#i myself become the wounded person. ∶ ( v. enforcer )
straye · 1 year
❛  oral .   to  give  my  muse  oral .
𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑬𝑵𝑶𝑹𝑴𝑰𝑻𝒀 𝑶𝑭 𝑴𝒀 𝑫𝑬𝑺𝑰𝑹𝑬 . ( 18+ ) : accepting !
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It’s funny how their sparring matches go. Despite their seemingly equal, endless stamina, they both get more pent up and sweaty by the end, with a near insatiable, carnal hunger. Thana points out his raging hard-on with some cheesy porno line (he can’t help it; it’s what good fights do to him…), he challenges them to do something about it with an equally cheesy quip of his own in turn (it’s what fights with them do…), and it escalates to them having their hands on each other, tearing the other’s clothes off.
Kogami has Thana pinned against a vacant locker room wall by the wrists under a single hand. He draws away from their seedy kisses to redirect his own towards their jaw and neck where he hungrily bites and suckles, intent on leaving velvety marks for the entire office to see. Already, those spots have gone pink and red, marred with his teeth marks.
Before he can descend to give their breasts this same treatment, they slip right from under him, grabbing him by the waist to shift their positions so his back is against the wall.
“Shit—“ he curses, and his breath stutters when he feels their fingers wrap tight around his arousal coated hard, throbbing cock.
“Babe, I need to fuck you,” He growls, jutting his hips up as if emphasizing so.
He whines with a huff when they push his hand away as he tries to sneak it between their legs — but his short lived protests come to a screeching halt when they lower to their knees and languish his cock with a drawn out lick.
Oh. He’s actually very okay with this.
He bears his back against the wall, maintaining as much control as he can muster, keeping his glassy, lust filled gray eyes fixed on them as they take his tip into their mouth, and descend on his full length, swirling their tongue on every throbbing vein.
He laces his fingers into their white hair, biting back moans when they lock their lips and bob on his cock.
He’s only a little sorry for the way he grips their hair harder when they bring him further into their throat.
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converso-multiverso · 3 years
World's Yin-Yang
Diamonds are stones Money is paper Yet they're the bones Of the world maker. We're organic Like love, sometimes, But hey, don't panic! It's not the end of the times. Kafkaesque figures, constantly reborn And constantly dying, A complexion, a form Lying and crying. A trauma, a disease Doing its job with ease A vicious cicle, a slave Of feelings, impulse, Living in Plato's cave, Checking the pulse Trough alcool and coffee To pay a fee For being here without (our) permission It's always given by others, So here's a petition For idiots and mumblers. Here's their story, That they don't think about; Filled with tremendous fury, Paper, stones and political clout: We started off as corrupted cells, By a virus known to all; William Shakespeare now tells he was the second in UK to rise and stand tall. Protests all over the place, Peru and Thailand demanded a new constitution, George Floyd, a matter of race, Pablo Hasél, a matter of revolution. Dictatorships arising, Never-changing systems, it ain't surprising: They need an enemy for excusing its faults, Such as Belarusian frauds. Biden priming a renewed offensive, In Venezuela and Iraq - Long live The Dogs of war! Watching the disproportional use of force from afar, While they drink their glasses of milk, With their hands, resilient as silk, Blaming their mothers for being born, Enforcing a near-total abortion ban: another thorn Of the Poland rose is a rose is a rose - We shall repeat what they chose... Nassima all-Sada and we all lose, Loose ends, in an endless swirl of madness Translating into an hungarian anti-gay MEP attending an orgy, Into a malicious portuguese version of Ace Ventura, claiming his oligarchy; These things, louder than words, louder than their own voice. Between good and evil, there's a choice, And it is eating itself, worse than an animal: A bloody carnival Of masks, illegal stones and paper, and fancy rags, Raising their ultimate stained red and orange flags, China's baseless mass incarceration, Where's the innovation? India's largest general strike, playing exit music for a film; Brexit... Portugal's conscientious objection against sex education and citizenship, The ship is sinking, it is sinking, the ship! "I'm not a robot!" - Amazon workers proclaim In their orange vest While Bezos plays Saramago's Caim. The lambs poverty is the wolf conquest. Well, that was the evil, now here's the good: The Thermopolium of Regio V emerged as it should; Argentina and South Korea legalized abortion; Spain and Portugal approved euthanasia, what a fortune! Chile rewrites Pinochet-era constitution, And beyond good and evil, NASA landed on Mars. Eventually, on a near future, we'll get rid of SARS! New Zealand has already found the solution. Quoting Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass: "Agonies are one of my changes of garments, I do not ask the wounded person how he feels, I myself become the wounded person."
And quoting Bertrand Russell "History should be taught as the history of the rise of civilization, and not as the history of this nation or that. It should be taught from the point of view of mankind as a whole and not with undue emphasis upon one's own country." - Iva Leão
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ajapablog · 4 years
Corona Chronicles II
Today was NOT a day of social isolation or distancing. I had to go to a meeting at work and it was nerve wracking! I was hoping that the meeting would get cancelled and I did consider emailing/calling and saying I was too scared to come in. But I went in anyway. I needed to get some books and xerox copies of archival documents from my office. I did not go to the gym to get my running shoes but I can live without those. The meeting turned out to be just like the meme going around saying that this virus has made everyone realize that every single in-person meeting could have been done over email or skype. Honestly, what a waste of time and unnecessary exposure to contagion. I think my body does not do well to stress and drinking copious amounts of coffee because now I’m nursing an upset stomach. I mean, what else could it be? I can’t blame it on anything else except... unless... wait....some public health experts do list diarrhoea as a “rare” symptom of Covid-19. Shits. Literally! Every physical discomfort creates a wave of anxiety: “Do I have a fever? Am I slightly warmer than usual? Is this what fatigue feels like? Does my throat feel funny?” The amount of bodily self reflection I engage in borders narcissism. So to deal with the stress of potentially being infected in a more healthy way, instead of searching up symptoms on Google, I decided to sleep—a great way to de-stress and give your immune system a chance to work. Healing in the Household Today, I also made a soup that I think is a cure to every single problem on the planet. Just a few things from every South Asian pantry thrown together, really. So basically what you do is:
1. heat a tablespoon of ghee in a pot 2. throw in two teaspoons of jwano/ajwain/caraway seeds/bishop’s weed/carom (whatever you want to call it) 3. throw a tablespoon of minced garlic and a tablespoon of minced ginger 4. add two tea spoons of turmeric (it kills everything that needs to die) 5. add two cups of chicken broth and salt to taste 6. let the concoction simmer for 10 minutes I know this works for a cold and it potentially works for stomach-related issues. So my philosophy in life is that turmeric basically saves lives. As I was slurping down this hot golden goodness of a soup, I imagined the yellow carcumin in the turmeric coating my mouth, my food pipe, and all the organs in my digestive system. I harboured the image of betadine coating a wound and it made me feel like I will survive this shit storm. In honour of this edible liquid gold— my answer to the dreadful coronavirus of 2019-2020— I give you Coldplay’s beautiful classic: Yellow
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKNxeF4KMsY (By the way, I now have a designated yellow tupperware to consume all my turmeric laced foods in—it’s totally worth it!)
