#i mean... Mika was sus from the beginning
asteracelatte · 1 year
Main Story!! Chapter 191 - Migratory
[Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su ♪ ]
Season: Summer
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A few minutes later
Aira: (Hmmm. After thanking me profusely, Kohakucchi went off somewhere on his own.)
(The four of us are always together, but the Crazy:B guys seem to act alone more often than not.)
(I used to say things like that ALKALOID would be in trouble if we kept sticking to Crazy:B who still has a lot of bad rumors surrounding them...)
(But now... I feel like we're finally looking at each other face to face, eye to eye—filling in those gaps as we become friends.)
(And if you're my friend, then I feel obliged to walk in the mud hand in hand with you.)
(I mean, a lo~ng time ago, if I was having a bad day at school, Kohakucchi would listen to my troubles over the internet...)
(I don't even know how to begin explaining how much that helped me, and yet I still haven't been able to repay this debt.)
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Hiiro: Aira, let's hold hands.
You look very unsteady, and with this huge crowd, it would be a big problem if you fell down.
Aira: Ah, hm. I'm afraid we're gonna fall if we run while holding hands, but I've practiced choreography for this kinda thing so... I guess it's okay.
I feel safer when Hiro-kun is holding my hand.
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Tatsumi: … ♪
Mayoi: (Eh?! Tatsumi-san also held my hand as if it was a matter of course! What is this?! Lately, Tatsumi-san has been really straightforward with me!)
(It's not an unpleasant feeling, I'm just confused since I'm not used to it!)
Tatsumi: Fufu. In all honesty, I thought the number of people going home would increase as the sun started to set, but it seems that the crowd is actually getting denser and denser.
It's hard to walk around, so please be careful not to bump into other people, everyone.
Hiiro: Hm. By the way, I feel like there's a lot of people staring at us right now. I wonder, is it that weird to see the four of us running around while holding hands?
Aira: ...Or maybe our hard work is starting to pay off.
Interesting things started to happen after MDM, and one of the hot topics among them is the newcomers named ALKALOID.
I think rumors like that are spreading all over the place like wildfire.
I also feel that people who started being skeptical about ES after the whole Crazy:B fiasco, and who had been watching it from afar or shying away from it, are now slowly coming around.
So all the hard work everyone has been putting up since the Bon Festival has paid off, or rather, is paying off…
It could also be just a guess, though, wishful thinking. But I do hope that's the case.
Tatsumi: Indeed. I also wish that's the case, I really do. In fact, I think the looks that are directed our way are filled with hope and love.
(Are they going to change something? Are they going to clear up a blur? Are they going to create something interesting...?)
(So many expectations in those gazes. In the beginning, I also used to get the same kind of stares back at Reimei Academy.)
(However, I couldn't live up to the expectations that were put upon me. Why is that so?)
(No—This time, I'll do my best not to make the same mistakes. I'm not letting this love turn into disappointment and hatred once more.)
(With these children. With these lovely fellows who have just begun to walk, hand in hand.)
(Oh God, it is now time to grant us your blessings.)
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Mika: ♪~ ♪~ ♪~
~... ♪
Tatsumi: ?! Is that the advent of an angel? No, that is...;
Hiiro: Oh, it's Valkyrie. Look, that's Kagehira-senpai, who handed out those pamphlets with me the other day.
Aira: Woah, I found the unit I was looking for! I thought it'd be surely impossible for Valkyrie to perform outdoors which is quite dusty...
But even if I consider myself a fanatic, I've been completely fooled by them. Wow, I can't believe what I'm seeing with my own two eyes.
(Also, the fans gathered here not only look stuck in their places but totally committed to being part of Valkyrie's world too.)
(They're so popular, but everyone here is watching them quietly and completely enraptured, without hustling or jumping around even if we’re outdoors.)
(Nope. Those fans grew up with them, overcoming all kinds of trials and stuff.)
(There is a strong bond between fans and their idols, one where they don't betray each other but show their love by behaving the way they're expected to behave.)
(In that respect, as well as in terms of perfection and artistry on stage, Valkyrie is by far still the best.)
(Even if ES achieves their so-called "Revolution of the Idol Industry"... There will never be, there will never appear a unit like this again... ever.)
(That's so cool, the going your own way thing... I guess. Of course, it must have taken tremendous passion and effort to get to their current level.)
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Mika: ...Ngah?
Ya~ Yer the ALKALOID guys, arent'cha? It's been a while. What are ya doin' here today? Did ya come to support us? Thank ya so much~♪
Tatsumi: Ah, actually... Yuuki Makoto-san from Trickstar, who is working in cooperation with us, has been using his own information network to aid us.
He told me that those of Valkyrie would be here today.
Mika: Hm? Ye, I did say we're not actually used to performin' outside~
But this stage was unnecessarily set up by CosPro ta give the impression that the whole Crazy:B thing was nothin' more than a riot.
So I just thought we might as well go ahead and try to bring our art into the open.
Fufun, y'all missed the best part of it, though~
Waah~ The sun is settin' and turnin' the noon into evenin', right?
So then, 'cause of Teach's conductor-like movements, he made it look like he was the one who ordered the world, God, or whatever to make this happen, y'know?
'Twas so amazing~ As soon as Teach' gave the order, daytime turned into evenin'.
Teach' made it look like we, Valkyrie, are the rulers of the world ♪
[ ☆ ]
Translation by: Mia JP Proof: anonymous
0 notes
Hi! Can I request a part 2 to your Valkyrae imagine?
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GIF isn’t mine. Credits to the owner!
Title: Idol’s Inspiration Part 2 
Pairing: Valkyrae || Rae x Fem! Reader
Summary: A collection of moments involving an idol and a streamer
Warnings: Cursing?. Just pure fluffiness
Word Count: 3,043 words
I had way too much ideas on this one so this is going to be a collection of said ideas. Have fun!
Actually, I saw someone on my dashboard asking for Rae x Reader imagines, so hi to that person!
You can read Part 1 Here
You took a couple of days before you gathered the courage to actually message Rae, you also spent those couple of days staring at the paper containing her number and your phone, which also has her number punched in. 
“Okay. I just have to press send...” Your fingers hovered over the icon as you chewed your lips in nervousness.
“Oh damn it.” Luna groaned before snatching your phone and pressing send, barely giving you time to retaliate
“Hey!” You complained, staring at her in disbelief
“You were taking too long” She shrugged, sipping on her milkshake as she tossed your phone back to you
You only had time to roll your eyes before phone vibrated.
‘About time you texted me, I was beginning to think you forgot. Oh and totally, I could make a lobby for you rn’
‘Sounds good! I’m free this Friday!’
You smiled, well, looks like you’re playing with your favorite streamer group this Friday then.
Your bandmate Jace actually owns a gaming pc, to which you borrowed to play among us, which ended you up here, in his room, on a private discord call with Rae, her helping you set up for tomorrow.
“So is this your first time, ya know? Playing among us?” Rae asks as the download bar for the proximity chat
“Oh no. Uhm, My bandmates and I play all the time, sometimes on public lobbies and sometimes we drag our crew to play, especially while on the tour bus. Plus, I watch you scream and play all the time so you don’t have to worry about me Rachel” You explain, smiling softly at the memories, trying to ignore the feeling of content and satisfaction at how easy her name rolled out of your tongue
“That’s cool.” She replies, about to say something when a bark interrupts her
“Mika! Hi! Hi baby~” You hear her coo, your smile widening
“Raeeee! Tell Mika I said hi!” You chuckled
“Y/N says hi!” She says, running her hand through Mika’s fur, the white furball now sitting in her lap
“Awee~ You’re both so cute~” You coo, laughing when Rae hid herself behind Mika
You spent the night talking about random stuff, setting up for the game and running a test run with her, but then laughing when you realized you can’t play with just the both of you, ultimately deciding to start early tomorrow for a test run. Her also adding you to their discord before sleeping.
“My new favorite seafood!” You furrowed your brows when you heard Sykkuno’s voice fill your ears when you joined the discord call
“Shrimp.” Brooke giggled
“OOOOOHHH. So that’s why they were saying shrimp for Rae. I was like, what does that even mean?” Rae’s sentence caught you off guard, especially since you just tweeted that exact same phrase before logging in.
“shit.” You mumbled, having dropped the lid of the water jug you were drinking from.
