#thats just a friday night in my books
deanlombardi · 3 years
as dean began to regain consciousness, he immediately wished he could just go back to sleep for approximately one million years. his limbs ached as though he’d just run a marathon and his head felt like it was filled with porridge. he blinked multiple times before he could fully open his eyes, but when he did he was perplexed to find that he was lying on a bed of hay in what appeared to be a barn. confusion set in as he tried to rack his brain for information as to how he got there, but the search came up empty — he had absolutely no recollection of the night before. this might have been a frightening scenario for most people, but this wasn’t dean’s first rodeo (pun intended) as far as blackout’s were concerned.
dean was just pulling his phone out of his pocket in order to find some clues as to where exactly he was and how he got there when the door to the barn began to open. his heart started racing a bit until he recognized the tiny blonde entering his makeshift sleeping quarters. with nowhere to hide, he simply flashed a smile and said, “mornin’ farmgirl.”
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ghost-in-the-stalls · 3 years
I am absolutely past breaking down lemme tell you. If you see me reblogging comfort naruto crack ships or simping for gaara like its 2010 then mind your own damn business
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relocatedheads · 2 years
Panic Attack
Summary: Charlie’s having rough day and it spills into a panic attack, thankfully nick is present to help calm him down  Pairing: Nick Nelson x Charlie Spring Trigger Warnings: Sexual assault and eating disorders hinted to ( not directly mentioned but ‘if you know you know’ type ) Content Warnings: Panic Attacks
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Saturday was date day! It always had been, even when Charlie was in rehab, Nick made a point to go down and visit him even if they spent their day in a talking area. Usually date day was spent at the cinema, beach, going to cute cafes, going to London, anything - sometimes even Darcy and Tara would tag long.
The duo spent their Friday evening together as well, after school the two fell through Nicks front door and spent their evening hanging with his mum and dogs. Nights like that seemed to keep Charlie thankful for what he had, a second family for when his own got a little to much. 
Charlie hadn't had the best day in the world, his head felt a little unattached to he shoulders. Often drifting off into his brain during his lessons and not speaking too much at lunch. It was almost inevitable that Charlie would end up sound asleep in Nicks arms instead of going home. His boyfriend had half a thought about him having a bad day.
“Oh he’s asleep, bless him.” Sarah, Nick’s mum, gushed at the boy who was coddled up in her sons arms on the sofa. Nick glanced down, an uncontrolled smiled on his face. “He’s been a bit quiet today?”
“I thought that too.” Nick put a hand in the boys hair, rolling the curls round his fingers, “He was a little distant all day. In form he just had his head on my shoulder and at lunch, I think he spoke all of about 6 words.”
“Love him. Has his mum been a bit much again?”
“He hasn’t said anything. Maybe it’s just one of them days?”
“Lemme text his mum, tell her he’ll stay here tonight.” She reached for her phone, “Thats about as peaceful he's look all day” she nudged over to them.
Nick smiled at his mums remark, he loves his ability to calm the war in his head, even if only when he's sleeping. “I’m gonna take him upstairs.” Nick lifted him up into his arms as he stood off the sofa, very much thankful of his rugby build in that moment. His mum watched with a proud smile, “Night mum, love ya.”
“Night Nicky!” She watched her boy lovely remove himself from the room and disappear up the stairs. 
Much to Nick’s disliking, a part of him would’ve loved to roll over onto Charlie that morning and kept them knitted into his sheets for the day but he knew if he’d cancel a date, he’d wouldn’t ever hear the end of it. 
“Char?” Nick mumbled into his ear, hoping to softly wake the boy.
“C’mon, we’ve got things to do”
“Mmm” He groaned rolling into the older boy. Charlie had noticed the heavy feeling still present on his shoulder, he too would’ve spent the day in bed but he knew Nick had a foreign soft spot for planning date days. “2 more minutes”
“Nah, c’mon!” Charlie felt two loving taps to the small of his back. 
Their date was steady and simple, Nick took Charlie to a new bookshop in town and they decided to get lunch after in their favourite cafe. Nick having his staple tea and bacon sandwich, and Charlie: his omelette (Nick had noted the majority of meal was Charlie circling his fork around the plate, he knew today maybe a bit much for him, he noticed Charlie in his infamous big wooly jumper - his comfort jumper for when the bad days arrived) 
When they got home, Charlie was head deep in book laying on Nick’s bed,  Nick was sat on his bean bag over looking the room - mostly at Charlie.
He noticed he was staring at him again. The thoughts of Charlie not really eating at lunch kept replaying in his head. And the jumper he had on. Charlie was going through a good streak lately. Just seeing the jumper out again make Nick feel slightly uneasy.
Charlie had small a smile on his face, fully engrossed in the pages. Seeing him like this warms Nick, he would often be at his most relaxed whenever Charlie had a mini word vomit over his classics. He closed the book without warning, and sighed in to the cover “I need a wee!” He spoke in a slight sing-song. Nick laughed lightly at the boy.
“Back!” He smiled, Nick was laying in the window side of the bed and had his arms stretched open for Charlie to wiggle himself in under Nick.
“Hello pretty.” Nick smiled down to the boy, his response was a small laugh and a light kiss. “Wanna watch a film?”
The room was filled with the artificial fight scenes, calm breathing and the odd sleepy growl from Nellie. Charlie was still leaning onto Nick, his arm was hung over Charlies shoulder, hand on his chest. The younger boys hands were fiddling with own jumper. He was in a half-there half-in-this-head-state. His brain kept slipping and kept trying to think of bad things. Charlie had learnt to huff these weird moments away but sometimes they come back out of nowhere. He must have huffed aloud: Nick tensed his arm over Charlie. 
Soon he felt a hand tangling itself in his hair, “You okay?” was mouthed down to him, Charlie nodded up to the boy. Nick had a slight gut feeling he wasn’t, but chose to not push having learnt that that usually makes Charlie recoil completely.
Nick had noticed Charlie’s huffs had continued on and off throughout their watch. “C’mon- come here.” He nudged his partner. He sat up a slight shakily, Nick wasn't uncommon to Charlie enough to not clock the patterns of his behaviours. 
The film was around half way done and Charlie had felt it’d being going on for years. He’d taken his jumper off now claiming ‘he suddenly felt there was too much fabric’, Nick had noticed Charlie’s hand get slightly clammy when they’d rejoined. Charlie was known to sleep in jumpers constantly, no matter the heat. Nick tried to ask if he was okay, if he needed something else but most of Charlies input being was directed by nudges and small “yeah”s.
He knew Charlie would be out soon, so he shut himself up. He knew the boy loved sleeping on the rugby lads chest, so he’d never up the change to have him there.
Once Charlie had nodded off, Nick could feel him twitch from time to time, this was usual for Charlie. But how often it was... wasn't. He’d be pulled away from the film often by a guilt of Charlies head, a change of his expression or a squeeze of his hand.
Nick was sure by now his eyebrows were stuck in a knotted position, he was wondering how long until Charlie wakes up, how long until he’s pulling his sobbing partner in this chest, how could he comfy him without making him feel sorry.
The younger let go of his partners hand, crossing his hands on his tummy as he laid. Nick had pulled him into him, laying a quick kiss to his head, “Char?” Nick looked over to his boyfriend “He’s asleep.” He smiled to himself.
As much as he’d wished he was sleeping, Charlie was actually trying to ground himself. He was suffering from a deafening ringing in his ears, a full body hot flush and the joyful inability to feel his fingers. Suddenly Nick’s body under his started burning. He wanted off him but he couldn't cause a scene, but wow, was the felling too unbearable. 
Charlie’s eyes were pined shut, trying to visualise something to help him out. But nothing was working, Almost suddenly Charlie felt his heart beating in his ears, his hand were going numb and he felt his tongue didn’t fit in his mouth. That sensation alone made Charlie worry. 
The boy could’t take to anymore, without any preparation, he shot up into a sitting position. He rolled the duvet off him and kicked his legs out, hoping and begging something would work. This took Nick by surprise.
He was getting to the point his insides were so warm, it felt like it was burning his lungs and making breathing a mission, he felt his breaths get shallower but heavier. The noise of the film and the feeling of everything became too much, his feet and hands felt like pins, his knees felt like jelly. 
Charlie took a big breath and shook his hands trying to regain he body back, the brash movements stole Nicks attention most. He looked at the boy was sleeping 2 minutes ago. “Hey-” the small word was enough to make Charlie feel even worse. He began sweating even more, convinced he needed to pee right now or vomit- he wasn’t too sure. 
He’d tried to say something but due to his tongue feeling huge, it came out as a mumble, 
“Huh Charlie?-”
He tried again, and again... a mumble
“Char-” Nick noticed something was seriously up now, he pulled him over to the edge of the bed.
Charlie threw his head in his knees, panting like he’d run a marathon. By the time Nick had gotten to his knees, Charlies head was rolled back and he was sat straight, leaning on his hands. this motion happened a lot as he couldn’t find a way to sit comfortably.
He began blabbering about something, repeating a string of ‘sorry’s, letting out dying sobs. “I’m hav- I’m having a panic- I'm having a panic attack- Oh my god. I’m so sorry- Oh my god-”
Nick grabbed Charlie’s face by his cheeks, staring into his eyes and began breathing slowing, in through the nose for 5, out the mouth till 10. He didn't say anything.
Charlie caught on, He tried to emulate his actions but he kept waving his hands trying to feel them properly again and his knees kept jumping. “Hey-hey-” Nick murmured, redoing his breathing movements. 
Charlie tried, he tried so hard. “I can’t!” he sobbed, “I can’t breath- I can’t breath-”
“Shhh” Nick rubbed his cheek with his thumb, “You got this.” he never broke eye contact with Charlie. 
Charlie squeezed his eyes shut, tried to copy Nick’s breathing again, His version was loud, clumsy while Nick’s was calculated, perfect, understandable. Nick rolled his hands to the back of Charlie’s head, “There you go, you're getting it.” His speech was nothing higher than a whisper. 
his eyes started to relax, opening slightly, the sweating and nausea had subsided. He opened his eyes to Nicholas Nelson a mere 20cm from his own, looking at him with a stare covered in love, fear, adoration and hope. He had a cherry sweet smile painted on his lips. He was crying again.
Nick pulled him into his shoulder. “I just calmed you down, you big baby. and know you're crying again.” The statements were said with laughter rolled through them.
He sat up, wiped his nose with his arm, “I’m Sorry.”
“No ‘s’ word.” Charlie huffed a small laugh, “What’s up.”
Charlie’s eyes filled and lips frowned again, a tell tale sign he was about to break, “Hey- no no no, c’mon” Nick’s hand was on his cheek.
He huffed, rolled his head up to look at the ceiling. He was picking at his fingers. Nick placed a hand in-between his and let Charlie hold on to it. “I-um. My-um, my brain kept trying to-er. My brain kept trying to remind me of-” He pulled his hands way to wipe his eyes, still looking up. “And-um” He threw his head down, “I thought you-um you were- um” Nick sat patiently looking the boy infant of him. he’d wait a lifetime to hear him out if it just meant he’d be okay. his hand was now on the back of Charlie’s neck. “I thought your hand was Bens-” He was sobbing again.
“Hey...” he was pulled into the bigger boys shoulders. “I’m Nick, form Nick, rugby Nick, your Nick.” He kept repeated his name as he rubbed Charlies back through his sobs. Charlie was the first to pull away and sit up. 
He stared at him for a short moment, and randomly stuck his pointer finger into Nick’s chest, “Nick.”
Nick smiled softly, doing the same, “Nick.” and then he pointed into Charlie chest, “Charlie, form Charlie, Tori’s Charlie, Classic’s Charlie, my Charlie.” They sat in silence, “You feeling better?”
“Mmm,” He mumbled. “I don’t know why that happened, I'm sor-”
“Nope.” He said shortly, “Shh. Sorry not accepted. Shut up.”  Nick said bluntly but jokingly.
Charlie giggled slightly, “My brains weird.”
Nick stood up, taking Charlie’s chin in his palm. “It’s my favourite brain.” Charlie smiled and rested his head on Nicks hip that was now directly in front of him. The sight warm Nick’s heart. He truly did love this boy. “However if you stay there much longer, something else might happen to that brain.”
“Nick!!!” Charlie groaned in his hip.
Nick pulled Charlie’s head back slightly, earning a small noise from him, “You wanna cuddle?”
“Well now that you mention-” Charlie tapped his hips with both hands.
“You literally just had a panic attack- No!” He laughed, pulling his boyfriend up to his feet. 
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mxchellesworld · 3 years
Spencer Reid x Reader
Synopsis; Where the team discusses the question ‘do you kiss after head’, you find out Spencer has too little experience to answer the question so you help him out
Warnings; smut, oral (male receiving), sub!spencer, praise, slight degradation 
a/n; LMAO im so sorry for disappearing again life has been actually kicking my ass but anyways lately i’ve been thinking about subby early season spence so here we go,, hope you enjoy!
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Another Friday night and the team was out bar crawling after an easy case. But this time all members were there as it reached 11pm which was rare. Usually Hotch and JJ would have been home by 10:30 and Spencer wouldn’t have been there at all. But there was something light in the air which had all parties concerned sitting packed in a booth, laughing after each sip of their drinks. 
Since it wasn’t your first rodeo together you knew how the night went. It started off with Rossi offering to buy the first few rounds, always whiskey but he made an exception for Penelope. Then again who would deny her anything. 
Once the drinks were flowing and lips got a little loose, the questions would start popping in at the top of your heads. However these were not your run of the mill, ‘hows so and so doing?’ ‘done your taxes yet?’ oh no. The name of the game was discuss where you would all think of a question which would help you dig just a tiny bit deeper into your coworkers sex lives. 
Maybe if you were all sober then you’d avoid thinking of each other in such positions, pun intended, yet in this state your prying minds were open and your stomachs were ready to grow abs from bending over in laughter. 
You raised the margarita glass up clinking it with a fork to get the tables attention. Everyone including Aaron had a smile on their face, ready to hear the intrusive question for the night. 
“Ok my fellow profilers, doctor, and tech genius,” you added pointing at Spencer then Pen, “Do you kiss your partner after they give you head? Discuss!” you finished in your most formal voice. 
Right as you took a swig of your drink the mixed responses of yes and no filled your small space. 
“Why wouldn’t you? You guys especially, if someones willingly trying to swallow then you damn well owe them a kiss,” Emily finished earning nods and ‘exactly’s from JJ, Pen, and yourself. 
“Ok but thats weird. I just can’t explain it but its a no go for me,” Morgan finished. This only gained him a scoff and raised voices, “Hotch man help me out here,” he said looking over to the man hiding his smirk behind the amber liquid. 
“I have to agree with the ladies here Derek,” he said curtly. 
The girls yelped and hooted at Hotch for siding with them while Morgan sat with his arms crossed being the singular person left out as even Rossi agreed. Meanwhile you noticed the presence next to you had shrunk back and wasn’t too active in the conversation. 
“So Spence do you kiss your partner after they,” you trailed off shaking your fist by your cheek and poking your tongue in the side. 
He coughed as he instantly sat up quicker. Even under the dim lights of the bar you could still see the blush creeping up from his neck to his ears and the slightest tint on his cheeks. 
“Oh I uh- I never-” he said looking anywhere but your eyes. 
“You don’t kiss them?” you said raising your brows. 
“No! I-i mean yes. I would I think b-but I haven’t had the chance to actually partake in such.. activities,” he finished finally taking a look into your eyes. 
You could tell he was waiting for you to laugh in his face for being so inexperienced but you felt far from it. If anything you wished you could be the one to show him things. 
That sweet boy had you wrapped around his finger and he didn’t even know it. Maybe it was his naivety considering how exceptionally smart he was. Or maybe it was the cute sweater vests he wore and now he nervously tucked his hair behind his ears. All you knew was that you wanted Spencer Reid and tonight was your night to make it happen. 
You hummed taking in the information, “Well that’s not a bad thing Spence. Everything takes time,” you said putting your hand on his arm for comfort and giving him a smile. 
Going to turn back to face the table you almost didn’t hear Spencer go to speak again, “Do you?” 
Got him.
“Why don’t you find out pretty boy,” you said with a wink as you downed the rest of your marg. In the corner of your eye you could see Spencer shifting in his seat, subtly moving his bag to cover the slowly growing tent in his slacks. 
As the night went by you couldn’t help but really give him a show. You had popped open a button or two on the long sleeve you had on, since it was getting stuffy in the booth. Though when you leaned forward and jutted your chest out, the soft inhale of a breath from the man next to you was just serving as motivation to get bolder. 
For the last hour you called it quits on the alcohol and drank a few glasses of water before you drove home. Spencer had been uncharacteristically quiet ever since your little interactions. 
The team had all gotten up to say their goodbyes. Rossi going by and giving everyone a kiss on each cheek. Derek having to quite literally rangle Penelope from talking to passing by groups on their way out. Then there were two. 
You turned to the side where Spencer was nursing on his coke, “Hey pretty boy, it’s late, let me give you a ride home,” you said grabbing your belongings. 
“Y-yeah ok. Thanks Y/n,” he said getting up. You’d noticed how he still had the burnt orange bag over his crotch. He couldn’t still be hard could he? Well you’d love to find out. 
As gentlemanly as he was, Spencer opened the door for you to exit the building first. The whip of fresh night air cooling on your exposed chest and legs under your skirt. 
You unlocked your car and stepped in, Spencer waiting to hear the little beep signaling his side was open. As he sat down you heard him let out a little whimper. Your head shot over to look at him, you could tell from the flush on his cheeks he didn’t mean to let the noise out. 
Holding in your chuckle you started the ignition and pulled out of the lot, “Can I put on some music?” 
“Yeah I don’t mind,” he said looking over at you with his lips in a line. If it was anyone else, they’d probably think he was uncomfortable but you loved his tiny awkward smiles. 
The ride to his apartment was mostly silent besides a rare quip from Spencer about paper work or fact about an older building you had passed by. It fascinated you to no end hearing him talk. Spencer was a hand speaker, meaning he always used his hands waving them around and making gestures. The pale digits had you captivated. Probably a driving hazard but you couldn’t help but let your mind wander. 
You pulled up into one of the visitor spots and put the car in park. You looked over to see Spencer almost contemplating something. You’d seen the look on his face before when he was looking over puzzles. 
“Somethin on your mind Doc?” you said with a small smile. As cute as he looked when he was nervous, you’d never want him to feel uncomfortable around you. 
“Would you-,” he cleared his throat, “Wo- Would you maybe want to c-come inside?” 
“Of course Spence I’d love to,” you finished with a reassuring nod. 
As he led you upstairs you were giddy with anticipation. So what if nothing happened. He was your friend first and you were glad he was letting you into his personal space. Even if you wanted nothing more than to have him writhi-
The door closing snapped you out of your thoughts. You didn’t even realize you were in his living room. The dark green walls and shelves bursting with books put a grin on your face, “Sorry Doc, just caught up in my thoughts. What did you say hun?” 
His brows practically raised to his hairline from hearing the pet name. While he was used to the names coming from Garcia they took a whole different light coming from your lips. 
“I was asking if you wanted water or something,” he said fiddling with the keys in his hands. Eyes darting everywhere but your face so you wouldn’t be able to see the flush rising on his cheeks. 
“No I’m fine thanks for asking though,” you said taking a seat on the worn leather couch. 
You reached for the tv remote making a face at Spencer to ask for permission. He nodded and you settled back turning on an old sitcom that played late at night. 
As the episode ended you both sat in silence. Again you didn’t mind but you could practically hear the cogs moving in Spencer’s brain. 
You were about to speak when he cut you off before you could even get a word out, “What did you mean by ‘why don’t you find out’.”
Gaining confidence you moved closer to where he was on the couch, slow enough for him to stop you in case he wanted to back out. 
“Well you have options pretty boy,” you said moving a leg to straddle him. Your hands instinctively going to his brown locks. You could’ve sworn you heard a little moan leave his chapped lips. Noted. 
“W-what are the options,” lust blown eyes looked up to yours. 
“One, you can put that mouth to good use on me,” you said trailing your finger over his bottom lip, “and let me cum over that pretty face.” 
His eyes shut hearing your words and you weren’t having it, “Nuh uh eyes on me honey,” instantly they were back on yours. 
“Or number two. I can suck you off and let you cum down my throat, but,” you paused making sure to roll your hips on his growing length, “ you have to give me a nice big smooch after.” 
The hands on your hips pulled you closer as he bucked his hips into you as you finished the sentence. It was clear which option was preferred. 
You moved to slide down in between his legs. You let your hands trail down his clothed thighs, causing him to jump. 
“Tsk such a needy boy,” you said mockingly, “Am I not going fast enough baby?”
“Please Y/n,” he all but whimpered. It was like music to your ears. 
Your hands went to his belt, looking up in his eyes for a final sign of permission. Once he nodded you quickly undid it and he lifted his hips to help get his pants down. You palmed him over his boxers, feeling the wet patch where he was already leaking pre cum. 
“Is this all for me Spence? Does the thought of my lips around you make you this hard,” you said taking him out of the striped confines. 
“Oh god please just,” he cut himself off. You could see his hands curling fists besides his legs. 
“Please what baby? I can’t give you anything unless you ask.” Your hands continued their task of leisurely stroking his length. 
“Fuck please put your mouth on me,” he rushed out, hips bucking to prove his point. 
The answer was good enough for you so you wasted no time in leaning forward and taking him in your mouth. Both of you let out content sighs as you tried to take him further. 
You looked up to see him with his head leaned back, eyes scrunched closes in pleasure. 
You pulled off with a pop, letting your hand work him over. “Better keep those pretty eyes on me before I decide you can’t finish.”
He looked down with a flash of worry, that was quickly replaced by a loud moan as you spit down on his cock before taking him in your mouth again. 
For a germaphobe, Spencer loved how nasty it was. He was thanking god or whatever higher being there was for giving him his eidetic memory because the sight below him was something he’d never wanna forget. 
Your eyes were teary and you had spit dribbling down your chin but he wanted nothing more than to give you more than just a kiss after you finished. Or well after he finishes. 
