#i go to a school with a lot of mature age students and i only met two last semester that wernt complete assholes to me so so to you i guess
finelinefae · 3 months
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synopsis: y/n has a stutter and harry likes to hear her talk
word count: 3.1k
contains: fluff, highschool romance, harry's a football player, popular boy x shy girl, brief mentions of bullying
a/n: happy soft girl Sunday !! I wasn’t planning on posting just because I posted the second part of the aviator a little later than I was meant to but I could resist putting this one out <3
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“E-excuse me!” Y/N weaved her way through the mass exodus of students heading in the opposite direction to the lunch hall. She had tried to leave class a few minutes before the lunch bell to avoid the large groups of people but she had been so invested in writing her essay, she’d lost complete track of time. 
She was running as fast as she possibly could to get to the library, knowing the person waiting for her wouldn’t get too impatient but she didn’t want to waste a second of their lunch break not being with him. Her bag slipped from her shoulder, her braids flying behind her and her knee-high socks falling down her calves. 
Y/N barely registered the people around her, wondering where she could be going in such a rush, until her face collided with soft, grey fabric. Before she could even get embarrassed and profusely have to apologise for bumping into them, long arms snaked around her, hands clasping behind her back. She caught a whiff of his woody cologne and the floral fragranced detergent his mum always used to wash his school uniform.
“There y’ are, Dove.” He murmured, “I was starting to get worried.”
Y/N looked up and settled on those familiar green eyes she loved so much. She relaxed into his embrace, “Harry,” She sighed. 
Harry and Y/N had been dating since they were fourteen. If it weren’t for the fact that their parents all worked together at the local hospital, they probably would never have met at all, although Harry liked to believe they were fated to be together so they would have ended up meeting each other some way or another. 
Harry had always been popular at school. For one, he was on the football team which instantly made him a name within their year group. He was also very handsome for his age. Girls would whisper and giggle whenever he passed by in the hallways even those from the lower years. Despite the fact they had just turned seventeen, Harry could honestly pass for an almost twenty-year-old with how tall and mature he was. 
Y/N was the complete opposite. When it came to her social life she was shy and not often one to make friends easily. She was part of the arithmetic club and had made a few friends there and in some of her other classes. She liked to keep to herself and struggled to talk in class not only because she was quiet but also because she had a particularly bad stutter. 
It had developed when she started High School. She had been to multiple speech therapists to help her get rid of it and although it wasn’t as bad as it used to be, it still never failed to make her life all the more difficult than it already was.
A lot of the other kids liked to pick on her for it too. Whenever teachers picked on her in class and she’d reply, the rest of the class would start snickering, whispering in each other’s ears. She wanted to be invisible to everyone but it was her stutter that made her stand out.
When Harry’s family would come over to Y/N’s house for dinner, her parents would often force them to go off together whilst the adults spoke in the dining room. She remembered the first time she invited him into her room and how embarrassed she was when he saw all her comic books lying on the floor that she had forgotten to put away. But it eventually became the seed of their relationship, the common ground that allowed them to bond. 
Soon Harry was inviting Y/N to his football games and up to his room every other weekend when she’d come over with her parents. They’d exchange comic books and talk about their favourite characters. Y/N was always apologising for her stutter whenever she’d ramble on for too long but Harry never cared, he loved hearing her talk. 
Their first kiss was on her bed whilst their parents were in the room below them. Harry was the one to initiate it and Y/N hadn’t been expecting it so it was slightly awkward at first but then she got used to it and eventually all she ever wanted to do was kiss him. Every weekend, whether at her place or his, all they did was sneak around and kiss each other, giggling and falling in love all at the same time. 
Now, three years later, things were still the same except they were older now and more in love than they were yesterday. 
Wherever you looked, Harry was there, and Y/N was never too far behind. Students had grown accustomed to their relationship, and the bullying Y/N endured wasn't as severe as it used to be. Even teachers couldn't help but be enamoured with their young love — how fortunate it was to find love at such a young age. 
Things were great, everything was great and Y/N had hoped she could finish her last year of High School on a high note. That was until she entered her English class on a Friday afternoon when the teacher announced it was time for their presentations which would go towards their final grade. 
“I can’t Harry!” Y/N cried into her pillow after school, Harry was sitting on the end of her bed with his back against the wall as he rubbed his hand up and down her back. 
“I know Dove,” He comforted her, already knowing the reason she was so upset over it.
“Everyone’s going to l-laugh at me,” She could already picture herself standing up in front of her class and everyone pointing and laughing at her. 
Harry sighed, “Dove,” He shook her gently, “Will y’ look at me?” 
Y/N hesitated before turning her head so her cheek lay against the pillow. Harry smiled and lay on his side in the spot next to her, their faces inches apart, “There’s m’ pretty girl,” He cooed, his heart hurting at the tears on her cheeks. He cupped her cheek in his big hand and wiped some of those tears away with his thumb. 
“I-It’s not fair,” She huffed, “Why’d I have to have this stupid stutter.” 
“Hey,” He frowned, “Enough of that hmm? Everything about you is beautiful, y’ know I love to hear y’ talk. Could sit here for hours and just listen.” 
“But you’re d-different,” She whined, shuffling closer to him so she could hide her face in his grey jumper. Her stutter was rarely ever that bad in front of Harry which was why he was the easiest person she could talk to. 
Harry laughed breathily, his hand going to her hair to play with the strands, “Would it help if I helped you a little?” 
“How?” Y/N asked, her words muffled by his jumper.
“We could practise in the library at lunch, y’ could read me a few things and it might help your stutter.”  He thought.
Y/N’s head looked up to his face where she could count every mole and freckle on his nose and cheeks. She couldn’t help but pucker her lips to kiss his jawline, “That’d be nice,” She murmured. 
“Yeah?” He smiled, kissing the top of her head in return, “I only want to help you so if you don’t enjoy it or you’d rather practise alone then y’ can tell me,” 
She shook her head, “N-No, I want to do that with you. I’d like it very much.” 
So it became a daily occurrence, five days a week during lunch hours when Harry didn’t have practice, they’d sit in the library and Harry would pick out a book for them to read. They started with simple YA books with less complicated words. 
“Good job, Dove!” Harry cheered every time Y/N finished a chapter. 
“Wait I’m not done,” She huffed and then said the last line just for Harry to cheer for her again just as proudly as the first time. 
Now that the day of her presentation was getting closer, they had finally made their way onto Classical novels which Y/N had come to despise. 
They walked with their hands intertwined to the library after Y/N had bumped into him in the hallway. It was natural as they stepped into the library and headed straight to their table in the corner hidden away by two tall bookshelves. 
Y/N placed her bag under the chair whilst Harry unzipped his to pull out the book they were currently reading. It was Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, even looking at the front cover made Y/N’s stomach turn. 
“A-Are you sure we can’t go back to YA books?” Y/N huffed, taking the book and opening it up to the chapter they were last on. 
Harry laughed, “But you’re doing so well, Dovey.” 
“I-it’s hard though and the w-words are so tiny.” She pouts, Harry can’t help but lean forward and kiss her. 
“C’mon, jus’ a few pages and then I can show y’ something I got for you.” He tried to persuade her, knowing the surprise would be enough to win her over.
“Fine,” She sighs dramatically. 
She read for five pages, Harry listening intently to every word. His eyes focused on her lips as she spoke, stumbling over a few words here and there. He tried to hold back from smiling so much with how concentrated she was on each letter of every word. He thought it was adorable how her eyebrows creased and her hands gripped the book. 
Eventually, she had enough, placing the book down on the table and closing it shut. “Good job baby!” He cheered, pressing multiple kisses to her cheek, “M so proud of you.” 
Y/N giggled, “Thank you, Harry.” 
Harry smiled and reached into the pocket of his blazer for the surprise he had promised her. Y/N looked down and saw a small, black pouch in his hand. He gave it to her, her fingers carefully pulling on the ribbon before pulling out the small item inside. 
“It’s an anxiety ring,” Harry explained as she held the silver ring in the palm of her hand. He picked it up and slid it on his pinkie finger to show her, “Y’ can twist this band whenever you feel nervous, thought y’ could wear it on the day of your speech.” 
He passed it back to her, Y/N narrowing her eyes to look at the spinning band which had a small inscription written on it, ‘i love the way you speak almost as much as i love you, your harry.’ 
Y/N’s eyes watered, unable to come up with the right words to say how much she adored it as well as the boy sitting in front of her. Instead, she leapt forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, “Thank you,” She murmured, “I love it. I love you.” 
Harry softened even more from her embrace, “I love you more, Dove,” He whispered. 
Y/N pulled away enough to kiss his lips, she was thankful for the privacy they had in the back of the library since she was never that good with public displays of affection and all she wanted to do now was kiss him because she was so grateful for him being there all the time. 
It wasn’t long before the day of her presentation. After school, Y/N had been working on a short essay. She was going to speak to the class about her favourite comic books and why she loved them so much. She had recited the words out loud to herself and Harry and even her parents, that she could probably speak it off by heart. 
Harry and Y/N stood outside the school. Her English class wasn’t until the third period but she knew she wouldn’t be able to concentrate in her morning classes until the presentation was over. Harry was wearing his football uniform because he had a game against another school in the morning. Y/N had been with him after school as he practised for it, wearing his coat as she wrote out her speech on a notepad. 
They stood side by side facing the school building as if it was some kind of beast they had to tackle, “O-okay,” She huffed, “I can do this,” 
Harry looked down at her smiling and then reached for her hand, “You can do this,” He squeezed her fingers in encouragement. 
“Good l-luck with your game today,” She grinned, standing on her toes to kiss his cheek. 
“Thank you, baby,” He spoke softly, “Y’ can tell me all about your presentation and how well it went afterwards.”
“Okay Harry,” She nodded, completely determined despite how nervous she was. She had spent weeks preparing, she couldn’t let fear get the best of her. 
“Good luck kiss?” Harry grinned, cheekily. 
Y/N playfully rolled her eyes and craned her neck to kiss his lips. Harry held her face in his hands, unable to pull away from her even when she tried to, “I love you,” He murmured against her lips.
“I love you too.” She sighed, blissfully. 
When third period came around, Y/N stood outside her English classroom, counting to five in her head. She clutched onto the piece of paper where her speech was written out in gelled ink, spinning the ring Harry had gifted her on her finger. With a deep breath, she opened the door and stepped foot into her classroom. 
. . .
Harry could hardly concentrate during the football match but he was trying his best. His team were two points ahead and it wouldn’t be long before the game was over. Since it was the morning and the game was mostly practice for the two schools competing, there wasn’t a huge audience watching them. 
He was glancing down at his watch every few minutes when he was supposed to have his eye on the ball, checking to see whether third period was about to start. All he could think about was his little dove and how nervous she was when they stepped into school this morning. 
She had been working so hard on reading things out, even stopping in shops when they went to town together to read the labels on the backs of food containers. He fully believed in her and her ability to speak in front of the class even when she didn’t and it killed him not being able to watch her do it. 
So when the whistle finally blew marking the end of the game, Harry ignored the celebrations with his team after they won the match and ran across the field through the entrance of the school. He raced up the steps, his football boots clicking against the crowd. He knew he probably didn’t smell the best and his knees were muddy from falling over but he didn’t have much time to think about it as he searched for Y/N’s English classroom. 
“Y/N?” He heard the teacher’s voice call her name as he approached. 
“A-Already? O-Oh, O-okay.” He could hear her nerves just by listening to her speak. 
Harry was about to knock on the door but he hesitated, wondering if it would worsen her nerves if he was in the classroom watching her. He knew how much of a big deal this moment was for Y/N and he didn’t want to intervene or make a spectacle of the moment especially since he wasn’t in her class. 
He lowered his hand and instead pressed his ear up to the door. 
“H-Hello,” Y/N started, “My name is Y-Y/N and today I will be sharing with you m-my love for comic books,” Harry’s heart ached as her voice came out quietly. 
“C’mon Dove,” He whispered, wanting her to do well. 
Y/N cleared her throat and let out a shaky exhale, “A-As you can probably tell, I-I am not all that good at speaking. I s-stumble over letters and sometimes even have to replace words with o-others because my mouth t-turns into mash potato and I can’t seem to get t-the words out.” People chuckled and Harry’s heart began to beat against his chest, “T-That is why I love comic books so much because of the l-lack of words. Instead, there are pictures,” Y/N continued, her voice gaining strength the more that she spoke, “T-They tell stories without the need for p-perfect sentences or flawless speech.” 
Y/N continued her speech and Harry spent the entire presentation with his ear pressed up against the door. He ignored the looks of teachers and other students walking past as a huge grin spread across his cheeks the more Y/N spoke in front of the class. 
By the time she had finished, it fell silent before the class responded with a round of applause, “Brilliant work, Y/N,” Her teacher said. 
Y/N felt like she was floating on a cloud as she left her English classroom. Even if her speech wasn’t perfect, she had done it and gotten through it all in one piece. As she stepped out, two arms snaked around her waist and lifted her off the ground, “Harry!” Y/N giggled as he spun her around.
“M so proud of you, Dove.” He kissed her softly, lowering her to the ground but refusing to move his hands from her waist. 
“I-I can’t believe I did it, Harry!” Y/N almost squealed. 
“Heard every word, y’ did so good, M so proud of you.” He rambled, unable to cease his admiration for her. 
“You heard?” Y/N’s eyebrows creased, her lips pouting slightly. 