“Y/N! HI HI HI HI” Rae greeted
“Hello.” You replied, a little overwhelmed at being the center of attention.
“Pfft- My chat is saying shrimp for Y/N now” Sykkuno announces
“Mine too” Brooke agrees, soon followed by the rest of the lobby, making you laugh
“I’m Sorry, Sorry! Actually, I may know why that’s happening. Fun fact! I actually gave people permission to shrimp for me on an interview, since I found it funny, especially since I’m also shrimping for someone.” You explained
“Oh yeah! I saw that clip.” Rae mumbles, trying to decide which color she should be in and what hat she should wear
“I wonder who Y/N is simping for. Hmmmm. Who could that be? Hmmmm.” Toast teases
“Yeaaah. I wonder who that could be.” Poki replies, her teasing tone much more evident
It had been a couple weeks now since you first played with Rae and her friends, her friends who are now also your friends. You were pressured to stream on YouTube by your fans and also Rae, who you now have late night talks with.
“Y/N! Hiiiiii!” You hear Rae as you rounded, soon followed my Corpse’s voice
“Choke me-” Corpse started
“LIKE U HEYT MEH BAT U LAB MEH-” Rae continued, mispronouncing words that made you chuckle
“Lowkey wanna date me when you hmm me.” You sang, connecting the wires
“NEW SONG! NEW SONG! Corpse and Coldify! C and C!” Rae exclaimed, her little red bean circling you and Corpse
“Oh yeah, definitely, Corpse? You up to it?” You ask, doing a little wiggle to show your excitement
“Hell yeah! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” he does that deep voice thing that made you flinch
“I can’t stand it. I can’t stand the sound of my voice.” Rae exclaims, talking to chat you assume.
You rolled your eyes, finding Rae’s voice beautiful. You jumped out of the vent, knowing that no one was around, making her scream
“Hi! Just wanted to pop in and let you know that your voice is actually beautiful and I would love to sing with you some time. That’s all, I’ll go back to killing now, Oh! you might want to check vitals, love.” You say, hopping back into the vent, laughing silently. Then abruptly stopping when you realized you called Rae “love”, glancing at the chat, who were now spamming your ship name with Rae
Seeing Lily alone, humming a tune, you quickly popped out of the vent, sliced him in half before a meeting was called, Ludwig finding Toast’s body.
“Before we start. I just want to say, to the person who called me “love”... You don’t get to call me that then run away!” She exclaims
“Sorry! I got embarrassed!” You pouted. You wiggled your eyebrows at your chat, smirking slightly
“Uh-huh. Oops, Sorry Lud. Carry On” Rae says, letting Lud explain his “Different Universe” theories about how Toast died.
“Heeeey...” Rae trailed out, her cornering you in storage
“Hiiii?” You smiled nervously. You don’t know what was happening in her mind
“Soooo... Babuska?” You immediately got what she was implying, nodding frantically, before realizing she couldn’t see you
“Yeah. Yeah let’s do this!” You both walked out, Rae on the lead while your white character trails after her
“OH LOOK! There’s Corpse! And Sykkuno! Hiiiiiii!” She greeted cheerily, somehow you could see the evil smile on her face
“oh- Oh. Hi Rae! We’re just shooting some space rocks here!” Sykkuno says, her green character circling Rae
“I see. I see... Babushka.” Rae states, you wait a couple of seconds letting Sykkuno and Corpse panic first, before slicing Corpse in half.
“OH JESUS! You killed Corpse! You killed him! You really kil-” He was cut off when Ash creeped behind him, biting his head off
“Thanks Ash.” You say, laughing as Rae gasped and laughed as well
“Rae~ Oh Rae~” You chuckled, looking for the brunette
“What?!” She exclaimed from her spot behind the seismic reactors
“Oh uhm, are you streaming right now?” You asked her, preparing yourself for what you are about to say.
“Uh yes? Duh?” 
“Ohkay... well, hypothetically, If I were to ask you out, is it okay if I do it on stream orrr?”
“Well, hypothetically, I would be fine with it either way, yes.”
“Oh okay!” You clear your throat
“Ms. Valkyrae, The Valkyrae, Rae, would you please grace me with your presence on this coming friday night and allow me to buy you dinner, m’lady?” You say in your best posh voice
“...Yes” She says in a small voice
“Great! I’ll pick you up at 7!” You say
“Great! Okay”
“Great. I’ll kill you now.” you say
“Wait what?!” she exclaims, her scream perfectly cut when the victory sign flashes on your screen.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” You apologized, laughing your ass off
“I’m on Y/N Protection Services! She’s been dying a lot lately!” Rae exclaims, you rolling your eyes at her dramatics, both of you were impostors.
“Well, thank you m’lady” You replied, faking gas
“Ooooooh! I have speci, come.” Rae says, her red character slicing toast nonchalantly when you passed him doing telescope
And suddenly, when the decontamination doors open, Poki emerged from it, panicking you killed her.
“Oh shit! No! Wait! I’m sorry! Pokiii!” You whined, following Rae into decontam
Finding Janet in Speci, You go to say hi, only to be interrupted by the body being found.
“OH NO! TOAST! He was just with me! OH JESUS!” Sykkuno exclaims, making you bite your lip to avoid laughing
“Where’s the body?” Jack asks
“Medbay, by the telescope” Brooke answers
“It has to be Y/N! She’s the only one who could’ve killed Toast!” Janet accused
“Hey! What?! Why me?!” you complained, 
“You came from upper decontam! Toast’s body is in medbay, That’s sus.” Janet says, you were about to defend yourself when Rae chimed in
“There is a possibility that Y/N is the impostor.” She states
“Wha?! RAE?! You- You were with me in speci!”
“What? No I wasn’t! You’re lying! I lost you when I was doing gas! I was looking for you everywhere!” Rae says making you look at chat with a pout
“I didn’t see her there either...” Janet backed her up
“Wha?! Guys?! Come on, let’s skip! There’s barely enough evidence!” You desperately say, trying to save yourself
In the end, 7 heads voted for you.
“...Y/N will remember this.” You state before being thrown off the ship, welcomed by Poki and Toast’s laughter
“Yeah. Yeah. Hmmpf.” you huffed at Poki and Toast
“My girlfriend just betrayed me. Rae betrayed me chat, she just, she pushed me off the plank. She just, watched as I burned in the lava. She kicks me out of her bed for Mika, and now she betrays me, then pushes me off the plank. Ohhh the pain” you dramatically say as you followed Rae, her returning to specimen
“Listen, chat, Y/N if you’re listening... That was payback for that one time you killed me behind reactor right after you asked me on a date! Okay!” You rolled your eyes and looked at your camera with an annoyed look in your face
But your smile slowly returns as Rae goes on a mass massacre making you both win without meetings, making you bounce in your seat, clapping
“Good Job Rae! That was so good! You successfully scared me, I might not sleep in your room now.” You teased her, making her gasp
“Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Hello everyone and welcome to the streeaam! Part 2. We are starting the playthrough of little nightmares 2- Hold on, Y/N’s calling.”
“Love?” Your voice rings out through Rae’s phone
“Hiii Baby! You’re on speaker” Rae states while looking at the game settings
“Oh. Well Hi chat! Anyways, Mcdonalds? I’m 5 minutes away, don’t start little nightmares yet, come on.” You whined
“Oh you big baby, I wasn’t starting without you.” Rae laughs
“Liar, I was watching your stream.” You deadpanned
“Pshh. Pshh! But yeah, Mcdonald’s fine. And hurry up! I wanna play!”
“Okay, okay sheesh, I’ll be there with your chimkin nuggies” 
“Baby?” You knocked on her door, even after all the months that you have been together, you always knocked on her door before entering, incase she was doing something.
“Come in love! Perfect timing.” You open the door to see your girlfriend playing with Mika, Little Nightmares 2 plastered on the screen. You approached her and kissed her forehead
“Hi Babe. Hi chat! How are you guys doing? Hold on, let me set this down.” You say, arranging the food on Rae’s desk, careful not to spill anything
“Are we ready? Baby, grab your chair. Are we ready? Are we ready? I’m so excited!” The excitement in her eyes is making you smile
“Oh she’s excited alright, she wouldn’t shut up about it chat. Trust me” You chuckled.
