#i never even finished my theme from like last month cos i got lazy a
vocaluka · 3 years
tumblr is really like playing the sims for me im either on here all day everyday or i come reblog one post every 4 days
0 notes
dudeandduchess · 4 years
Sanemi x F!S/O: Deliberate (Modern/Roommate AU, Slight NSFW Scenario)
Summary: Sanemi and (Y/n) are roommates; nothing really eye-catching with that fact, unless mutual emotions are thrown into the mix. One conversation leads to Sanemi getting jealous and, finally, being done hiding his own feelings after so long. Word Count: 1995
Warnings: There will be a kabedon in here somewhere, Language, Sexy Themes
“(Y/n)!” Sanemi bellowed from somewhere in the apartment, sounding so frustrated and at wit’s end as he stomped out of the laundry room with a bunch of knit sweaters bundled up in his arms. He wouldn’t have thrown a fit if they were his but, the fact remained, they weren’t— and they had been about to get washed in the washer.
Lazily, the aforementioned woman peeled her eyes off of the TV screen, pausing her series as she sat up on the couch. She then sat in wait, fully expecting her roommate to come barging into the living room at any given moment.
He didn’t fail her, however, as the silver-haired man came bounding into the sizeable room— shooting her an incredulous look, before lifting her sweaters up to bring her attention to them. “Were you going to wash these in the washer?”
(Y/n) made a face at her roommate, as if to say ‘duh’, then piped up, “That’s what the washer is for, isn’t it?”
Sanemi’s eyes widened at that, his jaw tightening when he gritted his teeth; all in an effort to keep himself from insulting her. He didn’t really hold her ineptness with house chores against her; after all, she had grown up in a well-to-do family— so that meant that she didn’t have to do any chores whatsoever. And if she had done them, she was only required to do the bare minimum, like wash plates or sweep the floor; at least, that’s what he had found out from her mother when the woman came to visit.
What he didn’t like was that she always let her laziness take the forefront of things, even though it meant ruining so many things that could have lasted a long time. Just like those old shirts that she had been about to throw away, all because she had been too lazy to sew the tiny holes in the armpits.
In the end, he couldn’t resist seeing so many— almost unworn— shirts go to waste, so he had painstakingly sewn them on his day off.
And, he would never admit it, but her grateful smile— and the hug that she’d given him— had been well worth wasting his Saturday morning.
“You have to handwash all of these.” He sounded exasperated, even to his own ears. And it also showed in the way that his hands tightened into fists around the soft material of her sweaters.
“Where, though? We don’t exactly have a handwashing area, do we?” (Y/n) answered cattily, picking up her iced coffee cup from the table and shaking it right at Sanemi— all with a mocking look on her face. “Take a sip of this and chill, why don’t you? You’ll get wrinkles that way.”
Instead of replying immediately, however, the silver-haired man gritted his teeth even tighter and closed his eyes— inhaling deeply, as he tried to let go of his need to shut her up. When he opened his eyes, he was considerably calmer. “Come with me, I’ll show you.”
With a nonchalant shrug, (Y/n) followed him out of the living room and down to the bathroom— taking dainty sips of her iced coffee all the while.
Once they were there, Sanemi made quick work of dumping her sweaters in, and filling the tub a quarter-way with water. Meanwhile, (Y/n) stood in the doorway, watching Sanemi’s pert ass in the air as he bent over and got a fresh packet of detergent from under the sink.
She found herself reaching out, about to grab a handful of his ass, when Sanemi straightened himself up and walked back to the tub. He then knelt down by the edge of it, unscrewing the cap on the plastic packaging and pouring an ample amount into the water.
He then took one of her wet sweaters, dipping it back in the soapy solution, before scrubbing the neckline together— careful not to stretch the material out too much.
All the while, (Y/n) took another sip of her iced coffee, and wandered further into the bathroom. She then perched herself on the other end of the tub, crossing one leg over the other as she leaned back against the wall.
“You know I could do that, right?” She mused coyly, finishing the rest of her drink before tossing it seamlessly into the trash bin at the other end of the room.
Sanemi paused in his actions, looking down at his hands before resuming scrubbing— if only to cover up the fact that he’d just realized that she could have done it by herself. His gaze then flitted over to (Y/n) tracing the columns of her bare legs, and lingering on her thighs, before going back to the task at hand.
It wouldn’t do him any good to get a boner at that moment; in fact, it would only spell disaster for him, as she would never let him live it down.
“I don’t trust you to do it properly.”
“They’re my sweaters, though,” She answered cheekily, biting back a grin when she saw Sanemi pause once more. He then resumed what he was doing, making quick work of scrubbing the material between his hands, before bundling the thing up so he could wring it.
However, before he could even twist the excess water out, (Y/n) grabbed the sweater out of his hands and wrung it out herself; bundling it up nicely, before setting it down on the lip of the tub.
The young man couldn’t help but be impressed with that, as she hadn’t forgotten how he’d taught her to properly wring water out of clothes. He didn’t comment on it though, choosing instead to grab a white sweater from the pile.
“What did you spill on this?” Sanemi’s upper lip curled as he held up the front of the shirt, eyeing the blue spot that spilled down the chest with blatant distaste. “And why didn’t you soak it as soon as you got home?”
“Giyuu said that it would come out even if I didn’t soak it,” She answered with a shrug, placing both of her feet down on the floor as she leaned forward, all to make a move to grab the sweater from her roommate. “It’s just a bit of juice, from when we went to the amusement park together.”
Even though he didn’t want to, Sanemi still found himself narrowing his eyes at the very mention of his co-teacher. He had made the mistake of introducing (Y/n) to Tomioka, on one of the days when he’d forgotten his bento at home, and she had taken an instant liking to the sullen PE teacher.
It wasn’t exactly a secret that they spent so much time together on their days off, but the secret was that Sanemi always felt jealousy rear its ugly head within him— whenever she so much as mentioned the other man.
He thought he was being so smooth with keeping his feelings a secret, but (Y/n) had always picked up on his sudden curtness whenever she talked about Giyuu— and she wasn’t above dangling him in front of Sanemi like bait, if it meant that he would crack first in their little game of cat and mouse.
Because she might have played dumb most of the time, but she had known way long ago— a month after she had moved in with him, to be exact— what he wanted with her; and she wanted the same with him.
Besides, no man who didn’t have romantic feelings for a woman would hand wash her clothes for her— nor would any other man visibly bristle at the mention of another man, unless they liked the person speaking.
She would be damned, however, if she gave in and admitted her feelings first.
“That explains why I never saw it, because I went home late that day,” Sanemi uttered smoothly, not once faltering as he tried to scrub out the stain on the white sweater.
“Oh?” (Y/n)’s eyes narrowed at the man, her lips pursing together briefly before she forced them into a neutral look. “Did you have a date?”
“Yeah. With that woman from the book shop.” The young man covertly glanced up at (Y/n), watching her legs cross themselves once more— which had his cock stirring within his sweatpants. He willed it away, yet the more he took the view of her legs in, the harder he got.
Thankfully, he was saved by the faint buzzing of the washer in the laundry room— indicating that the load he’d put in was already done. So, he dropped the sweater in the tub, blatantly ignoring (Y/n) as he made a beeline for the sink.
He washed his hands then, licking his suddenly dry lips as he kept his crotch pressed against the countertop— if only to hide his erection from (Y/n)’s shrewd gaze.
Unfortunately for him, the young woman had already seen what he was trying to hide— and had already risen from her perch on the tub; moving to stand behind him, smirking at him from her reflection in the mirror.
“Fond memory, Nemi?” (Y/n) teased softly, sauntering up against him and gently blowing on the back of his ear— which had Sanemi suppressing a shiver. “Or did you see something you like?”
Once he had turned the faucet off, Sanemi boldly turned around— not even bothering to hide his erection anymore— and pressed his front up against (Y/n)’s. Surprise took over her expression at that, making her step back the more that Sanemi stepped towards her— until her back was flush with the wall, and his cock was pressed flush against her abdomen.
Before she could escape from being pinned, however, Sanemi caged her in place with both of his arms against the wall— getting so close to her that their noses were touching, and if she dared to even move her face, his lips would be flush against hers.
“You think you’re being fucking cute, huh?” Sanemi whispered against her lips, sounding so calm and confident despite his heart hammering inside his chest. “Deliberately teasing me… all the fucking time.”
(Y/n)’s eyes widened at the blatant accusation, not even daring to open her mouth for a rebuttal— as she knew that she had already been caught. Her lips parted slightly, tingling when it touched Sanemi’s plump ones that still hovered above hers.
Sanemi smirked against (Y/n)’s lips, feeling so in control as he pressed his hips flush against hers— rubbing his cock against her, and reveling in the quiet sound of her gasp. “You’re just begging to be fucked, aren’t you?”
Silence passed between the couple— tense and thick, wrapping around them and making the air feel so charged around them. However, despite the heady feeling of having Sanemi grinding against her, (Y/n) struggled to regain the upper hand in their little exchange.
Because she refused to play right into his hands. Not after she’d worked so hard to get them to that point.
Slowly, her hands drifted up his shirt— trailing beneath the soft material and caressing his defined torso as best as she could in their position. “Are you going to fuck me, then? Or do I have to ask Giyuu to do it again?”
