#i mean we all know that the fire didn't accidentally started at the local dumb
I was tagged by @lildreamysoul to answer questions with Wade!! I am really excited to do this thank you Ash!! 💜💜
Yes, thank you Ash, it was about time I got my well deserved screen time! I'm sure you all missed me, I know I missed you!
Of course they missed you, now let's get into these questions!
Lay 'em on me baby!
1. Introduce yourselves. Who are you? What do you like to do?
Your local dumbass Nadine reporting for duty! I work with my sibling Remy at our company Sinclaire Industries but I spend most of my time at Wade and I's home, avoiding paperwork and taking care of the kids.
And I am the one and only Deadpool, might of heard of me or seen my movies? With Reynolds, yeah, that guy can play me any day, what a cutie amirite? But anyway, if you somehow don't know me, I'm the adorable merc with a mouth that never shuts up and i somehow tricked Nadine into marrying me.
We used to like to do a lot of dumb shit together, if you saw us anywhere there would be a building on fire somewhere behind us and probably unholy demons we accidentally unleashed chasing us after stealing something we shouldn't have.
Ah, good times. Yeah, now days we spend every second spoiling the kiddos, spending as much time with them as possible. My favourite part of the week is family movie night, nothing feels better then being in a giant cuddle pile of people you'd do anything for.
2. How was your first meeting like?
So, that's a funny story actually, real funny–I mean, really, hilarious if you will.
He was trying to break into the company building and crashed through the window in one of the meeting rooms, where I just so happened to be, in a meeting. Even better, right, he landed on top of me, glass sticking out of him literally everywhere.
I like to think I made a good first impression.
It was an impression, that's for sure.
3. How did you get together? Who confessed first?
Honestly it was a shock either of us managed to just accept our feelings, telling each other was a whole other ballgame. But, I got frustrated and decided to just tell him how i felt and that uhm, went, bad. It went bad.
It didn't–It wasn't, that, bad.
You fell off the statue of liberty and didn't talk to me for two weeks.
It was a lot to take in! How are you supposed to deal with a heartfelt confession from your crush?
I don't know–I got him to talk to me eventually anyway, I just had to corner him in an alleyway which was easy because he'd been following me like a creep. We decided to take it slow from there and well, here we are!
4. What are your thoughts on PDA
I never used to be a fan of it because of my social anxiety but Wade makes me feel safe and when i'm with him i forget about everything else and don't mind smothering him in kisses no matter where we are or who's watching!
PDA is my jam. I don't care what's happening I'm gonna be lovin' on my baby, kisses, cuddles n' all that good stuff, anytime, anywhere! Not even the end of the world could keep me away from giving Nadine the love they deserve!
You're making it mushy s t o p abshdhfakdk-
5. How do you show your affection towards each other/what are your love languages?
Oh gosh I dunno, I guess we do a lot of everything? Mainly physical touch though, we like to show how we feel through our actions but I do like to tell Wade I love him at least a million times a day.
Yeah, we don't really do gifts or anything, but we do take care of each other and sometimes has those mushy three am conversations about how much we mean to each other. And I don't say it a million times a day but I do leave sticky notes for Nadine to find throughout the day, not sure what that counts as.
It counts as being the best husband in the world. 💜💜
I'll take that!
6. Who's more introverted and who's more extroverted?
Nadine is my cute lil' hermit who likes to live in their cave while I'm their brave, handsome social butterfly–Gotta lot of friends and fans to keep up with yanno.
Yeah, ideally I'd never leave the house, but I got a job to do and kids to take to school, Wade just has a higher social meter than I do.
7. Who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon?
Wade is the little spoon and I'm the big spoon!! I love holding him around his waist and nuzzling my face into his back!!
Sometimes we'll have one or three of the kiddos crawl into bed with us and then it's more of a cuddle pile than anything. The cutest, most comfortable cuddle pile ever.
8. What do you like doing together most?
If it's just the two of us? I love when we get to sleep in and cuddle in bed, talking and barely making sense and sharing lazy kisses and just, not having to think about anything else. I love that.
Awe babe I'm gonna cry! I gotta agree that's some healing shit, nothing better. Well, I do have another favourite activity to do in bed but we'll keep to the sweet stuff today.
9. Tell us a fun fact about the other!
Wade will stay up all night sometimes just watching the kids, it's really sweet and it also means I don't have to get up if the baby starts crying because Wade's already there rocking her and singing her a lullaby. Fun fact, he's a great dad.
Okay wow, just expose me like that then. Two can play at that game dearest; Nadine was so worried about the kids having good birthdays they planned a lot of them up until their eighteenths, with wiggle room for shifting interests, which, I think, is the most adorable thing in the world.
Shut up that's, a normal parent thing.
Not it's not babe, it's really not. But it's very cute. ❤
10. Tag other selfshippers and their f/o's.
Okay let's see, we tag; (feel free to ignore this if you're not feeling up to it, i tried to tag everyone who interacted with the post i made💜)
@space-sweetheart and Fredrick
@pink-n-purple-honey and Ramuda
@millizines and Earnest
@rose-wine-selfships and Atsushi
@shippin-in-the-rain and Soren
@promptoargentumsgirlfriend and Prompto
@poetryandnightmares and Julian
@thedevilsrosee and Kali
@jinxthequeergirl and Poe
@houseof1000selfships and Cad
@disneymarina and Leon
@puppy-self-ship and Freddy
@pkselfship and Sylvain
@wildcardwithaheart and Loki
@lovesick-clownlord and Hades
@jaklovemail and Ash
@junkratsloverat and Jamie
@ollievoil and Robotnik and Stone
And anyone else who wants to do this!!
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