#i might post the flat paint brush if i figure out how to upload it to CSP assets
macchitea · 2 years
Is it okay if I ask what csp brushes you use? Feel free to ignore! 👍
im pretty new to csp so i'm experimenting with different brushes a lot, but these are the main ones i use! (some of them are actually just my attempts at recreating paint tool sai brushes haha)
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this is my sketch brush! its just a simple brush i made with the spraying effect lol; i mostly use this for rough sketching/thumbnailing (but i usually end up using it for the lineart anyways because im lazy ;v;;)
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this is my doodle brush!! its a modified pencil brush that basically just reverses the brush size pressure settings, i also made the brush size and opacity pretty constant, most of the opacity change you see is thanks to texture density!
the goal with this brush is to help me practice line confidence and unlearn my tendency to ctrl+z too much haha;;
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i use this for general coloring and filling in flats, it has a soft, nice texture on low pen pressure and is very fun and versatile!!
i got it from here!
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this is the one i used for the magolor and elfilis art! it's this brush with the color jitter settings turned on! i don't use this one a lot but its VERY FUN to mess around with
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OKOK this one's my baby from paint tool sai <3; ive been using it since 2018 and i spent SO LONG trying to re-make it in CSP ;O;;
i usually use it towards the end of my coloring process to add some texture!!
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ilikeoldchangke · 5 years
Destroying my sister in law’s reputation
This has to be one of the most horrible thing I have done in my life and I would surely go to hell for it.
The idea of doing something like this just hit me out of the blue one day many years back and it has been festering in my brain for the longest time. At first I just wondered if it can be done at all, then slowly as the thought takes root inside my head, it became an infatuation.
Back in 2009 when I was dating my wife, I was introduced to Mandy, her sister. I’ve had the hots for my girlfriend’s sister before but never in such intensity. Mandy really brought out the monster inside me.
My girlfriend Melody then was a hottie too with the figure and brains to match but there is just something about Mandy that attracts me to her.
She is not only the splitting image of her sister, there is this sweet and innocent side to her that makes you want to dote on and pamper her.
You know sometimes you hear people say hey, so and so look like the younger version of a celebrity. A little more cute, a little more sweet. Mandy is just like a younger version of my wife.
Seeing Mandy is like taking a trip back in time.
Even till this very day when I look at my sister in law, I would be reminded of the times I spent with my wife when she was younger.
Melody and Mandy have an age gap of 5 years.
When I got to know Melody as a colleague at work, Mandy was still a JC student.
Looking at her in her JC uniforms, I can picture my wife in that exact same age, dressed exactly in that manner coming home after a day in school. That pair of slim legs and her ankle socks that are barely visible as she walks along the road, cradling her bag in hand looking all innocent and sweet.
That image alone made me attempt to recreate the scene no less than 10 times with Melody.
I’m sure this is something many couples do.
Getting their partners to put on their old school uniforms and pretend they are back in school. As for me, I would pretend I’m the one dishing out disciplinary action to her.
In bed of course.
I could picture myself fucking a younger version of my wife whenever I think about Mandy.
I’m sure if given the chance, you would surely want to be able to do a younger, wilder version of your partner.
Mandy got hotter and prettier as with each passing year.
I literally watch her blossom form a sweet young thing into the hot girl she is today. She got a little taller.
Her breast got a little more full.
There’s more bounce in her buttocks when she walks.
Her lips looked more kissable.
Even the smallest action of her brushing her hair behind her ears would sometimes give me an erection.
Mandy has no lack of followers and fans on her social media sites. She’s not a attention seeking whore or anything but there are occasions she does a bit of modelling for some of her entrepreneur friends.
I shall not waste time by going into detail the kind of fantasies I have of Mandy.
Every conceivable thought and fetish that has to do with your girlfriend sister back then, I have imagined it in my head. I pictured it in my mind and wanked off countless times.
