlackAce and RedTen back too! he just looks at'em all! blank faced! something don't feel right for all the heroes i mean!*
BlackAce: you okay dude?
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