#i might delete this soon if i deem it too personal in the morning haha
torunarigha · 4 years
Rules: list 10 songs that you can’t stop listening to, in no particular order, and tag 10 people
I was tagged by the lovely @todaviia​ to do this and encouraged to do explanations too, which I will definitely do because I love any excuse to thoughtfully analyze things I love!! Especially late at night when I should be sleeping...(also I’m 100% going to listen to all the songs you put and anyone who I tagged who does this, new music is fun but new music with stories behind it is even better!!)
1. American Tune - Simon and Garfunkel live at Central Park: ah the song that sums up being american, the lingering shame and sadness but also knowing you’re forever shaped and influenced by the mythology and ideology that makes this country what it is (i guess that’s not so unique but because its U.S.A. i guess it means something worse? idk man)... before i did my Austausch year in germany, my mom introduced this song ‘for when you miss this country’. i looked at her incredulously at the time but...i get it now. 
2. Urge for Going - Joni Mitchell: its funny, i got into this song right before covid and now the title is my eternal mood. joni is lovely, all of her songs i really never tire listening to (thanks mum!). the melody! the guitar! the lyrics!! ‘i get the urge for going but i never seem to go’ hits something deep...university blues i suppose.
3. You’d be so Nice to Come Home to - Nina Simone: i rediscovered this song when i listened to my jazz playlist from two years ago. I have a very clear memory of walking along a highway lined with trees on the way back home from the dentist and listening to this, enthralled. The jazz standard I associate with my mom singing it and I think this version is the only one I like better than her’s (no one can beat Nina)
4. It’s a Sin - Pet Shop Boys: I have too many melancholy ones on this list so I had to add a boppy 80s one. This summer I heard it blasting and it hasn’t left my head since. It’s best heard turned up with your eyes closed so you get the best effect from the synths (the ‘father forgive me’ always throws me and then I look at the title like ‘oh right! that’s christianity!)
5. Something in the Water - Daveed Diggs: ok full disclosure most of what i’ve been listening to lately is daveed...i have mixed feelings about clippin. songs (they’re all good songs, some i like more than others) but this is from his movie ‘blindspotting’ (which i NEED to see) and is such a good song about gentrification (specifically about oakland but i think it could be applied to many cities in the world right now lmao fuck capitalism). anyway please talk to me about daveed diggs. 
6. Parting Friends - traditional (but this is a pretty version): its a hymn from the 19th century but the harmonies are beautiful and really fun to sing with someone else, if you like choral singing. i think it meant a lot to me over the quarantine time just because i felt so separated from people, although the fear of losing friends is still here...
7. Transcend - Nyota Parker: I heard this on that video where all the proceeds went to racial justice organizations and totally loved it! Empowering and relaxing, that doesn’t happen in many songs. I think in a few years it will be one of those songs that takes me back to this time in a kind of 'oof’ way. 
8. O Love is Teasin’ - Rhiannon Giddens: Another recently discovered song although I’ve known her for a while (carolina chocolate drops, great if you love bluegrass! although i have a feeling there won’t be a lot of bluegrass fans on tumblr lol). this song is less bluegrass, more haunting traditional (maybe a bit celtic? idk) i know when i leave this state, i’ll listen to her when i miss it :’)
9. When I’m Gone - Phil Ochs: I need to listen to this song every day because it reminds me what’s important, ya know? Fight the power, care for each other, live in the moment...Anti-war and union songs are common place around the campfire with my family so that’s another reason I need this song right now tbh. i need more phil ochs, woody guthrie, pete seegar, judy collins...
10. Everything I Am Is Yours - The Villagers: this came on while I was walking to class yesterday and I was in just the right mood to hear it so I’ve been obsessed with it ever since. Maybe its because I’m just always a closet romantic hah...it is a sickly sweet song but 🥺all the same 
I tag: @manuelmueller @divckorigi @joshiikimmich @goretzkaaas @trentalexanders @dancefaeries @thomas-mvller @modricmio @robinsbckley @steviebergwijn and if anyone else took the time to read this then i tag you too!! because dang i feel appreciated!! please tell me about your music!
most of youse i’ve talked about music with which is why i tagged you (except meggie and joshiikimmich and i think i only talked about daveed diggs with emma lol), no pressure to do it of course!
im very tired. i hope this actually makes sense when you read it. why do i poor my heart out at 1am. i should not do this. goodnight.