You could tell he was close by the way he was throbbing on your tongue. Again taking him out of your mouth you used both hands to jerk him off. 
“You’re doing such a good job baby. So good for me. You wanna cum in my mouth pretty boy?”
“God Y/n I’m so close please please please,” he whimpered out. 
“Cum for me baby, be my good boy Spence,”  you said before taking him down your throat. He was big, not girthy but long and it was a struggle but you’d be damned if you didn’t try to take him all. 
Hollowing your cheeks you bobbed your head quickly, egging on his release further. His hands finally found a place in the back of your head. Pushing you down further as he came. 
“F-fuck Y/n I’m gonna”
His moans and whines were a symphony of sounds you’d have on repeat in your head forever. 
You swallowed the salty release but before you could even wipe your lips you were being pulled up by Spencer placing his lips on yours. You moaned into the kiss, his hands gripped the sides of your face not wanting to let you go. 
The need for air made you both pull back. You looked at one another, chests heaving and looking like you ran a marathon. 
Then a sad look came across his face. 
“Spencer what’s wrong?” 
“You didn’t get any pleasure,” he said looking like a hurt puppy. Oh your sweet boy. 
“It’s ok baby, I can take care of myself,” you tried to shrug off.
He was quick to push you back on the couch, taking the spot you were previously in. His warm lips trailing down your exposed thighs. 
“I wanna do it, but only if you kiss me after.” 
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lizzy-williams · 3 years
❝𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚠𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 & 𝚌𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚜❞
ღWarnings: SMUT (18+ please!), language, rough sex, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap), sexual situations.
ღRequest: Can you do the most dirty hard good sexy lovely spanking doggy position french kiss smut EVER please PLEASE with tom 🙂🪓
ღSummary: You’re been in a mood almost all week, Tom having to leave right on Valentine’s Day for filming. The day before he has to leave, you’re the meanest you’ve been, and Tom’s had about enough. 
ღA/n: ANON YOU DIRTY BEAN I LOVE YOU. This will be the first thing I’m posting since I came back, So I hope you guys enjoy, feel free to send in more requests. 
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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍 in a mood the entire week. More specifically at your boyfriend, who chose a job that somehow, someway got him taken away right on Valentine’s Day. 
Even worse, this would be your 5th Valentine’s Day together, which you saw as a mile stone. You knew you were being irrational and a bit selfish, but you were too blinded by your anger to realize it. 
For the time being, you were giving Tom hell, inside and outside your small flat. On Monday, you and Tom went out for coffee, but of course, being the little minx you are, you teased him right then and there, in public, and you managed to turn Tom into a needy, whiny child with only a few touches.  
But when the two of you got home, you did a full 180, becoming completely distanced and untouchable, evading every advance Tom tried to make on you. You just kept all your attention on Tessa for a majority of that day. 
At first, Tom was clueless, the sudden distancing confusing the hell out of him, but it only escalated from there. 
On Tuesday, you had some things to do for work, and there you sat on the couch, typing away on your computer before Tom, still flustered and needy from yesterday, came waltzing into the living area and plopped down right next to you, resting his head on your shoulder. 
Yet you sat there, still typing away, acting as if Tom wasn’t there at all. Tom adjusted himself a few times, seeing if his movements gained any attention or reaction from you. Still. Nothing. 
Now he resulted to sighing loudly, and due to where his head was, it was right in your ear. It was erotic or teasing, it was just straight up annoying and childish. 
You finally pried your eyes away from the screen and turned to look at him, “Do you want something?” was all the response he was going to get, and even then it was a grumble. 
“I wanna cuddle.” 
He sounded so much like a kid, and in any other circumstance, you would tend to his request. But no. You were mad at him. 
“I’m working, Tom.”
That’s when Tom knew something was definitely wrong. No usual ‘bubba’ or ‘bub’. Not even honey. Just his first name. Not even his full first name. Just Tom. 
You felt him recoil and slip away into the other room. 
Tom: 0, You: 2
Wednesday rolled around, and Tom was talking to Harrison on the phone. Once again, you had been giving him the bare minimum all day, but when you kissed him, it was long, passionate and lingering. And Tom was, to say the least, baffled. 
“I dunno, man, she’s been like this all week.” 
You happened to be in earshot, and slipped behind a doorframe, listening in on what Tom had to say. 
“No, I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong. I’ve even been making an effort to put the toilet seat down, and somehow she keeps being so distant. I even tried hugging her from behind this morning and she just brushed me off.”
That one was true. You were making yourself lunch when Tom, who woke up late as usual, came into the kitchen and wrapped his arms lovingly around your waist, but staying true to your previous attitude, you brushed him off, using the stove as an excuse. But instead of reassuring him, like you normally would have, you turned and gave him a purple and red hickey on his sweet spot before turning back around and acting as if nothing had happened at all. 
“No, it’s not that time of the month, she already had it. I kinda know these things.”
That was also true. Because you and Tom had such a frequent and vibrant sex life, he made it a personal mission to know when your period came so he could work around it and comfort you. All things aside, he truly was a good boyfriend. 
“Ohhhhh,” he made a sound of realization and it made you perk up a little, wondering if he truly understood why you were so evasive. 
Wait, did he?
The sound of his footsteps clamoring down the hall made you frantically look around for something to look busy with. 
“Darling?” he called out. 
“In here!” you called out, trying to sound unbothered. 
“Ah, Darling,” he seemed giddy, as if he had just solved the worlds biggest mystery, “I know why your angry at me.”
“Oh?” you questioned, as you kept fiddling with whatever you were doing, acting as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. 
“You were upset about the paparazzi pictures. The ones with Ciara.” 
“What?!” you seethed, now not caring about acting like you didn’t care. 
“Th-The other day, when I went out to lunch, you knew about it...?” he was terrified by the look in your eyes. 
He was being honest. He did say he was going out with the female co-star, and you were okay with it. You trusted him. But what you didn’t think about were the tabloids. The gossip sights that would no doubt leak into Twitter, causing an un-needed uprising in Hollanders and shippers. 
Immediately you pushed passed him and went straight for your phone, looking up news sight after news sight. 
Ciara Bravo and Tom Holland: New Hollywood Couple???
Tom & Ciara, A Valentine’s Day Miracle
Did Y/N and Tom SPLIT? Ciara and Tom Spotted!
At this point you couldn’t stand to be in the same room as Tom. Despite him and you understanding there was nothing going on, the outside world put pressure on the both of you, and you needed to breathe. 
Tom didn’t say a word when you got your coat and left with a ‘I’m going out. Don’t wait up.’
By time you got home, Tom slept on the couch, and you slept in the bed. 
Tuesday was quiet, nothing happened. The two of you didn’t speak to each other, a day going by silently, but when you were going to bed, that’s when things got interesting. 
“It isn’t my fault.”
He stood in the bathroom as he spoke, and you were on the bed reading a book with Tessa at your side, sound asleep. 
You gave a small, unbothered sigh, “I know.”
Tom perked up, “What do you mean, ‘you know’?” he asked irritably. 
“I mean I know it isn’t your fault about the media. I don’t care, it’s fine.”
“Then why are you so mad at me?!” he was annoyed now, making you raise a brow. 
“You really don’t know?” you hissed, closing your book, not caring if you lost your page or not. 
“No, of course I don’t know!”
“You’re leaving me! On Valentines Day!” you snapped, standing up, Tessa’s ears going back. 
“Are you serious??? That’s it?” he questioned with wide eyes. 
You glared at him, giving him an expression that only meant one thing, slipping out of the room without a word. 
Needless to say, you slept on the couch that night .
Friday. The day before Tom leaves. The day before Valentine’s day. 
And as always, you woke up before Tom, hearing Tessa scratch at the bedroom door from the inside. You walked down the hall, turning the bedroom door handle slowly and letting Tessa out the door, but not before catching a glimpse of your sleeping boyfriend in nothing but boxers, holding onto your pillow as he slept. 
Thats when the idea popped into your head. You were going to make a lovely Valentine’s day themed breakfast. For yourself.
If there was any way to get Tom back, it was with food, your food more specifically. 
You immediately got to work, prepping the veggies for the omelette, mixing the batter for waffles, and washing the strawberries, planning on using them for a garnish.
You worked for a good hour, almost everything done, the last thing being cutting the strawberries when you suddenly heard the bedroom door open. 
Tom walked out, his curly hair all a mess on top of his head, purposefully not wearing anything except for his Calvin’s, and you shamelessly checked him out, in hopes that would get him going. 
Before he got too close, you whipped back around and began slicing in the berries in front of you. Just like he did the many mornings ago, he let his arms wrap around you right before you felt him leave a small peck below your earlobe, and you had to bite back a smile. 
“Good morning, darling.”
Fuck. His morning voice. It was rough, deep, and gravely, making your stomach do summersaults and slick glisten between your legs. 
The sexual tension was palpable, so thick you could cut it with the knife in your hand. But you needed to stay strong. You were mad. You were still mad....
“Are those for me?” he questioned, motioning to the breakfast platter you had spread on the kitchen island, complete with a glass of OJ. 
You did a silent self-pat on the back. 
“Nope,” you smirked, before popping a strawberry in your mouth. 
His demeanor switched, “That’s it-”
You squeaked as he took the knife from your hands, throwing it into the sink before sweeping his hands across the counter, knocking the cutting board aside, roughly grabbing your hips and putting you on the counter. 
“I’ve just about had it with your attitude,” he growled, pulling his semi-hard-on out of his boxers before grabbing the back of your neck, pulling you into a messy, lustful kiss, his tongue diving in the instant that his lips touched yours, making you whimper out, trying you best to regain control of the situation but failing quickly. 
A sudden smack to your ass made you quit your pursuit of control, a whine finding it’s way out of your throat as you felt him smirk into the kiss. His tongue prodded around your mouth as you held onto him desperately. You wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him closer, his member pressing right up against your clothed clit, daring him to do whatever he was going to do next. 
Suddenly, he picked you up off the counter, breaking the kiss and pushing you down to your knees, harshly, shoving his member against your cheek. 
“Suck. I’m not gonna ask nice again,” he grunted, and you knew that he would keep his word with this one. 
You hesitantly took him in your hands before stocking him slightly, sticking your tongue out and licking a strip from his base to his tip, before taking it in your mouth, using your tongue to tease the angry veins and ridges on the underside of his cock. 
“Oh - FUCK - you’re so fucking precious.” he hissed, his hand weaving in your hair before pulling you down on his cock, going so deep it touched the back of your throat, praying that your gag reflex was on your side. 
Suddenly he pulled you back, before pulling you all the way back onto him, tears welling up in your eyes as he repeated his movements, using your face and whispering obscenities into the air around you, harshly fucking your mouth. 
“My bratty girl, shit, you sound so much better choking on my cock,” he grunted, his pace suddenly faltering, cock twitching, signaling he was about to release. 
He looked down and his eyes widened as he caught sight of your hips moving slowly and gently. You were so cute like that, humping the air like a little bunny, Tom taking immense pride in the fact that he made you like this. 
Without another warning, you felt his cum fill the back of your throat, making you whine as you had no choice to swallow it all, knowing he wouldn’t take his cock out of your mouth until you did so. 
Tom watched tentatively for the bobbing of your throat. The one indication that you swallowed. You shivered slightly as you felt the salty substance make it’s way down your throat, and he finally, finally, pulled himself out, and you gasped for air. 
Tom admired your fucked out state, tears wetting your cheeks and your lips swollen, hair ruined from his grip. He could have you looking like that...
He used one hand to stroke and caress your cheek, the other smoothing out your hair the best he could before standing you back up, your eyes dazed as you looked at him with pleading eyes, your past angers forgotten as you were desperate for his touch. 
“Go to the bedroom, strip, lay down, ass up darling. Wait. You touch yourself and I’ll leave you there for the rest of the night, understand?” he hissed before you nodded, scampering off down the hall.
 You waited on the bed as you were told, your back arched as you put your ass in the air, your head resting in your arms as you scowled slightly impatiently. It had been 5 minutes since Tom promised he’d be back, and yet there you were. 
You began to play with the sheets between you fingers as you sighed quietly to yourself. But your head propped up slightly when you heard the sound of the door swinging open, a now completely nude Tom stepping through, a small box in his hands. 
“I was going to wait until tomorrow, but now seems like a much more... fitting time,” his smile was devious as he opened the small box, pulling out a thick, bullet shaped piece of equipment. 
Right as he twisted the bottom, you heard it buzz softly, and the realization hit you like a ton a bricks: the realization that this was going to be a long night. He stalked around you like a predator trying to catch pray, and you felt the bed dip behind you, and you heard him let out a sigh of content as he looked at your completely wet pussy, courtesy of the events earlier in the kitchen. 
“Fuck, you look so pretty all wet like this for me... this is for me, right darling?” he kneaded your ass in his hands before you could answer, “Who am I kidding, of course it’s for me.”
You knew what was coming next, knowing how much Tom loved your ass, and jus as expected, you felt his tongue lick a long, rough lick from your clit to your rim, making you jolt forwards slightly. 
Soon enough you felt two of his fingers plunge inside of your pussy, making you moan sweetly into the open air of the bedroom. His movements made the coil inside you tighten and spark, your need for release becoming more and more apparent. 
But the sudden buzzing on your clit made you lose your mind, release coming sooner than expected, your cunt squeezing around Tom’s fingers like a vice as you moaned out, breathless as his pace never faltered, his speed, (if anything), increasing as your body shook. 
Even after your high was ridden out, he continued, making you gasp. 
“T-Tom, I can’t, I can’t I- AHHH!” your babbling was cut of by another sudden shock through your cunt, making you scream out in such quick pleasure. 
“Holy fuck, so wet-” Tom was in awe of your actions, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out what just happened. 
You just squirted. 
Tom wasted no time getting down there and sucking your clit harshly, his movements driving you crazy as you tried to collect your thoughts and make a complete sentence. 
He was so high on you, so drunk on your taste as he continued to taste and tease every part of your most sensitive place. 
“P-Please Tom,” you begged, shifting. 
Please what? Please keep going? Please stop?
“Please fuck me,” 
It was a soft whimper, oh so soft, but he heard it, and it drove him crazy. He sat up and positioned his newly hardened, throbbing member up to your entrance. Without a second thought, he pushed in the tip with ease. 
You silently thanked god for the slick of your cunt as he drove in farther, and to your surprise, he waited. Waited until you were ready. He knew that no matter how many times he fucked you, you would always be tighter than hell. So he waited. He always did. 
But as soon as you nodded, his demeanor flipped again like a light switch, drawing himself out and slamming himself back in. Soon enough he set a rough and punishing pace, throwing you back onto him like a rag-doll as your body went limp, letting him use you. 
You jerked when you felt him land a slap on your ass, knowing he enjoyed the way it move after he did so, before kneading the flesh, planning on repeating his actions. 
You were whimpering and keening at his movements and pants, the feeling of him pounding into you taking you over, and the only thing you could think about was him. 
Him, him, him.
Not the fact that he had to leave the following morning, or the fact that the tabloids were a nuisance. Just that fact that you were completely fucked out and it wasn’t even noon yet. 
“Shit, darling, so. Fucking. Good,” he grunted, punctuating his final words with harsh, long, hard thrusts, accompanied with slaps to your already sensative ass. 
His pace was faltering, dick twitching, his pants getting more frequent and louder. You knew he was getting close, the sight of you so out of it only spurring it on. 
“C-Cum for me, Tommy,” you whimpered, making his thrusts almost come to a full halt, “Cum inside me, please,”
Tom knew you were on the pill, and it was always for other reasons, and he usually pulled out, more as a personal preference to you. But now that you wanted him to claim you, so intimately and so passionately, his movements went from 0 to 100, before he felt himself snap. 
This of course made you plummet backwards off the cliff of ecstasy, the both of you coming together as a symphony of moans and whines and growls filled the air around you, your body feeling as if it were floating as your ears rang. 
You both fucked like rabbits till noon, the both of you feeling drunk off each other’s touch, just not getting enough. You were both starved all week after all. And it took it’s toll. 
By time you two were done, your body was weak, your muscles completely spent and you heartbeat doing it’s best to settle down. You felt Tom’s arms help pull you up, laying you on your back and disappearing into the bathroom. 
When he came back, it was with a warm, wet washcloth, and be began slowly wiping up his mess, whispering praise and words of admiration while doing so. You found your eyes closing as you basked in the attention and after-glow of orgasm. He was completely in love with you, he couldn’t stop if he tried. 
Tossing the rag off the the side, you felt the area beside you dip before you were greeted with Tom’s arms, once again, finding home around your body, and you immediately leaned into his touch, laying your head softly on his chest as he played with your hair. 
The both of you enjoyed the silence. His other hand drifted up and down your arm, making goosebumps erupt in its wake, the space to think being larger than life. 
Finally, you spoke. 
“I’m sorry.” you muttered, holding him just a little bit closer. But Tom being Tom, you knew he would milk it as much as he could. 
You sighed, embarrassed that you had to admit it out loud, “For being a bitch all week. I was just angry. It wasn’t fair to you. Ergo, I’m sorry.”
“Apology accepted. But you’re buying me coffee on the way to the airport tomorrow morning,” he insisted. 
That’s when your senses finally took in the fact that it was still light outside. The clock on your bedside table read a shocking 12:23 pm, and you let a small smirk creep across your face at the Valentine’s Day sex you were truly going to be missing out on. 
Sure, it still made you sad that he was leaving. But knowing Tom, you knew he would do something special for you, no matter how far away you were. Besides, there was hours of Facetime sex to be had, and you couldn’t wait for that. 
“Do you want lunch?” you questioned quietly, your hand gently gliding up and down Tom’s abs, which always felt like you were touching marble stone. 
“Yeah. You’re buying though,” he contested, and you smirked. 
“Nope. I’m making. I was thinking tomato soup and grilled cheese,” 
You knew it was one of Tom’s favorites, one of the few things on this planet that Tom would die for, (besides you, of course).
“That would be lovely, darling.”
“I’m gonna miss the fuck outta you,” you whined, standing at the gates, your doe eyes peering up at him as you held his hands. 
“I’ll be back before you know it, love, and you can text me and call me at the end of every day. I can even fly you out to visit if you want.”
Tom was doing his best to soften the blow of him leaving; it was hard on both of you, and it was supposed to be for 2 months. 8 weeks. 56 days. You hated it. 
“Love you,” you grumbled like a child, before hugging him with all your might, trying to remember this feeling to keep you company. 
“I love you most,” he challenged, making you pull back to rest your chin on his chest before leaning up and giving him a kiss, but it turned heated quickly. 
Before it could get any more hot and heavy (because the paparazzi are VULTURES), you pulled away. 
“I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you more,” you replied. 
Suddenly the lady on the overhead speakers began to talk, “All first class passengers on flight 32-B to Atlanta, Georgia, is now boarding.”
“That’s me,” he sighed. 
Tears pricked your eyes unexpectantly, and before Tom could see them, you gave him one last, rib crushing hug. 
He pulled back with a smile, waving a wordless goodbye, walking away, but not without giving you one last look, mouthing the words:
‘Happy Valentine’s Day’
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celestialarchon · 3 years
Celebrating 600+ Followers
i can’t believe i’m writing another celebration post less than two days after my first
this has been rotting in my head all day and might become a series in the future
Genshin Impact x F!Reader | Modernish AU | warning: it’s cute!
“I hope you don’t mind, we gave you a student teacher as well. It’s only fair since you were given the most troublesome class,” Headmistress Ping smiled at you warmly.
“Ah,” You nodded, “Thats fine.”
The elder woman patted your back, “Genshin Academy is truly lucky to have you. Your track record is impressive and you have an extremely rare vision. I think you’ll get along fairly well with Mr. Aether, he’s a good kid.”
You smiled at her, honored by her words. Genshin Academy, the elite and prestigious school, had taken you as a teacher. The education system was impressive and diverse, teaching elementary to college aged students. You were given the first year elementary school students and now a student teacher as well. No matter how troublesome the class may be, having assistance would be appreciated. If it didn’t, the extraordinary pay would make up for any issues you had.
The older woman walked you to the doors of the building and then left you to prepare yourself. Clutching your class roster, you stepped in and made your way to your classroom. When you entered your room, you were greeted by a young blonde man. He introduced himself as your assistant teacher and made some small talk before leaving you to prepare for the day. You appreciated his thoughtfulness as you tidied the room up a bit, smiling at your class pet, Dvalin.
Soon enough, the children poured in and greeted each other and you. Aether returned to the room, beaming at each child. You took attendance, ticking off each name as they all answered. Qiqi, Teucer, Klee, and Diona seemed to be the most lively of them all. They were also marked with asterisks as the worst “troublemakers” but so far things were running smoothly.
“Welcome, my name is Miss Bright,” You beamed at the children, “Let’s have a good year, okay?”
“Wow, you’re very pretty Miss Bright!” An energetic Teucer exclaimed.
Klee squealed, “I’m so excited!”
Diona scoffed and Qiqi nodded in agreement. You went through the motions, following your detailed curriculum perfectly. There were two separate general subjects, academics and control. One was simple enough, teaching the kids by the book. The other was all about assisting your students in controlling and growing their abilities as vision users.
By the end of the day you were exhausted. Soon enough the week flew by. As Friday came, you were exhausted. Most people had made these kids out to be terrible and mischievous, and in some ways they were. Yet, you had already grown very fond of all of them. They were much more tame than you had expected, save for some explosions and outbursts. Now you were stuck as some of the children were late being picked up.
“I hope my big brother gets a girlfriend like Miss Bright. She’s so nice and pretty.” You overheard Teucer whisper to the last three kids.
“Oh yeah!” Klee’s whispers weren’t whispers at all, “She’s like a princess. My brother is a prince. I wish he’d marry Miss Bright.”
“Tch,” Diona intervened, “Honestly, I wish Miss Bright had adopted me instead of that annoying man at home.”
“Qiqi thinks Xiao and Zhongli would like Miss Bright a lot.”
You giggled at their words, they were too sweet. Aether chuckled overhearing them as well and waving you off.
“Go finish up your paperwork, I’ll take care of them.” The cheerful blonde nearly pushed you out the door.
