#i only have eyes for you; {gabriel and rockelle}
smolcuriouskitten · 2 years
[ FIVE CONFESSIONS ]  send for five times the receiver almost says ‘i love you’ and the one time they do.
1. Almost
It was peaceful, the sound of his breathing as she laid on his chest. Gabriel had fallen asleep during movie night last night and Rockelle didnt want to leave his side. So they were both confined to the couch, Rockelle grabbing a blanket to cover them both with. His warmth was radiating as she laid on top of him, bringing her that sense of security as the cool air tried to penetrate the air around them. His hair was falling over his face which she delicately moves it. Watching over him, she could feel her heart flutter around her chest, falling deeper in love with the sight. She could get used to this. As her lips parted to mutter those 3 words, he stirs making her lay back down on his chest with a blush. She didnt want to be caught staring at him!
2. Almost
Music blaring as Rockelle and Renelle were cooking food in the kitchen, both sisters could be heard singing and dancing along with the songs. Christopher was on his phone, filiming them and hyping them up, making sure to gas them up more. What? The food tasted better when you could feel and taste the love put into it! Gabriel watched from the side with a goofy grin on his face, enjoying the sight. He always loved seeing her have fun with her family, feeling right at home with them. Death walks into the room and stretches, looking over at Gabriel then back at the trio acting silly. "I havent seen her that happy in awhile. You are Gabriel right?" He asks, his silver eyes gazing over at the shorter man. Death was a 6'8 giant with muscles to match his tall stature. If you didnt know him, he would be intimidating with his height and stature but in all honesty, he was a sweetheart. Gabriel looked up at Death with a polite smile. "Yes I am. Gabriel Friedman, nice to meet you. You are Rockelle's father correct?" He asks and Death nods with a smile. "I am. Death Hollister, pleased to meet you after all this time. Rockelle talks very highly of you. If you dont want to call me Death, Darrien is fine. So how long have you guys been dating?" He continues to question and Rockelle hops over holding two forks with food on them. "Taste it please! Im trying a new recipe!" She excitedly blurbs, Death taking the fork and tasting it. "Open up baby!" She coos at Gabriel and he obeys, she puts the fork in his mouth, Gabe letting out a soft hum. "This tastes great! No meat right?" Death asks and Rockelle nods, Renelle holding a thumbs up. "This is delicious!" Gabriel said, feeling the love through the food. "I lo-" Gabe starts and Christopher came over, grabbing Rockelle's head and she glares at him. "See dad? You gotta make sure they have fun in the kitchen! You will have the best tasting food ever!" He chuckles and Death rolls his eyes, moving Christopher's arm away from Rockelles head. "That isnt nice, Elie and Ren can out cook you. Dont put your hand on her head, you know she doesnt like that." He firmly said and Chris sighs, folding his arm. While the two boys bantered, Rockelle returns her gaze back to Gabriel with a shake of her head towards the two. "Baby, you were gonna say something." She said softly and Gabriel shrugs. "Oh nothing. I was just gonna say your cooking is amazing." He lied, hugging her as she giggles and nods, leaving a few kisses on his chin. Christopher and Renelle start to gag, Death scolding them for being mean soon after
3. Almost
Stressful was an understatement, it was the final part of Rockelle's show and nothing was going right. Between the dancers missing steps, her mic not working for the bulk of the show, and the lights messing up, she wanted to rip her hair out. Normally she tries to keep her anger to a minimum but she was already cursing out Onyx for picking a shitty venue and not giving the team enough time to prepare. Once the show finished, you could see the irritation on Rockelles face as she stomps away to her dressing room, Gabriel zapping behind her. "Hi kitten." He purrs and Rockelle was stuffing her stuff into her purse with a huff. "Hi love." She said with an irritated tone and that worried Gabriel immediately. "Should I even ask how the show went?" He asks and Rockelle shakes her head, grabbing the last of her stuff. "No! It was shitty! The venue is a run down piece of shit and on top of that, we were only given a week to prepare! God dammit I cant work in these conditions." Rockelle began to switch languages with how pissed off she was, Gabriel listening with attentive ears, being able to understand the mixture of Korean and French. The greatest perk of being an archangel! He listened and reacted accordingly, Rockelle sitting down on a futon in the room, laying back, her face was tinted pink from anger and her eyes were an auburn red. Gabriel sat on his knees beside her and rubs her head, making her purr softly and playfully nip at his free hand. "I dont see how you can deal with my grumpy ass. You always know what to say and how to calm me down." She said, leaning into his touch and Gabriel chuckles. "Of course. Thats what Im here for. I hope you feel better with that off your chest." He responds which she gives a small nod. "I do. I still feel grumpy though." She grumbles and Gabriel then pats his jacket, pulling out a chocolate bar, giving it to her. "Would this help?" He asks with a smirk and an eyebrow wiggle, Rockelle gasping and gently taking it with a smile! "It would! Thank you so much!" She said, taking a bite out of the bar, fighting the ugre to say 'god I love you.'