In the News:
California Goes into Near-Lockdown Bay area counties: San Francisco, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Marin, Contra Costa and Alameda have ordered residents to “shelter in place” which basically means that unless they need to get food, seek medical attention or are in some dire situation cannot travel by public transit, car, bicycles, scooter, automobile and foot! I think it is coming to Chicago soon—a FEMA issued curfew is most definitely on it’s way. The interesting thing about lockdowns is that how it plays out is tied into the culture and the politics of a place. One of the reasons South Korea, Taiwan and China have done so well in containing the spread of this virus is because: a. they already had strong mechanisms of surveillance and monitoring b. they have a culture of compliance to state authorities. I heard Britons are being really blasé about following rules of social distancing and Britain is doing a bad job of telling its citizens to stay put. I don’t know how Americans will respond to similar measures. But curfews are on their way. See: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/03/16/coronavirus-bay-area-residents-ordered-shelter-place/5061938002/
The virus spreads fast in London This one is more of a continuation of the previous news of how some countries are failing miserably to respond to this. I heard Britons are still going to their damn horse races and their games and stuff like that. Apparently, there was this idea going around that if everyone just went about their lives, they’d develop herd immunity. I guess they realized soon enough that it wasn’t going to fly so they changed their approach. See: https://www.vox.com/world/2020/3/15/21180414/coronavirus-uk-herd-immunity-vallance-johnson
Idris Elba tested positive for the virus Tom Hanks and Sophie Treaudeau didn’t bother me as much as the news of the veritable god-like and utterly delicious 47 year old actor testing positive for the virus. He says he’s doing alright. This definitely flattens my morale but you know, by the end of this, 70% of humanity will have caught the virus so what can you do and celebrities are a part of humanity, right? What is slightly annoying is that they have access to tests when the rest of us don’t. See: https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/16/entertainment/idris-elba-coronavirus-trnd/index.html The US does miserably with testing: If there was a test available I would take it. I mean, I don’t have symptoms per se but my my stomach is upset, my throat feels slightly scratchy and I do feel tired and exhausted all the time. But the US is doing terribly in terms of rolling out the tests and there is really no way of monitoring the extent of this pandemic and enforcing effective quarantines and treatments unless there is testing. In South Korea, they have drive through testing :( So here’s to staying at home and hoping for test kits to be more widely available. See: https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/what-went-wrong-with-coronavirus-testing-in-the-us
Nepal surprisingly doing well against the virus When I talked to my dad this morning, he insisted that there are very few cases in Nepal because the government is doing a good job of monitoring and containment. He said that the government in the presence of a WHO official tested over a 100 people who were possibly exposed and all the tests were negative. In a kind of desperate anti-scientific logic, for a moment, I wondered if there is something in the genetic make-up of Nepalis that makes them immune to this dumb virus. I know, dumb logic and like my friend Surabhi says, I have no idea how viruses work. But let’s hope things stay this way in Nepal. The growing cases in Pakistan are alarming. See: https://www.wionews.com/south-asia/nepal-to-transform-3-hospitals-into-treatment-centres-for-coronavirus-patients-286787
Touching in the time of Corona I took an Uber to UIC and I travelled on public transport on my way back because my advisor and my co-TA said that it wasn’t so bad on the CTA. I don’t know if I should have listened to them. I was so wary of everyone on public transport and people were really not exercising caution: coughing and sneezing all around, touching their face, laughing. What a horror! I will NOT go out there again and I am rooting for a curfew. I think we really need to not touch other humans for a while. I was raised by parents very comfortable with physical contact —hugging and kissing all the time—and I have never been averse to human proximity. But I’m also a deeply suspicious person and sadly (I hate saying this but maybe fortunately for these terrible times), I am a Brahmin who was at the end of the day brought up with ideas of barriers to touch as a fundamental social organisational principle. So contrary to my own idealized conceptions of myself as someone having issues with all this distancing, and fears that I would crave touch, I found myself actively moving away from other humans walking on the streets. I found a corner in the CTA and put on a face that said: stay off. If I do have the virus, I think I did a good job of making sure no one got it from me. There is a lot going around in the internet about how all this distancing is going to make us more isolated and more averse to company and that our bodies will move differently in the world. I don’t think we have to fundamentally become non-touchers and get used to and enjoy not touching each other. But just for now, let’s not touch each other and our faces. When all this is over, I do want to touch other humans though, just saying, at the end of the day, everyone needs a human touch. Love
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twinflameshardcore · 7 years
The Sun had spoken again - 33 Pisces Virgo
Ladies and gentleman, it has begun! According to my channelings, there’s a rise of the proper, max love energy coming from the Galactic Central Sun, the Galactic Heart, through our Sun. I feel it as an increased flow of love, inspiration, easiness, and pleasure crawling down from my heart into my solar plexus.
I’m very connected with the twin, the heart communication is joined by the third eye’s activation, and the minds are also attuned. We also talk at times and we love each other much more openly than anytime before, online (LDR). Fears of showing and receiving feelings of love and care are gone. We gaze at each other on a cam just as in the beginning, with a difference that we don’t shy away after a few seconds Even the look of ourselves in an additional little Skype window doesn’t distract us. He had matured while I have less ego issues, expectations, survival impulses but more understanding that everything had been planned above to favor this relationship, to give us the best, to make us together to stay in this lifetime, just as every other true twins should get. I stick to patience and I detach from any incoming triggers of the evil energy which are less and less effective. They have no more power over my mind. Because it’s been always the brain, as the heart knows the truth and remains confident. We just gaze with love and passion - we know we’re both worth of gazing. I somehow know that September it’s his time to awaken more (he told me he didn’t have any channelings or other spiritual experiences so it looks it’s only me being hyperactive and learning about my angelic, galactic & Earthy past since 2014). For me, this is the time to enter then root into the new and better! I believe all what I have done so far will be rewarded with that what I need the most. I’m so excited as I didn’t suspect it’s coming that soon.
Now, why I’m writing here on this blog again. Watch the Sun! Some of us come from the Galactic Central Sun, I’m confident I do. Our Sun is the most important star to me as I cannot stand cold and darkness. So I talk to the Sun and I observe it. I take notes when I receive impulses to look at a clock and then I know the Sun (or some other unmonitored star here which I’m also connected too, like Betelgeuse or Eltanin) made a flare. I check results on a few websites which report solar flares and I compare. In most cases hours and minutes match together. I was hoping for X-flares when I noticed there was a sudden activation of the sunspots 2 days ago. And here we go, X2.2 followed then by X9.33 today on 09/06/17 (=16=7, I was born on 16th)!! This is big time. It is also accompanied by G3 solar storm which (somewhat badly) effects all living beings, the head, and the heart. It’s a level when the satellite communication can blackout. Or rather the black - out, the darkness out of here!
How strangely, it’s happening during the full Moon in Pisces too (I’m Pisces/Aries). The number 33 is very meaningful here as well. It’s assigned to alchemical symbols of water and fire, blue/indigo and red/orange (a triangle symbols turned up and down), dualities, the year Christ was reported to die, and also I was born as number 33 :)) Thus when I saw the Sun was active so much on Sept. 4th, flaring up all that plasma at :33 minutes during the day (see screenshots below), I knew I am being called out to receive, that my soul has been receiving messages which only it understands for the time being but it’ll send decoded messages into the body’s systems next. And I felt so much of love, release, freedom in the solar plexus and heart that I know this is what most of us had been waiting for. I felt my twin and myself coming into my higher heart chakra today morning. It was amazingly open, I felt his joy, his satisfaction, his love. I was no more drained by low vibrations, the fog in the brain, and it was such a difference! I heard a little voice in my head asking to repeat: ‘I AM the Sun. I radiate’ to feel like the Sun next. So I repeated and for a moment I felt like the major star in our Solar System - unmovable, static, the highest where all others planets are bound to, where the Sun is loved, respected, supports life, transmutes with the extreme heat, powerfully releases the excess of its content, and is somehow related to Seraphim angels as well.
