#i never saw a car on fire before that wasnt just like on the highway
dockaspbrak · 6 months
Car caught fire outside my apartment and firetrucks came and the shell got towed too and everything but fhdjdbdjfj jfc i am still so freaked 😵‍💫
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First Sight: A Sole Ender Fic
Summary: Ryan tried hard to ensure he was never seen without a mask. And if that failed he always kept an extra eye patch on him. The recent stint with the FAHC had turned onto a permanent partnership and Ryan knew he would have to either tell the crew about his "condition" or they would find it themselves. Sadly it seemed that the latter would be the case as a stray bullet decided.
It was a simple job really. Go in, kill a man, steal some data for Gavin, then leave. They had planned and over planned to hell and back. It was an easy job.
But when was anything ever easy or going to plan with the FAHC? They lived and thrived on chaos and uncertainty. It was part of the reason Ryan even accepted the offer to join permanently.
As the Vagabond working alone, he made his own fun. But it always felt hollow, being alone felt hollow. Though it was all Ryan had known for a long long time. The experiments never left room for socializing not when it was only Ryan in a room with a bunch of Pricks.
Still it was nicer to hear others groan at bad puns or laugh at cheesy one liners while storming a bank or glaring down an enemy. It was, nice. Odd, and a learning process for sure but damn if it wasnt nice to have something like a family. Which was why he was extra careful.
Ryan knew that the experiments he survived left their mark. Black and purple veins or skin patches were easy enough to hide with make up. Avoiding water was disguised as a quirk, though for bathing Ryan made absolutely certain to run the shower while he wiped himself down with wet wipes. Not ideal but it got him clean enough. As for teleporting and staring well... he made sure if he did teleport no one saw, and the crew thought he was leaving his sparkles around to annoy Gavin. He was able to pass off his hatred and anger towards staring and eye contact as personal and the crew respected that.
But he could not hide the eye. His left eye had morphed into something else decades ago, right at the beginning of the experiments. His right eye was blue and looked perfectly normal. His left... it had no whites, just black ink and a large nearly matching purple pupil. It moved on it's own sometimes, something Ryan never fully figured out how to stop. And it watched everything. It showed the weakest points in objects, where Ryan could just pluck a cube from whatever it was. It showed veins and important artery locations in a potential victim. It was a culmination of everything the fucks back at the Program had wanted.
But Ryan hated it. Seeing the samn thing not only hurt, but infuriated him. Even decades later it made him feel weak and helpless. And worst of all, it was like a brand. Impossible to hide without heavy cloth or armor, its eerie black glow seeping through everything else. Ryan was only just starting to settle with the FAHC he was actually starting to enjoy himself. Like hell he was going to let something as stupid as an eye fuck that up!
But he knew, eventually he would have to tell the crew. It was either that or they would find out... It had been a simple fucking job and of course that would be where it all unraveled.
"Turn left! Left you Dolts!" Gavin's voice cracked over comms as Jeremy and Ryan sprinted through the corridors of the former safe house. A trail of bloody foot prints spread out behind them as they sprinted down and through the halls. The lights flashed red and an alarm blared loudly.
They hung a left, Jeremy skidding a little as he went.
"How the Fuck did we miss that camera? I thought the system was down!" Jeremy growled as the two rounded another corner. Ryan had pulled out a shotgun and held it close and ready as they raced for the exit.
"Bastards probably had a separate system. But that would mean they expected company." Ryan offered lowly so that the comms heard him but not those around him.
"Shit! Take cover!" Gavin shouted over comms as the battle Buddies finally reached the exit.
Jeremy dove down and Ryan jumped back into an open door as several shots fired past them. Jeremy crawled into the closet with Ryan, cocking a pistol.
"Fuck, how many Gav?" Jeremy asked.
Ryan popped his head out to return fire and popped back in as the sounds of bullet tearing flesh ripped through the blaring alarms as blood oozed out over the floor.
"I caught sight of 3 total. One is down so 2 left." Ryan supplied as Jeremy nodded and ducked out to shoot.
Ryan silently cursed, he could teleport, but he never teleported with someone, itd likely kill Jeremy if he did. But perhaps he could get behind the enemies...
