#i noticed a lot of this from my aogami-affinity-only run in cycle 2
shiominato · 2 months
I think it’s also really interesting that SMT V pushes you towards the miracles without actually having aogami say something like “maybe we should change our affinities young man.” Like you start weak to force & dark - Hydra has Dark, the Andras you have to kill for the main quest have force, Followed by Nuwa with Force, & there’s the optional boss of Pazuzu who has both + Leanan Sidhe with dark, and if you still haven’t changed your affinities by the time you leave Da’at for the first time it throws Lahmu at you who only uses Dark skills. It also encourages not just picking like, the Daemon essence for hydra and sticking with that because the optional Shiki-Ouji has hama AND mudo, nuwa has mazio, and a lot of the second area enemies use electric skills.
It’s similar to the number of skills that boost power on crit, and there just happens to be a magatsuhi skill that guarantees crit. So like, of course you’re going to use the magatsuhi skills
It’s good game design.
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