#i mean they also left in the fact that Persephone is Hades' niece
thiscatiscreepy · 4 years
You know, it's kinda weird how they don't acknowledge the fact that Zagreus and Thanatos thought of themselves as brothers until, like, a few days before the start of the game.
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pvntherz · 5 years
You don't have always have to be on top
A/N: so how about I thought that this flopped really, really bad and really it's been in my drafts for days now. At least I partially edited it this time tho. There's gonna be at least two more chapters after this one. 
Word Count: A lot.
Being Demeter's messenger isn't as bad as Hermes thought it would be. Demeter doesn't ask for much unless it's something important and it's nice to have something to give to her auntie as well. It was always nice to spend all day running from city-state to city-state then go to the underworld to relax and read the letters and poems Persephone had written for Hades to Hades.
It was cute, to see her auntie in love, but it's been going on for years. Hundreds of years. It was cute and all, but it was clear they wanted more. Persephone was tired of keeping her relationship a secret and Hades wasn't satisfied with only calling Persephone a girlfriend. It wasn't enough for either of them and Hermes was going to fix.
Hermes dramatically drops a stack of her old letters on Hades' desk. "You can't keep doing this to yourself!" Hermes frowned and crossed her arms glaring down at Hades.
"Sending the letters? I can find someone else to-"
Hermes groaned loudly, "No this! You two have been dancing around obvious for too long!" Hermes shuffled through the letters until she pulled one out. "Listen to this, "oh how I crave to be in your arms again, not as lovers, but as more" What else could Persephone mean by more than lovers, auntie!?"
Hades sighed, "Look, I don't want to rush anything. If she drops more hints about them I'll do something." One letter wouldn't mean much of anything. They've been together for too long for one sentence to set the pace of their whole relationship. "Unless you have any more proof, you're reading too much into that."
Hermes took a deep breath, she didn't want to get too frustrated. Hades wasn't one for her own emotions and freaking out wouldn't solve any problems. "Aidoneus," Hermes was serious, it was rare she referred to her aunt by her real names, "This entire letter is about you two fucking each other on the balcony."
Hades blushed and cleared her throat, "Regardless of the topic of the letter, that's one letter of many we sent. She could've just been feeling particularly needy when she wrote that letter."
"This entire stack of letters is my proof. Would like me to read and explain?" Hermes' face seemed almost crazed. It was like she'd been putting together the pieces for years and finally had a chance to tell someone about it after waiting.
"Please don't," Hades rubbed her temples sighing
"I'm going to do so anyway."
Less than a week later, Persephone arrived in the underworld. Despite Hermes screaming at her about taking her chance, Hades didn't think it would be a smart idea to suddenly bring up the topic of marriage. However, Persephone did.
"You know," Persephone said in a sing-song voice, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say your niece is interested being my niece as well." Hades paused and knitted her eyebrows together in confusion. Persephone giggled, "Think about it, sweetheart."
Hades thought for maybe a second longer. "Oh." She blushed and cleared her throat. "She's just being her usual childish self, she'd throw a fit if I remarried anyone."
Persephone raised a brow and turned to stand in front of Hades. "I don't think so, honey. If she truly hated the idea she wouldn't have given me the chance to do this." She got down on one knee and presented a dagger to Hades. It was a simple one it had gold encrusted in the handle and on the sides of it. It looked just the hairpin Hades had given Persephone "Will you marry me?" Persephone grinned nervously.
Hades slowly reached out and grabbed the dagger. It was very well crafted and seemed surprisingly light. She noticed the little "Ἥφαιστος" engraved in the handle. That meant Hephaestus must have made. "So you got both my niece and nephew in on this just so you could propose to me?" Hades chuckled. "Alright then, I accept your proposal."
Persephone quickly stood up and tightly hugged her wife. "You're never gonna regret, Hermes and I have so much planned for our wedding!"
"You can't plan a wedding without your mother now can you?" In stormed Demeter with Hecate and Hermes rushing in after her. "So this is what you two have been doing for the past 100 years?" Demeter held up a journal with "Κόρη" written on the front of it.
"My Lord I'm sorry, she just slipped out of my grasp and your niece couldn't break through her vines, we really tried to stop her!" Hecate hurriedly explained while trying her best to catch her breath.
"It's fine, just leave the three of us alone please?" Hades was clearly nervous, but she tried her best to hide and despite both Hecate and Hermes noticing it they left. Hades took a deep breath. "Demeter, I understand you may not agree to this but I promise you-"
Demeter raised her hand signaling Hades she wasn't interested "I want Persephone to explain."
