#its been 2 hours and im still spooked tho tbh
dockaspbrak · 3 months
Car caught fire outside my apartment and firetrucks came and the shell got towed too and everything but fhdjdbdjfj jfc i am still so freaked 😵‍💫
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philmichaellester · 7 years
thank u @beatrueheartxnotafollower for tagging me in this lil questionnaire thing !!
Name: sophie
Nickname: soph,Fe or Phie (tbh v few ppl call me those 2 but theyre what id prefer to b called lmao)
Gender: ehh
Star sign: sagittarius
Height: i like to say 5′3 on a good day but its probably still closer to the 5′2 mark
Sexual orientation: bisexual!
Hogwarts house: ive actually never found out,my appreciation of the series is very casual
Favourite colour: burgundy,blue,peach-y colours
Favourite animal: dont know if i have one,i quite like any calm/placid animals
Average hours of sleep: less than it should be but ive been trying to get better at that so maybe 6 or 7?
Time right now: ten to 9 at night
Cat or Dog person: both i guess though both animals can also spook me quite easily if theyre jumpy or anything but i do love them 
Favourite fictional character: ooh really not sure tbh,i think it was poussey from oitnb before,maybe jake from brooklyn now ? 
Number of blankets I sleep with: one big duvet and a spare blanket in the winter if i need it 
Favourite singer/ band:the front bottoms,sufjan stevens (tho ive only made a start on his extensive discography),hozier,halsey,vampire weekend,twenty one pilots,george ezra,troye sivan,probably some other stuff that could vary this list a bit more lmao
Dream trip: hmm maybe like iceland or amsterdam
Dream job: no idea really 
When was this blog created: either 2012 or 2013 i think,either way jesus ive been here too long 
Current number of followers: 5380 but some of those are porn bots ive not been bothered to block lmao 
When did your account peak: idk depends what thats defined by,if we’re talking like when u used to gain followers most regularly then it was a few years ago i guess but it wasnt much of a peak tbh
What made you decide to make a Tumblr: me mate/cousin Ciara (whose current url i cant remember anymore woops) told me i should.i got bored the first day and didnt use it again for over a week and then used it on a daily basis up until recently lol (now its still nearly-daily tbh)
Why did you pick your URL: it was The Thing at the time 2 have as close to a celebrity’s full name as possible (maybe it still is?) and by some miracle this was free 
i dont think im gonna tag other people but thank u again for tagging me,i rly do appreciate it these things r quite nice to do.hope ur 2017′s off to a good start too if ur reading!! xx
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