#i might go to europa again soon… crazy right. but i’ll be on for a bit :3
yunolic · 6 months
me after being right about taennie since me being at peak 14 years old and then just proving itself even moreee 😭 :3
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changingourdestiny · 3 years
Nightlight Part 1: Endless Night
Fireteam Paralight awake to the Last City being plunged into darkness with the sun nowhere in sight. Ikora and Osiris have no doubt about it being the Vex's doing but with no answers on how to fix it, they turn to unlikely allies for them but familiar allies to Paralight: Mithrax and Tif of House Light.
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Next Part: Here
“I know I said to ‘party until the sun rises’…but this is NOT what I meant.”
Cayde and Fireteam Paralight all stood at the Helm’s front window at the endless night sky…at 11am. The sun hadn’t risen at all that morning with strange glitch-like wisps in the air. Rae let out a sigh, “Can…can someone pass me that cushion over there?”
“Oh, sure.” Crow picked up a nearby cushion resting on the war table and handed it to the Stasis Vanguard. “Thank you.” Rae calmly accepted the cushion and held it to her face before letting out a stressed and frustrated scream into the pillow. As her scream faded, Adam hesitantly spoke, “Are…are you ok, Rae?”
“My stress levels are PERFECTLY healthy, guys!” Rae said with a forced grin. “Uh huh…sure…” Blaze scooted away from Rae a bit as the sound of footsteps approached. Zavala and Ikora entered the Helm. “Thank you for coming on short notice.” Ikora began. “Figured we’d be called up here at some stage.” Blaze replied, “Usually when things take a turn for the crazy, we’re the ones that are called. And the sun being gone is kinda hard to miss.”
“Very true. With that said, allow me to deliver your briefing.” Ikora began, “As you saw, for the first time in humanity’s long and storied history, the sun did not rise. Osiris tells me it’s a Vex simulation that has plunged the City into an endless night. It seems they’ve found a way to harness our energy against us. And even in all his wisdom, Osiris can offer no solution.”
“To do something like this to the Last City…” Cayde muttered, “Whatever the Vex are planning, they’re confident enough to target our home turf.”
“That or they’re becoming desperate.” Zavala added. “The Vex rely on logic. Whatever their plan is, the chances of success for them are high enough for them to execute it.” Rae chimed in. “Rae’s right.” Ikora agreed, “I don’t know what will happen if we can’t break the Vex’s hold over the City. I do know that we must protect our people, no matter the cost.”
“Agreed.” Adam nodded. “So, what’s the plan? How’re we gonna pry the Vex’s robo-hands off the City?” Blaze asked. “The Vex are machines…” Ikora replied, “And no one understands machines better than the Eliksni. Osiris and I could only think of one we might turn to. And I believe you’re acquainted with him and one of his captains.”
“Wait…you mean…?” Rae perked up in realisation. Ikora nodded, “Mithrax, Kell of House Light. My spies report he claims to be among the last Sacred Splicers; those with the power to commune with machines. He may be our best and only hope.”
“I didn’t know he was a Splicer.” Rae muttered, “He never made it obvious during the times we met him and Tif never mentioned it either.”
“It makes sense that he would try to keep it hidden.” Crow replied, “House Dusk and the remnants of Salvation would find the abilities of Splicers useful against their enemies.”
“Hmm…fair point.” Rae said before turning back to Ikora, “Do we have any information on his location?”
“My Hidden report that both Mithrax and Tifawt were last seen on Europa, helping Variks evacuate Eliksni defectors.” Ikora explained, “Both the Vex and Eramis’s loyalists are down there hunting for survivors, shooting anything that moves. Be sure to shoot back. We need Mithrax alive if he’s to help us with our Vex problem.”
“Right.” Rae turned to her Fireteam, “You heard Ikora. Let’s hit the skies.”
“Yes ma’am!”
Fireteam Paralight hurried out of the Helm. Cayde went to follow but was stopped by Ikora. “No. You’re still in trouble for the last time you snuck out. Besides, we need all the help we can get for crowd control.”
Rae couldn’t help but feel sorry for Cayde as she heard his disappointed groan from down the hall.
“Oh, the Vex outside are frightful~ But the Light is so delightful~ Knock them down, blow-by-blow~ Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow~”
Blaze sang to herself as she shot down Vex after Vex with Firelight. “Nice Dawning carol.” Crow chuckled as he fired a round from Hawkmoon into a hobgoblin, “You should remember them for this year.”
“I’m already working on ‘Sainta Claus is coming to Tower’!”
Crow let out an amused snort at Blaze’s pun as Rae tuned into her comms, “Ikora, any luck on locating Mithrax?”