4. Almost
Rockelle hates parties. She always dreaded having them for her new releases but Onyx insisted it was 'good for press.' She also wanted to bring Gabriel with her to try and keep her sane. She hated having to talk with people that she couldnt give two shits about along with putting her comfort aside to talk about her music. Yes she loved doing music but she hated talking about herself, made her feel like her head was up her ass. "So are you sure that there will be no journalists at the party? Onyx if you are lying you know I will be very pissed if I find out otherwise." Rockelle asked as she put on her makeup, Gabriel coming back into the room shortly after. "Rocky. Baby. You know I could never lie to you mama. I made sure the journalists arent there. I know you want to go public on your own time." She reassures and Rockelle gave a soft 'uh huh.' noise as she applies her lipgloss. "Alright. I trust you I guess. I will be there soon." She grumbles and hangs up. "So we..." She starts, looking over at Gabriel who was only in a towel. She turns red and blinks a few times, then clears her throat, looking up at his face, he laughs and looks over at her. "What? Cat got your tongue kitten?" He asks and Rockelle shifts her gaze away from him. "Shut up." She grumbles, he comes over and gently holds her chin, lifting it so they can share a gaze. "You look beautiful baby." He said and presses a kiss on her forehead, her face red as a cherry at this point. Her heart was pounding at her chest, leaving her temporarily breathless. "T-Thank you...You t-too." She mutters and Gabriel smiles brightly at her, gently tapping her face. "Come on love, we have to get there on time." He teases and Rockelle coughs, shaking her head. "R-Right." She turns back to the mirror and starts to fix her hair, using the flat iron to straighten her hair. "Fuck I love you." He mutters and the flat iron claps near Rockelles ear, so she didnt hear him since she wasnt paying attention. "Huh?" She asks and Gabriel coughs, putting on his boxers. "Uh....Nothing."
5. Confessions time!
Being zapped here and there was always something Rockelle had to get used too. She thought her powers were cool until she met Gabriel, always being poofed and teleported to different places and realities. This time, Gabriel had taken her to a reality that looked like a galaxy, something straight out of a textbook about the milky way. It was a good coincidence since she was reading more about space lately, so Gabriel thought it would be a nice surprise. Holding her hand, he makes sure she was following behind him, taking a quick look back to see her face. Her expression was filled with wonder and awe, she was always felt like she was going on a whimsical adventure when she was with Gabriel. God damn she loves him so much. Finding a nice spot, Gabriel snaps his fingers to make a little radio appear, that played 'Can I call you Rose' by Thee Sacred Souls, filling the air with the soft sound of music. Taking both of her hands with a smirk, he leaves a delicate kiss on her forehead. "I wanted to do something special for us since we are growing closer." He starts, Rockelle holding back tears as she was almost floating with how happy she was. "This is amazing! Oh goodness, you always pull out all of the stops for me! God I love you so much!" And there it was, it slipped out. With a look of surprise, Gabriel blinks a few times as a blush began to creep on his face. It was silent, longer than she would like. Rockelle turns red and she hides her face in his chest, letting out a little whine. "I-Im sorry! Was it too soon?!" She asks, horrified over his reaction, Gabriel taking a moment to process it. He wasnt silent because he didnt feel the same, he was overjoyed that she said it first, taking away some of his nervousness. Gently grabbing her chin, she looks up at him with tear filled eyes, which Gabriel delicately wipes away. "No...no it wasnt too soon. I love you too kitten. You stole my thunder but I cant be mad at you. You are so cute." He responds with a smirk, pressing a kiss to her lips and she closes her eyes, kissing him back. "I been choking back on saying that for awhile! I love you so much! I love you so so so much! And I am not cute! Im terrifying!" She responds, bouncing on her heels, Gabriel gently pinching her cheek making her whine. "You are cute. And I love you so much too. If you consider yourself terrifyingly cute, I agree then little one."
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smolcuriouskitten · 2 years
The Sweeter Things
Soft humming and gentle taps filled the silent air of her hotel room. She was scribbling away in her notebook, writing songs and thinking of beats along with them. Hearing a ring, 'Her and love are the same, the woman thats stolen my heart, and beauty is her name,' a smile danced across her features as she picks up her phone to see who was calling. Her boyfriend, Gabriel. Answering the call, she props her phone on the cool bottle of milk sitting next to her so he could see her write.