Persephone looked at her wife nervously then back to her mother. She had so much to say, about Hades, Hermes, the underworld, and her mother. She just wasn't sure how to say it, so she took a chance at fate. "Mother I know you're probably mad at me for wanting to marry Hades and I understand that the fact I didn't tell you anything doesn't make it any better, but I promise you she's different! she isn't anything like her brothers, she actually cares for me and thinks about how I feel!" Persephone sniffled. "I love you mother, but ever since the whole winter thing started you've been so busy and you never had time for me and I just assumed you didn't care and that at some point I wouldn't be your little girl anymore! It hurts to know that you won't take care of me like you used to, but I also really want to grow and be my own goddess! Do you know how much it hurts to have everyone on Olympus to just see you as "Demeter's daughter", I bring them spring and flowers and that's all I get! Down here it's different, all the souls treat me with respect and everyone cares for me here."
Demeter sighed and took a deep breath. She wasn't sure if she was going to say the right things, but she had to do something. "I know I haven't been the best mom, but I don't know what to do. I know I was too controlling so I wanted to let you grow up and breath a bit. I don't know if it's too much space or not enough. I've been trying Persephone and I've known about you and Hades for a long, long time, but I didn't want you to think I would ruin anything so I didn't say anything to you about because of how I acted toward Hades when you first left!" It was a lot of pent up emotions and regret.
Hades cleared her throat and shifted nervously. "I may not be a therapist, but I believe it's best you two spend your six months binding a bit more. Set up some boundaries between each other and just you know, be a mother and daughter to each other again. I'm willing to send Persephone home early if you'd like me to."
Demeter shook her head. "Just let me spend some time down here and I'll be out of your hair. You lovebirds plan your wedding." She kissed Persephone's forehead and embraced her in a tight hug. "Maybe I was wrong about you, Hades." She smiled softly and made her way towards the exit of the palace.
Maybe getting married would be a lot easier than what Hades thought it'd be.
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years
Dreaming Out Loud
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 100: Someday I'll Wish Upon a Star
"Wow…" Emma uttered, as she finished viewing the intense situation that her family had just been in. Some things about this reality were very good, but in many ways, there were also even more problems.
"Is it weird that I miss the days where I thought Cronus might be our big problem?" Emma quipped. Athena smiled thinly.
"Arawn is extremely dangerous...but Frollo is perhaps even worse," she agreed.
"Not surprising. The guy hates magic and then turns around and uses it. He can call that science all he wants, but that was magic and he used it on my Dad. I'd like to give him a punch in the face for that," she groused.
"Does this mean you are ready to make your decision?" Athena questioned.
"I...I don't know honestly. If I reverse the spell, does that mean Arawn and Frollo go away?" Emma asked.
"There is a possibility that everything could return to just as it was before Zelena cast her spell," Athena replied.
"Why do I sense a but in there?" Emma asked.
"Because time travel is so unpredictable, not to mention forbidden. It defies the laws of magic and it is the one rule that even Zeus has dared to break and believe me, Zeus has broken every other rule in the book," Athena mentioned.
"So you're saying that even if I do turn back time...there still might be changes?" Emma asked.
"There is always that possibility. The original time line would return, but elements from this time line might also become a reality," Athena answered.
"Like two worlds literally colliding," Emma muttered, as she thought for a moment and then sighed, as she put her hands to her face.
"I hate this! No matter what I do...I feel like we're damned if we do and damned if we don't!" the blonde cried.
"That's a fair assessment. What Zelena has done will cause ramifications that not even me or the oracles can foresee. It's unfair Emma...but the decision remains with you," Athena implored. The blonde sighed.
"So I still have about ten years to go...any chance I can just get the highlights?" Emma questioned. Athena chuckled and waved her hand over the viewing pool.
"That I can do, but it will also speed up the need for your decision," she warned.
"I understand…" Emma agreed, as the major events began to play out before her again.
Arawn sat in his Throne that evening, extremely displeased with the turn of events.
"Sire...I know today did not turn out as you had hoped, but the division among the Gods of Olympus will only benefit us. For the first time in history, they fear us mortals," Frollo advised.
"Which could lead to our destruction," Arawn countered.
"Or theirs. The warring between brothers Zeus and Hades could end up destroying them and their entire bloodlines. They will not take Zeus' betrayal against Persephone lightly," he warned.
"Yes...I suppose you are correct and we can seize any opportunity to expand our Empire," he said, as he rose from his Throne and gazed out the window.
"Starting with Midas' Kingdom. Once he falls...others will fold to me with little quarrel," he surmised.
"All while violating the laws of the land along the way," a new voice interjected, as the two men looked around.
"Show yourself!" Frollo demanded, as a young looking man with an olive complexion appeared. Though he looked like he was barely thirty, his eyes had a wisdom and told that he was much older than he looked.
"And what concern is it of yours?" Arawn questioned.
"I am Apollo and to say that I have a strong aversion to your evil is an understatement," he responded.
"Ah...the God Apollo. Perhaps no one has informed you...but the Gods have little sway in the mortal land these days," Frollo stated.
"Your arrogance is deeply troubling, Judge Frollo. Almost as much as your perversion," Apollo countered, which angered the other man immensely.