There was a loud crash from the opposite end of the hall and a curse from Gavin.
"Hurry up! They have back up coming!" Well fuck. Ryan pulled a bewildered Jeremy into the Closet and shit off his comm.
"Stay here and please dont ask any questions." Ryan practically begged. Jeremy nodded quickly and gasped when, with a Vwoop! Ryan vanished leaving a small shower of sparkles.
Ryan appeared behind the first man, knife out and swinging. The blade dug into the back of his neck as a groan caught the other man's attention. As Ryan pulled the knife out he teleported again, letting the first fall limp and struck out at the other's neck as he pulled out of his teleport. A quickl slash and the throat was cut and the man fell.
Ryan only had time to barely catch his. Breath as sharp pain ripped through his left eye and the world went white for a moment. When the world partially swam into focus Jeremy had Ryan slung over his shoulder and was making a beeline out the exit. Tyan couldnt quite hear what he was saying and didnt get the chance to figure it out as he drifted into painful unconsciousness.
Jeremy had to say that he figured the Vagabond was weird. Tucker wore a mask for everything and the few times the media even got a glimpse of them without it they had a fucking eye patch and face paint! But then he joined the crew and it became apparent that the Vagabond was like the rest of the crew, weird, pissed, and chaotic as fuck. So sure, Jeremy expect quirks from Ryan.
Then the Motherfucker went and teleported in front of him! Jeremy still wasnt sure if that was what actually happened or if it was the adrenaline playing tricks on his eyes. Then a bullet struck Ryan in the eye and Jeremy didnt have time to think.
He ran out and grabbed his teleporting Battle Buddy and sprinted for the getaway vehicle. Jack was waiting outside and sped off the moment both boys were in the car.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Gav fo we have anything back at base for Bullets in eyes?" Jeremy asked desperately over comms. Gavin scrambled on the other side muttering this and that.
"Well get the fucking bullet out first before we get there we might actually be able to do something then!" Jack called from the front as they sped out onto the highway.
"Fuck! You're serving all over the place you think I'm going to be able to dig a bullet out like this?" Jeremy snapped.
"Just fucking try!" Jack shouted, as they swerved around an eighteen wheeler.
Jeremy cursed and began to remove Ryan's mask and then his eye patch
"Sorry buddy." Jeremy whispered as he lifted the patch and frozen. "Oh what the shit?!"
"What? If he is missing an eye dont gawk!" Jack scolded.
"He's not missing an eye but its janky as dicks! Its black and purple and shit." Jeremy shouted as he tried to figure out how the hell he was going to dig a bullet out of his friend's ... uh... eye.
"Thay sounds unhealthy." Jack deadpanned as the car pulled into the headquater's garage. Once stopped jack came around to the back. "Alright move the fuck over you useless-Holy fuck you weren't kidding!"
"Yeah! No shit!"
"Whatever move! I'm getting that bullet out." Jack said, Shoving Jeremy out the otherside of the car. Jeremy yelped as he hit the concrete and popped back up, his eyes catching a patch of black skin peeking through smudged make up.
"Got it!" Jeremy tore his eyes back to Jack who was holding up a bullet covered in a thick black liquid with swirls of red dripping within.
"Great, now help me get this fuck inside." Geoff said jogging up to Jack from behind Jeremy. Jeremy was still frozen as the two Gents carried Ryan up to his room. Gavin and Michael approaches Jeremy.
"The fuck has you spooked?" Michael asked. "He's a tough fucker. Ryan'll be fine."
"Dude did you see his fucking blood? Its black! His eye is purple and moving on it's own! He fucking teleported!" Jeremy exclaimed. "Either that all just happened or I'm fucking high as balls. Neither outcome is good."
Gavin shrugged. "Well, do drugs we all see that."
Gavin pointed to the car where a small pool of black and red flecked blood glistened in the lights. The three lads stared at the pool in silence until michael spoke.
"Well son of a bitch."
Ryan came to in a bed. His own at the penthouse. He blinked a few times feeling the sting of a healing wound in his left eye as he did so. Having super human healing paid off more than it didnt.
Ryan sat up hand raising up to his face, expecting a mask or eye patch... only to meet fresh bandages.
Panic hit Ryan like a truck.
