#i need to ramble about pomoe hold on
suguwaya · 7 months
kieran hyperfixation so bad he got me actually enjoying doing art (ft. pomoe pokemon oc i have idk... he's just there with a spiked bat)
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7. Syyskuuta. 2019 (2/3)
“There’s mich to catch on. Would you like to tell me.” Till said to Alex, holding out his hand to be grapped on. Nea wondered if it is the same thing that Alex did to her in the classroom yesterday.
“I don’t think it’s tolerant to do this here.” Alex answered. Till gave him a hard look.
“Last time i did this to Nea the convulsion was pretty hard. I haven’t really been active on my powers.” Alex told. “She is a regular human so no wonder. I can also go in and read.”
“No way. Okay. No hiding, everything out.” Alex said and took Till’s hand. Nobody paid attention to them. It was casual to close friends to vaihtaa kuulumiset this way if they hadn’t seen in long time. Nea waoted for the same show that happened in class. This time only eyes went black and veins were slighty seen black. Again it was over in matter of seconds.
“What the hell…” Till breathed out. He had worried, almost scared expression on his face.
“Wow. You’ve had a nice few years.” Alex smiled, it seemed fake but she said that in true means.
“What the fuck did they do to you?” Till asked.
“Don’t wanna talk about physically nor by mind so yeah. Mind getting me a drink?” Alex answered brushing it off. Till shrugged and went to get himself a shotnand Alex some lemonade.
“Mitäs vittua?” Nea hämmästeli. “Onks tää joku julkimo meet and greet.”
“Ei. Mähä selitin sulle eilen sen*. Mä ja Till ollaan tunnettu vuosia iha privaatissaki ja Codynki.” Allu selitti.
*Mitä julkkiksista sanottiin introssa
Till came back with the drink and handed it to Alex who thanked in Deutsch.
“Waait.. Are you and Till like you know…” Cody tried to hold back a laugh with a smile, “Or like have been. I mean like no shame I can totally see you two being that because you both are so damn wicked but like holy shit that size differense.” Cody rambled but quit smiling as Alex looked at him with black eyes.
“Just that.. Krhm…” Cody viittasi siihen kuinka Tillin (omg tilli) kösi oli Allun lantiolla.
“Oh well yeah there has been few encaunters with me and Alex by those me-”
“None of any of yours business okay.” Alex was getting red herself and punched half play fully Till’s thigh for saying too much.
“You two seem like a couple eh?” Till said looking at Nea and Cody.
“We just met but thank you.” Cody smiled and put his hand on nea’s shoulder, Nea blushed and looked down.
“Krhm! May I have your attention please!” A tall man in expensive suit said in strickt voice. Everyone quieted down and turned to look at him.
“It’s amazing to see all of you here. And I’m happy that more of you have taken your loved one with you. My name is Mr Quinton. I am your host this weekend. (nyt on siis perjantai). I’d like to clear out our schedule if I may.” Quinton said and took a folded paper from his pocket and opened it.
“Tonight will it be free for all of you. It is always good to catch up with friends and collagues am I right. Just a slight reminder with pure love to everyone new in these circles to follow our etiquette outside your private rooms and respect the fact that these walls aren’t soundproof.” The man gave out a small laugh and almost everyone chuckled too, other’s bit embarassed by the note.
“Saturday, 8.30 is breakfast privately in canteen for an hour. Ten o’clock we all, comapnions including, will meet in conferense room three, for 45minutes. 11 o’clock the Elite will meet in said room for two hours. Other members and companions can spend their time in hotel’s spa, here in this room or in your own hotel rooms. 13.30 Will be lunch privately in canteen. 15.15 to 18.00 will be Elite and other members meeting in room 3. 18.15 will be dinner again privately in canteen. Then rest of the evening is free, but don’t drink yourself to hangover. We will discuss sunday’s schedule tomorrow. You will have a copy of dresscodes and schedule in your rooms. I would like to thank you all for your time and wish you a glad evening.” Mr. Quinton ended his speech and the room filled with soft applaus.  
“Onks toi niiku joku iso pomo? Ja mikä määrittelee Eliitin ja muut jäsenet.” Nea kysyi hämillään, Cody ja Till vaihtoivat sanojaan heidän vieressä.
“Ei ole. Quinton on ‘Iso Pomon’ oikea käsi, joka toisin sanoen esittää pomon asiat ja niin edelleen. Iso pomo ei ikinä näyttäydy ja ketään ei tiedä kuka se on. Paitsi...No ite oon kerran tavannu sen codyn kaa. Ja siis se ei oo saatana. Pikemminkin saatanan läheisin maanpäällä tallaaja.” Allu selitti nealle joka nyökkäili vieressä ja otti allun juomalasin hörpäten siitä.