"I am the Royal Vizier and was a man of justice! You let magic disease this land and yet I am called out for perversion," he hissed.
"After the way you looked at my niece...I'd say I'm correct in my assessment," Apollo stated.
"So that's what this is about. Has Persephone sent you to plead for her daughter's life? Because you shouldn't waste your breath. She killed my sister," Arawn growled.
"She did not...and I have proof," Apollo claimed.
"Any proof you carry is hardly that. You are a God of immense power and ability to twist anything you want," Frollo claimed.
"My oracles do not lie or deceive, but I wouldn't expect a man like you to recognize the truth," Apollo stated, as he used his oracle to show them the vision of that night. Of Deimos conspiring with the Queen, before betraying and killing her. Of Deimos staging the crime scene and framing Princess Snow.
"As you can see...the one you have allied yourself with is the one that murdered your sister," Apollo stated.
"That's a very convenient story...but there is nothing you can show me that will stop my conquest. The Kingdoms are in disarray. Their leaders are weak. King Eli, King George, King Midas, King Stefan, King Hubert...even Prince Eric in the Maritime Kingdom. They are either weak sods or greedy tyrants. Only through conformity can there be prosperity," Arawn claimed.
"Spoken like a true dictator," Apollo said distastefully.
"Even if we were to believe these claims, Snow White would not escape our scrutiny. She is an abomination...a demon born and bred in the Underworld," Frollo responded.
"Snow is as good and pure as her name suggests...but then that's why you want to destroy her. She's fated to become a great leader and to find a true love that Athena has already etched in the stars, because it will be so profound," Apollo warned. Frollo scoffed.
"We will not be threatened by that child's rule. A woman has no place on the Throne without a man by her side. She will not ascend to her father's Throne," Frollo refuted.
"This war...it will slaughter thousands. It could be worse than the ogre war. You will not create order and justice with war!" Apollo declared.
"Your laws need mending. Mortals break them and ignore them, because they are not harsh enough, but the time of leniency has passed. This is the dawn of a new era upon us and with Zeus behind us, I'd say there is little the rest of you can do against us," Arawn replied.
"We shall see," Apollo countered, as he disappeared in a puff of smoke. Arawn noticed the pensive look on Frollo's face.
"What is it? Speak your mind, my friend," he requested.
"Well...while I do not believe their claims are anything more than bluster...I am beginning to think that Snow White may be more useful alive, rather than dead," he said.
"How so?" Arawn inquired.
"Apollo was not wrong in the fact that her mother Persephone has quite the sway over the other Gods. The same can be said of the people about Snow White. They adore her. That has been made clear by how even intimidation from our soldiers did not get anyone to reveal her whereabouts," Frollo proposed.
"But Snow White would never side with us," he reminded.
"Of course not, but you do have control of her father's Throne now. As King, you would have the power to order her to marry whomever you choose for her. Royals from all over would clamor to marry the fairest of them all," Frollo countered. Arawn smirked.
"And to do so, they would offer up their Kingdoms in a merger," he surmised. Frollo nodded.
"She'd be merely a figurehead and is obviously as unruly as they come. But with a firm hand from someone like me and a suitable husband, she could be molded into the Queen we need to sway the people," Frollo mentioned.
"Hades and Persephone are still a problem though," Arawn reminded.
"This plan if far from a complete thought. There are details I have not yet worked out, but perhaps we should change her wanted posters and instruct she be brought to us alive," Frollo proposed.
"That makes it more difficult...but not impossible. Especially since we know there is a peasant boy out there somewhere that she loves," Arawn agreed.
"Who happens to be identical to George's son. Do you think either boy knows of the other?" Frollo asked.
"Doubtful...that's not something George would want to advertise, if he even knows himself. Whatever business transaction he participated in to get his brat was likely as shady as they come," Arawn commented. Frollo nodded in agreement.
"Do we tell Prince James and King George?" he inquired.
"Not yet...it might be useful information later on. I'd like to keep that one close to the vest, so to speak," Arawn responded. Frollo nodded obediently.
"Then we proceed with the invasion?" the Vizier asked.
"Yes...for now we place our plans for Snow White on hold. I have no idea that you are correct in your assessment that she may become useful to us. For now, we seize Midas' Kingdom. Once we have overtaken them, King Stefan, King Hubert, and Prince Eric's Kingdoms will fall easily enough," Arawn replied.
"And what of Arendelle? We know so little about it," Frollo stated.
"We remain cautious with it. There are closed gates there for a reason. But soon the first born Princess Elsa will come of age and she will be forced to open the gates for her coronation. That is when I will send Hans in," Arawn responded. Frollo nodded and left his King to prepare the armies for the coming invasion…
Snow arrived in her step-father's Throne room and gently pet Cerberus with affection, before noticing the sapling that had grown just after she had met David.
