#i once got reblogged to a blog that tagged nose shapes like guys do u think i wanted to kill myself YES OR YES 🤷🏼‍♀️
ashmp3 ¡ 5 months
some dude with a nose fetish liked my selfie not this AGAIN i am sorry but cant i exist like a girl with a big hooked nose in peace is that too much to ask for or........
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darling-i-fancy-you ¡ 7 years
Colour Soulmate AU - Jughead X OC / Part 2
[LONG A/N: You guys asked for it so you guys got it, I don’t love it as much as the first part but this is as good as its gonna get cause I’ve wrote it and rewrote and then rewrote it again and then went to the SBC and asked them all about it (thanks @kingpendleton u my boo). So without further ado, here ya go bbs.
Also sorry if you wanted to be tagged in this but didn’t, I had a lot of people requesting to be tagged and now because tags aren’t really working well plus the amount of you asking is just a super crazy amount I’m going to stop adding new people to the list - honestly I totally appreciate and love your guys support but I feel like its a bit pointless when I know tagging isn’t directing anyone to my work and you’ve still just got to scroll through my blog to get to the specific fic. In light of this though I am going to seriously update my masterlist so finding my work shouldn’t be difficult and I will reblog it daily so people can stay up to date!]
Part 1
Word Count: 2106
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‘Jughead, can you see in colour?’
The inky-haired teen quickly began to raise himself from the booth, he slammed shut his laptop and gathered it together with the papers that lay scattered across the table. He brought his knees up to his chest in a bid to jump over the back of the booth before a looming hand grappled his shoulder tightly.
‘Oh no you don’t buddy.’ Archie Andrews booming voice called out.
‘Let go of my shoulder Arch.’ Jughead replied sternly. ‘This is something that isn’t up for discussion.’
Erica’s gaze had shifted away from the view of the friends that sat around the booth, she stared intensely at the heart shape ring that sat upon her index finger as she vigorously twisted it around the cold and pale skin. She didn’t see how Jughead’s solemn stare flickered to and from her figure, or how Betty curiously contemplated the situation that had transpired, and she certainly didn’t see Veronica’s knowing smile.
At Jughead’s stern words and dark expression Archie’s hand eased upon the thinner teen’s shoulder, with ease Jughead shrugged the hand off completely and hopped out of the booth. His heavy boots stomped across the linoleum floor and left scuffed marks with the force. With a heavy pull the door was yanked open, it slammed loudly behind him as the tall boy left into the dark and bitter night. Three of the four teens remaining in the booth watched as his figure would briefly be illuminate under the harsh street lights, until eventually the inky night enveloped his body and he was no longer in sight.
‘Erica, do you have anything you want to tell us?’ Betty’s soft voice broke through the tension.
Erica spluttered, her pale freckled face was now adorned by a deep rose blush that stretched from underneath the dark layers that she wore. Her face nervously twitched, eyes not knowing where they were safe to land - they shifted from Betty, to Veronica, to Archie, before finally resting on the table. A pale brown milky residue lay stickily upon the surface, the last remaining remnants of Jughead Jones’ earlier presence.
‘Why would I have anything to say?’ Her voice came out in a heavy shake, she knew in her heart that the game was up.
‘Isn’t it just a little curious how he knew your exact eye-colour?’ Veronica teased.
‘What are you trying to say? - That I’m Jughead’s soulmate?’ Her voice was desperate, a silent plea to just leave all of this messiness alone, to let her heart fester in the hopeless pit that it had grown accustomed to.
‘No I’m saying that that much is pretty damn clear. I am asking however – is he your soulmate?’ Her voice was stern yet sincere.
Over the many years of friendship that the group had accumulated it had passed any of their notice the adoration that was shared between Erica Mars and Jughead Jones. Archie had always noticed from a young age how Jughead’s angst-ridden gazed could be softened just by the mere mention of Erica’s name. He had noticed how his smirk would shift into a smile whenever she laughed and he look with pride whenever one of his well-timed comments could induce a laugh that made her head fall all the way back. When he thought no one was watching Jughead could be found routinely to be watching Erica, transfixed by her every little move.