“You’re closing in on some residual signals. It could be Eliksni bound for House Light…or it could be more of Eramis’s loyalists.” Ikora replied. “I think I see an entrance in the ice.” Adam yelled from several feet away. “Let’s go say Velask.” Rae said as she slid down the ice into the hideout. The four Guardians landed with a faint clang onto the metal plating of the hideout. “Velask? It’s Fireteam Paralight. Is anyone here?” Rae called out before contacting Ikora again, “Empty. Looks like the Eliksni cleared out before the Vex showed up.”
“See if you can learn where they’re headed.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Over here!”
Rae looked up to see Blaze by an Eliksni terminal with Crow typing away at it. “I think we found something. Some sort of looped audio recording.”
“I’ll patch it through to Ikora as well.” Crow added as he played the audio.
“-over their possessions. Trigger message repeat. This is Misraaks. To those who renounce the violence of House Salvation and seek refuge in the House of Light, I will be landing a Skiff near Asterion Abyss. Bring only what you need. We must prioritise survivors over their possessions. Trigger message repeat.”
“Asterion Abyss. That’s their rendezvous point.” Ikora began, “A single Skiff recently touched down near your position. It’s got to be Mithrax. Hurry, before he takes off.”
“Uhh…we should hurry but I don’t think he’ll be taking off.” Adam said as he stood near a cave opening looking over Asterion Abyss. In the middle of the ice and snow was a crashed ship with smoke emerging from it. “Oh no…we gotta hurry!” Rae exclaimed as she began to climb up the ice with the rest of the Fireteam not far behind. As soon as they were on smoother turf, the four Guardians summoned their Sparrows and began to speed across the snow towards the downed Skiff. “Mithrax sure is wrapped up in dangerous business, huh?” Blaze muttered. “It’s a bad time to ask for a favour, true.” Ikora replied, “But he and his House of Light still worship the Traveller. And due to your previous interactions with him and Tifawt, he’ll trust you more than the rest of us.”
“I just hope we’re not too late.” Rae sighed, “The second we get there, we secure the crash site and help any Eliksni that might have survived.”
“Crow and I can handle any Vex or Salvationists that are around while you and Adam can protect and heal survivors.” Blaze added.
“Sounds like a plan. Let’s move!”
Upon arriving at the downed Skiff, all that remained was the smouldering wreckage, Eliksni bodies, and Vex swarming the ship. Rae prepared to shoot at the Vex with Lumina when-
A hobgoblin that was standing atop the wreckage was suddenly shoved off by an Eliksni captain from behind with two goblins that were standing either side of it getting sliced by arc blades. The captain wore purple, blue and grey armour with the usual furry mantle at the back and the back spikes. The armour looked slightly different to a standard captain’s, mainly the boots and gloves. That’s when Rae realised it. Only one set of arms. Short for a captain. And the last piece of evidence came when the captain punched a harpy with a Stasis-covered fist.
“Tif!” Rae exclaimed with a smile. As the last Vex fell, the captain spun around at Rae’s yell, only seeming to notice the Guardians’ presence just then. “Paralight!” The familiar voice of Tif came from behind the captain-esque helmet of the Titan. Tif ran up to Rae and hugged her, lifting the Warlock off the ground slightly as they did so, “Oh my Traveller, your timing couldn’t be better! We’re trying to evacuate Salvation defectors but the Vex-”
“We know. We actually came here looking for you and Mithrax.” Rae explained. “Wait. Really?” Tif cocked their head to the side before shaking it, “There’s no time to wonder. Misraaks is keeping the refugees safe but I don’t know for how much longer they’ll last. Please hurry!”
“Lead the way.” Rae nodded. “Berhane?” Tif began. “Pike is at the ready!” Berhane chirped as a Pike appeared beside the Titan. “Follow me!” Tif yelled as they hopped on and sped across the icy tundra, Rae and co. in tow.
Visibility decreased slightly as an icy wind blew in. “We should be close.” Tif yelled as they came to a stop, “Misraakskel, are you there? Paralight are here!” As Tif called out, Mithrax emerged from a nearby cave. He wore different attire compared to the last time Rae had met up with them. His upper right arm was heavily mechanised, and he wore a grey and purple helm. “Guardians, I find you in the Light.” Mithrax greeted, “And on your signal…Ikora Rey?”
“Mithrax-kell, it is an honour. We have been searching for you for a long time.” Ikora greeted from the comms. “This is known. You are not the only one with hidden eyes.” Mithrax nodded, “Many enemies pursue my House of Light. We did not wish to be found.”
“Then times are desperate for us all.” Rae chimed in, “The Vanguard need your help.”
“Oh yeah…the Vex have been messing with the City, right?” Tif began. “You know about that?” Blaze asked with surprise. “Yes. Vex systems pulse with talk of the City’s Endless Night…but my people demand much protection.” Mithrax explained, “If Paralight could assist Tif and I in blinding the Vex here, we can speak more without risking bloodshed.”