"Mother...where did you get this?" she asked, as she looked at the sapling that was now under glass.
"I extracted it for safekeeping once I came upon it while we were looking for you," Persephone responded.
"I didn't have time to think about what it might mean, because we had to run. But I know magic when I see it," she mentioned. Persephone smiled.
"It was the first spark of true love, sweetheart," she revealed Snow grinned and then bit her bottom lip.
"I knew what I felt for him...but it's nice to have it confirmed. I know that Nana always said I'd find true love...but I thought that wouldn't be the case anymore when I was framed for murder. I...I almost lost hope," Snow admitted. Persephone went to her daughter and hugged her tightly.
"Oh my little snowdrop...I am so sorry all this has happened to you," Persephone said, hating that there were things that not even she could protect her from.
"It's okay Mother...I almost lost hope, but then David came along. He's wonderful," Snow swooned. Persephone smiled and hugged her daughter.
"Handsome too," she mentioned, enjoying how her daughter's cheeks colored.
"I noticed," she muttered, as they watched Hades use his oracle with what could only be described as a troubled look.
"Is Papa Hades okay?" Snow asked.
"He'll be fine, sweetie. I'm afraid he's just worried...because he's about to get very busy," Persephone replied regrettably.
"Because of me," Snow said sadly.
"Absolutely not...none of this is your fault. A very evil man saw an opportunity to create chaos and seize power," Persephone admonished.
"She's right snowdrop," he agreed, as he turned and opened his arms, so he could hug them both close.
"But a lot of people are going to die, aren't they?" Snow asked.
"I'm afraid so," he told her honestly, as they watched Arawn's army march toward Midas' Kingdom.
David arrived home on horseback and saw all three of his parents on the porch of their house, looking as worried as he had ever seen them. Which was understandable, as he was three days late getting home.
"David!" Ruth cried, in a voice that was a cross between relief and scolding. She tackled him in a hug and he almost fell over when Mama Sera joined them. He met his father's eyes over them and sighed.
"I'm sorry...I promise I'm okay and that I have a very good reason for my lateness," he said.
"You had better. Do you know how worried we were? You can't disappear like that, David," Sera said fearfully. There was something behind her voice and David wondered if it had to do with her past, though she had no idea why. Surely they could never make any connections between him and his adoptive step-mother, but then he really didn't know a lot as she never wanted to talk about it.
"I'm sorry Mama...but maybe we could go inside," he suggested. They nodded and prodded him inside, though his parents hung back for a moment. Sera's hands shook in fear and Ruth clasped her hands with her own.
"He's okay…" she promised.
"I know...I just fear that we have to tell him soon. With war upon the Kingdoms...James will be traveling more. If he runs into him out there...George would have David killed on sight," Sera whispered.
"He won't...telling him can bring no good," Robert disagreed.
"How can you say that? He should know," Sera insisted.
"Our other son is about to fight a war and I know we're all scared. But telling David? What if he foolishly decides to rush off to meet his brother anyway and we lose two sons!" Robert hissed fearfully. Ruth sighed.
"He may be right...we should discuss this later," Ruth said, mediating what would be a heated argument between them. They agreed for the moment and followed their son back inside.
Arawn's vast army, led by a savage and blood-thirsty Deimos moved on Midas' Kingdom like a hoard of hungry locusts. Midas' own army was very large as well and the once gorgeous, mountains hills where Midas' Kingdom sat became a war ravaged landscape in a matter of hours. The blood of innocent soldiers simply defending their home soon littered the battlefield and the once clear, mountain springs ran red from bloodshed.
Midas' army presented a valiant and staunch resistance, but it was barely a day, before the castle was invaded. Frederick, Midas' most trusted Knight, tried to flee with Princess Abigail to get her to safety, but they were stopped. Midas presented his own defense and managed to turn several of Arawn's soldiers into gold with a simple touch. But the King was halted when Abigail and Fredrick's lives were threatened.
"You put up a valiant defense, Your Majesty. You should be proud of that. King George folded like a weeping willow," Deimos commented, as Frollo and Arawn entered the palace with grandiose. Frollo was carrying a peculiar looking gauntlet and Arawn nodded to him. Deimos held the struggling King, as Frollo placed the hand shaped gauntlet on the King. The device turned gold upon contact with Midas' skin, but then locked his hand down.
"Test it," Frollo ordered to Deimos. The God scoffed.
"I'm not doing it," he commented, as he grabbed one of his soldiers and thrust his face against the King's golden hand. And nothing happened, much to Abigail, Frederick, and most of all Midas' shock. Frollo smirked.
"Once again, as you can see, science is far superior to magic, Your Majesty. My creation has nullified your power. A power of which you are nothing without," Frollo boasted.
"I will never surrender to you!" Midas growled.
"You will...or your daughter and her lover will be executed now," Arawn threatened, as Deimos moved toward them.