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I’d like to tell you all first that I tend to write in a lot of detail. It’s my way of sharing my story better. At the bottom, you can read the TLDR.I’m a 27 year old male. A couple of months ago, my relationship of (almost) 6 years ended. It broke me apart but with the love and support of my friends, I’ve managed to get through it. I became the busiest version of myself; despite such a sad event happening in my life, I’ve always believed that continuing to push forward is the best way to get things back to normal again. Every day I stepped into my office for work, I got a subscription at the gym and asked a friend of mine who’s in the military to make a training schedule. I went and still continue to follow it with full discipline for 4 times a week. It helped me enormously. Next to that I also started reading all kinds of novels that I deemed interesting. I didn’t want to get sucked into the loneliness, I wanted to be “me” again.My desire was to start focusing on myself, reaching my goals and travelling through Asia in January. A romantic interest wasn’t in my plan yet. That could wait.That’s what I said to myself but as I am speaking to you; I’ll let you know that I am feeling butterflies again.I was visiting a friend at his workplace. He has his own barber store which I visit every time I want to “freshen up”. I greeted his collegue, I’ve already seen her a billion times but we ended up having a conversation this time after I was done and she was on a break. She (23/F) was a little grumpy, her relationship also ended a few times but her ex decided to report her social media profiles and managed to get one deleted. To-which she lost a lot of pictures, memories, you name it.I was talking to her only to leave with a small joke, “I’m sure that if you take a picture with me, you’ll get all those followers back again”. It cheered her up. She laughed at this and we actually took the picture. With a playful wink, she replied jokingly, “Put your money where mouth is”. I left at that and I didn’t have it in my mind yet that I would eventually grow to like her.A popular band was playing in my city. I noticed that she would be visiting it too but didn’t intentionally seek her. I was walking through the masses of crowd to-which all of a sudden I saw someone “wave” at me. She had already been having a few drinks and enthusiastically walked up to me, “Hello there, handsome”, she started hugging me, “how are you?” I told her that I was doing well, she started kissing me on my cheek an my neck only to whisper in my ear, “I want to dance with you”. That’s what I did and we had a fun time. Eventually I had to go because all of my friends were at another stage, I apologized to her but she smiled and said that it doesn’t matter. I walked away and she held up her hand only to blow me a kiss.The next morning I woke up only to have received a text message from her, “Did you have fun, babe?”We ended up in a conversation and have since then chatted regularly. From the start, she already once asked, “Maybe we should go out just with the two of us only once”. To-which I said that would seem fun to me.A few days ago, I went to the dentist because I had to pull a wisdom tooth. I was a little anxious and she told me to stop by her place afterwards. She wanted to know how I was doing. I survived it like a champion and being the humoristic guy that I am - I took a few pieces of toilet paper with me in my car. I drove to her place. Wrapped the toilet paper around my head like a mummy and ringed her door bell. She opened it and I said, “It was a positive experience. I don’t appear to have much scars or wounds I guess”.She laughed. Almost to tears of joy. I unwrapped the toilet paper and also started laughing. Our conversation went like;“I love you already. You are so, so funny. Tell me now; when are we going to do something together”?“That depends on when you’ll grant me time”“Where are you taking me?”“We can visit a restaurant or I can try to show you my own cooking skills at my home”.“That sounds good”.I personally love cooking and know how to do it well. I’ve done it many times for family and friends. Which were all well-received. It is something that I wanted to show her. My effort for her and that’s when I realized that I’ve started feeling butterflies again.I didn’t expect this to happen or that it would go so fast. That is why I’m here. I wonder if she’s into me too. She’s a good looking lady who can receive enough attention from men but out of all of them - she picked me it seems.She had a lot of stress lately so seemed less communicative. Which made me a little nervous. I thought I did something wrong due to her lack of response. Only for her to tell me that she didn’t feel good and had trouble sleeping due to stress. I gave her the tip to breathe in and breathe out slowly. Think about a pleasant moment in nature or mountains. It made her fall asleep and the next morning I received a text, “I slept well. It was a good advice that you gave to me. By the way, I still need your address ;)”I gave her the address yesterday. She told me, “I’ll save it soon, hun”. While sometimes she seems less responsive than in the beginning, I hope thet we’ll have a good date.It’s exciting to me and I try to slow myself down sometimes. Because I think I might be going too fast. Or I just didn’t expect this. Haha. Like I said, I’m asking for an opinion and wonder what you guys think....Is she into me?TLDR: After my break-up of a relationship of 6 years, I feel butterflies again. I met someone who I already knew and started liking her. Does she like me as much as I like her? via /r/dating_advice
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