#i missed mike and el and lucas and dustin from s1 tho
tryingonametaphor · 1 year
rewatching st for the first time since s4 (making my dad watch it for the first time) and steve/nancy and mike/el… 😬
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mikesigninspection · 8 months
I wanted to tell yall my opinion on "who would Mike first come out to".
Okay so I suspect that it might be El, Nancy or Karen. The reason why I choose these 3 is bc I feel like anyone else would make that coming out scene feel "too warm" (for exp. if he came out to Joyce).
Now ofc I believe that Mike will come out to Will during the confession but I feel like we need more, colder one? I am not saying that I need Mike to be unaccepted by anyone (thought that would be interesting to watch cause then they would show both sides of coming out) I am saying that I feel like if he comes out to these characters specifically, the whole scene is gonna feel more sad ( the vibe of it). Like when they do that blue/dark sort of coloring to express that this scene is supposed to make audience more sad than happy. It's hard to explain.
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If MIke comes out to El, it would be on accident. It would probably happen in the middle of a fight where he would spill it out and El would be shocked. Tho, she wouldn't be very confused and surprised (at least from my point of view.) She probably caught up with Mike and Will's problems and she could see the reason for it but she is still not so sure or she is in denial. I just feel like she wouldn't be all that happy, she would prob. ask him to leave her to think abt this but would be very understanding at the end.
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Now this is a different story. This is where he would come out when he prepared himself. Why do I feel like Nancy is one of those people? Not just bc she is his sister so it would make sense but smt else. Something about how they see each other.
Now, we all know that siblings fight constantly. Well most of siblings. And it isn't because they hate each other or something, it's mostly just siblings thing.
Ofc, Mike and Nancy also fight like other siblings do. However, their relationship is not the best. They often don't talk with each other. Hell, they would rather get hit by a car than talk about their feelings with each other like Jonathan and Will do.
So why do I believe that Nancy would be a good option?
It is simple. I believe that Mike thinks that Nancy is pretty neutral abt stuff. Maybe he thinks that she won't even care? He probably believes that her reaction to this wouldn't impact him that much since they don't talk. But there is also a part of him that hopes that she will understand and so is probably scared.
I feel like they might try to act like Will and Jonathan which is why they will try to talk to each other. Who knows?
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So we know how Karen wishes that her kids talk with her( like deep talks)? She has been waiting for that for a long time now. Mike coming out to her would be a thing that would fulfill her wish. And her reassurance would mean the world to him. It would make him braver and more emotionally stronger which will make Vecna's plan harder to proceed.
One thing that makes me believe in this theory is her talk with him in s1. If you are a straight viewer you may catch this message harder but if you are a queer person, you would notice.
Karen talking about how Mike doesn't have to hide anything from her, how he can tell her anything doesn't apply to Mike being upset abt Will going missing. It also doesn't apply to El bc she didn't know abt her yet.
Others know that Mike and Will's relationship is different from the others. However, not all of them think it has to do with romance. But Karen does. She can see the difference between how Mike acts with Will versus how he is with Lucas and Dustin.
Her speech in that episode means so much to queer community bc it represents a parent who is reassuring their closeted kid that no matter who they love, they are gonna stay and love their kid the same. And if they also have a hard time accepting it themselves, their parent is there to help them.
That is that.
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sevensided · 2 years
What we're your favourite looks for all the characters across the seasons? In terms of outfits and or hair
For me it would be
Jonathan - series 3 hair and work uniform
Nancy - series 3 hair or the blue outfit from series 4
Joyce - series 1 1000%
Mike - huge fan of the airport outfit and or the hell fire outfit also loving the long hair
Lucas - I remember loving his outfit in the finale of series 2
Erica - series 3 iconic
Robin - series 3 or the silly hat
Steve - series 3 or the yellow outfit from s4
Will - the outfit he goes missing in is SUCH a classic, and no one was rocking the ghost busters outfit like him
El - I loved the dress from series 4 and the blue outfit from series 2 the yellow shirt from series 3 is beyond iconic tho AND THE PINK DRESS?? She kills it every time
Max - I love everything but especially her original outfit, or the red and white stripes from series 3
Hopper - series 2 hopper is so fantastic I love him so much.