“Will there be a lot of screaming? Rae?” You read chat
“Uhm. Hopefully not, I don’t know dude. Can’t control my screams.”
“A Shoe!” Rae gasps
“Baby, there’s literally hanging kids dangling in a net and the first thing you notice is the shoe?” You looked at her in disbelief
“Oh. What happened to you guys? Stinkyy. Oooooh. Physics!” You bit your lip and shook your head at your girlfriend’s antics
“Y/N, I feel comfort when I hold this shoe.”
“Ouch. Are you saying I’m not comforting you? Rude.”
“Stop trolling!” She says, turning to you as you held up a fry
She raises her eyebrows before biting the whole fry, along with your finger.
“Ouch! Damn it Rae! You’re like a chihuahua”
“Owa Owa.” 
“RAE! RUN! RAE! RAE! RAE! HOOOOLY SHIT! RAE! RAE! RACHEL RUN! RACHEL! RUUUN!” You panic, gripping her thigh as the teacher neck elongated, following your little character into the vents
A moment of silence pass the both of you as the character Rae’s controlling gets to safety. Rae slowly turns to meet your eyes, and bursts out laughing.
“You should’ve seen your face!” You laugh at her
“OH OKAY? Like you weren’t screaming for me to run.” She says then proceeds to repeat what you said while in a panic, making you laugh harder
“Sorry for screaming, it’s just really gross and unexpected.” She says sheepishly to her chat, which was now spamming ‘HAHAHA’ and ‘Damn how long is that neck’
“So, this question is directed to Ms. Y/N.” The interviewer moves his body to face you.
“Yes?” You smiled, guessing that this must be about you and Rae
“How are you feeling about your pictures trending on Twitter worldwide?” he asks, a smile on his face as the pictures flashed on the large screen behind you
“Ahm, it’s really great. A lot of hard work was put into that photoshoot, mostly because my girlfriend, Rae refused to put on the dress and was attached to the suit she’s wearing right there. God, she looks so beautiful. Uhm, but anyways, it took a lot of effort to get her out of that suit. ” You grinned
“Ahh. I recognize that look, Makes me remember about my wife and I. You’re so smitten. Can I just say that I ship you guys so hard.” The interviewer says
“Ah- Thank you. Hehe.” You say, embarrassed but proud
“While were on this topic of trending pictures, Can you guys explain whatever these pictures are? I’m pretty sure your fans already know what these are. But an explanation would be nice” The interviewer now addressed your whole group
“Well, considering that Y/N is dating Rae, Luna is dating Sykkuno and Jace is dating Imane, or Poki,  Okay, so there’s this AU that’s around their community where they are mafia’s and we’re all members now. We all joked about being apart of their mafia, to which they agreed. So now Rae and Y/N are now the assassin duo, Poki and Jace are their supervisors and Luna, Sykkuno and Corpse are the deadly trio” Sebastian explains
“Their community is so creative I swear. And combined with our fandom, the fanarts and fanfictions are the best.” Luna says, a smile present on her face
“And yes, we all do read fanfiction, in multiple platforms.” You laughed, the live audience gasping in surprise
“None of you are safe.” Jace says in a playful intimidating voice
“Okay, I’m gonna get off. Thank you for watching. I’ll see you guys later, thanks for watching, I hope you guys enjoyed the stream. Uhmm. Appreciate you guys. Byeee!” you hear Rae end her stream from your spot in her bed.
“Hunter x Hunter? or AOT?” you ask her as you put your phone in silent and set it aside, opening your arms for her.
She crawls into your side, cuddling you while groaning lightly.
“Do you wanna take a bath first? Or do you wanna eat dinner? Maybe take a nap first? You’ve been streaming for 13 hours baby, your eyes are probably tired now.” You say, running your free hand through her hair
“Naps and cuddles please.” she mumbles, her head buried in the crook of your neck
“Okay baby, I’ll just put AOT on, oh wait. Hmm, Jujutsu Kaisen sounds great right now. No, wait even better, Ouran Highschool Host Club.” You go to turn your head to ask Rae, but you see her asleep. 
You chuckle quietly, knowing Rae, she can overwork herself, sit on a chair for 13 hours, playing various video games, while you really can’t see yourself play videogames for 13 hours straight, you admire that she has the patience and energy to do that.
Smiling, you lower the volume of the Anime that you’re watching, slowly pull the blankets up as Rae shifts closer to you, clinging like a koala. Mika jumps up and settles in between the two of you, Your smile widens at the feel of things, the calmness, the silence, the tranquility and the sense of home, something that only Rae can provide. Something that you have been looking for ever since your career took off. The constant trips to the studio, the paparazzi, the world tours, the concerts, the interviews, everything, everything was worth it when you know you’re coming home to her. 
You didn’t even know how you got to where you are now, cuddled into Rae, the comfort streamer you never thought you would meet, even when you mostly stayed where she stayed... Dating her was a dream, you didn’t believe it at first, she quickly proved that dream theory wrong when she kissed you, under the rain. As cliché as it seems, that was the day you both silently agreed to never let go of each other and take care of each other even if the other is half way across the world.
Even if dating her means also dating her room mates and her chat...
You would never trade it for anything. 
Even if you knew she would scream her ears off once she knows that you have a whole album that’s inspired and dedicated to her.
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jewish-privilege · 5 years
On Wednesday, Donald Trump again referred to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff as “shifty Schiff.” If you think that sounds vaguely anti-Semitic, you’re right. And it’s likely only the beginning. As the impeachment inquiry escalates, Trump’s anti-Semitic rhetoric probably will too.
It won’t escalate because Trump is any more hostile to Jews than he is to other religious or racial minorities. It will escalate because Trump thinks in terms of stereotypes. Thus, when challenged by an adversary, he often invokes bigoted tropes about their race, religion or gender. And for the next few months, as Trump’s presidency hangs in the balance, one of his biggest adversaries will be Adam Schiff, a Jew.
It’s no surprise that Trump called Schiff “shifty” — which means tricky or deceitful, or that in the past he’s called him “little pencil-neck.” When discussing Jews, Trump often plays on well-worn caricatures about cleverness, deviousness and physical weakness. He was quoted in 1991 as saying “The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes.” In 2015, he told the Republican Jewish Coalition that, “This room negotiates deals. Perhaps more than any room I’ve ever spoken to” but “you’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money.”
Trump does something analogous when challenged by African Americans. He responds with racist stereotypes about their supposed lack of intelligence. When LeBron James criticized him in an interview with Don Lemon, Trump called the CNN host “the dumbest man on television… He made LeBron look smart, which isn’t easy to do.” Trump even called Barack Obama “a terrible student” who didn’t deserve admission to Columbia and Harvard Law School.
Another favored Trump stereotype about blacks is that they’re poor and unsanitary. When Representative John Lewis announced he wouldn’t attend Trump’s inauguration, Trump declared that Lewis’s district was “in horrible shape and falling apart.” When Representative Elijah Cummings challenged Trump’s policies at the border, Trump called his district “a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess.”
When women challenge Trump, he often calls them ugly. “Look at that face!” he exclaimed about Carly Fiorina in September 2015, when she was rising in the polls. “Would anyone vote for that?” When Morning Joe host Mika Brzezinski criticized him in 2017, Trump mocked her for “bleeding badly from a face-lift.” When Stormy Daniels sued him, he called her “horseface.”
And when Trump’s critics are women of color, he mixes and matches his stereotypes. Thus, when African American Representative Maxine Waters said Trump should be impeached, Trump called her not only a “seriously low IQ person” but also a “real beauty.” After Khizr Khan’s speech at the 2016 Democratic national convention, Trump suggested that his wife, Ghazala Khan, a Muslim woman, had remained silent on stage because “she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say.”
Trump has done something similar with the disabled. When New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski disputed his claim that “thousands” of Arabs in New Jersey celebrated the 9/11 attacks, Trump mimicked the way Kovaleski — who suffers from arthrogryposis — moves his arms and hands.
Like many of Trump’s responses, the attack was a non-sequitur. The way Kovaleski moves his limbs, or the condition of Elijah Cummings’ district, or the size of Adam Schiff’s neck, have no bearing on their criticisms of Trump. They are simply a way of undermining his perceived adversaries by conjuring negative stereotypes about the group of which they are a part.
