#i never believed in the bitchy psych major stereotype but now im starting to
muffystudies · 4 years
Why the fuck are mature age students so condescending?? Like we get it you have jobs, you have kids, youre coming back to uni after some time off for whatever reason and you know what? good for you for doing something to better yourself. But you can do that without being an absolute wanker to the 18 year old in your intro to psych class who asks you for a rundown of the lecture because she had somewhere else she absolutely needed to be, okay? 
If we can be compassionate towards your “i missed the lecture bc had to pick my kid up from school early”, you can just as easily do the same for our “I missed the lecture bc i was picking up groceries for my immunocompromised grandparents” instead of just saying ‘learn better time management sweaty’ like some mongerel karen.
Basic human decency isnt that fucking hard.
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