Hope this isn't too rambly haha
I absolutely love this!
Jonathan: Probably S3 too. This season he genuinely looked like a rodent.
Nancy: S2... what a babe. Or S1, because I love her ponytail!
Joyce: Eh, I don't really mind. She's gorgeous any time.
Mike: This season. Holy fuck. Finn Wolfhard. Oh my God.
Dustin: He was such a squirt in S1! Though I do think he's matured in S4 and he looks great.
Lucas: S4. Caleb is, uh, very fine looking, I will simply say that much. I liked his jock outfit this season, the one he wears for all of Vol. 2.
Erica: I agree, S3 is too iconic to pass up!
Robin: Unpopular opinion but I hate Scoop's Ahoy outfits and they are awful and ugly. S4, by far, she looked incredible this season, and whew is Maya is babe.
Steve: Honestly... S1-2. I'm sorry! I just love the denim!
Will: I so agree with you about S1, but S4 because Noah carries that plaid.
El: Her in her Joyce-era is everything I ever, ever wanted, and I'm obsessed with her little pink skivvy that she wears!
Max: I love how she looks in S4 but S2 is the best wardrobe.
Hopper: Yes, S2 for sure! I get how David is now apparently a pin-up, but Fat Rambo has a place in my heart.
I loved doing this! Thank you!
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okay wait I didn’t even think of that thing with el and Will and how that connected. Like wait also the fact that Jonathan and Steve have not had any scenes together even tho they had plenty in season 1 which idk why the barely have any scenes together now. Like a lot of their development came from their antagonism with one another and how joe and Charlie acted with each other was amazing. Also the fact that once Nancy and Steve got together Jonathan hid away and isolated himself from them meanwhile steve did the exact same thing when Nancy and Jonathan got together
Yes it’s so interesting that Peter/Henry/vecna (there are so many names for this guy and I wanna think it means something but idk) is fundamentally right but also completely wrong considering that he’s killed innocent people and legit torturing them also. Which also I just had a thought it seems like he doesn’t check if brenner had died when he killed everyone else. Like you’d think Peter with the way that he is would want to kill the person who has been making him completely miserable and holding him hostage. So why after the massacre is brenner still alive? Rhetorical question lol and big brain moment. And you’re so right with the wheeler thing too!
honestly there is something that we’re missing but like when everything clicks it’s going to be so clear. Like I have tons of theories and stuff. My fav theory that I’ve come up with that I’m insterested in your input tho is that vecna isn’t killing random teens since Dustin mentioned that in the last ep. Okay so vecna kills chrissy who max saw and had interactions with. Then max also got caught in the spell (also the way that they say spell and stuff seems significant) but in the end was able to make it out. Then Fred got killed who was friends with Nancy who also at the end got put in the trance. And then Patrick who was a friend of Lucas’s on the basketball team and in the trailer we got Lucas looking terrified and like he also got put under the spell. So vecna is getting into the gang’s mind/attention just like last season the mindflayer did with the town and El. Like he’s seeking out the gang!
only the real ones remember tumblr user you-said-yes' post from like a year ab what i want from the horror in st. and that last paragraph u sent sends chills down my spine. that personal horror... that they're being sought out, targeted, hunted... esp bc vecna is 001 (not listing the other names) and el literally rejected then banished him to the upside down... he's gotta be a little mad. just like the mind flayer bc she's thwarted his plans so many times- with a LOT of help from the others. IT NEEDS TO GET PERSONAL. this show, for me, is not scary. it's cool. i love 70s and 80s horror not bc they actually scare me. when i think ab the scariest moments in the show, it's all the times these characters i've come to know and care about are in danger, mortal or otherwise. the way will looked at mike when he was possessed, said "that's... my friend. mike." i want THAT. i will not be forgetting that el's best friend, bf, mom, and brother are all looking at- or listening to- something on these confirmed DELIBERATE posters. hmm.
changing topics, but i think the jon-nancy-steve triangle and the will-mike-el triangle are suspiciously similar, both to each other and ebtween s1 and s4...
also yes i'd love to see some explanation for brenner living other than the writers needed him to bc it was a flashback.