"Shit." Ryan cursed loudly as he went to stand only to flop over the side of the bed. "Fucking healing fatigue. Fucking legs, fuck!"
"Well good to see you're awake." Geoff's smooth drawl was cracked with stress and exhaustion.
The man was slouched against the door frame a cup of tea in hand. His hair was a mess and his eyes had bags that looked like they were dripping down his face
Ryan turned his face from Geoff's feet down to the floor on which his gave rested. A grumble was released into the floorboards then Ryan slowly picked himself back up onto the bed, his left eye still covered. Geoff shot him a knowing look as he stepped in and closed the door.
"Gavin and the lads are with Jack in the Kitchen looking for an update on you. Figured I'd be the first to talk to you." Ryan huffed as Geoff spoke with more authority than Ryan liked. It sounded too familiar.
Like a Scientist trying to get answers.
"Alright no need to growl asshole Jesus fuck." Geoff held up his hands in mock surrender and Ryan felt his shoulders relaxing a little.
"I'm not going to hurt you." Ryan hissed. "But I'm not some specimen to interogate."
"Well that answers that." Geoff said and Ryan tensed again. "Fuck right look I'm pretty sure a glowing black and purple eye ball ain't natural and yes we saw it you had a bullet in your eye and we didnt know it would heal on it's own. Dont care about that if you want it to stay covered it can stay covered. I'm more curious about Jeremy saying you fucking teleport."
"I can only teleport myself. Itd kill anyone else." Ryan said sheepishly as a sigh of relief escaped his lungs. "I can also take cubes of shit out of anything."
"People to?" Geoff asked, Ryan nodded. "Holy fuck what the hell kind of experiment were you a part of?"
Ryan shook his head and Geoff nodded.
"Right later if ever. Moving on, you alright?"
"Just tired. Healing takes a lot of energy." Ryan explained and Geoff nodded.
"Need water or anything?" Geoff offered and Ryan shook his head again.
"Burns. I'll just go out myself..."
"You sure? I'm sure the guys all have a million fucking questions." Geoff said as Ryan slowly rose up.
"Better now than later." Gwoff laughed.
"Fucking true. Though I have one more question." Ryan sighed.
"Those sparkles Gavin's been collecting, do you make those?" Ryan laughed.
"When I teleport, Yeah. Dont know how or from where. But I do know Gavin has been using them on his nail polish and and eye shadow." Geoff busted out laughing as the two walked out into the penthouse living room. The lads shot up with Jeremy racing up to Ryan with Gavin close behind. A million questions poured out. But it was good.
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nthrr · 5 years
A Second Chance
Summary: 'Who are you?' He wanted to know, know every single thing about her, things that one shouldn't want to know about a person who holds a gun on them. A second chance at love for the ones that were robbed of it.
It had been days since he had had a good nights sleep free from dreams. He didn't know why but since his childhood he had dreams that had followed the same theme. A world full of fantasy, honour and war. In his childhood those dreams seemed like an entry into the unknown, a world full of wonders and action that a little boy thoroughly enjoyed and embraced. But as he had grown older, had gotten better at understanding the world around himself , the dreams changed, their meanings changed. Cheerful laughter and abundance of love that shone through the dreams changed. The first time he experienced a life leaving its body through his own hands, he was fourteen. Waking up screaming he had thoroughly frightened his parents. Chalking it up to nightmares didn't seem to work in their household because once is a chance, twice is a coincidence but repeatedly for past how many ever years that he had started speaking from, explaining to his parents a world from history books that they attributed to his imagination, that had frightened them. A slew of doctors came and went, medicines consumed but the dreams didn't seem to stop. He stopped taking those medicines when he had accidentally overdosed due to him being delirious with not having slept in three days. It was a great fight with his parents but slowly he had them accept that those medicines were not improving him at all. Turning to yoga and meditation brought him a sense of calm but those dreams, those dreams where he was an royal, the feeling of a sword slicing the air around him, an all encompassing feeling of motherly love and devotion , the feeling of complete content and happiness as if he had found his soulmate, they never left and to tell the truth , he would rather have them along with sleepless nights with nightmares than do without them.