"Wait!" Midas cried, as he looked at them sadly.
"I will surrender in exchange for my daughter's and Fredrick's lives," Midas relented. Arawn smirked.
"A good choice," he stated, as he looked at the prized new golden Throne that he had now added to his collection.
"Lord Deimos...assimilate the remainder of Midas' army into our own. You will lead them to King Stefan's Kingdom tomorrow," he ordered. Deimos smirked.
"Yes, Your Majesty," Deimos responded.
Persephone had never seen her husband quite so weary than she had in the last few days. It pained her to see her husband's Throne room so busy, as it meant that Arawn was committing senseless violence and slaughtering.
"All those people…" she heard Snow say from behind her. Persephone turned and hugged her close.
"I know sweetheart, but I promise that things will get better," she told her daughter, as she pulled her into her chambers.
"But Papa Hades, your father, and I all have something for you," she said, as there was an object covered with a sheet.
"What is it?" Snow asked, as she pulled off the sheet and found a beautiful looking glass beneath it.
"A looking glass?" Snow asked.
"An enchanted looking glass. Your father and your Nana are delivering the other mirror to David right now. So even though you cannot be together in person for a while, you can still talk," Persephone replied. Snow's eyes lit up and she hugged her mother.
"Oh Mother...thank you," Snow said gratefully. Persephone hugged her baby tightly.
"I know that magical looking glasses like this aren't easy to get, even for you and Papa Hades," Snow said.
"There is nothing your mother and I will not do for you, snowdrop," Hades interjected, as he joined them in a hug.
"Go on...I'm sure David has his looking glass by now," Persephone prodded, as they left their daughter to talk to her love, while they spent a few moments together.
"You're tired, my love...the souls can wait. Time is all they have, after all," she admonished, as she made him sit down for a moment.
"I know...most of them shouldn't even be here. They died for nothing," he mentioned.
"Damn Zeus…" she growled.
"This is what he wants. He wants to break me and take away my hope, but he will never do that to me again," he promised, as he pulled her down into his lap.
"Because I have love; something that he will never have. My family will ensure I am never broken by this station again," he promised. She smiled gently at him and kissed him passionately.
To say that Ruth and Sera were overjoyed and elated to discover that their son was in love was an understatement. His whole family had been enthralled by his tale of meeting a Princess and their journey to save her father. They weren't crazy about all the danger along the way, but they had to admit that they always knew that David was meant for more than a quiet life on the farm. They knew the restlessness in his youth had been because he was missing something in his life. And now they sensed a peace in him that they had not seen before. Ruth's ring had led her son to true love, after all, ultimately renewing her faith even more.
In the backs of their minds, they knew there was a real possibility of David discovering that he had a twin. But none of them knew exactly how to tell him about it. So they stalled once again, hoping that telling him would not become necessary. They met and welcomed Snow's father when he delivered a gift to David that would allow him to communicate with Snow during their separation too.
After staying with them for an evening, Eli moved on, telling them that he was heading east to lay low for the time being.
The months passed. The war raged. And the weariness grew among the people. It was clear that they needed saving from Arawn and his tyrannical rule. And Athena was clear that it would be true love that would save all the Kingdoms. She wasn't specific as to how, but Persephone knew that Snow and David were somehow integral in that. She suspected that the Dark One knew it too, for his saving of her daughter was more than just to make them even, she was sure of it and so was her husband. She supposed that he had a vested interest in seeing someone like Arawn taken down too though. They had just learned how Frollo had managed to invent a device to nullify Midas' magic, after all. If something could be developed to seal Midas' golden touch away, then that meant it was very likely that Frollo might find a way to suppress the magic in a person. Which was very bad news for all of them. Knowing that her daughter might somehow be key in defeating Arawn gave her a lot of anxiety too. But she knew that Snow and David were special; that their love was special. Which meant they would see and face evils and adversity like some never would.
As least they would not be alone in their battle though. Between the two of them, they had six loving parents that would be with them every step of the way. She had not met David's mothers or his father yet, but she knew they were good people that loved their son and would love her daughter, just as she would come to love their son as her own as well. Their family would stand on the front lines against Arawn and despite the fear that created, she knew that love would prevail. She only hoped that there wasn't too much sacrifice along the way.
At this very moment, her anxiety was in full force. It was fall and the leaves were beginning to turn. And Snow had gone to the surface for her first secretive rendezvous with David. The pair would reunite and travel east together so Snow could visit Eli as well. Her ex was living in the eastern mountain regions at the moment, quite secluded and safe. But she was still worried that they might run into trouble. Still, she was excited that her daughter was getting to see the man she loved at last. Despite the fact that a war was keeping them apart, she still had hope that love would win out.
David worked on repairing their fence that afternoon and his father had come to help him. He was proud of his dad these days, as Robert hadn't had a drink in years. He still gambled a bit more than David liked, but he seemed to be mostly in control of his addictions and for that he was proud of his dad.