The heat in Sanemi’s eyes flared up at her words, as his lips briefly pulled down into a scowl, before he slammed his lips against hers— out of sheer frustration and jealousy. He took her mouth with abandon, roughly biting down on her bottom lip and sucking it into his mouth, before giving it a harsh nip with his teeth. “Fuck if he’s ever gonna touch you again.”
278 notes · View notes
bngtanah · 4 years
I’m (not) With The Band. | o5
Tumblr media
summary: Adrienne is an indie producer who is hired to help co-produce BTS’ next album alongside their resident producer; Suga. Despite the initial opposition on both ends, the pair spend time together, share a few stories, dreams and aspirations and begin to hit it off really well. Wrapped up in the whirlwind of late nights and heated disagreements and reconciliations, Min Yoongi and Adrienne Rolle find themselves growing closer and closer. One night they decide to cross the barrier between personal and professional and do their best make a relationship work against all odds.
pairing: idol!Yoongi  x Named OC
word count: 7k genre: drama, romance, smut(eventually)
chapters: prologue| o1| o2| o3| o4| o5| o6| o7| o8| o9| 10| 11|
warning: light angst, smut, fluff, workplace relationship, slow burn, sexual themes, ambw, enemies to friends to lovers, developing relationship
a/n: still a fool. still re-uploading.
"No, I've got today off, technically. My partner and his band mates have a super packed schedule today and I can't finish the two songs we have without him so I'm just working on stuff at home, personal things."
"You're going to stay at home all day? Why not explore, make some friends?"
The fatigue in Danielle's voice was clear and Adrienne felt guilty for keeping her sister up so late but it was barely mid-morning where she was and they hardly had any time to catch up with one another since Adrienne and the rest of the team had worked even harder in an attempt to finish the album ahead of schedule. They had months until it was due to be completed and Adrienne didn't really see the point in grinding so hard so early but Yoongi didn't seem to share that sentiment since whenever Adrienne brought it up he repeated that he would rather have everything done as early as possible than lag behind. It was annoying but Andy couldn't bother to argue in favour of laziness.
"I have friends, the boys are my friends and they're all busy today," Andy chuckled and slid down further into the corner of the couch she was currently wedged into. 
"Find friends that aren't busy 362 days of the year," Danielle countered with a small yawn.
Adrienne snickered and silently rolled her eyes, just imagining the judgmental look Danielle must have been giving her. "Yeah, I'll get right on that," She replied with heavy sarcasm, earning a small annoyed groan from the older woman.
"You little brat."
Adrienne giggled.
"If you won't go make new friends, at least, tell me about the boy band. Are they as corny as I think they are?"
"They are actually not corny at all..." Adrienne paused as the image of Jungkook and Hoseok improvising a dance that would put her interpretive stretching to shame during their practice the night before came to mind  "They're not as corny as you think they are.... most of the time."
"Mhm, so they're corny as hell. Is your partner still being a dick?"
"Yes... and no? I've been watching him and he pretty much treats everyone the same way, snippy and kinda rude but I don't think he's truly a dick. I think he's one of those people that wants everyone to think their an ass but he's actually kind of sweet and caring, generous-"
"Is he cute?"
"I-What?" Adrienne sputtered and sat up straight.
Danielle cackled as softly as she could and rested a hand against her rounded stomach, "Girl I know you heard me. Is he cute?"
"I don't know..... I haven't really paid attention to that." Adrienne threaded her fingertips through her braids and scratched her scalp in thought "I guess he's not ugly, I'll send you a picture you can judge." Andy pulled her cell phone away from her ear and swiped her fingers across the surface to send a picture she'd taken a few days earlier.
"He looks pissed." 
She heard Danielle commenting as she pressed the receiver back to her ear.
"Yeah... I had to force him to take it with me, I don't know how to make him smile yet."
"Why do you still have those braids in your head?"
Adrienne groaned, "Listen, you can only judge one person at a time me or Yoongi,"
"Is that is his name?"
Adrienne grunted a yes and aimlessly bit down on her fingernails, suddenly finding her sister approval very necessary. 
"It doesn't really matter if I think he's cute, do you?"
"It doesn't matter if I do either! We work together." Adrienne groaned and threw herself back against the cushions.
"Right, because being attracted to someone you work with is something Adrienne would never do."
The sarcasm was noted but ignored for Danielle's sake.
"It is. Besides, you know I'm more attracted to talent and shit than appearance."
"Annnd. I think Yoongi is..... very talented." Andy replied with an immediate smile that spread into an even wider grin when Danielle began laughing at her response.
"Not to totally change the subject or anything but how is my niece?"
"Your niece OR nephew has released the stranglehold on my bladder to rest for a few hours before waking me up at the ass crack of dawn to begin the terror again, I should be in a deep sleep right now."
"Shit, what time is there?"
"A little after 1."
"Seriously? Go to bed Dani."
"No, it's fine we can talk. Lloyd is asleep and I'm in the living room being sneaky."
"Danielle please take your pregnant ass to bed, I'm about to start working anyway so I can't talk anymore."
"... Are you sure?"
"Positive. Good night!"
"Love ya, little one. Wait, one last question, you're still flying in the week of my due date right? Lloyd and I just finished up the guest room."
"Love you too, and of course I'll be there my niece won't be born without me there to welcome her into the world."
Danielle chuckled before bidding her younger sister goodnight one last time and hanging up.
Adrienne pouted once the call was disconnected and tossed her phone onto the coffee table. She missed her sister more than she realised and each time they got the chance to talk it only made Andy feel more discouraged; instead of finding comfort in her older sister's voice she only focused on the fact that she was still so far away from everything she knew and even though her daily life was becoming easier for her to manage alone Andy still had to come home to an empty apartment and leave voice mails for her only family member to return half a day later. It was mildly depressing.
Huffing a brief sigh, Adrienne forced herself upwards and off the couch; she had no plans of letting her momentary gloom take over the rest of her day. Her arms stretched for the ceiling as Andy began searching for her laptop so she could begin tinkering with the few songs she planned on keeping for herself. A faint smile dusted her lips when she found the machine and Yoongi's voice played in her head; repeating his judgmental question about why she had so many stickers on her laptop. Her sister's question had honestly taken her aback, not because she didn't find Yoongi cute but because she wasn't sure if that was the right adjective to describe him with. Puppies and kittens were cute, but Min Yoongi was something Andy just didn't know how to define yet.
Almost like clockwork, just as the laptop booted up and Adrienne felt comfortable with her legs crossed in the couch, there was a series of frantic knocks against Adrienne's front door and she cursed under her breath as she unfolded her legs and got up to stomp towards the door. Her lips were twisted into a scowl while she unlocked the door and pulled it open but the person on the other side made her eyebrow knit closely together with uncertainty rather than anger. 
Yoongi was out of breath with his hand gripping the door frame to catch himself, dressed in a disheveled sweater and a pair of ripped jeans Adrienne had seen him in far too many times and a pair of sneakers that seemed to give him an extra inch of height. Andy smiled brightly as she always did when they met but her eyes still gave away just how confused she was to see him at her door.
"Is everything okay Y-"
"I can't wait anymore Andy, I need you." Yoongi emitted in a hurried reply and Adrienne's eyes went wide with shock, her heart unexpectedly beat faster and the tips of her ears burn with warmth. There was something in the way he gasped her name while still attempting to catch his breath and the look of purpose in his eyes when he stopped looking at the ground and caught her gaze that was inexplicably attractive. Adrienne would deny it if questioned but an instant flush of heat rushed both to her cheeks and between her legs when she returned his eye contact.
"Need me... What?"
"I need you to come with me," Yoongi repeated, this time completing his sentence and giving Andy the chance to breathe a sigh of relief "I don't have time to explain everything but the release date moved up and we now have a month less to finish."
The brief statement brought Adrienne's priorities back to the forefront and her arms and jaw dropped when he was done.
"What?! How do they expect us to finish everything an entire month early, this is bullshit!"
"Yeah, I know. Can you complain on the way to the car? Everyone's waiting."
"Oh... Maybe you can say that first next time? Just give me a second to get dressed," Adrienne replied quickly as she spun around and closed the door in Yoongi's face.
It only took her a few minutes to dress and collect what tools she could carry along with her but for Yoongi, it might as well have been an hour. His foot tapped against the ground impatiently as he glanced down at his watch with every passing second, then ran to the entrance of the alleyway to silence the honking before returning to Adrienne's door just as she was walking out with her laptop and backpack in tow.
"Does it always take you this long to get dressed?"
"It was three minutes Yoongi, you can't show up at my apartment unannounced and expect me to run around on your schedule" Adrienne answered as she locked her front door and began following Yoongi towards the van where she could see the rest of the boys waiting to pull off.
"It wasn't unannounced, I called you five times, but you didn't answer."
Andy perked up to argue but instead pulled her mobile phone from her back pocket and bit down on her bottom lip when she saw that there were multiple missed calls from his number and a few text messages.
"Sorry, I was on a call and it was on silent," She said with a sheepish grin while she shoved the device back into her pocket and fought with pushing her laptop into her backpack.
Yoongi shrugged his shoulders and gestured for her to hand him the bag and laptop so she could walk faster. 
"Learn how you answer your cell phone, this could have been a disaster," He chastised as he swung the strap over his shoulder.
