#i need to know what cunos saying lmao
get-more-bald · 1 year
Playing Disco Elysium in my native language is WILD
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discobrainrot · 1 year
You know what if you're still doing the ship hc asks i want the swap au kim harry i said i wasn't picky last night but now... It's different I'm invested also bc i loved that emotional hc and then the harrys a bottom right? one killed me lmao thank u
You're very welcome, Anon! I live to make people laugh and cry (usually in that order).
Also, I've been getting really carried away with these. They're... not just HC's, they're ficlets. I'm just admitting it to myself lol. To shorten the posts a bit (and because I'm probably spending more time than I should on them, lol), I'm going to do one HC per ask. Y'all can feel free to keep sending them in!
Kim gets Harry to dance in the church, and it barely takes a nudge.
This Harry is more openly invested in the citizens of Martinaise than Kim. He's still a cockatoo - flying from place to place and talking to everyone he meets. At first, Kim rolls his eyes. What a fucking loser. Why waste our time with this shit? Let's just get out of here...
But, despite himself, Kim stays and helps. They confront Annette's mother about why she's stuck out in the cold. Harry nearly backs down, not wanting to cause a scene. Kim doesn't. 
His childhood is unreachable - lost to the same void as the rest of his memories. But that can't banish the sensation of shivers. He looks through the window and sees Annette rub her hands together, trying to stay warm. He knows her nails are bitten down to the quick. He clenches his fists. Ragged nails bite his palm. 
He knows Harry wants to snap at Plaisance but can't get the words out. So Kim does it for him. Does she want to see her daughter lose her fingers to frostbite? He asks if she's fucking proud of herself. 
Harry is speechless - he doesn't know how to react apart from dragging Kim outside. But the next time they walk by the bookstore, Annette is inside. Kim never apologizes to Plaisance; she glares daggers at him whenever they come into the store. 
(Harry doesn't know how to say it, but he's proud.)
Harry feels for Lena and worries for her husband. Kim rolls his eyes and says they'll look for him. Harry wants to hear about more cryptids but is terrified of looking insane. Kim tells him everyone thinks he's insane already, so he might as well ask. But the look they share keeps no secrets. Kim doesn't think he's crazy. Harry almost cries.
Harry wants to help Cuno but can't get through to him, so Kim talks to the kid. They find the Working Class Woman's missing husband and give her the bad news. Kim stands behind Harry, and it hits him how much the big oaf cares. 
They meet the Speedfreaks and help them find a new sound. Kim doesn't remember his old friends, but he feels them. He feels their heartbeat in the thrumming bass and flashing lights. Whispers of cigarette smoke and too-big leather jackets dance at the peripheries of Kim's mind. Dancing, twirling, laughing. 
He taps his feet. He wants to dance. He needs to dance.
And he won't do it alone.
So Kim extends his hand to Harry and nods at the dance floor. Harry tells him he can't - he's not a good dancer.
Kim tells him he doesn't care.
Harry stammers and says he only knows disco moves, that he wouldn't know the first thing about dancing to this sort of music.
Kim laughs (not bitter this time but joyful) and says no one knows how to dance to this music. It was only just made tonight. 
Harry stammers. He'll only slow Kim down.
Kim says that he doesn't care. He'll wait all night. 
Harry squirms and shrinks, but he knows Kim is right. He's not getting out of here without dancing. So he takes Kim's hand and assumes they'll just do an awkward little shuffle and call it a night.
They don't. Kim holds onto Harry. He holds him close and makes them move. He laughs with unrestrained delight and, despite himself, Harry does too. They dance under the 2mm hole in the universe. They lean into each other's arms. They're blanketed in silence, but they aren't afraid. 
It gets late - later than either of them realizes. The music is off, and the ravers are asleep. Kim is almost nodding off as Harry holds him upright. It feels like a dream. So they sway, Jr. High Slow Dance style. And they don't want to leave. But they have to.
And they will. Just... not yet.
God, please, not yet. 
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