You sighed and made your way to the office up front. Paperwork was such a drag, not nearly as fun as over hearing those brats gossiping. The paperwork ended up taking up the rest of your time. By the time you were done you wanted to scream. As you left the office, a handful of coworkers approached you and invited you out. No was not an option as they insisted you let them treat you.
You were exhausted as they led you to their favorite bar. Aether followed like a lost puppy and you sighed.
“You can’t drink can you?” You questioned him.
“Ahhh,” Aether started but was interrupted.
“It’s fine! I know the owner. He doesn’t have to drink he can just babysit us.” Venti exclaimed.
Poor Aether couldn’t get out of it either. Once you entered the bar, things blurred. Immediately, your coworkers bought you many drinks. Venti was especially aggressive about drinking. The short music teacher was babbling to an extremely handsome bartender with vibrant red hair.
The scarlet haired man seemed to be a bit annoyed by the drunken chaos ensuing. Amber was giggling crazily and the school nurse, Baizhu had cornered a tall man with amber eyes, and Ganyu was petting you. Aether was awkwardly fidgeting, stone cold sober. Eventually, your poor student teacher ended up having to call a cab and carry you home. He was forced to try and navigate to your cozy apartment by unlocking your phone with your drunken face. It took way too many attempts.
You awoke the next day with a pounding headache and over a hundred notifications. The night was still a blur so you proceeded to try and take care of yourself. Aether was kind enough to go out and buy you some pain medicine and left it on your counter with your keys. It was embarrassing how you couldn’t find any memories of your adventures in liquor.
The weekend flew by until Sunday night came and your phone buzzed. You looked down and horror filled your body. Tomorrow was parent conferences. It wasn’t mandatory for parents but encouraged. Suddenly, you were tearing through your apartment trying to prepare for the upcoming doom.
Before you knew it, parent conferences were upon you. Aether wasn’t attending because it wasn’t mandatory and you insisted he go home and rest. He had done so much for you already, you didn’t want him to suffer through it with you. You looked up as somebody knocked on your class door and opened it to see two beautiful blondes.
“Hello, is this Miss Bright’s room?” The woman’s blue eyes met yours.
“Yes,” You held your hand out, “Hello, I’m Miss Bright.”
The woman shook your hand, “I am Jean, Klee’s guardian. This is her older brother Albedo.”
The young man’s beautiful eyes bore into you as he shook your hand. You stepped aside and gestured to the tables in your room. The two took their seats and almost immediately a tall red haired man sauntered up to you.
“Hello!” His tone was cheerful, “I’m Childe, Teucer’s older brother!”
“A pleasure to meet you, Childe. I am Miss Bright.”
“Ah,” a crooked smile formed on his lips, “The pleasure is all mine. You are just as beautiful as Teucer claimed.”
You blushed and laughed nervously, but before you could answer he was shoved into your room. He turned to glare at the two dark haired men in the doorway. Huffing, he found his way to a table and sat.
“So annoying.” The shorter of the two men scowled.
The taller one sighed, “Hello, Miss Bright. My name is Zhongli, and this is my cousin Xiao. We are Qiqi’s foster family.”
Xiao stomped past you, Zhongli followed him quickly. You didn’t have time to introduce yourself to either of them before they sat down.
“How rude,” A smooth voice came from your door.
Two men stood there, a tan man with dark hair and a very familiar red head. Internally, you groaned at the sight of the bartender. It was going to be a long conference wasn’t it? You were glad you had organized your agenda so well.
“Diluc. Guardian of Diona, and this is my brother Kaeya.” The redhead said almost sternly.
He strolled through the doorway to sit at a table, all four families spread out. Kaeya winked at you and followed his brother. Now you were sure the night would be long.
No other families came, and you were left alone with the strange bunch. In the back of your mind, you were thinking of your roster and the asterisks. The irony in all of it was that the troublemaker’s parents were the only ones who showed. The room was quiet, families only talking among themselves. You cleared your throat and introduced yourself once more, starting in to your very planned speech.
A short time had passed but it felt like years to you. You felt incredibly awkward but continued on. Childe raised his hand which nearly made you laugh but you contained your amusement and paused.
“Yes?” You called out to him.
The lanky man smirked, “I’m sorry but what sort of vision do you use?”
“I will address that later on.” Your voice was kind but also stern.
This response earned several looks from the families listening. All of a sudden, their full attention was on you. The change of atmosphere had put you on edge. You tried to continue on but Childe stood abruptly.
“That’s an interesting response.” He chuckled.
“Tartaglia!” Jean intervened, “Thats enough.”
Kaeya kicked his feet up on the table, “You can’t say you’re not curious though, right? It’s only natural we want to know. This school has just as much focus on vision skills as academic skills.”
You were beginning to grow irritated. The children were more respectful than the adults. Composing yourself, you sighed. Nobody denied Kaeya’s words, although Zhongli and Jean seemed to disapprove of the attitude.
“As i said before i will-“ you were interrupted again by an arrow of water, you easily side stepped it.
Jean stood, sword in hand and glared at Childe. Diluc shoved his brother’s feet off the table and scowled. Albedo yawned while Xiao clicked his tongue. Zhongli merely observed the scene. Childe cackled at Jean which only angered her more as she dove at him.
You opened your mouth to say something but were forced to dodge a cold sword. Kaeya grinned at you but was yanked back by Zhongli. The room was in utter chaos. You gritted your teeth and once more tried to remain calm. Another arrow narrowly missed your ear and you felt yourself become enraged. Kaeya dodged Zhongli and thrust his sword at you but was stopped by a sharp pillar of light.
“That’s enough.” Your voice was cold as you used your own weapon to shove the pushy cryo wielder away from you.
As if by magic, suddenly everyone stopped to stare at you. Quickly, they sat down. Albedo’s eyes were alert now, he was suddenly interested in every word you had to say. Even Xiao seemed to have a better attitude.
You continued your speech without any further interruptions. Finally, the end was in sight.
“And to answer your earlier question,” You pushed your hair back behind your ear to reveal your vision on an earring, “I am a light wielder. I will not take any questions on it. Have a wonderful night and thank you for coming.”
You turned and exited your classroom quickly as murmurs spread across the room. Light visions were only gifted to those who were recognized by multiple gods. Light was a strange element that could mold itself and change to take shape of different elements, although it wasn’t perfect. Elemental mastery took a lot of time and the light could only bend to your will for short periods of time. Using light as anything other than itself could backfire easily. Ontop of the many complications, attaining a light vision meant going through a crisis so terrible that multiple gods had to intervene. It was a blessing and a curse.
As you headed home, shivers ran down your back. You couldn’t help but feel that you were being watched or followed. You shook it off and returned home. It was just paranoid thoughts after a rough night.
After the conference, you seemed to be plagued by the families. Outside of work you ran into them constantly. It was nerve wracking.
“Miss Bright, Teucer loves you so much. He’d love to see you on the weekend. We could get lunch and then have a play date with him. What do ya say?” Childe grinned at you as you exited your classroom.
“Sorry, sir” An arm slid around your shoulders, “But i’m afraid she has plans for this weekend.”
You looked up to see the school librarian with a tight smile. Lisa was so kind, saving you from his shameless flirting. Although, she often seemed to flirt with you as well. You couldn’t really tell if she was being nice or flirting though.
He scowled and turned. Lisa laughed and squeezed you tighter. She escorted you out of the building, telling you about the new books the library had just received. Her eyes twinkled as you laughed at her puns and asked her questions about being a librarian.
“Excuse me,” A deep voice said “May I have a moment of Miss Bright’s time?”
You turned to see Zhongli, one of the only reasonable guardians you’d met. So far you’d not seen him after the meeting so you felt safer around him. Even Jean had appeared before you several times, though it didn’t seem intentional. You weren’t entirely sure but you’d swore you’d even seen Xiao lurking around when you were out.
“Of course,” You waved Lisa off.
She frowned and kissed your cheek before sauntering off. Zhongli raised his eyebrows as you laughed, clearly embarrassed. The nerve of that woman sometimes.
“Sorry, she’s a friend but she’s very affectionate,” you apologized quickly.
“Hm,” Zhongli nodded and stared at you intently, “I’m sorry to bother you but is there a way I could schedule another meeting with you? I would like to hear about Qiqi’s progress.”
Your heart nearly melted. He was so kind and it was refreshing.
“Of course! How about this weekend?” You beamed at him.
The two of you scheduled a conference lunch and parted ways. From afar, Diluc grimaced. He was curious about Diona’s behavior in school. She was a very moody child. Furthermore, he was curious about you. Kaeya had also pestered you for a date so the scarlet haired man was trying to find the right time to ask you. He didn’t want to come off the way he was sure Kaeya did.
“I would also like to attend the meeting.” Xiao announced to Zhongli once he got into the car.
“Too bad,” Zhongli chuckled “It’s one on one, you’ll have to schedule your own.”
Xiao huffed at his words. He disliked the idea of the two of you doing anything one on one. He couldn’t decide whether he was jealous of you or Zhongli. He decided it was you, since both Qiqi and Zhongli seemed to be infatuated with you. He clicked his tongue, Zhongli merely smiled, and Qiqi demanded coco goat milk.
“Does she like science?” Albedo questioned Klee.
“Miss Bright likes a lot of things I think.” Klee said, ice cream smeared on her face.
“I want to know more.” Albedo stated.
Klee grinned, “More ice cream?”
Albedo nodded, only hoping Jean wouldn’t catch them.
This new job had many opportunities open up for you. With so many people in pursuit of you, who would you choose?
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jungxk · 3 years
just one (viii)
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summary: the only guy on campus who’s track record trumped that of your best friend’s - park jimin - was jeon jungkook. not that that was a problem…until he set his sights on you.
notes: first of all i wanna thank the people who supported me and encouraged me through one of the worst writers blocks of my life. all the messages and comments are the reason why i finally managed to post this. special thanks to @whippedforkook for helping me with the monstrous tagging process as well as giving me so much praise. and also @lonelyending for cheering me on for a literal YEAR bc thats how long i cried over this fic! this story is so special to me. we’re in the home stretch now x
warnings: mentions of illegal drug use and distribution, swearing, brief smut.
genre: drama, romance, humour, college!au
wordcount: 8k
tagging: @cutechim @benz-biarritz @gyukult @bangulin @eatersanonymous @alyssa1926 @skivv1es @a-sucker-for-them-sappy-shit @moonights @jeymuffins @juuneaux @catsukiii @andreaisaac @whatheydontunderstand @sreveles @noruls619 @henryharios @just-a-fuxked-up-kid @befriendswithj @btsbesharam @poemsandpunani @taelha @misosoup-forthesoul @jikooksmut @heart-eyedmf @the-piano-woman @angrysunshine @chaoticpaperfanhoagie @jsungshine @ci-yen @faby-montana @shinypeanutsportshero @jooniestrivia @alucards-s @cynamyngirl @jiminie-angel @myskoova @jkshoneybuns @smokintae @remmykinsff @majinbuwu @jangx2manboongx2 @potatodogs @seul-queen @alpharyth @blenxxxg @plsky @th-singularity @bapbaptothetop @hermiones-enchantment @stomachfilledwithbutterflies @euphorora @supachloe94 @jiminxjimout @ggukkieland @just-another-fic-recs-blog @jalexad​
part i // part ii // part iii // part iv // part v // part vi // part vii // part viii // part ix // part x
4 years ago
jimin hated yugyeom.
well, maybe hate was a strong word. he just didn't like talking to him, being around him, hearing his name or interacting with him on any level, social or otherwise. he really tried though, since he was one of jungkook's closest friends and still respectfully referred to him as hyung above all else. and if anything, jimin would always have a soft spot for jungkook, the kid he used to coddle when his own brother wasn't around. but having said that, there wasn't really much basis for not liking yugyeom. it was just a gut feeling jimin couldn't explain, a very subtle callousness about him only jimin could pick up on. for the most part he was just like very other mild mannered boy by day and party animal by night, but jimin still ducks when he sees him enter the library.
"fuck," he hisses under his breath, scooping up his laptop to stride behind a book shelf for good measure. because sometimes, contrary to popular belief, jimin wanted to be alone. he didn't want to make small talk or listen to someone tell him about how well they scored on their last paper or complain about their annoying girlfriend. sometimes jimin wanted to have no thoughts and listen to fleetwood mac as per his human rights. which is why he shoves into the first private study room he sees.
and not an empty one at that. there's a girl inside, sitting cross-legged in her chair at a desk with an array of dried up paint tubes and brushes surrounding open sketchbooks. you don't look annoyed or even that phased, just amused as you give him a once over before going back to painting. "on the run from solji?"
jimin blinks, back still pressed against the door. "huh?" he regards you properly. "i'm sorry, have we met before?"
"not really," you admit with a sheepish smile, which is when jimin suddenly realises that you're...attractive. "solji is in my stats class. you hooked up with her last week at some party and she told me about it."
"oh," jimin takes in your plethora of art supplies. "you don't look like a stem student."
there's a glimmer of something in your eyes, and though you hide it well jimin knows he's struck a nerve. "yeah, i get that a lot."
"it's not solji by the way," jimin clarifies. for some reason. "that i'm hiding from. just a bellend i don't have the energy for right now."
you smile. "it's fine. you don't owe me your life story."
"i do when i'm about to impose on your...study time," jimin peers through the window in the door, wincing when yugyeom enters the hallway. "what would it take for you to let me stay in here for a while?"
you pause for a second. "honestly? just be quiet and leave me alone. is that okay?"
jimin perks up, a weight leaving his chest. "perfect, actually."
[jungkook 11:42pm]: why does it say wings on it
[jungkook 11:42pm] where is it flying
[you: 11:43pm] ffs kook
[you: 11:44pm] im still on the toilet can u just hurry up
[you 11:44pm] grab some tampons too pls
[jungkook 11:46pm] fine what size pussy do u wear
[you 11:46pm] i hate u
[jungkook 11:53pm] ???? ? ? well? ????
[you 11:54pm] REGULAR 
jungkook giggles at his phone, already having left the women's sanitary aisle to grab some chocolate. months later and teasing you was still bundles of fun. he knew for a fact that you were sat there with that angry pout on your face, nose crinkled. he had never bought anything like this before, but jungkook had enough brain cells to know that chocolate was another necessity for that time of the month. after grabbing a large hazelnut bar, he pauses beside the oreos before grabbing a packet of those too. just for good measure. he strides to the self checkout - because even he wasn't man enough for the cashier yet - nearly dropping his array of sanitary products and confectionary when somebody calls out his name from behind the queue.
"kook!" the voice is unmistakably yugyeom's, confirmed by the hand that clamps jungkook over the shoulder and swivels him round before he could think about hiding his socially compromising shopping items. it takes a second for yugyeom to notice, doing a double take at the pads atop his small tower of goods. he holds back a laugh, balancing a bottle of gin in one hand while he waves back at some friends to continue. they were clearly making their pit stop before a night out, probably pre's if they still start as late as jungkook remembers. with his hair styled and expensive cologne lingering, jungkook almost forgets he probably looks unrecognisable in his sweats and cotton-fresh hoodie. friday nights weren't for cuddling. still, yugyeom's smile is welcoming and familiar. "got the munchies? and maybe also a uterus?"
"shut up," jungkook grumbles, averting his eyes. he shifts to his other foot uncomfortably. "my friend just needed a favour, that's all."
"uh huh," yugyeom gives him a teasing look. "is this friend the reason why i barely saw you at jin's the other week?"
jungkook blinks back at him. "wait, you were at that party? i had no idea!" a boyish smile breaks over his face. "why didn't you call me? i haven't seen you since-"
"minseok-hyung's new years eve party," yugyeom throws his head back with a laugh. "remember how we ended up on a boat after the ball dropped and-"
"spent all of new years day detained by the coast guard!" jungkook finishes with a mischievous cackle of his own, nearly dropping the tampons in the process. "fuck, that was so much fun! we need to meet up again, i haven't been out with the guys in so long."
"well no wonder," he quips a brow at jungkook's shopping again. "word got out you're a family man but i didn't believe it. until now, that is."
jungkook's smile falls. "what do you mean?"
yugyeom looks at him for a second, confused by jungkook's surprise. yugyeom was never quite as diplomatic as namjoon or yoongi, to put it lightly. and definitely nowhere near as accomodating as jimin. which is why his next words make jungkook's back stiffen. "bro, look at yourself. you got dairy milk in one hand and tampax in the other. on a friday night. the next time i see you i wouldn't be shocked if you had a baby buggy and a mortgage." still, yugyeom throws him an apologetic look. like a mouse caught in a trap. "face it, kook. you're old news."
"what? that's not true," his brows furrow unhappily. "i don't know what you're talking about. it's not like she's my..."
he can't say the word, but it hangs between them like a dead weight.
"yeah, right," the condescending look on yugyeom's face was starting to agitate him. "you totally blanked us at jin's after she showed up. not even just jin's..." he thinks twice about holding his tongue, but as always, decides against it. "i don't know you, jungkook. whoever this new jungkook is. it's been months. you used to hit us up and be independent and spontaneous and wild and now you're just...someone's boyfriend.
"stop fucking saying that," jungkook snaps, all visible signs of friendliness gone.
"why?" a beat. "do you even use a wrap with her anymore?"
jungkook splutters, heat rushing to his ears and hands in a stinging combination of anger and embarrassment. "how is that any of your business? the fuck are you asking me something like that, as if you-"
"thought so," yugyeom looks away from him with a sigh. if anything, yugyeom knew never to overstay his welcome but that clearly backfired tonight. "whatever, jungkook," he looks over his shoulder at him. "guess you're the last one to find out you're officially married."
"you're ridiculous," jungkook scoffs. "all this over condoms? grow up, yugyeom."
"only couples do it raw," yugyeom turns away from him, alcohol in tow as he waves a hand over his shoulder to join his friends like jungkook was nothing but a lost cause. "you would remember that if you still had game."
jungkook stands there, dumbfounded while the group of boys exit the store noisily but he can't hear a thing. the siren that had been itching the back of his mind all this time was suddenly there at full force, right between his eyes. the glaring truth that yugyeom might be right makes his knees buckle. all those rules jungkook once had, all those measures he kept in place to protect his liberty, to prevent this very occurence - where were they? what happened to them? as the sweet and accommodating counterpart to jimin, why had you never complied? though, the blame wasn't on your hands alone. he got complacent, comfortable. lenient. and now without even realising he was here, a scene from a romcom in the middle of the night, with nothing to say for himself but fuck. the realisations wouldn't stop racing, one after another on the conveyer belt of his anxiety.
the photos on his phone; mostly you. time spent, usually with you. the portfolio for his latest photography module also had some resemblance to your interests. charcoal pencils, night drives, orchids. like the ones you always drew on any scrap of paper lying around. now that he thinks about it, he's seen nothing but your orchids for months. and not just that - you wore his clothes sometimes too. his bathroom had your toothbrush, contraceptive pills and coconut shampoo. his closest friends, his hyungs...not one of them was devoid of affection for you. he wasn't even confident that if the choice was presented, they would still pick him over you.
by the time jungkook finishes paying and practically sprints to his truck in a daze, he can hardly keep himself from shaking. he palms the wheel compulsively, he could feel the sweat in his sideburns, hoodie suddenly suffocating him. it smelled of you.
and then, like a final curtain call: was he just your latest fixer-upper project? some good girl wet dream to play out in the wake of your emotionally traumatic past? a slap in the face to seokjin, maybe, and nothing more? when you were done, when he was out of your system, when you knew his taste by heart and had nothing new left to try - would you stay? did you even know how to?
did he?
jungkook starts the engine. he drives to your door, drops your bag of snacks and pads on the porch, and texts you before leaving. he does not go inside.
"you sure you'll be okay with just the boys?"
you scoff at seulgi when she pins you with a worrying look, taking some of her clothes out of her bag to re-fold them just so you had something to do with your hands. jisoo had already left for the long weekend with her family, so there was no one there to fill up the empty space between your awakward reply. you didn't know how to tell the girls that jungkook hadn't contacted you in nearly a month. and even though he was a notable flight risk from the beginning, you couldn't help but feel like there was hostility there. every now and again he'd at least send a nude or have a quick phone call when he was drunk or high at three in the morning, but you hadn't heard a peep from him. you couldn't stand the idea of someone you cared about harbouring comtempt for you, but the fear of reaching out and somehow making the situation worse outweighed it tenfold. 
you look up to see seulgi still staring at you with concern. "of course i'll be fine! they're boys, not piranhas."
"at least piranhas contribute our ecosystem. boys just cause problems for the hell of it," seulgi lays a hand on the crown of your head like a berating big sister, swivelling you to look at her in your fit of giggles. the urge to nestle you under blankets like a baby bird made her chest heave, and you could tell. "i'm serious. if jimin tries anything, call me immediately okay?"
"jimin?" you snort. "out of a room full of delinquents, my ex, and taehyung, you're worried about jimin of all people?"
seulgi wrinkles her nose. "god, when you say it like that its like i'm throwing you to the dogs." she pauses. "something's up with jimin. i don't know what it is, but he's...off."
you tilt your head innocently, remembering the brief interaction you had with hobi at seokjin's party. you had been so caught up in jungkook - or lack thereof - you hadn't thought to press him about it afterwards. in truth, jimin remained as...jimin as ever. if he was acting differently you certainly couldn't tell. "you think so?"
"mmm," she leans on the lip of the open suitcase thoughtfully. "but maybe with jungkook there, he'll behave himself."
you gulp, fiddling with his watch on your wrist anxiously. "maybe."
you nearly yelp when you feel a big hand swivel around your waist, bucking into the kitchen counter reflexively. jungkook always did this before rubbing his boner against your ass, but the light scent of citrus and short squeeze lets you know immediately that its taehyung. hoseok, jimin, namjoon and yoongi were still in the living room playing video games, giving taehyung the perfect opening to intercept you. namjoon and yoongi had insisted that you come over to their place after finding out you'd be alone for the weekend, and you had completely refused before taehyung's coaxing. and of course, jimin's persuasive nudging. even though you felt safe and relaxed here, it felt wrong to be in jungkook's friends' place without him. almost like a breaching of an unspoken boundary.
and clearly, taehyung picked up on your discomfort by the way he stared at you so softly. his back was to the sink, his sillhouette particularly long and lean this evening. "you need to lighten up, princess. you keep looking over your shoulder so much it's making me nervous!"
your visibly droop with a sigh. "i'm sorry tae. i've had a lot on my mind lately, and..."
he claps his hands on your shoulders, teeth peeking through his grin. "you're not doing anything illegal by being here without jungkook."
you wince at his name. "have you always been able to read my mind like this?"