“I ran here as fast as I could and stood outside to listen to you,” Harry explained, “Y did perfect, honestly, the best speech I’ve ever heard.”
“You really ran h-here to listen?” Y/N asked, still in disbelief.
“I did,” Harry smiled, “It was all I could think about when I was on the field.”
“Did you win?” Y/N asked. 
Harry pulled her flush against him, “You already know I did baby,” He smirked, kissing her. Y/N smiled against his lips.
“Let’s go out tonight,” Harry murmured, “To celebrate.”
“And do w-what?” Y/N wondered, even though the idea of spending any time with Harry was always her favourite. 
“Maybe go to the bowling alley and get dinner after,” He shrugs.
“O-oh and maybe we can stop at the comic book store on the way home!” Y/N said, excitedly. 
“Course m’love,” Harry’s smile widened the more she spoke, “We can do whatever you want as long as I get to hear you talk.” 
Y/N grinned broadly as Harry interlaced his hands with hers, feeling the cool metal of her ring against his skin. Together, they walked hand in hand down the hallway, Y/N unable to stop talking the entire time, while Harry hung onto her every word.
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a-very-tired-jew · 2 months
You're not as informed as you think, and age does play a factor.
This is going to ruffle some feathers, but it needs to be said. You're not as informed on the I/P Conflict and the history of the region as you think, and age plays a major factor. Hell, you're not as informed on a lot of topics as you think. I want you to think about what you were doing 5 years ago. Were you still running around on the playground? Were you making dioramas for a science class? Were you in high school worried about being a first year? Were you just starting to pick out colleges or deciding to even go? Did you ever call a teacher by their first name? Now, there is a line that we hear thrown about that people don't fully mature till they're 25. While this is bupkis and misrepresents the research, it is true that the brain does not stop developing till sometime in the mid to late 20s. In fact, the brains of undergraduates age 18-22 and their respective thought patterns more closely resemble high schoolers than they do mid 20s and above. So what does this mean in the course of the I/P conflict? For one thing, this is your first incident. Your first I/P war. Those of us in our 30s and above have seen a good number of them at this point. I even remember when the use of child suicide bombers became a standard method for Hamas and other terrorist groups during the Second Intifada. As such, many of us are used to the manipulation that we see in this particular region. We're used to seeing antisemitism be dismissed and well intentioned people be manipulated. Many of us are just tired because you're going through the same shit we did at your age and we look back and go "oh, we were severely misinformed". Because this is your first, you're super passionate about it, but that passion can be manipulated. Second, you're not as smart or well informed as you think you are. This has to do with the age and maturation thing mentioned above. While 25 is an arbitrary number, there are some milestones that happen by then. By 25 you have had enough life experience to really start piecing together your education, your life experiences, your world experiences, and your respective beliefs into a coherent way of approaching topics. Hopefully by that age you're less likely to have the emotional outburst in response to a subject (think about the stereotypical slamming the door teenager behavior, many of us did that and we cringe thinking about it) and more likely to approach something in a levelheaded and informed manner. Unfortunately there is some research that shows evidence that Gen Z and Millenials are susceptible to propaganda and misinformation, with the former exhibiting behavior akin to Boomers. So keep that in mind that none of us are safe for misinformation, but some generations are worse than others. Now, who am I to say this to you? Some of you are quite mad right at the moment. Some of you have strived to be seen as well informed young adults or to be taken seriously, and in some cases you are. However...
I'm in my 30s and I have been teaching at the college level for a decade and some change now. By no means am I an expert, but I have enough experience to say something. The ages I teach are 18+, meaning I've had students that are typical fresh high school grads and students that are in their 50s. Myself and my colleagues have heard repeatedly from students the "I'm an adult, I know what I'm doing" line to only watch that 18-22 y.o. student fail miserably or come crying to us later. I have personally watched students go through the stages of grief as they realized in my classes that their pet science activism is not what they thought, but they've wrapped so much of their identity around it. You're still learning, and thinking you know more just because you read something online is an issue. You're also still growing and developing as a person. Recognize that you can be manipulated. Recognize that you can be wrong. Recognize your own inherent biases. Then do better.
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theladybrownstarot · 3 months
What makes people get attracted to you ?
Pick a card reading~
𐙚❀˖° Here's my masterlist for more !
𐙚❀˖° Make sure you like/ reblog/ follow/ Comment for more pacs like these !
Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
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Pile 1 .
❥˚ Pile 1 ! Let's know what makes people get attracted to you ?
𐙚 It is in your personality that you make and experiment with a lot of things ..I sense artistic people or abilities haha . what people like about is your simplicity that you have in your nature ; you don't like being into luxury a lot instead you love living simple , people sense that you can make a lot with minimum things, can be into DIY also and ofc can't forget that is how hardworking and focused you are. You value ur time and u r lesson.
𐙚 You are emotionally mature . possible that people may comment that maturity or looks that you have doesn't relate with u r age. You are stable with your emotions and u r not moody and that's what people want and me too. You give aquatic vibes or we say someone who has a vast personality speaks only when required plus you don't like fight with idiots for sure . Maybe people think to take advantage of u but they don't that they r messing with my pile 1 !
𐙚 People may think that pile 1 people u don't appear alot , u are cold , introvert and into ur things only but there lies a side where you are adventurous. When people get to know who u ate when you allow them (i sense capricorn vibes)they start to get attracted to you . People like your side angle face view . People got good jawline which may attract people .
𐙚 Bravo pile 1 you shock people with your entry . People sense you as a smart looking dude with wolfy personality too . Next, you got strong look . You people are brave ..idk u give me predator vibes haha. You people are masculine a lot . people get attracted for they way u stand for people and they way you aren't afraid. You inspire people . some of you could be rebellious also lol . People get attracted to you because they think you are romantic too . I got a message that is people imagine u as someone standing inside a forest and touching flowers . One more thing taht will resonate with few and this is 18+ some of few could be into rough sexual intercourse .
Pile 2.
❥˚ Pile 2 ! Let's know what makes people get attracted to you ?
𐙚 okay , some of you have completed a major cycle and have been giving time to urself to rejuvenate yourself and everything or we say you have made some major changes in your approach like going with people and enjoying or something you felt to. people admire and are attracted to you because they feel that you are good companion to enjoy with , someone with more energy physically , you are surrounded by great and known people and they way you shine yourself . you could be best leaders , your skin might shine under sun light and you may dance good .
𐙚 people get attracted to you because they the love the way you are . you don't care people or we say you left thinking unnecessarily about people . they love that u r forgiving too . they are inspired from you to know for how to come after a past you had . someone who is good at giving advices. people are attracted towards your story of starting a new journey .
𐙚 so , people you must be mostly school , high school or college students . people think u as beauty with brain ^^. they get attracted by your smartness , intellect and they way you go t best skills in work . people like your dedicated personality toward things. you come with good ideas too . i see also standing 100 after being a zero . you gonna accomplish in studies alot hehe .
𐙚 you are humanitarian ofc people . you know the value of humanity . you people like to pull out small pranks haha.
Pile 3 .
❥˚ Pile 3 ! Let's know what makes people get attracted to you ?
𐙚 people feel attracted towards you because they think you are a party sort of person . you like celebrating with people a lot . you are a night person . you are an extrovert who likes to approach to people and have fun and people want same from you for them ..ah you are entertaining . you could be heart of a party and party is what that makes you famous for sure .
𐙚 people think that you are a wholesome for them . you got best jolly nature . you like to enjoy life day and night . don't you people get tired lmao ? ig you kinda dance walk when you see your people around you . you can fun with any age person yess ! . you are shining stars tbh .
𐙚 you people could be into riding motor cycle or you could be riders. people love to see you on vehicles . people love the way you get instant clarity about things in some time . you are travelers for sure .you could be good at leading people . you got best explanatory skills . it is possible that when you get confused then people find it cute .
𐙚 most of you could have cats inside their homes or you got cat type personality or something . ig you enjoy with those only u feel with not with everyone . you got observational skills. there's something mesmerizing about your eyes . you people are emotional intelligent . could that you like moon . you like talking to moon . u got a good body also . you got a lot of things physically too. maybe into gym and diet also . you aree mysterious to people also like you got different things under your fun type personality .
©️ @theladybrownstarot all rights reserved as per 2023 . Any stealing Or copying of all work will be a punishable offence .
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absolutebl · 3 months
Top 10 Best BLs on Gagaoolala
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My Beautiful Man AKA Utsukushii Kare
Japan 2021
One of the most Japanese BLs to release in the last decade, as weird and as messed up as any 2000s yaoi: emo af and hella warped, entirely true to itself with no attempt made to modify its POV for modern sensibilities or current BL fandom. It used seriously old school problematic and kinky tropes, like whipping boy, for a truly uncompromising piece that also manages to hit up themes of communication, consent, and self acceptance. It’s a wonderful BL but uniquely dirty and harsh, in the best possible way - Japanese cinema, uncompromising.
I lost my ever loving mind over the ending. This show won the Grand Prix “My Best TV Award” at the 16th Galaxy Awards.
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Minato's Laundromat AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry
Japan 2022
A classic age gap romance where a high school student pursues the man of his dreams (who runs a laundromat). This BL is so steeped in yaoi nostalgia, not to mention a classic romance arc, that it will overload some, but those of us who love this genre for its DNA will adore it. It made me very happy because it did everything I want a BL to do - there’s not much more I could ask of a show than this. It’s the closest Japan has come to perfect live action yaoi since Seven Days (and I never make that comparison lightly).
Squee watch-along here.
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My Ride
Thai 2022
Thai BL grew up with this pulp (the first ever to make my end of year top 10). It’s a truly lovely and special little show featuring the extremely rare pairing of sunshine/sunshine (AKA a cinnamon roll couple) plus mature explorations of relationships using one of the softest, sweetest, and most innocent friends to lovers vehicles. Kindly, overworked doctor meets broken-hearted motorcycle taxi driver in an “other side of the tracks” slow burn romance. The support cast is excellent, making for great friendship groups and family dynamics. With honest queer rep that adds to, but doesn’t impede, the story, and genuine conversation about the nature of class, wealth, and classism, not to mention communication, honesty, and respect for boundaries, you can’t go wrong with this show. In other news, I am a sucker for a single dimple.
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Takara & Amagi AKA Takara-kun to Amagi-kun
Japan 2022 I gnawed on my knuckles and squealed a lot with this BL. Reserved cool kid who must learn to communicate to keep the tiny disaster nugget he’s madly in love with. It is beyond charming: soft and gentle, packed with cuteness and high school angst, thirst, & yearning. Was there plot? Not really. Was it emotionally tense and paced well enough for me not to notice? Absolutely. Did I enjoy the hell out of it? Oh yes.
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Kiseki: Dear to Me
Taiwan 2023
The plot is totally ridiculous and slightly unhinged, but that’s normal for Taiwan. It involves all the tropes under a very casual framework of gay mafia gangs + food = love. Absolutely every character is queer. There’s a gum-ball machine of cameos, elder gay rep, great chemistry from all pairs, and a KILLER side couple. As a result Kiseki is a poster child for Taiwanese BL, and I happen to love Taiwanese BL. Bonus? They also managed to END IT WELL, which we cannot expect from Taiwan.
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My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho
Japan 2023
This style of live action yaoi really only works from Japan. Basically: boys who fell in love in college end up living together but both are so repressed they actually don't realize they're in love. It's higher heat than we usually get from Japan's HEA stuff, and that part is also very well done, but it leaned into the "why don't they just talk for fuck's sake?" trope which is only exacerbated into undiluted frustration by the fact that they're already fucking. It's great, but watching requires more patience than usual, even for Japan.
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Our Dining Table AKA Bokura no Shokutaku
Japan 2023
A lonely salaryman and talented cook gets accidentally adopted by a college kid and his little brother. I was always gonna love this show if they stuck to the manga (which is very dear to my heart). And they did, paralleling it almost exactly. It’s a quiet & cozy little parable of found family alleviating loneliness. Possibly too slow for some but definitely high up there for me as the best of what Japan can do with softness (like Restart After Come Back Home). It’s only flaw (if I dare say such a thing) is that it is not really “romantic.” Lovely & sweet but the romance beats are being used to build a family relationship, not just couple intimacy, but that's OK with me. This is a very safe show for anyone to watch.
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Step By Step
Thai 2023
This was Thailand’s answer to The New Employee, and everything I loved about that show I loved about this one. This office romance between a stern boss and sweet subordinate felt more authentic to cubical work than previous Thai BLs of this ilk. That authenticity added tension to the narrative and its characters development (how novel). I also really enjoyed the charming side characters and the brothers' relationship to each other (although I could have done without that brother's side BL).
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Long Time No See
Korea (Strongberry) 2017
Catfishing assassins on either side of a turf war who fall in love not knowing they are on opposite sides. Or do they? Suspenseful plot, good fight sequences, mature characters, hot sexitimes and even hotter beating the shit out of each other and kissing while covered in blog (this came from KOREA?), plus an HEA. One of the hidden gems of the BL genre.
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About Youth
Taiwan 2022
A truly lovely little coming of age high school BL with a classic YA low drama but high angst and an earnest depth. I didn’t even mind the singing, and that’s saying a lot. A weak seme/uke dynamic but tons of BL tropes (both rare in a high school setting but common for Taiwan) makes this one feel both sweet and colored by real world authenticity and grit.
