#i miss the rapsyness a bit
pumpumdemsugah · 6 years
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it was partly cause i refused to stop playing in the dirt as a girl lol i had to make mud pies HAD to
it made the skin on my palms peel lots as well but again...you couldnt get me away from dirt lol my mum warned me but id just look at her and continue . i knew i was too heavy for her to lift me as well and all i had to do was look sad and my dad left me alone. she pick up my little brother tho so he didnt have the same raspy voice
it was the perfect storm of me LOVING dirt and the volcano being very active
im glad i dont have any respiratory issues cause there are more cases than what use to be normal regarding that.
almost messed up my voice because i was stubborn and loved dirt lol i was such a ridiculous stubborn little girl omg
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