#i missed doing screenshot redraw i gotta do more
spectra-bear · 2 months
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(12 years late) these leaks are kinda getting out of hand
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haeroniel-doliet · 10 months
Bonus content: heres the super speed summary of how I struggled through the dinluke big bang piece I started over 80 days ago! More thoughts and details on my process below to cut
- Overall wanna post this with all the flaws galore for my future self, not at all because I've just left the record function on, forgot about it and now I have this!
- Good reminder that the worst thing is blank paper and just getting something down okay, rough simple lines convey ideas its all good!
- Drawing on an airplane produces questionable results (the first more refined lines, not NEARLY enough references in use)
- Speaking of, never regretted following a reference over trying to improvise. I feel like it always looks better (that smoke is one good example!)
- Redrawing and redrawing sometimes is so worth it, other times you should just let it be and move on (those first trees before the yellow dotting were kinda okay honestly!)
- Less all sorts of different brushes is better, for consistency :')
- Theres many parts I'd forgotten that in hindsight maybe look better than the end result (like overall composition being bigger and with better feeling of space) but choices were made and I gotta choose to be happy with and proud of the completed piece, afterall its better than all the dusty never finished wips.
- Definitely didn't quite follow the big bang deadlines, I'm sorry :') in general I'd consider that greyscale to be 20% sure (proof of idea and a layout figured out!) But hilariously after what I posted for even 80% I went and redid all that work. (Maybe its not actually totally redoing if you're making the same just improved! All the ground work took its own time and I wasn't starting from scratch at all.)
- At the very end it gets abruptly cut off, despite asking the program to leave on the last frame for a bit... Then I remembered the panic I had just yesterday, because the file for these screenshots took up too much disk space and caused Krita to crash, losing all the progress of like good bit of little adjustments and corrections. I guess I never turned the recording back on, so the very final few hours are missing, but thats okay! This is not professional! (Spot the absolutely tiny differences with the final image posted :p)
-Also realizing after many a rewatch, there's been some glitch with it not recording me recolouring the characters entirely!! How sad, but you can see the difference from when they pop up around the time I'm redoing the trees and at 02.53 and when they return all redone at 03.07
- Theres a lot I don't love, theres a lot that could be better if done differently, but I really have to start being okay with being done rather than perfect!
- Really proud of myself for dedicating to doing a more involved and detailed background/scene than i've ever done before digitally. I've pushed beyond my comfort zone of just characters with a hint of a background, it will get better from here!
- Did I need to post this with all sorts of bits missing? No, definitely not, but hopefully someone will find this interesting, and my future self feels that this was helpful!
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heylinhenchman · 8 months
My social drive is low my but my JACK BRAINWORMS is high. Might as well list a few ideas for side things I can work on while working up the rp time (honestly the holidays are JUsT hOOO— Jack gets it. Rp events are so nice people should do that more. Hell. Jack could try).
Anywaayyhhhhh…. Ideas;
Work on Jacks party outfit (has a dUE DATE) [DID IT
Kinda wanna doodle jack WITH the equipment I hc him as having more. Might be nice for some dynamic posing (tossing bombs and swinging bats) and ofc, his Helipack iterations (his current ones coffin shaped).
make a bg3 jack and post pictures obviously (should I make him a durge…. The urge could be,,,, his emperor timeline dAMN yeah I guess I gotta). [MADE IT
I wanna make lil images for (asks | always open // meme | accepting/not accepting). Just so I don’t have to type it every time I do ask replies. I can just. Plop down the image like a header.
Tbh endlessly need to organize the jack spicy folders on my computer. especially the hd screenshots and fc screenshots I could stillll be making into icons when I feel like it. (I still need season 3 on dvd sniff but poor man’s bargains these days).
I wanna redraw my ‘Jack Through The Ages (him as a kid, tween, villain, older villain, hIS FUTURES—)’…. It’s been a while I’ve gotten better and I can ORGANIZE IT BETTER. (Also jack with the ufo piece hohoho).
Might be more social by December ghh this month is just ‘be destitute, hungry, go to the doctor three times, miss a ton of therapy, be conflicted over where to go for thanksgiving, DEAD TREES’.
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lorebird · 3 years
Can I PLEASE hear your ideas for the wof rpg
OH I’m so sorry I missed this!! YES absolutely!! For anyone who doesn’t know, that’s in reference to this artwork :0 I’ve actually got 2 large ideas that would make for. Totally different types of games....
