#i nearly got the chance to see two more but florida is sloppy and wet
deep-space-netwerk · 9 months
I assume you're in Cali, but if you're willing to vacation to the East Coast you should attend a launch at Wallops if you can survive the mosquitoes
You are so right, I absolutely should! I've seen launches out of Vandenberg and Cape Canaveral, but Vandenberg is basically just Falcon 9s these days, and for most Cape launches you're so far away there isn't enough PCHHOOOO. Wallops launches weird stuff.
I went to school on the east coast and try to visit every year or so, so this could actually be feasible! Some good friends of mine recently moved to Maryland....maybe it's time to finally pay them a visit 🤔
Bonus pics of the Cape Canaveral Falcon Heavy launch I got the chance to see up close! We got to see the boosters land and everything!
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