#i might move this over to a03 cause its getting pretty plotty
harrygroves · 3 years
a simple favor - chapter five
part four
“Billy, get on the horse.”
“Steve, for the tenth time, I am not getting on that thing.” Billy repeats, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Why not?” Steve asks, atop his own horse, growing impatient.
“Look at what you’re on, Steve. That thing is huge.”
“Yes, they are, but it’s safe. I swear.” Steve promises.
“Nope. No fucking way. I’ll pass on this.”
Steve gives him a murderous smile, talking through clenched teeth. “Billy, my mother is watching through the window, alright? Get on mine then, just come on!”
Billy looks over his shoulder, back at the house where Mrs. Harrington is indeed watching them.
He turns back to Steve. “You want me to ride with you?” He asks.
“If you won’t ride on your own then you can ride with me.” Steve replies with a shrug.
Billy deflates, defeated. “Fine, but I’m not wearing the stupid fucking helmet.” He snaps before approaching Steve and his horse.
It’s a big, strong looking American Quarter (according to Steve) horse with soft brown hair and black, inky eyes. Billy has never been this close to a horse before and it’s scaring the absolute shit out of him.
Steve instructs him. “Right, so put your foot there, and grab here and hoist yourself up.”
Billy does so with shaky hands and the horse moves while he hoists, and it freaks him the hell out and he settles behind Steve, wrapping his arms around Steve’s middle tightly.
Billy can feel the laugh vibrate through Steve’s body. “Wow, you’re really scared, aren’t you?” Steve says.
“Yes, I am not just trying to grope you, I am in fact, fucking terrified right now.”
“Well, then you’re not going to like this.” Steve says before making a loud noise and kicking the horse.
“Oh my god, oh my god.” Billy shouts into the back of Steve’s neck as they take off.
Galloping. They’re fucking galloping.
Billy’s going to murder him.
He doesn’t get used to it, not for a single second and when Steve finally slows the horse to a light trot, he realizes his body is rigid and unmoving and it takes a great deal of effort to untangle his arms from Steve. His limbs are stiff, but he can’t fully let go of Steve; he’s the only thing keeping him on the fucking horse, so he settles for lightly gripping his sides.
“I h-hate you.” Billy sputters out, voice shaking.
“Aww, sweetie. Love you too.” Steve replies cheekily over his shoulder.
Billy had kept closing his eyes while riding, and hadn’t fully looked around him. They were in a meadow, near a pond, a couple ducks gliding along the water.
Steve leads the horse to the water and lets it drink. Billy tries to stop trembling but it’s not going away.
“So, how do you think this is going?” Steve asks nonchalantly.
“I fucking hate it.” Billy snaps.
“No, not the horse, you dolt, the plan.” Steve bites back.
“Oh. Uh. I don't know. Fine I guess. Your parents are a fucking nightmare, but you warned me about that. Do you think they’re buying it?”
Steve is quiet for a moment. The horse shakes it head around, steps back and moves forward a couple times and Billy finds himself gripping Steve’s sides harder.
“I think mom is too mad to look any deeper.” Steve finally says. “I can’t read dad. I’ll have to ask Robin.”
“What do you mean?” Billy scrunches his nose, confused.
“I mean, I’m not gonna actually ask, like, do you think dad is buying this?, but I’ll ask her if dad likes you.”
“He’d tell her?”
Steve nods. “They talk a lot more than he and I do.”
“Oh.” Billy says, feeling an awkward silence fall between them.
The silence is broken by Steve kicking the horse again and they’re off, Billy letting out a surprised, scared sound and wrapping his arms around Steve again.
After Billy gets off the horse, his legs feel like jelly. Steve brings the horse to the stable and takes the time to brush it, cooing and whispering at the thing like it’s a human child. Billy smokes a cigarette and rolls his eyes.
Finally Steve is done and they make their way back into the house.
Robin runs into them in the hallway and asks how it went.
“Lovely.” Steve says at the same time Billy says, “Fucking awful.”
Robin laughs, a deep-belly sound that actually makes Billy smile. She’s genuinely a fun person to be around and Billy’s starting to like her.
“What are you guys doing the rest of the day?” She asks once the laughing subsides.
“Probably prepping him for another interrogation at dinner.” Steve says with a long, tired eye-roll.
