#i need fixer and scorch where the KRIFF ARE THEY
arcsimper5 · 8 months
Yaim'ol - Chapter 1
yaim'ol - [yai-MOHL] - return, homecoming
Pairing: Sev x F!Jedi OC, Scorch x F!Jedi OC Characters: Delta Squad (Republic Commando), F!Jedi OC Cin Rating: M - Explicit content in later chapters Warnings: Gore, Canon-typical violence, angst, smut (later chapters), descriptions of injury, force osik.
Following on from the end of Republic Commando, Sev and Cin must make their way through the galaxy, overcoming trials and tests in a bid to keep themselves alive long enough to reunite with their squad.
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Chapter 1 - Evac
Cin grinned at Boss as the flash of the explosion faded from the outside of the ship, the Separatist cruiser floating silently in pieces in their view. 
Another mission down, and the relief was palpable. Even beneath this helmet, she could almost sense the smirk on Boss’s face as the orders from Command came through their comms.
“Delta Squad, regroup at 38’s position for exfil.”
“Finally,” Scorch chuckled, Boss looking to Cin as she let out a snort of laughter, practically able to image Fixer’s eyeroll at his brother’s exclamation.
Moving towards the door hatch, Boss gestured for Cin to go ahead, the metal parting to allow them back into the main hull when another crackle of comms came through, the words making Cin’s blood run cold.
“Boss, I’ve got a problem here.”
The clatter of plasteel armour drew their attention into the hallway as Scorch and Fixer arrived from their positions, the tension in their bodies apparent. Boss’s demeanour shifted immediately, shoulders tensing.
“Sev, where are you?”
The static on the line got worse, pain lacing Sev’s tone, Cin’s hands beginning to tremble.
“Sector… multiple hostiles… Sir!”
“Sev!” Cin gasped, reaching out in the Force. He was panicked, she could feel that much. And Sev never panicked.
“Boss, we have to go,” she urged, Fixer stepping forward with urgency.
“Lost his signal, Boss.”
There was barely a beat before the Commando’s growl sounded.
“Well find it again, dammit!”
Hearing Boss curse sent another shiver down Cin’s spine, her entire body alight with the need for action. She needed to run, to get to Sev. Who knew what he was facing, alone?
After his first capture by the Trandoshans on the Prosecutor, she’d vowed to never let him suffer like that again. And yet…
“Squad, regroup,” Boss barked, moving past Scorch to look down the corridor, towards where they’d dropped Sev off in his gunner position. He would have done anything in the moment, anything, to see a flash of red and white, to hear the growl of his brother’s voice. “We’re going after Sev.”
There was an audible sigh of relief from Scorch, his body language betraying the urgency he felt.
But only a few steps into retracing their steps, Boss and Fixer stopped dead, COmmand ringing in their ears once more.
“Negative, negative 38! New orders came through from the Jedi Generals. Clear the area. Evac, now!”
Boss growled loudly, looking to Cin in confusion.
“What orders?” she demanded, gritting her teeth. Every moment they waited for answers was another moment Sev was along, and she hated it. “I’m a General, I’ve given no orders.”
With a nod, Boss voiced his agreement.
“I don’t care if they came from Master Yoda himself…”
“As a matter of fact, they did, soldier” Command snapped back, shutting down any argument. “Now get your squad out of there.”
The comm line went dead, leaving a deafening silence in it’s wake.
Scorch scoffed, shaking his head as he looked to Boss, then to Cin, visibly trembling.
“Kriff our orders!” he shouted angrily. “40?”
Fixer was stiff, looking up the corridor, then to Boss, pointedly ignoring Scorch.
“He’s right, Boss,” he managed after a moment, voice tight, “we gotta evac.”
Scorch took a step backwards in disbelief, towards Cin, looking for support from her.
“Boss,” he practically pleaded, voice thick even through his modulator, “we have to go back…”
“Deltas! Evac now!” Command came through again, having listened to the chatter, “That is an order.”
