#i need him to stop tying his achievements to j*s
reigningmax · 2 years
Max sharing his start in motorsports via FIA tiktok
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halloweeniegal · 8 years
Love At First Sight (Hoseok x AmericanWaitress!Reader)
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(Very slight suggestive stuff mentioned. This could’ve went many ways and I don’t know why but I had an idea that the American reader works at a Korean restaurant they go to and that’s where they met, so I made it like that okok. Enjoy!)
Fans of BTS were crowded around your restaurant late at night, hearing earlier in the day about the special arrival, the news going viral only after a couple hours. You were very timid about the whole situation, but you hid the feelings carefully as you entered the small building.
Coats were slung up in rows along the rack as coworkers bustled around the restaurant, hurriedly preparing for a decently busy day. According to your boss, a big band was supposed to be arriving at the small joint in search of food, at any moment. You followed your fellow workers movements, slinging your coat up on the rack before moving behind the counter, tying a apron to your waist, placing your note pad, pencils, and straws into the front pockets as you helped move chairs off of the tables and onto the ground.
Hoseok was wore out as he leaned back in the comfortable seat of the car, wiping at his forehead softly, ridding himself of the sweat that drenched his body. They had just performed for the last six hours and all of them were deathly tired, and hungry. They had chose the restaurant specifically because they took reservations for an empty restaurant and they all heard that it had good food and service.
Yoongi was snoring quietly as the car precariously pulled up to the bustling restaurant, the waiters and waitresses bustling around, trying to make the place look as glamorous as they could.
When the screams got ten times louder your head shot up, hair whipping through the air as you stared at the group of men approaching the shop with bodyguards placed at random around them, in attempts to protect them from the surrounding fans. You mentally prepared yourself before moving to stand in front of the door, being chosen by your coworkers to greet and serve them.
When all seven of them walked into the doors, you bowed slightly, smiling as brightly as your nerves would allow. The boys talked quietly among themselves after nodding at you and following you to their large table, sitting down and preparing for their dinner. You sauntered slowly around the table, taking everyone’s order, pausing as you met eyes with Jung Hoseok.
His eyes had been cautiously watching you since they entered the building. It was almost impossible for his sight to leave from you. He felt crazy because he was already imagining how your future would be together and you haven’t even said hello to him. His heart fluttered slightly as you approached him and he attempted to revert his gaze to one of the boys, desperate to escape this strange trance you seemed to have on him.
“I would like some Kimchi and some banana milk.” J-Hope’s voice wavered slightly as he tried to speak to you. He internally smacked himself at letting his nervousness show before smiling kindly at you. You smiled back timidly before hurrying behind the counter, repeating their order to the cook previous to filling up seven different cups with drinks. As you made your way back over to their table, Hoseok’s eyes were still discreetly following every move you made, attempting to not make it seem obvious.
He couldn’t help but choke on his own saliva as you bent over, awfully close to him, just to stretch so you could hand Jin his drink. Hoseok made no attempts to move away, shamelessly watching your bottom that was directly in front of his face, practically drooling. He, personally, had thought that your legs and ass looked delicious in your work attire. He could feel his face grow hot, beginning to become a little uncomfortable as you kept leaning over to hand out drinks. The other boys noticed his actions and giggled, some whispering in each others ears about it but not loud enough for him to hear.
When he asked what your name was you stopped in your tracks, looking down at him as you held the round tray under your arm.
“I’m (Y/N),” while you responded you finally took the time to look him over, taking in every single feature of his face. From his slightly chubby cheeks to his chocolate orbs to his fluffy pinkish hair. It was hard for you to deny the fact that he was attractive, causing you to gulp softly. “What’s yours?” You were attempting to be polite, trying to hide your embarrassment from him actually speaking to you.
“I’m your hope, J-Hope,” Hoseok did aegyo in attempts to win you over, definitely achieving his goal as a large grin broke out on your face with a loud squeal, causing you to cover your mouth. A crimson blush covered your cheeks as you and Hobie stared at each other momentarily before he jumped out of his seat, telling you to sit down as he moved to grab another chair so he could slide between you and his maknae.
“So where are you from originally?” J-Hope asked, placing his chin on the palms of his hands as he stared at you, the adoration obvious in his eyes to anyone but you. He ignored the strange looks he was getting from his band mates as he patiently waited for your response. Your nervous hands rubbed at your half clothed legs.
“Well, I was born and raised in (H/T), (H/S).” A small smirk tugged at your lips as you saw all the death glares your co workers were sending you as you conversed lightly with the Kpop idol.
“Why did you decide to learn Korean and move here?” He asked, completely curious about every single thing to do with you. He looked completely infatuated with you, and it was easy for everyone to see. His heart shamelessly stuttered every time you spoke and every time he managed to look you straight in the eyes. You had no idea, but you already had him completely wound around your finger.