Like an afterthought, Steve reaches over and takes Billy’s hand, squeezing it lightly. The exchange might appear as though Steve was trying to comfort Billy, so Billy smiles at him slightly before the attention goes back to Robin.
“Alright, fine, but I want a day with him.” Robin says, crossing her arms.
“Uh. What?” Steve says, dropping Billy’s hand.
“Oh c’mon, Steve. The last guy you brought here was, like, two years ago. And I didn’t even get to know him. Let Billy and I hang.”
“I...don't...uh...stories!” Steve blurts out. “You’ll tell a bunch of embarrassing stories, and I won’t allow it.”
Billy wants to facepalm. He wants to cry. Steve is so bad at this.
“Sweetie -- ” Billy starts with a sickening smile. “ -- I think it’s a great idea. It’ll be fine. Promise.”
Billy reaches an arm over and wraps it around Steve, does it casually like it’s a common occurrence. Steve is tense beside him, mouth pursed and Billy can tell he’s not happy with this plan.
“Yay!” Robin claps her hands together. “We can curl each other’s hair and talk boys.” She says with a wink before saying goodbye and leaving them.
Steve shakes out of Billy’s arm and gives him a mean look. “You’re such an asshole.” He grumbles lowly.
“Aww, c’mon Stevie. We had a barely tolerable afternoon, don't ruin it.”
“I fucking hate you.” Steve continues, storming away.
“Steve? Steve! Wait for me! Seriously, I’m not getting lost in the Winchester Mystery House.” Billy shouts, running after him.
They’re arguing in Steve’s room.
Steve does not want Billy spending alone time with Robin.
Billy doesn’t understand why.
“It shouldn’t matter why.” Steve tells him, arms crossed over his chest. “I’m paying you for a job, and this is not a requirement for that job.”
“Jeez, boss. Re-lax.” Billy says, laying on the bed.
“She’s going to...look, she’s going to tell you a bunch of stupid stories and I don't need you knowing anymore about me, other than the totally necessary shit for this stupid charade.”
Billy snorts. “A charade you designed.”
“I will fucking suffocate you tonight, I swear to god.”
“I honestly think you could with these pillows.” Billy mentions airily. He sits up. “Look, dude, this is stupid. I don't care what she says, I literally will not absorb any of it, swear. Unless it’s incredibly humiliating and I can use it against you in the future.”
Steve’s eyes are daggers and he looks like he wants to yell. Instead he stalks into the bathroom and slams the door.
Dinner is another awkward affair and Steve is mad at him, which makes it much worse. Robin keeps looking between them with interest. Billy tries to keep up appearances and puts his hand on Steve’s leg. Steve roughly shoves it off.
It’s like the kid forgot why Billy was even there.
Irritated, he cuts into his steak and eats angrily.
After dinner, Steve and Billy excuse themselves. They go back to Steve’s room, and Billy takes off his clothes, leaving him in boxers, before slipping into bed without a word.
Steve turns the television off but keeps it low. Billy isn’t facing him but he can tell Steve is still pissed. So is he.
The next morning Billy is plastered against Steve, one arm underneath him. Their legs are tangled together, hips touching. They’re both hard in their boxers. At some point last night, Steve had changed into a black-and-white striped tank top and taken his pants off.
The weight of Steve against him is comfortable and weird at the same time. His hair smells good. The tank top has ridden up, revealing mole-speckled skin. His mouth is open and the stale stench of morning breath wafts out, but Steve’s lazy, almost pleasant expression is what Billy is more focused on.
It’s nice.
It’s actually kind of nice.
Billy wants to kiss him.
This is...not good.
If he kissed Steve, would Steve wake up?
Would he kiss Billy back?
Would something else happen?
Billy zones out for a moment, thinking about that, but then realizes he absolutely cannot think about it any further because heat is pooling down his back, down his front and he has the overwhelming urge to grind against Steve.
Billy clears his throat and starts slowly trying to separate himself and Steve.
Steve only half wakes up, eyes fluttering open briefly. Billy’s moved his lower body away, but Steve’s still lying on his arm.
“Hmm?” Steve hums.
“Kinda...trapped here.” Billy says awkwardly.
Steve moans a little, sleep-heavy, and rolls away from Billy.
Billy leaves to use the bathroom, forcing himself to only pee and not jerk off.
When he returns to the bedroom, Steve is still lying on his side, but he’s looking at his phone.