“Blinding the Vex…we’ll do whatever you need, Mithrax-kell.” Rae nodded. Mithrax motioned for the Guardians to follow as he ran to a large clearing in the ice. He held out his mechanical arm that began to glow as a sudden pulse of Vex energy opened up a hole in the ice, “I have opened the door for you, Guardian. Will you walk the path of the Sacred Splicer?”
The four Guardians glanced at each other before nodding. “We’re ready.” Rae replied. “You might wanna hold onto your tummies!” Tif suggested, “I did this once and it gets weird. WHOOHOO!!!” Tif jumped cannonball-style into the hole with Fireteam Paralight jumping in after them. In a flash of light, the Guardians found themselves slowly descending onto a series of teal, geometric platforms in a vast purple void filled with geometric creations emerging from below. “Is this…some sort of Vex simulation?” Rae asked as they touched down. “The path before you is no illusion.” Mithrax explained through the comms, “You venture through the Vex domain itself, where the machines guard their most precious secrets. I will clear the way. Tifawt, can I count on you to guide the Guardians?”
“Yes, Misraakskel!” Tif responded with a smile.
“Very well. Good luck, Guardians.”
Rae looked out at the vast space before her and sighed, “Alright. Let’s start the crazy.”
To Be Continued…  
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Thera’s Journal Entry #20
I shot up immediately after waking up. Scout was beside me in a heartbeat, checking to make sure I was okay.
“What happened?” He asked.
I explained the entire dream the best I could.
“Then we need to go. It’s six in the morning so I’m sure Ikora is at her spot.” Scout answered.
I got up and rushed around to throw my armor on, load up my guns, and everything else. I then headed out of my room and down to where Ikora was. 
“Ikora, I need to find Ann.” I said. “She hasn’t returned from her mission on the moon yet and, this part is going to sound crazy, but I just had a dream that told me where she’s at.”
“Explain,” Said Ikora. “As quick as you can.”
“She’s in a cave underground in Archer’s Line. She was captured by a hive lord named Nuvar who is going to get put into an arena to fight hive. Her and Poppy have been split up. If she dies-”
“Okay, okay. Go.”
“Yes, Thera. I know how much you care about that young Hunter. And I know how much you have lost. I refuse to sit by and let you loose someone else.”
“Thank you, Ikora. But what about Zavala and my missions on Europa?”
“The missions can wait, but if something pops up, I’ll send a fireteam to take care of it. As for Zavala, I will inform him after you have left so he won’t be able to stop you.”
“Thank you!” I took off running to the Hangar.
“We can’t just rush into this for once.” Scout said as I ran. “We need a plan.”
“I have a plan. Run in, kill some hive.”
“We need a more detailed plan.” He stated.
“We’ll figure it out on the ship.”
I made it to the Hangar and headed to the Queen of Hearts.
“Hey, what are you in such a rush for?” I heard Amanda asked as I passed her.
“Rescue mission,” Was all I answered.
She nodded.
I jumped into the pilots seat and started up the jumpship. As soon as I was out of the Hangar I headed into orbit and set course for the moon.
“Okay, it should take us there on it’s own. Now, we need to set up that plan.”
I headed out of the cockpit and fired up the holo-table that was in the middle of the main room. I pulled up the moon’s map and zoomed in on Archer’s Line. 
“It’s too bad we don’t have a 3D version of the map.”
“Are we going stealth or guns blazing?” Scout asked, hovering over my shoulder.
“I think we’ll try stealth until we can’t. It’s likely that Ann’s getting held in a cell of some sort.”
“Do you think we’ll be able to break the cell?”
“Depends on what it’s made out of. I think we should find Poppy first though. Maybe if we get down there we’ll be close enough to contact her and figure out where she is. Once we get her she might know where Ann is.”
“What if we run into Nuvar?”
“We either run, or I fire up my Golden Gun and let him have it.”
“Seems like a good enough plan. Better than no plan at all.”
I felt the Queen of Hearts leave orbit and a few minutes later Scout transmatted me to the moon. I wasted no time getting on my Sparrow and speeding down to Archer’s Line. I slowed down once I reached it, to make sure I didn’t pass the cave. 
And then I found it, tucked away and hidden behind a bunch of rocks. I squeezed past and entered the cave. Scout stayed hidden and I pulled out the Old Fashioned hand canon. I walked slowly, trying to keep as quite as possible. I was sure that not many hive would be here in the start but I wanted to stay safe. 
I went through a lot of narrow tunnels for a long time. Until finally, I reached a large opening. There were many hive there. Some thralls, some acolytes, some knights.