What I’m trying to tell here, today marks the very preparation of so called the Event which is related to love, not politics yet. I’m sure of it because I have connections with the Galactic Central Sun and I somehow knew this would start with the X flare after many months of silence. The silence before the storm, the good one!
Twin flames will play a big role here as we’re going to keep the grid of love, the new, powerful one which is above the old grid of abusive, hacked energy. It’ll be trying to restore itself but we need to hold steady to keep it (via being connected with the twin and loving them unconditionally, this is enough) so the old can dissolve and so we can spread and replace it with better values.
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What’s more, areas effected by the areas on Earth which had absorbed the most of the big solar flare have been... the countries related to war and slavery to start from the area where Atlantis was said to be, Africa (Egypt!), then the entire Europe - Italy (Rome, Catholic religion!), and call countries affected by war, slavery and/or religion - Poland, France, Czech, Sweden, Germany, UK, Norway, Belgium and more, but also Brazil and Peru etc. All these places were affected by the evil energy which originates from Egypt and which was incorporated by the Roman Empire along with manipulative techniques of muting people’s heart connections and threatening the brains, killing good people (burning alive herbalists, shamans, wisemen, Cathars and healers called by them ‘witches’!) in the name of Christian religion and their big fake book full of distortions. I’m of the Dragons and I know the very truth but this is a topic for another post. In addition, I’ve discovered lately that I have strong connections with Andes and Inca (I was probably a shaman, an astronomer). When I had a look at the place on Google street view, poor Peru is all covered with crosses and churches, manipulation, enforcement, brainwashing! Damn the Crusaders-mercenaries hired by the Roman Church, you’ve stolen the spirit, the many beliefs and the gold too. We praised the Sun, the connection to the only source of Love and Creation! Today marks the beginning of the religions’ cleanup. We don’t need any religions. Bloody wars were brought by religions exclusively, by enforcing good, innocent people to take in what they didn’t want. What their hearts didn’t resonate with. What was feeding their brains with fear, dependance, enslavement, and confusion. The only love, forgiveness and wisdom are inside, in our own hearts. We don’t need leaders or god’s messengers.
Solar flares between September 4-6th, 2017:
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(I’ve marked all timestamps which I’m prompted to see on any clock during every day, in random order as I receive impulses from the Sun).
We haven’t seen any X-flares since I believe 2015. The strongest ever recorded was in 2003 (X23). I was missing them as they keep me high, excited. They feed my inner fire, in tune with Mars’ passion. X9.33 solar flare has happened exactly during the full Moon in Pisces, the last and the most wounded zodiac sign as we - Pisces have given away, dedicated everything including ourselves so the Love, Peace and Balance could return. We were tricked and disconnected from ourselves. The most dualistic sign (the other is Gemini, Twins) has the duality inborn for the reason to understand it and stand against separation. To unite itself within, and unite others by generating the energy of balance and love. But what we kept is the ability to receive messages and energies from realities higher than this of the 3D. Thus the last who are usually bullied, misjudged, misunderstood, who are shy and isolate themselves from the world are becoming the first creators of the New-er World Order, where Oneness within and with all that is is the only option. Today we’re affected by the Sun which heals what had been damaged. The Moon acts like a download today and will purify everything which was damaged in Pisces and all other zodiacs too because today people are fragile, sensitive and accessible to the higher powers. Today everybody can feel what Pisces feel and understand why we live in isolation, why we hate crowds, why we’re so defensive when it comes to the environment - sounds, light, energy. Why we don’t participate socially. Because we’re so affected by everything that we’re sick of it and it disturbs our inner balance.
I’m also excited because this full Moon is my twin’s natal aspect while the Sun is in Virgo, and it’s a very opposition to my aspect. Which means that we’re upside down with each other thesedays. Alchemically, we’re fire and water, 2 triangles of a hexagram. He’s a Neptune-water person, I’m Mars-fire person, these planets were the closest to the Milky Way when we were born. Milky Way is the scar surrounding our Universe, it was sealed that way along the Milky Way once the Light entered between now Scorpio and Sagittarius constellations, then started bouncing against crystals with heat and noise creating more colors, more frequencies, more matter, more stars, planets etc. Like a stroboscope driven by one beam. In fact I’ve seen a pattern of 3 stars merged together in my mind’s eye on 09/4 and it flashed like a stroboscope then disappeared :)
The next thing is that on 09/16 Mars will have a close randez vous with Mercury, both are very influential planets in my natal chart (I’ve Mars in Gemini, Mercury is Gemini’s planet). They will communicate something to each other, either demanding or negotiating. Maybe I’ll learn what my most advanced self prepared for me -the human- to proceed with next.
On 09/21st, there’s a new Moon in Virgo, again, Pisces-Virgo opposition. I feel I’m going to go through the same upgrade like I had in February March this year, when the full Moon was in Virgo and new moon in Pisces (which also was a solar eclipse in Feb.) thus inverted to where it’s now and yet it’s 6 months later = 33, balance.
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(From Stellarium program)
Then on 09/22 and 23th, during the autumn (and spring Down Under) equinox, a few major planets will align along with the Sun: Mercury, Mars, Venus on one side in Leo, but Jupiter and the Moon on the other, in Virgo. This sign will play an important role here. This tells me that the feminine energy (which agreed to do the hardest part in the TF relationship) will get a long awaited boost. Imagine an energy beam which as if initiated by Regulus, the major star in the Leo constellation. Leo and its natives got their vibrational ‘messages’ during the solar Eclipse. Next, the energy of Leo will spread it onto other planets and these, into people who are linked with these planets too - ex-Venusians, Mercurians, Marsians. The beam goes through all these planets, then though the Sun where it gets boosted again, then flashes into Jupiter (which is a radio-like planet) and the Moon, pointing towards Libra next.
Virgo represents stability, perfection, organization, being savyy, prioritizing an order of things and clarity, the family, often the love for children too but rather thanks to the traditional approach as as mother and/or wife, not a hippie. Negatively, they love criticizing (which is the ego stuff) and also a very strong self-criticism doesn’t let them shine either, despite of own talents, great memory, and always hard, routine work. Virgo works like an ant, is meticulous and has an eye for detail. Anything what Virgo does, its done perfectly, precisely, organized well too but then they won’t yell about it (unlike Sag, Gemini or Aries) so many people just won’t even know such a work had been done. Similarly, many people with the feminine energy (not just mothers, wives, lovers and employees but also many men who feel & understand like women) had been plotting silently, doing the hardest work for many years while getting no encouragement, motivation, applause or payment. They never liked the ‘comfort zone’ (or ‘comfort jail’) of the known and predictable but they were hoping that somebody could kick their ass and say - ‘Do something unusual, break the rules you’ve established. Go for a chance, the new, refreshing‘. Thus here come the full Moon in Pisces before the New Moon in Virgo,  followed by a reward, from all other planets aligned and the Jupiter bringing abundance, opportunities, love, money, dreams coming true. I believe we’ll be getting noticed for the perfect job which the feminine energy had done so far on any levels, spiritually and physically.