“Eliitti on nimensä mukaisesti Eliitti. Siihen kuuluu vaikutusvallaltaan ja ‘voimaltaan’ vahvimmat. Toisin sanoen viisi maailman vaikutusvaltaisinta liikemiestä, Quinton, kolme vahvinta ‘demonia’ ja sitten lol antikristukset minä ja cody.” Allu naurahti sanalle.  
“No mites sit ne muut jäsenet ku tääl on aika paljo porukkaa. Eiks Lindemann oo eliittiä?” t nea nyt vttu
“Ei ole. Muut jäsenet on ns. Sielunsa myyneitä elämässä paljon saavuttaneita porhoja, julkiksija jotka omaa demonisia voimia ja ovat tärkeitä avaimia pelastukseen. Till on itseasiassa top 5 voimakkainta demoo mutta ei silti eliitissä. Ja siis näitä voimia omaavia on itseasiassa aika vähän. Ja satun henkilökohtasesti tuntemaan ne kaikki.” Allu selitti ja sanoi viimeisen lauseen nauraen.  
“Okei. Aika hankalaa. Mut kiintoisaa.” Nea hymäili. Allu otti lasinsa takaisin ja joi loput, ojentaen sen ohi kulkevan tarjoilian tarjottimelle.  
“Anyone interested to kidnap few bottles of wine and soda (looks at alex and nea) and go to one of ours room to, talk bit more loosely.” Till asked. Cody agreed and Alex laughed at Till’s correction/add.  
The four took a bottle of vintage wine bottle (only one) and sixpack of coca-cola from under the buffet table. Dammit allu.
They all went to Till’s room and sat down on the couch. Till and Alex automatically undressing out of the top formal wear and sighing as they threw them on the bed and sat down too.  
“Mikäs se oli!?” Nea said laughing as she and allu openeed their cola cans. The men looking at each other and shrugging.   “we all gotta seemingly have our own secret language.” Cody laughed.  
“Yeah totally. Me and nea have finnish, with Till I have Deutch, Cody and Till have their alpha language (vitullinen nauru kohtaus kaikille).” Alex said
“And- And Cody and Nea will have the unspoken language of love am i right.” Till alkaa vituulisen räkätyksen allun kaa ja nea on vitun awkward ku cody vaa hymyilee ja siemailee wiiniä kattoen neaa.
Allu- Huomaa codyn katseen neaa kohti. “Till can i sleep here tonight.” allu nauro viitaten että nuorella parilla ois villi yö
Till- “Oh yess you can i won’t mind a bit.” naurua ja wannabe flirtti ääni
Nea- “why couldn’t i be in cody’s room tho.” nea sano viattomasti katsoen allua ja tilliä (fhoewjgow äää) kuin heidän välillään ei missään nimessä voisi olla mitään.
Cody- “Because I'm sharing a room with my close actor friend.” Taas perus hymy vittu mies sä oot mysteerinen.
“oh” nea said and drank cola. “Till I'm still a lazy bastard do you have any pants i could borrow for a while, these leather ones arent the most comfortable pair.” Alex asked already standing up.
“I like them on you. I mean they aren’t really most comfortable to me neither if ya know what i mean. “ And till slapped alex butt. It was hared slap than a person woud jokingly give to other but it was till and alex so it was verrattavissa to small pet on butt. Alex slapped till on the back of his head and went to go thru his luggage.
Cody- “Is it always like that?” Cody asked half seriously but still laughing too
Till- “Well... Yes kind of.”
Allu tuli takaisin itseasiassa pelkällä isolla t-paidalla takaisin.
“are you fucking serious you iterally dont have any manners.” Till said and checked alex out.
Allu: “Well all your pants were like bed sheets for me. Nea has seen me in my underwear million times even as i was literally vomit drunk so doesn’t matter.”  
Till- “Yes but there is a another male in this room. Who happens to be almost as powerful as you.” Somehwat jealousy and a need to own someonedrpped thru his voice.
Allu- “key word Almost. And he doesn’t have time to look at me with AnOtHeR wOmAn in this room.” ouuuuuu
Nea gave alex a glare. “Hei mä yritän vaan saada sulle munaa dont blame me.” Allu sanoi ja nea ei pystynyt edes esittämään vihaista.
Nyt venyy kyllä jo kolmi osaseks huhuh...
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