Inspite of all this he had an loving childhood, and a promising career. His family owns the prestigious Mahismathi Industries, a pioneer in the field of technology. Being the only heir apparent of MI , his life and future is set. But the thirst of knowledge and the fire to prove that he deserves the position made him an overachiever in his studies and in the work he started doing for MI. His parents seem to be happy that he is thriving despite his struggles in mental health and that has lead to what is now a big problem for him. Marriage. The thing he totally despises. Don't get him wrong he has no qualms about love, and he had gone on dates and had a few one night stands. But marriage is different. It's a partnership more than anything else. What was he to say to his future wife, that he has recurring dreams and nightmares and that he'll wake up screaming somedays, babble in a strange language on others, sometimes wake up kicking and punching so would you please learn some self defense or sorry we cant sleep in the same bed. Or should he say I'll try to love you but sorry I think I can't because I already love someone, oh it's just someone I dream of regularly, and no she's not real, yes I'm pretty sure, no I would not like an admittance to a mental hospital thanks. He would be really glad when this marriage talk comes to an end.
He prays for this recent bout of sleeplessness to end , he is getting sick of his own growchiness. Hearing his alarm blare out he groans and covers himself with his sheets willing the world to just disappear away. A few minutes later hearing the second alarm go off he huffs before throwing away his sheets and stumbles to the bathroom. He considers calling in sick for a few moments after he sees his reflection in the mirror, he really looks like a zombie, but then he curses himself for his very own good work ethics. Besides the vultures at the company would swoop in at just a peak of a mistake to point and complain. It was getting ridiculous, he was only in a mid management position now, both him and his parents agreeing that he should start low at the food chain, getting an experience at different levels in the company. But some people at the board still try to sabotage him at every turn. The thing was they knew his place at the top is cemented but they still try at every chance they get. He could even appreciate the ones that go about it in a clever way, because they could be useful for him in the long term but those stupid ones, he just doesn't know what to do about them.
Cursing the board members mentally, he got ready and hurried out of his house hoping he won't be late. Just as he was about to start the car his cellphone went off. Seeing that it was his mother calling and wondering she would at this time of the day he answered the call,
'Amma, good morning, why are you calling this early, any problem?' He inquired.
'Amar, good morning my son, did you sleep well'
'Ya ma, got some sleep , what's the matter , is everything ok?' It wasnt like his mother to call him in the early hours of the day. This call was making him a bit worried.
'Yes, good, everything is fine, don't worry and stop being a pessimist '
'Tell that to my mother who calls early in the morning to a son who she's going to see probably in an hour or so' he countered back.
'Stop sassing me, lord knows I get enough of that from your father and stop chuckling, like father like son', He tries vainly to cover his laughs. Like father, as if, he hasn't seen anyone in his life actually verbally spar with his mother and come out unscathed.
'Ok ok sorry, I'm stopping so why did you call' If he doesn't stop his mother now he would still be getting told off an hour from now.
'Oh that, I just wanted to ask you to collect a package from Ragupathy uncle on the way. Its the family heirloom from Andhra that got lost and was got back in an auction, uncle has it and he said he would deliver it personally, but it seems he has an urgent business meeting coming up and wont be able to come by so he asked me to send you by to pick it up'
'Cant you ask someone else ma, I'm getting pretty late, and if it really has to be me I can even pick it up in the evening' he tries.
'Amarnath, didn't I already say your uncle is going away on a business trip , and no I cant send anyone else because it's a family heirloom and it costs twenty two millions. And how many times do I have to say you are the boss of MI and you are allowed to be late sometimes. '
'Cool down cool down, dont get tensed, your blood pressure is already high, I'll go ok, and i really shouldn't be late even when I'm the boss' This was an age old argument in their home and today wasnt the day that it was going to be resolved.
'Really cant change you dear, but that is also why you are the heir to MI and your cousin Balla is not'
'Dont you get started on him now amma, and got to go now if I'm getting your package too along the way '
'Dont grumble too much will you, doesn't suit you'
'Ok amma got to go bye'
'Hmm , drive safely dear , bye'.