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steveharrington · 2 years
that’s interesting bc my dad REALLY liked the “i am the curse scene”. personally i liked it (i enjoyed hopper’s character more in s4 than in s3 for sure, but s1 and s2 hopper are peak). idk s3 hopper just felt unnecessarily angry and emotionally immature in a way that i didn’t see hopper as being in earlier seasons, i could not imagine s2 hopper yelling at kids the way he did in s3. whereas s4 hopper feels more in line with his previous characterization, but like…. less saturated with that character, if that makes sense. s3 hopper felt to me at times like a different guy, whereas s4 hopper was the same guy but like they’d toned down a lot of his traits. i thought his “i am the curse” speech was probably his strongest moment this season tho idk. but rewatching the show from the start and seeing him in s1 currently…. where is the flavor. the specific hopper spunk. it’s missing from s4 hopper. if that even makes any sense
that is so interesting because i honestly thought s3 hopper was more himself than s4 hopper. like i think they definitely overdid it at times for comedic effect in s3, but hopper has always been very exasperated by the kids. all the way back in s1 in what i thiiiink is his first scene with mike dustin and lucas he's like clearly so irritated with them and yells at them for bickering among themselves. i think the issues in hopper's characterization in s3 is that they picked weird overplayed tropes to display his exasperation. the whole overprotective dad thing mixed with the love/hate antagonistic relationship he suddenly had with joyce made him just seem like a dick. then i think in s4 they realized that people didn't really like s3 hopper so they tried to overcompensate and fix their mistakes and it just. erased all of hopper's personality. like look i get that he's in captivity and realistically he's gonna be somber and lifeless and shit i get that BUT. its stranger things. notoriously its characters still have very strong personalities in the midst of disaster and trauma. sometimes they get even stronger (ahem ahem steve and robin) but the opposite happens with hopper in s4. the whole time watching this season i was like dam when is hopper gonna show up.
i think the reason his s4 speech fell flat to me compared to his s2 speech is because it just felt so. meaningless. the core of what he's saying in both speeches is that he feels like everyone close to him ends up suffering as a result of him being in their lives. in s2 it's a result of the big fight he had with el and he uses it to express to her why he gets angry and destructive when her safety is at risk and he tries to move forward and be better from then on. it makes perfect sense and it's genuinely moving because it's like....new information about hopper. its the first time he's able to admit to el and the viewers that he doesn't want to be so angry all the time and he cant help but feel that way. and then in s4 it's.....basically the same thing but this time the motivation behind it is so hazy? he feels guilty because he ended up in russia?? something that was entirely out of his control and, really, was a noble sacrifice that allowed the gate to close?? and the writers must've realized that wasn't enough so they added in that he feels like he personally caused his daughter's cancer from being exposed to agent orange??????? idk to me it felt like rehashing a lesson that hopper already learned. in s2 he realizes that el does need him and that together they make each other happier and safer, and then by s4 he's already forgotten all that and decided that actually he's a curse on everyone he knows even though he literally saved everyone as his last action in america. idk!!!!!! maybe this is nitpicky but i LOVE season two hopper like that is my dad and season 4 hopper is just some guy </3
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grapesodatozier · 4 years
Heyy cami 🥺 how are u?? 💕 Ik this is random but what do you hope happens next season in st? I'd love to hear what you think :]
oh man i have THOUGHTS on this lmao. buckle in im on my laptop i mean business and i am gonna get obnoxious okay here goes lmao (potential spoilers under the cut as i talk about tweets and set pics)
okay so something ive been saying since the day i finished s3 is the american is brenner!!!!! not hopper!!!! yes, hopper is there, but brenner is the american. alexei says they figured out that the gate needed to be in hawkins. HOW would they know that if they hadn’t captured brenner?? also im p sure ive been confirmed right on this bc the actor who plays brenner has tweeted in a way that p much confirms hes gonna be in s4. so with all that considered, my biggest/most probable prediction is that brenner and hopper are gonna have to team up to escape the prison together. my hope is that we get a moment where brenner learns that hopper was housing el and hes all smug and evil like “does she know you’re the one who sold her out in the first place?” bc i need!!!! that!!!! to be!!!! acknowledged!!!!!