To some, these taunts may seem too juvenile to be truly dangerous. Trump’s is the bigotry of the playground; when threatened, he simply picks up whatever negative material is most readily at hand. When attacked by a newspaper, he says it’s losing money; when attacked by a comedian, he says the comedian is not funny; when attacked by a Jew, he says the Jew is skinny and devious.
But they are dangerous. When Trump speaks, millions of Americans nod in fervent agreement.
Will one of them show up at a local synagogue looking to exact revenge on Trump’s shifty, pencil-necked tormentors, just as Robert Bowers last year went seeking revenge against the Jews who were supposedly facilitating what Trump often called an immigrant “invasion?” Probably not. But, all things being equal, I’d feel safer living in a country in which the president didn’t invoke anti-Semitic stereotypes at all.
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britishchick09 · 3 years
danger force season 2 premiere livewatch
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it’s time for the first livewatch of 2022... and the beginning of danger force s2! i’m excited to see how epic this adventure can get! (and to see henry again!) :D
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ooh it start out so spooky! secret halloween special perhaps? :o
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oh yeah this is DEFINITELY a secret halloween special
why was there a laugh track for the candle?
there are cobwebs and creepy lights everywhere! :o
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MIKA??? :o
why is there a cat sound
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and why does he not have his own house? :(
mika: “i sent the world back to the dark ages.” omg! :o
ooh it’s time to go back to the not-so dark ages! :D
omg captain man picked up a sting ray! :o
ha ha... sting ray ;)
chapa is watching a video called ‘10 ways to hurt a bad guy with a rusty spoon’... that’s so chapa! :D
captain man: “you can’t hurt anyone with a rusty spoon-“ *gets hit by a rusty spoon* “OW!” lol! :D
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also look at her glow up! :D
bose: “i found it a strange package in front of the man’s nest.” miles: “you saw a strange package and you just brought it inside?” lol :D
omg rick twittler! :o
,..who’s rick twittler?
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‘ladies who hate the internet’ lol :D
omg he made a virus that killed the internet!!! :o
i wonder if that actually happened in henry danger!
mika doesn’t care if the internet is destroyed! :O
miles thinks they’d be fine...
good it’s back on!
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omg mika! :o
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she got hungry :(
miles: “let’s not speak of this again.” i have a feeling we will soon...
omg a trash rocket and a cheese massage! :o
1000 girls paid brainstorm a 1000 bucks to date him??? :o
captain man’s record was 2 lol :D
oh no the weather will turn spooky in 7 days!! :o
...rick twittler became oatmeal?
mika’s determined to beat him in the game! :D
yas montage!!! :D
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OOF! :o
...mika’s working a bit too hard on her game i see! :o
the song reminds me of a bob’s burgers montage song! :D
omg it’s been 5 days! spooky weather approaches...
mika has a new skin! :D
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omg! :o
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the game trapped her!!!! :o
cue the intro 7 and a half minutes into the ep! :D
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ray: “oooh that’s good... aaaa.” lol :D
he wasn’t kidding about a cheese massage! :o
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monkey?? :o
chapa: “i’ve gotten used to the weekly cheese massages... but i’ve got a lot of questions about that monkey.” lol same :D
he and chapa took a drink at the same time! :D
the monkey got some cash! B)
ray: ‘the trash rocket should be blasting off in three... two... one... one and a half... right on time.” lol :D
chapa has questions about the trash rocket and ray isn’t ready for answers
miles: “weird flex but ok.” OMG lol!! :D
mika is acting sus!
and ray doesn’t know what that means... he’s so me last year!
...yeah most of it is stupid :/
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take this out of context lol :D
they have a yeet jar, a cringe jar, a toxic jar, a dab jar, a... glizzy jar?
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omg a henry jar!! :o
it’s because ray won’t shut up about him :)
erik would benefit from a christine jar! ;) knowing him he probably has a hundred and seventy billion jars overflowed with francs just like the henry jar! knowing him he got to henry jar levels in less than half a day...
mika called the gang ‘danger friends’! :o
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the monkey’s just hanging around B)
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putting a dollar in the dab jar aside she looks like a business woman!
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called it!! :D
ray: “i agree that she’s acting SUSpicious...” lol :D
chapa’s getting a cheese massage! :o
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omg villain! :o
i’ve seen 5 eps of henry danger and the only villain i remember from that is dr. minyak (he’s not a good speller!) so i had to look this guy up... his name is drex and he was captain man’s assistant before henry came along!!! :o
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the laugh track just went ‘oooohhh...’
i guess captain man wasn’t strong enough for him! :o
rick and drex are fighting over who captain man’s greatest enemy is!
chest monster: “his greatest enemy is the march of time!” short ray: “OH SNAP!” lol true! :D
omg mika looks like rick!! :o
WAIT A SEC RICK IS IN MIKA’S BRAIN??? is the red glowy thing a portal... or a mirror? :o
mika twittler just called drex ‘drexie’ :D
aww ray loves the monkey :)
schwoz: “the massage table is starting to schtink!” lol :D
ray: ‘cheese never goes bad, schwoz!”
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...you sure about that?
schwoz: “we ran out of trash rockets.” ray: “so BUY MORE!” i don’t think you can do that ray...
omg the rocket is on a rop that mika twittler tied on ray’s foot!!! :o
schwoz: “he’s not gonna be happy about that!” ray a bit later...: “I’M NOT HAPPY ABOUT THAT!” danger force: “...” ray: “come on, not even a gasp?” danger friends: *FAKE DRAMATIC GASP!* ray: “oh don’t give me your pity gasps!” lol! :D
oh so mika is her full name! her last name is macklin! neat! :D
miles “you’ve been acting sus all day!” bose: “big time sus!” chapa: “sustin bieber!” lol :D
ray: “there’s only one bad guy in all of swellview, nay... THE WOOOORLD!!! who’s smart enough to pull that off! dr. minyak.” danger force: *GASP!* ray: “oh now you guys gasp?” lol! :D
ooh i hope dr. minyak returns he was funny! :D
omg mika twittler just called him stupid! :o
ray: “the toddler!” mika: “he’s a manchild.” ray: “lil’ dynomite?” mika: “he’s a literal child!” lol :D
ray: “i got it! THE SLOW MARCH OF TIME!” lol! :D
mika: “RICK TWITTLER!!!! I’M RICK TWITTLER!!!!” everyone: *GAASP!* dun dun dun! :o
and there’s a commercial fade!
mika twittler “you guessed other guys before you guessed me!” bose: “but we got there eventually!” *raises hand for a high five and doesn’t get one* lol :D
omg chapa wants to zap mika twittler!!! :o
and miles is defending her! :)
schwoz: “did someone say ‘new plan’?” miles: “new plan!” schwoz: “new plan! i got one” lol :D
schwoz just pronounced ‘comfortable’ as ‘com-fort-a-ble’ :D
he wants to take mika to her happy place! :)
omg mika twittler sounds corrupted! :o
ray: *doesn’t like internet slang* also ray: *uses ‘swole’* lol!
the monkey will distract!
miles’ mom: “ahhh!!! i’m so distracted!” lol :D
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ray’s face though! :D
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omg i think that’s the virus!! :o
mika’s back!!!! :D
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this is the only show where a screaming lady can run into a room with a monkey on her face and it makes sense!
...also is schwoz wearing a priest outfit? the power of schwoz and cheese massages compel you!
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truly a modern renaissance painting!
bose yeeted out of the window!
and mika’s stuck!! :o
aww mika apologized :)
this seems like a solid ending for the ep! i wonder what the cliffhanger will be...
ray: ‘we’ll never have to worry about rick twittler ever again!” hmm idk about that... ;)
ray: “everything’s coming up danger force! :) “ mika’s narration: “but we were wrong. the story wasn’t over. not even close.” dun dun dun...
omg there’s fog!! :o
a glowing box just said ‘it’s not over...’ omg!!!! :o
the next ep is called ‘the drex factor’ so i wonder if it’ll be him! :o
let’s find out shall we? ;)
onto part 2!
clever danger force! ;)
ooh there’s a ‘previously on’ bit! :D
the guitar music in it is awesome :D
WAIT A SEC i think the box was rick twittler! :o
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it’s halloween again! :D
i never thought chapa would dress up in a floofy skirt! :o
and mika looks like the sugar plum princess from ag!