Ending the call with his mother , he started the car and turned it towards his uncle's home. Arriving in under twenty minutes, he rushed to the door and rang the bell. The door opened to reveal panja aunty a maid in his uncles home who welcomed him warmly. Asking for his uncle he was directed to the study in the upper floor. Knocking on the door and entering he found his uncle rushing around trying to fit as many things as he could in the bag of his.
'Amarnath, thank you my son for coming so quickly , I really didn't know who to trust with such an important piece of item. Thank God you're here'
'Its no problem uncle, mom said you have an antique piece for her?'he ended it as a question, trying not to let his frustrations show about how late it was getting.
Giving a confirmation his uncle went to the safe in the corner and brought an ornately carved box about the size of a shoe box.
'Take great care of this Amar, this thing does not only contain our family's money but also our history and legacy. Be careful will you?'
'I'll be careful uncle, it's already 7 isn't your flight at 7.30'
'Yes , yes I'll go , dont want to make you late' his uncle finished with a laugh. His entire family knew what a workaholic he was and took great pleasure in teasing him at any given chance.
Seeing his uncle off , he secured the package carefully in the trunk so that it wont jolst too much on the drive and started the car. It was a solid hour travel to his office from his uncle's home and he wanted to shave off whatever minutes he could so he took the smaller streets that wound through the city rather than the highway.
Later he would wish he had paid more attention to the road and to the car that was tailing him rather than speeding. But it had brought him to her and he wouldn't want it any other way.
It was halfway through, on a stretch of road that had sporadically placed houses and rather bare in terms of human activity that it happened. It wasn't that he wasn't paying attention to the road but when he noticed a man laying on the ground with his bike toppled over it was difficult to stop with the way he was speeding. He didn't think he had hit the stranger but it really was too close for his comfort. Berating himself and lamenting the consequences for his momentary lapse in judgement he hurried out of the car to check on the stranger.
It really had been a close call, he observed, if he had been even a second late in applying the breaks , the man would have died and he would have become a murderer. Walking over to the man on the ground he saw no evidence of bleeding , which was good. Crouching down , he laid his fingers to the man's neck to check for his pulse. Noticing that he had a good , strong pulse, he started to try to wake the man. With no amount of him trying getting any results, he decided to call the ambulance.
As concerned with the stranger as he was, he hadn't heard the scuffles coming from behind his car. But a strange loud thud from the near vicinity of his car startled him from his position. More wary now than he had been before , he tried to get up and check what the noise had been about. But before he could even stand fully, he was grabbed by the ankles and pushed to the ground. With his winds knocked out and reasonably confused he saw the man on the ground get up grinning. With a dawning sense of realisation coming upon him he turned his attention to the car to see four men with clothes tied over their faces trying to force open the trunk. He realised It had been a ploy to get him off the car.
It took him longer than he would be willing to admit, to get sense of the situation. Three by the car, forcefully trying to open the trunk, and an another who had tricked him, who now that he focused was swinging his leg back to deliver a kick. The kick landed hard on his abdomen knocking his breath out. Pain for many would cloud their senses but for him it sharpend them. When the next kick contacted with his abdomen he held on to the leg and pulled. Bringing down his assailant he crouched on the top of him and delivered a swift punch to his face. With the following two more the man was knocked out cold. Suddenly hands grappled on the back of his shirt pulling him away from the man. Allowing his weight to freefall on the assailant he got away from the hold and faced his three opponents. Breathing in and out and centering his mind he got into a battle stance.
In his childhood while other children opted for sports or games Amar was always fascinated by martial arts. After much cajoling to his parents he joined them, and never looked back. Fighting came easy to him, he raised through the ranks and joined even more different types of martial arts classes. It gave him peace and happiness that couldn't be found in his life plenty. So this situation of him facing three goons that seemed to be amateurs at best did not panic him as it would any other. They came at him from all sides, trying to overpower him , but he side steps and fights. The fight finishes in mere minutes. Panting heavily he carefully notes what he could about these thugs. From the way they way laid him and opened his car without any power tools he could tell they were well accomplished thieves, but their fighting left a lot to be desired. They weren't fighters , just thieves, good ones but just thieves .