"We're making good time on the fence. We might even be done by dinner," David mentioned. Robert smirked, as he had already noticed the young woman in the distance.
"I doubt it, because you're having something else to tend to right now. But that's okay. The fence can wait," he replied. David's brow furrowed, as he looked ahead to what his father was seeing and his eyes widened in surprise.
"Snow…" he uttered. Robert chuckled in amusement, as his son cleared the fence in one easy leap and ran to the raven haired beauty, dressed in an airy white dress, as she waited for him in the meadow beside her unicorn.
"Snow...you're here…" he exclaimed, as he picked her up in his arms and spun her around. She giggled and relished being in his arms again.
"Mother and Papa Hades said it should be safe for a few days. Arawn is moving toward King Hubert's Kingdom and they're much further south now," she mentioned. He grinned at her and their lips met passionately.
"I missed you so much…" he confessed and she caressed his handsome face.
"I missed you too, my love," she whispered to him, as she clung desperately to him. They had gone months and being able to talk to each other had been a blessing. But they had parted each night wishing and longing to hold each other.
By then, David's mothers had come out of the house and joined his father at the fence.
"I think I'd like to finally meet them in person," Snow mentioned. She had talked to all of them through the enchanted looking glass and his mothers already adored Snow, just as she adored them. He took her hand and led her over to the fence, helping her over it.
"Oh Snow...it so good to finally meet you in person," Ruth gushed. Snow smiled and hugged her back.
"It's so good to meet you too...all of you," she said, as Robert and Sera both greeted her as well.
"Dinner will be ready in a couple hours. Why don't you and David enjoy a ride in the meadow on your unicorn," Sera suggested. David smiled and took her hand.
"That sounds like a great idea," he agreed. Snow smiled, as they mounted Stardust together, with David riding in front at Snow's insistence. She put her arms around him and leaned her head against his back, as Stardust galloped off into the meadow. Snow relished the thrumming of his heartbeat. David took them further into the meadow and along the outskirts of the forest until they came upon a small lagoon with a waterfall.
"Oh David...this is beautiful…" she marveled, as he dismounted and then helped her down. He knew she was perfectly capable of getting down herself, but he simply wanted her in his arms and she wanted the same.
"I know...it's kind of a hidden gem. I've been wanting to share it with you," he replied, as he held her close and they gazed at each other. But now that they were completely alone, all politeness was gone and their lips crashed together with wanton desperation.
"I love you…" David uttered, as she pressed her forehead against his.
"I love you too...my Charming," she said with a bright smile, using a name that she had coined for him after he had saved her life so many times. He looked down shyly.
"I keep telling you I'm not a prince," he reminded.
"No...but you're my prince," she purred, as she kissed him again and the way she said that, with love in her voice and a touch of possessiveness, made him feel hot all over. He smiled at her, as their lips parted.
"And I want to be with you...eternally. I know that we're young and we can't be together all the time yet, but I know this is true love," he said. Snow smiled.
"I know it is too and someday, we won't have to be separated at all," she assured.
"Until then...I want to put this on your finger. I have since the troll bridge when I realized I was in love with you," he said. She gasped, as he got down on one knee.
"Will you marry me...someday?" he asked and she bit her bottom lip.
"What do you think?" she teased, as she held out her hand and he slipped the ring on her finger, before standing up and taking her in his arms again. Their lips met passionately again and they lost themselves in each other once again...
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novaursa · 7 years
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Imagine being Eris, Goddess of Chaos, daughter of Zeus and Hera and twin sister of Aries; and Loki being enchanted by your beauty and power.
Info for role-playing is below: 
|| Biographical Information ||
"Better you battle Zeus himself, than me." - Discord
- Real Name: Eris
• Meaning of the Name: Strife
- S.H.I.E.L.D Name/Alias: Discord
- Other Aliases: Bellona, Enyo, Discordia
- Nickname: Tony Stark sarcastically named her Sunshine (much to her displeasure).
- Born: N/A
- Age: N/A
- Birth Place: Olympus
- Current Location: Earth
- Base of Operations: Olympus, possibly the Areopagus.
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- Occupation: Goddess of strife and discord.
- Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of Eris’ existence except as a mythological character.
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|| Personality And Traits ||
- Personality Types: Wicked, vindictive, judgmental, fun loving, passionate.
• Eris represents true malevolence and deviance, she has no morals of good and/or nobility. She is seen as spiteful, vindictive and passionate when it comes to the prospect of the world potentially crumbling into chaos; which she refers to as being a glorious event. She is seen enraged at the fact that she has gotten her way which shows her to not be one who likes fair and square events. Eris is also seen as wickedly intelligent and takes a dullness tone to the happy endings which often gets her into a fight with her half-sister Aphrodite.