Some of these shows ALSO appeared on Viki or iQIYI, but these BLs will appear only once on these round up posts (here for Gaga), not on the other platforms top 10.
This list updated Spring 2024, not responsible for cool stuff that aired on Gaga (or was taken off the platform) after that date.
This is part of a series more here:
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beskarandblasters · 1 year
Hello, gorgeous human 😍✨
I wanna jump on your thirst request train and ask you to dabble in a smutty drabble featuring possessive Joel.
Maybe something like him being your neighbor and he’s friends with your mom and feels protective over you at first like an only older man in your life and then as you become more mature he notices changes in his feelings?
So, whatever, u can change the preamble however u want, the only thing I ask is age gap 20-25 years, possessive and jealous Joel (seeing you saying goodnight to a frat boy who slaps your ass as you walk off) and umm unprotected pinv with creampie and cumplay? 🥵
sorry, hope it doesn’t make u uncomfortable, but if it’s not your cup of tea I totally get it !
Love ya ❤️
A Taste For Men Who Are Older
No Outbreak!Joel Miller x F!Reader
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Main Masterlist | Joel Miller Masterlist
Summary: You’re a college student home for spring break. You live in the suburbs of Austin, Texas, with your mom. After you moved into the neighborhood, Joel Miller became a close family friend. He was always protective of you but now that you’re older and mature, he wants to be more than just protective. 
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: reader is able-bodied, possessive!Joel, no outbreak, takes place in 2008, age gap relationship (Joel is 41 and reader is 21), drinking, jealousy, fingering, oral sex (female & male receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie
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You were home on spring break from college. You had hoped to spend some time with your mom and friends from high school but their colleges had spring break a different week than you did and your mom decided to go to the Bahamas with her new boyfriend. So you were stuck home by yourself. Having the house to yourself wasn’t too bad, though. You were used to being alone. And you had your neighbor, Mr. Miller, who would check in on you once in a while. You were also friendly with his daughter, Sarah, who was a few years younger than you but she was also away at school. When you first moved into the neighborhood, he took you and your mom under his wing, with her being a single mother and all. You always had a silly, childlike crush on him growing up. And now that you were older the crush definitely grew deeper. But you always assumed that he would only look at you like some kid so you never tried anything. 
With your week off you decided to invite over a guy from school you’ve been kind of into. You’ve seen each other at different frat house parties on campus, only ever exchanging drunken kisses. But now that you were somewhere private, you wanted to invite him over. His name was Derek and he was also 21. And that was pretty much all you knew about him. Before you left school you gave him your phone number, address and a time to come. And tonight was the night. 
You did your hair and makeup and put on a sundress. You also decided to put on a cardigan sweater since the plan was to drink in the backyard near the fire pit. March nights in Texas were usually a little chilly. 
At eight p.m. you met Derek in your driveway.
“Hey, glad you could come,” you said, smiling at him.
“Of course,” he replied, already grabbing at your waist.
You led him to the backyard to the fire pit where you had set down two lawn chairs and some beers. He lit the fire and you opened the beers, handing him one. You two sat and drank in silence at first, not really knowing what to say. You normally saw Derek when you were both plastered at parties with loud music playing. So, you stood up and went to turn on the radio. As you were walking back, Derek wasted no time, standing from his chair and greeting you with sloppy kisses. He was really handsy and it was a lot.
Maybe, I’m not drunk enough for this yet, you thought to yourself. 
As you made out with him, you vaguely heard your name being called over the loud music. You pulled away to see Mr. Miller, looking at you from his side of the fence. You went over to turn off the radio, feeling a little embarrassed that he had seen that. Before you could open your mouth to talk, he spoke first, “Hey sugar. Sorry to bother you but I’m havin’ an issue with my computer. Think you could help me real quick?”
“Uh, s-sure, Mr. Miller” you stammered. You looked at Derek and said, “Be right back,” before grabbing your blackberry and slipping it into the pocket of your sweater. 
“Thanks,” he smiled. You walked out of your backyard and into his. He led you inside through the back door. “It’s upstairs,” he said as you followed him up the stairs into his bedroom.
“So, what’s the problem?” you asked.
He took a step forward, not saying anything, eyes trailing up and down your form. Before you could ask again, his lips collided with yours, hot and full of passion. You couldn't believe this was happening. You wanted him for a long time and never in a million years did you think you would be in his bedroom, making out with him. One of his hands held your waist and the other caressed your face as he kissed you deeper, sliding his tongue against your lips. You opened your mouth a little, gaining him access for his tongue to explore your mouth. You moaned against him and he pulled away and said, “That’s right, sugar. I bet you were thinkin’ about me the whole time you were kissin’ that loser.”
You nodded, feeling just a tad tipsy and still complete disbelief. He pushed you down on the bed with a hungry expression in his eyes and pulled his shirt over his head. 
“I’m going to show you who you belong to, baby,” he growled against your ear, nipping it slightly. You whined in response as his hand slipped under your dress, grazing up your thigh. You noticed just how large his hands were, aching for his fingers inside you already.  
“Open those legs, sweetheart. Let me feel how wet you are.”
You nodded and spread open your legs. His fingers explored the lips of your cunt, feeling how wet already you were. 
“Oh, you’re soaked. I bet you wanted this for a long time, baby”
“Y-yes, Mr. Miller.”
“Dirty, dirty girl,” he said as he plunged a finger inside you. 
You moaned in response. He already had you writhing just with just one finger. 
“I’ve barely done anything to you and you’re already a fuckin’ mess,” he sighed, teasing you. 
Without warning he slipped another finger in and watched as your eyes widened. He got off at the sight of you squirming underneath him, pure lust in his eyes. 
“Just wait until I’m done with you,” he said, lowering himself to your pussy, sucking on your clit as fingers pumped in and out of you. You grinded against his mouth and nose, absolutely soaking his face in your juices. And he was loving every fucking second of it. Your orgasm washed over you as you came against his tongue, face and hand. He moaned against your clit, intensifying the euphoric feeling even more. As the movement of your hips slowed and eventually shopped, he slid his fingers out of you and went to lap up every last drop of your release before saying, “You taste so fuckin’ good, sweetheart.”
He pulled away from your pussy and hovered over your face. 
“Open,” he said, holding his fingers in front of your mouth. You sucked his fingers clean of your cum as he said, “That’s right, dirty girl. Suck my fuckin’ fingers.”
He pulled away from you and laid down on the bed next to you, sliding off his belt and pants. He didn’t even have to say it, you just went straight for his cock, taking as much as you could fit in your mouth. 
“Yeah, suck my fuckin’ cock, baby,” he moaned as his hand found your hair. You bobbed your head up and down, your hand taking the part of his cock you couldn't fit in your mouth. You felt him twitch and get even harder as you licked and sucked his large member. Your other hand cupped his balls driving him crazy as he grinded against your mouth, trying to bury his cock deeper in your throat. Just as you thought he was about to come he stopped you and said “Not yet, sweetheart. I want to cum in that tight pussy of yours.” 
You nod and take off your sweater and dress, tossing them next to you on the bed. He switched spots with you and spread your legs open. He took some of your wetness from your dripping pussy and spread it on his cock. He grabbed your legs and put them over his shoulders, squeezing the soft skin as he aligned himself with your entrance. Before he entered you he said “Call me Joel, sugar.” And with that he slid his cock into you. Before you could even adjust to his massive size, he leaned down so you were face to face, sending him deeper inside you. 
“Joel!” you cry out. 
“You can take it, sweetheart,” he said as he started pounding into you with no reservations about your tiny little pussy taking his large cock. He squeezed your legs and plowed into you, his hips slamming against yours with more and more force. You gripped the sheets around you, desperate to hold on to anything as he fucked you into the mattress unforgivingly. 
But as he was fucking you, you heard your phone ring beside you. He slowed his pace for a moment as you reached for your phone. Shit. It was Derek. You showed Joel your phone and to your surprise he said, “Answer it, sugar.” You accepted the call and brought the phone to your ear. 
“Hey, you’ve been gone for a while now… Everything okay?” Derek asked. 
Joel slammed his hips into you again, taking you by surprise. Your breath hitched and before you could answer him Derek asked again, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yep. Yep, I’m fine,” you practically whimpered, as Joel fucked you harder. “Okay, I’ll be out soon. Bye!” you said, hanging up on him.
“Good girl,” Joel said, kissing your neck, before returning to rail you. 
“Joel. Joel, please. I’m gonna cum,” you cried out, his cock practically hitting your cervix at this point. 
“Cum on my cock, baby. Let me feel it,” he said, grabbing a fistful of your hair. 
Your orgasm ripped through your body, sending electricity all throughout your back and legs. Your toes curled in pleasure as he fucked you through your release, making it even more intense. Your vision went hazy for a moment as you rode out your orgasm, moaning his name over and over again like some stupid prayer.
“I’m gonna cum in that tight little pussy of yours, sugar.” 
You nodded and felt his warm release paint your insides. He fucked you through his own release as he moaned your name against your ear. You both stayed there for a moment with his cock inside you until it went soft. He slid out of you and laid down next to you. The two of you stared at each other, faces flushed and in shock that that just happened. After a while you stood up to put on your dress, feeling his cum leak out of you and trail down your thigh. 
Before you could leave, Joel stood up and kissed you, his hands finding your waist again. You pulled away and started to leave, trying to think of an excuse to tell Derek. But before you left Joel said, “Now go get that loser out of here and come back for round two.”
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End note: I had so much fun with this!!! I hope you all enjoyed it :)
Tag list and some other folks I thought might be interested:
@wannab-urs @atinylittlepain @mydailyhyperfixations @serenaxpedro @iamasaddie @funnygirlthatgab @dreamsofmandalore @dreamingofdaddydin @pr0ximamidnight @bearsbeetsbeskar @swiftispunk @harriedandharassed @jksprincess10 @str84pedro @dindjarinslegs @stvrgxsm @tinygarbage @leeeesahhh @readingfan @leithatnight @pedropascll @cutesyscreenname @joelsversion @pedgeitopascal @shatteredbaby @toxicanonymity @pedrostories
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merakiui · 2 months
I saw your answer to the tier list where you mention the staff. Did you know Vargas is 2 years younger than Crewel? So, in theory, Vargas would have been a first-year when Crewel was a third-year.
I feel like there is a lot of room for some AU there where reader gets isekai'd into that timeline instead. Trein is the young(er) hot history teacher. Crowley and his eternal fae ass is probably the same as always. Downside is that Sam is only 10... so we'll have to take artistic license to age him up into our AU!
Omg the potential this has!!!!!! A Vargas and Crewel rivalry where they're both doing what they can to impress you. Vargas being a bit of a bully sometimes. T_T but it's also you who inspires him to continue working out and doing his best so that he can be the strongest. AAAAAAA sitting in an empty classroom beside Crewel while he sketches out different outfit designs and chats with you about them. You fawn over all of his designs; they're just so pretty and unique. As you flip through the notebook, so absorbed in Crewel's creativity, he's busy admiring you with a fond smile.
That line of "boys will be boys" and so it's Crewel and Vargas always trying to best the other in really petty, silly competitions. Professor Trein who usually comes between them if it gets out of hand and lectures the both of them on how they ought to be more mature. The three of you studying together in the library or sleeping over at the others' dorms. Occasionally skipping class to go smoke with Crewel. Always getting caught and punished by Trein LOL. Or joining Vargas for morning exercise. Maybe he sort of,,, drags you to it. It's important to stay in shape! Run laps with him! You draw the line at downing a dozen and more egg yolks. T_T you just want to sleep in and eat something sugary for breakfast...
Omg and all of the school events......... a dance or a visit to another arcane academy. Crewel designing an outfit for you for that dance!!!! Both him and Vargas aiming to be the first one to ask you to the dance WAAAAAAAA.
Maybe neither of them ends up confessing come graduation, and you never find your way home. Perhaps you become a professor at NRC alongside Crewel and Vargas, so all of you are reunited again as adults when they get jobs at NRC. And then you meet Sam and become fast friends with him as well!! Of course Crewel and Vargas are still in their rivalry. Seeing you again after so much time apart has fueled old feelings. <3 reminiscing about your school days with the lot of them. The students being so nosy and intrigued when they start to pick up on bits and pieces of the shared lore of their professors hehe.
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danieyells · 7 days
hi there,
thank you so much for all the voicelines you post !! if it’s okay, can i request subaru’s ?
thank you again !
You're welcome! At some point I might go back and put in the ones I leave out because they don't appeal to me as much lol but since i always end up posting 99% of them anyway I think it's enough for most people hahaha.
I WAS GONNA OMIT ONE OR TWO BECAUSE OF SPOILERS but eh i'll just warm for like. extra spoilers. since after doing more code peeking it wasn't the spoiler i thought it was. SUBARU IS A SWEETIE THOUGH. I also read Subaru's chats which were put in the code recently and. Man this guy needs anxiety meds. I have a small guess as to what his stigma is, but we'll learn in a few days anyway.
You've Got Mail:
"It looks like there's a notice for you. I'd be happy to go pick it up for you if you've got your hands full. Oh, forgive me if I'm overstepping."
oh no he's anxious about helping--
Default(no affinity):
"I really am so lucky to be surrounded by so many kind people like you."
"I never thought I'd get the chance to enjoy the lifestyle of a student until I came to Darkwick. Every day truly is fulfilling here."
it feels like subaru is like. . .the only one who actually enjoys school life here. . .or who really enjoys being here period lmao. . . .