"Of course, Leader-nim," 
"Don't call me that, you know I don-"
Adrienne cut off Yoongi's whining once they reached the open door of the van by greeting everyone in her cheery fashion and taking the first empty seat available, followed by Yoongi who took the seat next to her and pushed her rucksack back towards her once the van pulled forward. Despite their smiling faces when the rest of the boys greeted her, Adrienne could tell that their energy was waning; it was only the middle of the day but she was sure they had already completed a full day's work, with hours of grinding left to go. Andy was already tired just thinking about what they had left to do.
"So where are we headed now?" Adrienne asked, pulling her backpack close to her chest.
"Video and photo shoot, it's probably going to take the rest of the day," Namjoon replied from his seat up front "They're usually really boring but it might not be so bad with you around" He continued and turned around to smile gently in Adrienne's direction. Andy mirrored his grin and opened her mouth to reply before she heard Yoongi's clearing his throat to get her attention.
"We don't really have time for this, I came for you so we could finish working not catch up with everyone," Yoongi said listlessly once Adrienne was looking at him and she nodded without answering. She knew that if she had answered her words would not have been docile so Adrienne found it best just to let him simmer in his attitude if he wanted to do that. Yoongi shot a Namjoon a brief look as Adrienne leaned forward to pull out her laptop and Namjoon took the hint to turn around, for now, he had plenty of chances to talk to Andy for the rest of the day and he knew that Yoongi was always a little testy about his music, it was better for everyone to not disturb him.
Yoongi however, wasn't worried about finishing their work on time at all. He did want everything to be finished as quickly as possible but his desire to stop his friend from getting any closer to Adrienne was much, much larger. They had a rapport that was too easy for Yoongi to fight against without revealing his 'innocent' crush or making it seem like he didn't like Adrienne which couldn't be further from the truth. It was childish and immature of him to basically call ‘dibs’ on her just because he saw her first but.... he had seen her first and just because he didn't want to risk his career by allowing himself to give into his temptations didn't mean that anyone else got to do so.
All of this went unnoticed by Adrienne who was trying to pull her laptop out of a bag she'd only just realised was way too small for it. Once she was done fighting with it, she exhaled and flipped the monitor upwards to allow it to boot up.
"Before you whine, I rearranged the hook on track 2," She said to Yoongi who immediately scrunched up his features and groaned but Andy held up a hand and continued speaking. "No whining! It sounds a lot better now, trust me."
"We spent two hours on that hook last night."
"I know, and it still didn't sound good, so I changed it. Just listen" Adrienne sighed and placed her headphones over Yoongi's ears then tapped the space bar on her keyboard. Yoongi's head nodded along to beat in silence, which Andy took as a pleasant sign since she knew he would be quick to complain if she had made the song worse.
"It's good," Yoongi replied simply as he handed Adrienne back the headphones.
"I know it is. You should trust me sometimes Yoongi, I know what I'm doing."
Yoongi shrugged and pretend to be nonplussed but Adrienne's lips spread into an arrogant lopsided smile that Yoongi hated to find so adorable. Headphones went over both of their heads and the two of them spent the rest of the ride reaching over one another to replay or 'fix' a certain part, silently arguing for the entire hour it took for them to reach the destination. By the time the van had rolled to a stop and everyone inside exited slowly, Adrienne and Yoongi had dissected every single second of their track and they still weren't any closer to being content with it. The squabble over whether to add the water droplet sound effect was being put on hold when Yoongi got out of the van and joined the rest of the boys rushing towards the venue where apparently everyone had already been waiting for them to show up. Adrienne recognised one of their managers as she trailed behind them, looking for a place to set up her laptop, but once he spotted the group approaching the neutral expression on his face soured.
"Where have you been?!" He exclaimed as he stormed towards them "Everyone here has been waiting for you to show up, do you know how much it cost for us to rent this space?"
Adrienne frowned, knowing that they were probably late because they had to come pick her up and then wait for her to get ready. She took a step forward and prepared to relay this information but a hand grabbing her wrist made her stop mid-step, Andy looked to her side and noticed Yoongi's quick head shake and the added pressure he put on her small wrist. She wasn't sure how he recognised that she was planning to say something or why he had stopped her but something about the way his eyes silently pleaded with her made her obey and remain silent. Instead, Namjoon took responsibility for them being late, stating a reason that used a few words Adrienne wasn't familiar with and he accompanied his apology with a deep 90-degree bow that all the boys mimicked. The manager huffed an exasperated sigh and pressed his thumb and index finger to the bridge of his nose.
"Just go get ready, enough time has been wasted already."
Before Adrienne got a chance to question Yoongi's action or ask Namjoon why he hadn't just told his manager the real reason for them being late, all seven of them spread out in different directions followed by the team of stylists and makeup artists in charge of dressing them for the shoot. That left Adrienne standing alone in the middle of the set looking lost and a little out of place, she quickly rectified that by searching for a familiar face from the BigHit staff or a table where she could set up her laptop and charge it; whichever came first.  Eventually, she found both a table with a socket nearby and someone to talk to; a stylist named Hye-Ji that Adrienne became acquainted with during her first week of official work. Once she had everything set up and ready to go Andy asked Hye-ji where she could find the dressing rooms, which earned her a playfully suspicious look but the stylist pointed in the general direction adding a faint “Try not to get caught,” behind her as she moved away. Adrienne planned on asking her what she possibly thought she would be caught doing but she left that where it was; all she wanted to do was apologise to Namjoon for having him take the blame for something she did before he got too busy to talk.
There were three different dressing rooms in the area that Hye-ji had pointed out and Adrienne lucked out with the first one being occupied by Jimin and Hoseok who were already fully dressed since she'd just barged in and completely forgotten to knock. She apologized profusely even though they were too busy laughing to actually notice her apologizing or leaving. At the next door she definitely remembered to knock on and sighed in relief when she heard Namjoon's deep voice answer.
"Namjoon, it's me. Are you dressed?"
A second of silence passed before the door cracked open and Namjoon smiled, revealing his exceptionally deep dimples as he stepped outside completely dressed in winter gear in the middle of the summer for some reason. 
"Something wrong?" He asked while closing the door behind him.
"No, I just wanted to apologise for earlier; you're manager chewing you guys out and everything. You didn't have to take the blame it was my fault you guys were late."
"We decided to come for you, so it wasn't really your fault and truthfully it doesn't really matter who's fault it actually was. I'm the leader which means I've gotta take responsibility regardless, so don't worry about it. We've made him angrier than that before." Namjoon garnished his reassurance with a smile that made Adrienne feel a bit better while she looked up at him.
"You're good a leader, Namjoon."
"Thanks" He replied before catching his manager's eye again, he should have been in the makeup chair already, "Uh, I've gotta go, you'll be around right?"
Adrienne nodded and waved as she watched the tall lanky boy run towards the makeup booth, quickly bowing to his manager again on his way. "Silly boy," Adrienne chuckled as she turned to walk in the opposite direction. She paused in front of the last dressing room since the door was still closed and she was fairly certain she knew who was still inside since she had already walked in on Jimin and Hoseok. Jin, Jungkook and Taehyung were already at the makeup booth. That left only Yoongi who apparently did not rush like the rest of them. After a second of debate, Adrienne knocked on the door and pressing an ear to the door.
A grumbled string of words that vaguely sounded like 'come in' replied and Adrienne hesitated before opening the door and stepping inside. Then immediately regretting that decision once she was behind the closed door and less than a foot away from Yoongi who still was only half dressed. Andy's hand flew to cover her eyes before she squealed softly.
"I thought you said come in!" She asked, sounding slightly agitated.
"I did," Yoongi replied flatly.
"But you're not wearing a shirt,"
"So? Have you never seen a man shirtless before?" He asked and looked over towards Adrienne, slightly chuckling once he caught sight of her covering her face.
"Yes..." Andy said between her fingers as she separated them just slightly before dropping her hand entirely. He definitely was not the first man she'd seen without a shirt but Yoongi wasn't just some man, he was her coworker and somehow this felt... inappropriate. Was it inappropriate? Or was Adrienne just working herself up for no reason, there didn't have to be any reason for it to be improper if she wasn't attracted to him. That fact was becoming harder to deny as she shamelessly allowed her eyes roam over his exposed skin; he wasn't particularly muscular or defined but Adrienne just could bring herself to look away. That is until he moved forward and Adrienne remembered that he could see her ogling him though judging by the look on his face he didn't seem to care that much.
"Is there a reason you're here?"
"Yes! I wanted to apologise for being late, I didn't know how tight your schedule was,"
"Okay," Yoongi answered and took another step forward. There wasn't much space in the room as it was and the more he moved forward the harder it became for Adrienne to focus on what she wanted to say, she hadn't noticed his cologne before in the van but now with his bare skin being so close to her body Andy could easily inhale the scent and it was partially clouding her thoughts.
Why was he so close to her, anyway? 
"Is that all?" Yoongi asked while reaching forward to grab the shirt that was hanging on a hook above Adrienne's head.
She turned her head and quietly muttered the word 'oh' underneath her breath "Um, no I also wanted to ask you why stopped me earlier, it wasn't fair for Namjoon to take all the heat. I just wanted to set the record straight,"
Yoongi chuckled softly, well something between a scoff and a chuckle, as he pulled the shirt over his head and moved towards the seat on the other side of the room to put his shoes on.
