#i need to come up with smth creative STAT
heartsfortwotpot · 8 months
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crumbs for femslash february
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yeetushaitus · 16 days
As the younger sibling of the creator of Timothy Thompson and Jimmothy Johnson I feel it’s important you understand why there’s home decor in that edit:
i just want you to know that i saw this and it was incredible. crying tears of joy rn BTW SEBBY AS THE DOG IS SO REAL htank you so much for showing me this my day is complete
im sorry timothy thompson and jimmothy johnson are the funniest things ever im gonna start calling them that timothy and jimmothy just SOUNDS like a home decor store too like "its checkmate! you cant en passant timothy and jimmothy's chistmas decor super sale!!" idk im not creative enought to come up w smth funny but. YOU GET IT
aai2 au where everythings the same except rooke and knightley are timothy thompson and jimmothy johnson
also justine shower curtain when???? i need that in my house stat
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ainsleymorgan · 4 years
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『MARILYN LIMA ❙ DEMIGIRL』 ⟿ looks like AINSLEY MORGAN is here for HER SOPHOMORE year as a COMPUTER SCIENCE student. SHE is 20 years old & known to be ORGANIZED, BENEVOLENT, INDECISIVE & OBSTINATE. They’re living in NOLAND, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ lexi. 23. pst. she/hers. 
we’re back at it again folks! this gal has been bopping around my head for a good long while now - i apologize if this is an incoherent mess. give this a little like and i’ll slide into ur dm’s to plot smth ok ily
— background. (death tw, grief tw, cancer tw)
The Morgans have a long, complicated history. Margaret and Callum meet near the end of college (she’s studying English, he lives in town) and fall rapidly in love. The only problem? Margaret’s engaged to her high school sweetheart. When Margaret ends up pregnant, she pretends like it’s her fiancee’s and has a shotgun wedding. Callum goes off to join the army and pretend like his heart wasn’t just shattered in two.
Years pass - Margaret gets her PhD in English and has another kid (this time with her actual husband). Callum leaves the army, gets married too (and widowed a few years later), has some kids of his own. But then they run into each other at a bar in a city far away from the last one they were in together, and it’s like nothing ever changed.
The two get married almost immediately after the divorce papers are signed, and have two more kids almost immediately after that. Margaret becomes an English professor, and Callum’s content with taking care of the gaggle of children their blended family has produced. 
Five years after the last set of kids, Ainsley and her brother Tristan are born. They’re just as unplanned as their eldest sister was, but no less loved. 
They quickly become the apple of the entire family’s eye, doted upon by their army of older siblings. The twins are late to walking, so they get taken to the pediatrician, who says that they’re so used to being carried everywhere by their family that they haven’t felt the need to walk yet. They’re set down more often, and quickly catch up to be able to run after their brothers and sisters.
Ainsley and Tristan are attached at the hip. Despite the attention from the rest of their family, the two maintain that specific bond only twins can. They make up a language that only they can understand, and throw tantrums whenever they’re out of eyesight of each other. 
They’re happy kids, bright and bubbly. And loud. The house is always filled with screams and laughter. It’s an idealistic life, a perfect family.
DEATH TW // There’s an accident when the twins are nearly five. Nobody knows what happened - they swear they were watching the kids splashing in the lake - but suddenly, Tristan’s gone. His body is found in the water later that day. // END TW
GRIEF TW // Ainsley’s too young to understand what’s going on when they bury him. She gets quiet and shy, a once bubbly little girl drawing in on herself. All she knows is that her best friend is gone, and now there’s nobody to actually talk to.
They move soon after, to a town called Lovell, when Margaret gets a job at the local university. It’s something the family needs, after Tristan, and they hope that the change will help Ainsley open back up again.
She doesn’t, not for a while. She’s thrust into kindergarten, in a new town without her twin there to keep her grounded. Her teachers worry about her social skills - she seems to prefer painting or doodling to playing on the playground with her classmates. But slowly, surely, she starts opening up again as Lovell becomes home. // END TW
The Morgans decide that they like Lovell, and that they’re going to stay. They buy a nice house in a quiet neighborhood, with big trees for the kids to climb on. Ainsley breaks her leg falling out of one when she’s seven (she still has the scar on her knee from where a branch snagged). 
As the kids get older and start moving out of the house, Callum decides he needs a project. He’s always loved cooking and restaurants. So he decides to buy one. Calls it the Main Street Diner (not very creative, but it tells you right where it is!), and starts really integrating himself into the Lovell community.
Ainsley spends nearly every afternoon there, sitting at the corner of the counter after school. Her siblings are old enough to babysit, but they’ve hit their moody teenage phase, and Ainsley wants nothing to do with it. Her mom’s either teaching or grading papers or reading, and that’s boring to a nine-year-old. So diner it is.
She spends most of her time at the counter drawing or painting. Each one is proudly displayed on the wall, marking her progress over time. 
Sometimes she helps with little tasks, like sorting silverware or wiping down tables. Eventually, when she hits high school, she graduates to waiting tables to make some money of her own.
When it comes time to think about college, Ainsley decides she wants to go as far away from Lovell as possible. She knows everything and everyone in town - even some of the Radcliffe students who frequent the diner. Ainsley wants something new and interesting. 