A sudden feeling of a cold hardness pressed against his skull brought him up from his thoughts. With the realisation dawning on him he scolded himself for not checking up on the other thug he knocked out at the start. The gun pressed against him trembled making him more nervous that that idiot would shoot him without even meaning to. Seeing that he had not been shot at already he tried talking to the man who had his life in his hands. 'Listen buddy, there's no need for weapons here. Lower your gun and I'll let you guys go without even letting the police involved. But if you shoot and then got caught it would be life sentence for you. Your whole life would be behing the bars. Think that through. Put your gun away and I'll let you take your guys away. '
The gun pressing even harder against his head made him stop . The hand that was trembling till now steadied. The gun pressed firmly against the back of his head steadied. The click of the guns safety rang across the empty road sounding to him as if it was the conch sounding at his funeral. The safety had been on before , he could have tried to escape but there was no use lamenting about things that could have been. He knew in a few moments he would be no more. As many say, his whole life did not flash before his eyes , but his dreams did. Times he was happy and content in his dreams came to the forefront of his mind. He could totally ignore the gun behind him and he could go out with thoughts that made him smile. More than the fear of death , the wait for when the bullet will tear through him was what scared him. In the silence that made even death noisy , he heard the creak of the trigger being pressed. Then the shot rang through.
The pain he expected was not there, nor was the feeling of either heaven or hell. Slowly opening his eyes which he seemed to have closed , he turned around to see what the hell had happened. There on the ground laid the man who had held a gun to his head , with a bleeding shoulder. The gun laid on the ground and was now being picked up. Following the hand he saw the other held a gun too which seemed to be the source of the shot that he heard. Moving his eyes upwards he stopped short. Because there with guns in her hands, in a plain shirt and pants was the girl he was intimately familiar with. Eyes sharp as razors, beautiful red lips turned into a scowl, a face that shone even when it screamed murderous intent, she was there, every inch a perfect copy of the dreams that he had.
'Deva' his mind whispered, 'Deva'.
He wanted to pinch himself awake but he knew that this was real because even in his dreams he could never get the magnetism that shone off her eyes right, that was being directed at him. He didn't even mind the gun that was now pointed at him, again.
'Who are you , what the hell happend here ' she asked with a voice filled with authority. He found himself smiling hearing her voice. It was just as enchanting as he had always imagined it to be. 'What are you smiling for' she asked again with more force now. His smile had infuriated her.
'Who are you?' He wanted to know, know every single thing about her, things that one shouldn't want to know about a person who holds a gun on them.
'Devika Rajendran , deputy inspector of police , now give me your name or be ready to be dragged off to jail' she stated with a raised eyebrow and a relaxed stance. The confidence that she carried with her, it sent shivers down his spine making him want to needle her so much more, so that he could watch the way she got wound up and let go.
''Amarnath Chandran, software engineer at Mahismathi Industries ' he replied , holding back his true position at MI. He wanted her to look at him as if he was just any other normal guy, not the heir to a multibillion dollar company. It was experience that had him introducing himself as an IT guy rather than his true self. But looking at her he somehow doubted that she would bend down or simper at him. And it was that which made her even more attractive in his eyes.
'Well Mister Amarnath' he cut her off before she could finish the sentence,' its Amar, call me Amar'
If possible she looked even more less impressed by that statement. 'Mister Amarnath, I have to ask you , why was this guy pointing a gun at you' a hint of coldness seeped into her tone.
'I have no idea who these people are , they hijacked my car and tried to steal the antique that i had in my trunk, and trust me no way am i involved in any shady business Devika' and seeing the expression on her face become frostier he hastily added 'Maam, Devika Maam'.
'Cut off the name calling and show me your ID' she neared him and held out her hands.
He didn't know what was going through his mind. It probably was "she's here, she's real" and not "let's go to jail today". His response should have been "sure, let me get it from my car" and not what he said.
'I dont have it on my person at this moment but I could bring it to you by noon today. Your office is at the city headquarters isn't it'
If it had been him at her place , he probably would have done worse than slap the cuffs on his had and dump him in the back of the police jeep with the other thugs. He didn't care much for it, but at least the view was nice, or the back of her that he could see.