"absolutely," taehyung's brown eyes look so rich up close. "you're allowed to have friends that are also his friends, because - and try to stick with me on this - relationships between people are allowed to be independant from the primary circles they met in. mind boggling concept, i know."
you wack him on the chest until he laughs. "stop making fun of my anxious thought processes! its called mental illness, sherlock! i can't help it!"
his nose scrunches cutely, enjoying your first fiery outburst of the day. "whatever. i call it not getting laid for a month and losing critical thinking abilities from it."
you gape at him indignantly while taehyung roars with laughter. "you're such a dickhead," you hiss through gritted teeth, yanking his hair and jabbing your fingers in his sides the way you would with jimin during a tickle fight. "whores have feelings too, taehyung! whores have feelings too!"
you both fall about with laughter, knocking over half the snacks on the counter in the process which only makes the pair of you laugh even more. it's such childish chaos trying to clean up the mess on the tiny kitchen floor that neither of you notice the front door open, or the gust of metaphorical and literal wind that follows. watching taehyung trying to salvage a bag of broken crisps is just so funny that the presence of an another voice in the living room goes unregistered, as do the footsteps leading up the hallway to the kitchen, so you have no time to brace yourself or properly pull yourself together with you see-
yours and taehyung's heads snap to the doorway. jungkook stands there with almost complete lack of emotion on his face to the pair of you kneeling in crumbs and napkins. there's a brief pause where the tension in your eye contact alone was so strong that it felt wrong to breathe. but it is shortlived. jungkook tiptoes over you like spilled milk, reaching for a glass of water. you and taehyung lock eyes while the tap runs in the awkward silence. "hey. you okay?"
"um," you're not sure whether to stand up, hug him, look at him, or even face him. "yeah! yeah, i'm fine."
he nods politely. "hyung?"
even taehyung looks visibly uncomfortable. "i'm good."
"cool. see you later," he says, downing the glass impressively fast before leaving the room just as fast as he entered it.
you and taehyung stare at each other again, not understanding why you both feel like kids caught eating cake before dinner. you could feel the sweat pricking at your back from the realisation. jungkook had no idea you'd be here, and given that interaction he'd probably want to leave now. there was always the inkling woven between his radio silence that he was done with you, but you never let yourself take it seriously out of logic. because how could months of passion and tenderness and honesty be undone so irrevocably like that? it didn't make sense. you hadn't changed. you were the same girl he hit on relentlessly and chased against all odds. so what was different now?
"____," taehyung calls your name gently, and it's only then you realise you're already up and trailing after jungkook into the living room. when you walk in he's already putting his shoes on to leave again, barely making eye contact with you while he chats absently to his hyungs so he can look busy. the four boys on the large sofa can only reply wearily, eyes darting between the pair of you like a firework was about to blow to soon. and it was.
you could feel it in your throat, under your breast bone, bubbling up your stomach. "wait, jungkook. um...h-how have you been? i haven't heard from you in-"
"i've been good," he keeps tying and re-tying his laces without looking up. "super busy. you know how it is."
his curtness makes you flinch. this same time last month jungkook used to kiss you senseless before he had both feet in the door. he'd ring the doorbell incessantly like a child and greet you with the biggest, toothiest grin you had ever seen. he'd make fun of your bed head and squeeze your cheeks until you'd snap at him. and now when he looked at you he hated every second of it. your mother had the same look. your eyes start to burn involuntarily. "yeah, i do. how is uni? your final project is due soon, right? what theme did you pick in the end?"
"the one i told you about," he stands up abruptly. "sorry, noona. something came up. i'll see you arou-"
"something came up?" you step closer to him. "something came up the second you saw my face? or did you really just trek all the way to your hyungs' place for a glass of water, jungkook?"
jungkook stiffens, but is determined not to lose face. and it's difficult to do under your big, accusatory eyes and jimin's death stare at his back. the whole room was waiting for his response, so he just shoves his hands in his pockets resolutely. "i needed to see yoongi hyung, but i can come another time."
you fold your arms. "well it's clearly important, and you're here now. so don't let me stop you."
"but you will stop me," jungkook snaps. "that's the problem."
"kook-ah," yoongi warns quietly, but he took one look at your face and knew the damage was done. jimin was already standing up, circling around the back of the sofa towards you. the red lights were all there; your watery eyes, your trembling hands. every breath you took looked difficult for you to complete and only jimin noticed.
"what are you talking about?" you squint. it takes you a second to understand; yoongi's guilty expression, jungkook's indifference. "oh, you're fucking kidding me." your resolve breaks for a second turning away only to glare back at jungkook with so much fire you can hardly stand it. "you're selling again? are you insane, jungkook?"
"see," jungkook's eyes are stony. "i knew you'd get this way."
"what other way am i supposed to get?" his lack of response only infuriates you more. it felt disrespectful. "jungkook, you're not a kid anymore. if you get caught with drugs the consequences are serious! forget the potential jail time, you could get kicked out of university, it would go on your record forever and-"
"stop talking to me like i'm a kid!"
"then stop acting like one!" you hate raising your voice, but it keeps climbing without your approval. "did you think about this for even five minutes? this isn't like just going to juvie like before and being done with it jungkook. your hyungs can't bail you out of everything."
"this is a lot of talk for someone who lapped up those fancy paints without a second thought," jungkook says darkly. his eyes aren't like you remember, his face solemn and near unrecognisable. "or did you think that getting that kind of money overnight is only something that's possible through daddy's credit card?"
dread blooms like a garden inside you. "that's...that's how you bought the paint set?"
"welcome to the real world," he quips. "as if selling overpriced weed to a bunch of pick-me-freshmans is considered a crime against humanity to anyone but you."
"you think that's why i'm yelling at you right now?" your voice was growing hoarse, desperate. "you think that's the problem i have with you being literal drug dealer, jungkook?"
he hates it. the sweltering silence, the judgmental eyes digging into his back, the slow realisation that the tears in your eyes were not at him but for him. jungkook's ears ring enough to make him sway on the spot if his feet weren't planted so firmly on the dingy carpet, this metaphorical ground. he couldn't shake the feeling that his lifestyle was only an issue now because of you, how he never felt a shred of guilt about any of this shit until he met you. and if there was anything that jungkook never responded well to, it was pity. and he could feel it from every person in the room, all people that that once cherished and coddled him until you came along. he swallows, throat dry from the way he couldn't look at you knowing what he was going to say next.
"you're embarrassing yourself, noona. you're not my girlfriend and you never were, so stop acting like it."
cotton. it's very faint, under the layers of conflicting cologne and beer and smoke, but jungkook still smelled of cotton while he spat acid. nobody could speak, even though jungkook never raised his voice let alone a hand to you, it still hit like a slap in the face. it sunk into the walls, your clothes, suddenly every hair on your body felt heavy with it. dirty. the shame came first, the humiliation next. and then the sorrow, the dread, and finally the defeat. you knew the stages well by now, and they were cycling through you like clockwork. how foolish you were, to make the same mistake again. nobody dared to move, everyone but jungkook staring at you in denial and horror. they couldn't believe their eyes when you nod steadily, bowing your head to the floor.
jimin is already slotting himself between you, his jaw tight. "that's enough, kook. just leave already."
"no," you stop him, unnervingly resigned. that single word cuts through all six men with ease. "he's right." you step around jimin, closing the space between you and jungkook. for a brief moment he wonders if you'll actually hit him, but somehow watching you unclasp his watch from your wrist and drop it on the coffee table in front of him is far worse. the sound seems to ring like church bells, definitive and umistakable. "you're right, i'm not your girlfriend. you win jungkook."
they all watch you leave in dismay, listen to the door closing softly behind you. within a second jimin sprints after you, calling your name, leaving everyone else dumbfounded. jungkook's stare could bore a hole into the abandoned watch on the table, still ticking away like nothing changed. like his eyes weren't burning, lightheaded at the realisation that he would never wear a watch again let alone the one he put on you.
to an outsider, you looked like you were coping well considering you just got dumped in front of all your friends. but jimin knew that face. your stony eyes, lips pulled thin as if to seal inside the collapse of a monument. you took the tea he offered, and then his arms, your face finding his chest with ease. muscle memory. his torso was a tad shorter than jungkook's, his heart closer to your mouth as if the steady thumps were asking for a kiss of acknowledgement. every time you close your eyes you could see jungkooks face, hard and unforgiving and nothing like the man you trusted all this time. but it wasn't a new expression; you parents looked at you similarly the last time you saw them. it was the look of someone who had no regrets cutting all ties. and now, jungkook was behind them in a lost list of people who chose to be strangers over loving you.
jimin sighs when you cry into his chest, brushing the back of your head gently. he had been ready for this for months, but he still hated to see you this way. again. it made his bones itch, his skin crawl uncomfortably every time you weeped. the only time he considered violence was when you were crying. but he knew what to do, laying down across the sofa so you could curl up into a ball next him, head on his bicep and face smushed into the crook of his shoulder. you used to cry like this for hours and hours, his arm familiar with the prickle of pins and needles. but it was the only place you felt safe. tucked into jimin's side is where you would always belong, and that truth was more glaringly obvious than ever now.
"lets get something to eat," he offers eventually, hand craddling the crown of your head like a child. jimin's other hand on your hip is warm and heavy when he pats you soothingly. in your episodes, you responded well to touch. "what about thai food?"
"not hungry," you grumble against him.
"we could make something together?" he peers down at your lack of response. "come on, babe. you gotta eat something. you didn't even have breakfast-"
"why am i so stupid?" you whisper, a fresh bout of tears welling up.
jimin rubs your thigh. "it's not your fault."
"yes it is. jungkook gave me plenty of red flags, and i ignored all of them-"
"oh, i meant you being stupid."
you scoff. "cheers."
"what?" jimin cocks a brow when you lift your head to look up at him. he wets his lips and you follow the swipe of his tongue thoughtlessly, distracted enough by his touch and proximity that you take a second to digest his words. "it's not like any of this exactly came as a surprise. you ignored me, remember? wanted to flex your big girl pants."
you pull away from him and sit up, forcibly shutting out the daze that jimin routinely puts you under. "what's wrong with you? can't you be polite and wait for a couple hours before laying into me like a normal person? jesus, jimin."
"so let me get this straight," jimin sits up, watching your back as you sit away from him. "you're mad because i'm not telling you what you want to hear?"
"no," you say, head shaking. "i'm not mad. i'm upset because i came here to be comforted by my friend and you're just making me feel worse."
"what do you want me to say, ____? that i had high hopes from the start?" jimin pushes his hair back, brows now at a sharp incline from frustration. "i told you starting something with jungkook was trouble but you didn't listen. why should i feed your victim complex when all i've done is try to help you?"
"victim complex?" you repeat, standing up slowly. the sudden steadiness of your voice causes jimin to panic.
"not like that. don't take it like that, it's just," he's suddenly before you, his warm hands palming up your arms warmly. "i didn't wanna see you get like this and it happened anyway, is all i'm saying." he sighs when your scowl doesn't let up. "if hobi hyung hadn't have given up so easy, then maybe…maybe this would never have happened. maybe if i had been harsher with him then you would have-"
"what are you talking about?" you ask quietly, searching jimin's face. "give up so easy? what's that supposed to mean?"
he looks away, hands slipping off you. "it's nothing."
he struggles to look at you, tongue in cheek. his lips purse for a moment, pink like roses. he's wearing that navy jumper you like. "look, it's not a big deal. he wasn't supposed to fuck you or anything, just take you out for a while. get your mind off kookie, show you a nice time."
your blood runs cold. "what?"
jimin's expression softens. "it's not as bad as it sounds-"
"really?" your voice is sharp, sharper than he's ever heard it. you recoil as if you had been struck for the second time today. "because it sounds like you asked some guy to keep me occupied like i'm a fucking dog. all because you can't stand the idea of me being within a meter of jungkook-"
he steps in, but you step back. "you know that's not true, _."
"don't i?" you scoff, covering your face in disbelief. "jimin, you've been hellbent against me even looking at the guy since day fucking one."
"because i didn't want you to get hurt!" jimin counters, eyes downcast. "i know, okay? i know how much of a dick it makes me sound, but its not like it hurt you when you had no idea! hoseok broke it off before you even knew about it so why-"
"because it's worse," you turn away from him. "you tried to control me. choose what's best for me because you think you know better than i do. sound familiar?"
his jaw sets, and it's like you can hear the twine snap in his head, the percussion of his heartbeat above yours even though he doesn't close the space between you. jimin stares at you for a long minute before drawing in a thin breath. "fine," he steps in, and you can't look away. "you want me to say it? fine. i'll say it."
suddenly the air is lace thin around you as you stare at him, waiting. jimin looks off somewhere else, somewhere you can't reach. "don't tell me you haven't thought about it, because i know you have. if i have you must have too. and lately its all i can think about - being with you, holding you, being the one who gets to touch you. and yeah, maybe it took having to see you with jungkook for me to realise how much i want all that, i put my hands up. but you have no idea what's it like to watch the person you love most get toyed around with by a time bomb like that. i've seen jungkook go through girls like underwear and i love him, god i love him, but even the idea of you being one of those wasted girls sitting outside a party crying over his sorry ass makes my fucking ears ring."
"j-jimin…" you whisper, but you have nothing to say. your hands shake.
"you deserve more than that, ____. you deserve more than waiting around for booty calls or living up to what the next guy wants. from jungkook, hoseok, anyone. you deserve someone's devotion and yeah, maybe all this time i've been too much of a pussy to give it. maybe all this time i was tiptoeing around my feelings for you because i knew if i admitted to myself that i loved you - if i admitted i was just like every other guy - i'd actually set the bar for something other than disappointment. id actually have to step up, and i didn't know if i could do it. i still don't. but if it has to be someone…it should be me."
suddenly he's holding your hands, calming the tremble that rattles them. his words bunch up together in your ears, the meaning lost amidst your awe. "jimin….jimin what are you saying? where is all this coming from, i don't...i don't understand wh-"
"i'm saying," he cups your face. "choose me." he pulls you in. so, so close. "choose me, not jungkook. not anyone else. me."
and there's a part of you that has already caved. that's already kissing him, melting into his arms like you've wanted to for so, so long. you're falling back onto the couch with him in a fit of giggles, curling back into his chest to hide your watery eyes, asking him why the fuck he took so long. you chat together between teasing kisses, pour your hearts out, maybe cry a little. later you would make tea and order pad thai and watch the office all night and fall asleep together in the living room well past dawn and then-
you close your eyes. "i can't."
"you can," jimin says, so passionately you shudder. his brown eyes are teaming with too much determination and ardour for his own good, and you both know it. its difficult to grapple with how huge a risk he's taking, because jimin never takes risks. it made the whole situation seem dire. "you know you can, ____. it's us. there's no one like us."
you don't know how you're not crying yet. you only have jimin to hold onto, hands balled in his shirt without knowing if you're about to push him away or pull him in forever. "maybe back then. maybe if you'd have said all this before," you feel empty, the beat of your pulse suddenly strong in your fingertips. "but it doesn't matter anymore."
he shakes his head in denial, his determination palpable. "of course it does-"
"i'm in love with him," you say. to jimin. to yourself. to the world, finally. "i'm in love with jungkook." holding jimin's stare isn't as difficult as you thought it'd be. "you know if you'd have done all this a few months ago…if you'd have just...i was always yours without question, jimin. and you knew it." it's his turn to bristle under the strain of your voice. "jungkook isn't perfect. i'll be the first one to admit that. he's made me cry, he fucks up, he makes mistakes. but he's never lied to me. he never made decisions for me. he never passed judgement on what i should or shouldn't do with my life. something that i never thought i wouldn't able to say about you, too."
there's a brief moment where everything stops. neither of you can believe what you just said. jimin watches you, frozen in his place as you take your bag, eyes glittering with tears when he calls for you. suddenly he's the time bomb he feared becoming, the panic in his eyes lighting them up like fire crackers. for the first time in his life, he stumbles over his words, and then his feet when you reach for the door, all composure lost. he was unravelling like a tapestry in front of you, never to be repaired, and he could feel it. "____. ____, please," jimin chokes, his cheeks blotchy. "i wanted to protect you, i was just trying to help. don't go. please don't go. i was trying to help you."
"no. you were trying to have me." you say, closing the door behind you.
you have no idea what time it is when you hear the bell ring incessantly.
it had been hours since you'd returned home from jimin's, but there was no way for you to keep track when your only priority was just keeping yourself afloat. you turned your phone off, drew the curtains, and resolved to alternate between sitting in seulgi and jisoo's rooms until they came back. you didn't know what else to do. when you weren't crying you were hyperventilating, and when that stopped the absence of emotion was so powerful you could barely keep your eyes open. you were exhausted but could not sleep. starving but could not eat. it was a miracle you even made it down the stairs, using what little strength you had to yank it open without even thinking about who could be on the other side in the middle of the fucking night. but at this point, you would gladly take a serial killer over jimin or jungkook.
"taehyung," you breathe when you take in his face, relieved. you must look like absolute shit because he scans your face and winces. 
"jimin told me," he says, the apology in his voice and expression was almost painful to register. "he told me everything. ____, i'm so sorry. i should have told you about the hoseok thing, i just thought it would be worse coming from me, and then i tried to force jimin into confessing but then he didn't because he's jimin, and now-"
"you're only allowed to come inside if you stop apologising," you say weakly, voice haggered from the hours of crying.
taehyung's pouty expression almost makes you smile with how cute he looks, gingerly stepping over the threshhold. "i really am sorry though."
"for what," you say monotonously, closing the door behind him while he takes off his shoes. "my inexplicably terrible taste in men? my uncanny ability to get manipulated by literally anyone who shows me a scrap of affection? or my absolutey shredded-to-shit attachment style thats barely intact let alone functioning healthily? after hoppping between the first two for a few hours i'd personally go for the latter. but whatever."
"please shut up," taehyung sighs, bringing you into his arms before you could have a second thought about it. "you need to amp up the misandry in this context. a lot of this had nothing to do with you and everything to do jimin and jungkook."
you're too tired to open your eyes, snuggling into the softness of taehyung's chest. you’re too exhausted to argue. "where did you learn the word misandry? have you been reading?"
"yeah," you can hear his big, pleased grin. "i know you and the girls have been calling me a himbo behind my back."
"affectionately," you add, peering up at him. he wipes the wetness off your cheeks, moving upstairs to your room with your hand in his. he fetches you a glass of water before putting you into bed like he's paid to do it. taehyung was the cuddliest person you had ever met, but you had rarely seen him dote on anyone. "girls love himbos. it's a compliment."
"not all girls," he mutters when he returns from the bathroom with a glass of water. "drink this, would you? you look so dry it's making me itchy."
you do as he says with a roll of your eyes. "what do you mean?" you finish your water with a big gulp. "jisoo loves dumb guys, what are you talking about?"
taehyung looks away from you, bottom lip rolling up under his teeth so fast you barely catch it. he pulls up your desk chair next to your bed, thinking long and hard before meeting your eyes again. "i don't mean jisoo."
you don't understand at first, but after staring at his face for a long minute your stomach drops. "don't. don't you fucking dare," another beat of silence. you rip the covers off you to scamble to your knees, grab your pillow and hurl it at taehyung's head. "taehyung, please don't tell me that the one remaining, healthy relationship i have with a man has also been shot to shit because i swear to god i'm gonna-"
"it's not a big deal," he says firmly, and he really does mean it. taehyung catches your wrists when you lunge at him, effectively ending your outburst before it can begin. he keeps hold of them while he stares into your eyes, watching the way they fill up with a fresh bout of tears. "i've had a crush on you for a while, so what? it's not anyone's business but mine so don't worry about it."
you try not to scream at him. "how long?"
"...since the start." he shrugs. "it's not like i could have done anything anyway. with jimin around. he’d never have it."
"but...! but..." you splutter, the highlight reel of your friendship suddenly marred before your eyes. "but you let me talk to you about boys! you gave me advice with hobi and jimin and jungkook and...! you encouraged jimin to confess to me. and the whole thing with jisoo?"
he wets his lips guiltily. "jisoo is a nice girl. i like her, but...not like you. i've always liked you."
you shake your head in horror, your face crumpling. bile rose in your throat. "so all of that...playing with my friend like that. was just to get to me?"
"listen to me," taehyung says firmly, gripping your wrists to make you look at him again. he's so close you can feel the warmth of his breath on yours, and you never realised how large taehyung's torso was compared to yours before. he could have smothered you, but he didn't. in all senses. "the way jimin and jungkook handled their feelings is on them, just like how this is on me. it doesn't matter if i'm fucking you or not, you're my friend and i'll always want people to do right by you. and that includes me."
there was nothing else to say, so taehyung wordlessly wipes your face again and fetches you more water before retreating to sleep on the couch downstairs. all the while you sat there in your bed, confused and bewildered and thoughtful. the same bed jungkook fucked you on. the same bed jimin held you in. out of all the men in your life, taehyung was the only one who treated his feelings for you with reverence. there wasn't one interaction you could think of where he made his feelings clear, where he even hinted towards wanting something more. if he hadn't have said anything tonight, in the wake of one of the most emotionally tumultuous days of your life, you would still be in the dark about it all. and that was the scariest part. you didn't know anyone else who hadn't let their feelings for you effect how they treated you. so ultimately, it was possible.
and jimin and jungkook chose not to do that. but taehyung did.
taehyung did.
when you finally pad downstairs after hours of ruminating, jisoo's bedroom door is wide open. and that's who you should be thinking about now - your friend and sister jisoo - as the sky begins to lighten with the signs of morning. you hadn't slept for over twenty four hours, you were hungry and thirsty, delirious from the whirlwind of losing the two most important men in your life in one day. but still, you are drawn to taehyung. taehyung, who never asked anything of you. taehyung, who was as silent as he was selfless this whole time. taehyung who routinely put what he wanted aside in favour of what was best for you. taehyung, who protected you without needing credit or recognition for it. taehyung, taehyung, taehyung, taehyung, taehyung-
"taehyung," you whisper scraping your nails through his hair. his eyes fluttered open, twisting his head to face you as you hovered above him. he could barely see you in the darkness. "taehyung, wake up."