Living in the same household was a added bonus. I live together with my in laws in a Jumbo flat in Woodlands. It’s huge and there’s more than enough space for everyone. Me and my wife’s room is right beside Mandy’s.
We share the same bathroom.
Right by the entrance into the bathroom along the wide corridor sits 3 baskets.
Laundry baskets. One for each of us.
Each time I had to force myself not to look when I see Mandy come home from school or from work as she grew older. The bundle of semi wet clothes with her worn panty and bra entangled into the mix just join the rest of her worn stuff in the basket.
Just think of all the things I can do with Mandy’s clothes. Her lingerie, her sports attire, her socks and heels. It’s a candy shop for a horny adult with a fetish.
I have access to so many things. As long as no one is at home of course.
I had access to Mandy’s laptop as well. She’s not exactly savvy with IT stuff and to be honest, I think she knows her phone better than she knows her computer.
Isn’t this the way things are now with the young people these days ?
I know her login password and ID, I setup the WIFI for the family and I even helped to configure her access to the network printer at home. The best thing I did was help her configure her phone to upload and backup her photos onto the backup drive shared among the family.
Every photo, every selfie. Every wasapp image file and videos.
Once she’s connected to WIFI, it gets backup and I get access.
It’s like stalking on a whole new level.
My relationship with Mandy cannot be better. She looked up to me as a older brother of sort, which really amplified how bastard I am when I do something like this to her.
Through sheer manipulation and the power of association and materials from the internet, I was able to destroy her reputation, wreck her relationship and drove her to the brink of a mental breakdown.
I live by a simple motto.
If I want to do something, I go all the way and this is definitely something that I went all out in terms of the money, time and resources I spent but it was all well worth it in the end.
How far did I go you ask ?
Mandy took down all her social media profile, her boyfriend left her. She quit her job.
When she makes eye contact with another man along the street, she tells me the look haunts her.
It made her question whether they saw the scandal that was floating around the internet.
The fake scandal that I created.
One that her boyfriend and everyone around her believed.
Mandy would shut herself in her room most of the time. Right at her most vulnerable moment, I would be her light at the end of the tunnel.
To lend her a shoulder when I most needed it.
So how did I do it ?
By being the absolute bastard of course.
By absolute, I really meant downright despicable.
The length I went to shock even myself as I did it.
First I need to discredit her and for her boyfriend Yogi to find out about it. Not about the discrediting of course. I wanted Yogi to find out about the personality I created about Mandy.
To paint Mandy in a different light to the people around her.
I plan to do that with the internet.
As a well-behaved goody two shoe, there are things that you would never imagine someone like her doing. I want to create the impression that she is doing something behind everybody’s back.
I don’t need her to be in the picture explicitly doing what want.
I just needed to plan the idea in people’s head and it’s not hard to do that. Given that her boyfriend is also visits the popular sex forums online, it would be a matter of time before he chance upon the charade I created.
For a start, I plan to make use of her own wardrobe against her. Yes, her clothes. Imagine one day coming across the picture of a girl exposing her breast, or her legs wearing the same set of clothes your wife or girlfriend wore to work that day.
Would that not make your heart skip a beat immediately even though no face was shown ?
First, I would need to find someone to play the role of Mandy.
Now it’s impossible to find someone who looks like my sister in law to play the role, I don’t need someone to look like Mandy, I just need someone who feels like Mandy.
Let me explain.
My sister in law has average height and weight.
Not fat, not thin, not too tall.
Just nice.
At 1.6m and 46kg with a proportional body, it’s not hard to find a girl with these stats in Singapore. The challenge is finding someone who is willing to do what I want her to do.
I started by scouring freelance modelling website.
I dropped countless messages and mails but no one seemed interested. I even posted classified ads on free sites and forums, looking for girls of similar stats.
The excuse I gave was for a personal project and that I am willing to pay for a simple photoshoot. However, since I’m not a registered photographer with any portfolio to show for it, it’s natural to expect the lack of replies.