It took his mother half an hour to get the news and come to the station with a lawyer to get him out, the time which he spent most enjoyably watching her in her true environment. He seemed to infuriate her, smiling wider every time she managed to catch his look and glare at him. It was good that his mother came when she did or he didn't know what she would have done to him. But as soon as his mother came her entire ire transferred to his mother. Watching both the woman verbally battle he was glad that he wasnt caught in between but he would gladly accept that and more if only she could be in his life. They were two strong women who didn't want to give each other an inch of leeway. Finally Devika stomped towards the holding cell and opened the door with such a force that nobody could mistake her anger for anything else.
But before she could leave he grabbed her wrists making her turn towards him with such an anger in her face. It made him want to go to her and pull her in a tight hug and never let her leave. But he had an apology to deliver. Letting her go he lifted his hands up in an apology.
'I'm sorry I touched you without your permission, I just wanted your attention for a second. I'm sorry that I deceived you, it's my fault. The reason for it is simple. I didn't want to be away from your company just yet. You captivate me Devika, from your confidence to your inner strength that shows just as bright as your beauty, I wanted to spend more time with you. Your strength is beautiful, you are beautiful. Will you please accept my apology as a dinner tonight. Just an apology dinner, nothing else and if you never want to see me again you dont have to'.
Seeing the anger fade away from her face, and a confused look entering in, he smiled.
'Don't need to give me an answer now, tonight 7 PM at Jonas restaurant at the city centre, I'll be waiting, and if you dont show up I'll understand ' leaving the cell he started to walk out of the room and fortunately for him his mother seemed to have left already. Stopping midway he turned back to see her still standing in the same position. 'I don't know what you will decide tonight Devika, but either way have a good life officer'. He turned back and strode out of the room, whatever tonight may bring he was content in a way that he had never been. She may never come looking for him, but knowing that she was real, and that she lived a happy life somewhere was enough for him.
A smirk tugged at his lips, he definitely did notice the blush that stained her cheeks when she was with him.
Thank you @carminavulcana and @mayavanavihariniharini for welcoming me into this wonderful fandom.
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krissy-sprite · 5 years
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Captain Isabella-Hope Patterson
Click Keep Reading to read her story! (Her story is a lot longer)
Before events of Far cry New Dawn
Isabella was only a child when the bombs hit, She was very worried about why her mom said she’ll be back but she has been gone for a long time but once the bombs drop her neighbors have a bunker and grab her and what they all need to survive into the bunker, Isabella only grab one thing is a picture of herself with her mom in her police uniform for the first time, she looks at her neighbors and one was silently talking but can hear his words “The world is ending, the world is ending, the world is ending” while his wife was sobbing, Isabella was scared but somehow she kept calm and silently keeping hope for everything to be alright again but for now all they can do is wait till the chaos from outside slows down.
Years in the bunker have passed, mostly people give up hope after the world ends but not for Isabella, she doesn't even know why she still have hope but she did than one day they hear knocking from the bunker ceiling door, the neighbor slightly check and hear people outside saying “it’s safe to come out!”. 
All three of them left the bunker and see how amaze how outside isn't all destruction but flowers, fresh air and beautiful bright blue sky all around and Isabella never saw anything so amazing even before the bombs hit, She sees people joining together to rebuild the world as it was before and she imminently wanted to help but there was one thing that she needed to do, Go to Hope Country and find her mom alive.
She knows it’s gonna be very difficult to go to hope country and even if she says about her plan, everyone sometimes tell her “I’m sorry but I don’t think your mother survive” “She’s dead move on!” but it didnt stop her at all, then she heard some guy named Thomas Rush is planning on making a team that helps rebuilding the world, setting up new homes and adding more people to join together so she went around and asked about Thomas Rush and where is he, so then she manage to find Thomas Rush and asked to join the team though he wasnt sure at first but he saw the fire in her eyes and accepts her.
Years again happen and Isabella kept on helping everyone who needed help and Thomas was surprised of how she was like a second leader so he promote her to be Second in Order Captain, but there was something else between these two have a connection they didn't know it would be more than being teammates, they ended up falling in love with each other, Though they kept their relationship a secret but it everyone can see though it. 