"Hi my love!" She excitedly said with a bright smile, Gabriel holding up the phone at a funny angle. "Hello sweetness! Having fun over there?" He asks as he ate a sucker and she shrugs with a giggle. "I mean I dont go anywhere when Im on tours since everyone recognizes me. My social battery only lasts as long as the meet and greets. I been keeping busy by writing some new music." She shows him her notebook with words plasted on the pages.
"Lemme hear what you wrote! Dont hold out on me." He said, holding his phone normally, Rockelle letting out a happy squeal and a nod. "Okay! You have to hear the beat to get the full feeling." She said with an ecstatic tone, making a soft beat on the desk as she started to sing. 'I can run, I can race for hours and hours, and dont stop...I can float, I can fly us to the highest mountian tops...I can breathe you, I can drink in your laugh...I can, I can live on your smile..' She sang, closing her eyes for a few moments, then stops. "Thats all I have so far." She giggles and leans her head on her hand.
"Sounds beautiful. Is it about me?" He asks and she could feel her face heat up as she nods. "Of course. Who else would I be writing such loving songs for? I most likely wont sing it since people would feed too much into it. I gotta keep my bitchy persona up." She makes an 'at attention' motion and laughs, making Gabriel chuckle. "You know that you are too sweet to be known as such a mean person right?" He responds and sits up, shaking his head. "Well thats for you to know and only you. I may be sweet but only few will know that." She winks and snorts. "Oh god Im picking up your habits. How about you? How have you been keeping busy?"
"Picking up my habits means that you are falling deeper in love with me, so I cant say that Im upset. True, dont want people to go licking you to find out if you are as sweet as your personality." He said and Rockelles jaw drops before she starts laughing. "I have been here with Kimchi and keeping him company, eating sweets, making tricks, the same thing I do when you are here." He explains with a soft smile, turning the camera to a snoozing doggo on his little bed. Rockelle lets out an 'awe' noise and smiles, then it slowly drops.
"I wish you were here to be with me. I miss you alot." She utters, pouting and her cat ears folding down. "Oh really?" He asks with a grin. "Yes really. I miss you so much! I want you here with me now!" She whines and he wiggles his brow, snapping his finger. The call hangs up and he appears behind her, gently holding her shoulders. She flinches and lets out a deep sigh. "Your wish is my command." He whispers, planting a kiss on her cheek. She lets out a squeal and hops out of her chair to hug him, kissing all over his face with a smile. "Hi my love!" She delights and presses her forehead against his. "Hi kitten." He said softly, scratching her ears, Rockelle letting little purrs as a response.
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smolcuriouskitten · 2 years
[ FIVE PLEAS ]  send for five times the receiver wanted to ask the sender to stay and the one time they do.
1. Almost
It was one of those hectic days. Between her having to plan for her tour places and dates with her new trainees coming into town, she had little to no time to hang out with Gabriel. Sure, he was there to witness some of the chaos but he had to attend to a personal matter. On the outside, she gave a smile and a kiss, thanking him for his assistance. On the inside, she was hoping that he would stay, praying that he would stay with her. Despite not being able to spend much time with him, the fact that she knew he was there to keep her company kept her calm. So she hasnt said anything, just kept going about her busy day trying to focus on it ending.
2. Almost
It has been hard for them since that....thing sniped them from behind during their last outing. More looking over their shoulders, more feeling anxious when going out, hell if they even go out at all. Even though Rockelle hated it, she had to make the decision for them to part ways for now. Gabriel did not see what she did and how she got them out of that but it ate her up inside. She hated the feeling, she hated lying to him about what happened. If he truly seen what she was, she was too scared to see how he would react and that was enough for her to have that difficult conversation with him. She reassured him that she wasnt going anywhere, that they werent breaking up, just for their safety for the time being that they shouldnt see each other physically for awhile. Gabriel didnt want that to happen but he understood. He knew the risks that could come with them being together, even if it pained him to have to seperate for a bit. It never is easy when it comes to love, is it?
3. Almost
Ever since Rockelle has used all of that ever energy from the attack, her magic has been all out of whack. Between the random spells, objects moving on their own, her hair and nails growing unevenly, it was all strange. She had called Renelle, Chris, and her father so many times that she couldnt count, hell she was confined to her home with how many issues were happening. She couldnt DREAM of going in public. Her phone rang and sure enough, it was Gabriel, checking up on her. Now stuck in the form of a little black cat, she looks down at the phone and her paw presses the answer button. To her surprise it answers and she meows over the phone. "Kitten? Is that you?" He ask and Rockelle trills and mews, rubbing her head against the speaker. "Hey no need to rub your head on me, I can understand you." He responds calmly and Rockelle lets out a surprised meow and he laughs. "I feel like you forget I am an archangel. Ya know...Understand all creations, even you love. Im glad to hear you are okay. Wait....Heres a question, why are you a cat?" He asks, sitting down on the bed in his room, listening to Rockelle meow and trill about what happened with her magic and how it had been ever since the attack. He listened attentively with small nods and 'hm and ah's' every now and again. "Im sorry to hear, I wish I could be there to help you!" A soft sad noise left her mouth and she whines, making Gabriel pout. "I know kitten I know. I wanna see you too." He was fighting ever fiber of his being to not zap over there and give her a big kiss but they promised each other, and he wasnt one to go against his word, even if it meant hurting them.