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omg monkey :o
SUS MONKEY... *puts a dollar in the sus jar*
ray: “i got a cast, so now you’re writing with a vip, very injured person” omg lol! :o
omg RAY’S LYING :o
mika doesn’t like it same!
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woah danger force more like danger MONKEY!!!
oh no their trip to dingo land will ruin bose’s dpd! :o
...dates per day ;)
omg 2 dates per day for a year!! :o
that’s only 730 dates tho...
omg miles is having a vision! :o
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oh no drex!! :o
miles: “i just had another vision.” ray: “was it about our trip to dingo land and how nothing stops us from having the best day of our lives?” miles: “not at all.” ray:
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he ANGRY >:(
omg danger force will turn on each other! :o
ray: “oh no i can’t believe we’ll have to deal with rick twittler... AFTER WE GET BACK FROM DINGO LAND!” ...i don’t think it’s happening bud...
miles: “he’s... among us.” *lightning flash!* dun dun dun...
bose had a dramatic gasp! :o
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he just slides on in!!!
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chapa’s face tho :D
omg eagle screech!
schwoz needs everyone’s blood for a rick twittler test!
chapa: “it’s just a tiny, little needle-“ ray: *whips out THIS:*
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bose be like ‘YEET HAW’!
miles did the first ‘down the tube!’ of the season! :D
woah the intro is 5 minutes and 52 seconds in! how early! :o
schwoz: “relax, raybe, the test takes... couple hours! ;) “ ray:
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lol :D
ray: “do you wanna watch schwoz science up the place?” lol :D
ray: “it might take a while. this place has over 200 rooms.” chapa: “200 rooms?” ray: “hey you got me. it’s more like 500.” chapa: “500 rooms!” ray: “ey you got me. it’s more like 900 rooms.” 900 ROOMS??? :o
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omg what a big net! :o
she was just grabbing it but here it looks like someone’s about to get a CHAPA SMACC!!!
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yaaaas schwoz dance!!! :D
chapa: “so many weapons! chapa like!”
ray: ‘the one to pull the sword from the stone is the rightful king of swellview. let’s go!” chapa: *easily pulls the sword out* ray: “....you put that back!” lol :D
ray tried to pull the sword lol :D
ray has a sushi bar? :o
omg he speaks japanese :o
omg the other danger kids just came out of the sushi room! :o
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chapa: “this song slaps! dj schwoz is great!” he is! ...is there a ‘slaps’ jar? ;)
ray just said that was CLONE schwoz??? :o
woah chapa just moonwalked outta there! :o
chapa: “why do you have clones of ourselves?” ray: “just in case.” chapa: “...just in case what?“ lol :D
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ooh the monkey is hard at work! :o
ray made the door nearly close on chapa lol :D
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omg helper monkey has subtitles! :o
and they understand him!
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IT BE DREX!!! :o
the laugh track went ‘oooooh....’ again!
dres: “i can help.” ray: “i bet you can dwexie!” lol :D
i bet he was called that all the time in ‘henry danger’!
dwex doesn’t wike the baby voice! ^_^
ooh there’s a hot tub room! :o
ray: “what are we gonna do for 10 whole minutes?” party of course! ;D
OMG IT’S 10:01 :o
miles was just there but he’s gone! :o
omg chapa zapped the water! :o
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he’s the next ariel! ;)
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bose is having 3 dates at the same time! :o
jk it be 4!!! :o
oh no awol ratted him out! :o
oh no mika sees homework straight from the oven! :o
mika: “question one: who’s ‘gotcha’?” chapa: “CHAPA’S GOTCHA!” mika: *screams!* lol! :D
omg schowz has the results! :o
none of them will be rick twittler right?
hold up.. IS RAY POSSESSED BY RICK???? :o
bose used his powers to make ray float!
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oh NO
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what suspenseful music...
he’s slow clapping!!! :o
he’s slow clapping... >:)
danger force chased rick monkey into a dark room! :o
bose: “i’m scared of the dark!” mika; “i’ll turn on my flashlight app!” bose: “i’m scared of apps, too!” lol :D
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what a suspenseful way to cut to commercial! :o
danger force: *SCREAMS!* chapa: “mine was a battle cry.” yeah right... ;)
ray: “i’m scared too... about the mess you’ll have to clean up once i rip this guy apart!” danger force: “OHHHH!!!!” drex: “nice dad clothes to go with your dad bod!” danger force: “OHHHH!!!!!” ray: “i’m gonna beat you so hard you’re face is gonna match that cloth!” danger force: “OHHHHH!!!!!!!” drex: “i’m gonna put you in a prison cell!” danger force: “OHHHH- ohhhh?” didn’t see that one coming! ;D
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OMG NO RAY!!! :o
mika: “that’s smart! that’s smart” and clever! ;)
omg chapa vs. drex! :o
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she beat him!!!! :D
and the audience applauded! :D
it’s a mad chase through the man’s nest!
mika: “how did you get over there?” miles: “i don’t know!” lol :D
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omg the clones! :o
chapa: “they’re there just in case!” everyone: *runs off* miles: “...just in case what?” lol :D
miles punched drex out of the hot tun room to applause! :D
bose still has his 10:30 date! i could easily see half an hour passing between now and the awol hot tub zap so the time is realistic! :D
drex: “dude i thought we were fighting!” bose: “excuse me i’m talking here!” *EPIC PIE SLAP* YAAAS!!! :D
oh no rick has plans to reenter the world as a more powerful version of himself! :o
ray: “no he’s not! that’s stupid.” rick monkey: *slow clap* think it’s still stupid? ;)
chest monster: “i bet rick let drex out to distract you!” ray: “drex let himself out.” rick: *SLOW. CLAP.* dun dun dun!!!! :o
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omg it be RICK!! (for real this time!) :o
ray: “don’t you say ‘game on’...” rick: “...GAME ON!” OHHH!!! :D
ray kicked the chest monster! :o
drex couldn’t do cardio in his prison cell lol :D
mika SCREAMED!!! :o
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RAY???? how did he get up the tube if he’s trapped? :o
this is sus... *puts a dollar in the sus jar*
omg helper monkey helped ray! :o
mika: “who is cyborg rick twittler?”
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THAT’S cyborg rick twittler! :o
mika: “i have no memory of rick rewiring the trash rockets!” bose: “i wasn’t possessed, but i also have no memory.” lol :D
oh no rick’s about to unleash ‘old friends’... THE VIRUSES? :o
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oh no... TRASH ROCKET!!! :o
ray: “we’re going to space!” and that jumps the shark in the most evil way possible! :o
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omg!!!! :o
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omg the virus!!! :o
what a suspenseful ending! :o
and now onto part 3!
frankini is on the poster and hasn’t been seen yet, so i bet he’ll be our featured villain in this ep! :D
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woah it’s new and live! :o
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that nick logo in the corner tho! :o
bose is narrating the recap to a girl! ;D
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hold up his phone has no case! :o
and no back for that matter!
bose: “i don’t even know how my toilet works!” classic bose :D
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chapa tho!!! :o
mika doesn’t think it’s cool... she’s freaking out! :o
miles turned off the phone just as the girls said “i love-” ‘drums, girls and dangerous pies’ anyone? ;)
woah captain man and henry went to space??? :o
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that crawl tho! :D
and wowza they’ve been traveling for a long time since they were launched into space at about 11 pm or so! :o
omg the newsman’s girlfriend is on the internet! :o
bose: “we’re gonna stop him. schwoz, how do we stop him?” lol :D
schwoz: “there are thousands of satellites encircling the earth. it would take years-” *a satellite is found* “oh! goody!”