"You think I'm always smiling? Ha ha, I hear that a lot. It just happens when I'm around all of you."
"I may be the captain, but it's just in name. I think Haku is much better suited for the job than me."
"I've been working since I was four, so people often said I was mature for my age. But the truth is, I've still got a lot to learn."
that makes two characters whose parents have essentially been keeping them from normal life and normal childhood for work reasons since they were four year olds. . . .
Affinity 1:
"I tend to just have hot water for breakfast. I know it would be better for me to eat a proper meal, but it's just so much effort."
Affinity 2:
"I'm sorry I'm so late. The campus is so crowded I can never manage to walk in a straight line, so it always takes me longer than I think. Silly, isn't it?"
baby you're hardly the first person i've met with anxiety about crowds. you're fine.
Affinity 3:
"What would I do without Haku's help? Hotarubi would be a mess without him."
Affinity 6:
"Ever since I was a child, the performing arts were my only focus. Maybe that's why people always say my mannerisms are so peculiar. It bothers you too, doesn't it?"
poor boy doesn't know how to act if he isn't acting. . .he doesn't know how to exist off-script. . .no wonder he made a deal with a demon. it's probably the first thing he's ever done for himself.
Affinity 7:
"I'd like to go to the cafeteria, but the line is always so long. I feel bad taking time to choose while people are waiting behind me. The bar of entry feels a little high."
i am once again suggesting subaru get anxiety meds. hell go to sinnostra and get some weed, i bet they sell that. i hear it can help.
Affinity 8:
"I'm just about to go and meet a friend. I hate to inconvenience you like this, but if it's something urgent, could you speak to Haku about it instead?"
Affinity 9:
"What am I going to do? We're supposed to be meeting up in an hour... If I cancel now, they'll hate me..."
Affinity 10:
"Whew... I'll walk you back to your house, FirstName. Oh, it's no problem at all, I assure you! I wanted some fresh air anyway."
Affinity 11:
"I have an Anomalous Ecology test coming up. It's such a fascinating subject, I couldn't help but stay up all night studying. Now I'm a little sleep-deprived."
Affinity 12:
"I'm going to stretch my legs a little. I might not have a show to practice for right now, but I need to keep putting myself through my paces. I'll get rusty otherwise."
Affinity 13:
"I'm sorry my phone's been making so much noise. I recently downloaded an app by mistake, and it won't stop sending me notifications..."
awww he's also technologically incompetent. . .poor guy was probably raised with such a heavy focus on his career he just. never needed a smartphone. anyone he needed to contact or who needed to contact him was probably always very close by. it sounds like he didn't even properly go to school before going to Darkwick. Somebody please take this boy on a walk. like anywhere. take him to a library. buy him a churro. can sho make churros? this is somebody who's never had any sort of normal social experience and sees how different he is and wishes it weren't the case, unlike Ritsu who assumes everyone else is like him, i think he'd like to have some more Experiences.
Affinity 14:
"... ...Oh! Hello, FirstName—I didn't even notice you there. My mind was somewhere else."
Affinity 15:
"Good morning! Sorry? My hair's messy? You're right, it's sticking right up at the front... That's embarrassing. I'll fix it right away."
Affinity 16:
"I usually have lunch in the dormitory. I do eat on the terrace with Lyca every now and then, but he seems so busy these days..."
Lyca is one of the members of Obscuary, btw! Seems like he and Subaru are friends.
Affinity 17:
"I didn't take you for a night owl, FirstName. Since you're here, I suppose I'll stay up a little longer. You're sure you're okay? You're not sleepy?"
Affinity 18:
"Do you visit Sinostra very often, {PC}? I see... Oh, no reason. I was just making conversation. Ha ha."
why do you ask that. . .a certain mafioso captain wouldn't happen to be suspicious of you would he. . .or maybe you owe them money. . .or maybe you used to be part of Sinostra and moved to Hotarubi. . . .
Affinity 20:
"Oh, I couldn't ask you to come all the way to my room to wake me up—I'd feel terrible. I do very much appreciate the thought, though."
it's okay buddy jin already makes them do it, one more pit stop won't hurt.
Affinity 22:
"Lyca has seen my message, so why hasn't he responded to it? I hope nothing bad has happened to him..."
Affinity 23:
"Lyca will adapt well to human society, I'm sure of it. I'm so relieved that Darkwick chose to trust him. I can't thank you enough for your help."
he really likes Lyca huh? that is his dog.
Affinity 24:
"You can't sleep? Then let me tell you some stories. Legend has it that evil spirits appear once you've told a hundred. Now, what number was I up to..."
Affinity 25(max):
"I don't want to seem like I'm testing you, I just... I get really anxious sometimes... I'm sorry. I'm being weird, aren't I?"
he's the type to ask 'are you sure you love me? are you sure you wanna be with me?' after you get married and move in together and own a house and have two kids with another on the way. he's the hyper anxious 'i'm sorry we disagreed about our favorite colors do you hate me?' friend(affectionate)
"There is no time like spring. Everyone seems more relaxed this time of year. It's reassuring to see."
"They have no control over whether they bloom, and yet they get made a spectacle of nonetheless... Oh, sorry—I was talking about the cherry blossoms."
"There are many different flowers growing in Hotarubi, but I think the wisteria are my favorites. This is the best time to see them, so you should take a walk around."
"Hot today, isn't it? It's always raining in Hotarubi, so it does provide a little escape from the blazing summer sun, but... Ha ha. It is very humid, isn't it?"
"Summer makes me think of the ghost story Yotsuya Kaidan. The scene where Oiwa becomes hysterical, having realized her her face has been disfigured— incredible."
Yotsuya Kaidan is one of the best known japanese ghost stories! It's extremely violent, so read the summary at your discretion. The scene in question has Oiwa shown her reflection by her sister's boss to see that the cream she was given by a woman who was in love with her husband was actually some sort of poison that instantly scarred her face. She grabs a sword and goes to kill her, only for her to accidentally slit her own throat.
"Hotarubi House holds regular festivals during the summer months. If you need a yukata to wear, I'd be happy to pick one out for you."
"I don't mind scary stories, but when that biwa in the tea room started playing by itself, it did make me jump a little..."
slight spoiler, although you can probably figure it out from this but. . .Zenji is a ghost. Subaru currently can't actually see him or hear his voice. . .only Haku, the pc, and, perhaps not so oddly, Towa can afair. All of his youtube content doesn't have him or his voice in it because he can't be recorded by cameras. So Subaru doesn't realize that the biwa playing on its own is actually Zenji playing the biwa.
"The air has gotten crisper, and the leaves are changing color. I know it's only natural for the seasons to shift, so why does it make my heart ache so much?"
"Oh, these? They're some chestnuts I found. I know—I should give them to Sho. I'm sure he'll be able to make something delicious with them."
"That's another kuchikiri tea ceremony under my belt. It's an annual tradition where one cuts open a tea jar to reveal the tea that was preserved from the first harvest."
"...Oh, FirstName. Good morning... I had a hard time getting up today. It must be the cold... Ha ha. Not very captain-like, is it?"
"Today, I'm going to order ingredients from one of my favorite stores so we can all make negima—tuna and scallion—hot pot together. Please, do join us."
"People say winter makes you want to snuggle up with someone, but I find that a good blanket does a much better job."
i agree that blankets are much easier to manage than people lol. probably warmer too.
His birthday:
"A present? For me? Thank you... I didn't expect you to do anything for my birthday, so I'm a little caught off guard. I really appreciate it."
New Years:
"Happy New Year. I hope I can depend on your guidance and support again this year."
Valentine's Day:
"Chocolate? Oh, It's Valentine's Day, isn't it? Does that mean these are for me...?"
nah i just wanted you to look at them. YES THEY ARE FOR YOU BBY. why would you be showing him chocolate if it wasn't for him! On any day, not just valentine's day!!
White Day:
"These are for you, FirstName. I put in a special order for monaka from my favorite confectioner in Ginza. They're wafers filled with bean jam—I hope you like them."
April Fool's Day:
"Earlier, Haku told me he was switching houses. It gave me a real shock— I'm very relieved that it wasn't true..."
i bet subaru made the most scared kicked puppy face and started apologizing for being such an awful captain and blamed himself for that haku would go to a different house and haku had to quickly explain it was just a prank for fear that subaru might burst into tears.
"Happy Halloween. I know it's nothing special, but I've prepared some treats for the occasion. Oh... But you're more than welcome to play a trick instead."
please don't trick him. april fool's day was hard enough for him.
"Merry Christmas. We already have our New Year decorations up in Hotarubi, so it has a real east-meets-west atmosphere now. I hope everyone is okay with it..."
"Everyone seems busy at the moment. Maybe I should use this opportunity to tidy the garden..."
"{PC}? Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. I was just worried because you were so quiet..."
"You're back... I'm so relieved. I was worried I'd done something to make you feel uncomfortable..."
this man shakes like a chihuahua 24/7. like you can taste the anxiety coming off of him. i love him. he's so pathetic(affectionate). i wanna squeeze his hand reassuringly and tell him everything's gonna be okay. i wanna hug him and pat his head. i wanna take him places so he learns more about the world outside of working. i wanna watch him do schoolwork excitedly because he's never really gone to school before and it's a new and exciting experience. i want him to experience the most mundane aspects of life with wonder.
good boy. yeah. get him anxiety meds /nodnod
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aloesarchives · 5 months
Tags/Warnings: Fem!Reader/Pronouns, Swearing, Gojo has a hard crush on you, Gojo vs Toji Part 3, The word ass being used, Toji straight up having beef and fighting a bunch of teenagers, Nicknames such as beloved and hon(ney), JJK OCs, Out of pocket moments and sayings, Me being an annoying narrator
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[Semi-proofread, informal formatting, and edited as of 12/22/2023 10:18am CST]
Summary: One of the truths behind Toji's beef with Gojo
Word count: 2.8k words
(A/N: I spent 10pm-6am writing this because I just need to or I would never forgive myself if I didn't! I promise I will have some of the "Toji lives" AU posts ready by next week because your girl got her ADHD meds back in stock!! Thank you for being patient with me and my inconsistent updates!!) (12/22/2023 6:05am CST)
💙I love you all! 💙🥰😚💙
💙❤️Please Enjoy!!!💙❤️
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The REAL reason Toji has major beef with Gojo is because Gojo had a crush on you during his high school days when you would sub for Yaga in the classroom and training sessions. He did try his best to keep it under wraps but Geto was like,
"Bro, she's the same age as Yaga-sensei. . . Stop reaching, Satoru. . . Do I need to remind you who (L/N)-sama is married to again?"
The Gojo responded with, "Suguru, I don't give a shit about that loser. He's a bum, anyway. The question you should be asking is why (L/N)-dono is fucking married and still in-love to a deadbeat like him. I would have been a better option. Face it Suguru, I'm right."
While Satoru has a point, as Suguru noted, it doesn't change the fact that Satoru was crushing on a MARRIED woman who had TWO kids.
Though it was true, Satoru would have technically been a good husband/father/lover. However, there are many reasons why it must be ruled out.
Satoru is over half your age. Picking him meant allegations and a prison cell. Gojo tried reasoning with you, "But (Y/N)-dono! Age is just a number, give me two years!" "And Prison is just a place, Satoru-kun. I don't want to be labeled as a child predator, let alone be framed for "seDuCinG" the Gojo heir. I want to have a clean record."
While his personality brought you happiness, his carefree nature would clash a lot with you. He can mature but his child-like spirit and carefree persona isn't something you would personally deal with.
He was more of your protégé/junior/student if anything. You saw him more as your son and acted like a parental figure. You wanted to watch him grow and mature. Not become his lover.
To spite the higher-ups and Jujutsu elders(excluding your clan). Given you were a powerful and skillful sorcerer, marrying Gojo would be "BeNeFiCiaL" to Jujutsu society. However, it meant that you were on a watchlist 24/7 and pressured to have an HeIR. It made you physically sick and ill thinking what those old useless dementia white-haired cowards are allow to do that just to better "society" but not its citizens.
You are MARRIED to a man who is trying to step up after his major fuck ups. It's not perfect but Toji is his best trying after you gave him his life and freedom. Since he technically can't leave your home or go to Jujutsu High without your supervision, he's basically househusband duty. And he was getting pretty damn good at it too. Plus Toji's hot, he got you feral and gnawing at your teeth with his signature smile and smirk. And the way his arms flex when he crosses them, or how they feel when you link arms together.
While it wasn't super obvious, okay it was obvious, you always shot down Satoru's playful confessions and light-hearted shenanigans. Basically rejecting him every time. Usually, Suguru would warn you in advance but you know it would happen with each interactions. While you firmly turned him down, you made him understand why it can't and WON'T happen. You still care for him, just never romantically, only platonically and motherly. You made it clear that his "love" for you was just a strong admiration and infatuation disguised as a crush.
Though he was heartbroken, at first. Satoru slowly understand what you mean and his crush slowly fades away as it's replaced with immense respect for you.
HOWEVER, it still linger and not widely known because Toji finally gets word of this through the grapevine. A.K.A, through his two children Megumi and Tsumiki. It happened one day when you brought the two to the school so you can keep a close eye on them since they didn't have school that day. Toji was out doing errands so the two kids are accompanying you. Megumi and Tsumiki were occupied with their books and toys while you taught and trained the students. Megumi and Tsumiki went to find you because they were hungry and you had their lunches. As they looked for you, they see you talking to Satoru. They meet him a couple of times but he's still a stranger to them compared to Shoko or Suguru. So when they see Gojo with you, all alone with no one around, they thought it was major sus.