Silent conversations held between Jughead and Erica did not go unheard by Betty Cooper and Kevin Keller, they would always catch the quick shared glances, the small smirks or the mouthing of innocent jokes across the booth. Whenever Jughead’s exhaustion became too much for him to bear gently he’d rest his head on her shoulder and close his eyes momentarily; a gentle smile would don the lips of Erica, content with the comfort that she could offer. The group had been almost convinced that the fates had made a mistake when it came to Erica and Jughead and were disheartened to learn that they could only see in black and white. It was bittersweet to watch such an innocent love blossom in front them.
‘I’m not prepared to talk about this.’ Erica’s words almost mimicked those of Jughead, as did her actions as she gathered her belongings and swiftly jumped over the booth.
A light sprinkling of white snow was made its way down from the night sky, dancing in the streetlights and falling to the floor melting almost immediately as it hit the pavement. As she exited the diner small white flakes began to gather in her hair and upon her eyelashes, she lightly fluttered them in a bid to shake them off. Erica had one destination in mind as she stuffed her blueing hands into her jacket pockets and made her way down the dimly lit street - it was the one place she knew she’d find him.
Jughead Jones was thirteen years old and it had been a perfectly average day. Perfectly average until he had arrived home that afternoon from school, the house seemed eerily quiet, items were missing and from his view in the hallway he could see smashed glass strewn across the linoleum flooring in the kitchen.
That very night Gladys drove away into the moonlit sky with his sister Jellybean in tow, and although the world was already grey to the young Jughead Jones it somehow seemed that night to become much darker.
With his Dad was nowhere to be seen come seven o’clock and Jughead’s stomach was ferociously rumbling, he went to the only other place that felt like home – Pop’s Chok-Lit-Shoppe. It was there that he found one of his very best comrades, Erica Mars, perched at their designated booth.
‘Hey Jug.’ She smiled sadly as he slid into the booth opposite the young girl. Word travelled fast in Riverdale but if Erica knew anything it was only her smile that gave it away.
‘Did you order me a burger?’ He asked cheekily, his light tone told Erica all she needed to know – for tonight he didn’t want to talk about it.
‘Of course,’ she chuckled, ‘and a chocolate milkshake to match!’
The night continued in much the same manner she nudged him playfully under the table with her foot, and her exaggerated laughing had not gone unnoticed by Jughead. The weight of the world fell from his shoulders as she sat there snorting at one of his poorer jokes and stealing a handful of fries. In that moment the harsh fluorescent lights blinked and captured the emerald from her eyes. Jughead blinked momentarily and when his eyes reopened a pair of bright and curious eyes shone back at him. It all seemed so simple, her wide and earnest smile dazzled back at him as he watched on in awe as colour bled into her face. The electric red of the neon signs flickered and illuminated her pale skin, a smattering of ginger freckles bridged Erica’s nose and her smiling mouth blossomed into a rosy grin.
In that moment at Pop’s it had seemed so simple, a lifetime with Erica Mars was something that Jughead could invest in, the only pressing matter seemed to be whether she would or rather did see things as he did. Just as it happens in Fairy-Tales however the clock struck midnight and Mr Tate ushered the two youngsters out into the parking-lot, informing them that he had rang their parents to come and pick them up.
Reality hit Jughead like a tonne of bricks just as the warm summer-night air hit his face. The humidity in the air stuck to the walls of his lungs like a thick paste and the dread that he had avoided for the majority of the night clung heavily to his heart.
His parents, he thought, were supposed to be soulmates – and soulmates, he thought, were supposed to be forever.
He lay that night in bed, once his drunken father had picked him up in an old beaten-down unfamiliar car, and thought about himself and Erica. He listened as his father slammed open draws and smashed the last remaining photographs that hung on the walls of their family home.
If this was what having a soulmate did to you, Jughead concluded, then he didn’t want to have one.
The ladder creaked under her weight as she climbed her way up to the roof of the small building. The sound meant she had already alerted him to her presence but he hadn’t bothered to take a look at whoever was joining him on the roof of his old abode. His neck curved heavily downwards, his chin almost touching his chest as he sat in solemn contemplation.  