I offered a good deal for about an hour’s work, no hanky panky.
No touching of the model’s body and we will be doing the shoot in public spaces in day time. That should give some assurance to the girls that I’m really not interested din violating them physically.
No face shots. Just the body.
I only needed to use their body, or rather, images of it.
After a 2 months search, I finally got a hit.
The story here is simple.
She needed money for her school fees and chanced upon my ad. My instructions to her were simple.
Put on a set of clothes that I will be providing, and take some pictures, and I’m willing to pay her 200 for an hour’s work. It worked out easier than I expected.
We met up at a café, she asked for a 50% downpayment and I gave it to her.
I handed her the set of clothes I borrowed from my sister in law’s wardrobe.
Now, selecting the clothes is an art. There are so many, so which one do I choose ?
Well, I went through her photos and social media feeds, I found a few photos which I think Mandy looked pretty good.
She was wearing a short sleeveless white dress with black stripes. The hem of the skirt ends several inches above her knees such that as she walked, you would get this lively bounce that almost gave you a peak of her panty.
Instead of a cardigan, she had a faded denim long sleeve top she wore as a jacket. It’s loose, flowly and it covered up the good figure she has.
Shoes is a simple pair of sneakers that is plain light grey in colour.
I picked the same blue backpack she was using in that set of photos and stuffed all the clothes I borrowed into the bag.
These are the stuff I want Charmaine to wear.
Charmaine : The clothes are in here ?
James : yes… just a dress and a jacket of sort. The shoes I think…… let me see…
I took a glance of her feet and told her it might be a little tight but since we are just doing a quick shot, the discomfort should only be for a while.
Charmaine nodded and went into the ladies.
5 minutes later, she emerged in the same set of clothes Mandy wore in one of her Instagram photos.
I tried to picture Charmaine without her face and I tried hard to stop myself from nodding my head.
Looking at just her body, I think she can easily pass of as Mandy.
Charmaine  : like this ??
James : yes… looking good…
I appraised Charmaine’s body and I could tell she was a little uncomfortable.
Charmaine : errrr…. So what now ?
I smiled and told her to follow me.
Charmaine : Where are we going ??
James : relax…. Just across the road. … the HDB estate…
Charmaine : take the pictures there ??
James : Yes…. Don’t worry… just taking some pictures….
As we crossed the road to the housing estate , Charmaine looked nervous. She kept looking around the vicinity.
James : Don’t worry… it’s really just taking photos….
Charmaine : Do you mind if I ask why are you….. ermm… why are you…. Doing this ??
I gave her a reassuring smile and told her that I just wanted some photos for my collection.
James : and ermm… you know… I’m single…. And my friends sometimes tease me I got no girlfriend….
Charmaine : huh ?? ….
James : So… I just want to take some photos…. For my own collection…. And some shots to prove to them I am attached…. Not a gay or something….
Charmaine : oh…. Ermmmmmm… that is so weird….
James : haha… I’m paying you for it… don’t worry….
I could tell she still looked unconvinced but I don’t care.
I just needed her body for a while and hopefully if I can convince her how easy it is to earn this quick buck, I could continue using her body for the other parts of my plan.
James : Alright…. Over here….
Charmaine : here ??
James : Yes… let’s go up….
We entered the lift and I hit the highest floor.
We came out on the 16th floor and I took a quick look around.
It’s a weekday afternoon, most of the people are out at work. I gestured to the corridor and we went to the staircase at the end of it.
James : here is good.
Charmaine looked around and nodded at me nervously, staring intently at the phone I was holding in my hand.
James : relax….
Charmaine : What do I have to do ??
James : haha… not much…. Not much…. climb up the staircase…. Slowly…
I brought up my phone and took the first couple of shots before appraising it on the small LCD screen of a old phone of mine.
I smiled as I looked at the photo.
Just like Mandy……. Just like Mandy….