Libra will then judge and equalize in late September and in October to give everybody a chance, encouraging - ‘Turn to love and harmony, we need that. Ditch war, unite the duality’. Then when we pass Libra and enter Scorpio in late October to November, here the revenge-loving warrior will vibrationally ‘execute’ those who remained attached to war, fear, dualities, patriarchy, matriarchy, religions, manipulation or anything which is not related to own self, own heart and peace. I don’t know yet what Sagittarius will do with that energy, but considering there’s the middle of the Milky Way near by, it may help remove those individuals who resist love as the only force out of the Solar System and open the ‘door’ to those who have been waiting to enter this New Earth behind the veil. They are our most advanced original versions, galactic families of many races, positive aliens, higher selves, you name it. Sagittarius is a man/woman of many contacts, it’s a human-animal hybrid too. Many of us were non-human beings before and this essence had remained in us waiting to be embraced and re-animated when the time comes. Then in December many of us who are ready and open, may have the first serious contacts with such galactic families, aliens, because our consciousness will expand drastically and we’ll be able to hear, see, detect, call, host, travel etc. We’ll be able to see and read with the 3rd eye, to navigate in many dimensions whenever we want, not only when the timing is right or when ‘under influence’. December may be also the very first month when a huge amount of love from the Source, (the original love we were basking in up there before we came down on Earth), will be processed by those twin flame couples who are ready to be conductors for it. Those who will not get fried :) I’ve volunteered to process it a long time ago because it feels like a fiery orgasm, so I’m sure I’ll be a part of it. Thus most possibly, this task will be done by Seraphim (here, here!), supported by all other highest ranked energies - Cherubim, Ophanim, healed djinns, healed 'fallen angels’, etc., any fire beings as these are the most capable to engulf themselves in ‘flames’ and fire up the new energy grid so the vibration can be delivered to others and stay within, bounced between the ‘conductors’.
From September to December, it’s also the time to draw yourself, your primal  energies and attributes from elements. Draw the You from all 5 elements into your heart, solar plexus, root, your mind and the body. Draw your healed sexuality from water into your sacral chakra and the body (swimming, taking a shower etc), draw passion and courage from fire into your heart (ie. looking at flames), draw air (multi-dimensionality, versatility, wisdom) into your mind so the air could refresh it, draw earth (stability, peace, also money) into your root chakra so you don’t fear to receive from Gaia anymore as Gaia is mostly healed. Finally, draw from the aether - your divine, your I AM Oneness, all of your versions, your most advanced Self, your galactic essence as you’re one with everything that is around. Let the elements, your energies return to where they belong.
Twin flames who are ready, who learnt their lessons, got rid of the ego’s impulses, surrendered to love and understood why they cannot live without the other, it’s time to host our higher Oneness into our bodies and switch from the timeline of separation into the timeline of togetherness, permanently. We exist as One above in the other dimension and we stay in less or more realized contact with those separated, human versions of us below. Those above and those below are us (like reflected in a mirror- the horizon, anchored with hearts and heads). We above join our human bodies below once we ascend into 5D and 6D, a bit after bit. We fill our body and the twin’s with the self and the other. The galactic you returns to you. The galactic marriage as you are returns into you two. This makes us closer, and closer and finally One again here on the New Earth. It’s called the New Earth as it runs on the new grid of energy re-created by twin flames and light/earth/galactic warriors. Merging is a slow process and only the end of it goes fast. Most of this is handled by your soul. I don’t believe we can help it in any other way that just allowing the soul to run the show. Do not resist, do not sabotage your near future joy, because you want to exit the struggle incl. everything around, and once for all.
Now I need to rest. I got so exhausted being touched by so many solar flares and this channeling. Time will tell if I was right or wrong. Bye for now!
This post is copyrighted by the author of this blog who prefers to remain anonymous. My posts must not be used for commercial purposes of any kind. Respect my work - ask first before you copy, always include a link back to my site when you quote a part of my writing!
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merryfortune · 7 years
On Changing Tides
@seasaltmemories wrote a Serena meta and it gave me some ideas. So I wrote this last night at midnight instead of doing my assignment. I don’t know when i’ll post this on ao3 because I have a rule that I have to update PBL after every 4 new/updated fics.
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V
Ship: Serenadeshipping (Serena/Yuzu)
Alternate Universe - Pirates
Synopsis: Serena is a traitor to Admiral Akaba Leo’s Navy. But she’d rather be lawless than without morals so she’s joined the infamous Lancer Pirates to pursue adventure, justice, and romance.
Words: 2, 172
Warnings: Blood, swearing, light medical procedure, injury, possible gore, violence, that sort of thing
  Corruption festered beneath the names of nobility and justice. It was like a terrible rot beneath the facade of brilliant flower. With a blade at her command, Serena shall cut it all away or else dishonour shall be the death of her. She refuses to fight for it any longer. Not now, not when she’s seen the people she had hurt in the flesh and fury.
  Fleet Captain Yuri approached Serena. He scowled. His cutlass was drawn as was a cruel smile and deviant eyes.
  ‘Now, now, Serena. Surely you understand still that we are of the most gallant goals.’ he said.
  He reached out with his blade. The upward tip of his cutlass poked upon Serena’s breast lightly. He disgusted her and she had no problems letting him now. Her face soured. She lifted her chin and looked down upon him. Her free hand turned to a fist. She raised her own cutlass.
  ‘Duel me.’ she snarled.
  ‘Come now, surely we can settle this civilly.’
  ‘You haven’t a pleasant bone in your body. You and I both know you wouldn’t hesitate to cut my tongue out of my mouth it meant you didn’t have to listen to the truth!’ Serena spat.
  His eyes fluttered closed; he tutted: ‘After all these years…’ he lamented. ‘I still can’t fool you. And yet? You are Admiral Akaba’s favourite soldier.’
  ‘Tell him to stick it where the sun don’t shine!’ barked Serena. ‘Now, duel me!’
  He sighed and discarded his scarlet cape. He smiled sinisterly; his eyes gleamed with bloodlust.
  ‘Very well, if you insist.’
  Serena steeled her resolve. She remembered the stories of civilians and pirates had given her. True, consistent accounts of the atrocities the Navy had committed under the evil ambition of Akaba Leo. She would avenge them. It was her duty to restore order and enforce justice. She would no longer be part of a system that desecrates the very morals she had brought into her life; even if it meant becoming lawless for it was better to be lawless than without moral.
  Yuri surged forth first. His slashes were precise and deadly. But he had sparred Serena many times. She knew his pattern. He knew hers. She parried his blade and ducked beneath it; surprising him with an uppercut.
  He stumbled backwards. He thought he knew her patterns.
  Serena spun on her heel and this time landed a strike with her blade. She swept in for a kick and got him across his ribs. He held onto himself and sputtered. Spittle flecked his mouth. He glared at her.
  ‘You lowly, conniving, bitch!’ he cursed.