"Namjoon is the leader, they would have made it his fault anyway, so taking the blame wouldn't have helped anything because Namjoon would just be asked why he couldn't keep better control of his team by making sure that everyone was ready on time." Yoongi tied his laces and Andy nodded softly "Besides, if I can be completely honest, he probably wouldn't have listened to you. You're new and some of the staff still don't even know your name so you stepping to the front would just have been seen as arrogant instead of helpful."
Yoongi stood up once his shoes were tied and moved towards the door again where Adrienne was still trying to make sense of his words. In some roundabout way, it sounded like he was trying to protect her but that train of thought opened an entirely new world of possibilities that Adrienne didn't want to explore.
"That's it right?"
Yoongi's question made Adrienne look up, and she startled herself when his face was just a few inches away from her own, well the lower half of his face anyway, the gentle half smile on his lips made Adrienne forget that he was trying to get out of the room and not flirting with her.
"Yeah.... that's all I had to say."
"Then can you move out of the way?"
Adrienne looked down at his hand on the door and her body pressed against it then quickly shuffled out of the way, muttering a soft "Sorry" as Yoongi exited the room and left her behind groan and mentally kick herself for coming in here in the first place. If anyone saw her there was no way they wouldn't get the wrong idea about her innocent intentions.
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Adrienne may have been fretting about being misunderstood but on the other side of the door Yoongi was smug with pleasure, on the inside. He was still planning to keep his distance with Andy but there was nothing he could do about her coming to him. Sure, he didn't have to tell her to come in when he knew he wasn't fully dressed and there definitely was no reason for him to get so close to her when she could have easily just handed him the shirt but Yoongi enjoyed the way she reacted to him. It bolstered his ego and since there was no way he could outright flirt with her like Namjoon seemed so comfortable doing so he would have to settle for moments like this. They were good enough to sate his interest for now. The sound of one of the makeup artists calling for him to take a seat made Yoongi shuffle at a quicker pace but he was still trailing behind the rest of the group who were already done getting ready.
"You're moving so slowly today, hyung" Hoseok commented from the makeup chair next to his where he was waiting to be called for his solo shoot.
“I don't think I'm moving any slower than usual” Yoongi answered while the makeup artist dusted a powdery substance over his cheeks, he restrained himself from visibly grimacing. Makeup was always his least favorite part of this process.
Hoseok smirked and shook his head, swiveling the chair to face Yoongi's profile, “No you're definitely lagging, but the question is why?”
Yoongi didn't respond or even look to the side as Hoseok continued to goad him, he would not play along with whatever he was doing to ease his boredom.
"You can't be that tired since when you are you're usually the first one ready so you can nap while the rest of us are getting ready..." 
Yoongi remained stoic and Hoseok's scrutinising gaze became more pointed. "It's probably not your music either because you seem to trust Andy-noona with making decisions and you look.... happy not tired."
Yoongi sighed tossed his head back which made the makeup artist gasp and scold him for moving but Hoseok smiled like he was on the verge of discovering a prize and kept on pestering. 
"Which makes me wonder why she was looking for you earlier, she came to me and Jimin's dressing room thinking it was yours." 
Yoongi tensed just slightly but still refused to engage.
"I think she was looking for Namjoon too but I saw him come out of his dressing room and talk to her, I did not see you—"
Yoongi's one word made Hoseok stop mid-sentence and press a hand to his lips when Yoongi turned to face him (against the makeup artist's wishes again) he didn't glare or scowl at the younger male but the look on his face expressed how little he that he felt like playing games at that moment.
"Do you have something meaningful to say or do you just want to continue rambling bullshit and annoying me?"
His words might have been threatening to anyone else but Hoseok just took that as confirmation that he was hiding something he didn't want anyone to know. "I'll leave you alone as soon as you tell me what the deal is with you and Andy." Hoseok grinned. 
"There isn't one, bye."
"You don't expect me to believe that why was she in—"
"She came to apologise," Yoongi hissed in an annoyed whisper once the makeup artist cleared him to get up and leave, Hoseok trailed after him as he moved away from the makeup booth. "She wanted to say sorry for being late, there's no big secret."
"Oh. Well, why didn't she apologise to us? We got yelled at too!"
"I don't know maybe she doesn't like you." Yoongi shrugged.
Hoseok frowned and stopped walking for a few seconds "Hey... that's not funny we're friends. And that doesn't completely answer my question, her apologising wouldn't make you look happy..."
"You are so annoying, this is probably why she doesn't like you" Yoongi pointed out with a smug grin as he spun around to face Hoseok before walking off again.
"You're not funny hyung! Does she really not like me?" Hoseok called after Yoongi but he didn't answer.
It took three hours to get through the boys individual shots and another two to organise them for the group shots. Yoongi took every break he could to find Andy and continue their work but it was more than difficult for them to make any actual progress when he was pulled away to change his outfit or retouch his hair and makeup every five minutes. Adrienne didn't really mind, though. She enjoyed being able to admire the boys working and as far she was concerned they were done with both tracks. Whether she intended to or not she focused on Yoongi for most of the day, watching the way his expression changed when he was in front of the camera, even the way his body moved was different. He seemed to transform into a completely different person with each click of the camera shutter; he was confident masculine and actually sexy at certain points and Adrienne found herself hard pressed to look away even after being caught staring by both Yoongi and Hye-ji multiple times.
They completed the group photo-shoot in record time; two and half hours, and the crew immediately began setting up for the video shooting which really just meant getting rid of the backdrop and guiding the extras to their marks. That simple task presented a problem when apparently there weren't enough extras hired to fill in the gaps of the background, leaving spaces to be filled by whichever staff members were dressed nicely enough. Unfortunately for her, Adrienne never left her house unless she looked her best which meant she was one of the first plucked up from her seat and guided the video set. Despite her arguing that she didn't need to be there and that she would even cause a distraction, the director ignored her reasoning and countered that she would barely be seen in the back where they placed her, they only needed to fill a space.
The title track that Adrienne knew the boys would promote once the album was finished began playing and Andy followed along with the crowd and swayed back and forth to the beat. They were supposed to look like they were at a party so Adrienne did her best to follow direction but remain inconspicuous, a plan that failed once she saw Yoongi awkwardly shuffling in her direction and a few suspicious eyes turned to look at her.
"Is that how you dance?" She taunted once he was close enough, and he nodded and kept shifting his weight from one foot to another. 
"Sorry," Yoongi leaned over to say after a few seconds had passed. 
"For what?"
"I think I made you uncomfortable earlier, that wasn't my intention."
Adrienne nodded and smiled, biting down on her bottom lip out of habit, "Thank you, but that's not necessary I wasn't uncomfortable just... surprised."
She smiled at him so keenly and Yoongi found himself so entranced by her expression that he almost missed his cue to join the group dance, something that may not have been picked up by anyone else but it definitely did not go unnoticed by choreography leader Jung Hoseok. It took another 10 identical takes for the director to be satisfied with what he captured and Adrienne silently praised the heavens when they could finally leave. Everyone was back into the clothes they arrived in and ready to leave within in minutes, save for Adrienne who had been waiting by the van since they left to get undressed. It felt like it took twice as long to drive back to the studio than before and once they arrived the look on everyone's face read that they would rather be anywhere else than here. But, the boys had to practice and Adrienne and Yoongi had songs to produce. 
A loud and guttural moan left Adrienne's lips once she was walking through the doorframe of the Bangtan room and throwing her body onto the couch. Followed by Yoongi who was quiet as he settled down into the office chair in front of the console. 
"I don't know how you do this every day," Adrienne commented with her face still smothered in the couch.
"You become numb to it after a while... complaining doesn't help so why bother?"
Andy rolled her eyes and sat up to make faces at the back of his head, tossing her backpack on the seat next to her. Yoongi was already opening programs on the computer and could see her in the reflection of the glass monitor but ignored her until she stopped pulling faces and ended up just staring like she had been for most of the day.
"What's wrong with you?" Yoongi commented with his head still turned away from Andy.
"What are you talking about?"
"You've been staring at me all day."
"No, I have-" Adrienne began to lie but him turning around to glare gave her pause, "I didn't think you would notice."
"You didn't think I'd notice your big brown eyes looking at me all day?"
She smirked slightly at his choice of words but shook her head from side to side.
"No? I was just trying to figure something out."
"Figure what out?"
"My sister asked me if you were cute and I didn't have an answer for her so today I was trying to figure it out."
"Hm." Yoongi replied and turned back around as if that answer was completely reasonable. "Did you come to a conclusion?"
"About you being cute? I don't know.... I mean Jungkook is cute, Jimin is cute but you aren’t really like them."
"Thank you" He replied, making Adrienne laugh.
"The results of my study today were inconclusive but if I ever figure it out, you'll be the first to know. I did figure out something else today."
"You're short."
"I'm taller than you!"
"I'm like 158 cm, Yoongi, are you really proud of that?"
Adrienne grinned and Yoongi did nothing to conceal the gum revealing grin that spread across his lips, "Whatever."
"I also just remembered I haven't asked my question of the day yet."
Yoongi made a grunting noise for her to go ahead but Adrienne was stuck.
"Erm, I haven't thought of one yet. You go first."
He exhaled but did as she asked anyway, "What is your favourite BTS song?"
"Seriously? Any question and you want to know that?"
"You don't have to answer."
