#i mean who among us hasnt woken up in a barn after blacking out?
deanlombardi · 3 years
as dean began to regain consciousness, he immediately wished he could just go back to sleep for approximately one million years. his limbs ached as though he’d just run a marathon and his head felt like it was filled with porridge. he blinked multiple times before he could fully open his eyes, but when he did he was perplexed to find that he was lying on a bed of hay in what appeared to be a barn. confusion set in as he tried to rack his brain for information as to how he got there, but the search came up empty — he had absolutely no recollection of the night before. this might have been a frightening scenario for most people, but this wasn’t dean’s first rodeo (pun intended) as far as blackout’s were concerned.
dean was just pulling his phone out of his pocket in order to find some clues as to where exactly he was and how he got there when the door to the barn began to open. his heart started racing a bit until he recognized the tiny blonde entering his makeshift sleeping quarters. with nowhere to hide, he simply flashed a smile and said, “mornin’ farmgirl.”
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