  He charged forth. He was lost in rage. He raised his blade high and it cut on sunlight. It glinted. With a harsh strike, he ravaged what was beneath which happened to be Serena’s shoulder. His cutlass slid through her surgically but left much destruction. Serena howled in pain as fabric and skin tore. Blood spurted. Yuri relished it.
  ‘That’s what you get for using dirty tactics.’ he snarled. He looked down on Serena as she collapsed.
  She numbly clamped her hand over her injury. Blood stained her hands.
  ‘You bastard! I won’t forgive you!’ Serena yelled.
  ‘Please, you won’t get the time in Hell, traitor.’ Yuri replied; his voice was low.
  He propped up Serena’s chin with his bloodied cutlass. He smiled. He savoured the terror that shaped Serena’s faces; the way her lips quivered and her arms shook. The way her eyes widened before him like he was some destructive force of nature.
  ‘I believe you may want to reconsider that.’
  A new, cold voice descended on the pair of them. Yuri straightened up; he felt his back brush against the mouth of a gun.
  ‘Akaba Reiji… I’d know that voice anywhere. The prodigal son returns.’ Yuri drawled playfully. He sighed, shrugged.
  ‘You leave my crewman alone or else you’ll be the one in Hell.’ Reiji warned. He took his revolver off safety.
  Yuri sneered. ‘When one falls, one falls far.’
  ‘I am proud to call myself the latest recruit!’ Serena yelled.
  She pulled herself to her feet even though she was in shambles. Her grip on her cutlass was loose but it would not take much feat to slash open Yuri’s smug little face. She threw back her sword-arm and lashed forth. Her blade ate into the side of Yuri’s face. He screamed and screamed. Reiji pulled back; readjusted his glasses then called out to the remainder of the crew.
  Yuzu came back first. She plodded along in rags and smiles.
  ‘What on Earth…?’ she howled.
  ‘You can take care of Serena, as our resident medic. I need to attend to the others. Are they well?’ Reiji asked.
  ‘Y-Yeah, you can count on me, Reiji. They’re alive. Don’t you worry.’
  ‘Good. We can’t risk losing numbers. Not when our mission is becoming so critical.’ Reiji continued and he strode off. He readjusted the safety of his revolver and strapped it to his thigh.
  Yuzu crept forward. Serena scrambled to her weak legs once more. She was puffed up and proud like the cat that got the cream.
  ‘Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes, sweetness?’ flirted Serena.
  She had to be delirious.
  Yuzu swallowed at the sight of blood. Not just Serena’s, she suspected as she saw the other body – Fleet Captain Yuri’s – twitch as he tried to keep his face whole rather than like the pages of a flayed book.
  Yuzu swung her brown bag around from off her back. She riffled through it and Serena trudged towards her.
  ‘You don’t have to be strong for me, Serena. I’m the doctor.’ Yuzu tittered.
  ‘I just want to get away from that motherfucker before he decides we can keep going pound for pound of flesh.’ Serena laughed through her agony.
  She powered onwards. Yuzu scampered behind her. Together, the women collapsed outside the Captain’s Quarters of this naval ship. They would be safe here. The remainders of the crew had subjugated the rest of the team Fleet Captain Yuri had brought on his personal ship, Starve Venom. Further down the deck, they heard Yugo teasing the marine grunts they had captured. That had to be a good sign; or a beg for disaster. They could hear Reiji counting heads and making orders; no doubt telling Yuto and Shun to ransack the Marine’s supplies.
  ‘C’mon, Serena, let me have a look.’ Yuzu cooed.
  Serena hesitantly let go of her wound. It was deep and Yuzu sighed.
  ‘You just had to piss him off, didn’t you?’
  ‘Fuck yeah I did!’ Serena boasted. She reverted back to her usual self before being consumed by the pain. She groaned as she brought her arms back to her side stiffly; her eyes wide and teeth gritted.
  ‘Don’t move your arms!’ Yuzu scolded.
  It took five or so minutes but soon, Serena was back in working order or somewhere close. She was hopped up on pain killers, a little bit of opium, and a fair few windings of bandages. She’d be good to fight soon again, or at least until Yuzu can get Serena onto her medical table where she can get proper attention.
  Serena’s eyes were dreamy which was definitely the result of pain killers. ‘Thanks, sweetness.’ She smiled smugly. ‘C’mon, lemme give you a little bit of sugar.’
  ‘I also accept dessert.’ Yuzu teased.
  She flushed a little bit when Serena pecked her cheek.
  ‘I’d literally kill ten thousand people for you.’ Serena said in a serious, gravelly voice. Serena clasped onto Yuzu’s hands for maximum effect. Their gaze held for an unusually long time.
  ‘I am well aware.’ Yuzu replied.
  ‘I literally love you. I’m glad we met. I’m glad I’m one of the Lancer Pirates.’ Serena continued.
  ‘You are literally high right now.’
  ‘Fuck yeah I am. Being around you puts me on cloud nine.’ Serena flirted.
  ‘We’ll see.’ Yuzu replied cynically.
  From further down the deck, people started to yell at them. Things were getting too cushy between them; they were risking Yuri’s revival at this point and a resurrected Yuri would be demon spawn to deal with so it was time for the Lancer Pirates to make their great and theatrical escapes. Like they always did. They had become known for it at this point.
   Yuzu shouted back at her comrades who jeered at her in good nature back. She got up. She flattened her skirt and Serena copied; brushing her hands over her brown-red, once white, trousers. Serena hooked her good arm over Yuzu.
  ‘Carry me.’ Serena whined.
  ‘I will, I will. I’d never expect my most critically injured patient to walk herself to our ship.’ Yuzu replied soothingly.
  Together they plodded off. They regrouped and everyone was there. Serena smiled and laughed. It was bizarre to see her like that; the smell of pain killers on her solved that mystery. Yuya hefted up Serena from the other side and Mieru fluffed around them, making sure that Serena’s chakras or whatnot were aligned for optimal recovery. She also couldn’t let them risk straining Serena’s legs or sides as they carried her so poorly.
  Once more, the Lancer Pirates – a odd motley crew of misfits and never-do-wells – set off on their next voyage; to their next battle be it between themselves over who got seconds or between a shopkeeper and got away with pickpocketing or between themselves and their true enemies. It was a mystery. It was an adventure.
  The strong, salty breeze of the distant oceans picked up. Their sails puffed outwards and proudly bore their emblem; the horseback skeleton knight armed with a lance. It felt good to be back.
  It had been two weeks since the skirmish on Starve Venom. On their ship, two weeks may as well have been a different life in between the violence and domesticity. Serena had been summoned to Yuzu’s office two hours ago. She swung her legs idly; wondered when she would be permitted to leave. It seemed soon though. Yuzu smiled as she put away her things.
  ‘So, what’s the verdict, sweetness?’ Serena asked.
  ‘Here, you deserve it. Don’t tell Sora I stole it though.’ Yuzu said. ‘All good patients get a lollipop from their doctors after a check-up. At least from the city I’m from anyway. They might do it differently in Academia.’
  ‘They most certainly do.’ Serena replied with a shiver.
  She accepted the lollipop. She tore off the plastic and lobbed it at the nearby bin. She popped it in her mouth and was accosted by the intense raspberry tang that burst on her tongue. She cringed. How did Sora eat these?