"what is it?" he croaks, sitting up with half-lidded eyes and a yawn. he doesn't know how to read the expression on your face. he swings his legs off the sofa in a sitting position, wearing nothing but his boxers and tee, visibly alarmed. "what happened? are you okay?"
you take his face in your hands and kiss him. 
taehyung stiffens against you, breath drawn thin. you pull away to gauge his expression, desperately searching his eyes in the darkness. for discomfort, disapproval, anything negative at all. the absolute ardour you find instead could knock you down if taehyung didn't reach for your neck, kissing you again. you whine at the feel of his tongue, having no idea where such sudden and intense arousal was coming from. when you pull away with shaky limbs, you climb onto his thick thighs so he can feel your wetness through his boxers. taehyung grunts at the sensation, and again when you kiss him passionately and without abandon. the sweet girl every guy he knew was agonising over, suddenly in his lap. he's barely had his tongue down your throat for ten minutes and you're already rocking into him, his erection betraying his resolve.
it's better than he dreamed. 
"taehyung," you gasp, palming him now. he groans when he pulls away to look at your mouth, glistening with his saliva when you take his hand and guide it down to your arousal. "please."
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justmesadgirl · 3 years
The Bet - George Weasley
Pairing: George Weasley x Gryffindor reader
Warnings: angst, fluff,
Words: 7.1k
Summary: Draco makes a bet with George Weasley about dating the shy Gryffindor named y/n. But what happens when she finds out it’s all just for a bet and what happens when George actually realizes that he has fallen for her. 
a/n: English isn’t my first laungage so sorry for all the mistakes!
requests are open!
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“Fred where are we going to get the gold.” George asks his twin brother. They were planning on opening a joke shop but they still didn’t have enough money gathered up. Harry had helped a lot with the wizarding tournament winnings but it still wasn’t enough.
Fred and George were sitting in the library which was unusual for the Weasley twins but this was the only quiet place they could think and plan new products for the shop.
“I don’t know. We just have to come up with something.” Fred tells his brother as someone pulls the chair in front of them and sits down. Both of the twins look up surprised to see Malfoy sitting in front of them with an evil smirk on his lips and his two minions standing behind him.
“You need some money Weaselbees?” Draco’s words were interesting them, what could he possibly offer them. But at the same time, they didn’t want anything to do with Malfoy.
“Bugger of Malfoy we don’t need anything from you.” Fred angrily sneers at Malfoy, not wanting to be bothered by him any longer.
“Are you sure?” Draco asks them as he places a fat bag full of galleons on the table. “I could offer 100 galleons for a bet.” He continues.
“What bet?” George asks before Fred can speak. He knew that Fred would say no but 100 galleons would help them a lot.
“I will give you all of this if one of you manages to get y/l/n to fall in love with you.” Draco tells them as he points to a girl sitting on the other side of the library nose buried in a school book.  George and Fred both turn to look at you. You were a Gryffindor and no one knew why, you were one of the shiest students in the whole school. You only had a couple of friends and one of them was sitting in front of you doing the same thing as you and that was Hermione Granger.
“Why her?” Fred asks, confused. “What’s in it for you?”
“I don’t like her and she got me in trouble last week so I need a good laugh.” Draco casually tells the twins and his two minions laugh at their friends' words.
“Sure. I can make her fall in love with me.” George says before even thinking the whole situation through.
“What?” Fred asks his brother quietly, turning to face him.
“Thats a lot of money Fred.” George whispers to his brother.
“The bet is on then. Let’s shake on it.” Malfoy announces as he gets up and offers his hand to shake.
“I'm gonna see that money very soon Malfoy.” George replies as he shakes his hand, confidently. Malfoy nods at them, takes the bag full of gold from the table and disappears out of the library.
“Are you crazy George!?” Fred raises his voice earning an angry look from Madam Irma.
”She will never know Fred. I will take her on couple of dates, use my charm and all that gold will be ours. I promise I will let her down easy.” George tells Fred before turning to look at you. He felt bad for doing this to you but the joke shop was his dream and no one could stand in the way of it.
“You are crazy dear brother. Just go easy, she is friends with Ron, ‘Mione and Harry.” Fred warns him. George just gives him a nod before making his way to you and Hermione.
“Hello ladies.” George says as he sits down next to you.
“Hey George, can we help you with something?” Hermione asks George. But he doesn’t even look at her because his eyes are glued on you. George doesn’t think he has ever had an actual conversation with you. Even if you were close with his younger brother he never had a reason to talk to you. But now sitting next to you George realized that you were beautiful. Light pink blush on your cheeks because he was sitting close to you and he always had made you nervous so every time he was around you would try to hide away from him.
“I’m actually here to talk to you y/n.” George announces.
“M-me?” You finally turn to look at him. You didn’t even think he would actually know your name.
“Yes you darling.” His words make a fiery blush spread on your cheeks.
“W-why?” You mumble out to him as Hermione's face holds a confused look.
“I was wondering if you would go on a date with me.” He smiles at you sweetly.
“T-thank you but n-no thank you.” You reply to him as you get up and take your book before making your way out of the library. Not spearing a look at him or Hermione.
“What? Why not!” George yells after you. “Sorry ‘Mione need to go.” He gives her a quick smile before running after you.
“y/n wait!” You can hear him call after you but you just pick up your speed. Your mind was going crazy, so confused with what was going on. He had never talked to you before, why would he want to go on a date with you. He was funny, sweet and incredibly handsome, he could get almost any girl in the school so why would he want you out of all people.
You turn to the next hallway but you pump into someone, making you drop your book. You would have fallen on the floor unless the person you pumped into wouldn’t have wrapped their arms around you and kept you up.
“Oh wow you need to look where you are going.” You look up at the ginger confused.
“G-George?” You ask him. He was right behind you so how was he in front of you now.
“Yes darling.” His smiles make your legs go weak but luckily he was already holding you up.
“H-how, how did you do that?” You ask him as you step away from his hold before picking your book up. But this time you don’t walk away, you straighten your back and turn to face the tall ginger.
“There is a secret passageway.” George tells you like that was the most normal thing ever.
“Oh.” Is all you can get out. Being with him made you even more nervous than usual.
“Not gonna run away this time?” He teases you with a smirk on his lips.
”I can.” Your reply makes him laugh.
“So would you please go on a date with me, gorgeous?” George asks you once again.
“W-why me?” You question him.
“Because you are funny, smart and honestly you are gorgeous. Why wouldn’t I want to take you out?” George gives you his signature smirk. He was known as a flirt around the school but not as well known as Fred was.
“O-okay.” You mumbled to him looking at your shoes.
“Was that a yes I just heard?” George asks you happily. The 100 galleons were just so close he could almost touch it.
“Y-yeah I will go o-out with you.” You stammer more than you wanted to.
“Great, so this Saturday I’m taking you to Hogsmeade. Now would you let me walk you back to our common room?” You just nod your head and he takes your book from your hands before taking hold of it. The whole way back to your common room you make small talk or more like George does and you give shy small replies back.
The days leading up to Saturday George would sit with you at breakfast and try to talk to you as much as possible. You however failed to notice the winks he would send to Draco at breakfast or when you two walked past him.
George was anxiously walking in the common room on Friday night. Tomorrow he would take you on your first date but the past couple of days he had been spending with you had actually been nice. He liked to make you laugh and he loved to see you blush.
“What’s wrong George?” Fred asks from the couch by the fire. The twins and Lee were the only students in the common room, because it was already 2 am and everyone else was in bed. “Are you nervous about tomorrow?”
George let’s out an annoyed groan at his brother's words. He didn’t even have to say what was wrong because Fred already knew.
“I might actually like her.” George whispers underneath his breath.
“Pardon?” Fred asks not sure if he heard George right.
“I think I might actually like her. She, she is just so sweet and nice...” George cuts his sentence off as he turns to face his twin brother.
“Then call of the bet with Malfoy.” Lee speaks up from his seat next to Fred.
“But we really could use the 100 galleons.” Fred mumbles to them.
“That’s true. That’s a lot of galleons.” George says as he sits on the coffee table so he can face his brother and best friend. “I really wanna go out with her. I think that something could actually happen between us.”
“Well then go on the date with her and keep the bet on with Malfoy.” Lee suggests.
“But when she finds out?” Fred asks them both. “What would happen when she finds out?”
“But if we make sure she won’t? You will get the girl and money!” Lee continues. Fred wasn’t so sure about the plan as Lee was. George didn’t want to hurt you but he and Fred needed the money so maybe he should just risk it.
“I think we should head off to bed. Big day tomorrow then.” George gets up from the table and starts making his way to his dorm room with Fred and Lee following him.
What could go wrong?
Next morning George saw you sitting with the golden trio at breakfast, smile forms on his lips as he makes his way to you.
“Good morning beautiful and others.” He says as he sits next to you. A pink blush spreads on your cheeks making him smile even wider.
“Oh shod off George.” Ron groans at his older brother. He didn’t like the sudden interest in his friend by his older brother. He never talked to you before and he had a feeling there was something wrong with the whole situation.
“Love you too brother but I’m here for the pretty lady, not you.” George lets Ron know before turning his eyes back to you. “Excited for our date? I am!”
You let out a small laugh at his words but you keep your eyes on your plate that was almost empty. You didn’t think you would see him in the morning. “Y-yeah I am.” You mumble to him as you play with the food on your plate.
“Great. I will go eat breakfast with Fred and Lee. So let say we can meet by the entrance hall at 1pm?” George asks you as he starts getting up.
“Okay. See you then.” You finally turn to look at him and his goofy grin makes you smile. “Can’t wait!” He kisses your cheeks before leaving you alone with your friends as their eyes burn holes into you. “W-what?” You ask them as you turn to look at them.
“Something is going on.” Ron lets you know, his mouth full of food and you think you see some of it fly out of his mouth.
“So you think George wouldn’t like y/n?” Hermione asks, shocked. Maybe Ron was right maybe George wouldn’t actually like you, why would he. Even you thought it was weird how suddenly he was so interested in you but at the same time you really enjoyed the attention he had been giving you. You only had been on one date before, with a nice Hufflepuff boy named Charles but in the end you realized that you would be better off as just friends.
“Shit, sorry y/n! I didn’t mean it like that. You are a great girl but I just think something smells fishy with this whole situation.” Ron apologizes to you. Harry had been awfully quiet about the whole situation.
“No, no it’s fine Ron don’t worry. I think I will go read a little before meeting up with G-george.” You let your friends know before getting up. Even saying his name was weird. The whole bloody situation was weird but maybe for once you should just go with the flow. George only had been nice to you so why should you doubt his reasons.
You make your way to the entrance hall. George was already there waiting for you with his goofy smile on his lips. You were so nervous, hands shaking but you hid them inside your pockets.
“You look lovely.” George speaks up as soon as you are close enough to him.
“T-thank you. You look nice too.” You mentally hit yourself at your reply, couldn’t you come up with something better than that he looks nice too.
“Well thank you. Ready to go?” He asks and offers his hand to you. His action makes you blush,  you take his hand, mumbling a quiet yes to him. “No need to be shy, darling. It’s just me.” He whispers to you as you two make your way to Hogsmeade.
“You make me nervous.” You let him know which makes him laugh.
“Why do I make you nervous?” George questions you.
“I’m not sure, you just do.”
“I’m okay with that as long as you give me that cute little smile and you blush like that.” George tells you, your free hand finds its way to your cheek to feel it.
“I can do that.” You let out a giggle, you blushed easily but George made you blush more than usual. George asks you questions the whole walk to the village, asking about your family, favorite foods, friends, interests, life plans and anything else that comes to his mind. Slowly you didn’t feel as nervous around George, you were enjoying his company a lot.
“I was thinking we could go to Madam Puddifoot’s tea shop, then we could go to Zonko’s and honeydukes? What do you think?” George asks you as you finally make it to Hogsmeade.
“That sounds good.”
“Let’s go then, some nice hot tea to warm you up.” George squeezes your hand before pulling you towards the tea shop. Usually couples would go to the tea shop for dates because it was a nice quiet place to spend time at. George opens the door for you, like the gentleman he is. “Go sit down and I will go order for us.”
George makes his up to the counter and orders a teapot of flower tea and gets a cake piece for you to share. The whole way down to Hogsmeade his heart had been going crazy in his chest. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t talked to you before the bet started with Draco.
“Got us a cake to share and some flower tea, hope that's okay?” George places the tray on the table before sitting down next to you. You and George spend almost three hours in the tea shops just talking, not even noticing how much time had passed since you had sat down, the teapot was empty and the cake plate only had crumbs on it left.
“Should we move on to the joke shop?” You ask him when you see that the sun was already starting to set.
“Yeah I need a couple of things from there for a couple of pranks me and Fred have planned.” he lets you know with a proud smile.
He helps you put your jacked back on and offers his hand to you. The smile on your face started slowly hurting, he had made you laugh a lot, and made you blush even more.
The joke shop was full of people, you never really came in here. Only once with Ron when he wanted to prank the twins back for something they had done to him.
“Me and Fred want to open our own joke shop after school.” George speaks up from behind you when he sees your eyes wander around the shop. You turn to face him.
“Really? That’s really nice, a perfect job for the best pranksters of the school.” You let him know, your words make George blush and suddenly you understand why he likes to see you blush. George gets the things he needs from the shop and you two make your way to honeydukes. He is surprised by the amount of sweets that you get, but making note of your favorite ones.
It started raining as you two were making your way back, and the rain was only picking up. You were luckily already almost back at school and if you would start running you would probably make it in before you got soaked.
“I love the rain.” You whisper under your breath.
“Me too! Makes me feel free.” George lets go of your hand and just spins around looking up at the sky. It was already dark outside at this point. “Dance with me, darling!” he stops in front of you with a huge smile on his lips.
“What?” You ask him confused, was he being serious.
“Dance with me.” He repeats himself offering you his hand and doing a small bow.
“Sure.” you laugh as you take his hand in yours and place your other on his shoulder. His free hand finds your back before he starts spinning you around on the wet grass. He was humming an unfamiliar song. You couldn’t take your eyes off him, his hair was pressed flat on his forehead and his eyes were on you, a big smile still on his lips and you were mirroring it. You felt so happy at this moment, like nothing could ruin it.
“Can I kiss you?” George speaks up after a while of dancing in the rain.
“Please do” You whisper to him, your arms wrap around his neck and George places his warm hand on your cold cheek. He slowly brings you closer to you and then he kisses you. You had never had a kiss like this before, it made you feel warm inside even if you were actually freezing. George felt the same, this had to be the best kiss he had ever had.
You need to pull away from him, needing air. A small giggle leaves your lips as you look at him.
“I think we should get inside before we get sick.” George says, pulling away from you, but he takes your hand in his again before you two make your way into the school. The walk back to the common room is silent but you stop him before he can say the password to the fat lady. You give him a quick kiss, blushing like a crazy person.
“Thank you for a wonderful date.” You thank him turning to look at your shoes. George places his hand on your cheek and makes you look at him.
“And thank you for making it wonderful. I really hope I can take you out again.” George’s voice sounds hopeful, really hoping that you would let him take you out again.
“I would love that.” You breathe out before he kisses you once more. “Let’s go get changed, we are soaking.” George laughs before you two make your way into the common room, both of you making your way to your own dorm rooms to get changed before dinner, huge smiles playing on your lips.
George is enjoying his dinner with his best mates when suddenly Malfoy sits next to him which makes couple of heads turn. Malfoy wasn’t really welcomed into the Gryffindor table.
“What do you want Malfoy?” Fred groans to him, hating how almost everyone in the great hall was looking at them.
“Wanting to see if the bet is still on.” Malfoy tells them as he looks at George.
“Yes it is. Actually had a really nice date with her last saturday.” George lets him know proudly. He could almost feel the galleons in his hands.
“Great! About the bet, I think I forgot to mention a part of it last time.” The evil smirk on Malfoy’s face makes George’s heart drop to his stomach.
“What?” George murmurs out, confusion written all over his face.
“I want you to break her heart when she falls in love with you.” Malfoy states with a small laugh. “I want you to humiliate her in front of everyone.” He continues, keeping his voice down so others don’t hear the conversation.
“What?! No that wasn’t part of the bet!” Fred speaks up from the other side of the table. George doesn’t even know what to say. The date with you had gone so well, how was he supposed to break your heart?
“Slipped my mind to mention it last time but I don’t think it’s a big deal... or is it, George?” Draco asks George. “I thought you needed the galleons.”
George couldn’t even find words to reply to Malfoy. 100 galleons was a lot of money but was it worth of breaking your heart for? Why did life have to be so hard sometimes,
“I need to think about it.” George finally replies after a couple minutes of silence.
“Get back to me when you know.” Draco tells him before getting up and leaving the great hall.
“Are you bloody serious George? You can’t do that to her. Are you out of your mind?” Fred whisper yells at his brother so no one would hear them but to George’s bad luck his younger brother had heard the whole conversation between them and Malfoy. Ron doesn’t stay to listen to the rest of the conversation, he had heard enough. He would confront George later but right now he needed to go tell you the truth. He hated George for doing this to you but he hated himself at that moment more because he had a feeling that something was wrong and now he has to be the one to tell it to you.
Ron stormes into the Gryffindor common room to see you and Hermione talking which was sometimes new because usually when you two were alone you would be studying. You were telling Hermione about your date with George, cheeks read.
You were so happy, your date with George was perfect. Just like from muggle books you had read. He had treated you like a princess and you couldn’t wait till you would have another date.
“y/n?” Ron’s voice makes you stop talking to Hermione and you turn to look at him, your huge smile falls as you see his face.
“What’s wrong Ron?” Hermione asks from next to you. Ron looked like he was about to be sick and he felt like it too.
“I need to tell you something.”
“Go on then? What’s wrong?” You ask him, voice full of concern.
“I don’t even know what to tell you.” Ron starts. Sitting down next to you, running his finger through his red hair. “I-I heard George and Malfoy talking.” He was taking a long time.
“Go on Ron. We don’t have the whole day!” Hermione groans.
“Hermione let him tell it on his own time.” You tell her off and turn back to look at Ron.
“Malfoy and George have a bet.” Ron finally looks up at you. “Bet about you.”
“What?” Hermione mumbles more to herself.
“What do you mean by a bet?” You ask him confused. You can feel your heartbreaking, that’s why he was suddenly interested in you.
“Yeah, a bet. About how he would need to break your heart and humiliate you in front of everyone...” Ron’s voice is a bare whisper at this point. The look you give him makes him feel even worse but he needed to tell you before the thing between you and George went on any further.
Before you could say anything after Ron’s words the portrait opens and you see two tall gingers walk in. You push yourself up from your seat, tears brimming your eyes as you march your way to George.
“Hello beautiful!” George happily greets you. You don’t even know what to do, you are so angry and disappointed that you just slap him as hard as you can.
“How you fucking dare to do that to me!” You yell at him, and the whole common room goes quiet.
“W-what are you talking about?” George asks confused, bringing his hand on his hot cheek. You look a lot weaker than you actually are.
“I know about your stupid bet with Malfoy!” You yell at him, tears now flowing down your cheeks. “A-and I thought there could actually be something between us!” You push him out of the way and run out of the common room. Not stopping even when you hear several people call after you.
You needed to be alone, not wanting to speak to anyone or see anyone. Your mind was slowly going through what had just happened, what Ron had told you and that you had just slapped George Weasley in front of the whole common room and yelled at him for what he had done. Embarrassment taking over your body, now everyone knew that George wouldn’t actually go out with someone like you.
Tears were slowly blurring your vision and you found yourself at one of the corridors that people didn’t use much. This was your safe place when you were stressed or couldn’t sleep. You made your way here to think. Finding a seat at one of the window ledge. Pulling your legs against your chest as you finally let out a sob.
How could someone be so evil to make a bet with someone else's feelings? You know that Draco hated you after you had turned him down, you came from a good pureblood family and he had tried to make a move on you and you had turned him down because you could never be with someone like him. You really thought that George was different, that he was nice and caring but he was even more evil than Malfoy himself.
You didn’t return to your dorm till early in the morning, everyone was already asleep when you made your way to your bed, body aching. As soon as you close your eyes and are about to drift off to sleep you can hear someone whisper your name from the door.
“y/n?” you hear it again, but the voice belonged to a boy not a girl’s so you don’t dare to move or open your eyes, hoping that whoever it was would leave. “y/n?” you heat it for the third time before the dorm room door closes, only thing afterwards you can hear is snoring from one of the girls beds. The voice who had called out to you was familiar.
George closes the girls dorm door quietly before leaning against it, letting out an angry sigh. He had been looking for you after you had run out on him, but he couldn’t find you anywhere. It was like you had left Hogwarts.
So George decided to stay in the common room till you would come back, but after hours of waiting he had fallen asleep on the couch and woken up to the sound of someone climbing the stairs up to the girls dormitories. He jumped off the couch as fast as he could and ran after the sound but by the time he made it to the door you were already in bed. George tried to see if you were awake but you didn’t even move when he whispers out to you.
George felt so stupid. How could he mess this up. How could gold be worth the bet he made. You were an awesome sweet girl and he had hurt you. He felt like hitting his head against the stone wall next to him. How would you ever believe him if he tried to tell you that he actually liked you, that he actually wanted to spend time with you and that he actually found himself falling for you after a week of knowing you.
The next morning Hermione wakes you up by shaking you a little, weak smile on her lips when you open your eyes.
“Good morning. How are you feeling” she asks you.
“Morning and I’m fine. Why are you waking me up?” You sit up in the bed and look around the room. “What time is it?”
“It’s almost 8am and we need to get to class.” Her words make you groan, you felt so tired and you just wanted to sleep the day away.