As they snuck closer, they could hear bit and pieces of what Gojo is saying to you. Megumi lowkey thinks Gojo is super annoying and acts more of a child then he does. But what catches his ears first was something with along the lines of, "(L/N)-dono, please consider it-" "Satoru-kun, how many time will I need to say no to you? You know I can never feel for you that way. Plus it's bad for me to agree to it. You know that it's admiration and infatuation if anything. Not love."
See Megumi knows you only use love as in 'I love you" to him, his sister, and his dad. But to this dude? Nah, something fishy is going on and Megumi gotta tell his dad about it. Megumi comes running, yelling "Mommy!!!". You and Satoru turn to see your son running to you and colliding with your legs. You crouch down and pat your son's head and smile at your daughter following behind him. Megumi hands your hand tightly as you lead them away to have lunch with your kids. Satoru made a face at Megumi when he saw the kid glare at him.
Once you three made it home, you're in the bathroom changing into some home clothes. Meanwhile, Toji was cooking dinner while Megumi and Tsumiki were waiting for you at the dinner table. As Toji was asking them about their day with you, Megumi brought up Gojo's advances and confession towards you. When Megumi said this, the beef Toji was about to flip plopped right back onto the pan. He looks back at Megumi and asks if there's anything else that he can share. As Megumi shares what he has seen through his perspective, Toji asks Tsumiki to confirm is this is all true, to which she said yes, backing up Megumi's claims.
"Yeah, Papa. Satoru-kun is weird. Even though Mama keeps saying she's married to you, he still does it. Tsumiki saw it too."
"I see... Thank you, Megumi and Tsumiki for watching and taking care of Mama for me. I appreciate it a lot. Can you tell her that dinner is almost ready?"
The kids nodded and went to go get you. After dinner and putting the kids to bed, you were sipping your favorite drink as Toji is doing the dishes. You would have helped him but he said no. While you two were talking, he brings up Satoru and his school crush on you.
"Toji, beloved, you know that it's just a small crush. It's nothing more then puppy love for me. Nothing more and nothing less. And you know that you're the only man that I am willing to give my heart to."
"I know that, (Y/N). But what does this brat got on me to think he's a better match for you? Just because this kid is practically a god doesn't mean everyone will bow down to him. I'm definitely not one of them. And to know that said brat is flirting with you even though you're visibly married with kids, he needs to read the room. I will be going with you to school tomorrow. The kids go back to school the next day, and I already got this week's groceries and cleaned the house."
You would have protested if Toji didn't give you a searing kiss while caging you in his arms. Fuck he looked so hot. Curse him and his good looks *punching the air*.
"Fine, you can come. BUT, Toji you need to behavior yourself. You already knew the deal. You better not be doing any funny business."
"Yes, Ma'am. You're the boss, I promise you." Toji says as he gave you a kiss on the cheek before lightly patting your ass.
After dropping the kids off, Toji accompanies you to the school. Toji is just silent and sits in one of the chairs as you do your lessons. Toji is leaning on the chair with a smirk plastered on his face. Not a care in the world. After a few lessons, you were going to teach and train Gojo, Geto, and Shoko for the rest of the school day. As you went to their classroom, they greet you, especially Gojo. However, the mood changed when they saw Toji walk in behind you, wearing nothing but a black slim fit t-shirt and grey sweatpants. Toji gave a head nod to the teens while he just takes a seat in a chair to lean on it. The three were shock to see him.
Particularly because they did expect him to come with you to the school at all. Suguru had an idea but he hoped it wasn't going to be it. After teaching a lesson, you told the three to practice their curse techniques and let their curse energy loose. While doing so, you told them that you would have to speak to Yaga for a bit on something and would be back 15 minutes tops. You told Toji to behave, and he nodded and gave a thumbs up. As you leave the kids and your husband on the train grounds, that's when the storm started brewing. Toji walks up to Gojo and is 3 feet from him. He smirks while looking at him up and down, sizing him up. Shoko and Suguru are on the sidelines as Toji, a married adult male in his 30s, was beefing with a 16 year old high school student.
Suguru: "Satoru, I don't think this is a good idea-"
Satoru: "Hush now, Suguru. . . It's my time to shine. . . Watch the master at work."
Suguru proceeds to roll his eyes but becomes a little weary after his last encounter with Toji was. . . unideal. Given one of their teachers was shot in the throat by Toji saving Anamai, and himself getting injured. It wasn't something he wanted to constantly get reminded of. But ever since you liberated Toji from the higher ups and explained it to your students, Suguru has slowly been changing his views on Toji. It will take a while but it's getting there. Anyhow, Suguru told Shoko to book it once the two were going to throw down.
Satoru: "So, what brings you back here, Toji~? You just couldn't get me out of that little mind of yours~? You're mad I'm 1-0 with you?"
Toji: "Kid, I'm pretty sure that it's 1-1 since I won our first battle. Anyway, I heard through the grapevine that you gave (Y/N) a love confession. Don't you know it's bad to confess and hit on a married woman who has kids? Were you taught any manners? Then again, by the way you act, you probably have none."
Satoru: "You're just mad, Old Man. That I, Satoru Gojo, would treat (Y/N)-dono better and treat her worth. Face it, Old Man. I'm a better match for her than you'll ever be."
Toji: "Like she ever goes for someone half her age, Brat. Plus, you'll never look at you as a lover ever. You're more of a son to her and that's the closest you'll get."
Satoru: "Well, she doesn't need a bum like you around. Imagine fighting a bunch of teens and getting your ass beat by said teens. Skill issue if you ask me."
Toji: "Watch your tongue, Boy. Remember who made you struggle for the first time in your life and actually killed you. While, you know, fucking up your best friend, the second strongest sorcerer, with no curse energy? I got your ass with no gifts other than being a superhuman with weapons. You can never beat me, I'm just built different, Kid."
Satoru: "You wanna test that, Toji~? You got no curse weapons with you. I can pack you up like you're a school lunch."
Toji: "Kid, please. I don't need any weapons to beat you, let alone kill you. You see this? This is a rock, and I can use it to beat you. I also still have my hands too. And I am more then willing to give it to you, Gojo~kun."
Satoru: "You think I'm scared of someone like you? I've ascended, enlighten if you will. If you even know what that word is. Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the honored one. Remember those words, Fushiguro-san? Remember them good because I will put you six feet underground."
Toji: "I see then, Kid. . . So you're playing God? I guess that makes me a God Slayer then. . . Prepare yourself, Kid. . ."
Satoru: "Alright, bet then, Bozo."
Thus, Gojo and Toji started to go at each other for round 3. Shoko was already gone and the two started fighting in the training grounds. Five minutes have already passed and they have made five decently sized craters. Just as both of them were about to throw a punch at each other, they suddenly felt a powerful presence which halted them. They turn to you walking towards them with a furious face unimaginable.
You moved like a blur and appeared next to them vice gripping their forearms tightly. You dragged them to the nearest empty classroom you can find or any room. You were just so livid that you didn't hear Gojo whining about your grip and asking to let you go like a child. As you let them go once you dragged them far enough, you smacked both of them hard on the head. Shoko and Gojo were watching this as Yaga appeared right next to them shortly. It was interesting seeing two of the most broken people in the world kneeling with their heads down in-front of a woman who doesn't have god-like abilities.
"BUT (Y/N)-dono! He-"
"Okay, Hon. I take full responsibility for my actions today."
"But (Y/N)-dono, I was not going to kill him last time-"
You start to calm down but you are still firm with them.
"I know this started because of Satoru's crush on me. . . Satoru, I will not love you romantically and date you. Please understand that. I care for you like family and that is said for the rest of you. Yes you, Suguru, Shoko, and Yaga. And Toji, I'm not leaving you for a child. I would be in jail and not working here. . . Geez, I saw this from a mile away but never expected this to happen. Now, you two better behave yourselves or else. You two don't have to say sorry or anything like of the sort. Just don't go tearing at each other's throats when I both am and am not around. Please, for me. . ."
The two looked at each other before saying a soft yeah. After that, Yaga told you to go home early and he would take it from there. You had to patch up Toji a bit but it wasn't anything of concern. From then on, Toji and Gojo just banter and bicker with each other. It's funny to watch except for Megumi since he's seeing his dad beefing with his unofficial adoptive older brother 24/7.
Satoru eventually grows out of his crush for (Y/N) but Suguru and Shoko never let him down. Hell, it's a running gag in the school about Gojo's old crush on you. Gojo always gets super embarrassed about it, especially when you join in but it's all fun and games with you all.
The only person who genuinely hates it is Megumi because the thought of Gojo having romantic feelings for you and trying to woo you made Megumi visibly ill and sick to his core. He would lowkey help his dad beat up Gojo if Gojo's crush on you became serious again.
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💙Author's Notes💙: 💙I am truly grateful to each and everyone of you in showing me that my writing is enjoyable to read!!! I appreciate you all from the bottom of my heart for making my comeback worthwhile! I hate to sound giga cringe but every single one of you that likes, reblogs, and comments on my writing post make me want to continue writing because I know that there are people out there that like what I make.💙 💙So once again, I am truly grateful and feel appreciative that everyone single one of you enjoy what I have been writing. I hope you all stay healthy, drink your water/favorite drink, treat yourself kindly, and take a break because you earned it!💙🥰 ❄️💙💙Happy Holidays to all of you, my GOATS!!!💙💙❄️
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destinysbounty · 6 months
Not sure if this counts, but how do you explain the ninjas ages? How are they teachers but also like 16? I always love hearing people's thoughts on this
For a while now I've been entertaining a headcanon that I think would perfectly explain this in a way that makes sense. Note that this is just a circumstantial theory with no explicit basis in canon, so feel free to take it or leave it as you see fit.
Okay, so. To understand the teacher situation (as well as my theories for why Ninjago's education system is fucked to hell and back), we first have to talk about the Serpentine War for a sec. Bare with me, I promise this will make sense.
This seems like a no-brainer, but a war requires people to actually, yknow, fight in it. Which means large demographics of people have to leave their homes, families, jobs, and communities. Naturally, this forces the ones they've left behind to compensate for the economic deficit caused by their absence. Anyone familiar with American history could tell you that this happened to the US during WWII - as swathes of men shipped off overseas to fight in the war, women back home had to take charge of the economy and participate more actively in the workforce.
I think it goes without saying that this kind of situation probably happened to Ninjago during the Serpentine War. But the thing is, we know women fought in the war stood at the front lines alongside the men - we've seen them. So if that's the case, then who stepped up to help run the economy while Mommy and Daddy were away?
I think you can guess where I'm going with this.
That's right. With so many people leaving to fight in the War (and also dying from Serpentine raids), I don't think it's unreasonable to conclude that some subset of kids and teens had to step up to the plate and take up some of the vacancies their parents had left behind. Obviously I'm not saying all the adults were gone, but it was enough to warrant kids entering the workforce prematurely.
And of course, if kids are getting jobs at younger ages, then I think it's valid to extrapolate that to teacher positions as well.
As you can imagine, this shift created a few new social precedents: 1) expectations for kids, especially teens, to get jobs and become mature at younger ages was normalized; and 2) requirements for certain careers, including education, became much more lenient.
This labor expectation imposed on older kids and teens would actually explain a lot more than just the s3 teacher situation, when you think about it.
Not only are unqualified teens allowed to become teachers, but also undead skeleton warriors from the Underworld (see s1ep4). I'm sorry, but you can't convince me that Kruncha and Nuckal are licensed educators.
The existence of Darkley's, and how it was able to exist for so long without any kind of administrative intervention. The education system is in shambles, and it's because Ninjago's infrastructure never fully recovered from the Serpentine War.
Disparities and gaps in people's historical/world knowledge. No one knows shit about anything. Because again, the education system in in shambles. (If you doubt the validity of this point, let me just remind you I'm from the US. I once met a college student who didn't know what 'north' was.)
The existence of the Paper Boys - how they can devote what seem to be entire workdays to an extremely dangerous job, with minimal adult oversight (if any).
The entirety of Ninjago society seems totally chill with the fact that their saviors are a bunch of kids. To them this isn't cause for concern or even distrust in the ninjas' capability, it's just the norm!
In s15, Lloyd was able to get a job, presumably without a high school diploma or GED of some kind. Or, yknow, any formal education past grade 3 (although we know from supplemental material that he did get some kind of tutoring from the ninja, so this point is debatable).
If some kind of in-universe CPS equivalent exists, then they certainly don't do anything. No one has ever reported or raised issue with Lloyd being homeless, Cole also being homeless for a while, the ninja not being in school, Kai and Nya being parent-free since the ages of ~6 and 3 respectively, and other such things that would ordinarily be cause for alarm.
While there is canon evidence that Kai and Nya received some degree of aid from their community, especially when they were younger, this seems to be completely absent by the time the series begins. Perhaps the community's assistance began to withdraw over time as the siblings faced increasing expectations to become self-sufficient despite still being children. Like, "you're 10 years old now, Kai, it's time for you to start pulling your weight and taking care of the shop by yourself. You need to grow up."
If we approach Ninjago's worldbuilding from this context, suddenly the teacher arc becomes less of a plothole and more...depressing, tbh.