  Yuzu, noting Serena’s expression, shrugged. She guessed what Serena was thinking.
  ‘We never said he was a good confectioner.’ Yuzu joked. ‘Well… You’re all good to go. For now, if you get into another fight with that prick Yuri, you might end up with a permanently fucked up shoulder. Assuming you live to tell the tale; which I trust you would. But still, be careful. He’s out for blood now, no doubt. You’ve probably left him with a very nasty scar and for a vain man like that, well, that’s a crime punishable by a thousand deaths.’
  Yuzu rambled. Serena smiled. She liked to listen to Yuzu’s voice.
  ‘Do you remember?’ Serena asked, abruptly interrupting Serena who had moved onto lecturing her on the importance of keeping flexible.
  ‘Remember what?’ Yuzu asked; happily skipping to Serena’s jump of conversation.
  ‘What I told you after you dosed me with opium?’
  ‘That you loved me?’ Yuzu replied, simply. ‘It’s fine. Everyone gets high differently. You become a sap, it’s fine. It’s the same for Shun.’
  ‘I’m glad you remember though.’ Serena said. She stopped swinging her legs and her eyes brightened; became mischievous. She hopped down from Yuzu’s cold, tall bed that she used for general check-ups.
  Serena prowled around Yuzu before pouncing on her with a hug. ‘I’m very glad. Because I meant it, sweetness. I really am glad to have met you. To have fallen in love with you.’
  ‘Oh.’ Yuzu gasped.  
  Serena pecked Yuzu’s lips. She held onto Yuzu’s shoulder and made a point to remember this moment: what was around them, how it felt, and what it meant. She remembered the Yuzu’s lips were reminiscent of her the fruity, rosy balms she used. She remembered the chill of the office and where the placement of Yuzu’s things were; not just what Reiji had given her so his medical suite could be functional.
  ‘Now, it’s poker night with the boys.’ Serena continued. ‘It’s time to have a little fun.’
  Yuzu placed her hand over Serena’s. ‘Have fun.’
  Serena took a breath. This was her life now. And she couldn’t be happier. She was surrounded by love and by friends. She had good food and good laughs. She could want for nothing on this stingy ship. And best of all?
  Every day was a new adventure and she couldn’t lap it up enough.
  ‘Fuck yeah, I will.’
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collymore · 7 years
I need a new start, not have my failed love life recycled for me! (Poem)
By Stanley Collymore
 You audaciously approached me and confidently introduced yourself
to me, after which you sportingly and interestingly spoke to me, a
conversation in which quite engagingly you told me, while in
the process dexterously persuading me with all the prowess
that you could muster to listen to every word of what you
were appealingly saying to me, and noticeably doing so
with all the composure, indisputable conviction, and
the unfettered sophistication of an unquestionably cultured and
humorous gentleman who strikingly in elucidation but even
so delightfully, calmly and most decisively, knew with a
perceptibly undiminished intelligibility and unbridled
certainty what he was distinctly after. Then ensued
to totally and uninhibitedly readily convince me
that from the very start – in effect the precise
moment that you first saw me, how you’d
become beguilingly besotted with me.
 And consequently if how you felt about me was the undoubted
stirrings of love for me, then quite unreservedly, as well as
unapologetically, your unmitigated plea relative to how
exactly you both emotionally and romantically cared
for me was, you additionally frankly stated, most
emphatically simply a combined situation, in
logical terms, of your being positively but
also shamelessly guilty of having deeply
and fervently fallen in love with me.
However, secretly on the rebound from a
rather nasty, malevolently controlling,
one-sidedly giving – you’ve guessed
it absolutely correctly that it was
exclusively me doing all the
giving in that marital relationship – an
especially psychologically unrewarding, most
damaging emotionally and an unfalteringly
subjected to serially adulterous, and a
pernicious nightmare of a marriage
that I eventually summoned up
what little courage I had left
to finally free myself from
a domineering brute of
a husband via taking
the pragmatic step
which previously
I ought to have
engaged on,
and simply
this man.
 And on having achieved that, my undoubted lack of
self-confidence fastened to my perceived, deeply
embedded and an intrinsically, socially fearful
embarrassment of my being a failure as a
wife that I firmly construed as being all
my fault, and which previously and
collectively had cowardly precluded me from
lawfully embarking on what quite naturally
and understandably should unequivocally
have been an entirely understandable,
feasible and a reasonable course of
action level-headedly filing for a
divorce from this monster of a
man that I’d voluntarily and
fondly married, somewhat
regrettably for me I can
only say hadn’t earlier
and quite regrettably
didn’t occur to me.
 However, with that now done and notwithstanding
the evident and unaccustomed to situation of me
being a woman who was now completely as it
happened on my own, and to whom all this
was pragmatically something of a rather
worrying innovation for me, I was all
the same quite persevering, as I did
everything physically achievable
in my power to reassure myself
of this, that I was at last free
and consequently entirely at liberty to do what I
convincingly and honestly regarded was best
both for me and my future. And although I
was likewise completely aware of what a
testing undertaking it would obviously
be to lastingly bury the past, totally
forget what I’d petrifyingly and
improperly allowed myself to
occur to me, while insanely
and lastingly discarding
my irrefutably aimless
but specified role, in
name only I readily
confess, as a wife
although luckily,
and thank God
not as a Mum,
and accordingly having mercifully
escaped from those absolutely
depressing aforementioned
circumstances reasonably
sensibly and with luck
confidently move on
surely with my life.
 This is my earnest ambition and, in effect, what I’d
genuinely like for things in their fullest fruition
but most specifically in respect of myself to
be, although realistically the subsequent
outcome, I’m fully aware, could very
well be a wholly different scenario,
in lots of complicated and even
somewhat perplexing ways,
from what optimistically in my steadfast hopes
and honest aspirations I would certainly and
undoubtedly quite prefer for the eventual
end result to be. Yet here you evidently
are, and basically something which I
mustn’t opportunely overlook nor
casually forget, a total stranger
to me and declaring the kind
of absorbing things that my
motivated heart truthfully
wants to hear but on the
contrary my distinctly
wary head, however,
is a lot cagier about?
And in this unclear
process robustly
throwing, I can
genuinely say,
my emotional
balance into
a condition
 So how then am I supposed to honestly know much less
so clear-headedly, correctly and indisputably deduce
with any absolute certainty that’s obviously and
understandably triggered and then spurred on
by the provocateurs of my preceding and
unhappy circumstances, that what you
purposefully claim you’re sincerely
saying to me isn’t fundamentally
nothing more than the selfishly
manufactured fantasy of a very vivid imagination that
is itself linked with the egotistical and deliberately
unequivocal self-aggrandizing machinations of
an entirely conniving as well as a thoroughly
seasoned Lothario, whose deftly executed
but nevertheless unsupported flattering
declarations of undying love for me
consciously have no affinity at all
with the latter or for that matter,
credibly makes any concession
for the affirmation of reality.
 A state of affairs, which if not examined by me and earnestly
challenged if necessary could in all probability, and at the
least, be ruthlessly, falsely, intentionally malevolently,
totally self-servingly and, in all of this, rather injuriously
to me, be unscrupulously employed to cast me back to
the entirely untenable situation that with substantial
difficulty, but even so, I did in the end succeed in
fleeing from. An appalling situation that had previously and
inescapably for me, while I was helplessly ensnared by it,
emphatically rendered me a nobody, who was likewise
perceived as somebody who was only worthy of the
greatest disdain; therefore, the uncivil appellation
which then in reality and now in most wounding
remembrance I still inescapably bear the scars
of, and don’t mind admitting that I do resent.
