#i need to infodump to someone about the musical intricacies now!!!
erigold13261 · 3 years
What do the NSR Megastars think of the Mural Man?
Depends on which headcannon you go with.
If we go with the retired CEO then I can see the other NSRtists barely knowing about him except that he used to run NSR. They would have basically no connection to him other than Eve who would know him as someone who Tatiana sometimes hangs out with. Eve would have no real feelings to him other than he needs some more color in his wardrobe.
If we go with my headcannon that he controls the Festival Plaza, then it would go like this:
-DJSS: Couldn't care less about him. He barely comes to NSR meetings and isn't worth DJ's time. DJ might even look down on him a bit because Mural Man is a charter who doesn't make music (as far as DJ knows). However, if something does go wrong in Cast Tech and DJ needs an immediate response, they usually go to Mural Man instead of Tatiana because the distance between Festival Plaza and Cast Tech is much smaller than the distance between Cast Tech and NSR Tower.
-Sayu: Sayu and crew actually think he's pretty cool because he will let them infodump him and even talks with them about the ocean and the creatures in it. He probably gives tips to them about how to make cool water effects in their animations/drawings without making the effects too distracting. Mural Man really just tries to make sure these kids are on the right track and will do what he can to help them out or give advice when needed.
-Yinu and Mama: Yinu honestly forgets he exists at times because he isn't very present in her life. She doesn't mind him though, especially when he lets her wear his hat. Mama and him are actually old friends because he was a friend of her husband. She doesn't like to hang out with him anymore though because he reminds her too much of happier times. He understands and keeps his distance but wishes she will reach out again one day.
-Neon J and 1010: As Mural Man helps out running all of Vinyl City from the Festival Plaza, Neon J actually has a lot of respect for him. The two of them work together a lot of the time to make sure everything is going smoothly for the whole city, even though Neon is supposed to only care about Metro Division. Rin doesn't mind him. They haven't had many interaction other than a few meetings it's sat in with Neon J and Mural Man and even a few between Mural Man and Tatiana. Purl-hew is mostly indifferent, if a little negative to Mural Man. They aren't very keen on talking to someone they don't know or have to interact with, so there is no real relation between the two. Zimelu loves making fun of Purl and saying they stole their glasses/style from Mural Man which annoys Purl to no end. She does like to talk with him sometimes to learn more about what he does, but she is more interested in his stories than him as a potential friend. Haym is similar to Zimelu where he will talk with him for stories and to generally annoy him. Mural Man is very calm and really hard to upset, so Haym has made it his mission to see Mural Man annoyed or upset or even for him to raise his voice. Mural Man has fun keeping his cool and seeing Haym get upset. The two could be considered friends. Eloni is really too shy to go out of their way and talk with Mural Man whenever he is around. Eloni actually has never said a word to Mural Man, not even signed anything to him. Mural Man keeps his distance because he can tell Eloni isn't very talkative and doesn't want to upset her.
-Eve: She has a professional relationship with him. Out of all the NSRtists she is the one to talk with him the most since she is Tatiana's right hand woman. Eve, Tatiana and Mural Man have meetings about the organization of the city as a whole and then Eve and Tatiana will converse with each other and relay what they want to the other NSRtists in their monthly meetings. Eve still thinks that Mural Man can use more color in his life and offers to make him some clothes but he always declines.
-Tatiana: The two are professional colleagues during work and bar buddies afterwards. They will go out for some drinks every now and then. Both have a lot of respect for each other and how they both run the city, Tatiana as the main leader and Mural Man taking care of all the hidden intricacies that Tatiana is too busy for. They trust each other very much, so much that if Tatiana ever needs to step away from work for any reason, she puts Mural Man in charge while Eve is a figurehead until she can come back to work.
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