"No, I do! Those are the rules, it's just a lame question," Andy snickered "Right now I have two; 'Just One Day' and 'Move', it's weird because your kind of the reason they're my favourites."
"What do you mean?"
"When I first started researching all your music, I didn't understand it so I just listened to whatever sounded good, but now I can understand most of what you guys are saying and your verses on Just One Day and Move are....... poetry. Like, the production and whatever are great but it's your words that really make the song what it is for me, you have this way of precisely capturing the subject of a song and putting it all in your verse. Especially Just One Day, when I read the lyrics for that I seriously had heart palpitations it's so good. I want someone to feel that way about spending the day with me." 
Adrienne rounded off her explanation with a momentary burst of laughter and her hands pressed tightly to her heart but Yoongi was left slightly stunned. He always enjoyed being complimented for his work but no one had every really explained what they liked about his music quite the same way she just had. It seemed ridiculous to say but hearing her talk so deeply made his heart melt.
Yoongi's eyes softened as he turned to around to look at Adrienne, not because he wanted to cry but because her words genuinely moved him.
"I think I know what my question is n- are you alright?" Adrienne asked when she looked up and met his eye line.
"I'm fine," Yoongi answered quickly and rubbed a hand down the length of his face, "What do you want to know?"
"Look who's suddenly eager for my questions now that he's been complimented!" She teased "I want to know what your favourite part of making music is."
"Ah, that's easy. When it's done."
"That's such a boring answer, I gave you an analysis."
"I don't mean when I literally finish a song and hand it over, I mean when everything is done, and it's released to the public. There have always been so many people in my ear telling me that I shouldn't be doing this or that I should have pursued some other career so when I finish a song and release it and I can visibly see that so many people all over the world are enjoying something that I made... It gives me a reason to keep doing this and prove anyone that's ever doubted me wrong."
"Wow," Adrienne sighed and leaned back into the couch "So basically you want your entire career to be one giant 'fuck you' to the haters? Nice." 
Yoongi nodded and swiveled around in his seat once again, allowing Adrienne to smile as wide as she wanted without feeling embarrassed by him watching her. He was opening up to her, slowly, but it was happening and that's all that mattered. It felt like they were genuinely becoming friends and that made Adrienne happy because that was all she wanted from the beginning. Of course, her definition of friendship didn't include wanted to see him shirtless again, but that was an issue she would deal with some other day.
"I think I’m going to go home now," Adrienne said behind a yawn as she stood to her feet.
"But we haven't rechecked the music."
"I trust you, and I think both of the songs are good enough to be sent in. If you want to change something, then you can I'm giving you the authority, try not to work too hard," She stated while she stood behind him and rubbed his shoulders with both her hands, then absentmindedly smoothed them down over his biceps before she could stop herself. The sudden contact and proximity made Yoongi shudder in a way that was not missed by Adrienne but neither of them brought any attention to that or the change in the air between them. Yoongi craned his head to look up at Andy over his shoulder and Adrienne's hands were still gently gripping his biceps when a knock on the door broke their momentary gaze.
Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung were stumbling inside, massaging their muscles and complaining about the recent additions to the choreography and Adrienne took the chance to slip out as quickly as she could after saying goodnight to all of them.
Yoongi hardly listened to what his younger members were saying because his mind was still focused on how good Adrienne's small hands felt against his skin. If nobody had walked in at that moment he was sure he would have kissed her and that just wasn't the kind of thing coworkers did. Although Yoongi honestly thought he had the self-control to keep himself from desiring anything other than a professional relationship with Adrienne, he was proving more and more every day that that may not be possible.
What scared him most of all was that he was beginning not to care.
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raisingsupergirl · 4 years
When 2020 Hands You a Staycation, Make... Everything
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My family was looking forward to our trip for months. My mom was going to take all of us to a beautiful cabin at Kentucky Lake. It would have been the first time we've all gone on a family vacation in literally decades. And man, did we need it. But, of course, we forgot to consider the 2020 factor. So, literally days before we were supposed to leave, the air conditioning went out in my truck, my grandma broke her hip, my grandma-in-law was diagnosed with a terminal illness (and passed away soon after), and my mom tested positive for COVID-19. And so, in a twist of fate that we all should have seen coming, our vacation turned into a staycation. And this is how mine went…
Like any respectable week stuck at home, my family's started with donuts. And the food just kept coming all week. It was my fault, really. I decided I'd play Master Chef, and so I cooked and I cooked and I cooked, from scratch. Fettuccine alfredo, sushi (x 2), all the grilled things (including my world famous ribs with homemade BBQ sauce), breakfast yummies, pizza (for my wife's birthday), and Sunday piña coladas. We can't forget the Sunday piña coladas. My family will back up my claim that it was all wonderful (even if my wife complained about all the weight she gained), but if I'm being honest, by the end, I was a little sick of cooking. Okay, a lot sick of cooking. And that unexpected side-effect was kind of the theme of my week.
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Along with cooking, I kept the Martha Stewart Living dream alive by starting an elderberry tincture, bottling up some flavored alcohol I've been working on, cleaning my fish tanks, fixing my wife's shower, and spending three days power spraying All the Things—little honey-dos and creative projects to keep my mind and body busy, to make me feel like the week wasn't completely wasted. Unfortunately, that mentality royally backfired. You see, the thing about projects is that there's an endless supply of them. There's no finish line to the things that need doing. And once you start digging into the pile, you realize just how deep it is. And then you quickly realize how little time you have left to do them before you have to go back to work for another year. At least, that's what happened to me, which tinted every day with this little feeling of desperation, like I wasn't in control of my time, my work, or my life. And as I got further into the week, I started feeling a little worthless, like none of the things I was doing, had done up to that point, or would ever do again, meant a gosh darned thing. And that kind of thinking is a royal bummer when you're on vacation, let me tell ya.
By the final Sunday, it got to the point where I was sitting on my back porch with beautiful weather, good music, a colada in my hand, my amazing wife by my side, and my kids squealing in the kiddie pool, and all I could think about as I stared up at the fluffy, white clouds was, "Why do I feel so bad?" And then I felt bad for feeling bad. At that moment, my life was perfect. So why was I searching for more? Why did I feel like I hadn't done enough on my vacation—enough work, enough relaxing, enough memory making? I'd done my best all week to stay in the moment and be appreciative of my abundant blessings. But for some reason, it hadn't helped. I'd kept dreading my return to the "real world" despite a pretty stinkin' successful staycation. So what was it? What was bothering me about that perfect week? Well, I can be a little slow sometimes. The obvious often eludes me. Remember the first paragraph of this post? The one where all the bad things happened? Yeah, I guess I had tried to bury that reality instead of deal with it. And there ain't no amount of sushi or power spraying or piña coladas that can bury 2020.
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It's strange that it took me going back to work on Monday to gain some real perspective. The thing I had been dreading was the very thing that saved me—that helped me appreciate everything about my previous week spent at home. Not because work was bad or hard. Quite the opposite, actually. My first day back was busy, I felt scatterbrained, and I was thoroughly exhausted when I got home. But it felt great. Getting back with my patients and co-workers, doing what I knew so well how to do, falling into a rhythm. It all helped remind me of who I am and what all I'd learned from my staycation (yes, I'm repeating that ridiculous word to annoy everyone who hates it). And, as it turns out, I learned quite a lot.
First off, I do actually love my job. I love helping people (even if they exhaust me). I love what I do and who I work with. I get burned out from time to time, but there's no other career I would rather do on a full-time basis. It offers a sense of fulfillment and stability that I've never appreciated until now (which has also given me a greater appreciation for all those people stuck at home in quarantine. I guess putting your life on hold isn't as amazing as it sounds…). Secondly, I love my family. There are some real memories from this past week that I'll never forget. Those lazy afternoons in the back yard with my wife while my kids played in their tiny pool. The mornings getting sunburned at my six-year-old's soccer games. The movie nights, laughs, and cuddles. Oh so many cuddles. Despite the craziness and heartache looming just outside our little pocket universe, my family and I really did make the most of it. Oh, and the last thing I learned? When making homemade pizza sauce, don't add baking soda to lower the acidity and then mix the resulting science experiment in a sealed blender. That is, unless you're looking to redo your kitchen.
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On the bright side, my wife figured out what she wanted for her birthday—a new blender! That, my friends, is what you do when 2020 strikes. You make lemonade out of lemons. Sure, tragedy continues to weigh on our planet, our country, our society, and our families. Yes, my grandma's hip is still broken. Yes, my family lost a wonderful woman last week, and the world will always be just a little darker for that loss. Yes, the pandemic continues to rage. Yes, my county is second in the nation for active cases, which means full protective equipment and precautions at work every day. And yes, I'm going to have to pay a few hundred dollars to have my truck's air conditioner fixed. But you know what? My mom has been essentially symptom-free as she battles the Virus Which Shall Not Be Named. In fact, she's been out doing yard work. That's the epitome of making lemonade, folks. And this past Monday, on my wife's birthday, just when I was starting to feel bad that she hadn't had the special day that she so greatly deserved because I had to work and then drop off my truck at the repair shop, something kind of neat happened. The summer rain cleared away, and a promise revealed itself—a rainbow, tip to tail. God's reminder that he's watching over us. That there is always an end to the heartache. That no darkness lasts forever. And that, even in the midst of it all, there is beauty. There is laughter. There is hope.
