#i mean. unless you want me to keyboard smash unintelligibly.
sincerely-sofie · 4 months
Ruby anon again! I hope you’re doing well, Sophie! I don’t have any notes, but I do want to share some fun facts:
• Ruby bounced around so many other Pokémon species before I settled on Zorua. The list includes: pichu, Espurr, Gligar, torchic, Teddiursa, Piplup, shinx, budew, Bounsweet, Gible, Deino, Fennekin, Flabébé, Rockruff, Hatenna, and Sprigatito.
• Originally, her abusers were her parents and Ruby was the one survivor of the siblings that were abandoned in the dungeon by the time Twig got there. Then I looked at the idea and said “. . . That seems like a little bit too much”. Afterwards, there were other iterations with the abusers being an aunt and uncle, cousins, or some strangers that took her from her family. There’s more but I forgot the others. Eventually I settled on the abusers being older siblings.
• There was another idea that the siblings actually cornered Opal to force her to tell them where Ruby was and trying to attack her when she refused. I didn’t like the idea and also I feel like if this happened Twig (and maybe Ark) would have committed murder on sight.
• For a brief period of time, the siblings had “names” — but they were really just silly, uncreative names to refer to them by because I had no respect for them. I called the brother “Yeet” and the sister “Delete” (I will use these names to reference them, but please do not keep these as their official names I beg of you-)
• There was an idea that Ruby usually hid around Twig’s house because Yeet and Delete were afraid of Twig. I scratched this because I felt it was better that the two didn’t know exactly who Twig was. Additionally, they also had a strong hatred for Ark. I don’t remember the reason for this.
• Before I came up with the name Ruby, I called her “Dove” — like the peace bird.
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Oh my word... All of this is amazing but Dove... Precious little baby Dove... Oauouaogh...
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snowdice · 4 years
Road Trips and Missing Persons (Part 15)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Patton & Virgil, Virgil & Deceit, Logan & Patton, Emile & Remy, Roman & Remus & Janus
Characters: Patton, Virgil, Deceit, Remus, Roman, Logan, Emile, Remy
Summary: Patton was just getting groceries. The next thing he knew, there was a knife at his throat and he was an unwilling uber driver. Virgil’s on the run after the murder of his dad, and it’s not just his paranoia that’s telling him he’s being chased down. He has to get somewhere safe, somewhere he can trust, and all he has is a couple of stories from his dad and a name: “Green Bellow Foods and Dispensary.”
Notes: Secret Agents AU, knives, carjacking, kidnapping, murder mentioned, guns mentioned, pepper spray, blood mentioned, drugs mentioned, explosions, car crashes (more to be added)
This is a fic I’ve been writing on study breaks that you have probably all already seen at this point. I’ve affectionately named it the Goblin Brain Fic because it’s helping my brain actually get motivated for studying. I’ve slightly edited it for wording and grammar, but not for content from my previous posts. Feel free to send in asks to direct it because I’m not 100% sure where this is going and you can help decide if you feel so inclined! You can see the process I went through to build this at this link.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 My Master Post
The next two hours were the most frustrating ones of Logan’s life. It seemed like the entire universe, or perhaps more accurately his entire family, was doing its best to make his life and job as stressful as possible.
He’d stepped away from his desk for less than one minute to make sure Darlene and Fredrick’s coms were set up to his specifications. He had them outfitted with what he would usually give to undercover agents. It was a constant feed of audio from their side and Logan could talk to them with a click of a button. It was on an entirely different frequency than anyone else used and, barring damage to the actual equipment itself, it should never go offline.
When he got back to his desk and checked his phone, he had a missed call and a text message from Patton. Of course. Of course, in the 30 seconds he is away from his desk, someone finally calls him back. He opened the text message. His first thought was, ‘Patton, you are lactose intolerant. Why are you buying so much cheese?!’ His second thought was that the string of emojis was unintelligible. What about a baby and a knife?! If he’d just bought cheese, why did he need to go get a burger, fries, and ice cream, and on that count, why more dairy?