Boss was truly caught, his heart and his head warring inside him.
Cin’s gentle words and the feel of a hand creeping between his pauldron and shoulder bell caught his attention, soft green eyes shining as she looked him over.
“We can’t disobey orders,” he croaked, understanding already.
“I know,” she nodded in return, fingers grazing the blacks underneath his armour, just barely. Enough for him to feel her warmth, and her his. “Go. I’ll find him. I’ll bring him back.”
Scorch inhaled sharply, tearing his helmet off as he moved to Cin, tears tracking down his cheeks.
“Ner kar’ta, no,” he pleaded, Boss inclining his head in anger. 
“Scorch,” he reprimanded him, but the commando ignored him, pulling Cin towards him, pressing their foreheads together.
Cin let out a choked sob, unable to hold it in as the intimate action was initiated, barely able to resist pulling him into an embrace.
“We’ll be fine,” she reassured Scorch gently, tipping her head up enough to brush their lips together, Boss huffing in annoyance, “I’ll bring Sev back. I promise.”
“What about Master Yoda’s order?” Fixer interjected sharply, “You’d be defying him directly.”
“And the Council can do what they want with me when I get back to Coruscant,” she frowned, pulling away from Scorch and nodding to Fixer before turning to Boss, her gaze defiant. “Now go. Before they charge you with treason. I’ve got this.”
“Cyare,” Boss grumbled lowly, feeling utterly helpless. Reaching for his hand, she linked their fingers together, squeezing quickly before she was gone, already marching down the corridor with an urgency they all felt. “Jate’kara. Come back to us.”
They could only watch as she broke into a sprint, igniting the pale blue blade of her lightsaber. And then she was gone, out of sight when she rounded the corner, leaving the three of them to the empty silence of space, waiting for their evac.
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bylightofdawn · 4 years
Still untitled Delta Squad fic snippet
Alright, so uh can I interest anyone in a sneak peek at this Delta squad feels-o-rama fic I am currently working on and breaking my heart over writing? This is kinda far into the fic and a barely counts as a snippet, it’s more full on scene length at this point but when have I ever been known for my brevity? 
Pretty much, only thing you need to know is Sev spent three years in a slave camp after getting captured by Trandoshans, got rescued by the Rebellion and has spent the past four years working with the Rebellion and has been rediscovered by Delta via Ny’s network of informants and pilot friends. It’s also super rough and completely unedited so don’t judge me too harshly on shit grammar or typos, plz. I’m also worried Scorch is wildly ooc but IDK how to fix that.
His office was cramped under the best of circumstances, mainly because Sev barely spent any time in it. But it had soundproofing and more importantly, a door that could shut out the outside world so they all shuffled in. Boss and Fixer claimed the two chairs that sat opposite Sev’s desk as he sat down while Scorch sort of awkwardly hovered close to Sev, standing there against the wall in between him and the door.
“So...Mandalore?” Sev broached the topic as delicately as he could. “That’s where you three ended up? WIth Skirata and his mongrels I take it?”
“In a round about fashion, yeah. Vau ended up falling in with Skirata who created a sort of...safe haven for renegade clones.” Boss said, his tone even and neutral.
“Kal Skirata’s home for renegade clones, huh? Guess it has a ring to it.” That was said with a faint sneer.
“It beats the alternative.” Fixer pointed out sharply.
“What about you, Sev? How the hell did you end up here of all places?” Scorch asked, the confused pain in his voice impossible to miss. “You never tried to come home?”
“Home? The Empire isn’t home, at least not to me. I spent almost three years in an Empire run slave camp after those damn lizards dragged my carcass from the jungle. I would have died there if the Rebellion hadn’t saved my shebs.” Sev’s voice was as cold and flat as an icefield on Hoth.