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So keep hoping, y'all. Better times are coming. It might get choppier before things start smoothing out. The school year and the winter are going to be challenging. But it won't be the end. "If you're going through hell, keep going," seems like wonderfully appropriate advice. So let's keep going, together. Let's remind each other what we're fighting for. Let's keep praying and taking extra time to help each other out. Showing kindness and patience when both seem to be in short supply. Oh, and remember, if you're thinking about ending it all by adding tomatoes and baking soda to a blender, just say no. Instead, maybe take a deep breath and power spray a smiley face into your sidewalk as a gentle reminder that it’ll all be okay.
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xoexoxhoe · 5 years
On The Hill
A/N: This is LITERALLY one of the most interesting things i’ve ever read. My Co wrote this based off of her love for political angst/dramas, and honestly, it’s really good guys, TOTALLY WORTH THE READ. We hope you enjoy this little piece by Momo (@sailor-baek )
Characters: Park Seonghwa (ATEEZ) & Reader (Y/N), featuring another ATEEZ member! 
Theme: Political AU, angst, love affair, political drama 
Nothing comes easy when you work for the President of the United States. Especially when it involves Park Seonghwa. 
💥Warning: Angst💥
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The processional march was colorful noise in your ears as you followed closely behind the big man. It got older every time you heard it, which was, quite regrettably, every first Friday of the month. Really, anything would be better than the obnoxious blaring of-what was it? An oboe? You had no idea but it sure didn’t sound like the Chopin Nocturne op.9 no.2 you had to turn on every night to sleep.
“You’re doing it again.”
You didn’t even remember getting on the floor, a communications intern behind the press caucus chuckled. Carrie Ann. George Washington University undergrad and poli-sci masters at the good ‘ole Harvard. You made a mental note to fire the little shit as soon as this thing was over. Your attention turned to the man, still waiting for a complete introduction at the podium.
“Doing what, sir?”
“That frown thing with your eyebrows. You’re gonna get wrinkles, Y/N. What was that cream thing you use? You better stock up before Big Pharma gets their hands on the patent or I’ll have to call you...what is that new movie with Oprah?”
“A Wrinkle In Time, sir.”
“Yes, that one! A wrinkle-”
“It’s a childrens movie; nothing to do with premature aging, sir.”
A little huff escaped his lips and a slight tug appeared on yours. The press secretary was clapping now signaling for your boss to give his address.
“I’m sure your daughter will be happy to watch it with you tonight. Mr. President, you’re up.”
“Ah yes, it appears so.”
You watched as he made his way up to the center; flurries of camera flashes turning the west wing corridor into a light show. This is the time when you would check out. His speech was solid, you had looked it over yourself the hour prior. Today, however, there was a particular bump in your paved smooth travel down the hill. A rather large bump, by the name of Park Seonghwa. He was standing to the right behind his Prime Minister with the cheekiest smile plastered across his face. Bilateral economic relations didn’t warrant this kind of happiness, it oozed off of him like fucking honey. You had heard your greenies gushing over him earlier that day. The hot speech writer from the embassy. Why was he even here? Stupid question, you knew it was because he was Prime Minister Cho’s nephew. Nepotism at its finest. You had to use that one later. It would definitely sting. When clapping resumed again you made your way to the podium to rally the cameras back into the hall.
“Coverage of the reception will be permitted. I’ll have the details sent over via secure line. Until then please wait in the briefing room for further instruction. Thank you, everyone.”
You turned the corner still trying to shake that stupid smile from your mind when Carrie Ann caught your eye at the coffee corner. Before you could stalk all the way over, someone called your name.
“Ms. Chief of Staff...sir?”
God, you had forgotten your interns had project due today. “One sec, hun.”
You pivoted straight into a paper cup of coffee. “You look like you wanted to, um, talk to me.”
“Carrie Ann, do I amuse you.” The cup was warm in your hand now; sickly sweet aromas filling your nose. A little sip of the searing liquid confirmed your suspicion, too much liquid sugar. The poor girl had gone white.
“More specifically, my face-does it...does it make you want to laugh in a room of every major news outlet in the Pacific?”
“No ma’am, I didn’t mean to-”
“But you did.” You took a longer sip and gave her one last canvas before turning back to the little crowd that had gathered. “This coffee is wonderful by the way. Just a little suggestion, though; go easy on sweetener. You’ll need to remember that when you start at the local Starbucks.” You relished the gasps all the way to your office. It wasn’t until someone cleared their throat that you remembered you weren’t alone.
“Shitty morning, my greenies. Tell me something that won’t make me want to throw you off of the east wing balcony.” A lazy finger point at the intern that had tapped your shoulder earlier opened a flood of updates.
“The KORUS coverage just hit air and it’s already trending on Twitter and Facebook.”
“Washington Governor Townsend has agreed to the state park expansion plans in Olympia; we should have the contractors’ bids on your desk no later than noon.”
“The writer guy is waiting in your blue room, ma’am. Said he has an appointment.”
Messy papers were strewn all over your desk; draft bills for POTUS to look over and countless testimony from the bane of your existence that was the municipal aide fund. You didn’t even look up. “I know plenty of writers, Joshua, you need to be more specific.”
“The hot one, ma’am. Tall, Korean, windswept hair look-”
“You need not go on, dear, this is the White House, not a middle school cafeteria. Send him in.”
The group trudged to the door. “Wait. I want all of you to finish up those Arbor Day submissions from the kindergartners. Pick a winner too.”
“The criteria, ma’am?”
“I don’t know, pick one that colored the trees unrealistic colors. I support impressionism and nothing says ‘Happy Tree Day! Thank you for the oxygen!’ more than a purple ficus.”
“Got it, ma’am, purple ficus.” You shoo-ed them off with the hope that the president would get a chuckle from handing a five-year-old artist a certificate for a periwinkle disaster on national television.
“That girl from earlier. I passed her crying on the way here; such a harsh way to be let go.”
You scoffed, “I might just call secret service to drag her out. Why are you here, Mr. Park? You didn’t have an appointment.”
Seonghwa sauntered to your desk, unbuttoning his suit jacket while easing onto the varnished oak and cocking his head to the side, “Hm…” he grabbed the bow cascading down your blouse, rolling the silk in his fingers, “I never imagined something so frilly on someone so…”
“So what?”
He glared down at you, dropping the bow and retracting his fingers, grabbing the pocket square out of his suit, “So… disdainful.”
You smiled unevenly, “Sometimes I wonder where you learn words like this, but then I remember you went to college here and I can’t one up you with pretentious vocabulary.”
A smile spread across his face, “Do you want it in Korean? 경멸적인.”
“Why should I respect you, Seonghwa? I’m the White House Chief of Staff; not the eager college girl that gets you a cream cheese bagel in the morning.”
The way he got under your skin was criminal. Bad enough that he still hadn’t answered your initial question. What was the question? You were getting too old for this. “Your speech on NATO was cute; Prime Minister Cho did well for the press.”
“Did you like it?”
“Oh, I did. In fact I have a particular word in mind to describe it.”
“What would that be?”
“Ah! She knows Korean now; such a dynamic personality.” His index finger tapped against his palm, “First off, we have a condescending Chief of Staff, who, with no mercy or remorse, loves to fire her perky college interns. Second, she must be achingly smart because she dragged my Korean speech-”
“I’ll stop you right there. Perky? Not exactly the word I’d use to-”
Seonghwa stood, readjusting his suit, “Let me finish, Y/N. Finally, for someone so beautiful, you sure do have a terrible temper.”
“You came here to be an asshole; is that it?”
“Takes one to know one, ma’am.”
“You’re the one that called it a dynamic personality.”
He paused, clasping his hands together, “I simply came to ask if I’d be seeing you at the party tonight.”
“To gawk at your latest arm candy? Don’t count on it.”
The Secretary of Commerce had always rubbed you the wrong way. From the beginning of the appointment, green shadows in his hollow eyes had made his motive clear. Sure, the trade renewal was beneficial to everyone. It was especially so to one certain senior official that had poured half the budget into the Korean subsidiary of a Chinese chemical manufacturer. You weren’t a god, neither was the president. The things that were sacrificed in the name of universal well being wouldn’t keep you up at night. Besides, the geezer talking your ear off had to pay for his estate in Great Barrington somehow. You felt a hand slip around your waist.
“It was a pleasure, Mr. Secretary. Congratulations on the agreement.”
Pulled away without much more than a nod in his direction you turned your attention to your companion. “How did you know I was dying of boredom?”
“Y/N, dear, you wear your heart on your sleeve. It couldn’t have been more obvious if you had screamed ‘insolent plutocrat’ in his face.” ��
You gravitated towards the bar and took the cucumber vodka Yunho held out. He was every bit the man your parents had expected; fitting the description a 9 year old you had mapped out and stuck to the fridge. Doctor Jeong Yunho; Chief of surgery at Georgetown, specializing in neurology. How else could you describe Yunho but simply strapping. Heels didn’t challenge his height. His goofy smile never faltered and his bright eyes followed you like a puppy. Walking into any function with him felt like a cold drink laced with ecstasy; only mildly dangerous and the biggest ego booster. He made you feel powerful.   
You leaned in to begin a whisper into his ear.
