#i never considered that Alm and Celica only chose Rigel Castle because it was a final resort
randomnameless · 2 years
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The summer saga continues!
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I think you forgot the 2/2 message, anon, but since it’s always the same reheated canned ravioli salad, I think I can live without it.
Alm would likely side with Supreme Leader
I do not think so, Alm chose the conqueror path, but when it costs him his douche dad and douche cousin, he reconsiders and laments about this path being worthless.
Alm accepts Celica’s love and point of view about the others, and accepts to fulfill Mila’s last request, instead of erasing Duma because his ears are not round or to make a “world for humanity”.
And rhea is like dumas and mila trying to control humanity  dumas is responsible for the humans behavior 
Duma is responsible for Lima, Desaix, and Berkut “silence woman”‘s behaviour? Are those people just meatsuits with no agency, mindbroken to revert to their 12 years old state when the consequences of their actions are going to hit them, or do they die/suffer accordingly because of what they did, from their own volition?
Is Duma also responsible for Tatiana forgetting bread in the over or not ? Or Alm eating raw flour?
Duma’n’Mila were not “trying to control” humanity as, for Mila at least, we saw her chillaxing in her temple, eating apples and playing with her nuns.
Duma isn’t the one sitting in castle Rigel, being the Emperor and ordering his nephew to hunt a bunch of peasants, nope. Mila and Duma provided humanity their “teachings” and “blessings”, what humans did (or not) with them is not their problem.
rather than naga who leaves humanity alone except In time of need   
Make your mind (unless there are several anons with spelling issues?), Naga BaD bcs she doesn’t interact with humanity, but Duma’n’Mila BaD because they do?
In any case, Mila confesses they have been wrong, their desire to guide humanity was genuine and true : they wanted to help.
dragons calling themselves a god is a sign of a fallen dragon 
IIRC, only a few of them do this, from memory, capslock Grima, Duma in his Hero quote (when you summon him!) and... ? That’s all? Maybe Worst Mom, if you consider her to be a dragon.
However, why calling themselves Gods is a sign of being “fallen”? It can be considered a form of arrogance, but being arrogant doesn’t mean being fallen (fallen as understood in the FE series’s sense!). Shinon is arrogant, Flamey is arrogant, hell, even Ike might sound arrogant at times - they’re not fallen?
And even outside of the FE series... Is the old Namekian in the DB series refered as “Kami” fallen, because, well, he calls himself a God? What about Kaioshin ? Are they fallen too?
it seems you tried to put responsibility out of the behavior of the dragons they aren’t all evil but an antagonist dragon and. Dragons starting problems leading to humans escalated into bad behavior was a trend which got
Cutting it here because for whoever’s sake, don’t put a dot in the middle of a sentence !
Evened out in games like fate. 
Fates is, from memory, the only instance where a dragon goes “mad” and humans suffer in consequence - without prior human intervention (Echoes retconned Gaiden by turning Mila’n’Duma in dragons and their madness was induced for, uh, reasons, because Duma left before Naga developed the dragon stone technology? And, uh, no one thought it would be a good idea to tell the pair of siblings to turn in manaketes to avoid degeneration?)
Archanea, Magvel, Elibe, Tellius, even arguably, Fodlan...
The ones who “start the problem” leading to escalation are always humans.
Rheas actions were a problem  her control over humanity was a problem her 
Tl; Dr : Rhea is a problem?
I don’t know if you were lured by the NoA lolcalisation campaign, but the Church of Seiros, thus Rhea, never “controlled” the continent.
The CoS had some influence at one point, yes, but that influence didn’t mean zilch when the Emperor could butt out their branch from the Empire, or when one of their branches periodically tries to assassinate the Archbishop - hell, Nopes even lampshades it in Golden Shower : no one in the Alliance gives a fuck about the Church of Seiros.
Much like Deghinsea who was dealt with a shitty hand, Rhea’s options were either to condemn the descendants of the Elite to be Marianne’d and putting a giant target on her own back if she revealed the truth about Crests - or to cook up a lie that, despite her own efforts, would have, anyways, created some sort of social disparity between humans.
Bob Blaiddyd can lift a cart with his pinky, Joe the Carpenter cannot.
Louis Hevring can heal a broken hand by blinking. Maggie the Fisher cannot.
Even if Rhea didn’t say “Crests are blessings from the Goddess”, crested people would be more “special” and powerful than crestless people.
being a victim of genocide was not an issue  rhea doing some nice things like Cyril doesn’t negate the fact she did need to be removed 
But what if the people advocating for her “removal” uses the exact same arguments used to genocide her people?
Like, “she’s a beast”, “she can’t have power over us”, etc etc?
Of course, one good action doesn’t erase 55 bad ones - but what are those bad ones? And can they “erase” the 55 good ones she did?
It’s also very telling that even when Rhea is “removed”, the game(s) never tackles the issues she had to deal with her bad hand - are they going to reveal to the world what crests are? What Relics are? Are they going to paint Supreme Leader in a good light to stop fanning the flames of war, from some people (who??) who want revenge on her behalf?
I will agree with you on one point, punctuation anon.
Rhea indeed needed to be removed, to make the player feel important at the end of each route, which is also the reason why 3 Nopes cannot end with a happily ever after ending.
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