“Oh okay, let me get ready.” You groan as you get up and change into your school uniforms, making your way to the bathroom to brush your hair and teeth.
“I packed your bag for you.” She holds out your bag for you.
“Thanks, you didn’t have to do that.” You take the bag from her and you two start making your way to potions class.
“George went looking for you after you left but he couldn’t find you.” Hermione speaks up after a while.
“Oh...” is all you get out, what were you supposed to say. He just used you for galleons.
“You should have seen Ron after. He was really mad. Even scared me a little.” She continues. “Ron almost punched him but Fred pulled him away in time.”
“Can we not talk about this?” You ask her.
“Yes, sorry.”
Rest of your walk into potions class is quite both of you lost in your own thoughts. As you two walk in your eyes find Draco. He looks up at you and smirks.
You sit down in your seat next to Ron. “Thank you for defending me.” You whisper to him as Snape walks into the class.
“Any time, you are my best friend and George was an arse to you. I’m sorry.” Ron doesn’t turn to look at you, he keeps his eyes on Snape even if he isn’t listening to him.
“Don’t be sorry. I should have known that something was up.”
“Any guy would be lucky to date you, only if they tried to actually get to know you.” Ron gives you a quick glance, not wanting Snape to yell at you two for speaking.
“Thank you Ron.”
The day passes quickly and before you know it you are already making your way to dinner with the golden trio. Not really listening to the conversation the three were having, your mind drifting off to the way someone had called your name last night.
“y/n?” You hear it again but you are sure that it was just you imagining it but when your friends stop walking and turn to face the person who was calling out to you, you realize that you weren’t just imagining it. Slowly you turn to look at the person who was talking. George had an apologizing look on his face, he was about to say something but Ron cut him off before he could even start.
“George leave it, she doesn't want to hear it. Just piss off!” Ron didn’t sound happy at all with his older brother, but if you were honest you wanted to hear the reason why he would do something like he did. “Please?” George turns to look at you, making your heart race.
“No, I told you already.” Ron groans at his brother, taking your arm in his starting to pull you towards the great hall but you stop him. “I actually want to hear the reason.” You say loud enough that George could hear it too. “Are you sure?” Harry asks you from next to Hermione.
“Yes.” You let your friends know before turning to face George again. “Let’s go somewhere more private.” You tell him, feeling other students' eyes on you. Everyone at Hogwarts already knew about what had happened in the Gryffindor common room last night.
George didn’t believe his ears at first, he thought it would take weeks to get you to listen to him, but here you two were walking to the courtyard in silence. As you two make it there you sit down on one of the benches. George sits next to you looking at you with an unreadable face.
“G-go on then.” You curse yourself for stuttering in front of him. You wanted to seem strong, like the thing he had done to you didn’t hurt you the way it did.
“I-I don’t even know where to start.” George lets a heavy sigh out. “I’m just incredibly sorry. I never actually wanted to hurt you, I thought that I could get the gold from Malfoy without hurting you so me and Fred could start our joke shop.”
“How did you think y-you could do that if part of the bet was to hurt and humiliate me.” You question him.
“No no. At first the bet was to get you to fall in love with me, that’s all. But after our date Draco told me that I needed to break your heart, if that had been in the bet in the first place I wouldn’t have done it.” George was speaking fast, wanting to get everything out. “But I need to tell you that I’m more than sorry, I was wrong to bet on you in the first place. You are an amazing girl and in a way I’m happy about the bet because otherwise I probably wouldn’t ever have spoken to you and that would have meant that I never have gotten to know you.”
“But you think it would have been okay if I hadn’t been the way I am.” his words were just making you even more angry about the situation. You get up from the bench, ready to leave him but he stops you. “No that’s what I meant! You just make me nervous! And I know I messed up but I don’t want to go back to life without you. I think I’m falling for you.” You turn to face him after hearing him confess his feelings.
“Y-you really think I could ever trust a word you say to me?” You ask him, even if you enjoyed your time with him you don’t think you could ever fully forgive him for his actions. “I… I forgive you…” before you could even continue George speaks up.
“Thank you thank you! I will not disappoint you again.”  
“Let me finish, but t-that doesn't mean I want to be with you. You are a nice boy but I don’t want anything to do with you anymore.” After you finish speaking George’s face falls. For a second he actually thought you would forgive him and you could forget that the whole bet was a part of the start of your relationship.
“Can’t we even be friends?” George’s words make you give him a sad smile.
“Maybe one day but I need my time. So for now goodbye George and take care.” You squeeze his hand before walking away from him. You wanted to forgive him, forget the bet and be with him but you didn’t want to hurt yourself again. Maybe love wasn't meant for you.
Weeks passed by George didn’t try to talk to you he would just smile at you when you passed by or say a small hi to you nothing more, wanting to give you space before he would try to have a real conversation with you. It had been so hard for him to keep away from you, every waking hour he was thinking about you and how much he missed you. George was mad at himself for falling for you so quick and for hurting you the way he did.
You didn’t expect George to actually stay away from you, he never listened to people and for once he did and you weren’t sure if you were happy or sad about it. You wanted space but you missed him at the same time, the week you had spent together had been nice, it felt nice to have someone walk you to class and ask about your day, most of the time Harry, Ron and Hermione were up to something much greater than having the time to have small talk with you.
The golden trio were up to something once again and you had desited to not go along with them once again, so you found yourself sitting in the common room alone reading a book. Hermione had given it to you, it was a muggle on once again. Gryffindor common room was quiet and mostly empty, only couple other people who were studying or reading in their own bubbles.
It was getting late when the portrait hole opened and two tall gingers walked in, your eyes meet with George’s, making you blush so you quickly turn back to your book.
“Go ahead Fred I will come up in a minute.” George tells Fred, not even listening to his brother talk anymore. After seeing you alone sitting by the fire reading a book, he knew that he needed to talk to you for even a little while.
“Are you sure that this is a good idea?” Fred questions as his eyes follow George’s to see what he was looking at.
“Yes, just go on.” He whispers to his brother giving him a quick glance before walking up to you. “Can I sit here?” George asks, pointing at the empty space next to you on the couch.
“Y-yeah.” You only spear him a glance before turning back to your book, pretending to be reading. George sits down next to you, turning to face the fire not sure how to start the conversation with you. “S-so how are you?” You speak up after a long awkward silence.
“Oh... I’m good thanks. How have you been?” George turns to face you, surprised to see you already looking at him.
“I been good…” You blush again after meeting his eyes.
“I’m sorry for what happened between us.” George could suddenly feel the lump growing in the back of his throat.
“It’s okay George, I told you I forgive you.” You give him a sweet smile taking his hand in yours. “Well I didn’t when I told you that I did but now I do. It’s okay you did it for your future, for the joke shop.”
“Nothing makes it right, no amount of gold should be a reason to hurt another person and I promise you I’m regretting my choices more than anything. If I could go back in time and fix everything I would.”
“Well technically you could get a time turner.” You joke, making both of you laugh.
“Can we be friends? I really enjoy your company and I just want to get to know you better… I miss you.” George confesses, bringing your both hands into his.
“No, I don’t think I want to be your friend.” You let him know.
“Oh, I understand.” George mumbles to you before letting go of your hands and standing up.
“I meant that I don’t want to be your friend because I would like to go on a date with you!” You tell him quickly, panic clear in your voice. You get up too, not wanting him to walk away from you. “WhAt?” George turns to face you shocked, did he hear you right?
“I-I mean if you want to… It’s totally fine if you don’t feel the same way…” George didn’t let you finish before crashing his lips onto yours. It takes a second for you to respond to the kiss but when you do the kiss was even better than the first one you two shared, it was full of passion and love. George pulls away to take a deep breath in, leaning his forehead against yours.
“Are you crazy, of course I want to go on a date with you. Can’t bloody get you off of my mind for the past month.” His words make you giggle. “Can we start from the beginning?”
“You know if we start from the beginning you can’t kiss me like this anymore before our date?” You ask him with a small smirk.
“Oh no no we don’t want that do we?” George replies before kissing you. “Well can we at least pretend that the whole Malfoy situation didn’t happen?” You giggle at his words and nod your head. Being with him made you so happy, he was the only one who got so many giggles out of you.
“Yes we can forget the Malfoy situation.”
“But tell me lovely what have you done to poor Malfoy that he would give up 100 galleons for breaking your heart?” George questions you as you two sit back down, this time cuddling up to each other.
“He asked me on a date but I turned him down.” You tell him.
“Hurt his ego a lot I see then.” George laughs, feeling finally happy to have you in his arms and having another chance with you.
“Didn’t know me turning him down would be 100 galleons worth in a bet, might take him up on that myself.” You joke, making you both laugh again.
“Thank you for giving me another chance.” George whispers to you after a while, “I promise you that you won’t regret it.”
“I hope so Wasley, next time I will make sure that Ron will actually bunch you then.”
“To be honest love, I think you would munch me harder than he ever could.” George laughs, thinking about how Ron was always bad at fighting when they were kids.
“Hey he is still one of my best friends, don’t be mean to him.” You push him playfully.
“Okay for you I can say that I will try but I won’t promise anything.” He lets you know as he brings you closer to his body, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “Can we stay like this forever?”  
“If you don’t mess it up this time we can.” You tell him before giving him a quick kiss. “Just please don’t mess this up okay?”
“I won’t… believe me I will never let you slip out of my hands, ever again.” He promised you before placing another soft kiss on your lips. Maybe you deserved love after all.
A/N: Let me know if I should make a fluffy second part? And tell me what you think and if you want to be added to any tag list let me know! It means a lot to me when you guys leave  comments of what you think!!!
permanent tag list:
@smexylemony  @alylanaeblack @dottirose @obviouslyoleff @sleepybesson @btzlc @judemoos @procrastinatingparker @tomshufflepuff @marcymakemagic @joycelovedorial @wronglanemendes @lou-la-lou @spideyboix​ @nervouscafe @vibhati123 @ourkarlanicoleuniverse​ @whitoutsanity @spidey-holland7 @living-on-rice @emogril @joycelovedorial @biggraysonenergy @mendesilicious @heartbeats-wildly @dreaming-about-fanfictions @broidktf @softlyqoos​ @theweasleyslut
George & Fred tag list:
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nahoyaglock · 4 years
karasuno x gn!reader, headcanons, fluff
A/N! im so sorry that this is so long hhh + reblogs are appreciated and feedback is too :D i also did not read this over so im sorry if it sucks and theres errors
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Daichi would walk home with you since you lived nearby him
and since it was the weekend he thought he would hang out with you at your place
you two would stop at a nearby convince store, spliting up and searching the aisles for some ramen and chips
you ran over to the chips aisle after grabbing the ramen and saw daichi grabbing multiple bags
he shot you a big smile and you just scoffed and playfully kicked his shin
"we dont need that many bags daichi!"
"of course we do babe"
you left with 4 bowls of instant ramen and 7 different bags of chips
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sugawara had planned this for a whole week
his sweet s/o had a hard week? prepare for some clingy bf sugawara and to be spoiled
he picked you up at 4pm to let you sleep in from staying up studying all night friday
once you arrived at the lake nearby his place, you saw the little picnic blanket
he had brought out a little speaker, playing some soft, relaxing tunes
you guys ate and talked, and even just watched the trees blow in the wind
you would hear a song you like, and you would pull sugawara to his feet to dance to the song
he would twirl you and at the end of the song he would dip you, kissing you softly
"thank you so much suga"
"anything for my sugar~"
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you were a very reckless person, and asahi loved that about you
he would always be by your side for all your adventures, but one day you decided to settle down
you invited asahi over to your small home, your parents out for the day
your small radio played some old tunes as asahi laid on your bed watching you tend to your plants or ramble on as you always did
you cuddled with him a for a few hours until you saw the orange rays come in through your window
"asahi! asahi watch the sunset with me!"
you shot out of bed and pulled your large boyfriend after you
you opened your window and sat on the window sill, swinging your legs around to the other side
being on a second floor, you started asahi
"Hey, be careful"
"get your big ass over here!"
he followed after you, sitting next to you and wrapped an arm around you as the two of you watched the sun set
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fools. you are a pair of reckless fools
tanaka had proposed the idea of a late night hang out
you being just as wild you agreed, and thats how you found yourself with tanaka running around at night, nearly 1am
on your adventure, you found a shopping cart knocked onto its side, you and tanakas eyes meeting with a devious smirk
next thing you knew, tanaka had turned on his speaker and shuffled his spotify playlist as you climbed into the cart
"awe, i wanted you to push me!"
"slow poke! now push!"
he pushed you, running while you two shouted and laughed into the night, doja cat and NIKI playing on his speaker
i just know this mans is a doja cat fan
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nishinoya was a very energetic and fun person, and you were as well, but you just weren't as reckless
as you two walked down the road to your house, nishinoya rambled on and on about practice and his day
you didnt mind, being way less talkative than him, you liked to listen to him
he suddenly jumped into the air, a big happy and excited smile on his face as you could practically see a light buld above his head
"can we take a picture?"
"whats the catch?"
"okay okay, what if we do a handstand!"
you giggled at his request and he looked at you with hopeful eyes
"yes, but if i get hurt your gonna give me a piggy back!"
he sets up his camera against his school bag and sets the timer, running back to where you were
"okay okay, GO!"
you both did a handstand and held it until the timer went off and his phone clicked
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hinata loved going anywhere with you, as long as you were by his side he was already having so much fun
one day you asked him if he wanted to go to the beach, and he practically shouted in excitement
the next day, saturday, you two left in the morning to take a bus to the nearest beach, and hinata brought his bike
when you guys arrived he walked around with his bike as you ran around slightly ahead oh him in the sad
hinata had to watch over his bike so we couldn't run around with you, but then he got an idea
"hey, do you wanna go on a ride along the shore?"
"OH. MY. GOD. YES!!"
he hopped into his bike and you climbed onto the back, and you two ride along the shore at a decently quick pace
the air in your face made you feel free and you lifted your arms up, closing your eyes as you let the air hit you
hinata would take a quick glance back, but it was just long enough to see the beautiful look on your face that made him smile
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even though tsukishima was cold to everyone else, he was slightly less cold towards you, and hed never admit it but you made him soft
i hc tsukishima secretly being a soft boy who enjoys relaxing and reading in his alone time, sometimes even with you
one day you come over to surprise your boyfriend, his brother opening the door for you as you greeted him and his mother.
you made your way to his room and turned the door nob
"oh tsukki!"
you opened the door and saw your boyfriend laying in a pair of yellow and black plaid pajama pants and a navy green sweater, reading as some music played on his speaker
he groaned and closed his book as you walked over to his bed and jumped into his arm
"you had to come over today? you didnt even tell me."
"i like seeing tsukishima kei in his natural habitat"
you pulled a book out of your bag, one that you and tsukishima read together often and he pulled you into his lap and opened to where you had last read
the orange rays of the sun filled his room as you two read the book, soon falling asleep in each others presence
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constantly everyday, this boy was trying to find a way to let you into his life or show his appreciation with more than just holding your hand
one day you guys were chilling on the grass infront of his home, his mothers music playing through the living room window, loud enough for you to hear
the sun was starting to set and a slightly blue hue painted the surroundings
"hey, do you dance?"
you were a bit shocked by that question since you were usually the one to ask random questions like that
"im not that good at it but sure, why?"
kageyama stood up and held out his hand
"may i have this dance?"
you laughed at his question and took his hand, pulling yourself up
"yes you may~"
kageyamas hand rested on your hip, your hand on his shoulder and your other hands were connected at your sides
you guys slow danced, mimicking a waltz, stepping on each others shoes occasionally
kageyamas cheeks were red the whole time as he twirled you and connected his hands with both of yours
he pressed a quick kiss to your cheek and you stared up in awe as your boyfriend shot a wide smile at you, one that you havent seen before
"y-your smiling!"
"what did you do to kageyama!"
"i am kageyama!"
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you and yamaguchi loved to be together, bestfriends and lovers, tsukishima falling victim to third wheeling, not as if he cared much tho
yamaguchi loves flowers almost as much as you do, so when he found this small flower field a few miles past his house he knew he had to take you there
you and yamaguchi walked hand snd hand to this "surprise" place he wanted you to see
when you were close, he covered your eyes and led you past the trees and rocks, placing you in the middle of the large flower field
"ready annnnndd.. open!"
you opened your eyes and froze in awe at the colorful flowers that dotted the field
you turned to your boyfriend and wrapped your arms around his neck, tackling him to the floor
he winced softly as you whispered apologized and peppered his cheek in kisses and he just laughed
"I love you too y/n"
he turned to his side and plucked a daisy, smiling softly as he turned back to face you
he pushed some hair back behind your ear and placed the flower behind your ear, smiling widely as his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink
"i think you're the prettiest flower in the WHOOOOLE world!"
he placed soft kisses to your lips as you laid in the middle of the flower field
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changbinslovelylegs · 3 years
ATEEZ reaction you have trouble sleeping
You couldn't sleep, and you were unsure why. No matter how many times you tossed and turned or how many dam sheep you counted, you just couldn't sleep. It seemed that Seonghwa noticed that you couldn't sleep as you laid there starring at the ceiling. "Baby, why are you awake?" Seonghwa mumbled and slowly turned around to face you. "I can't sleep" you stated bluntly, there was no need to beat around the bush. "Aw, come here gorgeous" Seonghwa pulled you into his arms, resting your head on his chest as he started to softly sing to you. Seonghwa knew that his singing always made you drift off and he smiled when he saw your eyes close.
You didn't know what to do, your hands were shaking as you drank yet another glass of water, sleep was not your friend tonight even though you really needed it since you had to wake up early the next day. Hongjoong came walking down the stairs, rubbing his eyes and yawning in confusion. "Are you ok? why are you up?" Hongjoong asked and frowned when he saw how panicked you looked. "I can't sleep even though I need sleep ugh why can't I fall asleep!" you were frantic so Hongjoong wrapped his arms around you and kissed your neck. "shh, relax baby, lets go back to bed and I'll give you a head massage hmm?" This made you moan with delight, head massages were your favourite.
You continued to toss and turn, letting out a frustrated groan in protest. Since you moved in with Yunho you hadn't slept alone, up until tonight when Yunho was called away for a work trip. It was your first night sleeping alone in months and you just couldn't fall asleep. So much to the point that you were taking out your phone and calling him. "Baby what's wrong?" Yunho was quick to ask since he knew that it was really late where you were. "I didn't want to bother you it's just I can't sleep it feels so weird without you next to me" you ranted in pout. "Aw baby your never a bother, it's weird for me to be away from you too. Do you want me to talk to you until you drift off?" "Yes please!"
You had the TV playing, but you weren't watching it. You were more so starring mindlessly at it, hoping that the light would make your eyes tired. Sleep? you didn't know her tonight. "Babe, babe? where did you go?" Yeosang asked in confusion as he walked around trying to find you, he was more confused when he saw you by the TV. "Babe what happened to our cuddles?" Yeosang asked in pout. "I'm sorry I just can't sleep" you replied and turned the TV off, but left the lamp on. "do you know why you can't sleep?" Yeosang asked as he slid in behind you and so you could lay against his chest. "I'm probably just worried about Friday, I want it to go well you know?" on Friday you had an important presentation and if it went well it could lead to a promotion. Yeosang continued to listen to you talk and softly play with your hair until you dozed off, actually the both of you dozed off.
You yawned as you sat on the couch, you were unable to fall asleep so you thought that a few minutes of staring at the screen would hurt your eyes to the point where all you would want to do is close them, hence fall asleep. You turned your head around when you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Can't sleep?" San asked as he plopped himself next to you and already started cuddling. "Yeah babe, why?" "I can't sleep either" San replied with a huff, "Should I put an episode of Tail of the nine tailed on?" Since the both of you were awake and couldn't sleep and it was Saturday the next day, a little late night TV / cuddle session couldn't hurt
You had tried everything, counting sheep, reading a few chapters of a book, drinking a glass of warm milk, even humming to yourself but no matter what you did, you just could not fall asleep. The humming must have awoken Mingi though because he turned to face you, a frown on his lips. "Can't sleep?" Mingi asked, as if he just read your mind. "Hmm" was all that you could muster up to respond. "How about a massage?" Mingi offered with a slight smirk on his face. you let out another "hmm" and were already moving into place. Mingi started with your lower back, he was hoping to start there and work his way up to your shoulders. "Does that feel nice?" Mingi teasingly asked when you moaned a little.
You felt like shit, all night you were unable to fall asleep due to unknown reasons and now you were laid next to the toilet because you had an insane sudden urge to vomit. You tried closing your eyes and letting your thoughts wonder, but it didn't work and you let out a moan in both pain and frustration. "Wooyoung?" You called out weakly, a few tears falling down in defeat. You were so tired but also so awake and you hated it. "Whats wrong Princess?" Wooyoung was quick to wake up, being the light sleeper that he is. He was also quick to sit down and pull you into his arms. "Breathe babygirl, shh I know your tired shh" Wooyoung rubbed your back in a soothing motion and slightly swayed you, in hopes that it would help you sleep. It seemed to work as you passed out not long after.
You groaned when you checked your phone to see what the time was, all night you had been unable to fall asleep and it was pissing you off. "Angel come here" Jongho must have awoken and you cursed yourself for being loud. "Sorry baby I just can't sleep." "I know thats why I said come here" Jongho had his arms wide open so you moved into them, he moved you so you were on your back but his arms were still around you. He then proceeded to rub your forehead and breathe warm air onto your neck. It was nice for a few minutes but you had another urge to turn into a new position. "shh shh relax angel" Jongho kept a strong hold on you so that you couldn't move, forcing you to take a deep breath and stay in this position.
Thanks for reading, btw tail of the nine tailed is my current fav k drama I so recommend you go watch it if you haven't yet. I know that I am a k pop page but if I decided to post k drama reviews would anyone want to read that? (I've been thinking of doing so.)