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yay!!! :D
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chapa’s nudge tho! :D
omg miles will take down rick!!! :o
bose: ‘you could end up floating through space forever!” miles: “no we’ll end up floating through space together. you’re coming with me!” omg! :o
also what a lol :D
aww chapa comforted mika :)
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ew it looks like miles and bose ended up in the dumpster! :o
oh no they’re in the trash rocket!!!! :o
ooh they can rocket hop!
bose found art ray threw away ‘accidentally’ ;D
omg mika’s gonna super scream to the satellite! :o
mika: “isn’t it freezing cold out in space?” chapa: “we got you a scarf!” lol :D
mika: “are you sure i’m not gonna die out there?” ray: ‘yeah you’ll last 15 seconds in space!” ...she’s gonna die
mika: “i’m not 100% confident here!!!” ray: “neither are we!” lol :D
she has to scream to the left! then to the right! criss cross! ;)
omg she has ice on her!
mika: “so cold!” ray: “forgot to give you these mittens!” i think she’ll need more than mittens...
aww chapa called mika ‘buddy’ :)
they’re on course and the laugh track loved that! :D
ray: “how long until impact?” schwoz: “not long baby! B) “ lol! :D
...did he just say ‘brazilian’ instead of ‘bazillion?’
oh no what if they mix up the satellite for the trash rocket that miles and bose are on? :o
oh no two minutes until impact! :o
and the intro is 8 minutes into the ep this time! the longest one by far!
yay miles and bose are in the news station! :D
miles: “we’re looking for a cyborg in a burgundy suit about yay tall?” rick: “i’m over here! and i’m six foot yay, awol.” lol :D
aww the newslady loves bose’s art! :D
omg miles is gonna go tv-ma!! :o
rick while fake crying: “i’m ready to turn myself in! ...as a fighting machine. >:)” ohhh!!! :D
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omg lazer eye!!! :o
newsman: “what a sick turn!” newslady: “aww a doggie!” lol! :D
bose and miles are great fighters! :D
...even though they’re not winning :/
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and a thiccc one at that! :o
schwoz: “if i’m gonna die, it’ll be with turkey in my mouth!” lol good idea :D
omg drex is an indestructible beef patty :o
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omg he’s all tied up! :o
newslady: “whoever wins gets to become president!” newsman: “mary, that’s called an election.” newslady: “then i am loving this election!” lol! :D
rick: “ALWAYS GO WITH THE BIGGER LAZER!!!” but bigger isn’t always better... ;)
omg bose’s girls are here! :o
they’re 8 and 8:30 dates.. although it’s 8:50 something! :o
and their names are sydney and melbourne lol :D
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omg bose is a hero! :o
rick: ‘looks like date night is cancelled...” omg no!! :o
drex was hit by the satellite! :o
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and now he’s a jelly boi! ;)
the audience loved the direct hit! :D
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aww chapa warmed mika’s hands! :)
yay they’re going back to earth! :D
.....WITH NO WAY TO STOP!!!! :o
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woah that’s creepy! :o
omg virus got on the screen GROSS :(
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even in the face of danger schwoz still munches on his sandwich! :D
what an anna move!
ray: “let big papa handle this one!” mika: “EW.” ray: “i’m big papa.” mika and chapa: “EWW!!!” lol :D
oh no solar radiation made the virus more intense! :o
mika called the virus an internet booger!
it actually looks really cool! :D
so many ‘ooohs’ and applause from the audience! :D
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omg miles just teleported to the sky and dropped rick!!! :o
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and he pulled a gibby stunt double moment!
awol is the newsman’s new favorite! :D
omg melbourne and sydney are australian lol :D
and they’re not able to wake him up with a kiss, but miles saying ‘wake up bro’ works! :D
miles: ‘bad news... the man’s nest is about to drop on top of us!” bose: “well, we had a good run!” lol but RUN BOSE RUN!!!!
omg bose can use his powers to float the man’s nest so they don’t die! :D
yay the man’s nest’s speed is going down!!
after 1/8th speed the newslady said it was just a ‘smaller fraction’ lol :D
and the man’s nest landed on the news station roof! :D
miles: “we won!” he said to applause! :D
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aww a bro hug! :D
chapa is back!
chapa: “we... lost...”
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sydney: “blooming onions! what is that?” melbourne: ‘let’s get outta here, sydney!” and off they go!
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RAY TOO?????
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omg we’re in chapa’s mind! :o
but where’s the phantom...? ;)
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a mystery chair! :o
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her phone is talking! :o
and to think she didn’t have one in season one!
the phone wants her to find it!
aww chapa feels like she’s gonna cry when she says she misses her phone :(
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omg she said ‘NOOO!!!!’ and the virus went away! :o
rick: “...did not see that coming.” lol :D
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the POWER THIS GAL HAS!!!!!! :o
everyone’s ok! :D
ray: “awol! brainstorm! is this earth?” bose: “you’re asking the wrong guy.” lol! :D
omg everyone else besides the newspeople are gone!!! :o
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ooh the credits! :o
ray is P I S S E D
it’s suddenly so serious! :o
miles: “what do we do?” ray: ‘we call for back up.” omg... HENRY????
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idk who this lady is BUT SHE’S TALKING TO HENRY OMG!!!!!
will he pick up? i have a viddie to film so i won’t have time to find out tonight WHICH IS A BUMMER SINCE IT’S SUCH AN EPIC CLIFFHANGER OMG but we’ll find out tomorrow! ;)
it’s the morning! :D
let’s end with a bang... and part 4!
seriosuly tho who was that lady? and where’s frankini???
OOH what if he’ll help danger force and henry? :o
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the caption tho!!!!!!!!! :D
...rick wrote on drex’s hand?
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more funny captions! :D
the newsman pronounced ‘gone’ as ‘GAWN’ lol :D
i think he referenced the well baby thing! :o
aww bose misses his sandwich :(
henry isn’t answering the phone! :o
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dystopia looks so cool! :D
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there’s the boi! :D
the audience loved it!
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miles be like ‘YEET’!
aaaand they’re back at the bar
ooh the girl’s name is jemma! :D
it’s italian for ‘precious gem’! :)
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omg chapa has restraints! :o
chapa: “i feel like you look.” mika: “oh you feel gorgeous!” lol! :D
omg rick trapped them on a tower! :o
and mika can’t scream!!! :o
rick: “i’m waiting for a friend!” chapa: “weird place to meet but ok.” lol :D
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omg end him drex! :D
don’t give revenge on henry rick!! :o
the audience applauded when henry and miles show up at the man’s nest! :D
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awww!!!! :D
henry was on a date! :o
classic ray/henry banter! :D
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schwoz going in for a classic distraction hug! ;D
he did a handshake at first but henry went in for the hug!
...aaaand it didn’t work :/
there’s the intro nearly 6 minutes in! ;)
bose is staging an intervention!
yeah henry has his own life ray!
ray: “........i always pick up when he calls!” henry and bose: “COME ON!!!” lol! :D
miles is gonna find mika! :o
although she has no idea where she is!
because mika called omg!!!!! :o
henry has a force field! :o
mika called to let the guys eavesdrop! :o
chapa: “why are you pointing like that?” mika: “i always point like this!” chapa: “no you don’t-“ mika: “IT’S MY SIGNATURE POINT!!!” lol! :D
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they’re not letting ray in lol! :D
oh hey he’s in
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and rick is glowing? :o
miles: “i bet he‘s drawing in internet power!” rick: “i’m drawing in internet power!” miles: “got it!” eyyy! ;D
and rick is ‘drawing internet power’ omg! :o
he’s a human computer hybrid!
chapa: “he’s gonna control the cat memes and old people arguing on fakebook!” lol :D
rick can control  e v e r y t h i n g  >:)
don’t egg him on chapa! :o
there are crystals in the man’s nest! :o
and drex wants them... NOOO!!! :o
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ooh nice speakers :D
and they all have popcorn lol!
rick wants chapa and mika to help him create a perfect internet! :o
oh no mika likes it...
chapa: “don’t listen to this junk!” the bois: “YEAH!!!” ray: “that’s my girl!” aww :)
omg rick knows her phone! :o
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that’s a nice pic! :)
yay mika won’t turn on her friends!! :D
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omg they’re frozen!!! :o
the girls are brainwashed! :o
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spooky! :o
henry thinks drex’s plan is a trap! :o
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schwoz just chillin’ B)
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oh no DREX IS HEEEEERE!!! :o
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and so is captain man YAAAAS!!!! :D
omg drex just called ray an old man BRO >:(
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they just keep on going! :o
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but she’s brainwashed! :o
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oh no henry!!!! :o
drex: “you said i could get revenge on henry hart, this isn’t it rick!” henry: “ooh, it sounds like you have a lot of stuff to work through...” lol :D
aww henry and ray are in a really good place now :)
rick wants his force field! :o
omg the force field is the key to where chapa and mika are! :D
miles keeps repeating ray's plan lol :D
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guess it’s not so secret :/
aww bose called ray ‘sir’ :)
ray: “new plan: try not to get killed.” good plan! :)
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bose dodged a bullet with that one! ;)
ray’s ok! :D
aww henry called ray ‘buddy’!!! :D
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aaaaand there he goes :/
the force field went away! :o
omg miles and bose put the vr goggles on chapa and mika! it’s got a reverse button apparently? THAT WOULD’VE BEEN USEFUL EARLIER
omg rick has henry!!! :o
chapa: “let henry go, twittler!” mika: “we said... let. him. go.” they’re back! :D
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the audience loved it!