He tried to call Patton back, but as he was beginning to expect at this point, there was no answer. Frustrated, he slammed his finger down on the end call button. ‘I have no idea what that means’ he texted him back. He set his phone back down on his desk after making absolutely sure his ringer was at full volume.
“Be sure to track all traffic updates in their path,” Logan said. The other people in the base snapped to attention, their fingers going to work at their keyboards. Then, he pushed the button on his desk. “Fredrick?” he asked.
“We just got on I-26,��� Fredrick replied instantly.
“Good,” Logan replied. He sat down in his chair to rub at his eyes and grabbed his phone once more. He shot off texts to different people in a pattern he was getting very used to at this point. Then, he went back to look at Patton’s message once again. “Why must you always use these infernal things?” he asked the text from his brother. He looked over his shoulder and saw Clara looking up. “Clara,” he said. She flinched at his tone.
“Yes?” she asked hesitantly.
“Are you literate in the emoji text message language?” he asked.
“Um…yes?” she said.
He stood and placed his phone in front of her. “Can you make sense of this message from Patton?” he asked.
“Er,” she said, looking at it with a perplexed expression on her face. “I’m getting… he bought a lot of cheese. Then he kidnapped… or got kidnapped by a baby? He got fast food and then did other things… then got gas and coffee. Um, he says everything’s cool and he loves you.”
“He got kidnapped by a baby?” Logan asked skeptically.
She gave him a helpless shrug. “That’s what he said. He got in his car at the grocery store, but there was a baby with a knife and the baby made him drive.”
“Well, thank you for trying,” Logan said. He took his phone back from her and wandered back over to his desk.
“Okay,” Darlene was saying over the coms. “But why do you even need chair covers for your apartment?”
“To prevent damage and stains,” Fredrick said back.
“You bought them for $20 at a yard sale. They’re already stained.”
“Even more of a reason to make a seat cover for them! It’ll make them cuter, and since I’m sewing them, I can personalize! See look, here’s the pattern I’m using.”
“Fred, I’m driving.”
They continued to chat idly about Fredrick’s latest sewing project. Logan was just content to have an open line of communication with his agents.
They eventually moved on from arguing the merit of chair covers and went on to discussing the pattern and color options. Well, Fredrick at least was discussing it. Darlene had descended into noncommittal hums, ‘yep’s and ‘I can’t look at that because I’m driving’s.
“Do you like this flower design or this flower design better?” Fredrick was asking.
“The first one,” was the answer.
“You didn’t even look!”
“Boss, there’s been an accident on I-26,” Emerson informed him from his desk.
“Where?” Logan asked.
“Around exit 52. The actual accident was only on the east side, but it was a truckload of cows, so it’ll likely affect Fred and Lena’s path.”
“Alright,” Logan said. “Find me the quickest alternative route.” Emerson nodded and turned back to his computer. Logan pushed the talk button. “There is an accident ahead of you,” he informed Fredrick and Darlene. “We will be giving you an alternate route. Stand by.”
“Yes, boss,” Darlene replied.
“Have them take exit 65 and get on Highway 236,” Emerson instructed.
Logan nodded and pressed down the button again. “You’ll want to get off on exit 65,” he told them. “You’ll take 236 until you’re past the accident.”
“Got it,” Darlene replied.
“We just passed mile marker 61 a few seconds ago, so we’ll be there soon,” Fredrick offered.
Darlene and Fredrick exited the interstate without any problems. It was a few minutes later that, with the obnoxious sound of a saxophone, the song titled ‘We Are the Number One Bad Guys’ (which was reportedly a mash-up of a song from a children’s show and a pop song) started blaring from his phone. Usually he’d be annoyed by hearing that sound as Patton and Remus had set it behind his back and he couldn’t figure out how to change it. Today, however, the sound was a relief. He grabbed his phone to look at the text message from Remus.
‘I’m not his keeper’ is what the text said in response to Logan’s many messages asking him if he knew where his brother was.
Logan stared at his phone for a least a whole minute.
