#i never give a crap about kid hcs but holy shit this game and pairing have made me bonkers
runicmagitek · 2 years
Do you have any Natsuno/Keitaro's children head canon?
I most certainly do!! 😍 I've rambled about my thoughts on their kids on Twitter, but I'll share them here, as well. Thanks so much for the ask, anon!
I feel they would be one of the last couples to have kids. It's not exactly something Natsuno wants or ever cared for. That plus the nature of what they're "expected" to do post-canon, she has even more complicated feelings about it (lots of lack of agency and too much pressure when all she wanted was to make some alien friends and live a cool sci-fi life). Keitaro, on the other hand, was ready to have kids with her like two seconds after meeting her, but he's also a respectful polite boy, so he'd never ever pressure her about it. Whatever Natsuno wants is what she gets, in his mind.
They'd have lots of chats about having kids, mostly Keitaro double-checking with her. Natsuno has a few "I don't know if I can actually do this" moments; she worries she'll be a terrible mom and not be able to deal with it or whatnot. Keitaro, like always, is super patient and keeps reassuring her he's there to help and if she changes her mind? That's ok too. But also Natsuno keeps seeing him interact with the other kids and sees how amazing he is with them and is just like, "damn, he'd be a really good dad... if we had kids, they'd love him.... crap, I really want his kids now."
Anyhow, they wouldn't have kids until after they're married (honestly, she probably gets pregnant on their wedding night). They have two kids: a girl and a boy.
The oldest is Keiko. She has long brown hair and silver eyes. She's quiet and shy, hiding behind her parents a lot when others are present. She likes to hang out with her dad while he does his own quiet work. Her favorite thing is painting and drawing; she loves to show them to her parents and they love to plaster the fridge with her art. Of the other compatibles, Keiko likes Ryoko the most. Konatsu thinks Keiko is super cool and drags her around everywhere and Keiko is just glad to have an extrovert friend to cling to when social situations are super scary.
The youngest is Naoki (I imagine there's roughly a three-year gap between them). He's a spitting image of his mother. He gets excited about everything and anything and always wants to play outside. He loves bugs and animals and is always finding something he wants to bring home as a pet. Keitaro and Natsuno build him a treehouse at some point and he legit wants to live in it forever. He's perpetually the kid who is asking a million questions and always getting in trouble, whether he tries to or not. He loves it when his mom goes on nature explorations with the other kiddos and tries to show off a bit with all the neat things he can do (help this poor child, he has so many bruised joints). Of the other compatibles, he loves to hang out with Tamao and Megumi, because they cook up the best treats.
Keiko and Naoki get along relatively well, though Keiko is perpetually worried about her little brother running off all the time. Naoki also gets frustrated about Keiko worrying about seemingly nothing or just the fact she's an introvert and doesn't want to run around and play with him all the time. They bicker as siblings do, though they do care for each other. Naoki loves all the cool art she makes and is always asking her to draw up the random stories he comes up with. Keiko loves hearing about his bug facts and nature journeys. I like to think as they get older, they hang out in his treehouse whenever one of them is having a bad day and just vent and support each other.
Both Keitaro and Natsuno are extremely supportive in their own ways for their children. Keitaro is the more grounded of the two, having more patience than Natsuno when their kids are being... well, kids. He probably shoulders more parenting than necessary just so Natsuno doesn't have to stress about it. Natsuno wants her kids to enjoy life and pursue whatever they love, but also worries constantly, especially when Naoki starts taking after her and doesn't show up for dinner. She has bouts of "oh no I'm the worst mom ever" and "they must hate me for being so strict why am I like this", but Keitaro always reassures her and it always works out in the end.
And they love their parents a ton! Natsuno is actually a super cool mom, hosting weekly movie nights and telling the best bedtime stories. She wants to know everything about whatever they're interested in at the moment so she can supply them with everything they need to pursue said interest. Keitaro just rolls with the punches; he's firm, yet extremely compassionate. They don't have dad wrapped around their fingers like Natsuno does with him, but he does whatever he can so they can have the life he never had growing up.
I'm sure I have more thoughts, but this is what I got for the time being. Hope you enjoyed them and thanks again for the ask! 🥰
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