and. if anyone listens to me shout into this void. you may know that my biggest, most self-indulgent, unrealistic dream is a mike/nancy/karen team up. let the wheelers be smart badasses together!!!!! karen picked nancys lock with a hairpin!!!! she knew not to trust the government in s1!!!! bring back s1 karen and her intelligence and her love for her children and let her in on the monster hunting!!!! seriously if karen never finds out in this show what her kids have gone through im going to be so upset
which brings me to mr clarke!! another point i harp on every time i get the chance lmao. he has helped saved the world 3 times!! and he doesn’t even know!!!! he deserves to know!!!! perhaps it would scare him but im proud of him and he deserves to be proud of himself as well lmao
even more personal/self-indulgent but i really miss becky and terry ): they’re such amazing characters and el deserves to have a relationship with them, i think it’s so unrealistic that becky would never reach out after el’s visit. like she knows who to call!! hopper and joyce went to see her!! and also she knows el has super powers so like, she’s in it lmao. and terry!! is so badass and lovely!! and also has superpowers!! i want to know more!!!! is this motivated by me being gay and wanting to see them bc they’re both ridiculously beautiful? perhaps lmao
also, on a s4 spoilers/set pics note, there have been set pictures of every main characters whos in hawkins shooting except for mike!!!! where is my boy!!!! why is he alone!!!! he better be with nancy bc (from what ive seen so far, pls link me to set pics proving me wrong if u have them) nancys only been pictured alone (ive heard she was with someone else who sounded like robin at one point but there haven’t been set pics of them together) and we haven’t seen mike yet, so i hope they come together. also i want mike angst bc yes hes my favorite but yes i love seeing him suffer lmao
in terms of the byers family, i want more protective jonathan. i also want el to get her powers back, though i admittedly dont know why i want that lol. but yeah sibling bonding is a big thing i want, like jonathan and will are so close and im really excited to see el getting in on that. i think she and will are gonna be super awkward around each other tbh, but i think they’ll form a friendship once they walk through all they’ve done for each other. and i loveee protective jonathan ): such a good older brother i love him. i do definitely want more will roasts tho lmao “is that why you dont have any friends” was so iconic
and obviously i want lots and lots of mileven lol, tho unfortunately idk how likely that will be with them separated /: but im really hoping mike and nancy will bond over missing their s/o’s
i also want lumax to get back to their s2 dynamic. they were such a good team in s2 i miss it ):
im a lil nervous about all these new characters, but max and robin are both amazing so im not actually too pessimistic about it.
and i want more of mike being super smart, that’s my strangely intelligent son and i love him!! seriously my dream team is nancy/robin/mike/lucas, they could get all the shit done so quick they’re all so smart lol. although nancy, mike, and lucas are all super stubborn too so robin might not have a great time lmao. also max would be great on that team.
tbh i don’t have many hopes for steve and dustin?? i feel like the writers found a fan favorite team in them that they’re never gonna mess with bc it’s universally loved lmao
ty for the ask!! i cannot wait for more set pics and promo and of course the actual season to come out!!
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