Thomas even know what Isabella really wanted to do and he encourage her about it but he told her that we cant just go there right now when there is still places that needed rebuild and Isabella accepts that, She even slightly changed her name to Isabella-Hope
And then one day, they met Carmina Rye asking for help in her hometown because of the Highway men have been destroying what her family and friends accomplish and what caught Isabella surprise that it was in hope country where her mom was there the last time she saw her going, the team than travel to Hope Country to helped, only to be caught in a surprise
During some of the events of Far Cry New Dawn
After the highway men nearly killed everyone and both Isabella and Carmina escaped but Thomas was kidnapped by the twins, Isabella was nearly devastated of what happen but tells Carmina it’s not her fault that it happened and both her and Carmina with the help of prosperity they will take down the highway men but they need to get Thomas first.
During her time in Prosperity, Isabella was looking around asking people about the whereabouts her mom and answers were no idea or they haven't see someone like that till she ask Kim about her and even show an very old photo that she kept, Isabella and Carmina who was helping her asked around was confused why Kim was in total shocked to look at her then the photo then at her again, That’s when Kim told Isabella about the story of what happen here before the bombs hit that Her mom started the resistances against the Cult called Project of Edens Gate to stopped the leader of the cult but before they manage to win the rebel, the bombs hit and everyone scatter and that was the last Kim saw the deputes before they got in the car with the leader and drive away, Isabella was silent after she heard the story for a while but afterward she told Kim that she believes her mom survive and is still alive because she does not give up hope until she sees the body.
Later on after Isabella saved Thomas from the highway men but the Twins attacked the prosperity, Thomas told everyone about the group up north and that’s when Isabella went to the north and out of nowhere is having visions of a man pointing to where she needs to go and after doing puzzles she goes into a abandon bunker and looks at the notes left her in shaken in disbelieve that the notes were her mom write in paper as she was slowly losing herself, Isabella clicked two and two together, the mask person who refused to let her in was her mother.
After she return to the north and show the book, the judge let her in and just point to where she need to go and ignoring what Isabella was saying and just growls at her to shut up, Isabella was heartbroken to see her mom became a different person but her anger for the man that made her become like this has grew very much.
Isabella did some quest to show she has become part of new eden and helping the people there to find the father but the so called leader Ethan who is supposed to be the son of the father wanted Isabella to kill him so his people to look up to him instead of Joseph, as much as she wanted to kill Joseph as well she cant because everyone both prosperity needed new eden to help and new eden needed Joseph back in order to accept the helped so she headed far up north and finally met eye to eye with the man who started it all.
After Isabella ate the apple of the gift and defeat her personal beast within her and became the true Shepard of god, she brought Joseph back to New Eden and before she left with the judge that Joseph said they will be with you from now on, Isabella snapped and yelled at Joseph for what he has done to her mom but Joseph was calm and understanding her why she is angry and told her that this was her mother’s choice to become like this and how they both changed each other but Isabella wasnt buying it and left with what’s left of her mom but something inside Isabella that she can helped regain her real mom back and that’s what she would do from now on.
During most of the time in Hope Country she gain guns for hire and people who can help upgrade the prosperity, Thomas has thought about here now that everyone in the train was gone and only him and Isabella survived, he decides to stay with Isabella and will bring his own family here as well by the time everything is all set is done. Isabella felt extremely happy for the first time in years but it did not last for long time because of tragic happens next
Isabella became a total different person after the twins killed Thomas right in front of her as she was handcuff and couldn’t do anything to stop them even her mom was concerned about her daughter but Isabella felt is anger, sadness and revenge as the gift had consume her into something else, after finding out that Ethan betrayed new eden and told the twins where new edens at, Isabella manage to take down the twins and showed no remorse after having a small talk with mickey and killing her right on the spot with no regret, after she defeats Beast Ethan with the caused of losing her hand during the fight, she witness Joseph burning the tree with now a deceased ethan and Joseph telling he was wrong and it wasnt himself or her mother to be god’s Shepard but Isabella herself and asked her to release him with judge in the background looking on, Isabella told him “I’m not doing this for you.” Joseph replied “I know.” and then Isabella killed Joseph Seed without a second thought.
Isabella sitting by Thomas’s grave along with Carmina next to her and unknowingly her mom is in the background watching them even her own daughter killed the man she follow to the end is still besides her. Both Carmina Rye and Isabella-Hope Patterson looked on the field having hope once again.
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