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|| Physical Information ||
- Species: Olympian Goddess
- Gender: Female
- Hair Color: Silver/White (albino)
- Eye Color: Purple (albino)
- Skin Color: Pale
• Note: Eris is an exceptionally beautiful woman who is said to look like "a vision of the good spirits in flesh, though they themselves would fear her". She has long silver hair and intelligent, piercing, lilac eyes. Eris had a soft, silken voice and is always clothed in a fine golden or red dress. She never grins, though she produces disarmingly subdued smiles. She detests flattery, because "vacous flattery is the sound of a prybar, a tool used by a thief as he tries to get what she has." Her least favorite color is pink.
|| Eris | Pictures ||
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|| History ||
"She takes after her mother." - Zeus about Eris
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Eris is the daughter of the Zeus, Ruler of the Olympian gods, and his wife, Hera. She often entered into the schemes and plans of her older twin brother Ares to ignite the dissension that often leads to war. Possibly as a way to cause dissension between gods and mortals, she stole the golden apple from the garden of the Hesperides guarded for Hera and had it engraved with the words, “For the Fairest.” She then tossed it among the guests attending the marriage of King Peleus of Aegina to the goddess Thetis. Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite then tried to claim the apple in the dispute that triggered the Trojan War. Her activity after that event is unrecorded, but after the war, several Trojan refugees lead by Dardanian prince Aeneas conquered the area upon Rome was built on. During the Roman Empire, Eris was intensely worshipped by the Romans as one of their most important goddesses. During this time, Hercules most often antagonized Eris as he prevented most of her attempts to cause dissent and strife among mortals.
"Discord, you are my wrath. Send their bodies to Underworld and bring me their heads." - Hades
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During one of his skirmishes with mortal heroes, Hades gave Eris the ability to turn into giant tapian snake called Enyo. She has bitten heads of mortal heroes off and brought them to Hades in the Underworld. Eris later used both this giant and small form of tapian snake to spread more strife among the mortals.
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In his visits to Earth, Zeus became incensed that Eris was taking an active role in exciting her followers into killing Christians in his name. He decided to break off ties with Earth and allow the worship of the Olympian Gods to fade away. Eris retaliated by assisting many of the gods eager to preserve their ties to earth into hunting down mortals. Zeus faked his death to lend credence to an end of worship of the Olympian gods. To all who had seen these events, it appeared as if the gods were dead, but Zeus had several spells in effect that any god that was killed would be restored to life. Eris in meantime tried to hold on to whatever worshippers she had, but it all ended quickly. Defeated, Eris retreated to Olympus for some time.
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In modern years, Eris became intrigued by the forces of terrorism and racism on earth and even masqueraded as a mortal to stir up trouble between blacks and whites, Jews and Anti-Semitics, left and right wing liberals and other potentially controversial groups. Seeing as her brother Aries had fared unsuccessfully against Hercules, she began training her own modern champion, Centurion, as a worthy ally. She eventually sent him to kill Kyllian, a mortal man imbued with the power of a trio of Celtic Gods, many of whom the Olympian gods beheld with some enmity. After Kyllian defeated Centaurion, Eris realized that he might make a better pawn or ally than a new adversary and she vanished back to Olympus to plot her next scheme.
|| Recent History ||
"You humans are so predictable." - Eris
• Her first appearance is noted by Tony Stark; he claims that he first saw her in Afghanistan for a very brief moment not knowing her true identity. Their conversation was short and it ended with her saying, "You know what I like about you, Stark? You don’t have a heart." Then she just vanished into the thin air with misty fashion. After he was critically wounded Stark wandered more about her true nature.
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• Her second appearance is after the death of Stane. Tony confronts her about past events asking was she somehow involved in all that. Her response was that he must be more specific because- "a lot of things are her fault." She then introduces herself as Eris Goddess of Discord, before vanishing once more. After the defeat of Vanko, Tony found his home in a chaotic mess and a note on his desk which said: "Discord favors the heartless." Hinting that he is favored by Goddess Eris. She appeared a few times more after that, usually to protect him stating that "nobody is allowed to decapitate her favorite mortal". She also had a few ‘interesting’ encounters with Clint Barton and Bruce Banner who aren’t that much fond of her.
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|| Extra Information 1.00 ||
"There’s my Sunshine!" - Tony Stark to Eris
- Likes: Chaos, tipping the balance of good to evil.
- Dislikes: Losing, being proven wrong, defeat, nobility.
- Group Affiliation: Olympus, Ares, Hades, herself.