“What’s wrong boss?” Clara finally hesitantly asked.
“I,” Logan said calmly. “Love. My. Children.”
“…Uh huh?”
Logan typed back a message he was certain at this point would not get a response, and then he hit the talk button on his desk. “So, Fredrick,” he said. “Tell me more about these chair covers. You mentioned flowers?”
“Uh…” Fredrick’s voice said. “Yes?”
Logan glanced up at the other agents in the room who were all staring intently at the designs in their desks. “Have you considered paisley?”
Logan focused on listening to Fredrick and Darlene’s conversation while the rest of the office focused on not looking at him unless it was to update him on the traffic for Fredrick and Darlene for the next 15 minutes.
“Whoa!” Darlene suddenly said, and Logan could hear the sound of braking through the sensitive listening devices
“What?” Logan pushed the button to ask.
“There were a couple of cars in our lane…” Fredric said.
“Was that a gun shot?” Logan asked when there was a loud pop on the other end.
“Uh… give us a minute boss,” Darlene requested.
He could hear the engines turn after a moment, likely as they accelerated again.
“What’s going on?” Logan asked.
“We’re, in a car chase now, apparently,” Fredrick replied, voice strained.
“Why?” Logan asked.
“I recognized the first car!” Darlene said.
“What do you mean you recognize the car?” Logan asked.
“I… shit!” Darlene said. Logan could hear the sound of tires squealing. A few seconds later there was a huge crash followed by a couple of incredibly loud splashes.
“What’s going on?” Logan asked.
There was cursing on the other end of the line in response and the sound of two doors slamming shut and then running.
“Darlene! Fredrick! What is going on?!”
There were a few more seconds where he could hear the sound of breathing and then the sound cut out halfway through the sound of a splash.
“Fredrick?” Logan said. “Darlene?” He took his finger off the button. “Please tell me we didn’t just lose the signal,” he said to the room at large.
There was silence.
“Please, someone tell me we didn’t just lose the signal to the high-tech spy gear I put on both of my agents.”
After a pause, Emerson finally spoke. “It’s… it’s not waterproof sir.”
“I see,” Logan said, his tone serene. “It isn’t waterproof.” He looked down at his hands settled on the top of his desk next to his useless talk button and the phone that no one seemed to be willing to call or text with anything useful. He turned his hands over, grabbed the bottom of the desk, and flipped the whole thing over. His computer smashed on the ground and the normally well-organized pens and papers scattered across the floor. “Well, why the hell isn’t it waterproof?!”
No one dared to answer his question, and Logan pinched the bridge of his nose, surveying his broken computer and overturned desk for a few minutes.
Eventually, he straightened. “I need to borrow someone’s desk,” he said. Three people scrambled to their feet, but he held up a hand. “I’ll use Darlene’s,” They all scrambled back to their desks, “and send someone after those two!” He strode over to Darlene’s desk and sat at her computer. He pulled up every local news outlet he could find. They needed to find a new starting place, because he honestly didn’t know where to go from here.
He spent an hour trying to piece together what exactly was happening out there with news articles, police scanners, and other information channels. There was an explosion an hour and a half earlier in the city where this all started, and he worried that had something to do with the lack of communication as it was on the road from Nelsen’s base to the city. However, that still left almost 2 hours before that of silence from Roman and Janus unaccounted for. There were also two separate break-ins to the security office of the grocery store down the street from Remington Gates home which Logan imagined somehow was connected, but he couldn’t figure out how. And what did the cows have to do with it? Anything? Everything? What was going on? There was no news about whatever had happened with Fredrick and Darlene and the other team of agents he sent after them were still 20 minutes out from their last known location.
“Uh, boss?” a tentative voice said. Logan looked up at Clara who was standing at the edge of the desk. She flinched at the expression on his face when he looked up.
“Unless a member of my family or Virgil Gates has arrived at this base, I don’t want to hear about it,” he snapped.
“Well…” she replied, “actually…”
Want to read more? Click below!
Part 16
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