ray’s still ready to fight!
he missed it lol :D
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omg! :o
aww ray called henry even though they’re in the same room :)
omg drex is still out there! :o
but henry is ready to fight him! :)
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aww how sweet :’)
omg headless rick twittler! :o
it’s like mike the headless chicken! ;)
henry: “i miss this.” maybe once drex is gone he’ll stay for a bit and join in on the chaos!
down the tube he goes!
and so does ep! ;)
that was the premiere of danger force s2! it was such an exciting start to the season and i loved every second of it! i can’t wait to see the fun chaos that ensues throughout the season! :D
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lia-nikiforov · 8 years
Fall 2016 Anime: Last impressions
What, me? Posting something that’s not Yuri on Ice? Did I wander to the wrong blog? Oh right, this isn’t supposed to be a Yuri on Ice blog to begin with, oops.
After a very shitty semester and my Mom’s and sister’s vacations messing up with my anime watching schedule (plus a shitty vicious cycle of not watching anime to work on thesis-not working on thesis because stressed from not watching anime), I finally finished catching up with Fall anime, barely on time before Winter begins (I know some winter shows have premiered already, but none that interest me. Rakugo’s on today though!!!!). So here’s a rundown of the best and worst of this most fruitful Fall season. If there’s a gif it means I forgot to take a screenshot of the last episode whoops.  (worst to best my dears, you know how this goes)
Shuumatsu no Izetta: I really tried. Even after the stupidity of episode 4 put me to sleep, I tried to give it a second shot, but episode 6 was literally everything that is wrong with modern anime and ugh, please release me from this hell. Of course having a strong female character was too progressive for a yuribait show, you just had to make her have insecurities about her normal-sized boobs (vs everyone’s ginormous) and dedicate 25 entire minutes to show that she’s actually a real girly girl that likes pie. Ugh. And I didn’t even mention how stupid the “Izetta’s secret might be revealed” plot element was. That was some garbage writing if I ever saw one. Most of what I’ve read after dropping it seems to indicate it was the best choice
3gatsu no Lion: I’m confused with this show. The production values make it very attractive to watch. There is a harsh and interesting story and character drama happening. Episode 5 was particularly great, and some of the storytelling devices are implemented brilliantly. But for some reason I can’t bring myself to care? I don’t know. The more I see the three sisters, the more the scenes with them bore me to death. I found the idea of watching episode 6 terribly not-compelling so I decided to put it in the back burner and wait out. Maybe I’m just incompatible with this mangaka (I really hate HachiKuro). People seem to be loving it, so maybe I’ll give it another shot at a later date.
Touken Ranbu Hanamaru: This was my biggest disappointment of the season because episode 2 was so good. It tickled all my rekijo bones in the best way. But then it just… nothing ever happened? Also the way all the sword boys gush about how much they love the (invisible but obviously audience-proxy) “Master” is way too transparent and took me out of whatever little interesting character dynamics might be going on. What could be an interesting theme –the swordboys having regrets about not protecting their past owners and being tempted to fix it- is wasted in a “it’s okay, I have a new master now!”. Even with my fujoshi goggles there was little of interest because the boys were so infatuated with the Master I couldn’t even enjoy any of it. Held out until episode 9 and just couldn’t be arsed for more. Maybe the more serious ufotable show will be better?
Nanbaka: I don’t know what went wrong with this mangaka that suddenly decided to turn a perfectly fine comedy into a Very Serious battle shonen thing? Especially mid-arc? The New Year tournament had revitalized the show, I was having a load of fun with it, but then it suddenly turned all dark and serious and nonsensical? The only thing tempting me to go back for the last three episodes is Hajime, he’s a champ. But yeah, the shift in tone was too drastic and kind of spoiled the show for me because I was loving it exactly as it was. It didn’t need the drama. Some people seem to be liking the new direction but ehhhh… idk. If I have time.
The worst:
17. DAYS: It was hard to choose which of these two was gonna be the poop prize winner, but in the end, given how much I struggled to even sit through the last couple of episodes, I guess DAYS takes it. Honestly seldom have I seen a show so infuriatingly ruined by “protagonist no jutsu” i.e. things just happen because a dude is the main character. Kimishita scored three completely bananas goals in that game (bless his heart I love him), but Tsukushi gets all the credit for earning the free kicks and second balls and shit and he’s the one credited as the “hero” of the game. It’s amazing that such an insufferable protagonist is part of a show with an otherwise endearing supporting cast. Now will my love for Mizuki and Kimishita be enough to pull me into watching season 2? Tune in some time next year to find out! (spoiler: most likely no unless it comes out on a boring season)
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16.Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku: I called this show the winner of the “Showed its cards too early Award” since episode one, but boy I didn’t expect it to continue doing the exact same thing over and over through its entire run. At some point it became a very unsurprising formula of showing a character’s tragic backstory at the start of the episode to fabricate last minute sympathy to make up for lack of proper characterization, only to have the character in question murdered in increasingly distasteful ways. I always knew best girl Top Speed wasn’t long for this world, but the way they handled it was gratuitously vicious. Couple that with a barrage of villains, none of which were remotely compelling or had any interesting motivations, a poor man’s Kyubey, a protagonist that is even more infuriatingly passive than Madoka herself (at least in this aspect, MahoIku surpassed its intellectual mother), and a resolution that basically says this whole thing served no purpose whatsoever and you’re left with just a feeling that you could’ve done something better with your life. I never expected grandeur from this show, and in fact I guess it turned out to be about as bad as I could’ve expected it to be, but that doesn’t really erase how terribly dissatisfying the ending was. I guess that’s one weakness that Dark Magical Girl shows have yet to overcome. 
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Normally a “the meh” section would be here, but I dropped all those shows for lack of entertainment and time, so we’re skipping straight to
The okay
(I liked these shows but none of them changed my life and I was severely tempted to drop them at least once)
15.Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans: I have rather complicated feelings about this show. The writing has improved immensely since the second half of S1 and they’re doing a fascinating job at working the different shades of moral grey. Mika’s sick relationship with Orga continues to keep me on my toes. But with only 12 episodes left I’m still not entirely sure of where this is going, and most importantly, it stinks of tragedy and there seems to be a general lack of joy in both characters and story, so I always go to watch it with little enthusiasm and maybe a bit of anxiety.
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14.Girlish Number:  This one turned out way better than I expected it to be, although perhaps for different reasons than most. Usually when I hatewatch something, it’s for the pleasant schadenfreude I get out of seeing something continue to fail miserably week after week (see Sailor Moon Crystal or Mayoiga). In that sense, I wasn’t hatewatching Girlish Number but boy was I getting schadenfreude about seeing the exploitative producer go on a downwards spiral and the shitty LN anime adaptation turning up a complete failure. But because this was the source of my enjoyment, the finale was, to say the least, dissatisfying. If the show had ended with Chitose getting a proper comeuppance and landing different jobs (in non-shitty-LN-anime) that forced her to climb her way back up instead of trying to have  sudden fabricated popularity, while Kuzu got his ass fired that would’ve been cool. But the “Oh I ended loving this production” ending was ehhhh. It felt the show ended going milquetoast on its criticism of the industry. Criticized the seiyuu idol units but still had the seiyuu sing the OP and ED criticized the cheap swimsuit fanservice but still had a swimsuit episode etc. I mean they went really damn hard on the industry, so it was weird and a little frustrating that they didn’t go the whole way, given how they’d already guaranteed to lose the buying audience anyway.