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1) Full story in PDF - 156 pages 24000 words font size 12
2) Photoshoot album purchase for this piece in pdf ( 73 pages )
3) Charmaine video ( from online references )
4) Mel video ( from online references )
5) Pictures of reference used ( from online reference ) ( 8 pages )
6) Mel school uniform pictures ( from online reference ) ( 9 pages )
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dramallamadingdang · 7 years
I’m taking the night off from sky-making because I’m actually ahead of “schedule” and because I’m getting sort of disturbingly obsessed and playing my game for a bit instead, so while it loads, I write a bunch of replies. :)
These are for *deep breath* @penig, @holleyberry, @esotheria-sims, @acquiresimoleons, @kayleigh-83, @didilysims, @tamtam-go92, @dunne-ias, @strangetomato, and @eulaliasims. (Which doesn’t look like a long list, but there are multiple replies for pretty much all of the above, so....Yeah. :) )
penig replied to your photo “Dear Diary, Like wow! I got my first kiss and lost my virginity in...”
Bang it out...I see what you did there...
holleyberry replied to your photo “And here’s the other one I really wanted: Just a grassy, flat horizon...”
Maxis neighborhood specific ones would be great too.
How do you mean? Like, made from panoramic pictures of specific neighborhoods? It’s an interesting idea, actually. I’d have to reinstall those neighborhoods to do it, though. Unless someone wants to volunteer to take pics for me. ;) Even so, I’m not sure I could get the scale right. Scale is a definite issue with these things. It will never be right, actually, but the most noticeably out-of-scale things on them are definitely buildings, when compared to the size of an actual, in-neighborhood building.
Speaking of Maxis, though... I’ve been fooling around with making some flat horizons to actually match the Maxis terrains, but it’s proving difficult. The scale issues are pretty bad. :\ I mean, like I said, these things are always going to be out of scale with the actual in-game houses and whatnot just because it’s the nature of the beast, but I’m trying to minimize that as much as I can. For some reason, it’s just not working very well with the Maxis terrain textures. I’m hoping to be able to make it work, but right now it’s not looking good. :\
esotheria-sims replied to your photo “Man, I’ve put a lot of work into this one. :) Like *checks time* about...”
Wow, just wow. This has got to be one of the coolest and most realistic skybox recolors I've seen around (though the 'realistic' part doesn't really come as a surprise, considering the source material :D) I'm extremely tempted to turn Strangetown into a miniature pseudo-Arizona town now.
:D That’s pretty much what I’m doing for retro-Strangetown. Because it amuses me to make the town Roswell-esque. Roswell’s in New Mexico, not Arizona, but the terrains in the two states are pretty similar. About the only difference, overall, is that (southern) Arizona has saguaro cacti and New Mexico doesn’t. I think NM is not quite as dry as AZ, but they’re both part of the same big desert, really, so...yeah. 
In any case, that sky is one specifically meant for retro-Strangetown, for my own purposes. I also separated the horizon from the sky and put the horizon-only version on a lower layer so that the horizon can be used with any sky. So, the place can have different skies at different times but always have the same surrounding terrain, for continuity’s sake.
acquiresimoleons replied to your photo “Sharon still had that flirt want, and I figure the only way she’s...”
I guess her time with the aliens was fun and she wanted to try it with an earthling
Hah! Yeah, maybe...although in my mind the alien thing isn’t sexual at all. Just a “bit” of genetic engineering. But it might’ve put crazy ideas in her head, nevertheless. :)
kayleigh-83 replied to your photoset “Will, attempting and failing at yoga.  But hey! At least he was doing...”
Like juggling, Sims have a remarkable natural aptitude for yoga!