She looks at schools in California, eventually gets accepted to UCLA. Ainsley packs her bags and flies across the country. She learns to miss the comforts of home, but enjoys the independence being on the other side of the continent gives her.
CANCER TW // Halfway through her first year at UCLA, Ainsley gets a call from her mom. Dad’s sick, she says. Cancer. 
Ainsley drops everything and moves back home. She takes a semester off of school to help take care of her dad while her mom continues teaching. He gets better, goes into remission, but there’s still the lingering fear that it’ll come back, that it’ll be worse, that she’ll lose him too. // CANCER TW
So she decides to transfer to Radcliffe. It’s local, in case anything happens, but she can still live in the dorms to keep some semblance of independence. And she gets to go for essentially free. She starts working at the diner again, to keep an eye on her dad, though she claims it’s just to make money. It’s a good set-up, for now.
— personality.
Ainsley is super artistic. Literally constantly drawing or writing or doing something creative. There’s usually paint somewhere on her clothes, regardless of how new the clothing is.
Also has this Thing against making her hobby her career, which is why she’s a computer sciences major rather than an arts major. She grew up watching her mom and dad turn their passions into their jobs, which seemed stressful and like it took some of the fun out of it. So she said no thanks.
She still really enjoys computers and coding - mainly web design. Hopes to become a full-time web designer after college, while throwing in some of the graphic design portions of web designing to sprinkle some of the artsy aspects of her personality.
Despite being a computer sciences major and pretty good with technology, she definitely prefers going analog in most of her life. Writes everything down rather than typing it into her phone or laptop, and goes through a million journals (also owns a million more blank ones).
This bitch definitely bullet journals.
Is a fairly organized person, but her room? An absolute mess. Ainsley says it’s an aesthetic mess (it’s not).
The only part she takes care of is the collection of plants on her windowsill. One of her notebooks is dedicated to their care schedule, and notes on how they’re doing.
Her bag is basically Mary Poppins’ tote, but make it a beat-up Fjallraven she bought during a 50% off sale three years ago. Has literally anything you could ever need in it. Paper, pens, snacks, water, first aid kit, you name it. Need some superglue or a needle and thread? Ask Ainsley.
Is simultaneously super indecisive and super stubborn. Will take a thousand years to decide on something, but once she’s picked it, she’s stuck on it. 
Will die on any hill she feels remotely attached to.
That being said, she’s not a super aggressive person. Is actually pretty calm, still quieter than she was before Tristan. The human equivalent of a warm blanket.
Also super gay. So so gay. 
(But she’s never been with a girl bc she’s got issues w feeling worthy of romantic attention!! Or any attention!!)
This bitch needs to go to therapy.
— wanted connections.
aka the part im so bad at
Where my Lovell locals at?
Friends - pls give this cinnamon roll ppl to fawn over she loves her friends !!
Enemies - idk if she’d think of them as an enemy but let ppl be mean to her so she can be kind of mean back
Crushes - either on her or ppl for her to crush on !! she will pine until the day she dies !!
idk what else im bad at this just love me and love Ainsley
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wuxfa · 5 years
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henlo peeps, i would like to introduce you all to my son, wu yuntian, who goes by wu, an eclectic sorcerer who has a knack for curse-breaking and enchantments. when he’s not holed up in his uncle’s apothecary, he’s hired to commission murals for the city and local businesses as a street artist. links: stats & timeline. below is a tl;dr to summarize my muse and some plots. if ur down to plot, hit that heart and i'll come into ur dms. u can also add me on discord @ be gay do crimes#2804
the youngest of 7 and the only son. a lot of pressure is put on him at an early age since he's basically slated to inherit his family's apothecary business
he's not really interested in the business tbh, or in the type of witchcraft his family dabbles in. he finds it restrictive to confine himself to one type when there are so many other kinds out there
his parents don't take kindly to him going out of the status quo, and really get on his back about it
he gets fed up with it and packs his life up into a backpack and one suitcase. with a one way ticket for seoul in his hand, he leaves his life in wenzhou behind to live with his estranged uncle who presides over a smaller branch of the family apothecary.
he tried college for a bit, and found that it wasn't for him. now focuses on learning as much as he can about magic.
room and board at his uncle's place isn't FREE so he works as a shop attendant at the apothecary, focusing on enchantments and curse-breaking. as well as a street artist for hire.
he's rather laid back in general, but if something's piqued his interest, he easily becomes obsessed by it—very one track mind
he's got a perpetual resting bitch face that makes him hard to approach, but he's really a nice guy. likes helping people!
is really creative and always thinking outside of the box. the opposite of pragmatic and rational
customers with strange ailments, cursed items, or jobs! yuntian is ur guy
former classmates who thought yuntian died but he rly just dropped out of uni without so much as a peep
friends!!! i cannot stress enuff how yuntian rly needs friends
enemies? rival? smth to spice things up and get our muses on edge and wary of one another
honorary first love/ex/friends w benefits plot here. yuntian is really...flighty, and has a fear of commitment. he doesn't wanna be tied down by smth as heavy as feelings, but he also craves affection like any person would. a walking contradiction if i ever saw one
past threads of those halcyon college days where yuntian and co drank 5 venti cold brews in one sitting trying to cram an entire textbook into his brain and nearly being late to class for midterms
more plots can be found here
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