‘Hi.’ Came the soft almost inaudible voice, over powered by the cold wind that whipped at her hair.
Hesitantly she made the careful journey towards the other side of the roof and perched herself alongside the boy; the roof was wet from the melting snow and the moisture soaked up into her jeans. She shivered at the feeling but tried to push it towards the back of her mind, there were bigger things to be concerned over right now.
‘I only used to show black and white movies here so I could forget. So I could pretend for a short time that my life wasn’t a complicated and clichéd disaster.’ His voice shook as the cold embedded itself in his body. ‘It’s the same reason I only wear blacks and greys.’
‘That’s deep.’ She joked, trying to relieve some of the built up tension.
Erica’s teeth chattered against themselves and her petite frame shook in the painful chill, without hesitation Jughead extended his long arm and pulled her into his body. Despite the awkward confusion that lay in each of the others minds the action felt natural – they melded together almost perfectly. Erica looked up at the boy who continued to stare into the snowy abyss, the white dust sat lightly in the places where cars once parked, where fun was once had and many memories made.
The cold wind bit at Jughead cheeks and nose which were now a furious shade of red and crystals began to form on his long dark eyelashes. A pink tongue slipped from between blue lips and swiped vigorously at the chapped and dry skin before his lips opened and let out a frosty breath of air.
‘After my parents split, the notion of this whole soulmate crap it terrified me, it’s why I never-’ His sentence trailed off into a void of uncertainty.
Blue eyes met brown ones, crestfallen stares shared between them. Erica scanned Jughead’s eyes; when illuminated by the bright screen of his laptop they appeared washed out, all hints of the shining blue gone and instead replaced with a static grey. They were tired from the endless staring and writing, yet electric from the copious amounts of coffee and sugar he would have consumed – a walking contradiction. In the dim yellow light of her bedroom, during the lazy nights watching clichéd horror film after horror film, his eyes were almost emerald or perhaps turquoise – she could never quite decide. Yet sat here in their age old spot on the roof of shack at the drive-in, the midnight sky casting dark shadows along his nose and jaw, his eyes were the deepest blue she had ever seen. She had never considered Jughead’s icy blue eyes to be warm, it was an adjective that she felt was better left to be associated with Archie or Veronica’s deep brown eyes, but tonight in this bitter cold they were the warmth she was so desperately searching for.
Under her intense scrutinizing gaze, Jughead’s stare narrowed.
‘What?’ The question wasn’t intrusive or harsh, it was barely above a whisper and left through a mouth that hardly parted as it spoke.
Erica sighed into the cold air, her warm breath mingled with frosty night.
‘Blue.’ She almost mumbled. ‘Your eyes are blue Jug.’
In the pale glow of the stars and the moonlight two shadows drew themselves closer and closer to each other, the larger figure lifted up his long fingers and rested them gently along the others jaw. Two pairs of lips met, crystal flakes trapped between them, it was chaste and brief – a silent promise that alluded to the future they were certain to share together. Their foreheads pressed against one and other, hot breaths of air were formed by the gentle laughs they shared before they evaporated into the midnight sky.
In time each would tell their story.
Tag List
@nadya0128 @audreyxhorne @superoriginalteenwolf @sparklingriverdale @livierinforeva@iwannadiehere  @lostinpercyseyes @every-day-is-wednesday @mysticmurder@assonanceambiance@murderyoursoul @fuck-i-dont-care-anymore’t-care-anymore @satanwithstardust @itsjaynebird@phanofmydreams @pendletonthethird @doktorswho@frickflop @kingpendleton @an-enigmatic-avenger @captainjacksparkles@casismyguardianangel @lost-in-wonderland-x @the-winter-imagines @multiversegalaxygirl@lumiele @ineedtoorganizemybookshelf @florenceivy@yazminmcd @wishingtobelost@gottalovetheapocalypse @httpjugheadjones@whatsbetterthanfantasy @shameless-danni@caitsymichelle13 @iamthe80strash  @ri-verdale@divastar777 @mcheung0314@jamiemcrimmon @imanangelyouidjit@virusiswhatiam@chilloutenya @kashfghjkl@fizzylollipop12@imperfectanatomy
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