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- Ancestry: Zeus (father), Hera (mother), Ares (older twin), Hephaestus (brothers), Eileithyia, Hebe, (sisters), Hercules, Apollo, Hermes, Dionysus, Perseus (half-brothers), Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite, Persephone, Panthia (half-sisters), Poseidon, Hades (uncles), Demeter, Hestia (aunts), Asclepius, Cupid, Janus, Deimos, Phobos (nephews), Harmonia (niece), Triton, Rhode, Benthescyme, Neptunia, Arion, Pomona, Consus, Vertumnus (cousins)…
- Common Olympian Powers And Limitations: immortality, regeneration,  shapeshifting, flight, the ability to become invisible to the human eye, telekinesis, superhuman strength, stamina, heightened senses, speed and they have the ability to "teleport." Some possess the ability to manipulate matter and the elements of nature and are able to create natural phenomenon or natural disasters. They also possess a wide range of seemingly magical spells such as the casting of fireballs. One Olympian god cannot restore humans or gods to life. It took both Zeus and Hera to restore the life of their grandson, Evander. Also, most of them cannot heal others without the blessing of either Athena or Zeus. The only gods that were able to do so were Ares and Hades. Only a very few things can kill an Olympian: Hind's Blood, the Ribs of Kronos and Zeus.
- Eris’ Strength Level: Eris possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) about 25 tons under optimal conditions.
- Known Superhuman Powers Of Eris: She possesses the conventional physical attributes of the Olympian Gods. Like all Olympians, she is immortal. She has not aged since reaching adulthood and cannot die by any known conventional means. She is immune to all known terrestrial diseases and is invulnerable to conventional injury. If wounded, her godly life force would enable her to recover with superhuman speed. It would take an injury of such magnitude that it dispersed a major portion of her bodily molecules to cause her a physical death. Even then, it might be possible for Zeus or a number of gods working together to revive her. Also, she is able to make herself invisible to mortals, or only visible to one person she chooses to, which makes easier for her to plant discord and hatred in the heart of mortals, however, gods and half-gods are immune to this effect and can see her all the time. Eris does have some superhuman strength, but she is not quite the powerhouse as gods like Hercules or Ares. Her Olympian metabolism gives her far greater than human endurance in all physical activities. Eris also has limited mystical powers common to all the Olympian gods, such as shapeshifting into a tapian snake. According to her, each Olympian has personal object foraged by Hephaestus that enables their powers; hers is known as Discord’s Ribbon Device and it gives her many supernatural abilities.
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"Do you really want to test my powers?" - Eris
- Her Normal Abilities: Eris has great skill in the use of all the implements of war used in the time of ancient Greece and Rome.
|| Discord’s (Clawed) Ribbon Device ||
"Put your hand down!" - Clint Barton
Discord’s Ribbon Device, is a multifunctional Olympian apparatus foraged by Hephaestus. The hand device is a gold colored, forearm-length glove worn on the left hand of the user, with a red gem in the center of the palm. It is controlled by a neural interface and is powered by DNA in the user's blood, functionally rendering it impossible to use except by Eris. The device has numerous functions with a variety of controls on its surface that can be used. It can also wirelessly control Olympian technology, triggered through a button on the back of the palm.
|| Discord’s Ribbon Device || Its Abilities ||
- Conducting a scan of a human - though it is unknown what the scan actually detects.
- Firing a powerful kinetic energy wave, capable of throwing grown humans several meters with significant force. It can potentially kill the target if they impact a solid surface nearby.
- Shooting a deadly fiery energetic neural link that connected to the brain of another person with the intention of torturing or killing them.
- Creating an energy shield that encompasses and protects Eris from harm. This shield only stops things that are incoming at high velocity and blasts. Arrows and thrown items go right through the shield.
- Paralyzing a human.
- Giving Eris ability to use pyrokinesis and telekinesis.
"You never were one for flowers." - Ares to Eris after she burned down Persephone’s garden.
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|| Extra Information 1.05 ||
- Theme Song: Everybody Knows by Sigrid
-Signature Look: Seen can usually be seen in a golden or red dress. Most commonly, however, she is seen in black armor.
- Her Sacred Animals Are: Tapian snakes and Hydras.
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• Note: Hera raised three Hydras. She sent first one to kill Hercules, and the last two she gave to Eris.
- Love Interest: Loki
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|| Discord’s Quotes ||
"Glorious chaos."
"I'm missing some excellent chaos here."
"Every argument has two points of view. Otherwise, there would be no room for discord. Think about it."
"You are far too hard on yourself, my dear, sweet, mortal friend. What would the people do without you? Dance? Sing? Smile? Grow old?"
"The last time I was this bored I took hostages."
"No! You can't take away my power!"
"Only two of those times were my fault."
"The kid was raised by wolves; until she killed them and ate them all…"
"I’m a simple girl who’s into anarchy and chaos. I also enjoy walks during sunset through battle-torn wastelands."
"Do you want to see the face that launched a thousand wars?"
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|| Quotes About Discord ||
"Discord is here?! I hate it when I can’t see her!" – Clint Barton
"Discord thinks only of discord." – Tony Stark
I’m looking forward to role-playing this very much. You can send me an e-mail if you are interested: [email protected] -much love, NovaUrsa
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