And in a weird way, this interpretation actually fits in nicely with Ninjago's themes of generational trauma. Think about it. Society was damaged by the Serpentine War. And because they never really healed from what happened, the kids of future generations continue to face the normalization of their childhoods gradually being ripped away from them before they're ready. Kinda like kids in a broken home taking on adult responsibilities to cover the slack. Kinda like Cole handling house chores while his father grieved away from home. Kina like Kai and Nya running the shop while their parents were gone.
And everyone is just...used to it. The only times in all 15 seasons that anyone stakes a complaint about this system are in seasons 1-2 when Lloyd was a little child, in season 8 when Harumi was ridiculing the ninja, and in season 15 when Wu refused to lead the Paper Boys into battle.
(I do think it's worth noting that young children are still regarded as kids, of course, as seen with how the ninja were treated when they got de-aged. But this isn't really a refutation of my argument, as much as it is a clue to help us identify society's cutoff for childhood innocence.)
Again, it's more of a circumstantial theory than anything based in fact. So you're free to dispute it as you like. But you have to admit it would explain a lot, wouldn't it?
Anyway, that was...a lot longer than I was expecting it to be. Damn. I'm beginning to think that's gonna be a running theme with these theory posts.
Thanks for the ask! <3
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wh4re4marvel · 2 years
Pray for forgiveness.
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(not my gif)
A/N: Sorry I’ve been gone so long. This was supposed to be up in March but life got, very life… Anyways here it is now, please enjoy. As always READ THE WARNINGS, and MINORS DNI, my work is strictly always 18+ and I’m also not responsible for anyone’s content consumption. Also, unrealistic but reader is 20+ in a private catholic college.
A night out with friends after school leaves you tumbling the street of Hell's kitchen alone. Still in your shit school girl uniform brings the pervs out from the dark alleys, and the one and only hero Daredevil comes to your rescue. Now semi-sobered up,  the masked man is now the reason your heart is pounding, and he can hear it. He can smell what he's doing to you just by being in your presence. He's just going to take you somewhere private, to protect you of course. Your teasing makes things take a bit of a turn, and Matt takes you in the one place he never thought he'd do such a thing. A church.
Pairing: Matt Murdock x fem reader
Word Count: 2,600+
Warnings: Smut, p in v, dirty talk, religious talk and symbolism, mature actions in a church, hair pulling, choking, heightened senses, no protection, legal age gap, pet names, lots of dirty talk
    You hiccuped stumbling the streets of Hell's Kitchen. A drunken smile plastered on your lips that didn't seem to leave as you thought about home. Missing your comfortable bed. Getting drinks with friends was fun, and easy because no one seems to care about an ID if you show some cleavage. Of course the shitty clerk wanted a number though. They always do.
    If the man just glanced at the patch on your button up shirt he'd notice it literally said Saint Mary's Private School. However, he couldn't even maintain eye contact so what's the shocker?
     Loud whistles startled you from your thoughts, looking left and right you figured they were for something or someone else. So you kept on moving, until the whistling started again. Yelling from behind you could be heard from miles. "Hey pretty girl, you lost?" "Need a ride home?" Those were the only two things you could fully make out. "Oh- I'm okay I'm going home." You tried your best to seem sober and get ready to run if they got any closer. "Saint Mary's hm? Do they know their students stay out past curfew to drink?" The tallest spoke up and moved closer. You stepped back slowly, with every step he took near. "I-I'm not- uhm..." your words got away from you. What did he even expect as a response? I mean come on...
    "Ah it's alright. This can be all of our secret. How about you come with me and we get some more drinks?" He seemed to be the leader, radiating confidence. Panic set in and before you knew it, bam flat on your ass. You were so upset with yourself and embarrassed. Horror movie mistake right here. Dumb girl tripping not even a minute in.
    Before you could scold yourself more, the street light above you went out with a crash. Like a rock was thrown at it, and it became nearly pitch black. The light wasn't doing much already. You screamed as arms scooped you up. A hand clamped over your mouth, and you were being carried bridle style. Being ran with in someone's arms. You began to thrash and fight him off with your life. A thud was heard and you were back on your ass with a thud.
"Hey hey hey, calm down, I'm daredevil. There were a lot of them, so I thought just getting you out of there was best. Are you okay?" The man with a black mask on his head asked. It looked like a scarf. "Sorry, y-yeah." You were catching your breath when you took the time to see who saved you. How his shirt hugged him, how deep his voice was, how plump his lips were. How could you be thinking about that at a time like this?
  Matt heard your heart race and was worried. What could be wrong? "Are you hurt at all?" He asked trying to figure out what the problem was. "Oh- uhm no. I think I maybe scraped my legs a bit but it's nothing." You were fumbling over your words and tense, that's when it hit him.
The sweet smell of your aching cunt, your thin panties and short skirt not doing much to contain your excitement. "They're still around, looking for us. Should be gone in half an hour at the most." He explained, trying to focus his senses elsewhere. "Okay, t-thank you so much. You really don't have to stay, you've done s-so much already." God you hoped he'd stay... "I rather be safe than sorry. It's no problem at all." While he was ready to sit in a comfortable silence, you were rather bored and interested. "What's your name Mr. Daredevil?" You asked, fidgeting with your skirt. He chuckled, "now why would I tell you that?" The slight shake of his head made you smile. "Was worth a shot. I'm Y/N." You giggled a bit, that lingering alcohol made you more confident, hoping to see under that mask by the end of the night.
"Well Y/N what are you doing out at this time of night all alone?" The tone was taunting. It made your cheeks heat up and smile grow, glad he likely couldn't see you with the thick layer of black cloth over his eyes. He could hear your heart beat quicken as the smell of your dripping cunt ever so lightly hit his sense of smell again. He inhaled deeper through his nose, desperate for more of that sweet sweet smell between your thighs, he could almost taste it. Fuck he really wanted to taste you...
"Was with friends, then poof, I was all alone, but now I'm alone with you sir." Something about the way you said the last word made his already semi hard cock throb in his pants.
"Sir? You're catholic aren't you kitten?" He asked and the nickname made your brows raise and cunt ache. The masked man seemed to notice as he smirked. Cocky bastard.
"Born and raised in the church, never missed a sunday, I'm a really good girl sir." Absolute filth. You attempted to sound as innocent as possible, but the intention behind your words was clear as seduction was thickly laced in your tone. "I'm having some trouble believing that." You admired his smile as the words fell from his lips. You furrowed your eyebrows, lips in a pout. "What's so hard to believe?" Your tone was playfully hurt, he could hear the smile in your voice.
"Well, for starters, something tells me good catholic girls aren't roaming the streets in hardly any clothing and drunk on a Saturday Night, and honey the way I can smell how wet your sweet little pussy is, now that's just sinful." He was standing before you now. Head tilting as he stood above you, smirk plastered on his lips still. Not faltering for a single moment,
"Cat got your tongue kitten? Then let me give your pretty little mouth something to do." You bit your lip harshly in excitement and overwhelming nerves as the masked man undid his pants.
Minutes into him fucking your mouth and you were an absolute train wreck. Body shaking, thighs drenched with your slick, no time like the present to ovulate I guess. Your eyes were puffy from how much crying you've been doing, mouth painfully aching as it stretches to take all of what he's giving you, your nose smashing into his pelvic bone again and again, hair tangled in his rough hands and your angelic whimpers and gags as you take him so well.
"Such a good girl, you were right. Taking me so well." He groaned and you were in absolute awe, everything about me this man absolutely mouth watering. Down to his core he was sinful. The way he smelled even was lustful. He had to have been sent by the Devil himself, with the way he was built like an absolute perfect God.
Before he finished in your mouth he pulled you off, your spit coating him and running down your chin. He tugged on your jaw, pulling you to your feet slowly. Your shaky legs almost giving in.
      "Want me to fuck you pretty girl?" He purred, one hand gently around your throat as the other slid up your skirt, feeling how wet you really were. "Use your words." The demand rather present in his tone. It felt as if something was blocking your words from leaving your lips, you were scared. No guy your age had made you feel anywhere close to this good and he's hardly touched you.
    "That's alright, I'll get you rambling again kitten." Before you could ask what he meant, his fingers slid past the thin lacy drenched material of your panties, rubbing your wetness all along your folds as his middle finger ran up and down the slit of your eager pussy.
     "So wet all for me? Bet you'd worship me huh? Already at a loss for words and I'm barely putting my finger tips on you sweet girl." Every word was taunting and left you beyond flustered, not to mention so incredibly horny. "Please." The word fell from your lips pathetically, you just wanted him so bad. No idea how much longer you can handle any of his teasing. Your eyes already beginning to water as you clench around nothing for probably the hundredth time.
    "Please what?" Then his fingers left you completely and you swear you've never felt so ruined. Beyond pathetic you began to babble pleas and whining for the complete stranger in front of you. Matt wanted to take his time with you, something so fragile, naive, helpless, sweet and angelic. He could practically hear that cross chain necklace around your neck. If only God could see his little saint now.
“Please fuck me sir.” You whined, desperate for some contact or anything from him. Hell if he kept talking the way he did, while looking the way he did, you could definitely just make a mess in your panties from that alone.
As soon as the words left your mouth, he knew he lost control. Grabbing you by your hair, dragging you to the altar of the church. You had forgotten where the two of you were. Committing such sinful acts in such a holy place. You felt so dirty, your stomach slightly sinking but just for a moment before the devil himself tossed you onto the floor in front of wooden altar. A bible not even a foot away from where your knees landed.
You must have misheard him, he’s kidding. You let out a nervous chuckle and turned to face him. His face unreadable especially with his eyes being covered. He didn’t seem to be joking though.
“You want to be fucked don’t you? Pray for it, and pray for forgiveness for making me have to deal with you being an absolute slut and taking care of your needs in a church of all places like the whore you are.” The harsh words sunk in, stinging a bit, but your body reacted much differently. Pussy flooding, dripping down your thighs and clenching, aching around nothing at his filthy words.
“Don’t make me repeat myself, otherwise I won’t fuck you kitten. And we both don’t want that now do we? Make sure to use your words this time.” The voice you heard was different from the same one that initially saved you earlier tonight. Deeper, darker and so full of pure lust.
“Yes sir.” You eagerly responded, so desperate for the man before you. You interlocked your fingers, bowing your head, with closed eyes you began to pray. Shame and guilt nowhere to be found as your hormones consumed you.
“Our Father, who art in Heaven, please forgive me for I have sinned, and am about to continue to do so.” As you spoke, he began to pull you to your feet, making you pause. “Don’t stop, make sure you pray for me too kitten.” He purred in your ear, bending you over the altar. Your eyes widening as you felt him flip up your skirt. Not wanting him to stop though, you continued.
“Forgive us both for the sins we are about to commit, and how badly I want it. I need it.” The cold air against your pussy as he pulled your panties to the side made you gasp. Without warning, he pushed into you slowly making you dig your nails into the wood your face was being pressed into, one of his hands arching your back to his liking as he semi forced himself in. Regardless of how absolutely filthily wet you were, he was just too big to fit in with ease, but he’d make it fit.
“Say Amen now baby.” He demanded, sliding in and out extraordinarily slow. As soon as you parted your lips to speak he began to thrust into you wildly. Loud cries escaping you from the sudden sting ridden pleasure. No matter how hard you tried to quiet yourself, biting your lip, holding a hand over your mouth, nothing could keep the noises he drew from you down. You felt so filthy being fucked so brutally in such a place. The smallest pinch of guilt rose as you could almost feel the eyes of a Jesus statue across the room peering into your soul, but part of you liked that. How crude the acts you were committing were. Matt groaned as you clenched around him, his noises were Godly.
“How cute, you’re being torn apart by the Devil in a church kitten. And here you are loving every second. Gushing all over my cock with that pretty little pussy, if only your God could see you now Angel.” The praises and demeaning words had you whining, not sure if you wanted to hear more or for him to stop because you really loved every word that left his mouth.
“Oh God! Please don’t stop!” Interesting choice of words. Matt smiled as he was pounding away into you, releasing all his rage and frustrations into your abused hole. His orgasm close by already, having your mouth just been wrapped around him not long before.
“God? I can be that for you too Angel. Just call me sir for now pretty girl.” You felt as if you’d explode. So overwhelmed with pleasure you’ve never felt before, not quite like this, such an intense orgasm building and you’re right at the edge of it. Your stomach in absolute impossible endless knots, you didn’t even realize it until the salty taste hit your lips but you were sobbing. Such pleasure being foreign you couldn’t handle it.
“Aw you’re doing so good for me kitten, such a good little slut, all dumb on my cock, just drink on it aren’t you baby? Make a mess on it for me Angel. Put on a show for your God, show him what a dirty girl you are.” His words had you, if you weren’t about to cum before, you surely would now. Instantly once he stopped talking fluids came rushing out of you, squirting all over his cock and the tile floor. Your body trembling as he fucked you senseless through your orgasm, reaching his as your walls spasmed around his already close and sensitive cock.
His cum filling you up past the brim, a mixture of your fluids now in the tile before he even pulled out. Your bodies just stilling for a moment as you enjoyed the sensation of him emptying himself into you, and you being so incredibly warm and full inside.
A gasp and whine left from you as he slid out, his cum slipping out of you almost immediately as there was so much of it. Your legs gave out on you, and Matt had to grab you and hold your still shaking body steady. A smirk on his face from how he left you.