4. Almost
The night was going well for the first official date. Rockelle was not expecting things to this well, especially with her first impression of Gabriel. She thought he was annoying and it made her want to rip her hair out with how childish he was. Once getting know him and learn more about him as a person, that changed. She found him charming and hilarious, still a bit annoying but it added to his charm. However with all good things, they must come to an end, dinner was over and the ride home was next. The conversation was pleasant, the ride was soothing and most of all, she was having fun for the first time in years. As they pulled into the driveway, she has her door opened by Gabriel once her car is parked and she looks up at him, her eyes sparkling with the stars. She thanks him and he wraps an arm around her shoulders, the conversation resuming as if they were still at the restaurant. She didnt feel the need to pull away or have that feeling of disgust when someone she didnt like touched her. She felt safe with his touch, almost as if he was meant for her. With the final steps towards her door, she starts. "I really enjoyed the time we spent together. Thank you for taking me out tonight, this was fun!" She squeals and bounces on her heels, giving Gabriel a hug. He was a bit surprised by the hug but returned it, gently patting her back. "Of course, you only get the best with me. Im glad you had fun but you made the night worth while." He replied, leaving a kiss on her forehead and she nods. "You are so sweet, ugh I can feel the cavities now." She jokes and smiles. Now standing in front of her door, that meant that the night had to be over. She wanted to invite him inside for a few drinks, watch a movie and cuddle if he wanted too! He wanted to hold her in his arms for awhile longer, make her laugh until her sides were hurting. Despite them both wanting to keep the night going, they said their goodbyes and parted ways, their minds dancing around the possibilities of what could happen in the future.
5. FINALE! {beware there is smut here-}
The endless waves of pleasure coupled with the sound of Gabriels moans and groans were driving her crazy. Its been too long since she felt the level of pleasure he brought her, his large hands held her hips tightly as he continued to destroy her. She couldnt remember the number of orgasms that she had and he couldnt either. "Baby...O-Oh fuck...I-Im cumming again!" Rockelle whines and wraps her arms around Gabriel, her eyes rolling to the back of her head and her head pressed into the pillow. "Me too..." He groans in her ear, thrusting his hips harshly making her cry out and her legs shook with her juices spraying his abdomen. Gabriel chuckles and smirks. "Good girl..." He huskily encourages making her whimper and cover her mouth as he came deep inside of her. She pants heavily and gently grabs his head, pulling him down, taking his lips into a deep passionate kiss, his movements stopping for the moment to give them both a break. Pulling away after a few moments to catch their breath, Rockelle was a shaking and whimpering mess. Just to mess with her, Gabriel thrusts his hips forward and she yelps, pressing her hand on his chest. "Ba-baby wait Im sensitive g-give me a second." She whines and he kisses her forehead, pressing her head against his. "I know. I did that to mess with you." With that, he pulls out of her and wraps his arms around the shaking and whining neko. Her arms were still shaking as she returns the embrace. "You okay baby?" He asks, gently holding her face and wiping away the tears from her eyes. "I-Im f-fine. J-just r-re-recovering." She whispers, letting out a little whimper as Gabriel rubs her back. "I will be right back." He said, kissing her cheek and forehead before getting up and putting on his boxers. "H-Hey...where are you going?" She questioned, sitting up, looking over at him. "Im going to grab a towel and some water for you baby." He reassures and she shakes her head, opening her arms. "No...I wanna cuddle with you longer. We can get the other stuff later. Come back to bed...please?" She asks, making a pouty face and he chuckles, walking back over to her, scratching behind her ears. "Anything for my baby. Come here." He chuckles, flopping next to her and she giggles, shuffing over to him, purring away in his arms.
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smolcuriouskitten · 2 years
combat.  for our muses to train together in combat. (Because Gabe wants to make sure his kitten is safe 🥺)
{Aw the babies! ;u;}
Another hit collided with her and she groans, looking up at Gabe. "Baby this isnt fair, I cant fight you. You are too fast!" She whines, trying to dodge another hit before she uses her magic to push him against a wall with a few pants. "Cheater. Now you are gonna stay there." She folds her arms and sticks her tongue out at him.
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