#i never do oc stuff bc i never think anyone wants to hear it sjkdhfg
ruthlesslistener ยท 2 years
For the emoji OC meme: ๐Ÿฅž๐Ÿฉ๐Ÿ‘‘ for Taki, ๐Ÿ–๏ธ๐Ÿš†๐ŸŒฉ๏ธ for Theo, ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐ŸŽ‚โ˜€๏ธ for Leysha
Personal OCs:
๐Ÿฅž PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
-Takhanobou never really had a comfort breakfast until Theo came along! Verada forced him to hunt for himself as soon as he was old enough to learn how to pounce, as a way of honing his killing skills asap. In a way, this saved him a lot of awkward blunders when learning to hunt, as the firetouched are not very good at working with other dragons (firetouched dragons are a Whole Deal but tdlr theyd be marked as autistic if they were human), but it ended up with him considering the first hunting-meal of the day to be the most tedious. This changed when Theodonalus started to bring him gazelle, fish, gerabali, and any other things that he managed to catch if he woke up before Takhanobou did, so now his favorite breakfast is whatever Theo brings to him, even though the dragons of Shuya-Khazhar are not typically fisheaters
๐Ÿฉ DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
-Spineback boar bone marrow for sure, though really bone marrow from any hefty herbivorous animal will also work. Spineback boar is just special because its one of the hardest prey items for the Khazari to kill. The boars were favored because they are considerably larger than the sows (which are elephant sized to begin with), and thus would feed a full queen's harem with little effort, but they require a harem full of experienced hunters to kill, as the technique to split a boar from his sows and reach his throat or underbelly without being gored by his tusks or the porcupine-like spines on his back. Verada had no harem by the time her last clutch hatched, so getting a hold of a spineback boar carcass was usually a great stroke of luck when scavenging around for food. To his exile, Takhanobou never tasted the flesh when fresh, or dined on spilt organs, but the bones he managed to fly away with when young would take many long joyeous hours to break open and feed on away from Verada's nest.
๐Ÿ‘‘ CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
-Oooh, that's a tough one. When he was young, Taki wanted nothing more than to become the terrifying warrior-killer that his mother wanted him to be, but after his exile and meeting Theo, those priorities shifted. Part of this is because he was no longer chasing desperately after Verada's pride, but its also because Theo was able to show him that being a ruthless killing machine was not any way for him to live, and that he was instead fulfilled by caring for a mate and controlling a plot of land that he saw as his- living like a dragon, not the hyperdangerous, all-devouring beast of flame that Verada believed him to be. If he was to be remembered as anything other than the Rogue Fire Dragon, then I'd say he'd still want to be remembered as a warrior who was never felled in battle- but a warrior that bowed not to a Queen of Queens, rather than the shadowclaw killer his mother tried to shape him into.
๐Ÿ–๏ธ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
-Me? Give Theodonalus advice? I would have an easier time speaking to a brick wall, because the brick wall at least wouldn't snap back. Theo got his life where he wanted it by putting his claws down and going 'no, fuck you, I will not listen to what you have to say to me- I shall find my own path, or die trying', he would take any offer of advice with suspicion, if not outright contempt. And that's an entirely valid concern- he spent his entire life being told that he was barely a dragon for being born without usable wings, and that it would be better for him to die than to live on as a ghost. You either internalize that and waste away, or you spit in the face of others and forge your own path, which was the choice that Theo decided to make. He wouldn't listen to me.
If there was a way, though, then I'd tell him that he needs to work on letting things go. He left his homeland as soon as he was strong enough to do so, and claimed that he did not need the rest of his tribe, but the Queynรญ are the most social of the queensborne dragons, and he secretly suffers from a lot of bitterness at being forsaken. Sometimes, proving oneself does not need to be a battle to the very end, it just needs you to let go.
๐Ÿš† TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
-Destroy the trolley. Honestly, he wouldn't see the point of answering such a stupid question when that seems like the most logical answer to him. Then again, he's a dragon, so even if he's a runt of the smallest queensborne species, pushing a trolley car off the tracks would not be implausible for him. He's roughly the same size, and it wouldn't take too much force for it to tip.
๐ŸŒฉ๏ธ LIGHTNING - are they scared of lightning?
-Lol, nope! Wind Territory is primarily composed of high mountains, great valleys, sweeping plains on plateus, and sheer cliffs dropping down to the ocean on the southern side. He was a southern baby, born at the foothills of one of the roosting-mountains near the start of the plains, so thunderstorms and other violent weather was pretty common. If he didn't curl his tail over his head to sleep through it, he would be using the dark skies and thunder as a means of sneaking up on prey that would normally spot his bright white hide from a mile away. Dragons usually don't hunt during thunderstorms, and the Queynรญ never hunt from the ground, so all the prey on the plateau would be more occupied with looking out for other predators, making for some easy catches
Fandom OCs (Elden Ring):
๐Ÿ’ฅ COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
-Grief, and that particular brand of helpless anger that comes when you watch someone be harmed or killed for no reason whatsoever. Leysha was young when her country was invaded by a neighboring warlord, so she went from being a farmer's '''son''' to a teenager conscripted into the army right quick. She saw the horrors that the warlord imposed to break her people's spirits firsthand, and then experienced them herself when the Grace presented itself right when she was about to be discharged on the account of forming a marriage bond with one of her squadmates. In her homeland, to be Tarnished is to be seen as at once blessed and cursed, and those unlucky ones chosen by Queen Marika have their foreheads branded with the sigil of the Erdtree before being sent off to the Lands Between, never to be allowed passage back unless they become Elden Lord. She's had quite enough of grief and helplessness, which is the very reason why she set off on the momentous task to shatter the Golden Order and remake it anew, with like, 100% less atrocities and crusader bullshit involved
๐ŸŽ‚ BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
-Oh man I never even considered birthday dates. Well, I don't know if the Lands Between follows our calender, but Leysha's birthday would fall somewhere around March 16-17 if so. And yes, she very much enjoys celebrating it- when you've been at war all your life, every year that comes is a blessing. She's very happy that she's managed to make it to her 40's, thank you very much, and while being Tarnished/consort to a demigod + in possession of shards of the Elden Ring often remove some effects of age/slows the progression of time to a near crawl, she still intends to continue celebrating her birthdays in the future
โ˜€๏ธ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning?
-She's a morning person by habit, but enjoys the opportunity to stay in bed if it presents itself (and outright rejects the concept of being productive if Morgott is in rut). Once she wakes up, her first instinct is always to check on Aeluk, before going on to ensure that the rest of the household is secure, and that the guards are at their posts before heading down to breakfast. She was in the army for 20 years, and while she despises the military lifestyle and wants nothing more than to have a family of her own in peace, old habits die hard. Plus, she spent the first 15 years of her life waking up at the crack of dawn with her parents to check on the livestock, so its practically scarred into her mind anyways.
(Oh yeah, Aeluk is an omen baby that she found in the Shunning-Grounds when she and Morgott were still in an extremely shaky stalemate. She found him as a newborn, took him in as her own, and slaughtered every watcher and Omenkiller that she found on the way out. He's a pretty hardy kid, but he's got a cleft lip, and her needing to get him his milk by blindfolding a wet nurse and standing in the room with her greatswords drawn sparked a bit of paranoia about his health and safety. That she eventually ended up marrying Morgott and working hard on stamping out the stigma of the Omen 'curse' doesn't mean that she's any less worried about her little one getting killed.)
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