“You’re gonna need a lifetime of hail mary’s and never missing another Sunday of church again to be forgiven for that Angel.” A rather wide cocky grin adored his face, “my name is Matt by the way.”
Damn are you happy to have shitty friends right now.
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thekingofwinterblog · 6 months
So just something I noticed about spirit, which might give an insight into his and Maka's mother's relationship, and timeline.
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This is the only picture we have of Maka's mother as her and Spirit are telling Maka about the legends of Fire Force... I haven't actually read it, so i have no idea what those might be, but what i find interesting is how spirit looks so... Young, while his wife does not.
Like Spirit had maka while he was 18 years of age, so he cant be more than 20 at most here, but he looks like a teenager, while his wife despite being smaller, looks like she's in her early thirties.
Where am i going with this?
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Well, in this flashback we see the dynamic the previous generation had while still at school... And notice that Spirit looks barely younger while flirting with this random lady, than he did after having Maka.
Now, for obvious reasons this doesnt mean that this scene is set before he and his ex-wife hooked up, but it's not hard to imagine that there likely was a period in Spirit's life where he tried to clean his act up, given that his wife actually agreed to marry him.
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Meanwhile, this flashback to an earlier point than that gives us one of our only direct looks into how Spirit and Stein functioned as partners.
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Their dynamic isnt as important as the ages here. This is clearly taken from their first year or so, and Spirit looks like a 12 year old who's hit a growth spurt, but not matured at all elsevise.
With all of this in mind, and with what we know of Spirit and his wife's school years, what can we figure out?
We know Spirit and Stein was partners, all the way until Maka's mother, while still a student discovered Stein's experiments, upon which Spirit was transfered into her care.
Why is this important? Because 1. It seems likely that all of the drama around this likely happened in their last year of school.
In other words, Maka was probably concieved while spirit and his wife was still in school.
If that is true, it likely means maka was not a planned child, and that one of the reasons why Maka's mother thought Spirit could clean up his act, was that he was still barely not schoolboy anymore when they hooked up.
In other words, while naive on her part, it was a possibility. Plenty of teenagers do leave behind their childish ways upon leaving school.
However, there is one final bit of info i havent covered yet.
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We know there was a time period when the Albarns were happy together, or at least they were from Little Maka's perspective.
However, there is one little detail from these pictures from happier days that shines a final light on how things unfolded.
Spirit is not wearing his work attire. That means that at this point, he is likely not yet a death scythe, or at the very least, he is not THE death scythe.
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When we get Flashbacks to Maka spying on Spirit as he's committing infidelity, Maka and spirit are both a bit older, but Spirit also has adopted his current work attire, meaning that at this point, he's become Shinigami's weapon... And that gives a very different picture of how things unfolded.
Because it means that when Spirit was still with his wife, as not just her husband, but her partner, he probably remained true to her, and was a dad Maka admired... It was when that stopped, and he no longer saw her every day, as their work took them in different directions, that Spirit fell back to his old ways, and began cheating on her. It's a thing that actually happens a depressingly lot in reality, when couples grow physically separated due to job developments, and one begins to cheat on the other.
If so it adds some very much needed context to why Maka's mother left Death City and her job as a meister behind so decisively without any further contact.
We know that she was a meister with the skills and determination to see Spirit's journey to a death scythe through to the finish... And the only thing she got out of it, was Shinigami taking her husband away from her, him then falling back into his old ways, and then years of an unhappy marriage, and finally all that remained of her happy teenage dream was the remains of a broken life. That was her reward for suceeding in doing her job to the fullest of her abilities.
No wonder she is bitter, not just at Spirit, but the entire system, and especially her old boss.
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spinningwebsandtales · 9 months
Imagine Gojo Convincing You To Sneak Out Of The Dorms Pt. 2
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Gojo Satoru X FemReader
Rating: G
Warnings: Just lots of fluff and Gojo
Word Count: 1.k
Part 1: here
(A/N:) I had to do a part 2 of my most recent Gojo fic, cause we all know the man didn’t mature at all once he became a teacher. So he would totally sneak out with the reader as an adult. Plus as a reader of the manga (and reading the new chapters as soon as they drop) I wanted to help Anime only watchers through some things that are gonna happen. I’m not giving spoilers but enjoy some more of my Gojo content. I hope y’all like it and until next time happy reading! ~Countess
The peaceful atmosphere of the Jujutsu High school seeped into bathing room as the warm water seeped into your bones. The day’s exhaustion was catching up with you quickly as chasing young up and comeing sorcerers around all day was tiresome. Throw a Gojo Satoru in the mix and that exhaustion tripled. So your evening bath had become a time to relax and unwind before going to bed. Well it was when you could keep Gojo from barging in and gifting you with his presence.
So far this evening you hadn’t seen that familiar head of silver hair and it was making you a little nervous. The last you had heard he hadn’t had any missions come up, so it was most likely Gojo was still lurking around somewhere. If he wasn’t around you, he was definitely up to something. Everyone knew that but you had the chance of getting closer to Gojo after a relationship had blossomed between the both of you while you were both students. Now that you both were teachers, you and him tried to be a little more discrete about your relationship. Mainly you, as Gojo enjoyed embarrassing you with ridiculous acts of PDA that borderlined on being more on the obnoxious side. You couldn’t really lie to yourself though that you didn’t love the attention, though the obscene ridiculousness of his affections would cause you to blush blood red.
With a warm cup of tea and a novel on your bedside table, there was still no sign of Gojo as you turned off the light of your bedroom and flicked on the lamp at your bedside. Your nighttime routine was supposed to be relaxing, but you couldn’t unwind with the threat of a quiet Gojo lurking around. Settling under your blankets and cracking the book open on your lap, you took a sip of tea. Your bedroom window slammed open startling you into almost spitting out a mouthful of tea.
“Is my favorite pretty lady in here,” Gojo asked as he hung halfway into your room through the window. Shoving blankets aside you shoved him back out of the window causing the powerful sorcerer to pout.
“What are you doing?!”
“Let’s sneak out,” he replied grabbing your arm. “Like we used to do.”
You shook your head holding firm against his not so gentle tugs on your arm, “Let’s not.”
“Why not?”
“C’mon Satoru we have to set an example for the kids,” you sighed removing your arm from his grip before trying to shut your window, only for him to stop you.
“I am setting an example for my students,” Gojo smirked.
“Yeah a bad one,” you retorted. “We’re adults now and teachers nonetheless, we can’t play these childish games anymore.”
“I feel like your speech about being adults and teachers is making me nauseas.”
“You make me nauseas. Go back to sleep.” 
“I can’t,” he whined barging his way inside. For such a tall lanky man he was surprisingly agile coming through your window. He swept you up in his arms holding you close. “The night is so young and so are we.”
“Mmm hmm you’re making it sound so romantic Gojo,” you snorted. “I haven’t been young in ages and if I don’t sleep my students suffer.”
“They suffer either way with your teaching,” he grinned before yelping after you pinched his arm hard.
“Very funny,” you shoved him away. “Go take a walk by yourself, it’ll be just as romantic.”
“Please,” he kissed you softly and you melted. “Just for an hour.”
This was always your downfall. Whenever he didn’t get what he wanted it was those pouty lips and those bright blue eyes he kept hidden until this exact moment. He knew how much of a weakness he was to you and Gojo played his cards well. Viciously tearing down your walls until you agreed to whatever he wanted. Which didn’t take long with those ridiculously long eyelashes and insanely gorgeous blue eyes.
You sighed, body sagging in defeat. “Fine.”
You didn’t have to say a word more until he was helping you out your window and out onto the darkened streets below the school. You held your robe closed with one hand while Gojo held the other one. Why you didn’t think to let him give you a few moments to change, you’d never know. Now you get to walk around hand in hand with the world’s strongest sorcerer in your pajamas.
“You look fine,” Gojo spoke up leading you further away from the school.
You glared causing him to smirk. “Oh yeah sure I look fine in my designer pajamas walking beside Mr. Effortlessly Gorgeous.”
“You think I’m gorgeous.”
“Shut up,” you snarled blushing pink.
Gojo squeezed your hand tighter, leading you onwards until you were lost in the scenery going by. Gojo remained unusually quiet, until the crash of waves on the shore took your attention. He grinned widely turning loose of your hand so you could run towards the waves. The memories of your first time here at the beach with Gojo surfaced and it made you laugh. He joined you in your glee, splashing you with salty water and you returning fire. Seconds later he was chasing you down the beach until he tackled you to the sand. You cackled loudly, slapping at him playfully with no mournful thought to your gritty hair and clothes. The sand was still a little warm from the residual heat from the sun and it contrasted nicely with the cool night. You laid out enjoying it while breathing heavily. Gojo did the same but laid on his side so he could brush sand from your cheek.
“Thanks for talking me into coming out here,” you nuzzled closer.
“You’re welcome,” he cooed. “Time with me is never wasted.”
You snorted at his egotistical comment but kissed his cheek nonetheless. You rolled back over watching what stars you could see in the sky, enjoying a much needed quiet moment with the sorcerer you still loved dearly. You looked forward to spending all the time you could with him as long as you both were alive and able.
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bunni-v1 · 4 months
Oh, I would LOVE to hear more about your college au!!
I feel like a lot of folks just age them up and call it a day, but I love when I run into people really detail their own au out. One thing I loved that I ran into once was the idea that each dorm was divided into majors - and that's part of your sorting. Pomefiore being Theater Arts (Epel, farm boy going to college to improve and modernize his town agriculture, is just extra horrified lol) though I figure they could probably pick their own minor.
Anyway, I adore hearing details!
TWST College AU (First Years!!!)
🍓Hiiiiii! Thank you for asking! I figured I'd just answer this informally since it shouldn't take too long! (And, to be honest, I don't feel like writing a bunch of headcannons for the entire cast :/)
I really like the idea of the dorms being sorted by major, but uhm... I see Ace as a Film major and Riddle as a Med School student so... that wouldn't really work for me?
The basic idea IS to age them up because I am a college student and I want to write about college students -- plus, the twst campus is set up A LOT like a college already, so I always felt weird that it was a high school? Even when I was still a high schooler playing the game, it never felt like a high school, so obviously I decided to just... change it because that's what fanfic is for.
I also didn't want to just... make them all 18. Like... consistency is important people! Leona is 24 now, sorry girlies <3
So I've talked about the age differences and explained Ortho and all that in my rules (read them please :3). I also mentioned that they act differently! The first years won't change too much, because they are still NEW college students, but they respond to things with more maturity than they would if they were just 15/16 year olds. Because... of course, they would. (I would hope 18-year-olds would be a little more mature.)
But I didn't talk about the structures that I changed, mostly based on my own schedule. I'm only gonna use the first years as examples so please forgive me for ignoring your faves <3
So, the first thing I changed is there is no homeroom teacher because we don't have homeroom teachers in college! So, students have multiple different classes throughout the day.
Let's take our little film major Ace, shall we? Ace's first class of the day is a 'core' class, which is the class he has with Yuu and Deuce. It's a basic magic history course that's required for everyone to take, and it's mostly filled with other first-years. Jack, Epel, and Sebek are all in the class too! This class happens three times a week, MWF. He has three other classes, two of which are major-related and one of which is another core magic class.
Each student has their own specific schedule, and they sometimes overlap with each other. This includes first, second, and third years. To give you a little example: Epel and Ruggie take a course on magic plants together!
Many of the courses at NRC have magic at their core -- because it's a magic school -- but their students are free to study whatever they please! That's why Ace is a film major because he wants to be. He cannot, however, pick what kind of magic he gets to study.
Because, of course, the kind of magic you study is based on the dorm you are sorted into. Students have to take at least four classes to do with their dorm's magic type to graduate. It's harder for some students and easier for others.
Epel, of course, hates Pomefiore because he HATES potion-making. He is also surrounded by many theatre majors because... well... just because your dorm doesn't decide your major doesn't stop the same types of people from gathering in one place.
Each dorm has a stereotypical major type associated with it. Many students in Octinivelle are business majors, Pomefiore is performing arts, Savanahclaw is the fitness kids, etc.
So, with all that out of the way, I want to go through the core cast of first years. Namely, their majors and the way I've tweaked their personalities.
Ace: As I mentioned, he's a film major! He loves movies, and he's such a geek about them, so he thought 'Why not!' To be specific, he wants to go into film writing, but he's not dedicated himself to it yet. He's still got four years ahead of him, so he doesn't have to worry about it too hard. Ace is a LOT more chill as a college student. He still teases his friends and he's STILL a huge dickhead, but he knows when he fucked up and needs to apologize. He's more willing to just back off when he needs to and accept his faults as his own, unlike highschool Ace in game. He's still got a firey personality and will stand up to authority, so at his core, he's still the same Ace, just a bit more chilled out.
Deuce: Is a first-generation college student, so he feels like he's got a lot riding on his back. He went into business, mostly because he felt like he HAD to if he wanted a good life for himself. However, he dabbles in a lot of stuff. He constantly does a ton of extracurriculars and is curious about all the courses at NRC. This Deuce is more self-assured than he usually is. He's confident in what he feels he wants/needs, even if it ISN'T what he wants/needs. He, however, still is not great at managing his anger. He still has really big outbursts when he's been upset by something, but he tries his best to keep a cool head and ALWAYS apologizes afterward to his friends.