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misssharrington · 3 years
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞
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pairing || johnny storm x oc!vivien sparks
warnings || sugestive comments, angst if you squint
word count || 448
summary ||johnny and vivien have a questionable relationship, but love is subjective, isn't it?
a/n || i HATE this but spent way too much time on it to not post
masterlist meet my oc's
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before they were together, johnny and vivien hated each other
i mean, literally. they couldn't be in a room together without it ending in an argument
they got on like fire and ice
see what i did there because thats their powers im so clever
johnny hated that she would just never give into him, no matter what he did. he could never break her
he'd try everything in the book, like this
"hey babe, you, me, friday night, the most expensive restaurant in new york, what do you say?"
"oh, i really would like to go, if i wanted to, but i don't, so no."
or this
"vivien, looking beautiful as ever today"
"gee, thanks mister, now i feel validated and can go on with my day knowing that in my heart a man somewhere is happy with my appearance"
or even this
"did it hurt when you fell from heaven-"
"johnny i grew up in a convent, do you really wanna go there?"
"yeah, you're right, my bad"
and vivien just thought that johnny was an idiot
she would just be trying to do her job and he would ruin it
"johnny, reed asked me to get your measurements-"
"ten inches baby."
"for your suit, johnny. your new suit."
"why do i need a new suit?"
"because, you were so hot you burnt the last one"
"oh, so you think i'm hot?"
but whenever one of them was in company of another person (sexually), they were pissed
because they had their little thing going on, and both of them knew that bickering was their form of affection, even if no one understood that
"why were you with them?"
"why, are you jealous?"
"why would i be jealous, i hate you."
"oh baby, i hate you more"
"every bit of me despises you"
"so kiss me"
needless to say, the sexual tension piled until they finally admitted their feelings to each other, and everyone thought the arguments would stop, but they didn't
they would still bicker and fight and people just didn't get it
so one say sue asked vivien what was up
and she replied
"love is subjective. you have your relationship with reed, you cuddle each other, and buy each other flowers every day, that's nice. that's cute, but that's not what i- we want. our relationship is fun, it's challenging."
"so, you fight on purpose?"
"yeah, it's like foreplay"
their relationship isn't the most conventional, it's not one you would see in a movie or anything, but it's theirs
and if they want to purposefully start an argument, make out, argue more, then let johnny buy vivien an expensive new pair of heels and some high brand chocolate, then do each other all night long, who are we to judge?
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hinatas-sunshine · 4 years
“Two Windows”
Kageyama, Kuroo, Bokuto
Synopsis: You two have the perfect view into each other’s rooms 👀
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Taglist: @derpeedoo @beanst0ck
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• You’d be crazy to NOT recognize the boy who you’ve lived next door to your whole life
• Though as much as your moms have introduced you two, you never became friends
• It’s not that you didn’t want to, he just never seemed to want to talk to you
• So when he suddenly bursted through his window yelling
• Your surprised face couldn’t help but show through
• When you opened your window he noticed you giggling making him blush
“Congrats on Nationals Kageyama”
“Thank you”
• You nodded sticking your head back in the window ready to close it
• You stopped and stuck your head out the window again
“I uh... I’d appreciate you coming to the game!”
• You smiled at him and nodded
“Then I will be there...”
• He didn’t expect you to actually show up though and didn’t expect to see you wearing a shirt with the number 9 on it
“Too much?”
“No! I kind of think it’s nice.”
• is definitely blushing-
“Kageyama you look like a tomato!”
“Hinata you dumbass!”
• Also definitely heard you giggle
• He didn’t expect you to get so into the game either
“What was that?! Is he even aloud to do that?!”
“Do you need glasses?!”
“Thats a dirty move corn head!”
• You definitely got the evil eye from other teams but with your own deadly glare, you got away with it
“Kageyama your girlfriends scary.”
“He says they aren’t dating but I think otherwise!”
“It was Noya too!”
• they act like you can’t hear them 😗
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• A new school meant you were completely lost in you classes
• Chemistry had no reason to be so hard either
• As you settled into your new room you sat on your carpet books sprawled everywhere
• You groaned and threw yourself back onto your fluffy carpet staring up at the ceiling
“WHY? I can memorize the periodic table song but I can’t memorize a few formulas?!”
“You know the whole periodic table song?”
“Yeah I’m kind of competitive- WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!”
• You looked around your room to see it was empty
“God? I’m so sorry I said hell to you. Is it my time? After my chemistry homework I’m okay with it-“
“Is chemistry really that bad? And look out the window.”
• You stuck your head out to see a smiling boy waving at you
“Oh so you’re not god. And yes chemistry is that bad, have you seen these questions?!”
• He laughed but nodded
“I’ve seen you, you’re new here right?”
• You nodded just as he did, but he just shut his window and closed his curtains
• You groaned and shut your own window only to hear a knock on your bedroom door
“It’s open!”
“Your mom is a really nice lady-“
• You laughed lightly at him but nevertheless pulled him down on the floor with you lying on your stomach
• He followed your actions and looked over your homework
• And by the end of the night you were prepared for class!
• Since then he began to do homework with you
“Hey Kuroo I have a question.”
“Whats up?”
“So let’s say you have a recipient filled with 3.5 liters of gas with a constant pressure of 2.5 atm. How will the volume change if the gas goes from 50°C to 3 times that temperature?”
• Pulling the paper behind your back you avoided his eyes while he cackled
“ITS YOUR CHEM HOMEWORK! But I’ll help you cause you’re cute.”
• You definitely blushed but whatever he’s kind of a cute tutor 😗
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• Today was a good day specifically because your chest was filled with joy
• You pressed play on your speaker and jumped around happily in your room
• Your favorite song played loudly through your room as you continued dancing
• Bokuto watched as the sunlight hit your face and body the perfect way, the way your hair bounced with every jump and the way your lips moved to the music
• This was the first time he’d ever been so enchanted
“I like that song! What’s the name of it?!”
• You screamed and threw yourself to the ground before peeking up through your window
“Bokuto! Hi! Uhhh it’s (insert song here)!”
• You better believe boy listens to that song on look and thinks back to the memory of you dancing in your room
• Your interactions with Bokuto were limited to window talks when bored
• He definitely loves those talks but you two don’t speak much in school and he wishes you two did
• It was a late Friday night when you got out of the shower wearing some cute pj’s and noticed Bokuto doing the same
• You automatically opened your window and he followed, you noticed how his usual spiked hair was down while he wore his own nightwear
“Hi y/n! What plans do you have for tonight?”
“Well I was planning on watching some movies, and eat some popcorn.... wanna join?”
• His stomach filled with butterflies while you opened your window wider
“I mean I don’t know how you could reach my window from yours bu- OH SHI-“
• This mans really took a leap and threw himself through your window 😐
• You helped him up laughing while he did the same and settled on your bed
• You made some popcorn and headed to your room quietly
• Bokuto had a blanket wrapped over his head and opened it for you
• You slipped in and draped it over yourself placing the bowl of popcorn on your lap
“Let’s watchhhh-“
“Grease! No- Let’s start a show together!”
• You two settled on a long anime to binge watch together
• And so it became a weekend routine of him finding a way through your window to binge watch your show together until you both fall asleep
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bigassnocash · 3 years
Hopeless Romantics
HiHo friends! I mostly wrote this piece for @iaminlovetomhollandmarvel because she's like my one consistent reader. Once again, I'm still fairly new to writing so please be kind, and send in requests for any characters and actors/actresses you want and I'll write for you! I also used writing prompt 707 from @creativepromptsforwriting and its highlighted in bold, there is also a Sylvia Plath poem in here!
"Hey Y/N, what're ya doin?" Arvin asked as he walked up to you as you sat reading on the steps outside of the school.
"Not much, just sittin' here enjoyin the warm weather. What are you doin' Arvin?"
"Well you looked pretty lonely over here, so I was thinkin I could keep you company but I can go if you want."
"I don't mind, come sit down I promise I won't bite."
As he sat down next to you he linked his arm with yours to see how you'd react. When you didn't pull away he scooted closer to you, to the point of being able to see over your shoulder.
"Y/N L/N what on Gods green Earth are you reading?" he laughed at the content you were consuming.
"If you must know, nosey josey its a romance book," your cheeks started turning red with embarrassment as he laughed.
"I don't know much but I do know one thing; people do not talk like that on dates."
"I wouldn't know, I've never been out on a date before," you turned your head away feeling shame. 17 years old, and never been out on a date while some girls in your class were out here getting married.
Arvin felt bad, he did know that you didn't go out much but he figured that the most beautiful girl he's ever seen would've been asked out at some point.
"Thats about to change. C'mon Y/N get up, I'm taking you out on a proper date," he offered his hand to help pull you to your feet.
"Arvin are you insane, what would even do?"
"Anything you want. We could go to dinner, a movie, we could go to the library, I could get a picnic together really fast and go to the lake, we can go skinny dipping," he winked at you.
"Skinny dipping is a third date activity young man, I think you know this," you shot back at him matching his cheeky smile, "I wouldn't mind a picnic by the lake, I just need to stop by my house and tell my momma where I'm goin."
"Your carriage awaits m'lady," he help open the car door for you and helped you in.
"Before we do this I need to know, why are you doing this Arvin?" you asked him, very worried about getting hurt.
"Cause its Friday night and I'd rather spend it with the prettiest girl in school than at Church with Lenora."
An hour later after you dropped your stuff off at home and got a picnic and blanket you and Arvin were sitting by the lake looking out over the water.
"Y/N will you please read your book to me? 'ts just I've heard you read in English and I really like your voice. Please?" he was so kind and quiet that there was no way you could deny him of this.
"I won't read you my book but I'll read you a poem, how's that?" he nodded happy with the trade off. As you pulled your poem book out of the small bag you packed, he laid down in your lap looking up at the sky.
"This one is called Mad Girl's Love Song by Sylvia Plath.
"I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my lids and all is born again. (I think I made you up inside my head)
The stars go waltzing out in blue and red, And arbitrary blackness gallops in: I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane. (I think I made you up inside my head.)
God topples from the sky, hell's fires fade: Exit seraphim and Satan's men: I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
I fancied you'd return the way you said, But I grow old and I forget your name. (I think I made you up inside my head.)
I should have loved a thunderbird instead; At least when spring comes they roar back again. I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead. (I think I made you up inside my head.)"
Arvin stared at you in awe. He had never felt feelings like this before. In the moments that you were reading to him everything felt right, as if you wrote the poem for him.
"Y/N that was absolutely beautiful," he gushed to you.
"Aww you don't mean that, now c'mon enough with all this gushy stuff. Its hot and i want to cool down with a swim."
"But we dont have our swimsuits and I thought skinny dippin was a third date activity miss," he was getting real cheeky now.
"Thats very true, but I wear undergarments, and those cover the same amount skin that a swimming suit do. Arvin, do you wear undergarments?" you asked as you started to unzip your skirt.
"You sure about this?" he wanted to go swimming with you more than anything but he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable.
"I've never been more sure about anything in my life Arvin." you were completely undressed, except the matching bra and panty set you were wearing. Arvin was awestricken with you. "Hurry up, I want to swim and your taking forever."
In record speed he took off his jeans and shirt, grabbing your hand and running into the water with you. You guys splashed in the water for a long time, well into the night. At some point you guys just floated, side by side holding hands. No one had ever made you feel the way Arvin did, like you mattered.
"Y/N your shivering, let get you dried off," he helped you onto the shore and wrapped a towel around and rubbed your shouders. "Heres the keys to the truck, you can changed in there. 'm gonna go into the woods to give you some privacy." he truly was the sweetest boy.
Once you both got changed and were sitting in the car, he asked you something you never thought he'd ask. "Will you dance with me? I can turn up the radio and we can dance outside." you nodded your head and lept out.
He took your right hand, in his left and wrapped your left arm around his waist. He placed his right hand low on your back yet high enough to still be respectful.
"Arvin, real talk and I want a real answer from you this time. Why did you ask me out tonight?"
"I asked you out because I've been infatuated with you, but i was never sure to liked me back so I started to flirt with you."
"What? We barely even spoke before today, how did you flirt with me?"
"I mean, I looked at you... sometimes you looked back."
"Arvin I don't know what to say, you could've talked to me."
"I wanted to, so badly Y/N its just that... I didn't want people to get the wrong idea about you because you deserve the whole world and I cant give it to you and people say I'm dangerous and I swear I'm not I just don't wan-"
you cut him off with a kiss. An earth shattering, mind blowing kiss. his lips were so soft and molded perfectly to yours, and he could taste the cherry chapstick you always wore. It lasted forever it felt like. When you both eventually pulled apart he rested his head against yours. "Woman if you keep doing that you're gonna kill me."
"I hate to ruin this absolutely perfect first date but, its past my curfew and I have to be home," disappointment clear in your voice. "All good things must come to an end eventually I suppose."
The whole way home, you didn't leave his side. He even walked you to your door and kissed you goodnight. "Can we go out again tomorrow, ya think?" he asked so hopeful you'd say yes.
"I would absolutely love to Mr. Russell but I don't know if my mom will let me after gettin in so late after I was supposed to be home. Give me your number and Ill call you tomorrow if I can."
He gave you his number and you two parted ways. He sat by the phone all weekend waiting for you to call, disappointment shattering his heart when you didn't. He found you by your locker first thing Monday morning at school.
"Hey, I figured that Id come say hi to you. Ya know, just make sure everythings still good between us?" He had never been this nervous in all his life.
"Yes of course everythings good between us why wouldnt it be?"
"Well you never called, and I got really worried. Why didnt you call?"
"My mom said I wasnt allowed to use the phone because I broke curfew. I promise you I would've called Arvin, I had the best time of my life on Friday. I would do it again in a heartbeat."
"Really, you want to go out with me again?"
"Well, yeah. Of course I do. There's still a second date we have to go on, before we get to the third." you winked at him as you shut your locker and turned around and walking in the opposite direction. Leaving him there, wondering what on Earth he just got himself into.
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shannonsfanfics · 3 years
Enhypen 8th member
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Trigger warning:abuse slut-shaming curse words
9:35 Friday evening
'Sunoo-ah can you call the boys to the living room.' you stated downly. 'of course, are you ok?', you shook your head no. He stood still for a second, but then leaving trusting that this meeting will be about why you look so sad.
Later sunoo comes with all the boys. All of them look worried.
'I'm really scared to tell you something, so you have to promise me, that you'll stay calm'. They all nod. 'Soyeon, what's going on?', Jungwon asked.
'So you know I've been dating someone,his name is...was Minho(random boy), i broke up with him last night...' 'Finally', screamed Jake. Tears stared to form in your eyes.Everyones eyebrows furrowed.
'And the reason why we broke up was because he was abusive. He used to tell me down, scream at me, one time he grabed my shoulder so hard it left a bruise, all because i wanted to leave the place we were at together.
I told him we can't be public, so he used that against me and said that he needs to fool around with other girls so people aren't suspicious. He used to slut shame me for being in a band with you guys.
He also used to accuse me of cheating. He kept on insisting that i was sleeping with you guys. Like why would i do that, you guys are my brothers', you started crying silently.' You've never been in a serious relationship, and your first real one you have is shit.
All the members looked furious, especially Jungwon. 'Why didn't you tell us, are you stupid, you let that asshole do and say all those things to you, and you don't say anything. Are we that untrustworthy?' Jungwon aggressively said.
'Hyung, calm down' said Niki. 'No! I don't know why she's dating around anyway. She asked for this!' The room went silent as soon as Jungwon realised what he said.
You ran to your room(not literally, i wouldn't run, i would stroll, its just for the dramatic scene😉) Jake then stood up and walked to your room.
'Jungwon, you are now the asshole' Sunghoon said. Its true, he was the asshole, he thought. He didnt mean to say those things. He was just angry that you kept all of this. And it was a hard blow to his chest that you saw him as your 'brother'. But he knows he shouldn't think of that. He shall comfort you tonight when the others leave.
You were alone on your room with all your thoughts consuming you.
'Noona', Jungwon whispered. You didnt answering. But he continued anyway.
'I am so so sorry. I saw the hurt in your eyes, and i couldn't control myself. I know thats no excuse, but i am so angry you didnt tell us,i would've helped you. Everyone would.
I just wish you would've never dated that guy, and i know you couldn't have known he'd do those things, but still.
I feel ashamed of myself. I hope you know i didnt mean any of those things i said. I really do love you, more than you think. 'A tear dropped form his and your eye.
'Come cuddle with me, i missed it..' you said as you turned around to face him, 'and you'. You saw his eyes light up.
Another beautiful memory he can add to the books.
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reid-me-a-story · 3 years
I Need a Doctor
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Based on the song “Doctor” by Jack Stauber
Synopsis: Reader is pining after her best friend, but after a drunken night and a failed attempt at seduction things start to look up for her
A/N: This is my first ever fan-fiction and WOOF was it a beast! This is based off a song that reminded me of Spencer some how, see the lyrics below!
Although this is a self insert one-shot, reader is never introduced as (y/n), I personally find it distracting in fan fiction to have to skip over that so instead of (y/n) there is use of pet names when needed. Any defining features such as height , hair colour, etc. is not specified including weight - however Spencer does pick reader up. Smut is included but if you aren’t comfortable reading it then feel free to stop about halfway through when there’s a little breaker in the story!
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!reader* (please read content warnings!)
Category: Angst/smut[18+] (and a little bit of fluff, all around a pretty wholesome story)
Content warning: Idiots in love, unrequited love (happy ending I promise!), drinking, unprotected sex, breeding kink, oral (male and female receiving), Fingering, Swearing, use of pet names (baby, princess, Little girl), teensy bit of degradation. *Let me know if I missed any!!*
Word count: 4.2k
Lyrics: Verse: Sarah Vanessa, Jack Stauber]
I need a doctor, oh
I'm not a doctor but I think I might be able to help
It's not a simple symptom, no
My diagnosis is that no one has been treating you well
[Chorus: Sarah Vanessa, Jack Stauber]
So, what do you prescribe?
Love's the only medicine
Is this a lie?
No, take three of these a da-ay
Oh, I think I'm cured
Cool, are you alright on your own?
No, I'm not sure...
[Outro: Sarah Vanessa]
Oh, I think I'm sick again...
After three years of pining after your co-worker and best friend you decided to try to fill the void caused but the unrequited love.
You knew you wanted to be with Spencer since your first day, however it seemed that all he wanted was a friend. You guys were close and spent a lot of time together but it never seemed to progress. You once thought about taking the reins and asking him out, thinking that maybe he was just nervous. You grossly misread that situation and thank god you didn’t ask because the next day you over heard him telling Derek about a girl he wanted to ask out.
After that you started to isolate yourself from Spencer. You loved him but he didn’t feel the same. Garcia and JJ tried to make you feel better by telling you that it would never last with this new girl. You wanted to believe it but actions speak louder than words. Not only were you keeping a bit more distance from Spencer but he seemed to be cancelling plans left and right.
While you never made any new plans you would always spend every Saturday together when you weren’t on a case. Sometimes you guys would do something as extravagant as a play or spending the day touring a museum exhibit - something you wouldn’t nearly be as interested in if Spencer wasn’t your tour guide. Other times your days would be spent watching old reruns of your favourite shows or having Spencer read to you. Those days were your favourite because listening to Spencer’s smooth melodic voice always seemed to calm you down even at your most stressed out.
Since you over heard Spencer tell Derek about this girl he wanted to ask out he’s been cancelling your Saturday plans. It didn’t bother you at first but it’s been almost 5 weeks and you’re getting quite hurt by it. He still talks to you at work or spends time with you when you are on cases and dismissed for the day but it’s not the same.
Today is Friday and Garcia came skipping through the glass doors straight for you. “Hello, my beautiful human! Since we have no case do you want to have a Girls night tonight? JJ and Emily are coming! Please come!” She begs.
You debated declining so you can spend your weekend in solitude, sulking over your best friend but the look in Garcia’s eyes made you reconsider. “Okay sure, where are we going?”
Penelope squealed “Ahh! Okay awesome! We’re going to be going to this cute little Italian restaurant and then heading next door to this bar! It has really good Yelp reviews and - OOH maybe we can get you a hunk to take home tonight and-“
That got Spencer’s attention and his head whipped up to look at Penelope. While his eyes darted over to you to gauge your reaction to Penelope’s comment, you both locked eyes. You thought you saw him silently beg you not to go out tonight but you ignored it and stood up.
Penelope was still chattering away while you were packing up so you can go home to freshen up. You really didn’t want to get set up with some random guy but it might fill the void that is still there. Once Penelope gives you an opening you ask her what time to be ready for. She tells you that she will pick you up at 7. You thank her and head home.
Once you pass the barrier to your apartment you relax your shoulders, not realizing how tense you had been all day. The dread of going out tonight started to really sink in. If you were being honest with yourself you would have loved to have spent the night sitting in silence reading a book that reminded you of anything except Spencer but instead you agreed to go out and get drunk with your co-workers. Great.
You hop into the shower and take your time drying your hair. Just as you finish putting your makeup on and getting dressed Garcia texts you that she’s outside. You throw on your jacket and slip your heels on and walk outside.
After a really nice dinner you found yourself 6 shots in at the bar next door. You were fending off a really persistent guy when your phone goes off. You notice that it’s Spencer and you’re able to use it as an excuse to get away from the guy thats hitting on you. Despite how much you want to fill the emptiness that you feel without him you don’t want to just sleep around to do it.
You step outside into the cool air and answer your phone. “Hello, Doctor” you slur
“Hey... I - I uh...” Spencer stutters. You can tell he wants to say something but instead of waiting your tipsy mind forced the words out of your mouth
“I need a Doctor” you were attempting to be seductive but based on Spencer’s reaction you figured it didn’t come across right away
“Oh my god, stay where you are I’m going now” then the call drops.
“Shit” you say to yourself. You head back in to the girls. This is the last thing you wanted. Or is it? You’ve been dying to spend time with him outside of work for weeks. It sucks that you’re drunk for it but by the time he shows up and comes inside you are absolutely buzzing with excitement.
Spencer looks around the bar quickly for you. Before he locks eyes with you, you try to take in his appearance. He looks worried, his hair is messy and his curls look like they’ve been stretched by his hands running through them. Once he looks at you his shoulders relax and he lets out a deep breath.
“Hi” he breathes once he reaches you, he looks relieved to see you look physically okay.
