#i mostly just eat huge amounts of pasta so idk if you find out wheat is problematic let me know i guess
ukulelegodparent · 2 years
Can someone explain to me why quinoa has become such a checkmate vegans thing? Like to vegans actually eat significantly more quinoa than people who eat meat?
#like i get that a lot of vegans are annoying and some are not at all taking into consideration the ethical problems#with their own diet but like would the better points there be things like#coconut oil and palm oil which i do think vegans consume in larger amounts than the average population#and i guess soy but soy eaten by humans is usually grown locally#but like I'm on here and every other post critiquing vegansim does so purely on the basis of 'quinoa unethical'#which yeah that's bad but also i eat quinoa once a year if at all and that seems to be representative at least for the vegans i know#so like ??? where are all these vegans that eat nothing but quinoa?#like maybe they're all in the us or something idk#i mostly just eat huge amounts of pasta so idk if you find out wheat is problematic let me know i guess#like you can definitely critique aspects of veganism but like please do so in a way where your critique makes sense#oh and also and this is going into rant mode but if i ever see or hear one of those 'oh vegans always talk about veganism' jokes again#I'd love to never speak of my food choices ever again but turns out any time i eat with a group of people i get questioned#about why I'm vegan and sooner than i know it there's always that one dick who thinks mealtime is a perfect moment#to debate my food choices like bitch i want to eat that's rude you're being rude did you never learn manners?#I'm also not sitting down for a meal with people and see that they have their sausages or whatever out and go#'oh you're eating meat? why do you do that? do you love contributing to climate change? do you like to kill things? etc etc'#like no i don't do that bc it would be rude#it would mean that the other person won't enjoy their meal as much and I don't want that
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