Jack: You guys are just gonna have to trust me on this one. Jack is majoring in kinesiology with a minor in physical education. He wants to be a personal trainer/occupational therapist! In my opinion, Jack stays the MOST consistent among the first years. He's still pretty strong in his sense of justice, and he's reliable and generally pretty nice. The only thing I could really see changing is that he's a bit more approachable and he's more willing to talk to his fellow students.
Epel: POOR EPEL LMAO. He's an agricultural major, specifically in Agribusiness so he can help his family farm grow more, because he loves his granny so much. He also minors in Agricultural magic -- so, learning about how magic can be used to cultivate plants and the like. Imagine his surprise when he's shoved into the "performing arts" dorm. Epel has more come into his own as a college student. He'd be less pissy about his more feminine looks, though he still tries his best to appear more masculine. He's more willing to bite back at Vil than normal as well because he's an adult now and he doesn't wanna be pushed around.
Ortho: Kid genius! He's a robot, so of course he's a kid genius. Ortho is the only member of the cast who is still under 18 (he's 16 years old and in college!) He majors in computer science, specifically robotics -- he likes to understand how he works lol. BUT, he's an anthropology minor! He likes learning about humans too! He's still very much adoring of his brother, but he has a personality outside of that lol. He's sassy and witty, and really sociable! I'd go so far as to say he's popular around campus, especially since he involves himself in a bunch of different activities.
Sebek: Sebek majors in Magical Studies! It's a general major that can be filtered down into multiple different specific majors, but as for now, he's just Magic Studies generally. Sebek is... an oddball... even still in college. His love for Malleus has never gone away, nor has his dedication. He's like the kid you meet who never really grew up past their freshman year -- mostly because they were never really exposed to ideas outside of what they know. College would have him on edge because A LOT of it is just questioning what he knows, and he's not handling it well. I would say he's probably more awkward than anything. Not as in him making others uncomfortable with his weird behaviors, but him making HIMSELF uncomfortable because of it lol. (He still needs to grow a lot!)
That's all I can think of though! Thank you for asking, I loveeeeeeee questions!!
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ircn-dad · 2 years
Sometimes I think about Tony's life before Iron Man and I just feel bad for that man.
He spent his entire childhoods in a house where he wasn't loved for who he was. His dad didn't payed attention to him and mentally abused him (idk if in the MCU he was physically abused too, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was), his Mother- even if she wasn't bad and was lovely- always tried to justify Howard's action towards him (during the BARF scene we can see an example of her actions). Living in a house like this, where you feel no one is at your side is exhausting. Where everyone expect from you the best, and even if you try it, you won't ever be enough for your parents.
He entered at MIT at only fourteen, so that means (I guess) he never went to school with his peers. At seven years old he enters at the Philips Academy and it's a secondary school. Despite his outgoing behaviour, I don't think a little kid is comfortable around people much older. I don't think he even had real friends before going to MIT because even if he was more mature than his age, I don't believe a lot of teenagers or pre teens were ready to befriend with a kid.
So, no friends at school and not a good relationship with his family. He must have felt lonely for 14 years, and when he goes to MIT he decides to change. He puts a mask on and begins his new behaviour. He starts going to parties, to drink and to act cool around people to be liked and appreciated. I remember reading some fake testimonials that Marvel made to honorate the release of Iron Man 3, testimonials about how some ex students remembered Tony at MIT and two of them said:
“No one really knew him, he was just a rich kid. Everyone wanted him around, though, because he'd always bring something fun for the party.”
“I remember him at after-parties on Thayer Street. He was up later than anyone else. But you could always get a ride home with him, because he always had a car.”
No one knows the real him because that's what he does: he hides him self behind parties, fun and this kind of stuff to just be noticed by someone. Some people might say that he just wants to be at the centre of the attention, and yes that's true and it is a bad thing, but ever wondered why? Imagine being a kid, who has no friends, who's father hates you and you feel like no one will ever love you, until you find a way to be finally appreciated. You found a way to have someone who notices you after years of loneliness. I can't speak for everyone, but I would have done the same thing.
He keeps doing this for years and years. He lost his parents, he lost Jarvis and he has to take responsibility for his father's company at 21. He doesn't want that, he just wants to have fun and to distract him self from the reality because half of his life, at the time, was just empty, with no one taking care of him. So he practically leaves the company to Obadiah and he just spends more than 10 years trying to fill that void.
Why do you think he was a playboy?
Now... I don't know if that could be possible in the MCU, but in the comics he was assaulted at fourteen by a woman who was way older thank him That was the first time ever he was touched by someone like that, and even if he was a genius I wouldn't be too surprised (again) to find out he was taking refuge from his problems in s*x. He probably thought that was love, that the only reason someone could really love him was to make s*x with them and to make them feel pleasured (we could apply this logic even if he wasn't assaulted). I can think of other fictional characters who are Playboys (Barney Stinson from "how I met your mother" for example) in which is heavily implied that the only reason they act that way is because they need to feel loved.
Ten years of doing this, and you think he would be able to recover? Ofc no.
He has Rhodey, He has Pepper, He has Happy (and he has Obadiah but we don't talk about that man in this house), He has moneys, fame, he can finally have fun, he can drink and have all the women he wants. His life seems perfect, but we all know that's a lie.
He has everything, but he still has nothing, as Yinsen said.
And Tony, after being kidnapped for three months knows that. He knows his whole life was empty at that point. He said it him self when Yinsen asked him if he had a family out the cave. He just said no, he thinks no one is waiting for him to come back. For 38 years of his life he had nothing to live for, and even though we know how much his friends cared about him, he's not aware of that because he thinks they care for the mask he created for him self when he was young. At the age of 38, he still thinks no one could ever love the real him, because he doesn't love him self.
That's why I hate when people says he's immature, narcissistic and egocentric. Is he aware he is a genius? Yes. It's not bad to know that, especially when everyone expected him to be one since he was born. But that doesn't mean he's narcissistic. He acts like he's better than everyone else, but in reality he feels like the worst person ever. How can a narcissistic person think how their girlfriend deserves so much better than him? (As he said in Iron man 3). How can someone be egocentric and then puts other's life before him every single time, or when he's one of the few who cared for everyone, and who was ready to sacrifice himself for a world who never loved him? How can people even assume he thinks he's better than everyone when he admits himself he's just a man in a tin can?
If you can't see that during all the movies that he covers him self with an armour- not iron man, an INVISIBLE ARMOUR made of humour, sarcasm and fake self-esteem- to protect him self from further pain, then I suggest you to rewatch the movies.
Tony Stark is one of the most human and well written characters in the MCU, it's sad that not a lot of fans (and almost everyone in the marvel universe as well) can't see that.
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absolutebl · 8 months
Rules: List 10 of your comfort shows
tagged by @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle (thanks doll)
I rarely pass along tags but you should do this one and tag me if you do so I can see, comfort watches are my absolute FAVORITE.
This is a BL blog and I've watched most of them, so I will be picking BL. But I will only be picking BL I am rewatching for comfort right NOW.
Some of these may surprise. Ready?
My Top 10 Comfort BL's right NOW
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1 kiss x kiss x kiss - perfect scandal (short)
My favorite of this series because it's basically office romance sexy bits we all wanted from Old Fashion Cupcake.
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2 Jun & Jun
his show made up for in style what it lacked in substance. I like fluff. I loved this. I smile every moment I'm watching. This is very much MY style of BL.
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3 Love is Science (BL cut)
Mark and Ouwen gotta be one of my all time favorite side dishes. LIS? is a noona romance with added mature side couple as well as these two, mostly interwoven. It’s a big buy in just for Mark & Ouwen but WORTH IT, and some kind soul uploaded a BL cut to YT. Everything is a touch quirky but the BL boys are beautiful, earnest, and high heat. It's one of Taiwan's favorite dynamics: the bisexual himbo meets the confident gay, but they are just LOVELY, plus tiny queer family at the end.
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4 2 Moons 3
What can I say, it's utter trash but there is something about the main couple I love. A Thai pulp that felt like it came out 5 yrs ago with many of the flaws inherent to that time and studio system, including manufactured angst and convoluted plot, but an ultimately sweet main couple that (as a pairing) feels a bit more modern and is satisfying to watch. This will probably go down in history as one of the few BLs where I genuinely didn’t care about any of the side couples.
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5 Love Class 2
But only "my couple." ( the mature student and the TA). I still hold that they probably should’ve had their own series.
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6 Big Dragon
I didn't love this when it first aired but I am coming around to it more on the rewatch. (I may even up its score from 7 to 8 if the eventual movie sticks the landing). This is a pairing that proved itself to be a lot more sophisticated than I expected with nods at kink in a more respectful way than Mame could ever dream, plus excellent chemistry.
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7 Why R U? Korea
The Korean remake of Why RU? is BOTH bizarro land, and EXACTLY what I expected. There is something comforting in watching the Cliff's notes version of a show I enjoyed before just in a different BL style. I don't know why I like this one so much, but I really do.
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8 Takara & Amagi
I gnawed on my knuckles and squealed a lot with this show first time around. Now I still love it but I'm more calm. It is beyond charming: soft and gentle, packed with cuteness and high school angst, thirst, & yearning.
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9 About Youth
A truly lovely little coming of age high school BL with a classic YA low drama but high angst and an earnest depth.
Clearly I'm having a bit of a high school phase because I've been thinking of doing this one next:
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10 My School President
Yes, we’ve seen it all before, but I still ADORED this. And there is a lot to be said for the classics being re-executed perfectly. Who let my BL be this wholesome and funny?
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itsyoung8 · 5 months
The age of the students at Bullworth Academy (part III)
Salut! Today I'm going to attack the age of the Greasers! Enjoy reading and don't hesitate to let me know what you think!
-> I'm going to assume that Bullworth Academy is a high school
-> Since it is a high school located in the United States, four years ago and not three as in Europe (ex: France). That's why I'm going to make the following cut:
1st year: 14-15 years old - Freshman
2nd year: 15-16 years old - Sophomore
3rd year: 16-17 years old - Junior
4th year: 17-18 years old - Senior
Johnny Vincent:
Johnny constantly uses the word "kid" in his lines of dialogue. I think he's a 17-18 year old senior because, I repeat, who calls someone "kid" when you're the same age or slightly older by a year or two? No one.
Peanut Romano:
"Nah. Maybe this year sometime". Right off the bat, we can say that Peanut is not a first year because the sentence here implies that Peanut was already at Bullworth Academy the year before. "Look! The fresh meat… I-I mean the freshmen is here". This line of dialogue reinforces this idea that Peanut is not a safe first year.
When Peanut demands money from Jimmy, he implies in two lines of dialogue that he's not old enough to buy adult magazines. Which means that Peanut isn't a 17-18 year old senior either, otherwise he might buy them himself.
Peanut in a lot of lines of dialogue talks about how tall he is and how he is so small compared to other people his age or younger. I think Peanut is a 16-17 year old junior.
Norton Williams:
Already, just like Johnny and those who are also seniors, Norton uses the word "kid" several times. To this, we can add the fact that he is about to graduate very soon since he is already talking about what he will do after school, especially in construction. I come to say that he is a 17-18 year old senior.
Vance Medici:
As for Vance, I couldn't find anything concrete enough to indicate a certain age other than that in one line of dialogue he uses the word "kid". Maybe he's a 17-18 year old senior too, but I'm not sure.
Ricky Pucino:
Ricky must be a 17-18 year old senior as well. He uses the word "kid" in a line of dialogue, which is spoken by students much older than Jimmy. He has an older brother slightly older than him and tried to return a duty to Mr. Galloway that his brother turned in in the past not far enough for Mr. Galloway to remember. From there, we can still assume that Ricky must be in his last year of school before graduation.
Lola Lombardi:
"I'm getting so old! My life is almost over!" Just by this sentence we can say that Lola is a senior of 17-18 years old. In addition, Lola has a cherry tattoo on her left ankle. In the United States, and especially in New England, the majority of states prohibit tattoos for minors. This reinforces the idea that Lola is a 17-18 year old senior.
Lucky De Luca:
"So, there's some new kid making waves around the school. I heard he's trying to get with Pinky". First of all, Lucky is not a first year as one might think with this line of dialogue.
In some of his lines of dialogue, Jimmy's school year isn't his first, which reinforces this idea that he's not a freshman, but isn't in his last at Bullworth Academy and is therefore not a senior.
Finally, Neil tells Jimmy during the first workshop class that the cars are only for the elderly, so seniors. One might think that Lucky is a senior but it is written on the wiki that he is very mature for his age and as said before, Lucky is probably not a senior. We can then think of the fact that he must be a junior of 16-17 years old but a junior in advance.
Hal Esposito:
So I really have no idea omg. At the end of the day, Hal says in a line of dialogue that he has to go buy cigarettes. If we assume that the events are set in 2006 in New England, you can buy cigarettes at the age of 18. You might think that Hal is a 17-18 year old senior, but nothing has been decided.
Lefty Mancini:
"Get any action at the carnival last year". Lefty isn't a first-year-old or he wouldn't know the funfair. Subsequently, when he is walking alone, he can be heard saying: "Gotta get me another pack of smokes and a hot dog". Seen for a moment with Hal, only people 18 and older can buy cigarettes according to New England state laws in 2006. That would mean that Lefty is a 17-18 year old senior. We can continue this momentum by the fact that he, like many others, also uses the word "kid"
End of this third part. In the next one, we'll talk about the Nerds. Thank you for reading this post to the end. A bientôt!
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