That, and the fact that if you’re a Sim who’s really good at playing the piano, you can also paint like Picasso. Wish it was like that in real life because I’d really like to be able to paint. I mean, I can do all right with digital painting so long as I can use custom Photoshop brushes so that I can just “paint” a shape with a single click. But with actual physical art tools and supplies on an actual canvas or piece of paper? Completely hopeless. *sigh* Although I do plan to take some art classes at the local community college when we go home to CO. I’m hoping to be able to learn something. :)
didilysims replied to your post “I’m having a bit of a dilemma. Need some input. :)”
Some download sites have an option to have individual files in a folder and you can download the entire folder, so maybe that's an option? But honestly whatever's easiest for you is fine. I want 'em no matter what! :D
On SFS you can upload stuff in folders, and then downloaders can choose to download individual files from within the folder. That’s how Lowedeus uploaded his recent batch of skies. I’m thinking that might be better for folks with slower internet connections or those who know they don’t want every sky and want to pick and choose. I’m going to make a photo album on my Livejournal space with at least one pic of every sky, that such folks can reference in order to decide what they want. I’m thinking I’ll do a folder as well as a single file with everything in one, for people who just want everything and who have the internet bandwidth to download it all within a reasonable amount of time. That ought to cover all the bases, I think.
didilysims replied to your post  “You used to use a bite neck mod for vampires. Do you still use it?...”
Cool ideas! I definitely want to steal the no food for vamps plan! Part of me also wants to steal the turn/kill randomization too, but I know I would be so sad if someone had to die. :(
Yeah, I can understand that. I’m just not overly-sentimental about my pixel people. Actually, I get far more attached to the pets than I do to the human Sims. So, I don’t have problems with killing Sims when the random number generator says to kill them and/or to have them die of illness thanks to RealSickness. And sometimes...Well, sometimes a population just NEEDS culling, especially because I let Sims breed as they will. In such neighborhoods, when I’ve got vamp residents, I’ll usually bump up the chance of bitten Sims being killed as population control. BUT! If you wanted to try it out, you could say they can only bite/turn/kill townies that you don’t really care about. :)
tamtam-go92 replied to your photo “Will decided to skip class, so I sent him off to the park that I...”
Lol, I have a sim that has three bolts with a guy with the same face template too xD
There’s always that one gorilla-faced dormie! :D I actually don’t mind that template at all. If you breed ‘em with a Sim with the right features to sort of soften the gorilla-ness, the kids are actually pretty darn cute. Usually chubby-cheeked and full-lipped but not as extreme as the gorilla-face. I have a weakness for chubby cheeks, myself. :)
tamtam-go92 replied to your photo “As if spending most of his time yakking with dormies wasn’t enough...”
I LOVE the tiles!
Yeah, they’re pretty cool. Maxis, too, since those made-over Academie Le Tour buildings I use are all CC-free, and I see no reason to make them otherwise, for the (relatively) short time that Sims live there. I think those tiles came with Nightlife, IIRC...
penig replied to your photo “Alien pregnancy doesn’t stop Sharon from being a complete nerd. It...”
You say "complete nerd" like it's a bad thing.
Nah, not bad, per se. Just reminds me too much of me when I was young and way too serious and not-fun for my own good. Being a complete anything can be a bad thing, after all. There was so much I missed out on when I was young because I was so focused on being a superior student and then on my career. The former actually didn’t have that huge of a positive impact on the latter. And I sort of gave up the career path I’d planned on to focus on raising my kids -- which I hadn’t planned on having -- anyway. So, in the end, all that seriousness and nerdy and sort of arrogant scholasticism had no real net gain and, like I said, made me miss out on experiences that probably would’ve been greatly enriching both personally and professionally. So...moderation in all things is my philosophy now. Which isn’t to say that I’m not a nerd at all. I mean, an encyclopedic knowledge of Star Trek as well as a nerdy fascination with arthropods kind of clinches that. But I don’t strive to be a complete nerd anymore.
dunne-ias replied to your photoset “So. I made skies. Like, *cough* 30 of them. So far! Above is a...”
I find it hilarious that you "need to get your butt in bed now" when you live where you live compared to where I live and it's actually approaching MY bedtime.