“I’ve always had a deep interest in Korea and their culture and I used to listen to a lot of Kpop. It was mostly the Kpop bands I used to be obsessed with that made me want to learn Korean, but I decided to move here because I kind of needed a new start, and thought this place would be perfect.” Hoseok nodded his head, smiling delightfully at you as you spoke, happy that you were willing to share this information.
“I see, I see. What kind of Kpop bands did you listen to?” He questioned, completely ignoring the boys that were attempting to get his attention.
“Hmm,” you pondered for a moment before deciding to respond, “I listen to bands like Super Junior, EXO, or NCT. My favorite NCT subunit is NCT-U.” You smiled happily at him before realizing the small pout that now covered Hoseok’s features.
“Aww, you don’t listen to us?” You suddenly panicked, feeling completely bad that you’ve never really listened to them, despite hearing about them all the time.
“Well, I was planning on trying your guys’ music out today. I’m so sorry, I’ve heard about you guys but I’ve never really took a listen,” you smiled apologetically at Hoseok, the giggle that now left his throat sounded like music to your ears.
“Don’t worry, I was just kidding. I’ll gladly show you some of our music though,” he said, reaching into his pocket to pull out his phone and his pair of his headphones. He hurriedly plugged his headphones into his phone before handing you a earphone, smiling adoringly at you. He quickly chose the song ‘Mama’, very noticeably wanting to showcase his voice over everyone else's.
“Is this you?” You asked in a praising tone, very pleased with the voice that was flooding your ears. J-Hope smirked at you as he nodded, basking in your reaction.
A couple co workers walked out of the kitchen carrying trays of food into the main area of the restaurant, staring at you enviously as you listened attentively to the music in your ears. You winked at your close friend before turning to Hoseok once again.
“Your voice is beautiful. Oh my god!” You accidentally broke into English as you burst out with excitement. “Why have I never listened to you guys when you have such a beautiful voice on hand?” You asked rhetorically and enthusiastically as you nodded your head along softly to the music. A happy laugh sounded from Hoseok as he registered your words, the other members glared shortly at Hobie as he showed off, knowing exactly what he was doing.
“Hey, while I have my phone out why don’t you give me your number?” Your heart skipped a beat at his words. He wanted to talk more… with you… a random waitress at a restaurant they suddenly decided they wanted to go to? Your face reddened slightly as you grabbed his phone after he opened his contact list and added your number to the seemingly endless list. You wouldn’t confront him but you noticed how after you returned his phone he clumsily put a heart eye emoji next to your name.
Hoseok basically ignored the food sitting in front of him while he pondered ways to keep the conversation rolling as he stared at you lovingly.
“Hey, I have a question (Y/N).” Jungkook called from the other side of the table, feeling quite childish at the moment. “Who do you think is the most attractive out of all of us?” You felt very confident as you answered.
“Definitely J-Hope. Not only because of his model-like face but because of his voice like oh my god.” You felt your fangirl come out as you slightly fawned over the attractive man that had paid you attention. His smirk was the most painfully obvious thing about him at the moment as Jimin pouts from next to Jungkook.
“But you haven’t even heard any of our voices, I know for a fact he played Mama and he’s the only one that sings in that!” Chim Chim complained, his lower lip jutting out in disappointment.
“I’ll be hearing a lot of you guys soon, but it’s not gonna change the fact that J-Hope is now officially my bias.” A small giggle left your lips as you stared back at Hobi, his own smile radiating like the sun in the dark restaurant.
“Who’s your bias wrecker?” Taehyung called, causing you to scan everyone’s face, carefully deciding who could possibly, not really in your mind, wreck J-Hope’s place as your bias.
“Him,” you said, pointing at the guy with pitch black hair who was half asleep at the end of the table. You had no idea why, but your growing friendship with all of BTS felt very natural, and you didn’t even know anyone’s names other than Hoseok’s.
“Why Min Yoongi though? He’s so much more attractive than me,” J-Hope cried, leaning back exasperatingly causing you to look at him once again.
“Shush, it’s not likely he’ll take your place,” you whispered, making that damned smirk appear once again on his face.
“It’s probably time we leave and get some sleep for tomorrow,” Jin yawned, pushing his plate away from him. The boys hurriedly got up and pushed in their chairs, already making their way out of the restaurant as Hobie turned to face you.
“I hope I see you again soon,” he pouted as you both stood up, his arms almost instantly wrapping around your waist. His lips gently pressed against your cheek before smiling and winking at you while he turned around to leave with the rest of his friends. You stood there, astounded at how quickly the time seemed to pass, already missing Hoseok’s presence next to you.
It was when your phone pinged that you panicked a little, hurriedly pulling it out of your back pocket. Your face turned crimson, an everlasting smile reaching your eyes as you read the small message.
‘We’re going on hiatus soon, and I would just love to take you on a date? X -Your Hope-’
‘I would love that… x’
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