“My my my, what do we have here?” If Yunho was ecstasy, Seonghwa was the dirtiest mephedrone on the black market. That hand found your waist again. The woody scent on Yunho’s lapel invaded your senses. There came a time every woman had to face the music; you hadn’t wanted it to be tonight.
“Mr. Park, I don’t believe you’ve met my fiancé.”
“Park Seonghwa, right? I’m Yunho, nice to meet you, man.”
The newest patron took his hand, giving it a firm shake. “Likewise, Doctor. I assume congratulations are in order.” You cast a sidewards glance to Yunho who was playing idly with the silver band on his finger. The whole ordeal was suffocating.
“So when’s the big day?” Seonghwa’s eyes were on you now, still full of the morning’s mischief.
“End of June; we’ll make sure to send you an invitation.” You scooted a little closer to Yunho, letting his guarding presence hold you upright. A shrill beep sounded from his breast pocket; one that you had heard many times. He cleared his throat a little and reached for the pager. Duty always called. It didn’t matter even if you had just helped to divert a nuclear crisis. If someone had their head cracked open on an operating table, Dr. Jeong would be there to patch them up. You took a long swig of the sweating cocktail and set it down.
“You should go, honey. It sounds urgent.”
He offered you a sheepish smile. Seonghwa just turned to face the bar, sloshing a drink in his hand.
“Multiple trauma crash on the 95. Baby, I’m sorry.” Yunho lightly grabbed out your hands that re-did the buttons of his suit.
“I of all people know that work is work. Don’t sweat it kid. I’ll see you tomorrow night, okay?”
“You’re not coming home?”He met your lips in a chaste kiss.
“I fly to Mumbai first thing in the morning and I still have lots of stuff to do before then.”
Yunho just nodded with understanding and bent down to peck your cheek one last time. “Text me when you land.”
“Will do. Drive safe.” When he was far you heard a snicker come from the side. Rolling your eyes you motioned the bartender over for a refill. It was Bruno tonight. Thank god. He always kept the good stuff on the side for you.
“Work is work, huh?”
The brooding man eased towards you slightly, still looking forward. “Are you working me?”
“For what reason would I do that? I have nothing to gain.”
He downed his dark liquid. “We both know that isn’t true.” and with that, he was gone into the crowd of tipsy politicians. Dim chandeliers and the gaudy presentation was suddenly becoming too much. With swift steps you made your way to the president’s table, a pleasant smile plastered on your face.
“Sir, I’m going to head out for the night; lots to do for tomorrow.”
“Of course, Y/N! Send my regards to Yunho on his surgeries. I saw that he left earlier.”
It was that obvious, huh? “I will. Thank you, Mr. President. Congratulations again on the agreement.” With a quick side hug to the misses and last goodbyes, you walked to the back entrance. Your night detail was waiting at the door, purse and coat in hand.
“Evening, ma’am.” You took your purse and got into the car.
“Hello, boys. I’m so ready to sleep.”
“Home, ma’am?”
“Not tonight, Sarge.”
“Of course.”
The ride to the Regis was short. Without much thought you were in your suite; draped in silk and nursing a vintage malt the adorable concierge had given you. And you had tried so hard to not come off as an alcoholic. How disappointing. The door clicked open but you didn’t pay it any attention as you were still enthralled by the itinerary in front of you. A hand pulled the pin out of your makeshift bun sending hair cascading over your shoulders.
“You work too hard, Y/N.”
“I am my work. It runs my life” The humming in your ear made a familiar heat rush to your chest. It flared out down your arms in little tingles.
“This here isn’t work. I think this is something you’re doing all for yourself.”
You reached behind you, bringing lips hard against your own. There was a little cut on the bottom one from a consistent bite the owner was likely not aware of. Sucking on the spot elicited the deepest moan you’d ever heard. Music on par with Nocturne op.9.
“Add selfishness to the qualities of my dynamic personality.”
You turned around in your seat and found a firm grip on your ass pulling you flush against a rattling chest. “He seems like a great guy.”
“Don’t talk about him, Seonghwa.” Stepping off the chair you pushed him towards the bed. He fell onto the plush surface without a sound of protest.
“You definitely have a type. The press would have a field day.”
Settling over the cocky speech writer that had been tugging on the edges of your mind all day was satisfying to say the least. You fit there perfectly; taking everything that was Park Seonghwa in until it made you dizzy. Though not as dizzy as he became when you abused his neck with abandon. You always adored his icy veins threatening to pop in restraint. His hands fumbled at your hip, willing you to move against him. He was too busy getting off to shameless moans of his name in his ear to feel your knee press down hard on his clothed dick.
“If anything gets out to the media, prepare to have this handed over to your uncle on a silver fucking platter.” His breath hitched and you swore the bulge in his pants only grew. You replaced the knee with your hand and used the other to rip open his now wrinkled button down. Your favorite surface. Not as broad as Yunho, but Seonghwa would say the filthiest things to get you to paint trails down his chest until he couldn’t breathe. That’s the difference between your choice of drugs. The most dangerous ones were the most addictive. So when he captured your mouth again, a fresh whimper on his lips, you had no intention of backing up the threat. Seonghwa. Seonghwa. Seonghwa. Pure honey to taste.   
“Please, just fucking ruin me, Y/N.”
“I serve at the pleasure.”  
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Who was the last person to hold your hand? Gabie and my dad are the only ones who can hold my hand. I feel uncomfortable when others do it, even if in a platonic sense. What was the last thing you paid for? I needed a quick lunch to get me by before my exam, so I had instant noodles and kwek-kwek. Has anyone ever told you that you were their best friend? Yes. What's your favorite thing you own? I like my phone because I can use it for almost everything. Can you recite all the lyrics to your favorite song? I don’t have an all-time favorite song but I do memorize the lyrics to a lot of songs that I like.
Who made you laugh the hardest today? I didn’t really laugh today other than towards Gab sending me a meme. Would you sing in front of a large crowd? No. Have you ever jumped out of a moving car? No but I’ve thought about it, lol. Do you prefer chocolate ice cream? I’d have it if it was the only flavor around, but it’s not really my first choice. Can you speak any other languages? Filed under: questions on *almost* every survey. Yes, I learned Filipino before mastering English. Have you ever heard of the band The Cliques? Yes, keywords here being heard of. I haven’t heard any of their material. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? I had a crucial exam this morning that I only got to study for yesterday, so I really had to go all out. I only had five hours of sleep last night. Have you done your homework yet? I’m done with all my homework because I just finished my last requirement (a final exam) for this semester :) Time to be depressed this Christmas and disappear in my survey hole for the next two weeks. Did you get hurt today? Yes, my toothache has struck once again and it’s hurting like a bitch tonight. Thankfully this survey is distracting me from how painful it actually is being right now. What's a song no one would think you'd like, but you actually love? I’m not sure about ‘no one would think you’d like’ because I don’t pay attention to what people think of my music taste lmao but I’m surprised I ended up liking everything i wanted by Billie Eilish, considering her whispering annoys me most days. Have you ever snuck out? No. My mom always goes up and down the house and occasionally checks up my room, so she’d know if I left without permission. How old were you when you got your first boyfriend/girlfriend? 16. Are you talking to anyone? If so, who? I sent a text to Gab just now but we’re not in the middle of a conversation; I was just checking in on her. Have you ever been to Florida? Nope. What is the closest thing to you that's green? Fake plant decors on our dining table. When was the last time you wore a hat? A month ago when I decided to wear a cap to school. Are you broke right now? Far from it, thankfully hahaha. I’ve gathered a lot of savings for Christmas gifts but that’s gonna disappear next week when I finally go shopping. Has anyone given you a piggyback ride today? No. I’m not one to jump on someone’s back for a ride either. When was the last time you felt absolutely happy? Maybe last Monday when I paid my girlfriend a visit. She had a rough weekend and was not talking to absolutely anybody, myself and her family included. I felt happy to improve her mood just by simply showing up. When was the last time you felt upset? Yesterday, I got unbelievably pissed at myself because I stayed at home thinking I didn’t have to go to school (because I was done with almost all requirements) – I HAD A REPORT SLATED FOR YESTERDAY that I completely forgot about. I have never missed a single goddamn report in my whole time in college until then. Thankfully it’s a very chill class and it’s a group report, so my groupmates covered for me; but I definitely made sure I PM’d them individually and apologized profusely. How did you react when your first pet died? I wasn’t too attached to my first goldfish, so I was sad about it when he died but I wasn’t too distraught either. Have you ever drawn anime? No. If you had to give up everything for someone, would you? Probably not. What do you hear right now? I’m listening to a lo-fi playlist on Spotify. Do you feel alone right now? Nope. I just feel SHITTY because of this TOOTHACHE Have you ever told someone that you loved that you hated them? Never. Hate is a strong word. I don’t want to inflict something temporary onto someone important to me, because I’ll regret it immediately after and for the rest of my life. What are you looking forward to? This toothache going away, and for the rest of my Christmas break. I’ve never been more happy about a semester ending – this last one shook up my mental health so bad lmfao. When does your school let out for summer break? It’s either the third or the last week of May. Have you ever played Bingo? Yes. I remember one of my grand-aunts hosting A LOT of bingo parties at her place, and my 8 year old self would join her and her amigas not knowing it was already a form of gambling. I just joined because it won me some money haha. Can you use a pogo stick? No. I’ve always wanted to try it, but I’ve never even seen a real-life one. When's the next time you'll see the person that you like? I have no clue. Saturday seems slim cos we both have our respective Christmas parties, so I may just opt to see her next week when we go gift shopping. Do you currently want something? If so, what? If the theme for this survey still isn’t reiterated enough, it’s for this toothache to go away. Have you ever skinny dipped? No. Not really the sort of thing I’d do. What are you looking forward to most this summer? Graduating and getting whatever graduation gift I get, if any. And finally coming out to my parents. Can you draw well? Nope. Do you like bathing/showering? Only if it gets very hot/humid or when I feel dirty. Otherwise I get lazy. How do you feel about today? it was uneventful. I just went to school this morning to take my final exam for two hours, drove back home, slept all afternoon, and now I’m taking this survey. Maybe I’ll watch Friends after. What would you change about yourself? My confidence, and my lack thereof. What was the last thing you had to drink? Chocolate con nueces from our local bakery.