“Hi Dr. Reid, fancy seeing you here” you slur and reach out to touch his arm. Before you make contact though you pull back; knowing how he is about touch. He ignores that and pulls you in for a bone crushing hug.
“I was worried about you” he whispers into your hair. Your heart starts beating faster the longer he holds onto you and you bury your face in his chest, inhaling his scent. He always smells good to you, like old paper and coffee. He smells like home and you start to tear up.
He feels you shudder and pulls back and notices your tears. “Hey, hey, what’s going on are you okay? Didn’t you say you needed a Doctor?”
“Oh yea,” you whisper “ typical drunk girl crying, it’s no big deal. Aren’t you a Doctor? I just need you”
“Do you want me to drive you home?”
You shake your head “Can I stay over at your place instead?”
He looks hesitant but agrees nonetheless. You both wave goodbye to the girls and he leads you out to his car by the small of your back. When you get to the car Spencer opens the door for you and makes sure you’re buckled in before going and sliding into the drivers seat. You turn on the radio at a low volume so you don’t have to sit in the awkward silence.
Once you get to his apartment he gets out and walks around to open your door. You get out and he leads the way upstairs. You make your way inside and as soon as you pass the threshold of his front door you don’t know what to say. He’s the first to break the silence. “Do you want some water? Maybe some Tylenol? If might help you feel better”
“O-okay” you stutter. You follow him into his kitchen and take the glass filled with water from him. You take a huge sip and put the glass down.
Just when he opens his mouth to say something you blurt out the question that’s been burning in your mind since it happened, “Spencer, why did you call me?”
He opens and closes his mouth a few times before saying “It’s stupid really, don’t worry about it,” and before you’re able to respond he asks “ Do you want some clothes to change into? Might be more comfortable than what you have on”
You nod and he leaves, he comes back in a few minutes with a button up Pyjama shirt with little dinosaurs on them with matching pants. You go to walk away but he grabs your hand. You turn to look at him when he pulls you into a hug again. “I miss you” he whispers.
The admission makes your eyes prick with tears. Instead of saying anything through your scratchy throat you just nod and hug him tighter. You both stand like that for a few moments before you pull away. Your skin is on fire from his touch and you can’t stand it anymore. You advert yourself eyes from him so you don’t have to look at him trying to read your thoughts through your eyes. You’re afraid he would hear the truth in your thoughts about how much you love him.
You slip into the bathroom to change quickly and when you emerge you find Spencer standing by the bed waiting for you. When he hears the door open he looks at you and you can hear him take a deep breath. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it” he whispers under his breath.
Trying not to break the silence too much you whisper back, “Get used to what?”
All the time in the world could not have given you the preparation to hear the next words that he chose to say.
“How effortless beautiful you look.”
“WHAT?” Your inner voice screams. Tears prick the corners of your eyes for the third time that night. “Please don’t Spencer.”
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t say things like that and expect me not to love you”, You say just barely above a whisper.
Spencer closes the distance between you and gently pushes a few loose strands of your hair behind your ear. You try to keep your eyes on your hands that you hold between you and Spencer but he pulls your attention to his eyes. “What if that’s what I want?”
Before you can respond he closes the final distance between you two. His lips are soft and full against yours. His hands move to your hair and yours gravitate to his shoulders. He tastes like coffee and mints and the taste is almost as intoxicating as the liquor you drank earlier in the night.
You push him back towards the bed and he sits on the end. You go to straddle him but he stops you with a hand in your waist. “We shouldn’t..”
“Oh.. y-yea, I understand” you say defeated.
“Oh god, no. Trust me. I want to- I want to so bad but you’re drunk and you’re not thinking clearly. I’ve wanted this for so long you don’t understand but I’d don’t want you to wake up and regret anything-“
You cut his rambling off with a kiss and he immediately relaxes. You pull back with a sigh and a tiny smile while nodding in understanding.
Spencer stands up, kissing your forehead before disappearing into the bathroom. You start to head out into the living room when you hear him call out “Where are you going?”
“To sleep on the couch, I don’t want to intrude.”
“The beds big enough for the both of us,” he states before quickly adding with a small blush, “I- uh- unless you aren’t comfortable with that”
You blush in return and slowly pad your way over to Spencer’s bed. You pull back the covers off your side and slide in, Spencer stretches out his long legs, reaching over and pulling you into him by your waist. You rest your head in his chest and start dozing off to the sound of his heart beating.
Just before you succumb to your sleep you hear him whisper into your head “I love you”
You wake up to the smell of coffee and the Saturday morning sun beaming through the windows. You go to stretch out and realize that you’re not at home but instead at Spencer’s, in his bedroom, in his clothes. Last nights confessions flood your memory and you smile to yourself. He loves you. Spencer Reid loves you.
Despite your pounding headache you can’t help but jump out of bed and pad into the kitchen. You see Spencer standing by his coffee maker. As soon as he spots you his eyes fill with something you just can’t quite place, and a small smile lights his face. You slowly step towards him and jump onto the counter, sitting right next to the coffee maker.
“Good morning” you say as softly as possible, as to not disturb the peacefulness of the morning.
Instead of answering in words, Spencer laces his fingers into your hair and pulls you forward to kiss you softly. When you both break away to replace the air in your lungs he finally speaks, “Good morning, beautiful. How do you feel? How’s your head?”
“No complaints” You joke, while winking at him.
The innuendo is lost on him for a few seconds before he laughs and says “No you dork! Your headache!”
“Ah, I’ll manage. Is there enough coffee there for me?”
“Always, anything for you”
You two drink your coffee in silence; with you playing with Spencer’s free hand, and him trying to memorize every second of this morning. Spencer finishes his coffee first and places his cup down on the counter. With his now empty hand, he starts playing with your hair, running his hands through the soft locks.
You soon finish your cup and pull him to stand in between your legs. “I think,” you say sneakily “I think I need a doctor”
“What do you mean?” Spencer asks
“Hmmm well I think you might be able to help me, Doctor” you whisper in his ear while running your hands up and down his chest. You hear his breathing start to get heavy. When your nails get close to the waistband of his sweats his breath catches in his throat and a soft moan escapes instead.
“What seems to be the problem?” He says, voice low and husky.
“Mmmm” you sigh “Well Doctor, my symptoms aren’t simple, think you can handle it?”
“I don’t think anyone has been treating you right.” He moans softly again as one of your hands start to play with the hairs at the nape of his neck.
“So what do you prescribe, Dr. Reid?”
“Me.” He claims before slamming his mouth against yours. The kiss is hungry and Spencer quickly dominates it. His hand move from your hair down to you waist and the other hand moves to the front of your borrowed sleepwear, pulling at the drawstrings. You feel heat bloom between your thighs. You never expected him to be so aggressive but you loved it. You loved him, and you wanted him- now.
“Mm Spencer, please..” you moan between heated kisses.
Spencer chuckles and starts kissing down your jaw and neck “What baby? What do you need” he mumbles against your skin.
“You.” You moan breathlessly. He growls against the skin of your neck while slowly sliding his hand into your pyjamas. Once he reaches the waistband of your underwear he pulls back to look into your eyes - silently asking for consent.
“Please, Spencer. I need you! Please!” He smiles and reaches into your underwear and is fingers slide past your folds feeling the wetness from how turned on you were.
He moans when he feels you. “Oh wow baby, you’re so wet. Is this all for me?”
“Yes Spence, all for you.” You breathe out between a soft moan.
“Good. You’re mine, baby” he finally sides one of his long fingers between your folds and starts pumping his hand slowly- curling a finger up to press against that sweet spot inside of you, causing a guttural moan to leave your throat. He withdraws his hand and you whine at the loss. He gives you a look and its intensity stops any sounds from escaping except for soft pants.
He signalled for you to lift your hips and he pulled you towards the edge of the counter. He pushed your knees apart and kneeled down. The sight of Spencer looking up at you between your legs almost made you finish right there and then - you let out a low groan. He chuckles and moves forwarded starts nipping at your inner thigh, never taking his eyes off you.
He kisses everywhere except where you want him. Whines escape your mouth before you can stop them and you can feel him smile against your leg. Finally showing you a little bit of mercy and finally licked a thick stripe up in between your folds. Spencer lean out a low moan against your sex, “You taste so good, baby”
Your back arches and you throw your head back. Your breathing picks up and one of your hands grip his hair. You tug on his Chestnut curls - hard “Spencer, please! more… fuck - please!”
“What do you need princess?”
“You, Spence! Pl - uhh - Please!” You scream at him.
“Anything for you,” he adds, before adding two fingers in the mix. He thrusts his fingers in and up towards that spot inside you while flicking his tongue over your clit. Your eyes roll back and you let out a deep moan. You never thought that your best friend, the man who is perpetually awkward around women would be this good. Looking down towards him you see that his eyes haven’t left you - its like he’s trying to memorize every movement your body makes. The knowledge of Spencer watching you come undone combined with the pleasure coursing through your veins sends a wave of euphoria crashing over you.
“Fuck!” You scream out as you ride out your orgasm, one of the most intense of your life if you’re being honest. When you finally come down and try to catch your breath you look down towards where Spencer is and his eyes are wide while staring at you.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful, baby” He jumps up and crashes his lips on yours and you can taste yourself on his lips and tongue. You moan into his mouth and reach down towards the waistband of his sweats pulling them down with his boxers. You watch his cock spring up and slightly gawk at the size of him. He’s bigger than anyone you’ve been with and you tell him as much. Before he can respond you jump down off the counter while pushing him towards the wall beside you so he has some sort of support.
You lick a thick stripe from the base of his shaft before leaving a small kiss to the tip, tasting the salty pre-cum. You take the head into your mouth and hollow out your cheeks while taking more in. What you can’t fit in your mouth you pump with your hand.
You look up at Spencer through your lashes; he’s looking back down at you, with his hand balled into a fist pressed up against his mouth. You hate that he’s silencing himself from you so you reach up and grab his hand to place it at the back of your head - giving him permission to fuck your face at his pace. He’s trying to be gentle but after a few strokes with you hollowing your cheeks he can’t help but buck his hips further into your mouth - causing you to gag. You swallow around him and he slides deeper. Your nails are digging into his thighs leaving ten, small angry red crescent moon indents behind. He thrusts slightly deeper causing you to gag and tears to slide down your face, “come on baby, I know you can take me deeper”
At the sound of his voice you hum, causing his hips to buck into your mouth again. “Fuck!” He pulls out and continues “Don't wanna cum there. I wanna fill you up baby. Do you want that? Do you want me to fill that tight little cunt up?”
You moan and nod excitedly and Spencer grips the back of your thighs, signalling you to jump. He carries you into the bedroom with you laying kisses and leaving marks over his jaw and neck. You find a sensitive spot just below his ear that causes his breath to get caught in his throat. Once you both enter the room he places you gently on the bed, climbing in-between your legs and kissing your lips and down towards your neck. He starts to unbutton your pyjama shirt while leaving small red and purple love bites over your neck and chest. Once he finally removed the last article of clothing on you he takes a step back to admire your body. Usually this would cause you to be self-conscious; meaning you would usually cover yourself with your hands or a blanket. Something in Spencers eyes calmed you and made you relax. He made you feel beautiful just by the look in his eyes - and he said so in just as many words, “ You’re so beautiful baby, do you know that?”
“Please Spence, I need you inside me! I need you to fuck me right now or else I might die…” You whine
“Well, we can’t have that” He chuckles. Spencer pulls off his t-shirt and kneels in-between your legs, pulling one over his shoulder, one hand on your thigh and the other on your waist, He thrusts in and bottoms out completely - causing you to yell out in surprise. “You make such pretty noises baby… how many more can I get out of you, huh?”
Spencer sets a brutal pace, thrusting into you deeper than you thought was possible. Your hands desperately try to grab anything to hold on to. One settles on the hand gripping your waist tightly, surely leaving bruises that you could only hope would last. Your other hand reaches forward - scratching your nails down his chest and leaving red welts behind in its wake - causing Spencer to let out a guttural moan. He leans forward, dropping your leg to his elbow to relieve the pressure, and kisses you deeply. His hand leaves your waist and he presses his thumb to your bundle of nerves, pressing slightly and rubbing small circles over it. “ I want you to come for me baby. come on little girl, you can do it”
You couldn’t defy him even if you wanted to. Your body gave into his wishes and crashed into the wall at full speed. Spencer kept the same pace as he fucked you though your orgasm. “Oh what a good girl. come on baby, one more for me…”
“One mo-ore? Spenc-! Fuck!”
“Yes, one more beautiful. Fuck- I know you can do it baby. One more and I’ll fill you up with my cum. You’d - fuck!- like that, huh? You’d like - ugh - to be my dirty… little …cum-slut… wouldn’t you?”
Your eyes rolled back at his words. You could barely believe what you were hearing. His words sent you over the edge for your third and final time. Your entire body shuddered from overstimulation and pleasure. Spencer moaned loudly and you felt him twitch inside you, his cock painting your walls with his cum. Just as he starts to pull out you reach forward and beg with wide eyes “No! Stay! I want you to keep it in me, please Spence, please! I need-“
He cuts you off with a kiss and presses back into you, holding you as close as he can - trying to follow your wishes. After a few minutes he started to soften, he slowly pulled out of you despite your protests. He shushed you with a few quick kisses to your lips and quickly ran to the washroom to get a damp washcloth. He wiped between your legs as gently as he could without overstimulating you too much.
Spencer flopped down beside you, grabbing you and pulling you into his side. He starts slowly kissing your lips, cheeks, forehead - really anywhere his lips could reach without having to let go of you. You giggle a little bit as he gets to a ticklish spot on your neck. “Well Doctor, I think I’m cured. I guess you were right, I just needed you”
“And three orgasms,” he deadpanned.
You both laugh a little at that. You look at him and that same look is in his eyes from before. You’re finally able to place it. “I love you, Spence.”
His eyes shine a little brighter and he leans forward to rest his forehead against yours. “I love you more, beautiful girl”
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sp00kyapricotz · 3 years
Send Her to Me: Teen! Kit Walker x Reader
Description: basically high school kit walker is trying to ask y/n out to the dance but everytime he tries to ask her out he keeps on missing her so he asks for his friends to send her to him
Word count: 1,702
Warnings: cursing, fluff? Nothing else that I can think of :)
A/n: I had a lot of fun making this, I’ve been in my 60s/70s phase as of recent so I’ve been listening to a lot of 60s garage rock and this is inspired by “send her to me” by the dark knights which is amazing you should go check the song out expeditiously. This is taking place in November of 1957 btw :)))) enjoy!!! Sorry if this is messy I finished writing this at 3:48 am  which explains lots of the spelling and punctuation errors it’s whatever 
Link to send her to me by the dark knights-https://youtu.be/BJKQks4neiI
It was November of 1957 and it was Kit Walkers final year of high school
He just wanted the stress of all of the work and uncertain future to be over
But there was one thing he would miss, you
He’s had a huge crush on you ever since you were in 9th grade, but only now worked up the courage to ask you out
You were putting your things away in your locker when you saw kit coming towards you
“Hey y/n”
“Oh- hi kit! what class you got next?”
“History. you?”
“Oh- uh… cool”
“Yeah.cool?” you chuckled
“Would you want to-“ he stops for a while
“Would I want to what?”
“Would you want to-“
he gets cut off by a loud bell
“Sorry! I gotta go i can’t be late again that’ll be three days in a row, catch you after this class though?”
“Oh. yeah sure” Kit says almost whispering and looking down at his shoes after waving at you
He went to history, though his attention was on the clock waiting for the next chance to see you
Finally, the bell rang and he went right to your locker, but…you weren’t there
He didn’t know, but you just didn’t need to go to your locker that class, but he knew he’d be able to talk to you in lunch
He went to his friends and asked them if they would send a message for him. He knew at least two of them had that class with you
“Hey- hold on wait, Jimmy tell y/n to meet me at the 6th lunch table, I keep on missing her at hall time”
“What for?”
“Nothing I just wanted to talk to her, if you don’t have her class next ask Henry I know he has the same class as her right now”
“Alright good luck… on whatever crazy shit your doing”
“Yeah thanks” he chuckled and looked down at his shoes
You were in your class when you saw one of Kits friends walking into your class, which was normal. But, he never talked to you in particular
He approached you and spoke quickly and quietly
“Kit wants you to meet him at the sixth table in the cafeteria in lunchtime”
“I don’t know? He didn’t give a reason”
“Alright… thanks”
*45 minutes later*
Finally, it was lunchtime and he spotted you sitting alone in the corner of the cafeteria,where he told you to meet him
He walked over to the table and sat right in front of you
“Hey what’re you doing here all alone again”
you smiled and put a strand of hair behind your ear
“Sorry about forgetting to tell you i wouldn’t be at my locker, i forgot i didn’t need any books for my class after english”
“no don’t worry about it it’s fine”
“So what did you wanna tell me kit?”
“Oh,uh i wanted to actually show you something”
He walked over and dragged his lunch to your side and sat down
He pulled out a photo from his bag
“Here it is”
He slid the photo to your side
“Oh my god Kit! That’s us! God we were so little” you laughed
“But- how’d you find these i thought you lost all your pictures in the move”
“Yeah, but we found a tin inside of the box with my moms clothes and it had all my baby photos and stuff like that”
“You got any more?”
“Yeah, If you wanna come over afterschool and I could look through them with you. I haven’t gotten a chance to see them all yet?”
“Yeah, of course! we’d have to walk though, i can’t go alone”
“yeah that’s no problem,meet me by the front of the school at around 2:00?”
“K, see you then”
He knew this was going to work perfectly, you would be thinking about the past you guys had and then he’d ask you out and you would just have to say yes
2:00 came and you were out in front waiting for about 8 minutes, he was a little late but he came out eventually
“Sorry i kept you waiting so long. That son of a bitch Mr. Wells made me stay after class for not finishing the test in time”
“No don’t worry it’s okay,it’s only 2:08 you didn’t keep me waiting for that long” you said while smiling at him
“Alright,let’s go- wait did you call
your house and tell them you were coming over?”
“ Uh-yeah I told my mom i’d be home a little late and i’d be at your place for school”
“For school?”
“She wouldn’t let me at any guys house if it wasn’t school related,even though she’s known you since you were born”
“Makes sense” he laughs and looks at you
The cold november breeze made you start to shiver and you put your books close to your chest but it was no use
Kit noticed you were getting cold and gave you his jacket, and even though you told him you weren’t cold, he knew you just didn’t want to seem like you needed anything, so he put it on you anyways
you made it to his house and he got his key out
you went in and his parents weren’t home
His dad was at work, and his mom left a note saying she wouldn’t be home until around 8 as she was out running errands
“Well i guess this is my house for the after noon” he said smiling
You laughed and smiled back
You asked if he wanted his jacket back, but he said you could keep it, so you put it on completely
“So,you wanna eat anything?”
“No, thanks though”
“I’ll go get the box then wait here”
You sat on the couch and heard him coming down shortly after you touched down on the seat cushion
“got it!”
you sat on the floor and the both of you looked through the box and uncovered dozens of forgotten memories
“Oh my god that was your 12th birthday”Kit said pointing to a photo from 1952
“Look at this one we were babies here!” you pulled out the photo form the small stack
“Kit is that you?” you pointed to a picture of him in a bathtub as a baby
He grabbed it and slid the photo under the couch
“No uh- thats my cousin. You won’t see him much because he’s- twice removed? Yeah”
“Yeah sure. don’t be embarrassed you were cute”
“Yeah whatever” he rolled his eyes
“It’s so crazy that we’ve known each other literally since we were born” you say still looking at the pictures
“Well technically…i’m older by a month so since you were born” Kit whispers
“You’re only older because you were born premature” you patted him on the back while getting up to go to the couch
He got up to sit next to you and turned on the tv for background noise
He scooted in closer to you and eventually you found that he had his arm wrapped around you and you were falling asleep
“hey it’s only 4:15, wake up” he tapped your shoulder
“Yeah i know- i just went to bed super late last night and i-“
“No it’s fine- do you want me to drive you home i could use the extra one we have”
“no i uh- i like it here it’s quiet, plus i can’t sleep now. I won’t be able to make it to school tomorrow”
“y/n. Its Friday ?”
“Oh.yeah well still”
“Okay nevermind” kit faintly laughed
You got up to get a snack as you hadn’t eaten for quite some time,then went right back to the couch
You sat crossed on the floor, looking right at the pictures on the wall
You observed all of them, specifically just seeing how much he’s changed over the years
He suddenly spoke out of nowhere
“Hey, so you heard about that senior ball the schools havin in a couple weeks”
“Yeah what about It?”
“You uh- planning on going”
“Probably, I just don’t really have anyone to go with”
“If you want, I could take you. I- I mean it doesn’t have to be like as a date or anything we could’ve go as friends if you wa-“
You hugged him and stopped him from saying anything else
“Thank you so much kit,I didn’t wanna have to go alone.And… yes we could go as a date ”
“Really?” He scratched his neck
You nodded and looked at him for a while, contemplating what you were going to do
You kissed him, out of nowhere
Now, you had just had your first kiss, and he had just had his
It was extremely awkward afterwards, you both just stared at each other and didn’t know what to say
“So uh- what’re we gonna wear” you said, still being in front of him as you were after you kissed him
“ Uhhh- i”
“we could match?” You started to get up to leave
“Yeah, we could match “ he spoke breathily
“I- uh, I gotta go my moms probably worried sick about me it’s” 
you look down to check your watch 
“I could drive you and take the spare car? It’s kinda cold out”
“Oh yeah thanks sure “
The short 7 minute drive was quiet but lovely and you couldn’t help but stare at him for the whole car ride
You arrived home and quickly  walked to the door
You rang the doorbell and your mom opened the door, she looked pretty pissed but nothing over the top
You turned around and Kit was still there in the car, and your mom moved away from the door
You walked back a little closer to the where his car was  and he said “ come by my place tommorow … for school”
You laughed quietly and whispered “yeah for school… goodnight kit”
And he drove away into the distance, back to his house
You went to your room, and got ready for bed, and all you could think about was Kit and the wonderful day you had with him. And about the wonderful day you would have with him tomorrow
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