Billy starts to say, “Good mo -- , ” but stops himself because oh yeah, they’re angry with each other. Steve looks at him briefly before turning his attention back to his phone.
Billy goes to the closet and grabs sweatpants and a t-shirt.
He needs coffee and a fucking cigarette.
He doesn’t say anything to Steve before leaving to try and find the kitchen.
Billy doesn’t get very far. He overhears fragments of a conversation coming from one of the libraries, or at least, Billy thinks it’s a library. He can’t keep track of the rooms in this damn house.
It’s Steve’s parents.
“ -- not thinking straight, obviously -- ”
“ -- Billy is just a phase -- ”
“ -- fighting all the time, just heard them the other day -- ”
“ -- don't think they’ll last -- ”
“ -- push off the money if Steve’s this unstable -- ”
Well fuck.
“ -- go talk to Steve right now -- ”
Shit. Shit shit shit.
Billy ran as quietly as he could back to the bedroom.
Steve was sitting up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
Billy peeked out the door, looking down the hall. He saw the unmistakable hairstyle of Mrs. Harrington turning the corner and shut the door silently.
“Fuck.” Billy rubbed a hand over his face.
“What?” Steve yawned.
Billy turned and looked at Steve apprehensively. He guessed he had about thirty seconds and had to move quickly.
Billy took his shirt off, throwing it aside. He went over to the bed and slid under the covers, pouncing on Steve and pinning him down, Billy’s legs pushing Steve’s apart.
“What, what the fuck?” Steve all but shrieked, trying to move away, twist out of Billy’s hold.
“Dude, shut up. Listen to me.” Billy hissed. Steve is still hard and it’s pushing against Billy’s inner thigh but Billy tries to focus. “I overheard your parents talking, I’ll explain that part later, your mom’s coming in here. I need to -- ” He cut himself off, looking down at Steve’s mouth.
Steve seemed to understand and looked away briefly, but only for a second before giving a tight nod in response.
“It is extremely important that you act like you’re enjoying this.” Billy informs him and tries to sound as serious as possible.
Steve doesn’t say anything but Billy doesn’t miss how his cheeks are flushing and yeah, Steve’s dick just twitched.
Billy leant down and kissed him.
Steve was unresponsive for a moment, but Billy lets one of his wrists go and reaches down to pull at Steve’s tank top, pushing it up to his neck. Nipples exposed, Billy puts his hand on Steve’s chest, digging a finger against one of them.
Steve gasps against Billy’s mouth and Billy takes advantage of it, plunging his tongue in Steve’s mouth.
Billy feels Steve’s free hand grab at his hair and Steve’s suddenly kissing him back, making these little, desperate, almost confused noises in the back of his throat.
Billy drags his hand down Steve’s body, further down, dragging Steve’s boxers slightly down with his hand. He grips at Steve’s hips, which jerk in his hold. Steve whines a little. The blankets are pooled at their hips, so Steve’s mom wouldn’t even be able to see that, but Billy’s being a little greedy right now. Truthfully Steve hasn’t stopped moving since they started kissing, like he’s trying to move his body away, trying not to push against Billy, but he can’t stop shifting and squirming, and Billy wonders if it’s intentional or for show cause it’s doing things to Billy that he’s trying not to overthink.
Another desperate sound falls out of Steve’s mouth and Billy is starting to get hard again, knows Steve can feel it.
It was hot.
His heart is hammering. He kisses Steve harder, starting to lose himself in the way it’s making him feel.
He’s desperate to touch Steve, and his hand moves down a little.
“Steven, I -- ”
They jerk apart.
Mrs. Harrington stands in the doorway, eyes wide in shock.
“Mom!” Steve yells angrily.
“I. Oh. I. Oh no.” She’s short-circuiting, clearly embarrassed, and stumbles backwards out of the room, shutting the door.
Billy doesn’t move. He waits a full ten seconds before turning back to look at Steve who is staring at him, face bright red, and it’s spread down his neck, his chest.
They’re still so close and Billy’s still holding his wrist, other hand gripping his hip.
He glances down at Steve’s mouth and he wants, god does he want.
Billy moves ever so slightly towards Steve.
Steve’s breath hitches. “Get off me.” Steve says quickly.
Crashing back to reality, Billy pulls away, moving off Steve.
Steve yanks his shirt down, pulls the blankets over him and lets out a long, shaky breath.
“What the fuck was that about?”
So Billy tells him.
chapter six
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