 So what’s it to be my unfamiliar but all the same relentless
suitor? And before you sally forth with any of your glib
answers I’d like for you this time to think carefully
about what you might wish to say to me as you
likewise bear in mind this genuine request of
mine. For I’d personally like for you to supply me with an
honest and original answer whatever that might be. For
only then can I truly satisfy myself by what you’ve
said or crucially omitted in your explanation to
me whether, as you’d like for me to believe,
this supposed adoration by you for me is
genuinely the dawning of a bright and
rather meaningful future for the two
of us together. Or conceivably the
quite gripping but meretricious
beginning of an illusionary romantic mirage
that could well prove to be immeasurably
detrimental to the emotional welfare of
a still unsure of herself and therefore
a highly vulnerable woman like me!
 © Stanley V. Collymore
1 November 2017.
  Author’s Comments:
Inevitably, at some time or other, most people regardless of who they are, what their racial or ethnic origins might be, irrespective of their religious, agnostic or atheistic views, what they do or don’t do for a living, their personally identifiable class, social or educational background; their ingrained political loyalties or none, the power and or influence that they wield or more like than not the manipulated sycophancy that they readily subvert themselves to, how grotesquely and graspingly rich or generally pathetically and miserably poor they happen to be; how immaturely young or seasoned old they are, what their birth or subsequently acquired nationality is, the robust state or otherwise of their health and daily life, or where in the world they either choose or are forced to live, whether they’re incarcerated in prison or at liberty to live and lead their own life as they see fit, will unhappily and even emotionally destructive for them find themselves romantically spurned by at least one and possibly even several prospective lovers and thus be very much on the dismissive end of a love that they’ve both willingly and freely offered to another person but which in return is roundly rejected as it is likewise unreciprocated.
 Well, there’s a general saying that there’s no accounting for personal taste and amidst the vicissitudes of everyday life when it actually comes to factoring into the love stakes this truism couldn’t be any more applicable than it already is. And not unsurprising in this love equation is how each affected individual specifically reacts to his or her romantic rejection that in turn depends on a number of tangible as well as imperceptible factors.
 For instance, there are those who’ll use the fallout from their rejection, painful as it might be, to judiciously and sensibly re-examine their personal approach to all future romantic affairs that directly involve themselves and then use the information they’ve collated and the analysis they’re arrived at as a fitting platform to more solidly construct for themselves what exactly it is that they actually want from life in terms of romance, and having ascertained that accordingly get on with it.
 Others though tend to dwell inordinately on their rejection and as a consequence of that become bitter and twisted persons for the rest of their life. However, there are those who on reflexion see their rejection as a providential escape for them and gratefully thank their lucky stars for the enforced situation that at the time they were placed in. But unfortunately there will be those who finding themselves utterly despondent at what has happened to them will seek release from their perceived shame and embarrassment by killing themselves.
 Then there’s another category of persons who obsessively imbued with a manifestly pronounced and delusional sense of their own egotistical importance and the perverse notion of how dare anyone do something like this to me, will malevolently set out for the remainder of their pathetic life to exact revenge. And prompts the obvious question, for me anyway, which of these categories, or none of them, do you consider yourself as belonging to? Or perhaps you’re one of those android-type creatures totally and uncaringly devoid of all emotional feelings. And the characteristically sentient and sane among us Homo sapiens will intuitively know the sorts of individuals I’m specifically referring to.
 For we routinely observe them on a daily basis unwarrantedly, incompetently, corruptly and criminally occupying our supposedly democratic, but we know otherwise, parliaments, other institutionalized fora of power and influence and effectively postulating themselves not only as parliamentarians but even more seriously and worryingly so as prime ministers, cabinet ministers and even presidents of our respective countries.
 Disproportionately so, it must be cogently stated, to their actual numbers in the much wider population that significantly comprises us Homo sapiens and that these alien oiks have both manipulatively and controlling foisted themselves upon, while ludicrously and risibly, if it wasn’t such a bloody serious matter, ascribing to themselves the bogus epithet of the “privileged elites”. Among whom I often wonder? And so far I’ve been unable to discern either a clear-cut or convincing answer to this idiotic conundrum of theirs!
0 notes
straye · 1 year
❛  touch  yourself  for  me .  ❜
𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑬𝑵𝑶𝑹𝑴𝑰𝑻𝒀 𝑶𝑭 𝑴𝒀 𝑫𝑬𝑺𝑰𝑹𝑬 . ( 18+ ) : accepting !
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Kogami always knows what to expect when Thana shoots him with a ‘come over’ text, and once he’s divested himself of his jacket at their door, they direct him to their couch where they shove him down, straddle him, and initiate a make out session.
He’s all for it, making contented sounds, resting his hands at their waist. “You’re such an animal.”
Not that he’s any better, his pants having gotten far too uncomfortably tight for him in under five minutes of being there.
His blood rushes exactly where they both want it to as Thana touches him in a way that spells out trouble; pushing him around, hands on his chest. He growls against their mouth, and glides his hands along their sides. He situates his fingers at their pants zipper, but protests against their lips when they draw away.
“Is something wr—“ —ong, he immediately thinks, but,
❛ touch yourself for me . ❜ @vtriol demands.
Those words linger in the air, and in his lustful daze, he stares at them with blushing bewilderment.
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He pouts once he’s fully processed it.
“I want to touch you.”
But they remain firm with their demand, smacking his hands away when he tries to undress them himself.
He gets the message; and with a lopsided (begrudging) grin, he slips his pants off of himself, sighing with relief as the cool air hits his hot, bare skin. As usual, he’s got no boxers or briefs.
His flushed, hard cock curves in slight, a bead of precum settled at the tip.
He wants to give it to them; the thought alone makes his cock twitch.
But it’s not what they want right now, and he’s a good boy, so he’ll take orders and behave.
“You’re so mean,��� he sighs out, wrapping his fingers around himself to start off with languid, but tight strokes. He spreads his legs apart further and rest his head back against one of their cushions. His breath stutters as he’s careful to maintain this pace, intent on giving them a show. This is absolutely not fair.
Their word goes with him.
It keeps him going: imagining them mounted and bouncing on him, squeezing his cock inside them, biting his neck bloody, getting religious. His hands don’t quite compare, his imagination can only go so far; and they know it.
They really like seeing this debauched side of him that they alone remain responsible for.
And under their evil, blood red eyes, he unravels himself, rocking his hips with his strokes, his slack jawed breath quickening, doing little to stifle the way he needily moans their name.
“God, fuck me—”
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straye · 1 year
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"This was just a test run, okay? Here. Have some water. I'll try again."
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straye · 2 years
"bad news, shinya-kun, sibyl said no more kissing on the job."
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“That’s a load of crap if I’ve ever heard it. C’mere.”
Kogami has never cared much for what Sibyl has thought, and if it thinks it’s going to flag him for PDA, it’ll have to account for all the other couples snogging around the building, won’t it? He scoffs, leaning down to catch Thana’s lips against his, but he pauses when he’s only a hair away.