The first is what I had in mind with that screenshot redraw + the others I’ve planned, where you can play as the dragonets of destiny and follow the main story. The other would employ the same game mechanics as the first, but you’d be able to make your own characters and explore the world from that perspective! I had botw in mind for both ideas, but the first is closer to the more linear Zelda games, while the latter is even More open (being more like Minecraft, or maybe elder scrolls games, but I’m. Barely familiar with the latter. So idk if that’s a good comparison)
As far as specific mechanics, I had a couple ideas for combat! I thought it’d make for interesting gameplay to be able to switch out which dragonet you could play as. Everything would be easier when you’ve got all the dod working together, and it’d especially ramp up the difficulty during the brightest night section of the game, since Sunny’s on her own w fewer abilities. Also like....... you get to choose to play as your fav more often if you want........ pog
Speaking of abilities! Everyone’s got basic bite and scratch moves (bite does more damage but you have to be in closer, scratch does less damage but isn’t as risky to use) as well as special abilities like their fire/poison/what-have-you. Except for animus magic, if any animus characters would end up playable, bc uhhhhhhh animus magic my detested! But I think it’d also be fun to pick up weapons throughout the game! Like,,,, running around as Tsunami with the NightWing guards’ funky spears, or Sunny with RainWing blow darts, just stuff to make combat more interesting yknow? Plus you could get your own nifty weapons for your player characters in the more open world version! Handheld weapons could do more damage, but cost stamina to use since you’ve gotta have a limb or two free. I’d also wanna create my own kinds of weaponry, like metal to reinforce claws — small worldbuilding things I feel the books are lacking :0
Anyways, on the topic of stamina! I got the idea from the soulsborne games I grew up watching my brother play, which I am admittedly only familiar with on the surface level. But I thought that with the variety of dragons you have to play as, it’d be interesting to include stamina as a stat to change around along with speed and strength! I think Sand and IceWings would have the best stamina, being dragons that have to traverse large distances between settlements, along with maybe SkyWings? RainWings are on the lower end I feel, being specialized for agile flying rather than long-distance. It affects not only fighting, but also flight — wingbeats take stamina, though gliding does not, and dragons like MudWings have to actively fly more than, say, SkyWings. But idk how prevalent I’d want this to be bc flying in games is fuckin FUN a and I wouldn’t want that mechanic to get in the way. I feel like maybe it’d only become a big concern on large flights (incentivizing landing to rest and exploring a bit) as well as aerial battle
SO anyways..... as far as the story-oriented game. I kinda think it’d be rad as hell to have multiple endings. NOW HEAR ME OUT,,,,, I fuckin love stories that change as you play them and also uhhhh funny little exploration of storylines that don’t get to happen in the books! And...... it can tie into the open-world version
My vague idea for how the story-driven and open-world versions could coexist is that you gradually unlock free play elements as you progress the story. When you reach the SkyWing kingdom, for example, you unlock the ability to play as a SkyWing! But your range is limited to a small area and there’s only a few side quests to play, up until Scarlet is out of the way. Then, in the 2nd book portion, you unlock SeaWing free play! So on and so forth until eventually, you can explore the entire continent with any tribe you like. And here’s where it ties into multiple endings. Your free play characters can live in non-canon versions of the game, like say you put Blaze as queen during the story for for kicks and giggles — you get postgame content with that to experience in free play!! I imagine it like having a file for each world, and you get to choose which character to load in as when you start playing, whether story or original. Then you can switch at any time if you feel like doing smth different!
You can also start from any previously-reached point in the story on a new world, kinda like loading in Spore on the civilization stage rather than starting at cell? If you wanna make a world where like. Peril comes with the DoD. You can start a new world that automatically loads in the canon timeline right up before Peril parts ways in book 1! BAM new pal in need of therapy
Oh god this is so many words.......... ty for coming to my funny little dragon game ted talk
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pyroraider · 6 years
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I did a couple screenshot redraws from Glitchtale’s episode, My Promise.  And wow, out of everything that happened in the episode, that last scene stuck with me for like a whole week.  As soon as Frisk went into the Void and saw Chara, I knew where the scene was going.  :’c  I was already tearing up the moment I saw the first frame with Chara.
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But I didn’t expect Frisk to erase everyone’s memories of him and replace them with memories of Chara.  I can see why he did but... man, I’m gonna miss Frisk. Can’t lie though, I’m also pretty happy with Chara getting the chance to hopefully stop things from getting worse.
Someday, I gotta do more art for this series.  I do quite enjoy it.
Glitchtale by @camilaart
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