:D Yeah, being nocturnal and living on the US west coast and going to bed around noonish my time does sort of put me on the same sleep schedule as normal diurnal people in especially the more eastern parts of Europe that are 9 or 10 hours or so ahead of where I am. Like you, for instance. :) 
penig replied to your photo “Oh God, not you, too, Will! Just sitting there, not playing chess,...”
Replace the chairs. They're too comfy.
See, that’s the thing. Those same chairs are used in other places in the dorm, not just at the chess table. Yet they choose the ones at the chess table, even if they have to walk past other iterations of the same chair to get to it. It’s weird. I can’t figure it out.
didilysims replied to your photo “The cow mascot was wandering around, doing her thing. Must hurt to get...”
Eh, they're just cheap plastic. Look at the tacky shine on 'em.
Well, yeah, but cheap plastic can still hurt if it pokes you hard enough!
...OK, that sounded vaguely dirty somehow. :)
kayleigh-83 replied to your photo “The cow mascot was wandering around, doing her thing. Must hurt to get...”
I love those mascots, such shit disturbers!
Y’know, I’m actually not a huge fan of the mascots in general. I find them more annoying than anything, same as I do Crumplebottom. Usually, I ban them with the Visitor Controller. For some reason I decided to let them torment dorms (they’re still banned in private on-campus residences, where it seems less appropriate for strangers to be barging in to do strange things) for now. I’m sure they will become annoying enough to ban them again, but for now...Yeah, they’re amusing me. And hey! The cow mascot’s sprinkler prank gives the germophobes something to do, with all the mopping. *eye roll*
strangetomato replied to your post “Later that night...”
I will never be tired of the silly date gifts.
It’s actually one of my favorite things about the whole dating thing. They make me laugh and/or they can sometimes be really useful. In fact, if they didn’t exist, I might not send any of my Sims on any actual, official timed dates at all. But since timed dates/outings are the only way to get the silly pressies, I do...
eulaliasims replied to your photo “Oh, God, it’s time to finish this thing. :P It’s campus housing, to...”
Apartment lots *are* a pain to furnish. Shift-key and dump identical bare necessities in each apartment is my method. At least the building looks gorgeous! I like the mix of windows. :D
Thank you! See, part of my problem with apartments is that I really can’t bear to furnish/decorate them identically. I really don’t know why. I mean, if I download an apartment lot with identically-furnished units, I’m perfectly OK with using them as-is. But, if I’m building the building, I just...can’t. I have to do them all differently. So, it’s like committing to decorating four (or more!) entire houses for one lot, and since furnishing/decorating is pretty much my least-favorite aspect of building...Yeah, apartment lots sort of intimidate me. Love building them. They’re fun to design/build. But the rest of it? Ugh, such a burden. :)
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pbandjesse · 7 years
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I've been writing my posts on my phone a lot lately. And so I haven’t been backing up any of those posts and now with Tumblr getting sold I'm nervous about that. So I've been trying to find a website or something to back the whole thing up but I could only find wordpress and it only had enough space to back up a 1/3 of it so if anyone knows a good one could you let me know?
Today has really been nice but it didn’t start the way. I didn’t sleep well. My back ached all night and nothing I did helped. I tend to sleep sort of bent but I cant seem to lay on my back flat and feel tired and its just a circle of unhappiness.
So when my alarm went off at 7 I was like I am just going to sleep for another half hour. I took a shower last night so no rush. But then like 2 minutes later sweetP knocked over my apple tree. Which was in a coffee can of dirt. And it went everywhere. I was furious. I yelled at him and smacked him on the butt and nose and cleaned it up and just was so mad. I chased him around the apartment and he was so scared. He hid under the tub while I cleaned. It took me almost that whole half hour I had wanted to sleep. I calmed down though and felt terrible for scaring sweetP so bad. I tried to get him out with treats but he was keeping his tail under him and he was upset and I was upset. I sat on the floor and cuddled him and told him he messed up but so did I. We had breakfast and then played fetch for a little and he seemed less freaked out. I still felt like the worst mom though.