“Or is this your funny way of telling me to cool it on kissing in the office? Because you know how I feel about using our big people words...”
Cue, his sulking.
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straye · 2 years
adjusts his collar and kisses his cheek. "you look like a complete slob."
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They pull him close, and he doesn’t resist, pliable to their touch. Kogami knows them well enough to understand that their words don’t mean as much venom as they sound, and he smiles that little lopsided, dastardly one he knows so well to make.
“Says the one who can’t keep their hands off me. Here I thought you liked the bad boy look I was going for,” he murmurs, placing his own hands on their waist, leaning into their lips that graze his cheek. He turns his head, catching their kiss, remaining just briefly then lets them go. It's ‘I’ll be back’, a ‘Yes, honey’, held in a fleeting affection. "I'll try to get some sweets on the road to bring back, so don't miss me too much."
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straye · 2 years
swipes some whipped cream off of their dessert and boops his nose. should they start running? probably.
He likes these little moments where he and Thana can peacefully coexist in each other’s presence, tending to their own little activities. It’s not in the motion, but their moments where they’re most themselves that he can express his love best with them. Of course, he’s grown to become wary when things get a little too quiet, so before he can open his mouth to ask what trouble they’ve got brewing on their end, he feels cold cream mush against the tip of his nose. 
Naturally, he scrunches his nose, and makes a face, going cross eyed as he then (with futile results for maximum effort) tries to lick the whip cream right off. “Oh, haha. Very funny.” 
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He drops his bookmark on his page (first warning), book in his lap (warning two), and reaches for Thana’s cake (the very last one). He takes a two-fingerful of cake, and mushes it right against their own nose, getting whipped cream and cake alike on them.
He bolts right off the couch and to the hall.
Nobody will guess why he’s got cake on his face, but they’ll certainly do a double take seeing a likely murderous Thana hot on his trail… 
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straye · 2 years
"trust me, you do not wanna carpool with me." psycho-pass >:)
GTA V SENTENTENCE PROMPTS (18+). — accepting!
“Or what, you’re going to send this whole thing crashing?”
Kogami never lets anyone’s prickliness get to him, and he learns to completely wave it off when it’s Thana’s greeting to him on their first mission together that doesn’t call for the paddywagon.
While Inspector Ginoza might have taken Thana up on that threat and switched cars entirely, Kogami and Inspector Tsunemori were far less inclined, the latter of whom took a gentle approach to tell Thana that this won’t be so bad after all, but the former lights a cigarette as he settles into the driver’s seat, tapping at the navigation system to get them en route.
And you know what, just for that?
“Buckle up,” Kogami says as his first and final warning; though in possession of three different drivers licenses, he pulls out of the parking space like a bat out of hell, lays his foot heavy on the gas as they zoom out of the garage lot.
They pass Ginoza’s car, to which he receives a message in his mail shortly after doing so, but in the rearview mirror, he can see Kagari’s waving hand shrink from the backseat as Kogami gains speed and distance.
Every merge sends the bodies in the car sliding against the (thankfully locked) doors, and every red light has them launching forward.
“Kogami-san!” Inspector Tsunemori chastises him herself, but Kogami looks to the rearview mirror at Thana, who promised them hell on this ride.
I’m not stuck in this car with you. You’re stuck in this car with me.
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straye · 2 years
“let’s go for a walk along the beach.” (akane)
summer/vacation starters! — accepting !
“Let’s.” Kogami nodded and motioned for Akane to take the lead.
He never got to walk along the coast like he used to with his limited freedom, so he gulped up any opportunity he could, with the memories of his youth spent taking trips to the coast dredged in his mind. His chances to go regularly slimmed with age; he takes Akane’s invitation for him to do so now as a sort of astute kindness on her part; she’s probably read his file to know his hometown and make that judgment. He kept a smile to himself and gazed out to the low tide; signs and flags at the entrance noted calm conditions.
“Have you thought about figuring out how to swim yet?” He asked suddenly, and he bit his cheek to suppress a chuckle when Akane snapped around to pout about it. He didn’t forget Professor Saiga’s observations, and their proximity to water reminded him of them. “There’s no shame in not knowing how to; you’ve probably never had any reason to.”
That pout turned to a glare, and Kogami mustered courage (or audacity) to meet her gaze.
“I’m not making fun of you, I’m just offering a proposal to teach you. The waters are calm today, and it’s a good time as any to learn how to swim in them. Come on, Inspector.”
Kogami unbuttoned his tropical patterned shirt and laid it down on the dry sand some feet away from where the tide met land and wade in the water. He turned back when he sank waist deep into the water. “Come on, it’s not cold! I won’t let you drown.”
@sorrowmarked :: akane tsunemori
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straye · 2 years
❝  are you falling asleep?  ❞ (akane)
“No.” Kogami’s gravelly tone and sharp inhale told on him. He and Akane decided on a movie night in his room (or, rather, she picked a movie and told him she wanted to watch it with him, and he, tired, though never in a position to refuse her company, obliged and never made that fatigue known until it’d forced itself out of hiding with his falling asleep beside her).
He was a big cuddler in his sleep, so when they settled into his couch and pressed play, about thirty minutes in, he leaned towards her and wrapped his arms around her shoulder to draw her close. He wondered if he ended up snoring? Embarrassing, even if he didn’t.
“... Sorry,” Kogami sighed, and sat up, rubbing his eyes. Long last few days, he thought, though she alone could attest to that; maybe that’s why she proposed a movie night to begin with. “I do want to watch this movie with you.” I do want to spend time with you. “So, uh. Don’t worry about this; it’s rude of me, and I beg for your forgiveness… How about this? I’ll get up and make coffee for the both of us. Catch me up to speed on what’s happened so far?”
@sorrowmarked – akane !
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straye · 1 year
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"Animals love me." A dog is currently biting his hand, and he's pretending to be unbothered...
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straye · 2 years
please don’t kill me, okay? ( she may or may not have gotten his box of cigarettes drenched after accidentally dropping them in water…… ) 😔
GTA V SENTENTENCE PROMPTS (18+). — accepting!
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“Why would I want to kill you? Are you in trouble?”
The idea of killing Peach (let alone being angry with her) has never crossed Kogami’s mind, so when Peach scurries in with that all too guilty face, Kogami can only wonder what he has done or what someone else has dragged her into; the second seems more likely, since what he pulled off on the field the other day would’ve had no bearing on anyone here, if not for the fact he got shot square in the spine, but he wouldn’t put it past the universe to punish Peach for whatever he’s got going on in general. He’s too indisposed to rise from his place in the hospital bed, and still, he tries, gripping the bed rail to hoist himself up, but he grimaces when the pain explodes through him, slumping back over the very rail he tried to climb.
Peach thrusts the soggy pack of cigarettes between them.
He doesn’t believe what he’s seeing, so he laughs.
Then, it registers that those were his (since nobody really ever smokes this brand in the office anymore), and his laughter sinks into a thick silence.
He wonders first how the hell she managed to do that, and he thinks second that …
“We’ll be fine,” he sighs, nodding as if reassuring himself. Louder, to reassure Peach, he repeats, “We’ll be fine.”
“I wouldn’t want to kill you for something like that. Sure, I’m a pack short now… but I thought you’d have sold my kidneys or something. Don’t scare me like that again.”
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