“I think if you’re careful you can stay in the shadows. Just stay alongside the walls.” Scout whispered to me.
I went carefully and slowly until I reached the left wall of the open area. There were three separate narrow tunnels.
“We’re going to get lost in this place.” I stated.
“Stay optimistic.”
“I suppose it won’t hurt to try again,” I suddenly heard over my inner coms. “Hello? Hello? This is Poppy, the Ghost of Angelica. We’re in trouble, we need your help.” 
The message had a lot of static but we could still make out every word.
“Poppy, this is Scout. I’m here in the caves with Thera. We’re here to rescue you and Ann.”
“Oh thank goodness! I’m sending my location to you now. Be careful in the tunnels. It’s easy to get turned around in there.”
I turned down the tunnel closest to me and kept moving. 
“I’m so glad you’re here! Ann’s been captured by this hive lord! From what I’ve heard he wants to put her in some arena and have her fight. She won’t survive without me!”
“We won’t let that happen.” I promised. “Do you know where Ann is?”
“Yes. Once you get to me, I’ll lead you there.”
I took care of a lone thrall with my knife quickly and was then on the move again.
“I wish I could do more. But I don’t want to leave without Ann. And I don’t want to accidentally run into some hive. I have no one to protect me and if I die, then there’s barely any hope for Ann at all.”
“Does she know you’re still alive?”
“No. I saw where they took her, but there were too many hive surrounding her. I couldn’t get too close.”
I could see the light of a Ghost optic shining down the cave.
“I see you! Come quickly! I don’t think there are any hive around here.”
I ran over to her. Poppy flew around my head.
“We have to hurry. Follow me.”
I stayed down and let Poppy take the lead.
“She’s down that hall. They’ve made cages of some sort that you’ll have to break through, but I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”
I sneaked down the hall. Poppy had tucked herself away in a crevice in the wall. Finally I saw a small room with Ann in it. Bars of stone kept her from getting out. How they got her in was a question I could not answer. A wizard blocked the door, along with two knights.
I pulled out Riskrunner and stepped out of the shadows.
“Hey, I think you’ve got my friend in there.” 
I jumped into action and started to blast them. It didn’t take long for Riskrunner to break through the wizard’s shields. In the next minute, the wizard was gone, disintegrated into ash. Another few minutes and the same happened to the knights.
Ann pressed herself up against the bars as I had Scout remove my helmet. “You came!”
“You seem surprised. Of course I came.” I took a look at the bars and backed away. “You might want to move back. I’m going to have to shoot these things to break them.”
“Just try not to shoot me, alright. In case you don’t know, Poppy, she’s-” Ann froze when Poppy rushed up beside me. “She’s alive?” Ann exclaimed. “You’re alive!”
“Yes. I’d say I’m a very good actress when it comes to playing dead.”
Ann laughed.
“Alright, move back.” I took Riskrunner and aimed at the bars and began to shoot. The bars soon became tiny pieces and Ann came running out. She nearly tackled me with a hug.
“Thank you.” Was all she said. She moved back and let Poppy heal the small scratches and bruises and then looked to me. “So, are we going to stay and fight or-”
“We’re leaving. Right now while we still can.”
“Fine with me.”
Scout and Poppy both dissipated again and we ran down the tunnels.
“They took my guns.”
I threw her my Old Fashioned hand canon. “Here, use this. I’ll give you some new ones when we get back to the Tower.”
When we turned a corner we were both greeted by many hive. Ann and I both nodded and our helmets appeared on. Scout started up my playlist. The hive already knew we were here. Might as well make some fun with it.
To the sound of ‘Blue Monday’ we fought off the hive that was in our way but kept running when we could. I threw a grenade behind us at one point which took out a good few.
After running through narrow hall after narrow hall, I saw things get brighter. We were about to reach the surface. And out of all times for Ann to trip.
I stopped in my tracks and rushed to help her up with one hand while shooting blindly with my other. She got up and we kept running again. The hive were now getting closer. A sudden thought rang through my head. If all these hive got out, it would cause chaos. No one would be ready for a fight like that! I looked around for a solution until I found it. 
“Keep running! We need to stay ahead.” I said to Ann.
“I think that’s common sense.”
We jumped out of the cave and I turned around at the last second, pulled out my grenade launcher. Instead of aiming at the hive, I aimed at the top of the cave. I fired all five grenades and caused an avalanche of rocks to go sliding down, trapping the hive all inside.
Ann and I waited a few seconds. A few more. And then we caught our breath and started to laugh.
“I- I am never going to the moon again. At least not anytime soon.”
“You better not.” I said in between breaths of small laughter, glad to be alive. Glad that both of us were alive. “Scout, call over my ship. We’re going home.”
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