His words had a visible effect on his former team who all went stiff and tense. “We tried to find you, Sev. Kriff, Vau penetrated the Imperial blockage on Kashyyyk after Order 66 in hopes of finding any trace of you but he despite searching for weeks, he never found any sign you were alive. We never would have left you to rot in a kriffing slave camp if we’d known.”
Scorch sounded absolutely emotionally gutted once more and he squeezed his hands into fists at his sides. “We didn’t know.”
“I’m not blaming you, Scorch. None of you could have known just like I didn’t know you weren’t still under Imperial control.” Sev said softly and rubbed at his neck in an unconsciously self-soothing gesture. “I am glad to see you and I’m glad you’re not slaves to the Empire like so many of the vode have become.”
“The important thing is we’re reunited now. Vau is going to be so pleased to see you again. We finally got a place of our own set up, it’s not a lot but it’s ours. And we’re not constantly tripping over the Omegas or Nulls and their families, which lemme tell you is a blessing because yeesh...”
“Scorch…” Boss put in softly and that stopped the other Delta mid-sentence.
“I swear, you have one singular brain cell and it is the loneliest brain cell in the entire universe.” Boss said with a heavy sigh. “You’re not coming are you.” This was addressed to Sev who looked visibly pained at that pointed question.
“What? No! Sev, you have to come.”
“I have responsibilities here, Scorch. I can’t just galivant off to Mandalore. We’re prepping for a mission right now.”
“That’s osik. We’ve searched for you for kriffing decade, I’m not going to lose you to some shabala war perpetuated by aruetiise!”
That was apparently the wrong thing to say because Sev’s expression visibly hardened.
“It’s my war too. I owe my life to these people and more than that, the Empire is a rot that needs to be rooted out of the galaxy before it destroys everything with its corruption.”
“It’s just another pointless war, Sev! Haven’t you given enough of your life to stupid, pointless wars? We already lost you once, I’m not going to lose you again!” Scorch countered hotly and he was surprised by the burn of unshed tears stinging in his eyes.
“We were made for war, ner vod. At least this war is one I believe in and think I can actually do some real good for once.”
“Udesii! Both of you, just calm down.” Boss finally cut in and climbed to his feet so he could approach the visibly upset Scorch. “We’re not going to lose him again, vod. He’s right here. And if he thinks he has to fight this war, we’ll find a way of working around it.” He clapped a hand on Scorch’s shoulder and the other clone jerked at the touch. “Sev, you don’t know what it did to us to lose you once. You have to promise me you won’t take any unnecessary risks because I don’t know what it would do to us to lose you again.”
The muscles in Sev’s jaw bunched up and went taut as he bit down on his back molars and when he looked at Scorch, something inscrutable passed through his eyes. “I can’t just abandon my people and go off and play house on Mandalore like the whole kriffing universe isn’t going down in flames, Boss.”
“I understand that. And I get the want to serve. We all do. It’s how they bred us. But....Kal Skirata and his Nulls, they worked out how to reverse our accelerated aging. You have an opportunity to get to live a full life if you choose it, Sev.”
“W-What?” That startled the other clone and he found himself gaping at Boss openly.
“That’s what Skirata was working on, why he was building up such a nest egg. He was hiring the best minds in the galaxy in an attempt to find a way to shut off those parts of our genetic code and it worked.”
Sev had spent the majority of his life wrangling with bitter resentment towards the likes of the Nulls and the Omega weaklings because they had Kal Skirata as a training sergeant. No, they’d had a father while Delta had been stuck with a bitter old chakaar like Walon Vau. Not that he regretted it, he made them strong, not weak and pathetic like Omega.
But in that moment, that envy was born anew in his heart like bitter fruit.
Of course Kal Skirata would somehow find a way of thumbing his nose at the longnecks and the ghosts of their former GAR masters by finding a way to give his adopted sons the life he always thought they deserved. He somehow did the impossible and it left a bitter taste in Sev’s mouth like ashes because deep down, he knew Vau wouldn’t have gone to those lengths for Delta.
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