#i mean part of me gets it because i have to being a vegeta rper and a simp
risingsouls · 7 months
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ilverhoney · 6 years
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♦: Relationship with your Muse.
I love her to bits and she thinks I’m a lazy ass who needs to actually do replies more often so storylines move along…. at least I would be thinking that with how slow I get. I do adore her, I knew I wanted to write her back when the first movie came out but I was always so shy about trying the fandom. I have a bad bit of history with HP fandom from the myspace days so it almost put me off but I decided to do this when the last movie came out. On the other side, my muse is also very selective and doesn’t always play ball when I do decide to tackle all of my drafts, she mostly wants to play in the ones she considers the most fun at the time. 
♠: What’s one thing you dislike about your Muse?
I don’t always like the fact that she lacks the sense of boundaries with other people. She can hear thoughts and mostly knows that she SHOULDN’T always listen but she is almost incapable of ignoring them. Something makes her talk about them or ask questions …which isn’t great as most wouldn’t want their hidden thoughts discussed but it’s the kind of person she is. And when I say I don’t always like it …. I don’t really hate it or anything, it’s just one thing I can think of as there is very little I dislike. 
♣: Any headcanons about your muse?
For the longest time, Queenie would try her hardest to see any of Tinas thoughts about their parents. There isn’t a huge age gap between the two of them but she knows that Tina remembers more and seeing them was always a comfort to her. 
Queenie has always found it very easy to latch on to another person.In the more recent years (and when it involves someone she find attractive) it can be of the romantic sense but mostly it’s that need for more connections … a familial need. Something she doesn’t always find with Tina as she isn’t always around – not that Queenie holds anything against her, she just misses having someone. 
♥: One thing you love about your Muse.
This is hard, I don’t know why I posted this meme now !! I love everything but most of all, I love that she follows her heart before anything else. She makes mistakes because of it and could end up severely hurt from it but … at the end of the day, her compassion towards the World is something you can’t take away from her and that is definitely one of the things I love the most. 
☾: Favorite moment from your Muse’s canon, and why. (If your Muse is an OC, then favorite aspect of their story.)
I would have to say the moment she uses her genuine charm and wit to actually find a way in to get to her sister. Of course, Tina didn’t end up needing to be rescued from her impending death but Queenie managed to get them all out in the case. Perhaps she was playing on the bombshell trait but it worked and that is proof that Queenie is SMARTER than most think.
☄: What you think of your Muse.
I think that there is a lot of hate around for her which I can understand, especially with the charm she cast on Jacob but I also know that she was never doing anything in malice. She loves him and wanted to make things work … she’s just very naive into thinking that she can just control the situation and make it work. In my mind, she knew that Jacob loved her so she wasn’t pushing something that wasn’t already there … was it wrong? YES. Does she regret her actions? Of course but she also knew there was no other way to get him over there. As for the walking to Grindelwald … that is something I’m still figuring out as I write. I know that she feels it is the only way forward, she wanted Jacob to go with her but when he refused she felt even more inclined to just go. She feels regret over that, a lot of conflict too but that is something I’m working on while I work on plots and such. Obviously we will work that out when we see the next movie too. 
♪: Favorite song.
I love so many songs but one of my favourites of all time has to be Wilson Philips Hold On …. idk, it’s cheesy but I also love Let me be your star from the TV show Smash. I love a lot of musical songs. Most of Wicked too. 
✫: Why you began RPing.
I broke up with my long term boyfriend, moved back home and felt a little lost with what to do with myself. I’d always enjoyed writing for my own benefit but then I found roleplaying on myspace and I never looked back. It was so much fun, a little drama filled for my liking but mostly fun. 
✽: Favorite season?
Spring. I am an EASTER baby. I was actually born on Easter Monday and I always love the weather when it is NICE outside but still a little breezy. 
❂: The Mun’s birthday. (Month and date–no year!)
April 12th :) 
☂: Favorite kind of weather. 
Cold is my favourite kind of weather, like the crisp cold days but over here most of our winter days are rain … or it at least rains at some point. And not the fun storms where they dry out fast. It’s miserable. 
✤: Favorite kind of food.
Chinese food, well pan Asian. 
▲: The Mun’s Zodiac sign. (Any kind of Zodiac works!)
●: If you could say just one thing to your Muse, what would it be?
You are strong and loved, never forget that. 
☑: An OTP with your Muse in it (if you have any).
Totally @bornauror ‘s fault but my OTP with Queenie is Queeneus? Queenie/Theseus. I didn’t see that ship coming but I love it so much and feel so very lucky that they put up with all my plots. 
☒: A NOTP with your Muse in it (if you have any).
Queenie / Tina … no no no. They are sisters but sometimes you need to make that obvious that you won’t ship it. 
☁: Favorite part of RPing.
Meeting new people who love the same fandoms that I do, getting to geek out as much as I want to and not being judged over it. I mean, people in work know I’m a nerd because my desk has pop vinyls all over it …which they all call my TOYS but yeah. Roleplay is such a fun escape and helps me keep my creativity going. 
✉: Any RPers the Mun admires. 
I admire so many but here are a few that I can think of in my sleepy state — @letaunloved @bornauror @creaturempath @practicallyperfecttm @exscurus and okay I could be here all day so I’ll stop but know that I admire you all. 
▶: A talent of the Mun’s (besides RPing, of course!)
I am lacking talent. Unless shopping is one? No, didn’t think so. I used to be able to draw … when my sister went away to university I used to draw her favourite TV characters and send them in letters. It was all pretty lame but she seemed to enjoy them enough to keep them … I also did a Vegeta birthday cake for my brother once which came out pretty good so that was an achievement. :)
MUN MEME ¬ Accepting ( some could have other answers?) ¬ @letaunloved
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