Who's closest to you, where you are? My sister and her boyfriend are chilling in the living room where he’s playing the PS4. Have you ever stolen something from a department store? No. Have you ever jumped off your roof? No, but [trigger warning: suicide] I’ve looked down at the ground from our rooftop thinking if I’d survive the jump. When was the last time you wanted to scream? Earlier this morning dealing with stupid drivers. Are you honest? I try to be. When was the last time you cried? If I remember it correctly, Friday or Saturday evening. I missed Nacho so I decided to talk to him. Can you play the violin? Haha, no and the few times I tried it I was atrocious. It’s a beautiful instrument. Have you ever considered entering a race? No. I don’t have the stamina and endurance for it. Are you listening to music right now? Yep. What's the nicest thing someone said to you today? My classmate said she was happy she met me in our class. Who said it? Gia, from my Contemporary Philippines class. If someone asked you to get them a soda right now, would you? If it was Gab, then yes I’d drive all the way there to get her a can of soda because I miss her hahahaha. I probably wouldn’t do it for anyone else. Have you ever broken a bone? I have not. Do you have a middle name? Yes. When was the last time you went on vacation? August. Do you truly love anyone? I truly love a lot of people.
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James McAvoy - Codigo Uno interview*
We would like to thank @gofckapineapple on twitter for providing the translation of James’ interview to Spanish magazine Codigo Uno.
Be sure to thank her if you're on twitter and share it!
Original article - Codigo Uno
Translation : @gofckapineapple
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- He is the new fetish actor of Wim Wenders. Without mincing words, James McAvoy speaks with equal frankness of terrorism or classism that reigns in British cinema. Oh, and in his last film he lives an intense romance with Alicia Vikander. - James McAvoy is an actor dedicated to his characters and his nomadic lifestyle. It is also pure authenticity and is not afraid to speak openly. Not long ago he said that the dominance of posh actors in the UK "is damaging society" This 38-year-old Scotsman is peppered with that debate because he is the complete opposite: he had to pay for his career at the drama school working in a bakery. - In his latest film, Submergence, McAvoy travels to the depths of his emotions. The film represents the romantic idea of ​​surrendering to the maximum and, in doing so, alter everything that surrounds us, with jihadism as a fundamental theme. It is the last and most beautiful story of Wim Wenders, and in it McAvoy and Alicia Vikander, co-star of the film, confirm themselves as two of the most erotic Hollywood actors. - Separated from Anne-Marie Duff, who was his wife for a decade, McAvoy now lives between Los Angeles and the UK with his new girlfriend. "Codigo Uno" had the opportunity to speak with the interpreter in Toronto.
Submergence had to be a terrible physical experience ... - Horrible, I had a terrible time because I had to lose a lot of weight between the middle of the movie and the end, and I'm not a man who was overweight. During the filming in Normandy I tried to win some weight to make a difference and to make it more obvious that I had lost weight. In the past I've shot movies where I also had to lose weight, like Trance , with Dany Boyle, and it hit me because I discovered that it's not something that I enjoy. In this film, as I already knew it would irritate me, I tried to enjoy my time in Normandy with Alicia and then we went together to Spain.
You mean you were angry during filming? - Yes. Not being able to eat properly irritates me, it surpasses me because I'm tired all the time, without energy. I think that when I watch the movie, I can identify the moments when I feel uncomfortable. Not only on screen, also when we stopped shooting was uncomfortable. When the filming ended, I dedicated to eat without stopping. The whole experience was awful. I don't feel ready to gain and lose weight.
You were able to relax and enjoy at some point? - Yes, of course. By nature, I'm not a nerve-wracking person. And, to be honest, the shooting in Spain was sensational.
How was the filming with Wim Wenders? - Sensational. I had to let myself be guided by his vision, which seemed articulate and very intelligent. This is a philosophical film, intentionally romantic, sensual. It is the story of a couple of scientists who fall in love. Their conversations, for moments, are academic, they do not fall in love with a smile, but of their intelligence. We were all in Normandy exploring the characters, rehearsing before shooting. Wim is a wonderful guy.
You are very close friends with Michael Fassbender, and you knew Alicia because she is his fiancee. Is not it rare to share intimate scenes with the fiancee of one your best friends? - No, I don't think so. I was married for nine years and filmed many romantic scenes at that time. In this profession we have to make many sequences of love with other people, it's part of the work. Anyway, it wasn't weird for me, maybe for her, but I hope not. I tried not to make her feel strange while filming with me.
You said that this character looks like you. What did you meant in particular? - Let's say I did not feel like playing a role, that character could have been me if my lifestyle had been different and if i would have chosen that kind of job. Of course, he is not like me, he has lived experiences that I will never be able to live. However, inside, he is much more like me than any of the other characters I have ever played in my career.
Do you consider yourself an adventurer, a being able to get to the depths of your being by someone else? - Until a certain point. I once said that I wanted to be a missionary and that interview was chasing me for years. I don't want to repeat the experience [laughs]. When my son was born I was talking to many nurses who had been in Africa and I found that their work, saving lives, was wonderful. That is what I meant. As for being adventurous, the actor profession fits the profile because we spend our time traveling. That amuses me, to live here and there, to work from one side to another of the planet, to know cultures. When I started at 17 I had no idea that I could end up where I am now. I got into drama school in Glasgow and I did not leave there for 3 years, but, in doing so, I became an adventurer because in that place I could build dreams and travel with my imagination. I realized that my life as an actor was going to allow me to experience adventures regardless of a location.
Do you enjoy the emotional load of an actor's life? - Of course. We are always on the brink of failure, always judged severely; or you're a virtuoso or a fucking idiot, with no space between those two concepts. For me, all that is exciting.
When you film in exotic places, do you have time to explore? - No. When I go to work, I work, I don't go on vacation. I will take some holidays now, since I have two months free. I have to force myself to move from my state of permanent curiosity to one of relaxation that allows me to enjoy my vacations. It costs me more to be doing nothing than working.
Submergence was not a pleasant shoot. Why did you choose to do it? - For the romance, for the love story of the protagonists, for the deep connection that exists between them. It's always fun to explore feelings when you connect with someone, it really is interesting to represent those emotions. I find it more human, being beaten in a movie than to hit, and that also caught my attention in this narration, the physical test of the character.
What is your opinion on the terrorism that strikes Europe? - I don't understand it, that's the only opinion I have. After shooting this movie, even less. If there is one thing that surprises me, it's the possibility that there may be someone who can think of the terms of my character, James. He wants to change the world, but because he can't do it alone, he integrates into an organization. First in the army, and then in this spy organization that helps him carry out his plans. All the protagonists in the film try to change the world in their own way. That is the beauty of history, how important it is that we all do our part. War films have shown us that there are many perspectives on the same story. However, we all want the same, that wars no longer exist. In this case we are living a strange war because we don't understand the enemy.
For a while, after the Atonement premiere, you became a star for the teen audience. However, your latest films seem to want to break with that image. - I am aware that there is this group of fans because I get a huge number of letters from South Korea, more than anywhere. I'm not very aware of who follows me or who watches my movies. I do not consider myself a strategic actor, I have never been an engineer of my legacy. I did not do it at first and I will not start doing it now. All I do is read the script, if I like it and if I think it's going to be a challenge, then I will do the movie. I feel like I am responding to stories that will awaken the audience.
You have criticized that there are no opportunities for working-class actors in the UK. - When we speak of this we must be clear. There are posh actors who have been in boarding schools that now feel cornered. Nobody has anything against a posh actor who is doing well. We live in a scary world, as soon as a small group dominates the creation of the arts and becomes a representation of a society that is not for everyone but for a few, the damage is irreparable. In five or ten years we will see how it affects us.
You emerge as a new sex symbol for your generation. - I don't think so. To be honest, I don't know if someone considers me an erotic symbol because it does not cross my mind. I don't get up in the morning thinking, "How sexy I am today." And, by the way, I still have not met anyone who treats me like I'm a sex symbol, so I can not feel one. I'm not convinced by the title.
Are you still taking care of yourself physically, for the pleasure of staying in shape? - I haven't been back to the gym since I finished the movie. I've been to the sauna a couple of times in eleven months. I'm quite lazy and I don't like exercising.
Who were the heroes of your adolescence? - I was a sophisticated twelve-year-old boy fascinated with James Bond and the spies. I suppose I let myself be influenced by Sean Connery, an illustrious Scotsman.
*Originally published on Facebook, posted here with some minor edits.
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