Work was good. I got there and found some good stuff on the free shelf. Got the room set up. Kathrine and me and mixed up some paints and got ready for the day. We had most of our kids today. And we really are having a lucky week. They are the most respectful and sweet group of kids. We got to learn how to use a new type of epipen! Its like a flat rectangle. Which was really cool. And it had a voice to walk you through it. Very neat. If I get a new epipen I hope I get that kind.
We did a whole lot of painting. I washed a whole lot of brushes. Anne thought I was doing it begrudgingly but I actually really like doing it. I think its soothing. But we needed a better way to dry the brushes. And I found these weird metal combs in the trash. Me and Kathrine looked at them and figured out if you sort of V shaped them together they could kind of stand up into a drying rack. So I glued that together and it actually worked really well. Go team!
I stayed in during break to help Anne and told her some crazy stories about when I worked at PCAT. What I want to improve as a teacher, my goals for the future. She's really great so I really love working during her weeks. I wish she had more of them.
I helped kids paint and ran around cleaning up and making sure we were on task. But really this group was great and I'm not worried about them finishing their projects at all. Because out group is a little older this year they are much more on task and get done much faster. So we can do more fun things. I'm having a great time.
I found a whole lot of paper on the free shelf we could use in the class. And I got a box of glass slides that I am just so excited about. Lots of pictures from the 1930s. I also got a cute little blue bomber jacket. I had some eye ball patches comes in the mail and I think I will put a few of them on that. Be super on trend.
I headed home after that. Forgot to go to the bank but that’s okay. I got a card from Jess with 2 old post cards in it. I love them so much. She knows me well. I changed and had lunch. Chilled. Worked on adding the ribbons to my new pointe shoes. I think I'm going to pick up some elastic though because the ribbon doesn’t feel super secure. Still excited. Still feel like a weirdo for having red but its okay.
I chilled and laid down for a bit. Started uploading my thesis photos to my website because I'm the worst and hadn’t done that. I just finished that actually right now which is why my post has been taking me forever tonight.
I slept for a little while. Woke up at 5 and got dressed and packed my bag the go to ballet. I biked downtown and went to chipotle.
But they were a bit of a mess. I don’t know what the hell was going on but there was no line, just one guy in front of me. But we were still standing there for over 5 minutes with no one helping us. We talked for a minute. Then the girl who made his burrito screwed it up so bad he just left. I felt bad. She screwed mine up a little too, forgot stuff. But I caught it and had the cashier fix it for me. Then when I went to find a seat every table and the food was filthy. I cleared a table myself. Then this worker came in and started sweeping but also just smashing the broom on the pan every time he pulled it back and honestly just doing a terrible job. I don’t want to make a complaint but I just might, it was that bad.
I had some time to waste so I walked around marshells. Then wet to stretch at the studio. I showed the other girl who does pointe my shoes and she gave me some tips. I also showed them to Marsha, our teacher, and she gave me some good feedback and said they are funny cause theyre red but totally acceptable.
Class was great. I felt strong. I stayed up on one foot for 15 full seconds, which would be about 5 turns. And I was so so proud. Marsha made a big deal about it. So my practice at home is really helping a lot.
I was a bit distracted after class and forgot my ballet bag on the bench but then the door was locked. And then when I did get inside the elevator was locked. But then Marsha and a few of my classmates came down and let me up and came with me to let me in the studio itself. But we got my bag and it was all good.
I got home and cuddled with sweetP. I think there is a mosiquto in here because I now have a bite. But its okay. Tomorrow I have work and then I'm going to attempt to bleach my hair to dye it. Havent done that for a while. Hopefully it wont take multible bleaches to get it really light but I have no other plans besides laundry tomorrow so you know! itll be fun.
I hope you all sleep well tonight. Be safe.
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