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13.Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari: It’s hard to explain what went wrong with this one because, if you asked me, I’d say I really liked it overall. But the key problem is perhaps that I adored the first two episodes so deeply and then somewhere in the middle it kind of floundered and went in a different direction than what I expected –which isn’t inherently bad, mind you- but it’s weird that there’s so little actual udon in the show when they’re in the title. The finale was good in idea, but I feel it failed to make the emotional landing, and that they capped it off to be a sort of commercial for Kagawa prefecture was just… weird. So uh, it was a good show but definitely didn’t live up to the promise of the first few episodes.
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12.Uta no Prince-sama Legend Star:  For me, this and Magikyun are basically tied, because, although I have more love for Utapri due to how long it’s been around and how I’ve grown so endeared to the characters, I can’t say Magikyun did anything worse or better. But anyway Utapri! Revolutions had me losing a little of my love for the franchise, but Legend Star was really great! The music improved drastically and we got some truly neat character arcs. The Otoya arc was surprisingly good. It’s sad to see they’ve fully committed to shitty CG dancing though ): But oh well, the Quartet Night song was great and there’s even more anime coming because Broccoli does like printing money after all. Almost forgot to mention it, but Haruka is hardly relevant this season and I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not, but I’ll also say I didn’t particularly miss her.
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11.Magic-Kyun Renaissance:  I’ll say this about Magikyun, it was less dumb than I expected given the title. I mean it was super dumb, but it could’ve been dumber. It was also a lot of fun, had neat visuals and surprisingly good songs? I feel it could’ve ended in episode 9 because it doesn’t feel like the new resolution in ep 13 actually added anything of note to the story or the characters, but it was okay. It’s harmless dumb entertainment and that’s what I wanted it to be. 
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The good
10.Flip Flappers:  It’s always great to see passion projects like this, even if they don’t always stick the landing. In the gayest anime season, FliFla gave us a lesbian visual spectacle that was among the best animated experiences of the year. While narratively it blooped a little in the last third and became a weird Eva-ish nightmare, it sorta kinda worked out at the end, although definitely didn’t live up to its initial dreamy potential. And it was very lesbian, although I feel it was lowkey creepy lesbian since Papika is somehow an adult??? I think they explained some things too much and left others glaringly unexplained. Some weird things happened in that production that hindered its potential, but it’s still a fascinating series to look at, even if you don’t dig the character dynamics (which are adorable but in the end didn’t do much for me). Could’ve done with 100% less creepy robot though     
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9.Classicaloid: I’d call Classicaloid the Bungo Stray Dogs (season 1) of the Fall because while it wasn’t what I wanted or expected, it managed to grow on me. I was on the edge of dropping it because the wacky one-note humor wasn’t working for me at all, but with the introduction of Schubert and the slow drip of answers to our questions of what is even happening in this show, it became notoriously more fun. Definitely the strongest moments of the show are when we get to see the Classicaloids having flash backs to their past lives (the episode about Beethoven and his loss of hearing was particularly brilliant) and while I still mostly have no idea of where this is going at all, they’ve definitely got me hooked wanting to know what Bach is even planning.
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8.Drifters: This might have gone even higher up the ranks if not for all the homophobic and sexist jokes ugh. But I guess it’s a testament to how entertaining it is that I watched it all through and would still watch the upcoming second season (or maybe it’s a testament to what a good job it did in tickling my very specific rekijo bone). The characterization of Nobunaga in particular is absolutely brilliant, and the little nuances in the interactions between characters of different time periods are fantastic. Cool action sequences and interesting strategizing and politicking. But I reckon this isn’t something that’s gonna sway the non-history buffs. Also ew the sexist and homophobic jokes. The show has great comedy without that, please don’t be so gross Hirano.
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7.ALL OUT!!: It had a bit of a slow start, but once it started picking up with the practice matches and developing the team, it’s just gotten exponentially better! Especially since the addition of the coach. DAYS could learn a thing or two about how it isn’t necessary to make the inexperienced main character the sudden “hero” of the team to make for a compelling sports story. That said I still do not understand about 75% of how rugby works at all, but the endearing cast and the passionate games make up for it. Also the horrible hair. Definitely looking forward to where these kids will go in the second half.
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The excellent
6.Fune wo Amu: This is a case of me one-sidedly having expectations that a show can’t live up to and thus I don’t enjoy it as much as I could. Which is no fault of the show itself and it is in fact one of the best anime of the season (arguably the year). It does fail on the entertainment department, but compensates with beautiful craftsmanship and a wonderful portrayal of human feelings and relationships. While it wounded up being Very Heterosexual (and the main couple develops in a rather cold and questionable manner, but hey, the wife wasn’t forced to give up her dreams to become a housewife. A+ for progress! ) the portrayal of Majime’s camaraderie with Nishioka (and Nishioka’s very great relationship with his gf!) was really the heart of the show, and just for that it’s absolutely worth the watch.
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5.Natsume Yuujinchou Go: I think it’s rather telling to the quality of the season overall that Natsume Yuujinchou somehow fell just slightly above the middle of the pack. I do feel this season of Natsume was weaker than the previous ones, but to be honest I can’t quite pinpoint why. Maybe it didn’t feel like we reached a new milestone in Natsume’s development or in learning about Reiko –in fact, it feels we learned conspicuously little about Reiko this season-, although the final episode and the Touko episode were notable highlights. With a sixth season already in the works, I have little else to say other than, even when it’s not in top form, this is still among the best one could ever hope to get from anime
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4.Bungo Stray Dogs 2: Remember how season 1 was good but not what I wanted it to be? Well, season 2 wasn’t exactly what I’d originally hope BSD would be about but it sure as fuck was fantastic! Starting with the flashback episodes to Dazai’s time in the Port Mafia and the story of Oda Sakunosuke, to the introduction of the American writers and the follow-up with Kyouka and Atsushi’s arcs as well as Akutagawa (!!!!) it was a genuinely amazing season that completely justifies watching the first one even if you weren’t entirely convinced about it at first. My only gripe is the lack of Kunikida, but this season showed that Dazai is the lynchpin of this series and he fulfills that role to perfection. I loved loved loved this season and I hope we get more of this series.
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3.Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable: While it floundered a little in the second cour (seriously I was happy Shigechi died, he was an awful character), it picked itself right back up in the third and the battle against Kira –who is an astonishingly amazing villain- was just week after week of blood-pumping excitement and fun. Not every episode was perfect, but the package as a whole is fantastic. At moments it felt more like Kishibe Rohan’s Bizarre Adventure, but even that was okay because every member of the cast was so great. You can see the passion David Production has for this franchise, and I’m hoping they’ll continue adapting it. While Joseph is still Best JoJo, I think part 4, with its incredibly strong cast and creative set up might be my favorite arc so far.
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2.Haikyuu 3: vicky’s probably gonna hate me for this but If I’m honest, the Shiratorizawa match wasn’t my favorite in the manga. I love the development Tsukki got through it and I commend Furudate for how brilliantly he’s been working in making these characters grow in such satisfying ways. But Shiratorizawa, and Ushijima specially, is the epitome of OP rival and that’s something that’s never really worked for me. It felt like the Rakuzan game in Kurobas, there were moments in which it felt that it just never ended. And I was worried about how they were going to work it into ten episodes. I think it’s a testament to the anime team that they managed to make it not actually feel like 10 episodes, and that they’ve made this one of the most exciting matches to watch in all of Haikyuu. It was truly spectacular and I can’t wait for S4
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1.Yuri!!! on ICE: Joke’s on you, this was a Yuri on Ice post all along!! Even if my conflicted feelings about the ending had been sourer and heavier, I would have no doubt that this is the best show of the season (and the year). It’s taken me a while, but after having chewed on my feelings for a couple of days (while fighting the denialists with all my might) I’m even more confident about it. I don’t even know what more praise I can rain on this beautiful, beautiful show that has literally saved me so many times during this really difficult trimester and I am ever so grateful to its creators for giving us such a beautiful gift in such dark times. Now please end our suffering and confirm a season 2, because just like Victor and Yuuri can’t live without each other (canon!) I can’t live without them anymore ;---;
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What a strong season this was! A high note to end an otherwise shitty year! Thanks everyone for following this nonsense blog and I hope this new year brings us all more beautiful anime (and less menstrual cramps for me). Winter shows I’m watching premiere literally today so I’ll skip the “anticipation” rundown and go straight to my watchlist in a couple of weeks.  As always, I’ll be happy to hear which were your favorite and least favorite shows of the season, but I know y’all never answer to my questions ;----;
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